Airbus Annual Report 2022
Airbus Annual Report 2022
Airbus Annual Report 2022
Airbus SE is a European public company statements, except as may be otherwise required
(Societas Europaea), with its seat in Amsterdam, by law. The forward-looking statements in this Universal
the Netherlands, which is listed in France, Germany Registration Document involve known and unknown risks,
and Spain. uncertainties and other factors that could cause the
Company’s actual future results, performance and
As a result of the relabelling to a single Airbus brand,
achievements to differ materially from those forecasted or
Airbus SE together with its subsidiaries is referred to as
suggested herein.
“the Company” and no longer the Group. The segment
These include changes in general economic and business
formerly known as “Airbus Commercial Aircraft” is referred to
conditions, as well as the factors described under “Risk
as “Airbus”. See “– Management’s Discussion and Analysis
Factors” below.
of Financial Condition and Results of Operations
– Reportable Business Segments”. This Universal Registration Document was prepared in
accordance with Annex 1 and 2 of Commission Delegated
In addition to historical information, this Universal Registration
Regulation (EU) 2019/980 and has been filed in English with
Document includes forward-looking statements. The forward-
the Autoriteit Financiële Markten (the “AFM”) on 4 April 2023
looking statements are generally identified by the use of
in its capacity as competent authority under Regulation (EU)
forward-looking words, such as “anticipate”, “believe”,
2017/1129 (the “Prospectus Regulation”) without prior
“estimate”, “expect”, “intend”, “plan”, “project”, “predict”, “will”,
approval pursuant to Article 9 of the Prospectus Regulation.
“should”, “may” or other variations of such terms, or by
discussion of strategy. These statements relate to the This Universal Registration Document may be used for
Company’s future prospects, developments and business the purposes of an offer to the public of securities or
strategies and are based on analyses or forecasts of future admission of securities to trading on a regulated market if
results and estimates of amounts not yet determinable. approved by the AFM together with any amendments,
These forward-looking statements represent the view of if applicable, and a securities note and summary approved
the Company only as of the dates they are made, and the in accordance with the Prospectus Regulation.
Company disclaims any obligation to update forward-looking
Information on the Company’s Activities
Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial
Condition and Results of Operations
General Description of the Company and its Share Capital
Corporate Governance
General Information
Registration Risk Factors 7
Document 1.
Financial Market Risks
Business-Related Risks
Legal Risks
4. Environment, Human Rights, Health & Safety Risks 23
Information on the Company’s Activities 29
1.1 Presentation of the Company 30
1.1.1 Overview 30
1.1.2 Airbus (Commercial Aircraft) 35
1.1.3 Helicopters 44
1.1.4 Defence and Space 50
1.1.5 Investments 57
1.1.6 Insurance 58
1.1.7 Legal and Arbitration Proceedings 58
(Including Non-Controlling Interests) 173
2.1.6 Liquidity and Capital Resources 174
“Comply or Explain” 228
4.1.3 Enterprise Risk Management System 229
4.1.4 Internal Audit 231
3.1.8 Financial Year 184
3.1.9 Allocation and Distribution of Income 184
3.1.10 General Meetings 185
3.1.11 Disclosure of Holdings 186
3.1.12 Mandatory Disposal 187
3.1.13 Mandatory Offers 188
General Information 255
5.1 Entity Responsible for
3.2 General Description of the Share Capital 189
the Universal Registration Document256
3.2.1 Issued Share Capital 189
3.2.2 Authorised Share Capital 189 5.2 Statement of the Entity Responsible for
3.2.3 Modification of Share Capital or Rights Attached the Universal Registration Document 256
to the Shares189
3.2.4 Securities Granting Access to the Company’s 5.3 Information Policy 256
Share Capital 190 5.4 Undertakings of the Company
3.2.5 Changes in the Issued Share Capital 190 Regarding Information 257
3.3 Shareholdings and Voting Rights 191 5.5 Significant Changes 257
3.3.1 Shareholding Structure at the End of 2022 191
3.3.2 Relationships with Principal Shareholders 192 5.6 Statement on Approval 257
3.3.3 Form of Shares 195
The Company is subject to the risks and uncertainties described below that may materially affect
its business, results of operations and financial condition. These are not the only risks the Company
faces. Additional risks and uncertainties not presently known to the Company, or that it currently
considers immaterial may also impair its business and operations.
Although a certain degree of risk is inherent in the Company’s business (as described in the
risk factors mentioned in this section), the Company endeavours to minimise risk to the extent
reasonably possible. To achieve its strategy, the Company is prepared to take modest or low event
risks to provide sufficient predictability on profitability and cash flow given the necessity to stay
competitive, invest in research and development and manage the diversified business portfolio
in a world of uncertain market and economic conditions. Due to the importance of programmes
and operations for the Company, a particular focus is put on the operational dimension of risk
identification and management. Within the area of legal and compliance risks, the Company seeks
to ensure that its business practices conform to applicable laws, regulations and ethical business
principles, while developing a culture of integrity. Regarding financial risks, our risk approach can be
qualified as prudent and the Company aims to minimise the downside risk through an appropriate
liquidity buffer, moderate financial leverage and the use of hedging derivatives and other insurance
At the end of 2022, approximately 18,000 suppliers from more –– variations in public spending for defence, homeland security
than 90 countries supply parts, components, systems and and space activities, which may lead to termination or reduction
services to the Company. In 2022, the Company’s overall external of future funding or cancellations or delays impacting existing
sourcing volume was estimated around € 44 billion. The Company contracts which could negatively impact the Company’s
requires its suppliers’ and subcontractors’ services in order to results of operations; and
deliver our products and generate revenue and profit. Therefore –– an increase in the amount of sales financing that the Company
financial, economic and geopolitical instability in any part of is requested to provide to its customers to support mainly
the world that would affect our suppliers or subcontractors, aircraft deliveries typically secured over the underlying
including conditions resulting in sharply rising inflation, increasing aircraft and bearing exposure to the customer credit risk. See
energy prices, their inability to obtain credit or even in their “– Financial Market Risks – Sales Financing Arrangements”.
insolvency, could impact the Company’s ability to meet its
In addition, in the commercial aircraft industry it is the industry
customer obligations in a satisfactory and timely manner. In
standard to include revision clauses in sales and supplier
addition, financial, economic and geopolitical instability affecting
contracts due to the lengthy terms of such contracts. Such
suppliers or subcontractors could impact such parties’ ability to
revision clauses can be based on one or multiple indices and
meet their obligations under risk sharing partnership agreements
therefore, can evolve due to changes in economic measures
entered into with the Company. The health and economic crisis
on which such indices are based, thereby potentially negatively
resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequences
impacting the Company’s results.
of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have increased the Company’s
exposure to supply chain risk. See “– Business-Related Risks The Company generally finances its manufacturing activities
– Dependence on Key Suppliers and Subcontractors”. and product development programmes, and in particular the
development of new commercial aircraft, through a combination
The behaviour of our customers and by extension, the demand
of cash flows generated by operating activities, customer
for and supply of the Company’s products and services has been
advances, European governments’ refundable advances and
and may continue to be materially affected by global economic
risk-sharing partnerships with subcontractors. In addition,
conditions. Historically, the Company has experienced that order
the Company’s military activities benefit from government-
intake for commercial aircraft has shown cyclical trends, due
financed research and development contracts. If necessary, the
in part to changes in passenger demand for air travel and the
Company may raise funds in the capital markets. Weak economic
air cargo share of freight activity, which are in turn driven by a
circumstances, uncertainty or adverse trends leading to liquidity
range of economic variables including gross domestic product
constraints or reduced availability of finance for the Company’s
(“GDP”) growth and private consumption levels.
customers, suppliers, European and other governments, and
A deterioration in economic factors driven by geopolitical events other risk sharing partners may affect the Company’s ability to
such as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine or by new variants of the finance its product development programmes and raise funds
COVID-19 pandemic and the related drop in air travel in many in the capital markets.
parts of the world driving our commercial airline business, could
The Company’s financial results could also be negatively affected
lead to protracted weak demand for our commercial aircraft.
depending on gains or losses realised on the sale or exchange
The relative size of the Company’s commercial aircraft business
of financial instruments; impairment charges resulting from
relative to its defence, space and government activities has
revaluations of debt and equity securities and other investments;
diluted the latter’s ability to serve as an effective tool to counter
interest rates; cash balances; and changes in fair value of
commercial cycles.
derivative instruments. Increased volatility in the financial markets
Demand for military and parapublic products may be affected by and overall economic uncertainty would increase the risk of the
governmental budget constraints caused by economic pressure. actual amounts realised in the future on the Company’s financial
instruments differing significantly from the fair values currently
Therefore protracted weak global economic conditions could assigned to them.
directly result in:
–– financial distress of airlines and lessors, and potential Although the potential negative impact of global economic
bankruptcies around the world; conditions has been thoroughly assessed, the consequences
–– requests by customers to postpone or cancel existing orders thereof could have unforeseen material effects on the Company’s
for aircraft (including helicopters) or decisions by customers to business, results of operations and financial condition, and in
review their order intake strategy due to, among other things, particular if these were to impact the Company’s commercial
lack of adequate credit supply from the market to finance aviation activities or otherwise impact its access to financing.
aircraft purchases or increases in operating costs or weak
levels of passenger demand for air travel and cargo activity
more generally, which could negatively impact the Company’s
results of operations;
Moreover, to further mitigate the impact of exchange rate The Company’s consolidated revenues, costs, assets and
fluctuations on its profits, the Company might enter into a liabilities denominated in currencies other than the euro are
euro conversion agreement with its customers to convert fully translated into the euro for the purposes of compiling its financial
or partially the payment from US dollar into euro based on an statements. Changes in the value of these currencies relative
agreed conversion rate. This agreement is implemented on an to the euro will, therefore, have an effect on the euro value of
exceptional basis and at the specific request of the customer, and the Company’s reported revenues, costs, EBIT(1), other financial
is accounted for in the IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements results, assets, liabilities and equity.
as a contract in euros.
(1) Airbus continues to use the term EBIT. EBIT is identical to profit before financial result and income taxes.
window date of an asset value guarantee with respect to that In addition, the Company has backstop commitments to provide
aircraft, the Company would be exposed to losing as much as financing related to orders on the Company’s and ATR’s backlog.
the difference between the market value of such aircraft and the The Company’s sales financing exposure could rise in line with
guaranteed amount, though such amounts are usually capped. future sales growth depending on the agreement reached with
Through the Airbus Asset Management department or as a customers. The Company remains exposed to the risk of defaults
result of past financing transactions, the Company is the owner by its customers or significant decreases in the value of the
of used aircraft, exposing it directly to fluctuations in the market financed aircraft in the resale market, which may have a negative
value of these used aircraft. effect on its future financial condition and results of operations.
The Company is exposed to liquidity risk in case of funding needs –– access to US dollar funding (through a US$ 3 billion US
during a market disruption situation. If the liquidity risk would Commercial Paper programme, and a 144A US dollar bond
materialise, the Company could be at risk of not being able to market).
pay its creditors and shareholders in due time or could have to
On 5 July 2022, the Company signed a new sustainability-
delay the closing of some transactions. The liquidity risk can
linked Revolving Syndicated Credit Facility (the “2022 facility”)
arise when money markets and debt capital markets are closed
committed by 38 banks for € 8 billion with a maturity of five
for new issuances for a period of time. In order to mitigate this
years and two extension options of one year (subject to banks’
risk, the Company maintains:
approval). This facility incorporates an adjustment mechanism
–– significant amounts of highly liquid cash on-balance sheet; that links the applicable margin of the facility (which can go either
–– undrawn committed credit facilities; up or down) to the achievement of annual targets for two selected
–– diversified euro funding programmes (such as a € 12 billion sustainability key performance indicators related to environmental
euro medium-term note (“EMTN”) programme eligible to the rating and health & safety. The 2022 facility cancels and replaces
Corporate Sector Purchase Programme of the European the € 6 billion Revolving Syndicated Credit Facility signed in 2020.
Central Bank (“ECB”), a € 11 billion Negotiable European
Commercial Paper programme eligible to the Pandemic Going forward, the Company will continue to adopt a prudent
Emergency Purchase Programme of the ECB, and a € 4 billion approach when it comes to managing its liquidity with the
euro Commercial Paper programme); and objective of maintaining its robust credit rating.
Counterparty Credit
In addition to the credit risk relating to sales financing as The Company’s credit limit system assigns maximum exposure
discussed above, the Company is exposed to credit risk to the lines to such counterparties, based on a minimum credit rating
extent of non-performance by its counterparties for financial threshold as published by Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s. If
instruments, such as hedging instruments (US$ 76.2 billion neither is present, Fitch ratings are used. Besides the credit
nominal value at 31 December 2022) and cash investments rating, the limit system also takes into account fundamental
(€ 22.06 billion nominal value at 31 December 2022). However, counterparty data, as well as sector and maturity allocations
the Company has policies in place to avoid concentrations of and further qualitative and quantitative criteria such as credit risk
credit risk and to ensure that credit risk exposure is limited. indicators. The credit exposure of the Company is reviewed on
a regular basis and the respective limits are regularly monitored
Counterparties for transactions in cash, cash equivalents and
and updated.
securities as well as for derivative transactions are limited to
highly-rated financial institutions, corporates or sovereigns.
As of 31 December 2022 the credit exposure had been estimated as follows (in € million)(1):
The Company also seeks to maintain a certain level of in order to avoid an increased concentration of credit risk on only
diversification in its portfolio between individual counterparties as a few counterparties.
well as between financial institutions, corporates and sovereigns
However, there can be no assurance that the Company will not split between investment banking and commercial banking
lose the benefit of certain derivatives or cash investments in activities) and on the capital structure and cost of such banks’
case of a systemic market disruption. In such circumstances, the activities in relation to over-the-counter derivatives, and
value and liquidity of these financial instruments could decline therefore on the funding consequences of central clearing and
and result in a significant impairment, which may in turn have a collateralisation of over-the-counter derivatives for corporations
negative effect on the Company’s financial condition and results like the Company. This may ultimately increase the cost and
of operations. reduce the liquidity of the Company’s long-term hedges, for
example, as banks seek to either pass-on the additional costs
Moreover, the progressive implementation of new financial
to their corporate counterparties or withdraw from low-profit
regulations and adjustments to existing regulations will have
businesses altogether.
an impact on the business model of banks (for example, the
Pension Commitments
The Company participates in several pension plans for both Necessary adjustments of such provisions include but are
executive and non-executive employees, some of which are not limited to (i) the discount factor (dependent in part on
underfunded. As of 31 December 2022, the provision for interest rates) and the inflation rate applied to calculate the net
retirement plans and similar obligations amounted to € 3.5 billion present value of the pension liabilities, (ii) the performance of
(compared to € 7.1 billion as of 31 December 2021). In addition the asset classes which are represented in the pension assets,
as a consequence of the increased discount rates a non-current and (iii) behavioural assumptions regarding beneficiaries, and
asset of € 0.6 billion has been accounted for to reflect the surplus (iv) additional cash injections contributed by the Company from
in two pension funds in the UK. For information related to these time to time to the pension assets. The Company has taken
plans, please refer to the “Notes to the IFRS Consolidated measures to reduce potential losses on the pension assets
Financial Statements – Note 32: Post-Employment Benefits”. and to better match the characteristics of the pension liabilities
The Company has recorded a provision in its balance sheet for with those of the pension assets as a long-term objective.
its share of the underfunding measured in accordance with IFRS Nevertheless, any required additional provisions would have a
based on current estimates. These estimates will be reviewed negative effect on the Company’s total equity (net of deferred
annually and as the case may be revised leading the Company tax), which could in turn have a negative effect on its future
to record lower or higher provisions. financial condition.
