Repetytorium 2022 Audioscript
Repetytorium 2022 Audioscript
Repetytorium 2022 Audioscript
the more open, confident, independent any potential problems with the plan, what
UNIT 1, p.6 CD 1.01 and cooperative people they become. its pros and cons might be and so on.
Researcher Hi Mark. Thanks for My observation is that while young adults Oscar Sounds interesting, but how exactly
volunteering for the research project. I need believe they can think, collaborate and can it help young people? To me, it seems
a few more details please. So, your full name communicate, they are very unsure about mainly of use to professionals ...
is … their creative potential. So, I see my job as Sophie Not only. It’s very useful when you
Mark No worries. My surname is Clarke – teaching them how to find this potential, have an idea that you’d like to implement in
that’s with an ‘e’ at the end, my first name is learn how to look at life and think from the future, but you aren’t sure if it’s going to
Mark and my middle name is Barry – that’s different perspectives and work out work out. Young adults consider their future
with double ’r’. dilemmas. Trying to be creative also teaches all the time. These chairs will surely help
Researcher Thanks – and next, gender? you to deal with failure. Not all creative them think in the right direction.
Mark Male, and before you ask, my marital tasks end in success, and you have to accept Oscar That’s true. Do you need to have the
status is single. I’m not married, divorced or it, and move on. It’s brilliant for character actual chairs, or is it enough to just imagine
widowed. building and future success in their careers. them?
Researcher Great. Your occupation? 2 Sophie It helps when you actually sit
Mark I’m a builder. In this podcast I’d like to talk about the on them. When you change the seat, it’s
Researcher That’s it! Thanks a lot, and we creative personality – a concept developed somehow easier to change your perspective.
look forward to seeing you. by a Hungarian-American psychologist, Oscar Thank you, Sophie and all the best
professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Having with your upcoming workshop.
UNIT 1, p.10 CD 1.02 studied the lives of many scientists and Sophie You’re welcome.
Well, when it comes to creativity, I think artists, the professor came up with a list of
UNIT 1, p.11 CD 1.05
people often misunderstand the concept. ten features which characterise creative
Most of them associate it with being types. Today, I’d like to discuss some of For many individuals, the idea of
artistic, having a talent for, let’s say, these qualities. So, number one is that outperforming other people and having
painting or writing poetry. Of course, creative people find it easy to concentrate a sense of victory is what drives them in
creativity is about being imaginative, but on a task. They can spend hours working their lives. We see competition everywhere
not necessarily in artistic fields. In fact, on a project and remain really enthusiastic around us. It’s part and parcel of school
being creative means you can come up about it without getting tired or bored. or work life, it’s synonymous with the
with ideas to solve problems and dilemmas, This is followed by an ability to stay curious world of sport. Many people believe that
generate alternatives, think outside the about life and think about the world from by competing against other people and
box. Personally, I know a lot of people who different perspectives. Then comes, what the comparing ourselves with one another we
can’t draw or play a musical instrument, but psychologist calls, being a realistic dreamer. develop as humans and thus earn success.
who’ve got plenty of ideas on how to, say, According to his theory, creative types tend However, it’s not the case. Competition
work out a solution to a problem. The good often leads to self-doubt, hostility, jealousy
to have their own world of imagination and
thing is that everybody can learn to think or even aggression because when someone
fantasy while being pragmatic and realistic
creatively. What’s more, … beats you, you feel frustrated, miserable
at the same time. Well, I must say that’s
or even depressed. Competition may
probably the creative quality I can see in
UNIT 1, p.10 CD 1.03 sometimes stimulate you to do things better,
myself. All in all, what Csikszentmihalyi
but it’s not the path to victory. What do you
Liz I read this article about creativity the seems to be suggesting is that being creative
think motivates you to do well in life?
other day and it made me want to go back is, in a way, like having two personalities in
to painting. I used to love it as a child, you one: being extroverted, yet a bit introverted UNIT 1, p.11 CD 1.06
know. But then, I sort of gave up on it. This too; being sociable and quiet, absent-minded
article is about people just like me! and focused. Perhaps that’s the key to
I really don’t get it why in our team-oriented
Max You mean successful middle-aged understanding how…
world, where collaboration is given so
women who run their own advertising firms? 3
much weight, so many people stress the
Liz Don’t be silly! I mean women who would Oscar Hello everyone. Our guest today is
importance of competition. Would you
like to go back to the talents they discovered Sophie Paxton who’s going to tell us about
believe that some still claim that exposing
when they were children. People who Walt Disney’s Three Chairs technique.
children to tough competition early on
became uncreative in their adult lives or are Sophie Yes, thanks for having me. I’m glad
will prepare them for adulthood? What
too lazy or busy to do creative stuff! young people want to learn about the nonsense! When we compete, we don’t
Max But you do creative things, don’t concept. learn how to interact, and interaction,
you? You design logos, create advertising Oscar Walt Disney was famous for his (surprise surprise), is what’s invaluable in
campaigns… You’re a very imaginative animations. Are the chairs connected to our modern times. Leadership, decision-
person. I find you so, anyway. them in any way? making and trust-building are all to do with
Liz Mhm… maybe, but I’m talking about real Sophie Yes, of course. They’re part of the communication, and that’s what we need
art. I used to dream of becoming a famous reason why the cartoons became so popular. to pass onto our children. We must foster
painter… You see, Disney used the technique to cooperation, and encourage collaborative
Max Very ambitious! Liz Picasso! Sounds generate and develop profitable business learning or face a society of sick, competitive
very impressive! ideas. He was an imaginative man and the and lonely people.
Liz Ha, ha, very funny! What’s got into you chairs allowed him to think from different 2
today? I don’t think you can see my point of perspectives, which he believed, was very One way in which societies can be
view. important in business. categorised is along the collectivist-
Max Which is what exactly? Oscar Could you tell us more about the individualist divide. In collectivist societies
Liz Oh! Forget it Max. See you tomorrow. chairs themselves? the cultural norms which are valued
Sophie Well, you need to have one for the are: group goals, solidarity, cooperation,
UNIT 1, p.10 CD 1.04 dreamer, one for the realist and one for the relationships, family, empathy and
1 critic. When you sit on the first chair, you compassion. An individual is part of
Have you heard of the 4 Cs before? They come up with an idea and you can be as silly a group, and he or she isn’t supposed to
stand for: critical thinking, creativity, and creative as you like. Then, you move stand out from the crowd. Instead, these
collaboration and communication, which on to the realist’s chair where you become cultures call for the common good, and
are four main skills people should have more serious and practical. You ask yourself conformity. By contrast, individualist
to function well in their adult lives. At my very specific questions about how exactly cultures favour individual needs, personal
department I work with individuals in their to make this dream of yours come true. success and competition over any group
20s, and the more we focus on the 4 Cs, The purpose of the third chair is to identify needs. Independence and autonomy are real
virtues. So, it should not come as a surprise pleased with the results. Don’t hesitate to or matching socks in the laundry. For school
that there are sometimes communication get it! age children duties such as loading the
breakdowns between people from countries 3 dishwasher or cleaning the bathroom with
where the core values are so different. It’s I think that people who want to share a flat their parents’ help shouldn’t be a problem.
the difference between ‘we’ and ‘I’. should discuss their attitudes to things like I tell you, the sooner they start, the better.
3 order and tidiness. Some people don’t mind With independent kids, you’ll be able to put
I study sociology and recently I have come living in a messy flat while others are really the kettle on and relax when they grow up.
across a really eye-opening study. Well, fussed about cleanliness. It often leads to Take my word for it!
eye-opening for me, because the research all sorts of arguments, so remember to talk 5
isn’t that new. It was conducted by Geert these things through. Having green fingers seems to run in my
Hofstede, a Dutch social psychologist. 4 family, you know? Both my parents and grand
Hofstede compared cultural identities across As soon as we moved in together, I knew parents’ idea of fun is to spend their free time
the world, and came to the conclusion that that it wasn’t going to be easy. My partner taking care of the garden and I am no different
each nation has its own characteristics would clean after me all the time, pick up my to them in this respect. Most of my classmates
when it comes to building relationships, socks, wash up my mugs, put my things away however, would hate the thought of taking
among other things. I’m half Polish and half etc. It made me feel like I was a child who care of plants. Even mowing the lawn is out of
English, so I got interested in finding out needed help doing things around the house. the question for them. For me, on the other
more about how these cultures fare in this I couldn’t put up with it for long, and so, hand, it’s pure pleasure. True, cutting the grass
respect. It turns out that Poland is quite an sadly, that’s why we had to split up. takes time, but it’s so relaxing! I also love
individualist culture, but not as individualist watering the plants and watching them grow.
as the UK. The info about the UK wasn’t that UNIT 2, p.26 CD 1.09 I’m even thinking of studying garden design.
unexpected, but I was kind of astonished 1 I think it’d be just right for me.
because I assumed that Poles were more Before I read The Life-changing Magic of
into their family values ... Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, I was totally UNIT 2, p.27 CD 1.10
4 lost. My house was getting more and more Have you ever heard of a style in architecture
I’m an introvert and for this reason my cluttered and I didn’t know how to tackle which is referred to as brutalism? It came
experience with teamwork wasn’t exactly this problem. Each time I tried to have into being in the 1950s, and was an offshoot
successful. Introverts are quieter, more a clear-out, I found myself unable to get of the early 20th century modernist
timid and often unwilling to speak in public. rid of the things I no longer used. Then movements. Brutalist buildings have an air of
I would have probably remained averse somebody suggested I read Marie Kondo’s being austere and inhospitable since they are
to team projects if it hadn’t been for my book and it turned out a really helpful piece usually constructed out of massive concrete,
university professor who understood my of advice. The author taught me a simple steel or stone walls and often resemble
individuality. Actually, she was brilliant at technique: these days, I divide things into a stack of grey, soulless boxes. The style
delegating roles for our projects, and she those that make me happy, and those which took off in the 50s and the 60s, and was
would always give me the role of the data leave me cold. In this way it’s not so hard commonly adopted the world over by
collector. I loved it because I could do it in to say good-bye to things that lie around or architects designing government buildings,
my own time and share what I’d found with clutter your wardrobe space. Great, isn’t it? universities and blocks of flats. It was
my group. I gained a lot of self-esteem, and 2 particularly favoured by the communist
learnt to function in a group. With time Do you know what chores we can’t stand in regimes as it resonated with their utopian
I could even handle group conflicts. When the UK the most? Apparently, it’s cleaning beliefs that unification was the key to
the oven. It’s hard to get rid of all the grease people’s happiness. With time, the style lost
I didn’t see eye to eye with someone, I had
inside it, so people often put it off until it’s its appeal. Many brutalist structures were
the courage to admit it!
absolutely necessary. This chore is followed demolished and replaced by more friendly-
UNIT 2, p.25 CD 1.07 by ironing and drying the dishes because looking constructions. However, examples
they tend to be quite time-consuming. of brutalist architecture can still be found
1 in most countries, and some have even
Well, I can’t be British then because what
Mark? It’s Lena. You’re a star! Sounds perfect. become distinctive landmarks. One of these
I find a real pain is dusting the shelves,
Bill must earn a lot to take out a mortgage projects is Habitat 67 in Montreal, Canada.
sweeping the floor and hoovering the stairs
on a house on Horsham Road! Tell him that The building was erected to mark Canada’s
every week.
I’d love to come round and see the room. 100 years of independence, and became
Do you know how much he wants per week? a highly desirable residence. It reaches up to
A couple of years ago, my parents had a
2 brainwave. They decided it was time to teach 12 storeys, and consists of 354 prefabricated
Lena. Hi! Glad to be able to help. Sorry, us some ‘basic skills’, as they put it. As a concrete boxes. Visitors who come to have
I don’t know what he’s charging, but it won’t result, my sister and I were told how to plan a look at this man-made wonder express
be outside your budget. He just needs to meals for the whole week, budget for them, mixed feelings. Some are in awe of it, others
keep on top of the monthly instalments. and actually prepare them ourselves. Dad consider it a real eyesore. Now let me …
Anyway, I’ll email you the details and tell showed us how to make small improvements
him what a wonderful tenant you would around the house and the garden or fix UNIT 2, p.27 CD 1.11
be. Of course, as long as I can come to the some simple issues with the car. Back then 1
housewarming party! I thought it was really unfair we had to learn Reporter Mr Wilson, would you care
these things while our friends were happily to comment on your recent visit to The
UNIT 2, p.26 CD 1.08 enjoying their after-school time. Now, National Museum of African American
1 though, I can’t thank my parents enough History and Culture in Washington D.C.?
Not many people like doing household for their decision. Their fantastic idea has Were you impressed by its architectural
chores, so I must be an exception. I actually made me feel so much more grown-up and merits such as the bronze exterior panels,
don’t mind doing the cleaning, and in fact, independent! I even know how to put some or its green design?
