PGDM Mis Im502 Ay 2023-24

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Course Outline: Management Information Systems

Course code: IM502

Credit: 3 , Core Course
Area: Information Management
Program: PGDM
Term II Academic Year 2023-24

Instructor(s) Prof. Himanshu Joshi Prof. Swapnil Sharma Prof. Vivek Rastogi
Room no.
Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Phone (Extn 011-47194119 Click or tap here to enter +919324082332
no.) text.
Meeting Hours By Appointment By Appointment By Appointment


Today, Information Systems have become an integral part of all business functions. Regardless of whether
one is from accounting, finance, operations, marketing, human resources, information systems etc.
department, the use of information systems is extensive. In fact, information systems cut across business
functions and organization levels. Therefore, for organizations to survive in this competitive world need to
make use of information systems.

Information systems have transformed the way organizations manage business. The whole world is making
use of new emerging technologies to achieve corporate objectives. What makes MIS exciting is its evolution
with continuous changes in technology, management and business processes. These innovations are
enabling traditional organizations and entrepreneurs to create new products and services, develop new
business models and revenue streams. In the process, some old businesses, even industries are being
replaced by newer entrants. Concepts like social media, cloud computing, mobile telephony, etc., are giving
rise of newer business models. Information systems and technologies are the foundation of these services.


COs and POs >>
After going through the course, the students would be able to: COs, POs and CECs >>

Course Outcome 1 (CO1): Explain the relationship between business challenges and managers need
for information systems

Course Outcome 2 (CO2): Distinguish the types of information systems that are needed to support the
various levels of a business enterprise

Course Outcome 3 (CO3): Outline the process of designing and developing an information system
Course Outcome 4 (CO4): Explain the role of IS in electronic business, enterprise wide computing,
data security, privacy and ethical use of information.

Course Outcome 5 (CO5): Demonstrate managerial problem-solving skills using exercises, case
scenarios and project.

COs >>
COs and POs >>
COs, POs and CECs >>


Course Outcomes (COs)

Program Outcomes (POs)


PO1: Student should be able to write well organized and

grammatically correct business reports and letters.

PO2: Student should be able to make effective oral


PO3: Student should be able to demonstrate critical thinking 3 3

skills by understanding the issues, evaluating alternatives on the
basis of multiple perspectives and presenting a solution including
conclusions and implications.

PO4: Student should be to demonstrate problem solving skills by 3 2 3

understanding and defining the problem, analyzing it and solving
it by applying appropriate theories, tools and techniques from
various functional areas of management.

PO5: Student should be able to illustrate the role of responsible

leadership in management.

PO6: Student should be able to identify social concerns and 2

ethical issues in management.

PO7: Student should be able to identify challenges faced by the 3

organization at the global level.

PO8: Student should be able to take decisions in the global 3

business environment.
The course will have a mix of topic presentations and discussions, case discussion and presentations,
project, and hands on exercises using software packages.


Case (20%): This is a group activity. Each group would get a chance to present a case aligned with the
topic as well as critique another case. The presenting and the critique group is mentioned in the session

Quizzes (20%): The quizzes will be based on the topics covered in the previous classes. There will be n
quizzes (n will be decided by the faculty) spread across the entire course and the best (n-1) would be
considered. Quizzes will be MCQs.

Term Project (20%): The term project will be given and is required to be done in a group. Each group is
required to select an organization and through secondary and/or primary data understand how information
systems evolve in organizations, challenges faced and business impact.

End Term (40%): End term exam will cover all the topics.
COs >>
6. MAPPING BETWEEN COs, POs and CECs COs and POs >>
COs, POs and CECs >>

Course Evaluation Components (CECs)

Case Quizzes Term Project End Term
CO1 PO3,PO4 √
CO2 PO7,PO8 √
CO3 PO4 √
CO4 PO6 √
CO5 PO3,PO4 √ √

7.1 Textbook

Kenneth Laudon and Jane Laudon, Managing Information Systems, 17 th Edition, Pearson Education Inc

7.2 Reference Books

 James A. O’Brien, George M. Marakas, Ramesh Behl, Management Information Systems, Ninth
Edition, McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.
 Ralph M. Stair, George W. Reynolds, Principles of Information System, Eight Edition, Cengage
Learning Pvt. Ltd.
 Waman S Jawadekar, Management Information System – Text and Cases, 4th Edition, McGraw
Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.
 Lisa Miller, MIS Cases – Decision Making with Application Software, Third Edition, Pearson
Education Inc
7.3 Online References (if any)


Session Topic Readings/Cases/Exercise

1-2 Context of IS in Organizations Read Chapter 1 & 2 Textbook

Organization and Information System, IS Additional Readings: Mastering the Three

Types: TPS, MIS, DSS, EIS Worlds of Information Technology

Video Cases – Vision X Lighting with SAP

Business One and Vision33; How UPS works

Coursera Course: Foundations of

Information Systems for Business

3-4 Determining IS Needs Read Chapter 13 of Textbook

Identification of Information Additional Reading: Executive Information

Requirements: Planning, Designing, Requirement – Getting it Right
Building and Managing Information
Systems HBR Case Study – The IT System that
couldn’t deliver (Group 1 to present and
Group 4 to critique)