2. Business-Related Risks
Commercial Aircraft and Helicopter Market Factors
Historically, the Company has experienced that order intake impact of e-commerce on air cargo volumes or consolidation
for commercial aircraft has shown cyclical trends, due in of airlines. The health and economic crisis resulting from the
part to changes in passenger demand for air travel and the COVID-19 pandemic, armed conflicts such as Russia’s invasion
air cargo share of freight activity, which are in turn driven by of Ukraine, and rising tensions around the world can amplify the
a range of economic variables, such as GDP growth, private impact of these factors.
consumption levels or working age population size. Other factors,
The factors described above may have a material impact on the
however, play an important role in determining the market for
commercial aircraft industry and, therefore, on the Company’s
commercial aircraft, such as (i) the average age and technical
financial condition and results of operations. In 2022, the
obsolescence of the fleet relative to new aircraft; (ii) the number
commercial aircraft business segment of Airbus recorded total
and characteristics of aircraft taken out of service and parked
revenues of € 41.4 billion – representing 69% of the Company’s
pending potential return into service; (iii) passenger and freight
revenues. See “– Information on the Company’s Activities
load factors; (iv) airline pricing policies and resultant yields;
– 1.1.1 Overview”. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Company
(v) airline financial health; (vi) the availability of third party financing
observed that the downturn in its commercial aircraft business
for aircraft purchases; (vii) evolution of fuel price; (viii) regulatory
was partially mitigated by its defence, space and government
environment; (ix) environmental constraints imposed upon
activities. Such a cyclical pattern had already been observed in
aircraft operations, such as the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction
the past but historically diminished, due to the significant growth
Scheme for International Aviation (“CORSIA”), carbon standards
of the Company’s commercial aircraft business relative to its
and other environmental taxes; and (x) market evolutionary
other activities, until the global pandemic arrived.
factors such as the volume of business-related travel or the
growth of low-cost passenger airline business models or the
The commercial helicopter market in which the Company & gas market shows signs of recovery with increased flight
operates has shown cyclical trends and could also be influenced hours however the level of investment in the acquisition of new
by factors listed above. The civil & parapublic market has shown platforms has not significantly increased. Flight hours have
signs of recovery in 2022, notably in the intermediate single now exceeded pre-pandemic levels and Airbus Helicopters
engine and medium twin helicopter segment and the private has increased revenues thanks to the wide-ranging portfolio
& business aviation and aerial work market. The offshore oil of service solutions.
COVID-19 Risks
Over the last three years, new variants of the COVID-19 pandemic, affect the Company’s ability to deliver products and services as
the resulting health and economic crisis and actions taken in well as customers’ ability to take delivery of aircraft.
response to the spread of the pandemic, including government
The Company has been adversely affected by weak market and
measures, lockdowns, travel limitations and restrictions, have
economic conditions in markets around the world. Protracted
resulted in significant disruption to the Company’s business,
weaker market and economic conditions and their knock-on
operations and supply chain.
effects have resulted in and could continue to result in (i) additional
The aerospace industry, the financial health of operators, airlines, requests by customers to postpone delivery or cancel existing
lessors and suppliers, commercial aircraft market, demand for air orders for aircraft (including helicopters) or other products
travel and commercial air traffic have been severely impacted by including services, (ii) decisions by customers to review their
the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting health and economic fleet strategy, (iii) weak levels of passenger demand for air travel
crisis. As a result, airlines reduced capacity, grounded portions and cargo activity more generally, (iv) a sustained reduction in
of their fleets and sought to implement measures to reduce the volume of air travel for business purposes, and (v) prolonged
cash spending and secure liquidity. Some airlines also sought or additional travel limitations and restrictions, which could
arrangements with creditors, restructuring or applying for negatively impact the Company’s results of operations.
bankruptcy or insolvency protection, which may have further
In 2022, the Company delivered 661 commercial aircraft, an
consequences for the Company and its order book as well as
increase of 8% compared to 2021 (compared to 611 commercial
other consequences resulting from the related proceedings. The
aircraft in 2021). This excludes two deliveries recorded in
Company will continue to face additional risks and uncertainties
December 2021 (two A350-900 Aeroflot) for which a transfer
resulting from future consequences of the health and economic
was not possible due to international sanctions. In 2022, the
crisis on operators, airlines, lessors, suppliers and other actors
Company recorded 258 commercial aircraft cancellations
in the air transport industry. See also “– Business-related risks
(compared to 264 cancellations in 2021).
– Commercial Aircraft and Helicopter Market Factors” below.
The Company continues to monitor the evolution of the COVID-19
Notably in 2020 and 2021, a number of measures were taken
pandemic and will evaluate further impacts and additional
by the Company to implement stringent health and safety
measures going forward while taking into account the latest
procedures while taking account of stock levels and production
industry outlook.
lead-times. The COVID-19 crisis may lead to further disruptions
to the Company’s internal operations and to its ability to deliver The Company’s business, results of operations and financial
products and services. See also “– Business-related risks – condition have been materially affected in prior years by the
Dependence on Key Suppliers and Subcontractors” below. COVID-19 pandemic, and the Company may continue to face
significant risks and uncertainties related to certain regions
In addition to its impact on the financial viability of operators,
including China. There can be no assurance that the Company’s
airlines and lessors and the reduction of commercial air traffic,
business, results of operations and financial condition will not be
lockdowns, travel limitations and restrictions around the world
materially affected by other pandemics in the future.
have posed logistical challenges and may continue to cause
disruptions to the Company’s business, its operations and supply Please refer to the “Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial
chain. These measures have and may continue to adversely Statements – Note 3: Macroeconomic Environment”.
Ukraine Crisis
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 and the resulting in March 2022 it has suspended the delivery of aircraft and
export control restrictions and international sanctions against support services to Russian customers, as well as the supply of
Russia, Belarus and certain Russian entities and individuals have spare parts, equipment and software to Russia. The Company
resulted in disruption to the Company’s business, its operations, is complying with all applicable regulations and sanctions to its
data management and supply chain. facilities and operations in Russia (including the Airbus Russia
affiliate, Airbus Engineering Centre (ECAR), representation office
Following the imposition of export control restrictions and
in Moscow and the Space Division’s two joint ventures in Russia,
sanctions by the EU, the UK, the US and other countries that are
Energia Satellite Technologies and Synertech). See “– Legal
relevant to the Company’s business, the Company announced
risks – Export Control Laws and Regulations” below.
The crisis has increased the Company’s exposure to supply Due to the above mentioned export control restrictions and
chain disruption risk. Part of the titanium used by the Company sanctions, the Company has been unable to deliver two aircraft
is sourced from Russia, both directly and indirectly through the previously recorded as sold at 31 December 2021. As a result,
Company’s suppliers. While geopolitical risks are integrated the associated revenues and margin have been derecognised
into the Company’s titanium sourcing policies, the impact of as of 31 March 2022. These aircraft have been remarketed in
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on the Company’s ability to source the second quarter 2022.
materials and components and any future expansion of sanctions
As of 31 December 2022, the resulting recorded EBIT charge
is being reviewed.
amounts to approximately € 0.1 billion, mainly relating to Airbus.
The Company is also indirectly exposed through its partnership
Although the full impact cannot reasonably be assessed at
into the joint venture ArianeGroup. Arianespace paid and
the time of this report, the Company’s business, results of
received payments for the Soyuz programme for which
operations and financial condition may be materially affected
Roscosmos decided to suspend the rocket launches operated
by the direct and indirect impacts of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
by Arianespace. Agreements have been reached on pre-
and the resulting export control restrictions and international
payments received with two of these clients. Negotiations are
sanctions. See also “– Business-related risks – Dependence
well advanced with the remaining customers.
on Key Suppliers and Subcontractors” and “– Business-related
risks – Industrial System Adaptation” below.
disruption. Effects of such events may be amplified if they could have a significant adverse effect on the Company’s
happen on single points of failure (SPOFs) for which dedicated operations, financial condition and results of operations as well
identification and mitigations are monitored. Any resulting impact as on its reputation and on its products and services.
on the Company’s production, services or information systems
cycles). Although the two main market participants for aircraft services similar to those of the Company. This would result in
with more than 150 seats have secured significant order these companies marketing their own products or services and
backlogs, the competition could grow its market presence or competing directly with the Company for sales of these products
launch new products or services that could have a negative or services, all of which could significantly reduce the Company’s
impact on the Company’s revenues, future financial condition revenues.
and results of operations.
In addition, the contracts for many aerospace and defence
New players are operating or seeking to operate in the products are awarded, implicitly or explicitly, on the basis of home
Company’s existing markets, which may impact the structure country preference or geopolitical considerations. Although the
and profitability of these markets. In addition, enterprises with Company is a multinational company which helps to broaden its
different business models and alternative technologies could domestic market, it may remain at a competitive disadvantage
substitute the Company’s services and some of its products or in certain countries, especially outside of Europe, relative to
component parts thereof. In some areas, competitors may have local contractors for certain products. The strategic importance
more extensive or more specialised engineering, manufacturing, and political sensitivity attached to the aerospace and defence
support and marketing capabilities. There can be no assurance industries means that political considerations will play a role in the
that the Company will be able to continue to operate in the long choice of many products and services for the foreseeable future.
term as the market leader or compete successfully against these
The contracts for many aerospace and defence products and
future competitors or that the competitive pressures it faces in all
services are from time to time associated with offset obligations.
business areas will not result in reduced revenues, market share
The Company may face difficulties to meet those obligations,
or profit. See “– Environment, Human Rights, Health & Safety
to leverage the assets of the country and at the same time to
Risks – Climate-Related Risks” below. In addition, competitors
optimise its industrial base and supply chain.
may develop the capability to manufacture products or provide
Programme-Specific Risks
In addition to the risk factors mentioned above, the Company A320 Family programme. In response to the COVID-19 market
also faces the following programme-specific risks that could environment, the commercial aircraft production rate for the
have a material impact on the Company’s business, results of A320 Family was reduced to 40 per month in June 2020. In 2021
operations and financial condition. and 2022, the Company announced demand for the A320 Family
leading to a gradual increase in production for the upcoming
The Company faces the following main challenges on its years. The Company proactively and constantly monitors the
commercial programmes:
backlog, the internal and external supply chain, including
–– adapt to rate and stabilise operational performance post- engines, so as to ensure readiness for further rate adaptations
COVID-19 while maintaining high safety and quality standards; in accordance with traffic evolution, to minimise inventory levels,
–– monitor and support the supply chain with a specific focus on and secure aircraft storage capacity. In connection with the A320
engine manufacturers, especially in terms of availability and Family programme, the Company faces the following challenges:
maturity of both production and in-service engines; ensure the A321XLR on-track development including A321XLR
–– accompany customers and facilitate deliveries to customers certification topics with primary airworthiness authorities, adapt
including by remote delivery process; and upgrade our industrial system and capability to meet the
–– ensure a strong customer focus to support return to operations; growing market demands and corresponding product mix within
and the family. Market demand for A320 Family aircraft, production
–– protect priority projects and deliver developments as per and supply chain capabilities will evolve in the next few years
revised plan in an environment of increased certification and the Company will closely monitor these evolutions including
scrutiny and greater complexity, including A321XLR, A220, a projected significant increase in A321 production. Attention
ACJ TwentyTwo, A350 Freighter, A350-1000 ULR, A330 LMXT will remain high on the overall supply chain including engines’
(KC-Y) and Digital (DDMS and Skywise). ramp up availability and engine maturity in-service.
A400M programme. After the Company signed a contract (in Mirabel and in Mobile) in 2020-2021 and have been around
amendment to restructure the contract, risks remain on rate six since early 2022 with a monthly production target of rate
development of technical capabilities (development effort as 14 targeted for the middle of the decade. Attention will remain
well as possible commercial agreement associated costs in high on the overall supply chain including engine maturity and
order to reach Type Acceptance) and the associated costs, on availability in service.
aircraft operational reliability, on cost reductions and on securing
sufficient export orders in time as per the revised baseline. A380 programme. In connection with the A380 programme, the
Company faces the following main challenges: secure ageing
For further information, please refer to the “Notes to the IFRS fleet in-service support for the next decades and long-term
Consolidated Financial Statements – Note 13: Revenue and competitiveness.
Gross Margin”.
H175 programme. Positive market trend leading to a production
A350 programme. In connection with the A350 programme, ramp up challenge.
the Company faces the following main challenges: secure
revised delivery targets and further rate adaptation depending NH90 programme. Risk of termination of Norway’s contract for
on traffic evolution, monitor and support the supply chain 14 NH90 helicopters (13 of which have already been delivered)
including lead-time items from corresponding suppliers, reduce following receipt of notice of termination dated 9 June 2022.
recurring costs to improve competitiveness within a widebody Parties are engaged in discussions with a view to resolve the
market that starts to recover, and deliver on major programme matter.
developments (A350 Freighter development, A350-1000 Ultra For further information, please refer to the “Notes to the IFRS
Long Range certification baseline, A350 new paint scheme). Consolidated Financial Statements – Note 13: Revenue and
Attention will remain high towards the engine manufacturer’s Gross Margin”.
capacity to deliver on engines’ maturity and competitiveness
topics. H160 programme. The main challenge for the H160 programme
is the industrial ramp-up phase.
A330 programme. In response to the new COVID-19 market
environment, the commercial aircraft production rate for the Border security. In connection with border security projects,
A330 programme was adapted to two per month in June 2020. the Company faces the following main challenges: meeting the
Then, following new orders, the decision was taken in Q3 2021 schedule and cost objectives taking into account the complexity
to increase the production rate to almost three, which was done of the local infrastructures to be delivered and the integration of
at the end of 2022. In February 2023, the Company announced commercial-off-the-shelf products (radars, cameras and other
it now targets to reach rate 4 in 2024. Decisions on further rate sensors) interfaced into complex system networks; assuring
adaptation will depend on traffic evolution. In connection with efficient project and staffing; managing the rollout including
the A330 programme, the main challenges the Company faces subcontractors and customers. Negotiations on change
are to secure product competitiveness in the widebody market requests in this respect along with schedule re-alignments
segment, and to monitor and support the supply chain. The remain ongoing. The Company continues to engage with its
developments were delivered on track in recent years. Attention customer to agree a way forward on this contract. The outcome
will remain high towards the engine manufacturer’s capacity to of these negotiations is presently unclear but could result in
deliver on engines’ maturity and competitiveness topics. significant further financial impacts.
A220 programme. In connection with the A220 programme, Launchers. Following the failed first commercial flight of the
the main challenges the Company faces are to secure the A220 Vega C launcher on 20 December 2022 and in light of the few
cost reduction trajectory with a strong focus on its Design to years delay in the launch of Ariane 5’s successor, Ariane 6,
Cost roadmap and recurring cost reduction, and to ensure an with its maiden flight scheduled at the time of publication of this
A220 book to bill ratio above one to fill current open slots. As report to take place by the end of 2023, the Company faces
a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, the commercial a challenge related to Europe’s lack of independent access to
aircraft production rates were adapted to rate five per month space in the short term.