I’m brilliant at it. When I tidy up, the flat money aside every month. Mr Wilson Well, all of those! I am indeed
looks spotless, like in a hotel. 4 overwhelmed by both the exterior and the
2 I hope that you agree that parents should interior. I couldn’t have designed it better
Last week I bought this sponge for cleaning encourage young children to start doing myself. The building, which is a three-
the windows. The shop assistant said that it some household duties as early as possible. tiered inverted pyramid, was inspired by
was made of something special, and that my Here are some suggestions. Kids as young the crowns worn by Yoruban rulers from
windows would look like new. Well, I must as two or three years-old can put their toys West Africa, which, by the way, is where
say he was right. I cleaned my windows just away or help feed their pet. Those a year my ancestors come from. In fact, I am as
using water and the sponge, and I was very older will cope with setting the table, dusting overwhelmed as I am moved, especially
by the Contemplative Court, inside the of the marble which ranges from pink to UNIT 3, p.42 CD 1.14
museum. white to gold depending on the time of the
Reporter So, it does make a huge impact day. It’s a magical place, and a real feat of Hello everyone, today I’m going to talk
even on a professional like you. I guess architecture. It’s one of these places where about some school objects which used to be
especially this cylindrical fountain that rains you stand and can’t help but think that really popular, but have long since become
down water into the square pool below, human imagination and creativity have no obsolete in most classrooms. In other
right? end. It’s such a liberating feeling. words, we no longer use them. I’ve decided
Mr Wilson Yes, it’s very poignant too. Last but not least, I’d love you to accompany to focus on: the overhead projector, the
Somewhere where people can sit and reflect me to the Gardens by the Bay in Singapore. abacus, the floppy disc and the staff liner.
on the often painful history of African It’s an award-winning horticultural park Well, to tell you the truth, it’s still hard for
Americans. situated in the heart of Singapore, and me to imagine that students and teachers
Reporter And what do you think … probably the country’s most renowned had to rely on these objects instead of our
2 architectural landmark. The park consists of modern projectors, computers and cloud-
Journalist Hello, welcome to The Architecture three gardens which together span 540,000 based platforms. By the way, I’d like you to
and Design programme. Today, Christiana square metres. Its shape resembles an take some notes because there’s going to be
Parks will elaborate on the idea of the orchid, Singapore’s national flower symbol, a short test after the presentation.
so-called ‘can-float’ buildings. Welcome, and the idea behind the development was Anyway, the first thing on my agenda is
Christiana. to manifest the country’s diverse cultures: the overhead projector. This device was
Christiana Parks Hello everyone. We often Indian, Chinese, Malay and colonial. What used to display any visual aids, such as
refer to these buildings as ‘amphibious’ strikes me the most are the so-called photos, diagrams or notes that the teacher
as well. The general idea is for these super trees – enormous steel and concrete wanted to show to the whole class. One
constructions to float in the event of a flood, structures connected by walkways where of the earlier versions of the projector was
but other than that to stay still on solid you can admire thousands of plant species invented by a French instrument maker and
foundations. like vines or ferns. It’s illuminated by neon pioneering photographer Jules Duboscq,
Journalist Right, what are the foundations lights at night to bring out its charm, and it’s spelt D-U-B-O-S-C-Q. He created it in his
made of then and how are they designed? just stunning. It also merits a mention that country at some time in the 1850s. Similar
Christiana Parks They are a sort of pontoon the whole development is sustainable, so instruments were later used for police and
base. It’s empty inside, so you can use it as I suppose that you don’t have to feel guilty armed forces training, but the projector
additional room to put things away in normal when you visit it. Well, that’s all from me hadn’t become popular in schools until
weather conditions. The building materials today. after World War 2. Once very common,
range from timber and steel to concrete. I hope I got your imagination fired up this device has been largely replaced by
The base is made stable by a keel, so it’s like with my description of these architectural digital whiteboards.
on a boat. When a flood strikes, the house masterpieces. What buildings would you The next item on my list is the abacus. Most
moves upwards. recommend I see in your country? Let me schools no longer use them, but you may
Journalist Aren’t we humans inventive? know in the comments box. I’ll be more than still come across the device in some Asian
I was once toying with the idea of living on happy to pay your country a visit and explore countries. Its exact origin is unknown, but
a houseboat, but the main disadvantage its architectural gems. Until next time! the abacus is believed to have come from
was the lack of space. Are these amphibious ancient Mesopotamia where it appeared
houses spacious enough? UNIT 3, p.39 CD 1.12 in around 2700 BC. As you may guess, it
Christiana Parks Depends what you mean A I’m currently attending an evening course was a tool for learning how to count, and
by spacious … to learn Spanish and I’m really struggling was widely popular until it was replaced
3 with it. It’s hard to concentrate on something by calculators. OK, have you taken notes?
Welcome to the third episode of my podcast new after a day at school. We’re going Before I move on to the floppy disk, and the
on the world’s man-made wonders. Today on holiday to Spain soon and that’s what staff liner, I’d like …
I’d like to take you on a journey to Asia, motivated me originally but maybe it’s too
which, I’d say, abounds in outstanding much to do, as well as my school work. UNIT 3, p.42 CD 1.15
buildings and inspiring ideas for urban Should I carry on, do you think? Hi guys. You’ve been using the things I’ll be
developments. As you know, my love B Learning another language is great for talking about for most of your school life,
of travel takes me to places, and Asia your all-round development but if you feel but I bet you haven’t got a clue where they
happens to be an irresistible destination. you’ve taken on too much, then think about originated, and who’s behind each of these
Asia and its varied architecture will never your priorities. inventions.
cease to surprise you. C I’m in my last few months at college and Let’s kick off with the compasses. A lot of
Today, let us begin with a trip to China’s there’s a lot of pressure. Sometimes it feels studies suggest that this handy invention
Shanxi province to marvel at the Hanging like I’ll never get through all the exams. Help! was designed by the Italian mathematician
Temple, which, among other things, is a B You need to set goals for yourself. Think and astronomer Galileo Galilei. It is said that
kind of a balancing act. The temple looks carefully about what you need to revise towards the end of the sixteenth century,
like it clings to the mountain defying the for your exams and then put the plan into he provided over a hundred copies of the
laws of gravity. The wooden building with action. It’s all about self-motivation. If you instrument to a military academy in the
its 40 rooms, staircases and passages is in try to do too much you’ll have a hard time. Italian city of Padua. Back then, as today,
fact fixed to the stone wall by means of And don’t forget about physical activity and the compasses were supposed to help solve
long, thin posts. Believe me, when you’re a good night’s sleep. mathematical problems.
there, you feel just overwhelmed by the Let’s now move on to the rubber. Well,
whole experience and wonder how on earth UNIT 3, p.39 CD 1.13 let me tell you one thing – getting rid
humans managed to insert a building so Hi Sara – it’s Dave here – thanks for inviting of mistakes in your notes hasn’t always been
deep into the rock. me to the party tonight, but I’m afraid easy! Before the rubber appeared, students
The next place on our itinerary is the one I can’t make it. I have extra French lessons would clean up their work with such strange
and only Taj Mahal, an icon of India. Built every Monday because I need to revise the things as a piece of rough stone or soft
in the 17th century as a symbol of love, material. At school we take a test in French bread. Fortunately, everything changed
this wide marble edifice attracts millions of every second Tuesday. I have to memorise all in 1770, when an English engineer called
visitors every year. Tourists flock to the place the new words we’ve learned this week and Edward Nairne discovered that a piece of
because of the touching story behind the study some grammar. Anyone who fails the natural rubber made from a plant’s juices
construction of the monument as well as the test has to retake it the following week and could do the job much better and faster.
sheer beauty it represents: its extraordinary the marks go towards our final grade. And The next item is the stapler. Well, the more
chambers, gates, domes and arches. I was that’s a pain! But have a great evening! See paper people used, the more they needed
particularly dazzled by the changing colour you soon. something with which to hold the sheets of
paper together, so the invention of this tool a variety of activities so that everybody feels but you have been working five years
was only a matter of time. It was in the late at home, contributing to this or that event. longer than I have! At least it’s challenging.
1860s that a number of inventors came up Interviewer So, which ideas sell the best then? I enjoy solving problems and my last
with similar ideas, both in the USA and the Melanie The simplest to organise are raffles. position was really undemanding. I could
UK. However, the official inventor of the We sell raffle tickets to students for, let’s have done all the tasks with my eyes shut!
stapler seems to be an American, George say, a pound, and these tickets are then Add to that that it was pretty menial, with
McGill. He patented the first commercially drawn as part of a school raffle. Students no skills involved at all and that it was
successful version of it in 1879. can win ‘offers’ for their class, for example, definitely a dead-end job, with no prospects
Last, but not least, we’ve got the spiral a test-free week, etc. Recently, however, whatsoever. I hope this one will be great
notebook. Experts argue about its origins, but we’ve decided to arrange a stress-relief to do. It must be really rewarding to leave
most of them point out that the first patent week, and it proved a tremendous success. work feeling that you’ve really achieved
application for this kind of notebook was Volunteers offered aromatherapy classes and something. So celebrations later? Get back
made in a US patent office in 1935 by New a workshop to learn how to make scented to me when you can.
York born Walter Grumbacher, an employee candles. All the proceeds were donated
of an American stationery company. to a local animal shelter. It felt so good UNIT 4, p.57 CD 1.19
I find these stories fascinating and often especially since we hadn’t expected to raise As we all follow the career path we have
wonder how many of these school objects so much money! chosen, we have to understand that the
will be here to stay with us with the advent Interviewer I’ve also heard you mention job market and our job prospects are in
of modern technology. Thanks guys. Next something like a themed selfie run and a constant state of flux. New technologies,
time, I hope to give you some interesting a multicultural fair. What were they about? economics and other external factors may
info about the ink pen and the globe. Any Melanie The run was a great marketing come into play, or our own situations may
questions? stunt for the school. Our students had change. We might move to a new location or
to take selfies at some checkpoints and feel we want to follow a different route. All
UNIT 3, p.43 CD 1.16 post them on social media. To participate of which means that a change in occupation
Kasia Simon, thanks for agreeing to talk they had to pay a registration fee, and is something we need to prepare for. Hence,
to me about fundraising at schools. I know again the money went to a good cause. we should constantly build our portfolio
The multicultural fair, on the other hand, of qualifications, gain as much hands-on
that it’s been a long-held tradition in the
was held on the school premises. We have knowledge as possible, and always be on the
UK, from primary and secondary schools to
students from various backgrounds, and they look-out to boost our transferable skills. This
tertiary-education institutions. It’s part and
just prepared snacks and drinks for sale that will increasingly improve our employability
parcel of your education system, isn’t it?
represent their culture. That went well too!
Why do you view it as such a crucial part of and ensure career advancement in an ever
Interviewer Which is your favourite type of
what you do? changing job market.
Simon Well, there are numerous benefits to
Melanie I’m really keen on those involving UNIT 4, p.58 CD 1.20
fundraising events. Students gain priceless
the head teacher. We call them ‘the principal
leadership skills and acquire self-esteem. 1
challenges’. You have to get him or her to
Plus, they become aware that what they do I was stressed out during my interview.
complete a challenge if the financial goal is
may really make a difference to the world. 2
achieved. So, for example, you dare her or
Fundraisers demand that students, school They told me what their expectations were.
him to dye their hair blue if you’ve raised the
staff and parents collaborate. Everyone desired amount! 3
learns and experiences the importance Interviewer Wow! And do they really do it?! I think I can do what they want me to do.
of community, creativity and common goals. Melanie Ours did. It was very brave of her, 4
It’s a win-win situation. Needless to say, but then again we collected lots of money I’d like to work with other young people in
through fundraisers schools get hold of extra for the school. a team.
funds which can be allocated to improve Interviewer Are there ever any problems
the school’s facilities, to implement new with these events?
UNIT 4, p.58 CD 1.21
extracurricular programmes, and so on. Melanie They involve hard work and Fred How are you Alice? How did your job
Kasia Could you elaborate on what kinds dedication, so sometimes we need to drum interview go?
of events you stage most often at schools? up some enthusiasm. Occasionally, there Alice Well, it’s over at least. It was my first
Simon I wouldn’t know where to start! are complaints from parents that there are job interview so, needless to say, I was
The sky’s the limit, really! For instance, too many of them, and that schools should stressed out and I was panicking.
at primary level, schools opt for pyjama get sponsored by businesses not parents. Fred Don’t blame yourself! But did you do
days, craft days, sleepovers or picnics. From time to time teachers express their well? What questions did they ask?
For secondary school students we often concern that these activities only add to Alice I guess I didn’t mess it up completely.
provide trivia competitions, community their workload. This is all true, but I’d say To begin with, they told me what their
clean-up projects, battle of the bands that on the whole, most people get involved expectations were, and then asked how
events, cook-off contests, etc. To attend and contribute the best way they can. It’s I imagine my ideal job, which was kind of
the event, students have to donate some worth pointing out that in this day and age hard because I haven’t done any work in my
money which then goes to a good cause. It’s parents can donate their money online. entire life!
about entertainment, but also contributes to Our school has donation software integrated Fred And what do they want you to be like?
the students’ well-being and builds trust ... into our website. So, if they can’t be present What did the job description say? I wonder
It’s second to none when it comes to proper, physically, they can just send the money. We if I’d fit the bill.
all-round education. never ask for huge sums. Alice They mentioned working on long-term
Interviewer I must say I’m truly impressed projects, digital literacy and critical thinking,
UNIT 3, p.43 CD 1.17 with your efforts and creative ideas. It’s creativity and problem solving skills. It all
Interviewer Today, I’ll be talking to Melanie, wonderful to see young people willing to get sounded very serious, but I think I’m capable
a secondary school student whose school involved with their community. Well-done of doing what they want me to do.
holds regular fundraisers and charity events to you! Fred More than capable, I’d say. I’d struggle
to support various causes. Melanie, is Melanie Thanks ever so much for the I bet. And what did you tell them about your
there much interest in these events among invitation. I was happy to share my ideas, expectations?
your classmates, and generally the school perhaps they’ll inspire others to do good too! Alice Thanks Fred. That wasn’t easy either
community? because I have no work experience, but
Melanie I’d say so. Obviously, we make UNIT 4, p.55 CD 1.18 I said that I need support, I’d like to work
sure that we don’t exaggerate by having too Maeve? It’s Dan. Success! Got the new job. with other young people in a team, and that
many of them and we do our utmost to offer Maybe it’s not as high-powered as yours I want them to respect my time off work.
