Water Retention

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SESSION 2023-24

Water retention can be a common issue or a sign of a health

condition. Some lifestyle changes can help reduce water
retention when not caused by a serious health conditions.


Water retention, known as edema, is swelling in parts of the body. You can
experience water retention in the legs, ankles, or feet as well as the face and

It’s caused by fluid build up in body tissues.

Sitting for a long time during the workday or on plane flights, hormone
changes during pregnancy, and even standing for too long can all cause this
to happen. Your body is made up of 50-60 percent trusted water. When your
hydration level is not balanced, your body tends to hang onto that water.

However, some serious health issues also cause edema.

Depending on the cause, you may be able to help relieve edema by making
changes to your diet or by avoiding sitting for long periods of time
throughout the day. If it’s caused by other health conditions, doctors may be
able to help manage the condition.
Symptoms of water retention

Water retention may cause you to feel heavier than usual, and less nimble or
active. Retaining excess water can also cause some noticeable symptoms.

Symptoms of water retention can include:

 bloating, especially in the abdominal area

 swollen legs, feet, and ankles
 puffiness of the abdomen, face, and hips
 stiff joints
 weight fluctuations

What causes water retention?

A number of factors can cause water retention. Some causes may be a sign
of a severe health condition while others may not be serious.

Causes of water retention can include:

 Flying in an airplane. Changes in cabin pressure and sitting for an

extended period of time may cause your body to hold onto water.
 Standing or sitting too long. Gravity keeps blood in your lower
extremities. It’s important to get up and move around often to keep
blood circulating. If you have a sedentary job, schedule time to get up
and walk around.
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 Consuming too much sodium. You may get too much sodium by
using a lot of table salt or ingesting processed foods and soft drinks.

11.5 – Sodium – Nutrition 100 Nutritional Applications for a

Healthy ... by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

 Certain medications. Some medications cause water retention as a side

effect. These can include:
o Chemotherapy treatments:-Chemotherapy is also used to prepare you for
other treatments. It could be used to shrink a tumor so it can be surgically
removed or to prepare you for radiation therapy. In the case of late-stage cancer,
chemotherapy may help relieve pain.

o over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers

o blood pressure medications
o medications for Parkinson’s disease
o certain hormonal birth control pills

Inappropriate Management of Hypertension and Diabetes in the Hospital by Unknown

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 Heart failure. Heart failure, which occurs when the heart can’t pump
blood effectively, can cause the body to retain water.

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 Deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Leg swelling can be caused by DVT,
which is a clot in a vein. This is considered a medical emergency.

PREVENT – The Bottom Line by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

 Pregnancy. The shift in weight during pregnancy can cause the legs to
retain water if you are unable to move around regularly.
 Kidney disease. Advanced chronic kidney disease can cause water
retention in the arms and legs. This happens when the kidneys are not
able to filter excess fluids from the body, leading to buildup.
 Cirrhosis of the liver. When someone has cirrhosis, increased pressure
in the liver and reduced production of proteins by the liver can lead to
water retention.

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 Menstrual changes and fluctuating hormones. The menstrual
cycle may cause water retention.

Can persistent water retention cause complications?

Consistent water retention might be a symptom of a serious condition


 uterine fibroids
 heart failure
 liver disease
 kidney disease

 While also a type of edema, pulmonary edema, or fluid buildup inside

your lungs, would cause shortness of breath rather than visible
Medical conditions that may cause fluid retention
Fluid retention may be a symptom of serious underlying conditions,

 kidney disease – such as nephrotic syndrome and acute

 heart failure – if the heart does not pump effectively, the body
compensates in various ways. It starts to retain fluid and increase the
volume of blood. This results in congestion of the veins, enlargement
of the liver, and the accumulation of fluid in body cavities like the
abdominal cavity (ascites) and in subcutaneous tissues, causing
swelling (oedema) of the legs
 chronic lung diseases – such as severe emphysema, which put
excessive pressure on the heart’s right ventricle, leading to its failure
 liver disease – such as severe cirrhosis that triggers liver failure
 malignant lymphoedema – cancerous tumours that block structures of
the lymphatic system, such as the lymph nodes
 thyroid disease – such as hypothyroidism
 arthritis – joints affected by some types of arthritis tend to swell with
 allergic reaction – in susceptible people, the body tends to swell in
response to particular allergens, such as an insect bite. In some cases,
the reaction is severe (anaphylaxis) and requires urgent medical
attention. This swelling is short-lived rather than ongoing
 autoimmune diseases – such as lupus
 hereditary angioedema (HAE) – a rare condition occurring in
approximately one in 50,000 people who have low levels or reduced
effectiveness of a C1-inhibitor enzyme. The face, tongue, throat and
gut can be involved, and upper airway attacks can be life threatening.