3. Legal Risks
Legal and Regulatory Proceedings
The Company is currently engaged in a number of active legal The Company expects to continue to spend time and incur
and regulatory proceedings. For further information, please expenses associated with its defence of legal and regulatory
refer to “Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements – proceedings, regardless of the outcome, and this may divert
Note 39: Litigation and Claims”. the efforts and attention of management from normal business
operations. Although the Company is unable to predict the
For the investigation by the UK Serious Fraud Office (“SFO”), outcome of these proceedings, it is possible that they will result in
France’s Parquet National Financier (“PNF”), and the US the imposition of damages, fines or other remedies, which could
Departments of State (“DoS”) and Justice (“DoJ”), which is have a material effect on the Company’s business, results of
described in “Anti-Corruption Laws and Regulations”, the operations and financial condition. An unfavourable ruling could
Company has reached an agreement with the authorities, which also negatively impact the Company’s stock price and reputation.
was approved by the French and UK courts and US court and
regulator on 31 January 2020. The agreement resulted in a In addition, the Company is from time to time subject to
fine totalling € 3.6 billion plus costs to the French, UK, and US government inquiries and investigations of its business and
authorities. The three-year deferral period expired on 30 January competitive environment due, among other things, to the
2023, after which time the charges would be dismissed, absent heavily regulated nature of its industry. Such inquiries and
extension by the authorities or agreement among the parties. investigations may cover matters relating to, among other
The Company awaits the formal determination by the authorities matters, anti-bribery laws and regulations, export control laws
that it has complied with the agreements’ terms throughout the and regulations, securities law, trade law and competition law. An
period and to close the prosecutions in line with the procedural adverse decision in any such matter could have a material effect
requirements of each country. On 13 February 2023, the SFO on the Company’s business, results of operations and financial
gave notice to the Company discontinuing the prosecution. On condition. In addition to the risk of an unfavourable ruling against
17 March 2023, the PNF gave notice of the same with receipt the Company, any such inquiry or investigation could negatively
of the Constat de l’extinction de l’action publique. For further affect the Company’s reputation and its ability to attract and retain
information about the investigation and related securities customers and investors, which could have a negative effect
litigation, see immediately below and “– 1.1.7 Legal and Arbitration on its business, results of operations and financial condition.
Proceedings”. See “– Information on the Company’s Activities – Non-Financial
Information – 1.2.14 Exemplify business integrity”.
Any problems in this respect may also have a significant adverse The Company cannot predict at this time the impact on it as
effect on the reputation of the Company and lead to a decline a result of any product liability or warranty claims as such will
in demand for its products and services. Any reputational depend on the nature and size of any such claim.
damage faced by the Company may be exacerbated due to
the Company’s visibility.
Intellectual Property
The Company continuously seeks to develop and deliver unable to protect its proprietary technology adequately against
new products to meet customers’ evolving needs, while also unauthorised third-party copying or use, which could adversely
improving its existing product lines. Technological innovation affect its competitive position. The Company may also face lack
has been at the core of the Company’s strategy since its of certainty with respect to IP rights for existing or new research
creation. The Company’s innovations often provide distinct and development programmes and established or potential
competitive advantages, with many becoming standard in the partnerships with private or public organisations, academic
aircraft industry. In addition, the Company designs, develops and institutions and research councils, charities and government
produces a number of high profile products of large individual departments, where the relevant IP frameworks or user-rights/
value, particularly civil and military aircraft and space equipment. ownership governing those relationships is dependent on the
Therefore, intellectual property (“IP”) is one of the Company’s UK’s former status as a member state of the European Union.
most valuable assets and the protection of IP is critical to its
In the event the Company is unable to adequately procure and
protect critical IP it could potentially not implement its business
The Company relies upon patents, copyright, trademark, strategy.
confidentiality and trade secret laws, and agreements with its
The Company has been accused of infringement on occasion
employees, customers, suppliers and other parties, to establish
and could have additional claims asserted against it in the future.
and maintain its IP rights in its products and services and in its
These claims could harm its reputation, result in financial penalties
operations. In a typical year, the Company files around 800 new
or prevent it from offering certain products or services which may
priority-establishing patent applications and files globally around
be subject to such third-party IP rights. Any claims or litigation in
1,600 national patent applications in global markets where it
this area, whether the Company ultimately wins or loses, could
seeks to protect its technology assets. The Company has granted
be time-consuming and costly, harm the Company’s reputation
patents for around 10,500 individual technologies with nearly
or require it to enter into licensing arrangements. The Company
4,000 patents pending. This level of protection is benchmarked
might not be able to enter into these licensing arrangements
against peer and competitor companies and is considered
on acceptable terms. If a claim of infringement were successful
sufficient to protect core, proprietary differentiating technology
against it, an injunction might be ordered against the Company,
which is developed by the Company. Despite these efforts to
causing further losses. There are currently no significant claims of
protect its IP rights, any of the Company’s direct or indirect IP
IP infringement pending against the Company. Minor claims and
rights could be challenged, invalidated or circumvented. Further,
pre-dispute matters commonly settle either without the issuance
the laws of certain countries do not protect the Company’s
of formal legal proceedings or during initial proceedings.
proprietary rights to the same extent as the laws in Europe and
the US. Therefore, in certain jurisdictions the Company may be
RISKS (see “– Risk Factors” for full description) 1.5°C 2°C 3°C
Transition – Technology
Transition – Market
Physical – Chronic
Physical – Acute
: ST – : MT – : LT
The outcome of the Company’s qualitative analysis is synthesised in the following table: Mitigation actions the Company has
engaged, including to address these risks are presented in the section “1.2.2 – Climate change / IV. Transition plan”.
RISKS (see “– Risk Factors” for full description) 1.5°C 2°C 3°C
Transition – Technology
Transition – Market
Physical – Chronic
Physical – Acute
Energy source
Products and services
: ST – : MT – : LT
The Company identified the following complementary climate-related risks presented below as per TCFD categories:
Market: Changes in societal expectations and growing Policy and Legal: Aviation and aerospace are complex industries,
concerns about climate change may impact market demand with long product development cycles and where change takes
for air transport. In particular, a change in certain passengers’ a long time to be implemented. A rapid evolution of climate-
behaviour or their transition to other transport modes could related policies (such as the EU zero-pollution communications)
decrease the demand for the Company’s current and future and regulatory frameworks (CO2 standards, sustainable finance,
generation of products, causing a loss of revenues. emissions trading systems, aircraft operation restrictions, among
others) could generate fast-changing requirements and could
The development of future products based on the ZEROe
obstruct new product development pathways.
concepts will require significant investments in both products
and supporting infrastructure, which could directly impact the In particular for aviation, as this is a global industry, policies and
operating costs of such a product. regulations implemented at regional rather than international
level, or these evolving at a different speed depending on the
The competitiveness of this next generation product will also
region, could result in a negative impact on the competitive
strongly depend, among other factors, on the evolution of
conditions for manufacturers and aircraft operators. This could
the price of carbon dioxide emissions. It is, therefore, crucial
result in a loss of competitiveness for the Company.
for the Company to account at each step of development for
market expectations, while staying affordable for its customers Reputation: Reputational risks could be divided into several
and competitive with regards to competitors’ portfolios. The categories. Firstly, there is a risk that negative perceptions about
failure to do so could result in the Company losing market the Company’s environmental performance are used as key
share to competitors, as well as affecting the Company’s decision-making criteria for consumers, investors, or even new
return on investment with regards to future commercial aircraft talents. Secondly, there is a risk that the Company’s reputation is
products. damaged by growing societal concerns about the climate change
impact of aviation or by the lack of transparency on progress
made to address climate-related issues. As an example, the
Company was the first manufacturer to disclose its ambition to
bring a hydrogen-powered aircraft to the market. If the ambition is
perceived as unattainable or if the Company is not able to deliver
on its ambition this could result in reputational damage leading
to less investment, loss of revenues and reduced attractiveness.
A similar situation could occur if the Company’s environmental
performance is not on par with its expressed ambition.
Regulated Chemicals
Evolution of the chemicals’ regulatory framework may lead to In order to reduce the use of targeted substances and mitigate
short- and long-term potential bans and restrictions, and result the risk of disruption in its operations and supply chain, the
in business disruption across the Company’s value chain. Company’s policy is the development of alternative technologies
that use substances of less concern and substitution of these
With the aim of protecting human health and the environment,
when suitable alternatives meeting stringent certification and
regulators at national and international level have developed a
airworthiness criteria are available for deployment.
stringent set of legal requirements that are continuously evolving
to regulate, minimise the use of and eliminate various substances. Complementary to substitution, digital solutions are being
developed to improve traceability of regulated substances in
Due to the above-mentioned regulatory requirements, the
our products from the early design steps down to the end of life.
Company has identified the risk of chemicals obsolescence
that may lead to supply disruption.
Regulatory Risks
The Company’s expenditure associated with environmental, If the Company fails to comply with environmental, human
human rights, health and safety challenges may increase due rights, health and safety laws and regulations, even if caused by
to both increased costs of compliance with regulations in those factors beyond its control, that failure may result in the levying
areas as well as reputational and litigation risks. of civil or criminal penalties and fines against it. Regulatory
authorities may require the Company to conduct investigations
Given the scope of its activities and the industries in which it and undertake remedial activities, curtail operations or close
operates, the Company is subject to stringent environmental, installations or facilities temporarily to prevent imminent risks.
human rights, health and safety laws and regulations in In the event of an industrial accident or other serious incident,
numerous jurisdictions around the world. The Company employees, customers and other third parties may file claims
therefore incurs, and expects to continue to incur, significant for ill-health, personal injury, or damage to property or the
capital expenditure and other operating costs to comply environment (including natural resources). Further, liability under
with increasingly complex laws and regulations covering the some environmental, human rights, health and safety laws can
protection of the natural environment, as well as occupational be imposed retrospectively, on a joint and several basis, and
health and safety and human rights. Moreover, new laws and in relation to contaminated sites, without any finding of non-
regulations, the imposition of tougher licence requirements, compliance or fault. These potential liabilities may not always
increasingly strict enforcement or new interpretations of existing be covered by insurance, or may be only partially covered.
laws and regulations, may cause the Company to also incur The obligation to compensate for such damages could have
increased capital expenditure and operating costs in the future, a negative effect on the Company’s business, results of
which could have a negative effect on the Company’s business, operations and financial condition.
results of operations and financial condition.
In addition, the various products manufactured and sold by
Health and safety expenditures include investments in the the Company must comply with relevant health, safety and
identification and the prevention, elimination or control of environmental laws, for example those designed to protect
physical and psychological risks to people arising from work, customers and downstream workers or communities, and those
including chemical, mechanical and physical agents in light covering substances and preparations, in the jurisdictions in
of applicable regulations. Risks that could arise from work which they operate. Although the Company seeks to ensure that
activities include the possibility of injury, physical and mental its products meet the highest quality standards, increasingly
ill-health, damage to equipment, business interruption and stringent and complex laws and regulations, new scientific
regulatory action. Any reputational risk and claims against the discoveries, delivery of defective products or the obligation to
Company that may result will also need to be managed and notify or provide regulatory authorities or others with required
may lead to additional health and safety expenditure being information (such as under the European Union Regulation
required. The Company maintained its COVID-19 surveillance known as “REACH”, which addresses the production and use
and appropriate risk management measures in the workplace. of chemical substances) may force the Company to adapt,
Environmental protection expenditures include costs to prevent, redesign, redevelop, recertify and/or eliminate its products
control, eliminate or reduce emissions to the environment, from the market thereby incurring significant additional costs.
waste management, the content of the Company’s products, Seizures of defective products may be pronounced, and the
and reporting and warning obligations. Current trends indicate Company may incur administrative, civil or criminal liability. Any
that regulatory pressure on the international scene to reduce the problems in this respect may also have a significant adverse
environmental footprint of industry is steadily growing (circular effect on the reputation of the Company and lead to a decline
economy and resources efficiency, energy transition and climate in demand for its products and services.
change engagement, air and water quality improvement).
Irrespective of compliance with applicable laws and regulations, The Company cannot predict at this time the impact on it as
the Company’s reputation and the demand for its products a result of environmental, human rights, health and safety
may also be affected by the public perception of environmental matters, and may be adversely affected by them in the manner
and societal impacts of the Company’s products in operation described above. For further information on sustainability-
(such as the emission of greenhouse gases or noise) and of related risks, see “– Information on the Company’s Activities
the impacts of the Company and its supply chain industrial – 1.2 Non-Financial Information”.
operations on local communities, on the environment and on
air and water quality.
Due to the nature of the markets in which the Company operates and the confidential nature
of its businesses, any statements with respect to the Company’s competitive position set out
in paragraphs 1.1.1 through 1.1.5 below have been based on the Company’s internal information
sources, unless another source has been specified below.
Airbus pioneers sustainable aerospace for a safe and united airspace cabin, setting a modern benchmark in passenger
world. The Company constantly innovates to provide efficient comfort and wellbeing. The Company plans to continue
and technologically-advanced solutions in aerospace, defence, incremental improvements further in the coming years on all
and connected services. In commercial aircraft, Airbus offers Airbus aircraft, with a focus on fuel efficiency, environmental
modern and fuel-efficient airliners and associated services. The impact, operational improvements, recurring costs, digital
Company is also a European leader in defence, security and connectivity and increased automation / autonomy functions.
space businesses. In helicopters, the Company provides civil Airbus aircraft are also well suited to serve freighter and VIP
and military rotorcraft solutions and services worldwide. markets. The decision to launch the A350 Freighter version
(“A350F”) in 2021 is a typical example, setting a new standard
for air freight efficiency, responding to Boeing’s positioning in
Strategy this segment with a successful market entry (35 firm orders as
of the end of 2022).
In the current challenging operating environment, the Airbus
purpose “We pioneer sustainable aerospace for a safe and With the same logic, the helicopter portfolio is expanding through
united world” has never been more relevant. The Airbus strategy military versions of commercially successful products.
focuses on geopolitics, sovereignty, resilience and sustainability,
In order to keep the current portfolio competitive and to extend
and remains well placed to enable the Company to create value
the longevity of its products beyond 2030, Airbus will continue
and remain profitable:
evolving platform capabilities, such as A330 MRTT automatic
1. grow Airbus as an aerospace and defence leader; air-to-air refuelling and new standard operating capabilities for
the A400M. For services, new digital business will be addressed
2. leverage European roots to pursue global reach; beyond our regular profitable MRO business.
3. increase capacity to invest for the future; and 1.2 Pioneering for the Next Generation
In preparing the next generation of aircraft, the requirement for
4. lead the transformation of the aerospace industry. improved sustainability will be the catalyst that allows aviation
to continue to meet its larger purpose of uniting the world. The
1. Grow Airbus as an Aerospace quest for lower carbon air travel will fundamentally change
and Defence Leader aerospace. Not since the introduction of the jet engine has
the industry faced such a challenge, in particular around new
Leadership today is not a guarantee for leadership tomorrow. The
energy sources. New certification challenges, new materials,
Company believes that its ability to win business in the future will
new designs, new industrial processes and new business
be earned through continuous innovation, both in and around its
models will also be assessed, which will provide sources of
current portfolio as well as when preparing the future generation
opportunity. In short, the Company aims to set the standards and
of products and related services. All activities must be executed
mature the technologies of sustainable aviation for the benefit of
to the highest quality and safety standards possible.
the environment and society at large, delivering products and
1.1 Keep Current Portfolio Young and Competitive services that make a step change from our customers while
remaining viable and feasible for Airbus.
The Company’s financial success is strongly linked to capitalising
on its current commercial aircraft portfolio through incremental Airbus has already started preparing the enablers for this
improvements. Airbus estimates that its current products have evolution and has invested in key R&T bricks. In 2022, the
substantial upside leading to exceptional longevity. This has Company launched, together with CFM International, a flight test
been demonstrated by the New Engine Option (NEO) versions of demonstrator for advanced open fan architecture. In addition, the
A320 and A330 and stretch versions, such as the A321XLR, but ZEROe demonstrator development platform has been launched
also in smaller, incremental improvements on every product. The to test hydrogen technologies on the ground and in the air.