I think they were a little surprised by what 4 a great friend of my parents and that’s why
I said. They called me ‘very mature’… would In a nutshell, old-fashioned jobs are making they asked her to take on this responsibility.
you believe it? a robust comeback because they seem to suit She’s a single parent – the little one is her
Fred Are you going to take the job? the green entrepreneur of the 21st century. son Barnaby. He’s about two now.
Alice When they confirm they want me on B And who are the twins? They’re so similar!
the team, I will! UNIT 4, p.59 CD 1.24 A Ah – that’s Gavin and Rory. They do
Every generation seeks new professional everything together – they even share the
UNIT 4, p.58 CD 1.22 opportunities that reflect their values same social media account!
Good morning everyone. Today, we’ll be and priorities. A while back young
talking about job satisfaction, and what it undergraduates were after jobs in computer UNIT 5, p.71 CD 1.26
means to different people. Have you ever programming, graphic design, nutrition, not Hi everyone. This is me outside my tent by
thought what job would bring you fulfillment? to mention the ever-popular professions the lake! I’m having a brilliant time here.
Do you think that high earnings is what like law, medicine and management. While I don’t have to make my bed every morning
makes most people feel happy about their high-powered jobs are still in demand, or load the dishwasher! OK, there’s no hot
job? What does job satisfaction depend on? more and more young people are setting water and I can’t freshen up as often as
Personality? Age? Country of origin? The type their hearts on manual jobs, which in most I would like to. And I brush my teeth in water
of business you work in? Well, probably all cases mean learning a trade. In the past, from that stream over there, but I came here
of those. However, for the purpose of this grown-up children would take over their to recharge my batteries and, so far, it’s been
lecture we’re going to examine the aspect of parents’ workshop or farm, but the 90s really great! At home I usually have a lie-in,
age. To be precise, how your generation views brought about significant changes to the but here I want to get up early to go off
employment and its necessary ingredients. job markets across the world. Every young walking in the hills. In the evenings, my mates
Well, young people’s priorities, values and person wished to enter university, and then and I fill up on some pasta or rice as there are
needs have changed over the last decades. climb the career ladder in some multinational no restaurants or bars here. We usually eat
21st century graduates want to work for company. Needless to say, in the absence outside because the weather is so lovely, and
companies which understand their need of interest among youngsters, occupations yes – we have to give the plates a rinse in the
for a work-life balance, as well as for a such as being a tailor, an upholsterer or stream! But then we sit round the fire and tell
positive company culture where they feel a blacksmith almost vanished. Then came scary stories. I do love camping!
appreciated and supported. They wish to the millennials and Gen Z, and it turned
work with rather than under their manager, out that these old-fashioned professions UNIT 5, p.74 CD 1.27
which means creating a real community that held no appeal for their predecessors,
at work, sharing ideas, working towards are now sought-after. One of the reasons
Lily So when exactly is the workshop?
solutions together. It’s no longer the boss is that younger generations are opposed to
Monday or Tuesday?
delegating the tasks, it’s the team that the so-called waste culture which allows,
Fran In fact, it’s Thursday next week.
makes the decisions. Another thing is that for example, an average Brit to spend about
At noon, I think.
young people hate being taken advantage £9,000 a year on items never used. The urge
Lily Oh, I thought that it was this week,
of. They won’t allow their managers to work to prevent so much wastage encouraged
sometime in the afternoon.
them hard, which doesn’t mean they are young people to learn how to mend things
Fran Sorry to disappoint you. Can you make
not prepared to make the effort. What’s such as socks, shoes, clothes, leather belts
more, they want to be paid extra for carrying or furniture. This, in turn, made them realise it?
out any additional tasks. More work, more that they could do the same for people, and Lily Sure.
money. What matters is simply the work alternative and innovative business ideas 2
environment and fair treatment. Young began emerging. Young professionals rushed Man 1 Excuse me, I’m looking for Mr Daniel
professionals also value frequent feedback to sign up for courses to learn the traditional Clark. Where could I find him?
from their manager, and by frequent I mean trades, and the so-called repair cafés or small Man 2 I’m afraid he’s not in today. He’s running
weekly or even daily evaluation and support. workshops have mushroomed all over the a workshop for EBDT. That is E-B-D-T.
On top of that, the new generation expects world. Young and tech-savvy entrepreneurs Man 1 Oh, sorry, could you repeat the name
that part of their employer’s job is to take post their work on social media, and show of the company, please?
care of their well-being. This means, for that old things can look new, that weaving Man 2 Yes, EBDT. That is E-B-D-T.
example, more flexible working hours, longer a basket or growing your own vegetables Man 1 How can I contact him? It’s a little
breaks, more time off and psychological can be relaxing and profitable at the same urgent.
assistance to cope with stress. time, that bespoke items are so much better Man 2 I could give you his email address
As you can imagine some employers may than mass-produced goods. This philosophy if you want.
find it hard to adjust to, but on the whole certainly appeals to affluent people with Man 1 That would be helpful. Yes, please.
most companies have had to change things disposable incomes, but also to the less Man 2 It’s [email protected].
around. Job satisfaction leads to better well-off individuals who care about the Man 1 Thanks a million. I’ll get in touch with
productivity and efficiency, which is what environment. Let’s hope the trend lasts as him.
companies require after all. Ok, let’s pause long as possible for everyone’s sake! Man 2 You’re welcome.
now for questions …
UNIT 5, p.70 CD 1.25 UNIT 5, p.74 CD 1.28
UNIT 4, p.59 CD 1.23 A I’ve got loads of friends on social media, Woman Helping Hands, how can I help you?
1 but I rarely speak to many of them – they’re Teenage boy I’m calling to find out more
It may come as a surprise to some of you, just acquaintances. But these are the people information about your workshop on toxic
but after years of technological progress and I write to all the time. That’s Anita – my half- relationships. I saw the advert on the school
the resulting focus on jobs requiring digital sister. Her dad married our mum five years noticeboard, but then someone took it off,
skills, more and more young people are ago. And here you can see her dog – Pip. and I didn’t get the details.
turning to traditional jobs. B Oh, he looks very cute! Woman OK, what exactly would you like to
2 A He is cute. And then there’s Freddie, know?
Some university graduates pursue careers as my cousin, Aunt Jessie’s son, with his fiancée Teenage boy Well, first the date and time,
shoemakers or carpenters, while others go Sara. They got engaged last summer. She’s to see if it’s possible for me to take part.
into organic farming or pottery. really lovely! I’ve got a busy schedule at school.
3 B Who’s the guy with the blond hair? I think Woman The nearest one is Monday, the
These young people capitalise on the fact I’ve seen him somewhere. 13th, the next one not until Wednesday
that in this day and age anything that is A That’s a very close friend of mine, Bri. 22nd. Do any of these dates suit you?
‘home-made’ or ‘eco-friendly’ instantly gains We became friends in primary school. Teenage boy Yes, the later one please.
popularity and sells well. And this one is my godmother Raina. She’s Where is the workshop going to take place?
Woman Here, I mean in our office. Between responsibility and handle tricky situations vegetables and seasoning. I’ve sent you the
4 pm and 8.30 pm. in life. shopping list by email. So, first you wash
Teenage boy Perfect! I live close by. And and peel the vegetables – you can use up
what exactly is the workshop going to cover? UNIT 5, p.75 CD 1.30 anything you’ve got really: onions, carrots,
Woman Three modules. The first one is Interviewer Today with me in the studio potatoes and mushrooms. Then, cut the
to do with recognising the warning signs is Clive Owens. Welcome. You work with meat up and chop the vegetables into very
of being in an unhealthy relationship. The parents and their teenage children, and small pieces. Fry the meat in some hot
second one will teach you how to deal with teach them both how to respect each other’s oil for a few minutes and add the onions.
negative emotions, especially when your points of view. Am I right? Cook until they are softened, then add the
friend takes advantage of you or takes it out Clive Owens Yes. I’m an expert in family tomato paste. Pour some chicken broth in,
on you. The final module is about learning communication skills, and I help family put everything into a big pot and sprinkle
coping strategies when you decide to quit members get their points across. I believe that on some flour and fresh herbs. Put the pot
a bad relationship. Needless to say, it’s all most conflicts arise when teenagers aren’t on a low heat in the oven for two hours.
for teenagers. Our tutors work mainly with given enough freedom, and parents’ worries Don’t forget to stir the stew every fifteen
young people, and know how to take care of are ignored. Raising children problem-free is minutes. After two hours, add the carrots
their needs. a tall order, but you don’t need to row, ground and potatoes and return to the oven for one
Teenage boy OK, it sounds like what I need. children or set curfews. There are ways to go hour. Serve with a salad. Enjoy!
What do I do next? about it in a more peaceful manner.
Woman You need to register on our Interviewer What do parents worry about UNIT 6, p.68 CD 2.02
website. It’s Please the most? A Welcome back to Master of The Kitchen
make sure you type an underscore not Clive Owens In most cases it’s that their after the break. Now, the judges will evaluate
a hyphen. It’s a simple procedure. Then you children will get involved in risky behaviour the meals prepared by the first contestant.
get the confirmation, and that’s all. Oh, and or get hurt. You must admit it’s a legitimate Katy, let’s hear your opinion first.
of course, you have to pay the course fee. worry. The thing is, most teenagers don’t B Unfortunately, although it looks delicious,
Teenage boy Right, how much is it? view it like that. Instead, they believe their the meat is undercooked and the sauce is
Woman 145 pounds if paid upfront. parents want to curb their freedom, have not spicy enough for me. The rice is far too
170 pounds if you want to pay in no trust in them, and treat them like little salty and the dressing on the salad is very
instalments. children. sharp. I am disappointed.
Teenage boy OK, thanks. And could I have Interviewer It does sound familiar. I happen A Thank you Katy. What about your
the tutor’s email address in case I have more to have first-hand knowledge of the topic. opinion, Andrew?
questions? I could tell you a few stories of when I myself C I actually disagree with Katy – which is
Woman Yes, certainly. Just give me a moment. seriously limited a certain young person’s unusual. For me the sauce is nice and mild
Teenage boy No rush. Take your time. independence. So what do you advise both – I do not enjoy very hot curries. And the
Woman Got it! You can get in touch with parties? lamb is tasty – pink is fine. I would say that,
her on [email protected] Clive Owens Striking the right balance, though not amazing, this meal is perfectly
Teenage boy OK, all lower case, right? respecting mutual agreements, not going edible.
And Matthews double t? ballistic when something goes wrong and D Oh, I definitely can’t agree with that!
Woman Yes, exactly. talking things through. I suppose that when I have the same opinion as Katy, I am
Teenage boy Thank you ever so much. it comes to the rules you lay down in your afraid. I would only add that the rice is
Woman You’re welcome. family the most important thing is to take overcooked. However, the dessert – the
the opinions of adolescent children into lemon tart, is yummy! Some people might
UNIT 5, p.75 CD 1.29 account, and accept that they may differ say it is a little too sour, but that’s exactly
Interviewer So why is independence so from the opinions of parents. Also, children how I like it!
important for teenagers? Do parents give should take part in establishing those rules.
them enough of it? And they mustn’t be too strict — there UNIT 6, p.90 CD 2.03
Nicola Lambert Well, being independent is should be room to try out new experiences. 1
an essential part of every child’s journey to Interviewer Should teenage children make Man I just would like to repeat my
adulthood and maturity. Children crave it, decisions by themselves? suggestion that we have to stop the sale of
and they do need it to try out new things. Clive Owens Ideally they should be able to items such as crisps and chocolate bars in
Otherwise, there’s no learning curve. You’ve rely on their parents’ support and guidance, the school shop.
got to learn from your own mistakes to tell and make the decision on their own. Parents Woman Oh, you’ve made that point very
risks from opportunities, to get the hang can help consider the pros and cons of clearly, many times, Ben. I think we all would
of things, to form your identity, figure out a given move, lead the child to think about be very happy if you could finally let us move
your life values etc. Most parents I’ve met in what happens if things don’t work out well. on from this and deal with the next point on
my professional career seem to realise that, Children don’t have the hindsight their the agenda.
and let their kids explore the world even if parents’ experience provides them with. 2
it involves some risks. Of course, they lay Interviewer Earlier on in our conversation, Woman The calculations are very good so
down some rules, set the boundaries, but you mentioned the idea of creating safe far and there’s a strong possibility that you
give their children some space to develop opportunities for children to exercise will get the money to fund your project.
their independence. independence. What do you mean by that? Man That’s great news! I think we’re really
Interviewer You said most parents. Does it Clive Owens For example, for younger making progress here. I can see my idea of
mean that some refuse to grant their children these would be sleepover parties, opening a café in the park under my own
children that opportunity? for ten to twelve year olds letting them name is likely to happen in the near future.
Nicola Lambert I wouldn’t say refuse. I think go out with their friends to the park or for I am really looking forward to preparing
that they aren’t aware of their behaviour. a pizza, for teenagers allowing them to have Caribbean dishes for local people.
They get protective of their children. a date, throw a party at home and so on. 3
Like, for example, the so-called helicopter Interviewer Thank you very much. This As the prices of seafood have recently
parents who never want to lose sight of might help me to have a better relationship escalated I am afraid we need to alter our
their child for fear of them doing something with my younger boy. spring menu. So, as I see it, we can either
wrong, risky or inappropriate. In the course Clive Owens My pleasure. remove spicy prawn linguine or grilled
of the family therapy sessions I run with octopus with chorizo from our list of options
parents, they often see the problem. It’s UNIT 6, p.87 CD 2.01 or change some of the ingredients. As you
a lengthy process to start giving your child Hi Carrie, have already served both dishes to our
the independence they need, but it’s a Here you are – a quick and easy recipe for customers, I am wondering if there were any
must if you want them to take on more beef stew! All you need are some beef, comments on any of them.
