Lazarus was not upset about being resurrected by Jesus after four days of being dead because, according to the document, Lazarus had no conscious thoughts or experience after dying - his death was like being asleep and he did not go to heaven or anywhere else. The document also argues that nowhere in the Bible is it promised that saved people go to heaven, but rather that the Bible promises a resurrection. It claims many Christians believe pagan ideas about life after death rather than Jesus' message.
Lazarus was not upset about being resurrected by Jesus after four days of being dead because, according to the document, Lazarus had no conscious thoughts or experience after dying - his death was like being asleep and he did not go to heaven or anywhere else. The document also argues that nowhere in the Bible is it promised that saved people go to heaven, but rather that the Bible promises a resurrection. It claims many Christians believe pagan ideas about life after death rather than Jesus' message.
Original Description:
If Lazarus was in Heaven after dying, why resurrect him?
Lazarus was not upset about being resurrected by Jesus after four days of being dead because, according to the document, Lazarus had no conscious thoughts or experience after dying - his death was like being asleep and he did not go to heaven or anywhere else. The document also argues that nowhere in the Bible is it promised that saved people go to heaven, but rather that the Bible promises a resurrection. It claims many Christians believe pagan ideas about life after death rather than Jesus' message.
Lazarus was not upset about being resurrected by Jesus after four days of being dead because, according to the document, Lazarus had no conscious thoughts or experience after dying - his death was like being asleep and he did not go to heaven or anywhere else. The document also argues that nowhere in the Bible is it promised that saved people go to heaven, but rather that the Bible promises a resurrection. It claims many Christians believe pagan ideas about life after death rather than Jesus' message.
Jesus’s friend, Lazarus, having been dead for four
days, was resurrected back to life by Jesus. Why wasn’t Lazarus angry about having to leave a heavenly Paradise and be brought back to a physical condition? Professing Christians believe that when you drop dead you continue living and are transported to Heaven [or that other place]. Lazarus had no conscious thoughts after he died,- it was all over for him and he was not anywhere else. He was dead, not just his body. “The dead know not anything” [ECC.9:5]. No where in the Bible is Heaven promised to the ‘saved’,- but a resurrection is. And what did Jesus say about going to Heaven? “No one has ascended into heaven except the One who descended from heaven—the Son of Man.”. [John 3:13] Professing Christians have no idea about the message Jesus bought but believe in pagan fairy tales.