A330neo and the A350 both deliver high levels of fuel efficiency Airbus’ UpNext demonstrators study potential new products
(25% fuel consumption saving compared to previous generation and services that encompass radical flying technological
aircraft), accelerated pilot on boarding (all wide-body aircraft breakthroughs. Meanwhile Airbus has demonstrated formation
benefit from a common type rating making pilot training shorter, flight missions, through its Fello’fly project, to realise fuel efficiency
smoother and lower cost), and comfort through the exclusive improvements on aircraft already operating in service.
3.1 Right Combination of Growth, Profitability industry, and air travel routes are the arteries of this system.
and Resilience Sufficient prosperity will be required to deliver the climate neutral
The Company continues to face a volatile, uncertain, complex transformation of industry that society demands. Hence, the
and ambiguous market environment. At the same time the climate purpose of the Company is to pioneer sustainable aerospace
imperative for commercial aviation is increasingly recognised for a safe and united world.
together with the collective drive towards decarbonisation for The Company does not, however, operate in a vacuum. Social
which Airbus is a leader. 2022 provided another significant sustainability and good governance are integral elements in
milestone: the certification and first delivery of the Comac C919, managing the Company’s vision for a sustainable future. Airbus’
the Chinese competitor to the A320 and Boeing 737. Hence business is deeply connected with environmental, social and
the right combination of growth, profitability and resilience is governance (“ESG”) objectives through various international
vital to the Company’s long-term competitiveness. standards, frameworks and initiatives.
Aerospace remains a major backbone of the global economy Defence is a crucial component of security and security is the
and a vital service to people and businesses. Airbus is precondition for a responsible and sustainable world. In this
committed to playing its role in ensuring that its sectors endeavour, Airbus is committed to sustainable and responsible
consistently deliver on their vital role in the global economy business practices, and maintaining the strictest legal and
by building resilience through having sufficient funds available highest ethical standards in full compliance with international
to withstand the shocks; through close cooperation with laws and European and national export control regulations.
stakeholders to ensure the overall travel value chain survives; Our defence capabilities provide countries with the means to
through seamless coordination along the supply chain to detect protect their citizens, democratic values and vital infrastructure,
issues rapidly; and through reinforcement of the balance sheet which is of incalculable societal value.
to continue investing in future competitiveness. To compete
successfully, the Company continues to invest in the evolution The capabilities and technologies that the Company develops
of its product portfolio and its decarbonisation roadmap, the in this sector will help its customers in the future air domain
development and integration of the latest aircraft technologies, (teaming, autonomy, digital services, etc.) and protect key
the introduction of new manufacturing technologies including space assets. All in a future system-of-systems environment
greater use of automation, the implementation of Digital Design which will bring real operational superiority and will provide
Manufacturing and Services, the restructuring of its industrial synergies to the civil activities.
set-up including the creation of Airbus Atlantic and Airbus The successful launch of FCAS’s Phase 1B paves the way in
Aerostructures, as well as the optimisation of its supply chain
this direction. The project will see major European defence
partners cooperating to prove the viability of new high-end
3.2 Protecting Investments Important technologies – Next Generation Fighter, Remote Carriers
for the Longer Term (drones) and a Multi Domain Combat Cloud.
The Company believes that the way to remain attractive to Current developments by the Company of future space
investors, employees and society at large is to be at the capabilities and equipment (Low Earth Orbit Positioning,
forefront of innovation and to be a leader in the global market. Navigation and Timing technologies, laser communication for
This requires discipline on both revenues and the cost base, high-speed modern connectivity, advanced processors and
throughout all Airbus businesses, to gain sufficient volume and antennas, Very High Resolution earth observation solutions)
profitability to continuously drive the industry forward. Having are also spearheading future applications for defence or
successfully increased revenue and profit in the years before sustainability purposes and information superiority.
the COVID-19 crisis, continuous improvement is essential
to further support Airbus’ resilience and prepare for future 4.1 Lead the Journey Towards Clean Aerospace
investments. As the Company delivers on its strategy as a Airbus, and the wider aerospace industry, must ultimately
leader with European roots and global reach, the Company is determine ways to eliminate the impact of its activities on the
uniquely positioned to pioneer the industry, deepen relations climate. This must be achieved by the current generation. This
with its customers, expand its role in defence, space and is a clear expectation of the flying public and society at large,
helicopters, while delivering shareholder value in line with demonstrated by the announcements and commitments of
market expectations. international bodies such as IATA and ICAO during 2022. In
response, Airbus is striving to lead the industry on a strong path
4. Lead the Transformation of the Aerospace to the lowest climate impact solutions as part of the industry’s
Industry commitment to the Paris Agreement.
Aviation’s licence to grow and operate in the future is inherently A major focus of the Company’s sustainability strategy
linked to sustainability. Improving the environmental impact of is reducing the CO 2 emissions of its aircraft, as well as its
our day-to-day lives is at the top of agendas throughout the industrial environmental footprint at its sites worldwide
world. While some argue for limiting mobility, the Company and throughout the supply chain. In 2022, we submitted to
believes the solution should not hinder people’s ability to the Science-Based Targets initiative (“SBTi”) our planned
connect and unite across the world. Making the world a smaller decarbonisation targets for both our industrial footprint as
and more transparent place to live makes it safer and more well as that of our sold products, whilst also developing
rewarding. The ability to discover, learn, share and remain safe scenarios to enable a transparent approach to Task Force on
are basic human needs and a guiding star for the Company. Climate-Related Financial Disclosures recommendations. The
Air travel brings prosperity through the connections it makes. Company is investing in and developing viable products and
One in ten jobs around the world is in the travel and tourism services that are attractive and efficient for its customers by
Airbus Helicopters delivered 344 helicopters in 2022 (compared Defence and Space
to 338 in 2021) and received 362 net orders in 2022 (compared
Airbus Defence and Space is a European leader in defence,
to 414 net orders in 2021). Order intake amounted to € 9.34 billion
security and space businesses.
(2021: € 8.55 billion). Military contracts accounted for 63% of this
order volume, with civil sales representing the remaining 37%. Airbus Defence and Space is organised in three main segments:
At the end of 2022, Airbus Helicopters order book stood at 757 Military Air Systems, Space Systems and Connected Intelligence.
helicopters (compared to 739 helicopters in 2021). Airbus Defence and Space develops, produces and maintains
cutting-edge products, systems and services, enabling
In 2022, Airbus Helicopters recorded total revenues of
governments, institutions and commercial customers to protect
€ 7.05 billion, representing 11% of the Company’s revenues.
people and resources. In 2022, Airbus Defence and Space
See “– 1.1.3 Helicopters”.
recorded total revenues of € 11.26 billion, representing 19% of
the Company’s revenues. See “– 1.1.4 Defence and Space”.
31 December
2022 2021 2020
(In € billion) (In percentage) (1)
(In € billion) (In percentage) (1)
(In € billion) (In percentage)(1)
fleets, the availability of aircraft financing sources and market 84 customers and net order intake was 820 aircraft. At the end
evolutionary factors. The performance, competitive posture and of 2022 Airbus’ firm order backlog was 7,239 aircraft, over 80%
strategy of aircraft manufacturers, airlines, cargo operators and of which are for the A320 family.
leasing companies as well as wars, political unrest, pandemics
Competitive market-based financing for new aircraft deliveries
and extraordinary events may also precipitate changes in
has remained available.
demand and lead to short-term market imbalances. For further
information, see “– Risk Factors – Business-Related Risks – The recovery is following a similar pattern to previous recoveries:
Commercial Aircraft and Helicopter Market Factors”. many stored aircraft will return to service, complementing newly-
delivered aircraft to allow recovery of flight frequencies; load
Air transport market recovery continued throughout 2022, with
factors and aircraft utilisation will improve, followed by yields. The
IATA reporting traffic (Revenue Passenger Kilometres) globally
balance between these is dependent on individual operators’
up from 41.7% of 2019 volumes in 2021 to 68.5%. Load factors
actions in a competitive marketplace for air transport services.
increased 12 points to nearly 79%. As restrictions were removed,
As the world demonstrates greater collective resistance to
pent-up demand for air travel caused pressure to increase service
successive COVID variants, the Company continues to expect
which outstripped the ability of airlines, airports and infrastructure
the commercial aircraft market to return to pre-COVID levels
to provide it, with the notable exception of markets directly
between 2023 and 2025 and that the pandemic has not
impacted by the continuation of China’s “zero-COVID” policies.
structurally changed the long-term market for commercial
Elsewhere, Domestic markets recovered to 2019 capacity levels
by the end of the year, intra-regional market recovery continued
outside Asia and intercontinental market recovery accelerated, Overall growth. The long-term market for passenger aircraft
led by a particularly strong transatlantic market. Airline yields depends primarily on passenger demand for air travel, which
remained strong and load factors recovered notably. is itself primarily driven by economic or GDP growth, trade,
fare levels and demographic growth. Measured in revenue
Conversely, Russia's invasion of Ukraine impacted air transport
passenger kilometres, air travel increased in every year from
in many ways, including the application of sanctions to Russian
1967 to 2000, except for 1991 due to the Gulf War, resulting in
operations, the sequestration of hundreds of civil aircraft owned
an average annual growth rate of 7.9% for the period. Demand
by Western lessors and the closure of Russian airspace to the
for air transportation also proved resilient in the years following
airlines of all countries choosing to apply sanctions. Russian air
2001, when successive shocks, including 9/11 and SARS in
transport operations continued without the support of Western
Asia, dampened demand.
manufacturers and suppliers in a market essentially isolated from
the rest of the world. The war created pressure on some critical At the end of 2008 and in 2009, the financial crisis and global
raw materials and exacerbated supply chain tensions as well economic difficulties witnessed resulted in only the third period of
as driving significant volatility in fuel prices for air transport and negative traffic growth during the jet age, and a cyclical downturn
heightened inflationary trends, increasing the risk of recession for airlines in terms of traffic (both passenger and cargo), yields
in some, mainly European countries. However the anticipated and profitability. Despite these perturbations, the market
cooling of demand due to inflationary pressures has yet to recovered, driven by the underlying demand for air transport.
materialise and the relaxation of China’s “zero-COVID” policy may After 2009 until the current crisis, the industry benefited from a
mitigate impacts and allow the industry to return to a trajectory prolonged period of stability which enabled airlines to collectively
more influenced by macroeconomics and demographics. deliver profitability at historically high levels.
Around 1% of world freight tonne-kilometres is carried by air, The fundamental drivers behind the need for air transport remain
although this represents ~30% of the total value of freight. After unchanged, as a means for enabling highly-efficient physical
a period of exceptional demand and high yields during the links between people and distribution of goods at a global
pandemic recovery, the air cargo market cooled during 2022 scale. However it is an activity which must be conducted in
and is now driven more by the habitual, cyclical, macroeconomic a sustainable manner, and Airbus is committed to pioneering
factors. Short-term headwinds include inflation, the strength sustainable aviation. As more governments adapt public policy
of the US dollar and trade disruption. Equally, belly cargo to drive towards net-zero GHG emissions, aviation will continue
capacity will return to the market as stored widebody aircraft to play its part. Decarbonisation is likely to be encouraged by
re-enter service. Significant numbers of converted freighter regulatory measures including incentives and taxation to varied
aircraft ordered during the pandemic will enter service, mainly extents in different regions. This may increase the differentiation
replacing older aircraft. Yet e-commerce growth will continue to between the costs of operation of more or less fuel-efficient
be a strong driving force and will take an increasing share of the aircraft. There is speculation as to whether increased ticket
air cargo market. The freighter fleet contains a higher proportion prices might dampen future growth of passenger demand.
of older aircraft and consequently future deliveries will be more There is no historical precedent for this as aviation growth has
for replacement than growth. been characterised by consistently strong improvements in
efficiency and past increases in fuel prices have been largely
Having adapted its production rates in 2020 in response to the
passed through to consumers, although regional differences may
severity and speed of the industry downturn, Airbus was able in
be observed. Airbus is focused on providing more fuel efficient
2021 to stabilise widebody production and start to increase A320
aircraft for fleet replacement and growth.
Family production, placing unallocated aircraft and delivering
part of the accumulated inventory. The process continued Through its analysis Airbus continues to believe in the long-term
throughout 2022 although supply chain challenges impacted growth potential of the industry, with a continuing drive to the
the company’s ability to ramp-up production at the originally- sustainable operation of commercial aircraft aimed at meeting
intended pace, transforming a demand crisis into one of supply. the needs of both the environment and air passengers in the
Over the full year Airbus net deliveries totalled 661 new aircraft to coming years.
A320 Family. With more than 16,700 aircraft sold, and over The A320neo Family versions have over 95% airframe
10,600 delivered by the end of 2022, the A320 Family of single commonality with the A320ceo (current engine option) versions,
aisle aircraft includes the A319 and A321 derivatives, as well as enabling them to fit seamlessly into existing A320 Family fleets
the ACJ corporate jet. Each aircraft in the A320 Family shares – a key factor for Airbus customers and operators. All orders
the same systems, cockpit, operating procedures and cross- for the A318ceo have been met and a full transition to the Neo
section. variants of the other models is nearing completion. Continuing
support for the large in-service A320ceo fleet is undiminished
At 3.95 metres diameter, the A320 Family has the widest fuselage as new opportunities arise, including those in the developing
cross-section of any competing single aisle aircraft. This provides passenger-to-freighter conversion market.
a roomy six-abreast passenger cabin, a high comfort level
and a spacious under floor cargo volume. The A320 Family Recognising a market requirement for increasing range
incorporates digital fly-by-wire controls, an ergonomic cockpit capability, the A321neo has been developed to incorporate
and a modern structural material selection. The competitors are additional flexibility in cabin configuration with optional design
the Boeing 737 series and Comac C919. weight and fuel capacity enhancements to produce the 7,280km
(4,000nm) range capable A321LR. In 2019, Airbus launched the
Airbus continues to invest in improvements across the product A321XLR, combining single aisle efficiency with widebody range
line, as exemplified by the development of the A320neo family, and comfort, and resulting in an unmatched product offering for
including the A319neo, A320neo, A321neo and ACJ variants all operator types in the key mid-range market area.
of the A319neo & A320neo. The A320neo Family incorporate
many innovations including latest generation engines and Since its launch in December 2010, the A320neo Family has
cabin improvements which together deliver up to 20% in fuel received 8,665 firm orders from more than 100 customers, with
savings compared with earlier A320 family aircraft. The A320neo a total of 2,592 aircraft delivered to the end of 2022. A320neo
with Pratt & Whitney engines was the first variant to receive deliveries commenced in February 2016 followed by the first
Type Certification, from EASA and FAA, in November 2015, A321neo in April 2017 and in August 2019 the first A319neo.
followed by the A320neo with CFM engines in May 2016. Overall, the A320neo family retains an approximate 60% market
The A321neo with Pratt & Whitney engines received Joint share of the backlog against the Boeing 737 MAX Family.
Type Certification in December 2016 and with CFM engines in
During 2022, Airbus received 888 gross orders for the A320
March 2017. Type Certification for the A319neo with CFM engines
Family of aircraft and 770 net orders, with 516 aircraft having
was achieved in December 2018 with the Pratt & Whitney engine
been delivered.
variant the following year.