UNIT 6, p.90 CD 2.04 to avoid or be very wary of certain plants were neither unappetising nor bland, and
because they were poisonous. Could our which were flavoured with herbs such
Nathan Hello! Welcome to Morning with children’s refusal to eat their spinach be as parsley and thyme as opposed to salt.
Nathan. Today we’re talking about food – linked to this? Pasta dishes were popular (with no chips
a popular topic with us all! But this time we 2 in sight!) as were selections of vegetables
won’t focus on products we actually eat, but The question of whether parents should such as courgettes and aubergines. In
on how some things other than the taste push their children into eating food that they addition, students could choose soups with
and quality of food products change our are determined to refuse is a controversial wholemeal crusty bread, and fruits, like
enjoyment of the meal. Here with us are one. Many of us may remember being told blueberries, instead of the traditional apples
Greta Smith – a researcher from Barcelona — that we were not allowed to leave the and oranges. All coffees were made with
and Peter Durrell – a university lecturer from table until every pea on a plate was eaten. semi-skimmed milk. This points to a marked
London. You’ve both recently done some Or dessert was withheld until the main difference in students’ diets and the school is
research about this subject, haven’t you? course had been finished. Fighting over to be congratulated.
Greta Hello, Nathan. Yes, and it is quite food preferences is a big headache for many
amazing. Did you realise that the colour and families, but is it really that important? UNIT 7, p.103 CD 2.07
the shape of our plates have an influence on
A Disaster! I bought so many things online
our experience while eating? UNIT 6, p.91 CD 2.06 yesterday I’ve got no money left to buy
Nathan Seriously? Does it mean if I eat Speaker 1
something from a white plate, it tastes better tickets for the gig we were planning to go to.
The government’s approach to tackling B It’s terribly easy, isn’t it? It’s not like you
than from a red one, for instance? It’s hard the problem of increasing obesity has
to believe. can make a shopping list before going online.
resulted in the proposal of several new laws, A Exactly! I went on this site which gives a
Greta Not exactly, but my research has cracking down on the access that children
proven that people eating dessert from discount to regular shoppers and there were
in particular have to junk food and fast lots of accessories costing next to nothing.
a white plate describe it as much sweeter food of various types. Many consider this
and more enjoyable than one eaten from The trouble is I bought a lot. They were so
simply another example of the ‘nanny state’ pretty!
a black one. And you mentioned red plates – whereby we are forced to give up certain
apparently they make us eat less junk food! B My dad says always check comparison
rights for our own good. The most recent sites – but it really doesn’t work if you’re
Peter My research, on the other hand, of these proposed strict regulations is on
showed that sound is the forgotten flavour buying make-up or hair bands.
takeaway restaurants in the close vicinity A I suppose I can always wait for delivery,
sense. If you boost the sound of the crunch of schools where older children can leave
people think that the food tastes better and see if they meet my expectations, and then
the premises at lunch times. These food send some of them back, right?
is fresher. outlets would need to see age identification
Nathan Oh, I’ve always thought that food B Yeah – and maybe you could leave
before serving food such as fish and chips to feedback saying that the website is far too
is food, and it’s the ingredients that make it customers. This is surely a step far too far.
tasty or not – not the plates or the sound it tempting!
Speaker 2
makes when we eat it!
Peter There have been many experiments
In my considered opinion the rules imposed UNIT 7, p.105 CD 2.08
by many schools on students bringing
conducted in this field, Nathan. And they A
unhealthy food, such as crisps and chocolate
have proven otherwise. A I’ve got a new smartphone – should I take
bars, into school, are to be welcomed.
Greta The conclusion of my research was out insurance to cover loss or damage – or
In fact, such initiatives should be extended
that the shape of the plate is also important. am I already insured against this by my
or covered by law if we are to help improve
For instance, a round plate can make the parents’ home insurance?
the health of our nation as a whole. How far
dish taste sweeter. The knives and forks play B Good question. I guess it depends on the
trust should be involved is debatable, and
their part too, as the heavier they are, the policy. Ask the policyholder – that would be
I believe it should be up to the Head Teacher
better perception of the dish there is. your mum or dad.
to make and enforce a decision on this.
Nathan So, you’re saying that the wooden B
Good eating habits formed at an early age
forks I use with my takeaway curry make my will carry a child through life, and prevent A I love my new car, but I think getting
food taste worse? such problems as anorexia and binge-eating insured is going to cost a bomb.
Greta Not worse, it just isn’t as good an disorders. Maybe teachers should even B Not necessarily. Get a couple of quotes.
experience as it could be. discuss with the students how diet can affect Usually if you don’t make a claim your
Peter I can see that Nathan is not really health, appearance and energy levels. premium goes down when you renew it
a believer! There has been a lot of exploration Speaker 3 a year later. But make sure you read the
of the role of the senses in the process of According to leaks from the main school small print! The devil is in the detail!
experiencing food. So the conclusions are office, the trial period of banning junk food
based on solid research. Nathan, perhaps at our school, which will come to an end in
UNIT 7, p.106 CD 2.09
you’ve just never experimented with different October, is set to be extended indefinitely. 1
plates or cutlery? As editor of the Newsletter, I am setting up It’s not that I’m unhappy with the service –
Nathan You’re right. I’ve just focused on an online petition for students to sign that their products are great and really
the food. But I’m willing to try. OK, so my will show the school authorities that this inexpensive. I even got a nice discount for
next takeaway curry – I won’t eat it with ban is an encroachment on our freedom the folders and highlighters I chose. It’s just
a wooden fork from the box – I shall put it of choice. We are not unintelligent or that I don’t really understand how to change
on a round, white plate and use a metal knife uninformed about the unhealthiness of some the delivery dates. I’ve tried to key in the
and fork. I’ll report back next week! foods when eaten to excess, or on a regular new ones but nothing seems to work.
basis. However, the decision on what we 2
UNIT 6, p.91 CD 2.05 choose to eat lies clearly with the person My friend recommended this auction site
1 eating, so I would encourage everyone to to me and I’ve also seen it advertised on
Many children appear to be overly fussy sign and the results will be included in next my news feed. All the kitchen appliances
about the food they eat, and parents month’s newsletter. looked really great and the prices were very
sometimes worry that their offspring are not Speaker 4 competitive. But I wish I hadn’t bought that
eating as healthily as they would like, and Checks on the food available in the Lanford coffeemaker. It appeared to be really low
they are not dealing with this well. A dislike Secondary School cafeteria have revealed quality.
of green vegetables is a common problem extremely positive results. Whilst pizza 3
with children, but one that may have some appeared on the menu on some days, the There has to be a way to stop these pop-up
reason beyond the lack of sweetness. Our majority of the meals on offer included adverts on my screen – it gets me quite
ancestors were hunter gatherers and learned a variety of nutritious alternatives which cross when I’m trying to concentrate on my
homework and pictures of people posing to charity. Although I wasn’t too keen on any faults have been rectified, and that the
in trendy shirts or sitting on sunny beaches the idea at first, I think it’s going really well – dangers posed were on a very small scale.
appear. This may have something to do with unexpectedly so! We’re not only doing our 2
the fact that I’ve been looking for some bit to recycle and save the environment, OK, so you’re out shopping and you’re
reliable travel agency recently. But still, we’re also raising money for charity and looking for some dog food for your best
those adverts irritate me a lot! expanding our wardrobes. A win-win buddy. You’re slowly going down the aisle
situation I’d say. where all the pet food is stacked, shelf after
UNIT 7, p.106 CD 2.10 shelf. There’s wet food, dry food, chunky
1 UNIT 7, p.107 CD 2.11 food, smooth food. Faces of happy dogs try
When I won the auction after placing 1 to attract you to a particular brand but just
the highest bid, I couldn’t wait to get the With me here is Annette, who has been end up confusing you. Well, as you know,
bedroom lamp I’d seen on the site. You get our secret shopper in local grocer’s shops I am very, very careful about what I feed
a real feeling of triumph when you win, for the last few months. Annette has been Daisy here and I want to tell you about my
don’t you! When it actually arrived I felt shopping undercover to find out which latest discovery. It’s a new combination of
really excited about opening the package. stores give the best customer service and dry food that has just reached the shelves.
However, it was nothing like the picture! offer best value for money. This week she It’s been developed to contain the right
I know all the items are second-hand, but has been seeing how different assistants and balance of vitamins and minerals and it’s
this was definitely not what I’d expected. managers respond to customers who have been tested and certified by scientists and
The shade was dirty and had a stain, the made complaints. And it was proven that vets as very nutritious. It seems to be tasty
base was broken and the lamp didn’t even 62% of the managers were unwilling to talk too. I haven’t personally tried it – but Daisy
work. It wasn’t worth complaining about or to customers about faulty products. Annette, can’t get enough of it – and as I mentioned
sending back, so I got a friend to repair it. in your opinion, what exactly … last week – she’s a fussy eater! What is great
Now it’s fine, but I’ll avoid that auction site 2 about this new brand is that it is tailored
in the future. As we all know, smartphones are extremely to your breed. The only downside, as far
2 useful and we depend on them not only for as I can see, is the price. It’s a little more
My aunt has invited me to go along with communication but also for more important expensive than your average brand, but you
her to an auction in town where she hopes things, like online banking for instance. As can always save money by buying in bulk.
to buy a landscape of an emerging Scottish far as smartphone users we talked to are Go on – spoil your favourite companion.
artist for her bedroom. She’s chosen it from concerned, almost all of them, save for just 3
the online catalogue of the auction house. a few individuals, admitted to feeling that A I suppose we really ought to talk about
I’ve a feeling it’s going to be full of boring their operating system is not dependable at what went wrong with the last advertising
old people and collectors spending too all. So, what happens when things go wrong campaign. It certainly didn’t bring us the
much money on high-priced pieces of art. and you can’t access your phone? Well, don’t customers we wanted, did it?
However, I shall go along as I don’t want to despair as I’m going to show you what to do. B No. And it’s such a shame, because we
disappoint her and also I’ve never seen an First, connect your phone to a laptop or … both know we’ve got a great product here,
art auction. I just hope it won’t last too long 3 and the business could really take off, if
as I’ve heard it’s super super rude to doze I hope everyone can hear me – how about only more people were aware of what we’re
off. you at the back? Hello! Good. Right, get doing.
3 yourselves settled and I’ll be starting in A You’re right. We’re good at designing
One of my mum’s favourite TV shows a couple of minutes. Today’s topic looks at greeting cards and setting up the website
right now is where a person brings along the success of viral advertising. I shall be and so on, but we’re just not cut out for
a piece of furniture, like an old table or an taking questions at the end, so jot down marketing!
unusual chair and the three experts in the anything you’re unclear about. So, the most B Mark, we tried. Developing a start-up is
room compete with each other to buy it. widespread example of viral marketing in a demanding task! Look, I ran our campaign
She watches it every day and, what’s more, recent times is the creation of emotional, past our old friend – Isaac – remember
she talks about it all the time. I (and all my surprising, funny or unique videos that are him from college? He works in marketing
friends) now know who’s been on the show, posted on social media. There is a lot of now and he made some good points in his
what they’ve sold, how much they wanted, evidence showing that how quickly and analysis.
whether it was a good or a bad deal! I try to easily content is shared is largely dependent A OK, so where did we go wrong? Did we
change the subject but she’s so enthusiastic, on whether the company uses the right tools limit the campaign budget too much?
she never takes the hint! that make this possible. B No, not at all. Isaac thought we got
4 that right. But he suggested we had just
I’ve recently read about circular fashion – UNIT 7, p.107 CD 2.12 overstretched ourselves in trying to do too
where people don’t buy new clothes but 1 much, you know – we failed to diversify our
recycle old ones or rent outfits for a short Before we move on to the sports news marketing approach – which weakened the
time and then return them. It makes sense to at 7.30 we need to broadcast a product message. It meant we limited our reach with
me. We’ve all got used to buying more and recall announcement. It has recently been the target audience. The exposure was also
more new things and we’re using up loads of discovered that an electrical fault on a not enough and that’s what’s important –
natural resources to produce them. Then we range of tumble driers has led to several the number of repeats, so the customers
throw them away and our planet suffers. cases of fire. It is by no means the case that hear, see or read about us again and again.
Some of us even buy things as a hobby! all dryers in this range are suffering from He said we should do fewer things, but more
We definitely have to change the way we a similar fault but, in line with our policy often.
shop, and recycling clothes in some way regarding safety issues on any product, A Right, that makes sense. What did he
looks the best way forward. I suggest we all the manufacturer, Kendalls, is recalling all think about some of the actual adverts – the
start buying second-hand clothes – it’s not dryers purchased between 2020 and 2021. banners and the flyers? I thought we got
only environmentally friendly but cheaper Should you have a Kendall dryer in your those spot on. Your ideas were very clever!
too! house, bought within this time period, please B Ah – that was maybe a problem too!
5 stop using it and go online to Kendall’s According to Isaac, our ads need to be more
We’re organising a clothes swap service at website to input your details. Alternatively, straightforward. Yes, ours were very creative
school this month. Students choose clothes contact the number given on the home but it’s no use if the customer remembers
they would normally throw away or send to page. You will automatically qualify to get the ad but not the product! For instance,
a charity shop and they try to swap them a free replacement dryer and removal of the remember that one on TV a few years back
with someone else. Everyone who wants to old one within a week. Kendall wishes to with the colours and the horses? Brilliant,
take part in that event needs to pay a small apologise for any inconvenience caused and but no one had a clue what the product
amount of money to enter and that all goes reassure customers with the old dryers that was!
A That’s true. I think it was for a car – but number, so please contact me if you have natural beauty in order to learn about the
I’ve no idea which one. any questions concerning general issues. threats to them.