Diagnosis of fluid retention

The underlying cause of the oedema must be found before treatment can
begin. Diagnostic tests may include:

 physical examination
 medical history
 detailed questioning about the fluid retention, such as when it started,
any factors that worsen the swelling and whether it is constant or
 blood tests
 urine tests
 liver function tests
 kidney function tests
 chest x-ray
 heart function tests, such as electrocardiogram (ECG).


If your body doesn’t return naturally to its balanced state, you should seek
medical help. Medical professionals typically treat edema by treating its

A doctor can determine if you need any of the following to relieve your
water retention:

 diuretics to help remove salt and water from the body through urine
 certain supplements
 compression socks
 diet changes
Remedies for water retention:- You may be able to treat
and prevent water retention at home if it’s not caused by another
health condition. However, treatment depends on the cause and may
require diagnosis by a medical professional.

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This Photo by Unknown Author is

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Remedies for water retention can include the following.

1. Follow a low salt diet:- Try to limit your intake of sodium to no

more than 2,300 milligrams Trusted Source per day. This means
shopping the perimeter of the grocery store and not eating processed
and packaged foods. Try adding spices instead of salt to flavour
vegetables and lean proteins.

2. Eat potassium- and magnesium-rich food:-They will help balance

out your sodium levels. Options can include:- Bananas, avocados,
tomatoes, sweet potatoes, leafy vegetables, such as spinach

3. Take a vitamin B6 supplement:-According to a 2020 studyTrusted

Source, vitamin B6 significantly helped with premenstrual symptoms
like water retention.

4. Eat protein:- Protein attracts water and keeps your body balanced. A
special protein called albumin produced by the liver keeps fluid in the
bloodstream and prevents it from leaking out and causing swelling.

5. Keep your feet elevated:- Elevating your feet can help move the
water upward and away from your lower extremities.

6. Wear compression socks or leggings:- Compression socks are

becoming more popular and easier to find. They are available at
athletic clothing stores and many online sites. Compression socks are
made to fit tight. They may even feel a little uncomfortable at first.
The purpose of compression apparel is to squeeze your legs and
prevent fluid from accumulating.
7. Seek a doctor’s help if your problem persists:- A doctor may
prescribe a diuretic medication to make you urinate more


It’s best to follow a balanced diet and limit foods high in sodium. Keep a
diary of what you’re doing and eating when you feel like you’re retaining
extra water. This may help you pinpoint the causes.

Then you can make appropriate lifestyle changes to help prevent water
retention or seek guidance from a medical professional

What is difference in fat weight and water weight

What is fat weight?
Fat weight may take up several weeks to show up on the scale. When you eat
more calories than you burn, it leads to weight gain. Foods that are high in fat
and sugar such as chips, cookies, cakes and fast foods are strongly associated
with weight gain

What is water weight?

If you have gained a significant amount of weight over a week or a few days,
it’s most probably water weight. And it's normal if your weight fluctuates half
a kilos to a kilo in a day. The shift in your body’s fluid state is the reason
behind the same. One may be retaining water due to several reasons including
weather, premenstrual symptoms, side effect of medication or lack of dietary
How to find out it’s a water weight or fat weight?
We can find it in the following four methods:-

METHOD 1: Weigh yourself and compare it with your yesterday’s weight.

More than 450 grams that you have gained since yesterday is actually water
weight. As mentioned above, one’s weight can fluctuate from 500 grams to 1
kg in a day due to the fluctuation of liquids in the body.
METHOD 2: Keep a track of your body fat percentage. You can compare your
current body fat percentage to your body fat percentage one month ago. If the
current one is more, then obviously you have gained fat weight and if your
body fat percentage is same or has decreased but you have gained weight, it is
water weight.

METHOD 3: Do you feel your hands, legs, feet and face look puffy now?
Press with your finger on your legs or hands and if the imprint remains or
leaves an impression that lasts more than a few seconds, its water weight.
Ideally, if you press, it should come back to its original shape immediately.

METHOD 4: Swollen feet caused by water weight get the imprint of your
socks which you can see when you take them off. Even your ring or other
ornaments may feel tighter than before if you have gained water weight.
*fat[calories] cells are springy in structure after pressing they bounce back
whereas water stored cells won’t bounce back*.

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