Model Entry-into-service Typical seating(1) Range (km) Length (metres) Wingspan (metres)
A319 1996 110 to 140 6,850 33.8 35.8(2)
A320 1988 140 to 170 6,200 37.6 35.8(2)
A321 1994 170 to 210 5,950 44.5 35.8(2)
A319neo 2019 (ACJ) 120 to 150 6,760 33.8 35.8
A320neo 2016 150 to 180 6,390 37.6 35.8
A321neo 2017 180 to 220 7,400 44.5 35.8
A321XLR 180 to 220 8,700 44.5 35.8
A330 Family. With 1,774 aircraft sold (of which 288 A330neo) and for both the A330-200 and A330-300, meeting the logistical
1,559 delivered, the A330 Family covers all market segments with needs of the rapidly growing e-commerce market.
one twin-engine aircraft type and is designed to typically carry
The competitors of the A330 Family are the Boeing 767,
between 220 and 300 passengers in three-class configurations
777 and 787 aircraft series.
or over 400 passengers in high-density. The A330 Family offers
high levels of passenger comfort as well as large under-floor The latest evolution of the A330 Family is the A330neo
cargo areas. The A330-200 version is also offered as a military (new engine option), comprising the A330-800 and A330-900
platform and as a cargo variant. A passenger-to-freighter versions. These aircraft incorporate latest generation Rolls-Royce
conversion is offered by the ST Engineering / EFW partnership Trent 7000 engines and enhanced aerodynamics for improved
fuel efficiency. The first flight of the A330-900 took place in Airbus certified an improved MTOW (Maximum Take-Off Weight)
October 2017 and both Type Certification and first delivery were of 251t on the A330-900 bringing a range increase of 1180 km
achieved in 2018, with TAP Air Portugal taking delivery of its first (650 nm). 251t MTOW was also certified for the A330-800 in
three A330-900s. Certification and first delivery of the A330-800, mid-2022.
to Kuwait Airways, took place during 2020. In October 2020
Model Entry-into-service Typical seating or payload(1) Maximum range (km) Length (metres) Wingspan (metres)
A330-200 1998 210 to 250 13,450 58.8 60.3
A330-200F 2010 61 tonnes 7,400 58.8 60.3
A330-300 1993 250 to 290 11,750 63.66 60.3
A330-800neo 2020 220 to 260 15,094 58.8 64.0
A330-900neo 2018 260 to 300 13,334 63.7 64.0
A350 Family. The A350 is a family of wide-body aircraft, designed Partnering the A350-900 is the seven metre longer A350-1000,
to typically accommodate between 300 and 410 passengers. which was delivered to its first customer, also Qatar Airways, in
The A350 offers enhanced cabin features, Rolls-Royce Trent February 2018. Offering additional capacity for both passengers
XWB engines, advanced aerodynamics and systems technology, and cargo without compromising on range, the A350-1000 is the
with more than 50% composite materials in the fuselage ideal replacement for previous generation aircraft in the 350-400
structure. The A350’s main competitors are the Boeing 787 and seat capacity market.
777 aircraft series. Initial delivery of the A350-900 variant took
In 2021, Airbus launched the A350F freighter offering three
place in December 2014 to Qatar Airways.
tonnes more payload and more range than a competing 777F.
With the Ultra-Long Range (ULR) version of the A350-900 With unbeatable efficiency in terms of fuel burn, CO2 emissions
launched in 2015, the A350 demonstrated its versatility by and economics, the A350F is the only freighter capable of
offering the capability to perform flights of up to 19 hours. The first meeting the latest ICAO requirements.
A350-900 ULR was delivered in September 2018 to Singapore
At the end of 2022, the total orders for the A350 Family stood at
Airlines. Highlighting the type flexibility, Airbus delivered the first
925 aircraft, including 35 for the A350F. With 521 aircraft having
A350-900 Domestic to Japan Airlines during 2019.
been delivered, including 60 during the year, the backlog stood
at 404 aircraft.
Model Entry-into-service Typical seating or payload(1) Maximum range (km) Length (metres) Wingspan (metres)
A350-900 2014 300 to 350 15,000 66.8 64.8
A350-1000 2018 350 to 410 16,100 73.8 64.8
A350F 109 tonnes 8,700 70.8 64.8
A380. The double-deck A380 is the world’s largest commercial The final five deliveries of the A380 took place during 2021 but
aircraft flying today. Its cross-section provides flexible and the aircraft is likely to remain in service with its customer airlines
innovative cabin space, tailored to the needs of each airline. well into the next decade.
The aircraft is capable of carrying over 500 passengers
in a comfortable four-class configuration over a range of
8,000nm / 14,800km.
Model Entry-into-service Typical seating(1) Maximum range (km) Length (metres) Wingspan (metres)
A380-800 2007 400 to 550 14,800 72.7 79.8
The Quality First initiative launched in the second half of 2019 flight physics, propulsion, cabin and cargo. The architect and
in Hamburg, with a strong focus on standards and quality gate integration centre ensures, together with a team of senior
adherence, was further deployed in 2020 leading to improved aircraft architects and the programme chief engineers, that a
quality gate performance along both value streams. The Quality consistent and multi-disciplinary approach is applied during
function ensured the granting in 2022 of all necessary EASA aircraft development. The strategy and transversal integration
certification, POA, DOA, MOA and EN9100 accreditations centre ensures consistency between engineering and corporate
through compliance to our internal standards and processes strategy, acts as the referent for configuration management,
and associated audits. process, methods and tools for engineering, and drives the
forward looking transformation of the function.
This way of working along end-to-end value streams promotes
a strong sense of collaboration in the service of customers, as The R&T Programme department applies a lean project-
well as reactivity and agility with the highest safety and quality based approach, tracked and managed using earned value
standards. management, technology readiness levels and figures of
merit. Technological collaboration with external research
In 2022 Airbus served 84 customers with 661 deliveries, an communities and partners is encouraged and coordinated
increase of eight percent compared to 2021. The delivery result through the department with technical and scientific experts.
was less than targeted, due to the complexity of the challenging The Company-wide integration of R&T technology and alignment
operating environment including a complex supply chain situation with institutional research partners is achieved through cross-
and geopolitical challenges. Airbus continues to ramp-up to portfolio technology planning and roadmapping, giving an
deliver its backlog. exhaustive view of technology targets and investments. In
As part of that ramp up, Airbus is now enabling a bigger share addition, Company-wide engagement for joint funding with
of A321 delivery capabilities with all of its assembly sites now public agencies is achieved through a common R&T Funding
being A321 capable. contract management.
legal integration of Premium AEROTEC Industry into Airbus acquired an additional 20% of the shares of EFW, Dresden
Aerostructures in 2025. (Germany) by way of a contribution in kind and a capital
increase to EFW. The transaction closed on 4 January 2016.
Airbus Aerostructures is a 100 percent owned Airbus subsidiary.
Consequently, 45% of the shares of EFW were retained and
Formal governance bodies and regular management meetings
Airbus effectively lost its control over EFW (previously reported
between both ensures business coordination. The company is
in Airbus).
an integrator for the commercial aircraft parts management.
Airbus Aerostructures stands for highly efficient and sustainable EFW has been the excellence center for Airbus conversions
aircraft production. With around 10,000 employees, Airbus for more than 25 years and re-delivered 200 converted aircraft
Aerostructures combines technology and innovation leadership of the first Airbus conversion programme (A300/A310) to over
to pioneering efficient and sustainable aircraft production and 40 customers worldwide, thereof the largest Express carriers in
to make zero-emission flight a reality. Airbus Aerostructures North America and Europe but also renowned General Freight
includes four production sites in Germany: the headquarters and Combination Carriers.
in Hamburg with three other plants in Nordenham, Bremen
Based on the latest freighter conversion programmes,
and Stade where work goes on today on the aerostructures
the A330P2F, A321P2F and A320P2F, EFW is driving the
of tomorrow’s aircraft.
development of the Airbus freighter family.
Premium AEROTEC Industr y delivers commercial and
By the end of 2022, in total 22 A330P2F have been re-delivered,
military aircraft structures and detail parts and is a partner
after a modest start of this programme, the customer demand
in the major European international aerospace programmes.
for conversions of this wide body aircraft increased remarkably
Premium AEROTEC Industry counts about 4,000 employees
during 2021 and over the past year, and has been superseding
at various sites in Germany and Romania. Premium AEROTEC
by end of 2022 the conversion requests concerning the latest
Industry is represented by its products in all Airbus commercial
single aisle programme of A321P2F & A320P2F which was
aircraft programmes. The current military programmes include
entering the market back in 2020.
the Eurofighter “Typhoon” and the military transport aircraft
A400M. Premium AEROTEC Industry plays a significant After achieving the STC for the A321P2F in February 2020, the
role within new concepts regarding metallic and composite FAA certification in July 2020, the world’s first A321P2F aircraft
aerostructure activities or 3D-printing of aircraft components has been delivered in September 2020 to launch customer
made of titanium or aluminium. Vallair entering into service in October of that year and is since
than operated by Qantas for Australia Post.
Elbe Flugzeugwerke GmbH – EFW In 2022, nine further A321P2F and the first A320P2F have been
EFW combines various aviation and technology activities
under a single roof: development and manufacturing of flat By the end of 2022 EFW had secured well above 90 A321P2F
fibre-reinforced composite components for structures and and above 100 A330P2F orders.
interiors, the conversion of passenger aircraft into freighter
EFW is increasing the conversion capacity such that it is
configuration, maintenance and repair of Airbus commercial
possible to induct over 60 aircraft (approximately 30 A330s and
aircraft as well as engineering services in the context of
A321s) for conversions per year for the Airbus P2F programmes
certification and approval.
by 2024 meaning to treble capacity compared to 2021.
On 17 June 2015, Airbus signed an agreement with Singapore-
based ST Aerospace Ltd. (STA) to offer passenger-to-freighter
(P2F) conversion solutions for its A320 and A321 aircraft. STA
1.1.3 Helicopters
Airbus Helicopters is a global leader in the civil and military and speed up digital and technological transformation of
rotorcraft market, offering one of the most complete and modern service offering;
range of helicopters and related services. This product range –– Innovation & Sustainability: Airbus Helicopters continues
currently includes intermediate single-engine, light twin-engine, to build a sustainable innovative eco-system, mature techno-
medium and medium-heavy rotorcraft, which are adaptable bricks for multiple platforms, develop collaborative innovations
to all kinds of mission types based on customer needs. See for eVTOL and deploy demonstrators and disruptive concepts;
“– 1.1.1 Overview” for an introduction to Airbus Helicopters. –– Defence & Security: Airbus Helicopters continues to act as
a global defence & security leader through a robust military
strategy product policy, as a preferred partner to home
Ambition & Strategy countries, reinforcing military programmes’ attractiveness
Airbus Helicopters continues to execute its ambition to lead to address new markets and seizing sales campaigns
helicopters and pioneer new VTOLs for a sustainable future. opportunities to continuously grow its military market share.
Another major development launch for Airbus Helicopters came The DisruptiveLab demonstrator is part of the French Council
with the Tiger MkIII contract signed by France and Spain. The for Civil Aviation Research Conseil (CORAC)’s roadmap and
new standard for the attack helicopter will allow the helicopter to has been partly financed by the French Civil Aviation Authority
be upgraded in order to be connected to the digital battlefield, (“DGAC”) in the frame of the French Stimulus plan, which is
enabling it to perform manned-unmanned teaming as well as part of the European Plan, Next Generation EU, and the France
share tactical information in real time. It will also provide an 2030 plan.
unrivalled range of weapons (turret gun, laser-guided rockets In 2022, the Company also made significant progress on the
and missiles) and renewed detection and targeting capabilities. development of its fully electric vertical take-off and landing
The integration of state-of-the art avionics, which will also equip prototype, CityAirbus NextGen. Airbus selected all of its partners
the H160M, will reduce the crew’s workload and enable them to for the structural features of the aircraft, joining forces with Spirit
be fully focused on mission execution. Aerosystems to produce CityAirbus NextGen’s wings, MagicAll
In June 2022, Airbus Helicopters was named coordinator of the to provide its electrical power distribution units, as well as KLK
“EU Next Generation Rotorcraft Technologies Project” (ENGRT) Motorsport and Gerg GmbH, who will supply the prototype’s rear
funded by the European Defense Fund (European Defence Fund structure. This secures all necessary partners for the prototype.
2021 Calls for Proposals). ENGRT will pave the way for the next The Company is now preparing the next phase of CityAirbus
generation of military rotorcraft in Europe. ENGRT is a Research NextGen’s, which will make full use of its brand new advanced
and Technology project, the first phase will focus on the concept air mobility (AAM) dedicated test centre, currently in construction
of operations with battlefield simulations. Concept studies at the site in Donauwoerth.
and pre-design of alternative rotorcraft platforms will also be Beyond the vehicle, Airbus set up the first ever working
performed. The contract was officially signed in December 2022 ecosystem of its kind in Germany, with the Air Mobility Initiative,
and work kicked off right away. Seven nations are directly involved that gathers more than 30 industrial and institutional partners
in the project: France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece, Finland and to look at advanced air mobility through the aircraft, airspace
the Netherlands. Other nations are indirectly involved through a management and infrastructure lenses. By ramping up efforts
participation of their industry: Sweden, Romania and Norway. to create comprehensive ecosystems to support air mobility
Airbus also furthered the development of its own unmanned aerial services, Airbus is making sure that the first feeder cases that
system (UAS), the VSR700, which began trialling autonomous are foreseen with CityAirbus NextGen are tailored to meet
take-off and landing capabilities at sea. Trials were conducted communities’ needs, from essential missions in the medical
services sector, to passenger transport shuttles to ecotourism Global support contracts met with continued success in 2022
activities. Last year, this expertise was extended to a global both on the civil and military markets. On the military side, Airbus
level, by partnering with major aircraft and helicopter operators signed a Contractor Logistics Support (CLS) contract, the largest
such as Ecocopter, ITA Airways and Hiratagakuen, across Latin helicopter performance-based support contract ever managed
America, Asia Pacific and Europe. by Airbus, with the US Army to provide spare parts, material, and
engineering support for the Army’s entire UH-72A and UH-72B
Focusing on Customers Lakota fleet of 482 utility and training helicopters. The Company,
as part of NHIndustries, also signed an innovative NH90
Airbus Helicopters’ top priority from a customer support and Operational Support (NOS) contract, which will be performance
service perspective is to ensure its work results in the best based, and will see both France and Germany delegating a major
customer experience possible, including fleet availability. The part of their logistics and maintenance activity to NHIndustries,
addition of ZF Luftfahrttechnik to Airbus Helicopters’ portfolio enabling them to focus on their operations.
at the end of 2022 is a prime example of how the Company is
broadening its range of MRO capabilities, securing additional On the civil side, highlights include The Helicopter Company
competences in the area of dynamic systems notably for the signing for an HCare In-Service contract to cover their fleet of 20
H135, H145, and Tiger programmes, and strengthening its five-bladed H145 helicopters as well as an additional In-Service
service offering for customers including key partners like the contract for their six ACH160s.
German Bundeswehr.
2022 saw the Division continue its work on customer centric Aviation Safety
solutions that cater to individual customers’ needs by launching Airbus Helicopters’ chief priority is to enhance aviation safety
a new HCare offer designed to provide customers with the for the thousands of men and women around the world who are
best combination of services according to their profile and fleet transported in its aircraft every day. Airbus Helicopters’ ambition
make-up. is to further reduce the accident rate by of the Airbus helicopter
fleet in service. Airbus Helicopters also aims to be a leader in
Simplified to just three flexible solutions, HCare is now composed
aviation safety.
of HCare Initial, HCare In-service, or a combination of the two,
HCare Lifetime. For each, customers can opt for one out of In order to achieve these goals, Airbus Helicopters strives to:
three levels of material management performance. Still available –– define and develop new safety measures and initiatives to
for specific fleets will be the HCare First package for Airbus support the operations of its customers;
Corporate Helicopters (ACH) aircraft and HCare Classics for –– continue to mature the company-wide global aviation Safety
the out-of-production legacy fleet (H120, Dauphin, Puma and Management System (SMS).