B We should also be wary of too much hype I’ll also be waiting for you here every evening Sarah Yes, I understand that people need
– not overselling our product and promising at 5.30. to be made aware, but some of these so-
too many things. Our message has to be Secondly, let me introduce Camilla – she’s called ecotourist trips are simply doing more
believable. We need to be aware of that in in charge of excursions and trips round damage to already damaged areas. I mean,
our next campaign. And identify and target the island. Camilla will now hand out some take Antarctica for example. The cruise liners
the right people. leaflets with information on the full-day that take holidaymakers to visit this beautiful
A Yes, I was thinking about that. Our cards and half-day trips we’ve prepared for you pristine land are filling the seas around
actually appeal to a niche market – people this week. On Monday you will be able to with polluted water. The people’s feet are
who are really into art – not those who want have a closer look at the ancient capital damaging fragile ecosystems. Humans are
a range of Happy Birthdays or Good Luck of the island and the surrounding area. even bringing invasive species with them.
cards with stars all over them. So, we should We will stop over in Barrakka Gardens, Did you know that some penguins are dying
learn about people who go to galleries and from where you can enjoy a wonderful because they have been infected by diseases
buy books about famous artists and then view of the Grand Harbor. On Tuesday hitherto unknown in Antarctica?
target them, shouldn’t we? we are visiting Popeye Village - a theme Joe That’s because some of these tour
B That’s a really good idea! Let’s think about park connected with the legendary sailor operators are not following regulations.
what else ... from the comic book by Elzie Crisler Segar. The main aim of ecotourism is to conserve
Thursday is a day for all sunbathing fans the environment, sustain the well-being of
UNIT 8, p.130 CD 2.13 – we are going to Mellieħa Beach. And the local people and educate. For instance,
Hi, everyone! I’m Angie, your holiday don’t miss out on the Friday tour of the in some areas cutting down forests has
representative, and I’ll be here every evening location for the filming of the Game of stopped because the local inhabitants get
if you have any questions about your stay. Thrones series! But I’ll let Camilla tell you more income from the tourists who come to
There will be plenty for you to do this more about that – she will be available in see the trees.
week. We start with a one-day excursion the area close to the reception desk, every Robert But people still need to travel to
to Zakopane, and later on in the week we morning at 9.30. these locations, don’t they – and that uses
will have two full-day trips to Wieliczka If you have any questions or concerns energy resources. They’re leaving their
and Tyniec – all details are available on the related to your rooms or suites, or about carbon footprint.
noticeboard. On Tuesday you can sign up meals and refreshments, the person to Joe Yes, but it’s a balance. People have got
to go to a theme park and every afternoon contact is Alan Johnson – the manager so used to being able to travel widely and jet
of the hotel. His number is also in your off anywhere they want that it’s not going to
there are boat trips along the Vistula river.
brochure and his office is just next to the stop immediately! However, ...
On the board you’ll also find the opening
times of local shops and restaurants. If you’d reception desk on the ground floor. Alan is UNIT 8, p.123 CD 2.17
like to hire a car for a day to go further and there between 9.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. every
check out some places in the area, get in day. Outside those hours you can turn to his As one of the London icons, along with
touch with me. My number’s on the board. deputy, Maria. She will be happy to answer London Bridge or the red telephone box,
all your questions. it has starred in films such as James Bond
UNIT 8, p.121 CD 2.14 Now, I wish you an enjoyable stay here, and Sherlock Holmes. The London black cab,
in Malta. You can see the weather is because that is the topic of my talk, has
Hi Mike! I’m calling to give you directions
beautiful and the forecast for the next a worldwide reputation. The beginning of
on how to get to our summer house. The
few days is exceptional. Please take care this means of transport was in the 1600s
place is totally off the beaten track and the
when London saw the first horse-drawn
navigation system won’t lead you there. So, sunbathing, temperatures are going to be
carriages for hire. They were called hackney
please follow my directions. Take the Manor soaring! And don’t hesitate to get in touch
carriages (spelt H-A-C-K-N-E-Y, for those
Park Road, to avoid the rush-hour traffic jam if necessary!
of you taking notes) – from hacquenee –
trying to get onto the motorway. When you
UNIT 8, p.123 CD 2.16 a Norman French word used to state that
approach the traffic lights next to Annie’s a horse is available for hire. The term is still
house, move into the right-hand lane. Then, Robert These days we are all very much sometimes used today as many people refer
turn right into the High Street. When you aware of the negative impact the human to the black cab as the hackney carriage.
pass the roadworks (they are still repairing race has had on the environment. There are When the cabs became motorised in the
the pavement there), take the second many locations all over the world that are 1900s the licensing authority called the
turning left and go through the tunnel under becoming increasingly fragile and we can Public Carriage Office imposed specific
the railway tracks. Go straight on for about all agree that the need to protect them is safety rules for motor cab design and some
five kilometres and turn right into a country vital. Today we are here to discuss if, taking of those regulations are still followed today.
road, just past a big road sign showing the all those factors into consideration, it is For instance there is one which says that
turning. Then you’ll see the house on your still possible for us to travel and enjoy our each taxi must be able to turn in a tight
left, next to the lake. holidays without harming the environment. circle of 25 feet.
I must admit that whenever I hear the word Today, black cabs remain extraordinary as
UNIT 8, p.122 CD 2.15 ecotourism I feel a little confused, but I hope they are the only taxis you can flag down
Hello everyone and welcome to lovely that today’s experts – Sarah Collins and Joe in the streets of London. Other private hire
Valletta, the capital of Malta! My name Smith – can elucidate! Sarah, what’s your vehicles must be pre-booked which means
is Amanda, and I am your holiday opinion on that term? they cannot pick up a fare as they’re driving.
representative. I hope you all had a pleasant Sarah Well, it IS strange, isn’t it? Ecotourism Black cabs are also fully accessible for
flight and you are now ready to chill out and is almost an oxymoron – how can tourism wheelchairs and will carry assistance dogs
settle in before having dinner back here in be eco-friendly? After all, tourism is one of free of charge. Interestingly, they can be any
the hotel dining room at 6.30. But before the reasons why so many locations become colour, not just black, but must be purpose-
you do that, I would like to give you some unstable in the first place! We use fuel to fly built vehicles with a for hire light on their
very general information about your stay. long-haul to distant places, which pollutes roof. According to the original regulations,
Firstly, in your rooms you can find a brochure the air. We trample over beautiful areas, we whenever a pedestrian wanting a ride sees
with all the details on the hotel and on some enjoy sandy beaches and put suntan lotion a for hire light lit up, they must raise a hand,
important sights if you want to look round in the water, which bleaches coral. Tourists but under no circumstances shout. If they
the city. The hotel runs a taxi service in and make use of lovely locations but they often do, the driver is supposed to ignore the
out of the city centre, so you don’t need to end up hurting nature. person. Cab etiquette!
walk there or hire a car if you don’t want to. Joe And that’s where ecotourism comes in. What adds to the fame of black cabs, is
In the brochure you will also find my phone It encourages people to visit the places of their drivers’ expertise in knowing the
roads of London. In order to be allowed to If you’ve been considering taking part in I’m extremely glad I could join it online this
drive a black cab they have to convince the the show then time is running out as all year. What’s more, it also has outstanding
examiners on a test called the Knowledge applications have to be submitted online reviews from former participants.
that they know the city well enough. This within the next fourteen days. So now, your A It’s a real shame you can’t attend it in
means memorising about 320 routes and priority is to find two partners who are going person. That would probably give you more
25,000 roads across the city. It took some to help you win big money. Then, check opportunities to bond with other students
of the licensed drivers more than four years out all the requirements on our website, and exchange your opinions.
to remember all the information required. complete the online application form and B Well, ideally I’d like to study creative
So, if you are visiting London, it is well worth wait for a phone call from one of our lovely writing at university – East Anglia for
a trip in one of these amazing vehicles, and assistants. Shortlisted applicants will need to instance. But, I’m still keeping my options
a welcome extra is that the cabbies are prepare a video presentation. Don’t hesitate open. Writing could be a job or a hobby –
usually more than willing to share a chat with – it could be you on the screen in August! I’m not sure how good I’ll be! At the moment
you during the drive. 3 I’m way too busy to go to classes – there’s
A Good afternoon and welcome to our so much work with the reality show we
UNIT 9, p.135 CD 2.18 Wednesday film programme. Today, we will are producing. I really need to focus on job
A If you ask me, the plot of that film was talk about computer-generated effects that responsibilities. The great thing about online
really impossible to believe! Definitely too allow filmmakers to use actors and actresses courses is that I can do the tasks in my
far-fetched – just like the book, which was that are no longer alive in their newest own time. And the group discusses and
also rather heavy-going. I gave up after the productions. How is that possible? I hope comments on each other’s compositions,
first two chapters. that my guest today – Jade Hustings, an so I get lots of feedback.
B Really? To be honest, I found both the expert on CGI (that is computer generated A I imagine that must be rather scary!
book and the film quite compelling. imaging) – can explain that to us. B You are so right! The first time I posted
A Well, what I liked about it was the B Well, the phenomenon you are describing a piece on the website I was terrified that
convincing performance of the actor playing is not entirely new. We’ve already had past people would be ultra-critical or, even
the main character and the gripping opening actors appearing briefly in new films, haven’t worse, completely ignore me, because I was
scenes - I was really interested to see what we? For instance Marlon Brando could be so bad!
followed. But, then it got too slow-going. seen in Superman Returns two years after A And did they?
I was yawning every ten minutes. the actor’s death. That appearance used B No! Everyone was really encouraging and
B I’m afraid I can’t agree with you on that. a model based on old footage and voice supportive. They comment on what they
For me, the fast-paced plot and slight recordings. Also Peter Cushing reprised his think you’ve done well, and also on how you
Star Wars character in the sequel Rogue might improve. It’s very motivating. And our
romantic touch made for a compulsive
One, but this time it was a realistic portrayal tutor is excellent. She’s definitely helping
created from scratch in the editing room. me improve my style and my approach to
UNIT 9, p.137 CD 2.19 However, bringing an actor back to life for character development.
a completely new major role requires very A Well, good luck with that. And I hope
Hi Tanya. Did you see the news broadcast advanced technology. I’ll get a signed copy of your first published
with the Prime Minister? He was incisive A I can imagine. Can you explain – in ways novel!
and his ideas on combating censorship that I and the listeners can understand –
were well thought through. Unfortunately a little more? UNIT 9, p.139 CD 2.22
I didn’t see the end of it as the picture B OK, I’ll try. Let’s take James Dean as an A Jack – I know you’re a Denzel Washington
kept breaking up due to the atmospheric example. There are plans to recreate his fan. Have you seen him in Fences? It was up
conditions. Whenever it’s really hot in image for an upcoming action film. In order for an Oscar a few years back.
here, it affects transmission, which is really to do that CGI will use Dean’s photos and B Yes, Betty, I have – it’s one of my top five
frustrating. I’ll catch up on it online later, scenes from his three major films, and there films – I really loved it. I’ve also got a lot
and hope that I don’t get a lot of buffering will be a voice actor speaking for him. It will of respect and admiration for Viola Davis.
on my tablet! Call me! Bye! be amazing. This could also open the doors For me she steals the show whatever she’s
to allow historical figures to feature ‘live’ in in. Did you know that she’s the first black
UNIT 9, p.138 CD 2.20 documentaries! actress to win the triple crown of acting?
1 A It sounds incredible. But ... and there is You know, an Oscar for film, an Emmy for
When I entered the competition, I had no a but ... how will younger actors feel about TV and a Tony for stage. In Fences she was
confidence that I might actually win it! And their jobs being taken by iconic celebrities brilliant and she actually moved me to tears.
even then, after that magical moment, I did who will never ‘retire’? And is it right to A Yeah – I streamed the film last night –
not realise how much it would change my recreate actors who cannot actually give her performance was compelling, as was
life. They say life never stands still, but for their consent? Washington’s. I wasn’t aware though that
me, after becoming the best chef, the days B I agree it might be a bit disconcerting, the film was based on a play by an American
and months speeded up so fast that I could but making films has always been about playwright, August Wilson. You must have
barely keep up. First, I was invited onto creating illusions, and technology is allowing noticed the limited scenes and settings?
breakfast TV, chat shows and then I finally us to continue to do that. Remember how It’s a far cry from films that take the viewer
managed to find a publisher for my recipe we were first fascinated by films using to numerous locations, and feature loads
book. Someone even suggested making green screens? It allowed actors to fight of special effects as well as a cast list of
a documentary about my life with cooking. any monsters, in any location, float through hundreds!