Ivey Case Study – Keda’s SAP


Video Cases: The Digital Showroom |

Study Highlight, CW Bank Australia-PEGA

Coursera Course: Foundations of

Information Systems for Business

5-6 Information Systems Strategy Read Chapter 3 of Textbook

How IT shapes and drives business, IS for Additional Reading: How Information gives
Competitive Advantage you Competitive Advantage

Ivey Case Study – West Jet Airlines:

Information Technology governance and
corporate strategy (Group 2 to present and
Group 5 to critique)

Hands on - Exercise 1: Piedmont Trailer

Manufacturing Company

Coursera Course: IS/IT Governance -

7-8 Information Systems Infrastructure Read Chapter 5 & 7 of Textbook

IS Infrastructure and Emerging Additional Reading:

Technologies: IoT, Cloud Computing; Big
Data, Blockchain, AR/VR, Artificial Managing Information: The IT Architecture
Digital Ubiquity: How Connections, Sensors,
and Data Are Revolutionizing Business

Ivey Case Study - Lumière: Supporting a

Virtual Workspace on the Cloud (Group 3 to
present and Group 1 to critique)

Ivey Case Study - Mercedez-Benz India

(Group 4 to present and Group 2 to critique)

Video Case (YouTube) – Stories from the

Edge: NFL Bets Big on RFID, IoT, AWS-
Netflix, MS-Arvato, Rockwell Automation
fuels the oil and gas industry with IoT subtitled

Coursera Course: Foundations of

Information Systems for Business

9-10 Digital Business Models Read Chapter 10 of Textbook

Electronic Business and Digital Markets Ivey Case Study – - Fishing on the
Net (Group 5 to present and Group 3 to

Hands on - Exercise 2: Maxi’s Grocery Mart

Video Case: The future of shopping:

Technology everywhere, Amazon vs.
Walmart: reinventing how we buy everything,
What is Social Commerce?

11-12 Enterprise-level IS: Read Chapter 9 & 11 Textbook

ERP, CRM, SCM, KM HBR Case Study – Making Local Knowledge
Global (Group 6 to present and Group 9 to

HBR Case Study - SchmidthCO (A) – For

class discussion

Video Case: What is SAP HANA?,

Knowledge management features in Jira
Service Management, O2 Telefonica |

13-14-15 Databases and Information Read Chapter 6 of Textbook

HBR Case Study – CareGroup ((Group 7 to
Databases and Data Warehousing present and Group 8 to critique)

Introduction to SQL Hands on - Exercise 3: Susan’s Special


16 Analytics and Decision Support Read Chapter 12 of Textbook

Data Mining and Business Intelligence HBR Case Study – Diamonds in the Data
Mine (Group 8 to present and Group 10 to

HBR Case Study – The Dark Side of

Customer Analytics

17-18 Securing Information Systems Read Chapter 8 of Textbook

HBR Case Study – Security Breach at TJX

(Group 9 to present and Group 6 to critique)

HBR Case Study – When Hackers Turn to

Blackmail (Group 10 to present and Group 7
to critique)

19-20 Managing Global Information Systems – Read Chapter 14 of Textbook

Key Learnings from IS Implementations
across industries and sectors Project Presentations


a) Plagiarism is the use of or presentation of ideas, works that are not one’s own and which are not
common knowledge, without granting credit to the originator. Plagiarism is unacceptable in IMI
and will invite penalty. Type and extent of penalty will be at the discretion of the concerned faculty.

b) Cheating means using written, verbal or electronic sources of aid during an examination/ quiz/
assignment or providing such assistance to other students (except in cases where it is expressly
permitted by the faculty). It also includes providing false data or references/list of sources which
either do not exist or have not been used, having another individual write your paper or assignment
or purchasing a paper for one’s own submission. Cheating is strictly prohibited at IMI and will
invite penalty as per policies of the Institute.


The objective of the project is to provide students with an opportunity to understand how information
systems are designed, implemented and managed in organizations. Each Group must identify an
organization for doing the project for this course. The organization could be a start-up or a medium or large
size and /or multi-location. Some suggestive examples of such processes could be:

 Use of IoT, Blockchain and Cloud for Supply Chain Automation

 Using IoT for creating Smart Cities
 Cloud Based Business Models and Challenges
 Augmented and Virtual Reality in Business
 Applications of Blockchain/Cryptocurrency
 Business Models using SMAC stack (for social, mobile, analytics and cloud)
 E-Governance
 Production Planning and Control System
 Sales and Marketing System
 Customer Relationship Management System
 Human Resource Management system
 Procurement system (and is interface with inventory)


 Automation of Citizen Services

 Core Online Banking System
 Online Retailer System
 Online Grocery Stores
 Online HRIS
 Online Property
 Data Analytics
 Online Reservations, Ticketing, Booking etc.

The chosen organization should be based in/around Delhi/NCR so that group members should get a
chance to directly interact with people from the organization. Groups can also make use of offline and
online resources.

The final report should discuss the following:

1. Brief background about the organization

2. Reason for selecting the organization for study
3. Identification of the main functions of the organization
4. Understanding the significance of the identified process to the functioning of the organization
5. Identifying the key activities of the identified process
6. Identifying the roles and responsibilities of the various people responsible for implementing these
7. How business processes were handled before adoption of IT?
8. Functioning of the IS select process that has been automated
9. Technology infrastructure being used
10. Types of information systems used and decisions being taken
11. Security of the information system?
12. Scope for intelligent reporting and business intelligence?
13. Overall, how has the information system helped in meeting business objectives? Explain the
organizational strategy for the same.

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