This commitment to aviation safety is also reflected across all
HCare Initial is tailored for customers starting operations with a the internal activities related to the lifecycle of a helicopter, with
new Airbus helicopter or taking delivery of a new aircraft type in a focus on meeting industry quality and safety standards, and
their fleet. It provides the best set of services for a successful entry going beyond when applicable. All this is based on continuously
into service. HCare In-service is for customers already operating enhancing the strong safety culture in the Company.
an Airbus helicopter type. Matching services to operators’ needs,
it optimises the aircraft’s maintenance, health and usage, and
longevity. HCare Lifetime is for operators opting for an end- Market Drivers
to-end package and long-term collaboration with Airbus, from
According to market forecasts produced by Airbus Helicopters,
entry into service up to the aircraft’s end of life. This global
around 20,000 civil helicopters and 14,000 military helicopters
support contract aims to maximise the aircraft’s performance
are expected to be built globally over the next 20 years.
and sustained value over time, while enhancing safety and
providing successive, sustained support. Customers receive The helicopter market started to recover in 2021 but 2022
daily care and accompaniment at all steps of their operations. brought a year of multiple disruptions, including high inflation
and the appreciation of the US dollar, and the war in Ukraine
For the material management portion of each contract,
impacted the availability of goods, materials and energy supplies.
customers select the commitment level. Guaranteed repair
secures R&O Turn-Around-Times by contract to improve Due to its existing mission segment diversity, the helicopter
maintenance planning with flexible payment conditions. By- market (both platforms and services activities) is expected to
the-hour offers a smooth distribution of expenses and budget be resilient through the coming decade, but is expected to
anticipation. By-event requires payment at the time of the repair remain challenging due to persistent economic uncertainties
or the overhaul. Part availability commits Airbus Helicopters on lengthening the sales cycle in particular in parapublic and military
parts delivery lead times while giving the operator a precise view (budget allocation postponement or reduction) and delayed
of the necessary maintenance budget; for current customers, growth of emerging markets (especially in Asia).
it resembles the by-the-hour contracts many are familiar with
Helicopters sold in the civil and parapublic sector, where Airbus
covering scheduled and unscheduled maintenance events. The
Helicopters is a leader, provide transport for private owners
part availability solution is built upon fixed hourly rate payments
and corporate executives, offshore oil operations, diverse
to make maintenance expenses predictable. Fleet availability,
commercial applications and state agencies, including coast
the third level of commitment, augments part availability with
guard, police, medical and fire-fighting services. The civil and
maintenance delegated to Airbus for optimal aircraft availability,
parapublic market has seen a good recovery from the COVID-19
based on fixed hourly and monthly rates.
pandemic reaching almost at pre-pandemic levels, even though
it has not yet completely recovered (584 units and € 2.6 billion in
(1) Public Services includes homeland security, law enforcement, fire-fighting, border patrol, coast guard and public agency emergency medical services.
(2) Civil Utility includes different kinds of commercial activities such as aerial works, electrical new gathering (ENG), passenger and cargo transport.
(1) On 1 April 2022, the Company’s Defence and Space Division began the integration of the programme lines Unmanned Aerial Systems and Military Aircraft into a
single business line. The name of the new programme line is Military Air Systems. This change will be reflected in the Company’s financial reporting from 2023.
Market Trends Type Certificate and Initial Operating Clearance were achieved
The sale of aircraft is expected to remain stable in the transport in 2013. Since then, 115 units have been delivered to eight
and special mission aircraft segments and could grow for nations as of 31 December 2022. The A400M has already been
the heavy transport segment, where the A400M occupies a deployed in operations since 2014, accumulating more than
140,000 flight hours in service. In 2019, a contract amendment
unique position. In combat, new collaborative programmes are
was signed with launch customers on the Global Rebaselining of
underway for the development of new sixth-generation fighters.
the A400M programme, under which all parties agreed to update
After-sales services are an important business for Military Air the production plan and revise the capability roadmap. NSOC 2.0
Systems and are continuously growing in line with the deliveries Type Acceptance by customers was achieved in 2020, followed
of A400M and A330 MRTT, on top of the existing robust revenue by NSOC 2.5 Type acceptance in 2021. The programme is now
stream associated with Eurofighter and Tornado in-service delivering in line with the revised schedule, and moving forward
support. towards SOC3 (final development standard).
On the unmanned aerial systems front, while defence will remain The aircraft is designed to disrupt the difference between
the largest sector, civil and institutional markets are growing strategic and tactical transport by offering both capabilities in
steadily, especially in the smaller UAS tactical categories. one. This saves both time and costs as customers can fly a long
Services verticals will offer increasingly interesting prospects range strategic aircraft into a tactical zone of operation.
as the market evolves. The governmental market especially for A330 MRTT – Multi-role tanker transport. The A330 MRTT, a
larger and advanced UAS features strong growth with significant derivative of the Airbus A330-200 family, offers military strategic
opportunities in Europe, the US and Asia Pacific. Small and air transport as well as air-to-air refuelling capabilities. Its large
flexible UAS see wide application among armed forces and other fuel tank capacity (111t), a benefit of the design of the commercial
homeland security agencies alike. platform, allows it to dispense fuel in flight to many receiver
aircraft without the need for additional fuel tanks. This allows
the entire lower deck cargo bay compartment to be available
Products and services for freight (up to 37t), with the possibility to transport up to
FCAS – Future Combat Air System. The FCAS will be a 27 standard civil LD3 containers, or up to eight 436L military
system of systems combining a manned New Generation Fighter pallets as well as the capacity to transport up to 300 troops
teaming with unmanned Remote Carriers, collaborating with in the upper deck cabin compartment, with the high level of
upgraded existing and new platforms (e.g. Eurofighter, A400M, comfort of a civil airliner.
MRTT, Eurodrone, etc.) orchestrated by a Multi-Domain Combat The A330 MRTT is equipped with state of the art refuelling
Cloud (“MDCC”). systems, including an Aerial Refuelling Boom System (ARBS) and
It will be an incremental journey to allow air forces and industry under-wing refuelling pods and has demonstrated wet contacts
to tackle hand in hand the doctrinal and technological challenges with the Automatic Air-To-Air refuelling (A3R) capability, for which
lying ahead. As the largest and most ambitious European certification by the Spanish National Institute for Aerospace
Technology (INTA) was achieved in 2022. At the end of 2022, 67
defence development for decades to come, FCAS will be key
A330 MRTT have been ordered by 14 national operators (more
to Europe’s operational, technological and industrial sovereignty.
than 94% market share over the past ten years, excluding the US),
FCAS will foster development of new technologies such as
with 56 platforms already delivered and operating worldwide,
Artificial Intelligence (“AI”), cyber, cloud, and drones.
accumulating more than 250,000 flight hours in operation.
It will deliver increasing operational effects by leveraging the
In 2021, the Company answered a formal Request for Information
collaborative capabilities of all connected platforms across
for the KC-Y programme of the United States Air Force in
domains (air, land sea, space and cyber) bringing the next level partnership with Lockheed Martin, aiming at the replacement
of air power. FCAS will accentuate and unify multiple areas of of the US Air Force tankers.
Airbus Defence and Space portfolio and products.
Eurofighter combat aircraft. The Eurofighter multi-role combat
A400M – Heavy military transport. The A400M is the most aircraft (also referred to as Typhoon) has been designed to
capable new generation airlifter on the market today, aiming to enhance fleet efficiency through a single flying weapon system
meet the needs of the armed forces worldwide and potential capable of fulfilling both air-to-air and air-to-ground missions.
operators for military, humanitarian and peacekeeping missions
in the twenty-first century. The A400M can perform the job of The Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH shareholders are Airbus
three different types of military transport and tanker aircraft by Defence and Space (46%), BAE Systems (33%) and Leonardo
providing different capabilities: tactical (short to medium range (21%). With regards to series production, the respective
airlifter capability with short, soft and austere field operating production work shares of the participating partners within
performance), strategic transport (longer range missions for the Eurofighter consortium stand at 43% for Airbus Defence
outsized loads) and tactical tanker. and Space, 37.5% for BAE Systems and 19.5% for Leonardo.
A total of 178 aircraft have been ordered so far. This includes Airbus Defence and Space develops and manufactures the
centre fuselage and the right wing and leading edge slats for all
the seven launch customer nations, Belgium, France, Germany,
aircraft, and is in charge of final assembly of aircraft ordered by
Luxembourg, Spain, Turkey, the UK, as well as three export
the German, Spanish and Austrian air forces.
customers, Malaysia, Kazakhstan (two aircraft ordered in 2021)
and Indonesia (two aircraft ordered in 2021, with contract At the end of 2022, 680 Eurofighter Typhoon aircraft had been
enforcement in 2022). Additionally, Indonesia has signed a letter ordered by nine customers (UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria,
of intent in 2021 with an option for four additional units. Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait and Qatar). This includes the order
The programme line is divided into five programme units: Secure Communications is the European leading provider of
Intelligence, Secure Communications, Cyber Security, Special secure communications services, bringing together the most
Security programmes and Secure Land Communications. comprehensive satellite communications services and systems,
and best-in-class secure network services and solutions. It
Intelligence: provides data-driven systems, services and
provides governments, military forces and international agencies
solutions for trusted information and insights, and is a lead
with mission-critical voice and high-speed data communications
supplier of ISR, air defence and land command and control
on land, at sea and in the air. One example is the UK’s Skynet 5
solutions to France, Germany and NATO. Imagery is derived
programme, where Airbus Defence and Space delivers tailored
from Airbus’ state-of-the-art satellite constellation. Intelligence
end-to-end in-theatre and back-to-base communication
provides systems enabling command and control, real-time
solutions for voice, data and video services, ranging from a
data fusion and predictive analyses, as well as comprehensive
single voice channel to a complete turnkey system incorporating
systems based on sovereign cloud infrastructures for the
terminals and network management. This contract, pursuant
defence segment. It also offers data-driven solutions for various
to which Airbus Defence and Space owns and operates the
commercial segments, including environmental protection,
UK military satellite communication infrastructure, allows the
agriculture and maritime, as well as the delivery of site security
UK MoD to place orders and to pay for services as required.
services in Germany.
In 2022, Secure Communication acquired new business by
Secure Communications: supplies governmental satellite
signing contracts with some European Ministries of Defence
communications, offering multi-domain secure connectivity,
to provide satellite communications for a 15 year period. The
satellite connectivity systems and services for armed forces,
Armed Forces will utilise the channels of the Airbus Ultra High
notably for UK, France, Germany and NATO, providing secure
Frequency (“UHF”) military communications hosted payload
communications at sea, on land and in the air.
on-board the EUTELSAT 36D telecommunications satellite
Cyber: designs, develops, integrates and deploys tailored cyber scheduled for launch in 2024. With this new payload, Secure
security products and solutions for defence, governmental and Communications will be able to offer a new UHF communications
institutional customers, and provides operational support all along service to the armed forces, particularly those of European
the system lifecycle. As the aerospace and defence industries countries and NATO allies.
continue to grow in scale, digitalisation and interconnectivity,
In 2022, Airbus Defence and Space successfully concluded
the platforms and systems become increasingly susceptible to
the 19 year delivery of the Skynet 5 Private Finance Initiative in
cyber-attacks. With security breaches increasing continuously in
the UK and secured the 18-months Skynet Service Continuity
volume and sophistication, considerable resources are devoted
contract. In Germany, Secure Communications continued to
today to keep these systems safe.
secure business in the domain of SATCOM-Bw Stage 2 and
Special Security Programmes: supports border security. started positioning itself for future opportunities in this domain.
It also secured new business in France with the ASTEL S5
Secure Land Communications: supplies secure and frame contract.
resilient communication and collaboration solutions to provide
information, intelligence and situational awareness to users. It Cyber: the portfolio encompasses broad expertise in cyber
helps public and private organisations around the world, such as project management, including crypto and key management
police and special forces, fire brigades, medical and emergency systems, security gateways, network and endpoint protection,
services, oil and gas, energy and utilities, transports, among aerospace multi-messaging systems, detection and response
others, to carry out their public and critical missions. chain, and cyber attack simulation platforms. Having protected
Airbus Defence and Space complex systems and networks for
over 30 years, this programme is leveraging the Airbus DNA
Products and Services to develop products and solutions for customers facing similar
challenges, based on state-of-the-art trusted technologies.
Intelligence is a recognised actor in geospatial data provision
and defence intelligence as well as a lead supplier of ISR, Air Cyber security is a very dynamic sector and the company
Defence and Land Command and Control solutions. strategy aims at ensuring the group and its ecosystem benefits
from the best possible protection. In line with this ambition,
Intelligence manages one of the world’s largest satellite fleets,
Airbus Protect was launched in 2022, bringing together more
comprising a total of 14 satellites, with 3 radar (TerraSAR-X,
than 1,200 experts from Airbus CyberSecurity (Airbus Defence
TanDEM-X and PAZ) and 11 optical (2 Pléiades, 2 Pléiades
and Space subsidiary) and APSYS (Airbus subsidiary), under
Neo, SPOT 6, SPOT 7, Vision 1 and 4 DMC). Following the
Airbus commercial control. Cybersecurity activities for defence
Vega C launch failure in December 2022, the Pléiades Neo
and space programmes and major customers such as operators
constellation only includes 2 instead of 4 satellites. Despite
of vital importance remain within Airbus Defence and Space.
the launch setback, the constellation is already delivering at
They will continue to provide solutions and lead major integration
full scale and the company remains committed to continue
projects around high-level technologies such as cryptography
delivering high quality earth observation services. All satellite
and cyber defence, in line with the growth ambitions of the
images are available on the OneAtlas digital portal for both
years to come.
archive and tasking. Through Intelligence, Airbus is also part of
the transatlantic team developing technical concepts for NATO’s Secure Land Communications (“SLC”) offers advanced
Future Surveillance and Control capabilities. mobile communication and collaboration solutions with the
highest standards of security and reliability to Public Safety
In 2022, Intelligence successfully deployed three Pléiades Neo
organisations and enterprises. The Agnet solution is based on
Direct Receiving Stations in Japan, Czech Republic and in Saudi
the latest 4G/5G broadband technologies and includes voice
Arabia and launched WorldDEM Neo, the updated solution
communication, messaging and multimedia sharing as well
providing global digital elevation models at very high resolution.
1.1.5 Investments
Dassault Aviation
In 2013, the Company entered into an agreement with the French –– commits to consult with the French State prior to making any
State pursuant to which the Company: decision at any shareholders’ meeting of Dassault Aviation.
–– grants the French State a right of first offer in case of the sale The Company holds 9.90% of Dassault Aviation’s share capital.
of all or part of its shareholding in Dassault Aviation; and
1.1.6 Insurance
The Company’s Insurance Risk Management function (“IRM”) other employees of the Company. The Company follows a
is established to proactively and efficiently respond to risks that policy of seeking to transfer the insurable risk of the Company
can be treated by insurance techniques. IRM is responsible to external insurance markets at reasonable conditions, on
for all corporate insurance activities and related protection customised and sufficient terms and limits as provided by the
for the Company and is empowered to deal directly with the international insurance markets. A difficult global corporate
insurance and re-insurance markets via the Company’s inhouse insurance environment remained in 2022 due to economical
broker entity. IRM’s continuous objective in 2022 was to further and geopolitical situations and the corporate insurers have
implement and improve efficient and appropriate corporate and maintained their underwriting strategy for large corporations,
project-related insurance solutions. however, Airbus’ positive outlook and insurance strategy allowed
to differentiate the impact on insurance policies.