My feet haven’t touched the ground. I’m space – nearly anything was possible. Now B For me, that’s exactly what makes Fences
trying to make the most of it as I suppose technology is letting people from the past and other films based on plays, so great. You
it won’t last forever. Each day I keep take on a completely new role. don’t get distracted so it’s possible to give
thinking I’m going to wake up from a dream. A Interesting. I’m opening the phone lines all your attention to the plot itself. And the
However, so far, it’s been a great journey, now to get our listeners’ views ... thing that keeps you at the edge of your seat
but it’s certainly not one for those who should be the story, not the special effects!
prefer a quiet life! UNIT 9, p.138 CD 2.21 What’s more, the interaction between the
2 A Hi Jenny! How’s the creative writing few actors is very intimate – it’s almost like
And now, here’s the information you’ve been course going? I know you were really looking we’re there with them, and that is nearly
waiting for since plans were announced forward to starting it. the same intimacy an audience gets in the
last December. The brand new prime-time B It’s brilliant, thanks Evan. I’ve chosen it theatre. So, I think this kind of film transfers
TV game show that tests your physical and because it’s run by the University of East superbly from theatre.
mental abilities, Up for Grabs, will finally Anglia which has a great reputation for A But, I don’t know, perhaps I’m playing
be on your screens by the end of August. producing excellent novelists and poets, and devil’s advocate here – but isn’t there
a case for the medium of film being used A That’s great. Which door will contestants the long run. And as you probably know I’ve
for something different from the medium be using? suffered from many head injuries over the
of the theatre? They are different. Unless B We think the entrance by the car park years – as have many other footballers out
the director expands out from the stage will suit them best – it also has wheelchair there. So I must say that I welcome this early
limitations of a play, then why bother? I must access. retirement with some sort of relief.
say, it didn’t knock me off my feet – I kept A Yes, I agree. Have arrangements been A Of course, your health is top priority, but I
thinking while I was watching that it should made for Alex Baxter presenting the medals suspect that women’s football is not going to
have been a play. And I should have been in and trophies yet? I know last year they lose you completely.
a theatre. It was too close in, claustrophobic. were awarded at the closing ceremony late B You’re right. I’m planning on going into
B I see where you’re coming from. And afternoon at the side of the pool, right? coaching. While women’s football has
some critics say that films of plays like this B Oh, they’ve had a rethink about that. definitely come on in leaps and bounds since
lack cinematic effect. But I disagree – it There were several comments that people its early days, there are still too few female
doesn’t lack it – it just uses it in a different would prefer to see the medals being coaches and I want to do my best to right
way. The cameras can create visuals, and received immediately after each event, so we that balance.
angles we don’t see in the theatre and catch will have two presentations, one at the end A That is very good to hear. You’ve
tiny innuendos of expression you can’t of the morning session and one at the end of mentioned the early days of women’s
see in the auditorium – we get a bird’s eye the afternoon one. Alex will be doing both of football, but of course you must have seen
view. For me, films like this are breathtaking them, but this time outside, on the running some seismic changes in the game yourself.
in their simplicity. And a degree of track. This way more people will be able to B Absolutely. When I first started out there
claustrophobia is part of what it’s all about! see the winners. The first presentation is were few prospects for women in football.
planned for 11.30am and the second will They had to overcome so many obstacles.
UNIT 10, p.150 CD 2.23 follow the afternoon events, somewhere There were nearly no sponsorship deals and
A Hey Molly! About our football practice around 2.45pm. It might take a long time, women were balancing jobs with training
this evening: I’ve just heard that the pitch but Alex has done it before so it will all run and playing in order to scrape a living. There
hasn’t dried out yet, so the session has been very smoothly, I’m sure. was little support in the way of proper
cancelled. I’ve asked my dad to take me to A Absolutely. And how about the professional coaching or advice on nutrition
the leisure centre instead. They’ve got some refreshments for the spectators? or strength and exercise routines etc. We
indoor tennis courts. Do you want to come? B Well, the cafeteria is too small to cope, were amateurs – we played on poor pitches
If your racket hasn’t been mended yet, you so we’re going to hire a large tent to put up with no decent facilities and few spectators.
can borrow one of mine. outside, on the football pitch. Megan Davis, But what we did was to develop resilience.
B Hi Bri, it’s Jimmy. As the pool is closed for who runs the cafeteria, will take care of the We didn’t give up. And there has been
company hired to organise the sandwiches a remarkable sea change in recent years.
repairs this week, Harry and I are going open
and hot meals, and the snacks and soft The game is enjoying huge success now –
water swimming. I thought you might like to
drinks of course. The food will be served as a result of being accepted by the various
join us. The water is very cold but I’ve got
all day and the tent will provide shelter if it football associations – after far too long, in
a spare wetsuit, so just bring your goggles
rains, but otherwise people can eat in the my personal opinion.
to protect your eyes. We’re meeting on the
picnic area. A Yes, you draw enormous crowds and TV
beach near the golf course. If we’ve got
A Excellent! coverage these days. Why do you think that
enough energy after swimming, we might
play golf! So maybe bring your clubs too. UNIT 10, p.155 CD 2.26 B It’s like every sport. Female athletes
UNIT 10, p.151 CD 2.24 A It is with great pleasure that I welcome can produce equally exciting and skilled
today’s guest onto our programme. Sitting performances in competition as men. Look
We join the cycling road race just at the at tennis, hockey or cycling. It took longer
beside me is someone for whom I, and many,
end of this gruelling event and Luc Bernard, for women to catch up with men in the
many others, have an enormous amount of
representing France, is approaching the popularity of football, largely because it was
respect. June Maddox, is one of the most
line, hoping to retain his title. Luc got off to considered an unsuitable sport for a woman.
experienced, talented and successful players
a good start and was pulling ahead of the of women’s football that the game has ever Yet, just before the women’s game was
group in the early stages of the race. The known, winning sports personality of the banned in 1921, our matches were attracting
Italian cyclist, Marco Rossi, narrowed the year on two occasions. Hello June! larger crowds than the men’s were! Luckily,
gap after the tenth kilometre, but Bernard B Hi Mark, and thank you for that build-up! today’s generation of young female
maintained his pace and built up a lead. The It’s been a long career, and I’ve loved every footballers is entering a completely different
Italian chased again and now they’re both minute of it – well nearly every minute. world to the one I knew. There is support at
coming round the final bend. These two have A Yes, let’s get straight to the point. I can’t all levels, financial, educational and in terms
completely blown the competition away. get my head round the fact that you’re of opportunity. However we still need to
Bernard is just ahead! And now he’s crossing hanging up your boots! The game is going narrow the pay gap in terms of both salaries
the line. Yes! He’s won by a head and beaten to miss you enormously. And it’s such a and prize money. And here I’m planning to
Rossi fair and square. shame that we’re having this chat on the do my bit to change it – for female coaches!
occasion of your retirement to look back on
UNIT 10, p.154 CD 2.25 your career, rather than to celebrate another UNIT 10, p.155 CD 2.27
A It’s so exciting for the swimming club success and look forward to many more People often cite getting fit as their main
to be hosting the county swimming achievements. reason for exercising. However, there
championships this year. B Well, unfortunately football can be are other benefits to taking up physical
B Yes, you’re right. We hope it will put the a tough game, both mentally and physically, activities. Listen to four people talking about
club on the map, and perhaps even boost and it takes its toll on the body. After years the benefits of certain sporting experiences.
our membership bringing in more money. of being pushed to the limits, my body Speaker 1
A Well, we’ll have your hearts set on that. said ‘enough is enough’ and, unfortunately, I’ve always loved sports and did a lot of
Can you update me on the arrangements I didn’t have much choice in the matter! competitive swimming when I was young.
made so far? Yet, the other thing was that I was really However, the competition aspect put a lot
B Certainly. Chris Turner and Mia Smith worried about my mind. You see, many of pressure on me and began to stress me
agreed to be on the door of the sports people believe that professional footballers out a lot, so I packed it in. But I still want to
centre to deal with the morning traffic of constantly enhance their stamina and quickly exercise, because it’s really important for
the competitors arriving. They’ll check them recover from injuries. But statistics show mental well-being. So, I’ve started doing
in and make sure they have all they need. that players who suffer from numerous some virtual challenges and I recently
They’re down to start at 7.15 and, the warm concussions can experience dizziness, completed the Ring of Kerry, which is
up is at 8.15 and the first heats begin at 9.00. depression, insomnia or even memory loss in a 200km route – but you don’t do it all in
one go, or race against anyone else! You at school today - I’m feeling really unwell. UNIT 11, p.170 CD 3.04
use the mobile app to record any distance I’ve only just got over a bad cold and now Doctor Good morning Paula. Thanks for
you do when exercising – walking, running I’ve got a stomach problem! I've been feeling being here on time.
or cycling – and your avatar advances along sick all morning and a bit dizzy too – I had to Paula Good morning Doctor James. Thank
the route. You also see the surroundings of lie down and rest until that strange spinning you for arranging this online consultation so
where you’ve got to. And at certain places sensation stopped. It might be a twenty-four promptly.
you get a virtual postcard with information hour thing – in that case I should recover Doctor So, I understand you’ve been getting
about the location you’ve reached. soon. Debs, could you let me know if there’s
some issues with your eyes. Is that right?
Absolutely loved it! any homework – I feel a bit anxious about
That’s the problem you’ve described in the
Speaker 2 missing biology today. Thanks!
message to our health centre.
Getting wet and dirty is not my idea of fun,
UNIT 11, p.169 CD 3.02 Paula Yes, that’s right. The other day
so I was not looking forward to a team
something odd happened to my eye and it’s
building day out with my classmates on A I’m sorry I’m late but something happened been bothering me since then.
an assault course. In fact I have to rather on my way over. Doctor OK, can you describe the
shame-facedly admit that I was dreading B What happened, Grace? Are you OK? experience?
it. I’m relatively fit and work out regularly A Yes, I’m fine. I was waiting at the bus stop Paula I was reading a book and suddenly
but this course had a fearsome reputation and suddenly a car knocked over a man who I noticed that the printed words in the
and I knew that I might be a liability for the was crossing the road! I quickly ran over – he middle of the page seemed slightly blurred.
team. Some of the people from my class was unconscious and bleeding badly from a So I stopped reading and closed my eyes for
are super, super fit. So, the idea was that deep cut in his leg so I tied a bandage round a second. And then, when I opened them,
we help each other to get through to the the wound to stop the bleeding. Someone I could see sort of flashing zig zag lines –
end of the course and improve our team called an ambulance and the paramedics
they started very small and then they spread
building skills—something I was rather took care of him soon. They were brilliant!
across my field of vision. They made me
sceptical of. Surprisingly, I enjoyed the day. They must have taken him to the emergency
really upset! But then they started to shrink
We worked really well and supported each unit!
and after about ten minutes they’d gone
other. Yes, we got dirty and wet and finished B Oh, what a story!
completely. Since then it hasn’t happened
completely shattered, but we had a lot of
fun and I haven’t laughed so much for ages. UNIT 11, p.170 CD 3.03 again, but I’m very worried.
I sincerely believe that we’ve been working Doctor I see. Was there any pain?
Hi, I’m Janine and I’d like to warmly welcome Paula No, none at all.
together much better since then. you to Darlton Hall. I know that digital detox
Speaker 3 Doctor And did you feel nauseous or ill
breaks can be a little scary – being away in any other way? Did you suffer from
When I started college I have to admit from your tech might seem hard at first!
that I was focusing mainly on my studies – a headache?
But our aim is to take your mind off that by Paula Nothing ... It was so strange.
engineering is a tough course with a lot of engaging you in some awesome activities.
homework and it doesn’t leave much time Doctor I can imagine. So, what I think
And remember – it’s only a three-day-break
for socialising. I found myself in my room you’ve experienced is a form of migraine.
designed to give your brains some space. So,
most evenings, and after about a month I Paula But I’ve never had a migraine – and
the plan for today is to get you familiar with
was feeling pretty lonely, so when I heard aren’t they really bad splitting headaches?
Darlton Hall and what it offers. I’ll start off
about tennis practice I thought I should give Doctor There are several types of migraine.
by showing you round the buildings and the
it a try. I thought that at least I would be out What you’ve described is known as a
grounds. I’m sure you’ll agree that they are
of my room getting some exercise! What I silent migraine, or an aura. They are usually
magnificent, especially with the lovely lake
hadn’t expected was that I would meet such completely harmless. You might get one
just beyond the trees. By the way, mind the
a great set of people. We weren’t there for again or you might not. I’m pretty sure that
steps down to the edge, they’re rather steep.
the competitions and tournaments, but had is what you experienced, but I’ll refer you to
You will also see all the facilities you can
regular knock-abouts on the court without a specialist just to make double sure.
use, including quiet rooms, a swimming pool,
keeping score and also met up socially Paula Oh, thank you so much Doctor James.
games areas and so on and finally I’ll point
outside the court. Tennis has definitely That’s taken a weight off my mind. I had no
out the group leaders’ offices.
helped me enjoy my time at college more, idea such a thing existed! What causes silent
Now, could you hand in your devices to
and bond with fellow students. Helen at reception and take your bags to migraines?
Speaker 4 your rooms? We’ll meet back here, at the Doctor There are many different triggers.
Running marathons and half marathons main entrance at 10.00 for the tour. After It could be stress – perhaps you’ve had a lot
seem to have recently become increasingly that I’ll hand you over to Peter in the sports on your mind recently with your work or any
popular ways of getting fit as well as a means centre, who is in charge of activities. He will other things? It might also be bright lights,
of raising money for charity for many people. talk you through what activities we offer, certain foods or eye strain. I would strongly
Still, I’ve always found the idea rather and there are a lot! From workouts in the advise you to get a check up with your
daunting. These are long distances, and the gym to canoeing on the lake – there will optician to make sure your contact lenses
participants are usually serious runners so it definitely be something you’ll want to spend prescription is up to date and that you’re
is not possible to enter them without proper some time doing. Peter will give out lists of not over-straining your eyes. Or maybe you
training. However, a few weeks back my the times of classes available. You just need might consider a digital detox for a couple
best friend talked me into taking part in a to make up your mind which you’d like to do, of days? And if it happens again it may be
Colour Run and I must admit that I am happy sign up and give the registration forms back useful to note down what triggered it.
that I managed to conquer my trepidation. to Peter. That meeting is at quarter past Paula Thank you Doctor James.
