Performance Evaluation Tool For Headnursing
Performance Evaluation Tool For Headnursing
Performance Evaluation Tool For Headnursing
4. Shows compassion and commitment to the welfare of the individual client and
5. Demonstrates honesty in date gathering, problem identification, implementing
interventions, and evaluating outcomes
6. Does the right thing despite consequences
7. Strives for continuous improvements of self -considering a holistic perspective
8. Pursues clients goals and objectives towards quality of life
9. Demonstrates critical thinking in varied situations
10. Demonstrates situational flexibility and adaptability
11. Integrates transcultural differences
12. Avails self-opportunities of learning
13. Sets objectives to direct activities
14. Follows policies and regulations of the hospital/ward/school
15. Utilizes a time plan for organization of activities/efficacy/economy of time and
16. Maintains harmonious relationship with his/her staff and ward personnel
17. Reports to work punctually
18. Notifies ward if unable to report on duty
19. Appears neat and well groomed
20. Submits requirement on time
21.Displays consistency of one’s belief and actions
Part A Total Score/48 x 65 + 35 x 50%
Part B Total Score/12 x 65 + 35 x 15%
Part C Total Score/4 x 65 + 35 x 15%
Part D Total Score/42 x 65 + 35 x 20%
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HEAD NURSING GRADE:_____________