IRM’s mission includes the definition and implementation of
the Company’s strategy for insurance risk management to Airbus is, with other European companies, one of the founding
help ensure that harmonised insurance policies and standards members of the cyber insurance mutual Miris dedicated to cyber
are in place for all insurable risks worldwide for the Company. risks. Miris will participate in the cyber group insurance policy
A systematic review, monitoring and reporting procedure in 2023.
applicable to all Divisions is in place to assess the exposure and
The insurance industry and some risk factors impact on the
protection systems applicable to all the Company’s sites. The
Company’s risk remain unpredictable and most Group insurance
Company’s insurance programmes cover high risk exposures
policies are renewed on an annual basis. There may be further
related to its assets and liabilities.
demands to change scope of coverage, premiums and
Asset and liability insurance policies underwritten by IRM for deductible amounts. Thus, no assurance can be given that the
the Company cover risks such as property damage, business Company will be able to maintain its current levels of coverage
interruption, cyber, aviation and non-aviation general and nor that the insurance policies in place are adequate to cover
product liability. IRM also provides a Group insurance policy all significant risk exposure of the Company.
for Supervisory and Managing Board Members and certain
If the Company concludes that the disclosures relative to Under the terms of the Convention judiciaire d'intérêt public
contingent liabilities can be expected to prejudice seriously its (“CJIP”) with the PNF, the Company has an obligation to submit
position in a dispute with other parties, the Company limits its its compliance programme to targeted audits carried out by
disclosures to the nature of the dispute. the Agence Française Anticorruption (“AFA”) over a period of
three years.
Airbus will continue to cooperate with the authorities in the The Company cannot exclude the possibility that additional
future, pursuant to the agreements and to enhance its strong claims are filed related to this subject matter attempting different
Ethics & Compliance culture within the Company. theories of recovery in the same or different jurisdictions.
The Company believes it has solid grounds to defend itself Grand Canyon Helicopter Accident
against the allegations. The consequences of such litigation
and the outcome of the proceedings cannot be fully assessed On 10 February 2018, a fatal accident occurred in the Grand
at this stage, but any judgment or decision unfavourable to the Canyon at a site called Quartermaster in Arizona involving an
Company could have a material adverse impact on the Financial EC130 B4 helicopter operated by Papillon Helicopters impacting
Statements, business and operations of the Company. the canyon floor and catching fire, leading to five fatalities and two
severely injured persons. Following the accident, product liability
claims were filed in Nevada state court in the US, including claims
Air France Flight 447 Trial by the estate and parents of a deceased passenger and by the
injured pilot of the helicopter. The Company intends to vigorously
On 1 June 2009, an A330 operated by Air France flight AF447
defend itself against the claims, but such claims may generate
from Rio de Janeiro to Paris disappeared over the Atlantic
negative publicity and reputational harm. The trial is scheduled to
Ocean with 228 persons onboard. The wreckage was located
take place in the first quarter of 2024. Any judgment or decision
in April 2011 after several search campaigns organised by the
unfavourable to the Company could have a material adverse
Bureau d'Enquêtes et d'Analyses (“BEA”), which published
impact on the Financial Statements, business and operations
its final investigation report in July 2012. In the wake of the
of the Company as well as on its reputation.
accident, the prosecutor in Paris opened an investigation for
involuntary manslaughter and Airbus SAS was charged in
March 2011. In September 2019, the investigating magistrates Other Investigations
closed the investigation and dismissed all criminal charges
after a thorough analysis of the technical and legal elements The Company cooperated fully with the authorities in relation
of the case. However, the Paris Court of Appeal overturned to three investigations initiated by independent magistrates in
the magistrates’ decision and ordered trial for involuntary France concerning the activities of commercial intermediaries
manslaughter. The Company’s appeal to the French Supreme in Libya, Kazakhstan, Kuwait and several Eastern European
Court has been dismissed. The trial took place in the fourth countries. In recognition of the fulsome nature of the cooperation
quarter of 2022. The prosecutor recommended a dismissal and upon payment of a penalty of € 15.8 million, all three
of all criminal charges against Air France and Airbus. The investigations were closed by means of a Convention judiciaire
judgment of the Paris Criminal Court expected on 17 April d’intérêt public (“CJIP”) with the PNF on 30 November 2022. This
2023, if unfavourable to the Company, could result in damage ends all remaining prosecutions in France for similar historical
to its business or reputation. activities.
In 2019, the Company self-reported to German authorities
Qatar Airways Commercial Litigation potentially improper advance receipt and communication
of confidential customer information by employees of Airbus
Citing surface degradation on some of its A350 fleet and Defence and Space GmbH. The information concerned relates
alleging an underlying “design defect”, Qatar Airways filed a to future German government procurement projects. The self-
legal claim against the Company in the London Commercial disclosure by the Company followed an internal review with
Court on 17 December 2021. On 1 February 2023, the parties the support of an external law firm. Both the German Ministry
announced they had reached an amicable and mutually of Defence and the Munich public prosecutor opened an
agreeable settlement in relation to their legal dispute over A350 investigation into the matter. The investigation could have an
surface degradation and the grounding of A350 aircraft. The impact on Airbus Defence and Space GmbH’s and Airbus Secure
parties have proceeded to discontinue their legal claims. The Land Communications GmbH’s ability to participate in future
settlement agreement is not an admission of liability for either public procurement projects in Germany. In 2021 the Munich
party. The parties have also agreed terms for the delivery of 50 prosecution issued a penalty notice against Airbus Defence and
A321 and 23 A350 aircraft. Space GmbH for € 10 million for negligent violation of supervisory
duties in connection with this matter. The Company continues
to fully cooperate with relevant authorities.
In line with its purpose, the progress in its sustainability journey, additional transparency and striving to better demonstrate its
and the evolution of reporting frameworks, the Company has level of commitment and performance, as presented in the
further evolved its non-financial reporting in 2022, providing following pages.
18.1 million jobs supported through
the aviation industry supply chain Worldwide trade by value carried
by air transport, 2018 ($6.5 trillion).
13.5 million jobs through induced benefits By volume: 0.5%
of industry and employee spending
As a major European defence manufacturer, the Company also Company’s sites such as those in Toulouse or Hamburg.
has significant economic impact across Europe. According to This development is accelerated thanks to the Company’s
the AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe, innovation ecosystem such as Airbus Scale: an innovation
the industry supports over 879,000 jobs across the continent, all unit that combines corporate innovation, start-up engagement
contributing to Europe’s economic prosperity with € 238 billion and company-building activities. Airbus Scale identifies and
in annual revenue in 2021, € 138 billion of which comes from promotes internal corporate innovation opportunities that can
exports. be developed into solutions for the external world, bringing them
to market and attracting external investments that could result
While the Company contributes to the global economy as a
in spin-offs. This generates value not only for the Company but
whole, it also contributes to the economic development of the
also for the local communities where these new companies will
communities where it operates. Full aerospace ecosystems –
set up, operate and prosper.
bringing together academia, research centres and corporations,
all with high value-added jobs – often develop around the
The Company’s four commitments Material topics (see hereafter) SDGs Section
Climate change
#1 Pollution 1.2.2
Lead the journey Materials and circularity 1.2.3
towards clean aerospace 1.2.4
Water 1.2.5
Biodiversity 1.2.6
Human rights
#3 Inclusion and diversity 1.2.11
Respect human rights
Social dialogue 1.2.12
and foster inclusion
Business integrity 1.2.14
Exemplify business integrity
Across each commitment the Company has set key performance IV. Materiality Matrix
indicators (“KPIs”) and targets enabling the Company to
The Company updated its materiality assessment in 2022 and
monitor progress towards these ambitions. These can be
used stakeholders´ inputs to support the ranking, of which
found in “– 1.2.17 ESG Data Board”, which gathers all reported
ESG issues are most material (and subsequently shall be
sustainability metrics. They can also be found in the related
addressed in the sustainability strategy). The range of ESG topics
sections of this chapter, which is structured around each of
assessed was defined based on relevant industry and regulatory
the four commitments, completed by two sections which cut
references, as well as on internal expertise. This materiality matrix
across all four commitments, “– 1.2.15 Responsible Supply
is to be fully updated periodically – indicatively every three years –
Chain” and “– 1.2.16 Community Impact”. Complementing the
and possibly adjusted in the meantime based on feedback
climate change section, EU Taxonomy regulatory information is
captured from stakeholders in day-to-day business and further
disclosed in section 1.2.19.
methodological improvements. The results of this 2022 update
Several sources were essential in deciding on the four were captured in a materiality matrix (refer to materiality matrix
commitments, including the 2019 materiality assessment, a chart below), which is fundamental in confirming the relevance
benchmark exercise, an analysis of market and regulatory trends, of the Company’s four commitments. It is a three-dimensional
an evaluation of ESG risks in the Company’s risk report, a human matrix:
rights gap analysis and the consideration of the Company’s –– importance to stakeholders (vertical axis): The Company
values. asked its 12 most important stakeholder groups (see
“– Stakeholder engagement” section below) about their view
on how important it is for the Company to address a given
topic. Scoring was established by capturing the voice of critical
stakeholders – including employees, customers, suppliers,
investors, social partners – via a survey sent to selected
representatives in each category and targeting individuals who
are familiar with sustainability matters. Other information was
obtained with the support of artificial intelligence (based on
analysis of reports, legislation and media sources), capturing
the importance of the respective topics in stakeholders’
communication. Most information was collected using the
Datamaran tool. During the feedback consolidation phase, a
greater weight was assigned to critical stakeholders;
–– potential impact on rightsholders or ecosystems (horizontal –– impact on the Company or financial materiality (bubble
axis): the Company evaluated the potential impact of its size): The assessment of the potential impact of ESG-
activities on people and environment in connection with the related topics on the Company’s financial performance
Company’s activities – e.g. employees, end users, and local took into consideration the degree of risk associated with
communities. Scoring was established taking into account the identified ESG-topics topics. Scoring was derived from the
scale, scope, remediability and likelihood of risks associated Company’s enterprise risk management (“ERM”) system and
with the topic. This assessment was based on interviews with complemented by interviews with representatives from the
internal experts in each domain; Company’s top management.
Materiality Matrix
Climate change
Product safety
Cyber security integrity
Pollution Materials
and circularity
Inclusion and diversity
Employment Water Human rights
V. Stakeholder Engagement
The Company’s approach to sustainability is built on constant Company meets at least twice a year with social partners to review
engagement with its stakeholders. Key stakeholder groups, sustainability topics (see “– 1.2.12 Social Dialogue”). Besides, the
in line with International Aerospace Environmental Group Company established the Airbus Supplier Sustainability Council
recommendation for the sector, include employees, customers, in 2022 (see “– 1.2.15 Responsible Supply Chain”). It organised
suppliers, industrial partners (including energy providers), social other events where sustainability topics were addressed during
partners, investors, NGOs, authorities / governments / policy the year, such as the Capital Market Day and the Airbus Summit.
makers, industry associations, MRO (maintenance, repair and Additionally, it participated in numerous events such as air shows
operations) providers, airports, and the community at large. or conferences, which fostered dialogue on sustainability matters
Dialogue with numerous stakeholders helps the Company with a large number of external stakeholders including investors,
progress its sustainability ambition. In addition, it has formalised customers, media, NGOs, institutions, policy makers, and other
a number of opportunities to exchange more widely with its industry or value chain partners.
stakeholders. For instance, beyond materiality assessment, the
VI. Governance 01
Conscious of the strategic importance of sustainability, the –– Sustainability strategy and effective governance to ensure
Company has defined governance at the highest level. Oversight that sustainability-related topics are taken into account in the
has been established at the Board of Directors level with the Company’s strategy and objectives.
Ethics, Compliance and Sustainability Committee (“ECSC”).
Under the Board Rules, the Board of Directors delegates the
For further information about the ECSC, see “– Corporate
day-to-day management of the Company to the CEO, who,
Governance – 4.1 Management and Control”. The ECSC is
supported by the Executive Committee, makes decisions
responsible for assisting the Board of Directors to oversee the
with respect to the management of the Company, including
sustainability. The Executive Committee has the responsibility
–– Culture and commitment to ethical business, integrity and to provide top level expectations and direction, while overseeing
sustainability; and validating the sustainability strategy. This entails validating
–– Ethics and Compliance programme, organisation and sustainability targets, including those integrated into the Top
framework for the effective governance of ethics and Company Objectives.
compliance, including all associated internal policies,
procedures and controls; and
Board of Directors
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is supported by several committees or Organisation and policy framework: The sustainability &
boards linked to the Company’s four sustainability commitments: environment team put in place in January 2020 at corporate
–– the Environment Executive Steering Committee, the Inclusion level has continued to develop and expand. Its mission continues
& Diversity Advisory Board, the Product Safety Board as well to focus on:
as the Occupational Health and Safety Governance Board
(created in 2022; see “– 1.2.9 Health and Safety”), all chaired -- Setting the ambition level regarding the Company’s
by Executive Committee members; environmental and social commitments;
–– the Steering Committees of the Human Rights and Sustainable -- Identifying the levers to achieve this ambition;
Supply Chain Roadmaps, both sponsored by Executive -- Enabling the business to deliver this ambition across the
Committee members. full value chain;
Other sustainability topics such as business integrity are brought -- Engaging employees on sustainability;
directly to the attention of the Executive Committee. Where -- Providing clarity on ambition and progress to internal and
relevant, additional elements of governance linked to specific external stakeholders;
topics are explained in the governance sections of this report. -- Coordinating with relevant functions the performance
and reporting on progress with regards to the four
their continuous improvement. These teams are for the most Incentivisation and remuneration: The Company also
part supported by dedicated policies which are referred to in believes the integration of sustainability criteria into its reward
the Company’s Code of Conduct – a single reference intended mechanisms is an important enabler for accelerating its
to guide daily behaviour and help employees resolve the most sustainability ambition. A sustainability criterion is integrated
common ethical and compliance issues that they may encounter. into the common collective component of the CEO’s variable
The Code of Conduct applies to all of the Company’s employees remuneration, accounting for 20%, see “– Corporate Governance
and directors, regardless of their job title, responsibilities, – 4.2.1 Remuneration Policy”. This principle also applies to the
seniority, or location, within every subsidiary or joint venture other members of the Executive Committee who do not serve on
where the Company has control. the Board of Directors, and to a large extent to executives and
“Level IV” managers employed at the Company. Other criteria
also apply to all employees as summarised below:
Complementing the materiality assessment described further resources. This includes desktop research, interviews with
above, the Company reviewed in 2022 the list of its priority key internal stakeholders and verification with internal and
sustainability risks as shown above to help prioritise its actions. external stakeholders. The human rights risks identified were
This process complements, and is fully integrated into, the complemented and cross-analysed with product life cycle
Company’s ERM process. It is based on contributions and assessments – including sectoral inputs – and the Company’s
inputs consolidated from a wide range of stakeholders and top health and safety risks.
Procedures for regularly assessing the situation of relevant subsidiaries, contractors and suppliers: The table below
summarises effective procedures for regularly assessing the situation of relevant subsidiaries, contractors and suppliers. Specific
relevant complementary information can be found in the respective material topic sections.
Prevention and mitigation actions: the table below summarises transversal mitigation / preventive actions.
Alert / grievance and whistleblowing mechanism: The representative, or through the Company’s “OpenLine” hotline
Company is committed to maintaining a “speak up” culture, by ( OpenLine is anonymous where
promoting an open and trusting dialogue with employees at all legally permissible. It covers all sustainability topics and is
levels. All employees are encouraged to express their views, also available to external stakeholders including, affiliates
defend their opinions, and point out unacceptable behaviour and suppliers. The Company endeavours to ensure that the
– especially behaviour that violates the Company’s Code of procedures to assess, investigate and manage allegations are
Conduct. Employees can raise concerns with their line manager, well-aligned throughout the Company. For further information,
their human resources business partner, a legal and compliance see “– 1.2.14 Business Integrity”.