Colour runs are truly remarkable events. eleven. Lunch will be served in the dining
No gruelling training sessions, no pushing room from 12.30 and it will last an hour. UNIT 11, p.171 CD 3.05
the body to the limits or facing off against Directly after lunch you will meet up again, With the pace of life getting faster and
stiff competition. Entrants can run or walk this time with Ron, who will tell you all about increased pressures being put on students
or even stroll and be part of a huge colour the meditation and yoga sessions. He will to fit in more homework and do better in
spectacle – every so often you’re engulfed also divide you into groups led by different exams, it is not surprising that chronic stress
in huge clouds of powdered. We both ended mentors who you will meet up with every can be a major factor in mental health issues
up looking like rainbows, with big smiles on day. As it’s a lovely day, the meeting will be for many young people, often resulting in
our faces. on the front lawn. By 3.00 you’ll be free to moodiness and irritability. As a consequence,
explore, chat, make friends and start using there has recently been a lot of interest in
UNIT 11, p.166 CD 3.01 the facilities. Bear in mind that dinner is finding ways to reduce anxiety, one of which
Hey Debs – it’s Mia. I hope you’re OK. served at 7.30. Please do enjoy what Darlton has made a lot of headlines. Mindfulness,
I’m calling to let you know that I won’t be Hall offers you! which is the topic of today’s podcast, was
developed in the late 1970s. Most of you sensitive data, or creating fake accounts contribute towards innovation, the economy
will probably have a rough idea about it to impersonate legitimate companies. and society in Europe, thus improving and
but let me try to explain what’s behind As you should all be aware, posting hateful advancing our common future.
this technique. Mindfulness is a type of comments online is also considered a crime Submissions are welcomed from inventors
meditation in which you try to focus on the these days. Yet, whatever your problem is, working on cutting-edge advancements
present, to experience each moment and we, here at, can come to your in a whole range of fields, from climate
notice what is happening, both around you rescue with good advice and practical help. change to the development of sustainable
and within you, without interpretation or Obviously, the best way to fight cybercrime cities, from creating green plastic to
judgment. It’s a way to calm racing thoughts, is to take preventative measures. Make sure helping protect wildlife, and awards are
eliminate negativity and become aware of you protect your passwords and keep up-to- given in several different categories. These
your feelings. date with all your antivirus protection. If you include the recently announced Lifetime
However, although we might agree that need to recover data that has been lost, or Achievement Award for the person who has
it sounds like a good idea in theory, how clean your hard drive, we can help. Get in made enormous scientific contributions to
to achieve this is something else entirely. touch on ... society over the course of his or her life.
So you might want to seek some guidance Another recently added category is the
at first. This might be found in some classes, UNIT 12, p.186 CD 3.08 Young Inventors Award. It was established
but obviously not everyone has the time Online meetings for both work and study to recognise potential and to act as an
for these. There are also self-help books, purposes are becoming increasingly incentive to those currently under the age of
of course – there are self-help books on common nowadays and here are some 30 who could become the trailblazers of the
nearly everything nowadays! But the thing recommendations on how to get the most future.
I would highly recommend is to start online. out of them. According to many experts, Submissions can be made by the inventor
Obviously, you will find a host of websites these meetings can be very productive, him or herself, or by someone who knows
that are simply advertisements. They give whether it’s interacting with classmates on them and their work, and must reach the
you a taster and then demand that you sign a project or discussing business issues with office by the deadline of 1st October each
up for paid sessions before you learn any colleagues, but it is important to remember year. The decisions on who will receive the
more, so beware of that. What you’re looking certain things that will help them flow more prizes are made by a multi-disciplinary jury
for is a website that gives you a range of easily. of a dozen leading experts in a variety of
information on mindfulness, tips on whether Firstly, prepare well! Check your tech so that fields, including business, science and the
it would suit your needs and exercises that there aren’t any glitches or interruptions. media. They come from a range of different
you can do straightaway. I would strongly Clearly, you can’t prepare for losing countries and are extremely thorough in
advise browsing ones connected with mental connection or a power cut in your district, their assessments. There is one exception –
health organisations and charities as well as but do whatever you can to ensure smooth the Popular Prize, which is voted on by
the National Health Service. communication. Test out the loudspeakers, the public. The outline of the trophy itself
Yet before doing that, you can simply sit adjust the volume and position the camera is based on one of the oldest inventions
comfortably somewhere quiet, close your at eye-level – you don’t want it focusing in the world – a sail – and each year it is
eyes and straighten your upper body. Then, on your chest or the top of your head! made of a different material. It epitomises
you can try to focus your attention on your Remember that in case you experience any the determination and ingenuity of humans
breath and notice when your mind wanders particular difficulties, tech or otherwise, to overcome problems and enhance their
from it. Don’t worry if it happens. It’s quite during the meeting itself, you can always lives. A cash prize is additionally given to
difficult to eliminate thinking and, in fact, use the chat function. Another point you the Young Inventor as financial support. The
there is no need to do that. Try to notice the should consider before the online meeting winners, chosen from a short-list of finalists,
fact and then gently return your attention is the backdrop – is there stuff behind you are usually revealed in June of the year
to your breathing. Finally, open your eyes that you’d rather others didn’t see? A good following the nominations.
whenever you’re ready and check how you solution might be using a virtual background
feel. And don’t forget to let me know how it of your choice, maybe a forest scene or just UNIT 12, p.187 CD 3.10
was! a perfectly tidy set of bookshelves! Over the years films have highlighted the
While in the remote meeting, try not to achievements and recounted the lives of
UNIT 11, p.177 CD 3.06 interrupt or speak over another person – many outstanding scientists. Listen to four
A ‘super-ager’ gets older in a different way it can confuse everyone and may seem a bit speakers talking about their favourites.
than most people do. For example, while aggressive. If you haven’t had a chance to Speaker 1
average adults lose about 2.24 per cent in speak, raise your hand, and also try not to The brilliance of Eddie Redmayne’s
brain volume every year, ‘super-agers’ lose speak too much and dominate. Also it’s a portrayal of the theoretical physicist and
little more than half of this amount. This good idea to mute your microphone when cosmologist, Stephen Hawking, in the film
crucial difference makes them live longer, you’re not speaking, which will eliminate The Theory of Everything, guaranteed the
exhibit better cognitive skills, and simply distracting background noises, for example, actor an academy award in 2015 for Best
enjoy life more. How does one become a phone alerts or text tones. And speaking Actor in a Leading Role. Redmayne owes
‘super-ager’ then? According to research, of distractions, make sure other people in the prize to his uncanny and sensitive
these individuals display what you might the house know you’re on a video call, so depiction of a genius who, in spite of
call ‘super habits’ such as leading an active that they don’t walk into the room or shout his body’s gradual deterioration through
life, challenging themselves and socialising. up the stairs! And keep any pets out of the incurable neuromuscular disease, evolved
Physical activity leads to increased oxygen room too – just in case. It can be fun to see a groundbreaking theories about the cosmos,
intake, which helps their heart and brain, cat’s tail move across the screen but it is also time and black holes. While the abstract
and guarantees they stay in shape. ‘Super- a distraction if you’re discussing something science behind Hawking’s work may be
agers’ do Sudoku, play chess, read, do serious or trying to concentrate! beyond many who watch the film, the
extreme sports, anything to keep learning story of the celebrated physicist and Jane
and stimulating their minds. They also love UNIT 12, p.187 CD 3.09 Wilde, the arts student he fell in love with
being around other people, and their brain It is the time of year for nominations for the while studying at Cambridge in the 1960s,
autopsies show that they have more neurons prestigious European Inventor Award again. is mesmerising not only due to amazing
responsible for social processing than other Established for the first time in 2006 by the sets and scenes but also due to the tough
people. European Patent Office, which oversees the questions it poses regarding love in the
registration of inventions from all scientific shadow of someone’s disability.
UNIT 12, p.185 CD 3.07 and technological fields, its purpose is to Speaker 2
We all know that cybercrime is a big problem honour genius and encourage innovation. Another film bringing celebrated scientists
these days, whether it’s hacking into systems It recognises initiatives and breakthroughs to the public eye is the much lauded and
to plant malware that damages files and steal that use technology and science to very moving Gorillas in the Mist from 1988,
which revolves around the work of the petrol, upcycling old things where we can. Hayley Hello, Jack! Today, I will tell you how
intrepid primatologist and conservationist, But is all this really able to outweigh the to attract more wildlife to where we live
Dian Fossey. Fossey went to Rwanda to damage big business does? You know, and, of course, as usual, there will be some
study mountain gorilla groups which were governments set out new rules but still, wonderful pictures from people’s gardens of
under threat from poaching, hoping to raise the reports show that there are lots the flora and fauna they’re observing at the
global concerns about their plight and slow of companies that break environmental laws. moment.
down the decline in their numbers. Fossey’s In my opinion, the punishments have just got Interviewer Yes, the series is well known
work was controversial and dangerous. to be harsher. for recording what people find interesting
She was in her element when she changed in their neighbourhoods. Also, many find it
her lifestyle to be in tune with the way the UNIT 13, p.202 CD 3.12 encouraging for those who want to become
gorillas lived, but she also had to stand up 1 more aware of how close we live to nature.
to local disapproval. Sadly her passion for And I’d like to finish this evening’s programme So, Hayley, what tips do you have for people
conservation eventually led to her death with some great news for nature lovers today? How can we encourage small animals
in 1985. However, as a consequence out there. A white stag, a male deer, has like dragonflies, frogs and birds into our
of her tireless dedication and sacrifice, been seen in a forested area in the south gardens?
gorillas started to receive protection from of England. These amazing animals are Hayley Well, there is a lot of different advice
poachers and tourists worldwide. A brilliant extremely rare as the white colouring is to give, but one thing we all are able to do
performance by Sigourney Weaver and the the result of an unusual genetic disorder is to make a pond. It doesn’t have to be big
restless work of the entire film crew led to that causes lower levels of melanin in their – a small plastic bowl with some gravel and
five Academy Award nominations for the coats. Some people say that a white stag rocks is enough. Just fill it with rainwater
film. can only be seen a few times every hundred and put it somewhere where it gets sunlight
Speaker 3 years! However, don’t plan to go and try for some time of the day. You’ll also need
The film Hidden Figures brings three black a couple of water plants to put in it. Finally,
to photograph this one. The location is
women who worked for NASA the spotlight you might place a small piece of wood that
top secret to stop hunters trying to get an
they deserve. For decades, the role of these animals can walk along to get into the water
exceptional trophy. Instead, check out the
brilliant mathematicians in the success and back down again. Then wait and see
videos on our website to get the visuals of
of the US space programme in the 1960s what happens! Start now, in autumn, and by
the animal and some additional information.
was glossed over as Katherine Johnson, spring you will be amazed at what’s in there!
The white stag was mentioned in a lot of
Mary Jackson and Dorothy Vaughan were Interviewer Oh, that’s a great idea! I might
Medieval myths and legends in Britain as
simply considered cogs in the machine. Yet try it myself! Hayley, I know that there is
the colour was associated with purity and
their genius in the fields of mathematics, a big bird project in the area that you wanted
the other world. Hunting a white stag is not
computer coding and engineering to mention to our viewers. Can you give us
a good idea for many reasons. One is that,
contributed greatly to America’s space some details?
according to legends, if you kill this amazing
triumph. In fact, Johnson’s reputation was Hayley Yes, Jack. The project includes
such that John Glenn, the first American to animal, something bad will happen to you
asking local people to note down what birds
orbit the Earth, insisted on her checking the sooner or later! they see in their gardens at this time of year.
calculations before his launch. Eventually, 2 The data will go into a country-wide survey,
Johnson, Vaughan and Jackson were Thank you all for coming to this community so that experts can see which species are
honoured by Barack Obama in 2015 and meeting today to discuss the problems increasing and which are declining in specific
their story was presented to the world in this of our local environment. There are many locations. There is also an app you can
informative, humorous and heart-warming advantages to living in our lovely town – download to take photographs to identify
award-winning film. citizens usually enumerate the excellent different species of plants, and that’s for
Speaker 4 employment opportunities and the wide a similar reason. We need to keep track of
One of the most well-known female range of flats and houses. However, as what’s happening in nature. Just watch and
scientists who has ever won the Nobel Prize we in the council so often hear – people find out how you can help!
is Marie Curie, and her life and achievements are concerned about the level of both air Interviewer Thank you Hayley. We will!
are celebrated by the 2019 film Radioactive pollution and noise. Today we want to
featuring Rosamund Pike as Curie. The film outline our plans to deal with some of these UNIT 13, p.202 CD 3.13
breaks with the traditional way of telling problems. What we all need is more green 1
a biographical story and uses jumps in the spaces – more trees and plants. Firstly, You’ll never guess what I saw today near
time sequencing to show the incredible I must inform you that the parks in our the Verrazzano Bridge – a pair of peregrine
discoveries of radium and polonium (named area are protected by recent laws and they falcons – you know, the fastest birds in
by Curie after her homeland, Poland) and will not be built on. Also, later this year the world. They usually live in steep, rocky
radioactivity, side by side with their future the industrial site near Carlton Road, will cliffs on the shore, but in the wild they are
impact, both positive and negative. Although be developed into a new recreational area being hunted and thus becoming extinct.
receiving criticism for a weak script and with wildflower meadows. Some of you Apparently, the city’s skyscrapers and
certain inaccuracies, the film does not blind believe that green play areas for children are bridges are great spots for those birds to
us with science and Pike’s performance has needed there, but this plan needs further nest and use as vantage points to hunt.
received wide acclaim and is considered an confirmation. However, before that happens That is why many of them moved to the
excellent tribute to a true genius who was we are planning to plant lines of trees along cities. Some of the known nesting locations
light years ahead of her time. the roadsides in the Duncton Estate. This of peregrine falcons in New York City are
will help reduce both noise from the main the Throgs Neck Bridge between Queens
UNIT 13, p.201 CD 3.11 roads and pollution. In the long-term we and the Bronx and the Verrazzano Bridge
A Have you seen that documentary about are also hoping to fund rooftop gardens between Brooklyn and Staten Island. It’s
pollution, Carl? Things aren’t changing for and green walls to cover the sides of tall simply safer for them to live here. I would
the better as fast as hoped. buildings. There will be information on how love to see one swoop down to catch its
B Yes, they’re putting it down to people’s to apply for funding on our website, but in dinner, but it’s still a rare sight.
unwillingness to give up the life styles the meantime ... 2
they’ve become accustomed to. 3 This is an update on a petition you signed
A I know. They say there’s only so much Interviewer The presenters of the Nature last year. Now we’ve got nearly a million
that individuals can do, but cutting down on Watch series report daily from different signatures and we hope that this is enough
energy use in our homes will eventually have locations about what is happening in the to make sure that hedgehog highways will
a ripple effect, surely. world of wildlife. Today, we are hearing from become a reality in our town. Hedgehogs are
B It’s all about changing habits, isn’t it? Hayley in the South-East of England. Hello, amazing, spiky little animals that travel long
Getting houses insulated, using unleaded Hayley! distances every night from garden to garden.
However, people fence their properties UNIT 13, p.203 CD 3.14 for people interested in the projects. First,
and build walls around them. As a result, some background!
hedgehogs cannot follow their traditional 1 Since human beings first arrived on the
paths, and often die on busy roads. Although Marie We went to the Eden Project while planet we have changed the face of nature
they are not quite an endangered species, we we were down in Cornwall last week and, unbelievably rapidly, but it is only in the last
want to protect them by encouraging builders for me, it was a real eye-opener. I’d heard fifty years or so that we have really become
and fence construction companies to add of it obviously, but I had no idea it was aware of how significantly this change will
small holes at the bottom of some panels to so impressive! The domes are specially
affect our own future survival as a species.
let the hedgehogs travel through. One of the constructed to maintain the different
In the past, Europe was a wilderness
main local building companies has already temperatures for the plants and they’re quite
populated by vast ranges of both carnivores
joined our project. Let’s continue to try to a sight.
and herbivores. However, it is thought that,
save this lovable garden animal together. Oliver I know! They look like something
as humans developed agricultural skills and
3 built on another planet, don’t they!
enclosed farmland, the landscape, animals
Is the urban fox a friend or an enemy of Marie Exactly! And they not only look
and plant life inhabiting those landscapes
people living in towns and cities? There are amazing but also have an important role.
strong feelings on both sides and tonight’s They provide diverse growing conditions
The reality of climate change is now
documentary will look at reasons why the allowing visitors to see plants from various
undebatable, due to considerable research,
fox has chosen to live among people in regions of the globe. That visit made me sure
as is the realisation that we have irreversibly
built up areas and whether it is dangerous I want to study biotechnology in order to be
altered the delicate balances in the natural
or beneficial for local communities. Our able to work there some day.
world. Steps are being taken to redress the
programme will present the opinions of Oliver Are you sure about that? It might be
balance, although restoring it completely
those who claim that this animal is a possible quite a challenging job Marie. And you would
would be an impossibility – such enormous
carrier of rabies and other diseases and need good results from your school leaving
complain about the screaming sounds foxes areas of Europe are now populated that
exams this year.
make during the breeding season. It will also it is a pipe dream to attempt to turn back
Marie Yes, I’m sure – the place is terrific.
show why others say that it helps to control time! However, there are things we can do.
Can you imagine being able to enter the
populations of their prey animals, such as One example of how we might be able to
Rainforest Biome, which is the largest
rats, and who enjoy their presence in their restore the self-regulatory ability of nature
indoor rainforest in the world, by the way,
gardens. The programme will include videos to some degree is by backing all the efforts
every day? I would love to experience
and photographs that people have taken in being made to encourage the comeback of
those tropical temperatures and see the
their backyards and interviews with both wolves, as has been done in one of European
waterfall and the birds that are allowed to
nature experts and leaders of campaigns Wilderness Network projects. Wolf packs
fly freely around inside the domes. It’s really
against foxes. Watch Channel 4 tonight fascinating! were practically wiped out by the twentieth
at 8.30! 2 century due to habitat loss, the protection
4 Interviewer So, Barry, we’ve already of livestock and human fear. However, the
Bees, butterflies and other insects are seen the new documentary by David near extinction of this species in the wild
currently in decline, mainly because of certain Attenborough. Do you think it lived up to the had a ripple effect on certain ecosystems,
pesticides that farmers use to protect their previous ones? which was devastating. Without the wolves,
crops. However, we all need to be aware Barry Without a doubt. I’ve reviewed all his there was nothing to eat for scavengers and
of how important they are, not only to the documentaries now and this is undeniably those animals nearly died out. The loss of
environment but also to human beings. Quite the best of them. It takes different angles wolves also meant a growing population of
simply, without them pollinating plants and and examines how humanity has pushed deer which contributed to the overgrazing
crops, the balance of the Earth’s ecosystem Earth beyond the boundaries that have kept of certain trees and the loss of forests.
would be ruined and humans would starve. You see, in nature, everything has its place
it stable for nearly 10,000 years. Of course,
There would be no more nuts, coffee, cocoa, in a chain. If humans disrupt that chain for
nature tries to balance itself and adapt to
tomatoes, apples or almonds, just to name their own gain, the effects elsewhere can
changing conditions. This shows why Earth
a few. The loss of bees would also affect be potentially catastrophic. Now, humans
is, truly, A Perfect Planet and perhaps the
the supplies of honey and other bee-related are finally beginning to accept that, firstly,
only planet able to support life in so many
products that people have been using for animals have as much right to inhabit this
different forms.
medicinal purposes for thousands of years. planet as we do and, secondly, that unless
Interviewer Did you think the angles were
As individuals we probably cannot change that we try to restore some of the balance on
but we can help in other ways, for instance by well-chosen?
Barry Definitely yes. One interesting aspect Earth, we will not survive. There is, and there
planting bee-friendly flowers in our gardens. always will be, strong opposition to support
Save the bees and help the planet! is that the viewers are able to see scientists
working on different environmental the populations of animals such as bears,
5 wolves and other predators, but we need to
I’ve just moved out of London and now problems like melting ice, the deforestation
of the Amazon, and the loss of biodiversity, heighten public awareness about the fact
I live in a ground floor apartment in the that this planet is also their home. Now,
suburbs. My building is located right next and become acquainted with their views on
the problem. As always the photography is what career paths are available in ...
to a golf course, so before the move I’d
joked to friends that I might expect a lot of unparalleled, and new camera techniques
enable the capture of some very detailed UNIT 14, p.216 CD 3.15
golf balls in the garden! However, instead
of golf balls I have some unusual visitors. shots, as well as some that are exceptionally As we all know, today is the day of the
Amazingly, every morning and evening I see moving. Of course, the detrimental effect general election and people all over the
beautiful little deer that come right up to my humans are having on the environment country will be casting their votes. For the
kitchen window! I was taken aback by the featured some extremely poignant moments last months the politicians standing for
fact that they don’t seem to be frightened but I am convinced the documentary election have been campaigning not only on
of people. They are called Muntjac deer and delivered Attenborough’s strongest message television but also in the streets and during
they are non-native to the UK. They have no to us all yet: we are running out of time. meetings. The leaders of all parties have
natural predators here so their population 3 come up with policies that they believe will
is increasing, which might have a potentially Good afternoon everyone. As part of this persuade citizens of our country to vote for
negative impact on the local environment. weekend’s careers conference, I’d like to talk them. The decision is a very important one
Yet, they are really lovely. I didn’t realise a little bit about the European Wilderness for all of us. Those who win the elections
that I would have such wonderful guests Network and some of its projects. will pass laws that will affect our everyday
in my garden when I was moving to the I’ll summarise the ongoing work, and give life. Follow our news report throughout the
countryside! you a taster of the employment prospects day.
UNIT 14, p.218 CD 3.16 in the UK, and, what is more, the US is so prepare hot meals that are provided for
big. All the different states have their own people experiencing homelessness from our
A It seems that everyone is looking forward different powers and it can be quite complex. district. The soup kitchen also distributes
to Dr Mann’s lecture about the European Interviewer You’re right – it took me ages clothing and hygiene kits to those in need.
Parliament next Friday. to figure out the difference between a Caroline That’s a great thing to do Mark, but
B Absolutely! He has a great reputation for constitutional monarchy and a federation. don’t you think that our government should
giving remarkable talks which are not dry or It appears that in the US there are two tackle this problem on a bigger scale?
boring at all. types of the government – the federal Livia Well, I personally can’t see how any
A I’ve heard him a few times, and my government and the state government! government is going to solve the problem
sister had classes with him at university. The state government manages the public of homelessness without considerable long-
It’s so good that he’s coming to talk to health, safety, housing, trade and so on term investment in affordable housing, can
our students. But we need to sort out all within a particular state. But when it comes you?
the arrangements soon. What have we to international relations and the economy Mark Exactly! The people we see in the
organised so far? in general, that’s in the hands of the federal soup kitchen sleep rough or in shelters but
B Well, as we have already established, government, am I right? they do not choose to be there! It’s because
Dr Mann will be arriving on Friday at about Lucy Pretty much so – but it’s never clear they have no alternative.
9.30 to set up before the lecture. We have cut, is it? The most important thing to Caroline Mark, is there anything we can do
already prepared Room 15 for this meeting. understand in my opinion, is that everything to help?
He aims to start at 10.00, so the students is based on the Constitution that was drawn Mark Well, you might try talking to the local
should be there by five to ten. The talk up at the Constitutional Convention. The shelter and find out what items they need
will focus in particular on the structure of amendments in the Constitution are the in order to donate some clothes, household
the parliament, and how its members are basis for all laws and rights for US citizens. goods, electronic devices or books. Or you
elected and their terms of office. He’ll also Originally, there were ten amendments, but can try to work there fixing up the building
be looking back and giving an outline of its there have been many additions, for instance or organising events like a board game or
history and development since its origins in concerning the abolition of slavery, and chess night.
1952 as the Common Assembly. The lecture granting the right of all citizens to vote. Livia The inhabitants of the shelters often
will last an hour and a half. Interviewer OK, so the first question from get a bad press, but, in my opinion, the
A Great, and then, I guess he’ll return to our listener is about the division of power most important thing is to give people
Room 15 after lunch for his second talk? in the US government and how it operates. experiencing homelessness the same
B No, on both points! The after-lunch It looks quite complicated, doesn’t it? courtesy and respect you would accord your
talk, which is down to start at 2.30, will be Lucy Right, well, think of it as being three friends or your family. Simply, treat them as
given by his university colleague, Dr James branches. That’s the Executive Branch – you would wish to be treated if you needed
Black. He works for the EU Court of Justice which is the President, the Cabinet and assistance.
and he’ll talk about the role he plays in various departments and agencies. Then Mark That’s so true! What is more, if you
interpreting EU law. He’ll discuss the EU’s there’s the judicial branch, which involves see someone sleeping rough in the street,
place in the world, its influence and how the courts. And the legislative branch – the especially in winter, you should alert the
it is regarded by other nations. He also Congress. This consists of two houses – local authorities who will try to help them
has interesting views on the direction the the House of Representatives is one, with access the things they need.
EU will take in the coming years. As we’re 435 representatives, representing the Caroline In my opinion, people should get
expecting additional students from Markham population of the 50 states. The other house sufficient help from the government in order
College we can’t use Room 15 again in the is the Senate and that has 100 senators, two to be able to keep their homes in the first
afternoon, so the talk will be in the Main from each state. They’re all called members place. Above all, an affordable, safe, and
Hall. of Congress. adequate home is simply a human right!
A It should be really interesting! Are we still Interviewer And what do the three Livia But are you sure the government
having a question and answer session to branches do? is going to commit tax payers' money to
finish the day? Lucy The job of Congress is mainly to pass problems connected with homelessness
B Yes. After a short break from 3.30 to 3.45, laws which then affect all the states, and while there are other burning issues that
students will come back to the Main Hall. which are put into practice by the executive affect all citizens, like education and health?
Both Dr Mann and Dr Black will be on the branch. The judicial branch decides on the I have to say I’m not optimistic about
stage and our own politics teacher, Anna constitutionality of federal laws and resolves anything being done on a proper scale for
Fry, will join them. The students will have all the problems concerning federal laws. the foreseeable future.
a chance to ask questions about anything Interviewer Great. And the final question Caroline You are probably right, Livia, but
they’ve heard during the day, including, is about the president. What do the I think all support counts so maybe we might
I’m sure, how the EU comes up with certain presidential elections look like? consider helping Mark in that soup kitchen
policies. There will be a fun quiz to finish Lucy Now this can be confusing! The over the weekend, what do you think?
off and a taxi is booked to take the visiting president is elected every four years, but Livia Great idea!
speakers to the station at 4.45. I’m so glad they begin campaigning about a year and
our students will have a chance to listen to a half before! You might have heard of the
such prominent guests. primary elections? These show the parties
which of their candidates is the most
UNIT 14, p.219 CD 3.17 popular, so they choose one to fight in the
Interviewer With the approaching presidential election. Phew! It’s obviously
Presidential election in the US we are lucky a lot more complex than that – but I hope
to have Lucy Grant with us today. Lucy is I’ve helped a bit!
a lecturer who has spent most of her life in Interviewer Superb summary Lucy, thanks!
America, and she’s going to answer some There might be a few more questions after
questions from our listeners. Hello Lucy. the break ...
Lucy Hello, Josh.
Interviewer It appears that the whole UNIT 14, p.219 CD 3.18
political scene in the US is rather puzzling for Caroline Mark, what are you doing this
many people. What do you think the reason Saturday? Do you want to go to the cinema
for this is? with me and Livia?
Lucy Well, I know, it’s hard to get your Mark Sorry, Caroline, I can’t because I’m
head around it. I believe that’s because it’s volunteering as a cook in the local soup
so different from the system we have here, kitchen this weekend. Me and my friends