Monitoring system: The table below shows an overview of the monitoring system in place. More detailed descriptions, as well as
performance measures and analysis, can be found in the respective material topic sections.
Responsible Supervisory
KPIs Controls
management body committees
Environment Operations CO2 Scope 1, 2, Water, Waste S&E Department /
ERM, internal audit
Use of Products Delivered aircraft CO2 efficiency metric Environmental Roadmap
Health and Safety Lost time injury frequency rate Health and Safety Department See ERM, internal audit
governance ERM, site social
Nb of social assessments S&E Department / chart in assessments
Human Rights governance
% of findings closed within 18 months Human Rights Roadmap and supply chain
section above assessments
% suppliers at risk Procurement / Sustainable ERM, audits
Supply Chain
% action plan launched Supply Chain Roadmap Self questionnaires
Other key metrics (More metrics available in the ESG Data Board) 2021 2022 vs. 2021
Scope 3 – Cat 11 – commercial aircraft – SAF as per IEA-SDS scenario
400,611 425,454 +6.2%
(CO2e ktons)
Scope 3 – Cat 11 – commercial aircraft – “no SAF” scenario
458,738 494,893 +7.9%
(CO2 e ktons)
Scope 3 – Cat 11 – other products (incl. military aircraft and helicopters,
9,343 10,703 +14.5%
CO2e ktons)
Scope 3 – Cat. 1 – Purchased goods and services (CO2e ktons) 8,439 N/A N/A
CDP Rating A- A- Stable
Percentage of responding suppliers to the CDP scoring A or B 53% 66% +13p.p.
CO2 performance included in CEO, Executives and “Level IV” managers variable remuneration.
Targets (on TCO scope): -5% in 2022, 687ktons CO2e or -0.9% in 2023. 2022 performance: -8.5%.
Metrics: see “– 1.2.17 ESG data board”; targets: see “- IV. Transition plan”.
KPI assumptions (1)
CO2 equivalent (“CO2e”).
Energy consumption from stationary sources and electricity.
Climate change is considered by the Company as a the comprehensive Scope 1, 2 and 3 screening completed in
financially material topic and is one of the top Company risks 2022 in the framework of the Company submitting targets for
(see “– Risk Factors - Environment, Human Rights, Health & validation of the Science-Based Target initiative (“SBTi”), using
Safety Risks”). Impact materiality was also confirmed through the recommended Greenhouse Gas Protocol methodology.
While Scope 1 & 2 represent less than 0.2% of total emissions around 2.5% of total emissions (see figures in table below). For
each, Scope 3 category 11 – Use of sold products – has been those categories, more precise methodological inventories have
identified as highly material for the Company, representing been developed (see “– 1.2.17 ESG Data Board – Environmental
above 90% of total emissions. The second most material was performance”).
Category 1 – Purchased goods and services, representing
CO2 emissions from commercial aircraft in operation appear impact of the products in operation. This also means introducing
to be the most material category. According to both the a lifecycle perspective and mitigating the risks and impacts at all
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the stages of the life-cycle: from the procurement of raw materials,
International Energy Agency (IEA), air transport represented through the design and manufacturing of products, to their in-
over 2% of global man-made GHG emissions in 2021. While service life until their retirement.
this makes the decarbonisation of aircraft operations the
absolute priority, addressing emissions from upstream industrial Organisation and Responsibilities
operations, including the Company’s own, is also seen as an Two main management structures are relevant for the governance
important objective. In this context, the Company’s roadmap of sustainability matters and climate change: the Board of
to decarbonisation is intrinsically linked to the entire sector’s. Directors and the Executive Committee.
While the Company has a direct and critical role in developing
and providing technical solutions, the concomitant development As mentioned earlier, the Board of Directors is supported by
of adapted ecosystems will also be a key success factor, which the ECSC. In practical terms, the ECSC, as a committee of the
the Company intends to facilitate and enable. Board of Directors, oversees strategic decision-making and
the execution of the approved sustainability strategy, including
In addition, in order to better meet stakeholders’ expectations areas such as innovation and environmental and climate action.
and develop its own climate strategy, the Company adheres
to the CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project), SBTi and In 2022, the ECSC reviewed and provided guidance on a wide
TCFD initiatives. In 2022, the Company’s approach to climate variety of climate-related topics, including the SBTi targets, SAF,
change was rated A- by the CDP for the third consecutive year. and decarbonisation of the supply chain.
In addition, the Company has recently set its first near-term To support the Executive Committee in environmental matters,
science-based targets to reduce emissions on all scopes, in line especially climate-related, an Environment Executive Steering
with a 1.5°C temperature pathway for its Scope 1 & 2 emissions, Committee (“EnC”) was established in 2019. The EnC is
which were submitted to SBTi in June 2022 and validated in composed of members of the Executive Committee and senior
January 2023. The following sections gather information related executives company-wide responsible for environmental topics.
to the four pillars of the TCFD framework, of which the Company It meets once a month to review progress and take decisions on
has been a supporter since December 2020. all matters related to environmental strategy. The EnC reviews
climate change related topics, including the progress on meeting
II. Governance objectives to reduce GHG emissions, the decarbonisation
strategy and climate-related risks.
Environmental Policy
The Airbus Environmental Policy is the top level definition of the Environmental operations are led by the Sustainability &
guiding principles, vision, mission and associated initiatives for Environment department (described earlier), whose role is to
the environment. The policy applies company-wide, including to guide the business on environmental matters and to set the policy
affiliates where the Company owns more than half of the voting and deploy, drive and improve the Environmental Management
rights or the right to appoint the majority of the board directors System (“EMS”) throughout the Company.
(to the extent that the shareholders agreement and/or the level The Company’s EMS is based on ISO 14001:2015. It was
of control in force in each relevant affiliate allows it). The policy recertified in November 2022, having previously confirmed
also covers the Company’s employees and contractors while at by certification surveillance audits in 2020 and 2021. The
the Company’s sites or at work under the responsibility of the Company’s environmental strategy is implemented operationally
Company. It takes a holistic approach to measuring and acting by dedicated multi-functional teams at corporate and/or divisional
upon the Company’s environmental performance by assessing level. These cover topics such as industrial and site impact,
the environmental impact of internal operations, as well as product operation, supply chain or chemical substances.
providing capabilities to the Company’s customers to reduce the
The outcome of the Company’s qualitative analysis is synthesised in the following table:
RISKS (see “– Risk Factors” for full description) 1.5°C 2°C 3°C
Transition – Technology
Transition – Market
Physical – Chronic
Physical – Acute
Energy source
Products and services
: ST – : MT – : LT
Mitigation actions the Company has engaged, including to address these risks and opportunities are presented in the following
“IV. Transition plan” section.
IV. Transition Plan while engaging with the energy ecosystem (see section 2.
Product stewardship).
Based on identified risks and opportunities, the Company
has established a transition plan covering its industrial The cost of such a transformation of the sector is expected to
operations, products and services, supply chain, employees be substantial. In particular, the carbon price (through taxation,
and communities, including relevant targets, against which emissions trading and crediting schemes) and the extra cost
performance is monitored and reported. Regarding GHG for SAF and/or higher investments are likely to materially impact
emissions, this plan was based on a scientific approach and business models of operators. However, even if reportedly
is consistent with the aviation sector’s decarbonisation long- difficult to predict, according to a study published in 2022 by
term aspirational goal of reaching net-zero carbon emissions ATAG named “What will it cost to get to net-zero carbon for
by 2050. Its success will depend on coordinated collaboration global aviation?”, these extra costs could be offset to a large
with numerous players in the sector. extent by more efficient operations, especially where markets
are developing. This could mean limited consequences on air
The Company strives to have the aviation sector engaged to
fares, with differences across regions. Ultimately, the overall
work towards and contribute to a just transition to a low-carbon
affordability of air travel could remain relatively similar, and so;
economy, whereby air transport’s decarbonisation journey is
access to air travel should be preserved for the greatest number
fair and inclusive. According to the International Energy Agency,
of people, according to the report.
based on the remaining global carbon budget and the share
allocated to air transport, air transport can grow at a certain The required transformation of the sector also implies the
level and meet the Paris Agreement objectives. This relies in part emergence of new technologies and associated ecosystems,
on technological developments to improve the efficiency of air with expected impacts on jobs and required skills. Preparing
transport, in which the Company has a critical role to play. This the workforce for such changes will be both a social duty
approach also echoes “net zero carbon 2050” ambitions from and an important success factor. Conversely, if uncontrolled,
international sectoral bodies such as the Air Transport Action the development of these technologies and energies could
Group (ATAG), as well as the UN specialised civil aviation body, have undesirable side effects, such as inappropriate land use
the International Civil Aviation Organization. This is consistent impacting local communities and human rights. The Company
with the Company’s mid-term target setting, covering all three will strive to influence the ecosystem to consider and avoid
scopes, and with its core product policy that focuses on these impacts, and to engage accordingly with any relevant
developing and delivering aircraft with lower carbon emissions stakeholders in constant dialogue.
1. Industrial Operations
The Company has defined targets and ambitions for its own representing 89% of total reported emissions in 2022, on which
operations. the Company can have a more direct control and influence
(see below). This target was set in absolute value at 687kt
CO2 emissions:
CO2e for 2023 (or -0.9% vs. 2022) on a scope extended to
–– reduce direct (scope 1) and indirect (scope 2) net GHG
another four sites.
emissions by 63% by 2030 compared to 2015 across the
whole Company reporting scope. This target is in line with a For performance monitoring purposes, the Company refers to
“1.5°C” pathway and was validated by SBTi in January 2023. Scope 1 & 2 market-based proxy – “market-based (location-
As an additional voluntary commitment, the Company based net of REC)”, i.e. location based with purchased guarantees
has committed to compensating all residual emissions for of origin deduced. The Company is working towards improving
scopes 1 & 2 from 2023 and gradually switching to using only data collection and market-based methodology implementation.
carbon removals from 2030 and onwards; Meanwhile, this metric is used by the Company to measure its
–– beyond the mid-term plan, the Company’s ambition is to progress towards its 2030 target, in order to be able to take
pursue reducing emissions aligned with a 1.5°C trajectory into account the contribution of its electricity sourcing on its
towards 2050. In order to do so, it is evaluating the future industrial decarbonisation target. This refining of methodology is
application of the SBTi Net-Zero standard and removing expected to trigger restatements in the coming years, including
residual emissions as an additional voluntary commitment; that of the 2015 baseline.
–– interim targets are set in line with the Company’s 2030
roadmap. They refer to a material sub-scope of its operations
Energy: 01
–– reduce final energy consumption from stationary sources and In order to deliver its ambitions, the Company has developed
electricity by 20% by 2030 compared to 2015 across the whole a comprehensive action plan for both stationary (ground-
Company reporting scope. fixed assets) and mobile sources (vehicles such as cars,
trucks or aircraft). This takes into account both efficiency and
decarbonisation measures, complemented by an offset strategy
for residual emissions.
This roadmap was further strengthened in 2022, and, together with proof points, can be synthesised as follows:
Mobile sources
Stationary sources ~30% of energy consumption
~70% of energy consumption (e.g. ground vehicles, “Beluga” air
(e.g. heating, cooling, manufacturing processes) transport operations, flight test)
Energy Substituting energy-intensive assets by energy-efficient ones and Switching to lower emission vehicles where
efficiency optimising energy consumptions. In order to meet the -20% target possible and avoiding emissions through
measures by 2030, a portfolio of projects was identified and phased, including better planning of flights and logistics.
low-energy lighting, improved insulation, voltage management, energy- --Since 2022, new Beluga jigs and tools have
efficient heating and cooling or optimised ventilation system, as well as enabled each logistic flight to transport two
enabling projects such as extending metering network, and enhancing A350 wings instead of one previously.
energy monitoring solutions. --Deployment of Airseas Seawing (see
-- In 2022, 17,500 fixed phones were removed across European sites. In hereafter “other initiatives”) for vessels:
France, it represented electricity savings of 920MWh. the experiment on the “Ville de Bordeaux”
-- The installation of a compressed air management system in Donauwörth transatlantic logistic vessel started in
has saved approximately 150MWh. December 2021 continued in 2022.
-- In Broughton, automatic standby in Paint Shops during weekends and
shutdowns has already led to energy saving of 340MWh.
-- In the context of the energy crisis in Europe, the Company undertook
a number of actions to contribute to the collective effort as a corporate
citizen. This included reducing heating systems temperature by 1°C in
its European sites, reducing heating device energy consumption by
about 7%, and diverting from the use of gas to other sources of energy
where possible in German sites.
Transition to Ambition to secure at least 90% renewable or low-carbon electricity Using lower carbon fuels (e.g. SAF). The
low carbon direct supply to all sites in Europe before 2030. share of SAF used in the Company’s own
energy This will be achieved with the implementation from 2023 of power operations will progressively increase to at
sources purchase agreement (PPA) contracts and a combination of local projects least 30% by 2030.
(wind, solar), complemented by electricity generated from nuclear power. The Company set an interim target of 10%
The amount of electricity purchased through the PPA contracts will in 2023 for its commercial aircraft activities
increase progressively. and its Helicopters Division. This will concern
-- The renewable power purchase agreement (PPA) project launched in flight tests, delivery flights and logistic flights
2020 reached a major milestone in 2022 with the validation of renewable (Belugas). In addition, the Company also
and low-carbon power purchase requirements as well as finalising the started using sustainable fuels for its maritime
selection of suppliers. The Company is making progress on contracting logistics.
for 2023 and 2024. -- Since 2019, SAF has been used in the
operation of the Company’s Beluga
All remaining purchased electricity in Europe will be covered by transport aircraft for the purpose of internal
guarantees of origin (GoOs) from 2024. In 2030, this will represent a logistics.
maximum of 10% of consumed electricity.
-- Since 2019, the share of electricity consumption from industrial
-- In 2022, flight test activities in both Divisions
started using SAF. In total, an estimated
operations in Europe which is covered by GoOs has increased annually 4,823 tons CO2 were saved during the year
by 10%, exceeding 40% in 2022. when compared to conventional kerosene.
In addition, the Company is investigating similar opportunities in other
regions (e.g. USA, China).
More efficient heating systems energy sources.
-- The installation of a combined heat and power plant (CHP) in
Donauwörth led to a further saving of 1,800t of CO .2
Carbon The Company has committed to remove 100% of its residual emissions by 2030, which will represent around
offset 400kt CO2e in 2030. It will start with compensating all remaining emissions from 2023, with a gradual phase-in of
strategy carbon removal solutions to cover 100% of residual emissions by 2030. Both nature-based and technology-based
solutions are considered, in alignment with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports.
Since 2019, the Company has introduced a mechanism to compensate for its business travel emissions based on the
concepts of additionality, real (permanent) reduction, prevention of double counting, prevention of overestimation and
no additional harm. As a minimum, the carbon offsets purchased by the Company are certified by the Gold Standard
or Verra or Verified Carbon Standard or Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standards and the supplier needs to
show proof of how each one of the mentioned criteria was met. In addition, understanding that these carbon offsetting
programmes may have gaps in their methodologies, additional proof is requested of how such gaps are managed by
the provider. Moreover, societal aspects are considered, such as prevention of child labour, respect of human rights
and relations with the communities surrounding the projects.
The volume of offsets required in 2022 was around 45ktCO2e procured through offset producer South Pole in the
form of a cluster of compensation and removal projects: aforestation (VCS), landfill gas and waste gas (GS-VER), forest
conservation (VCS-CCBS). This contract with the South Pole has been reviewed to cover the full volume of 2023 residual
emissions, estimated to be over 700kt CO2e.
In addition, the Company plans to secure 2024-2030 volumes well in advance. Terms will meet underlying principles
of progressive transition towards 100% removals, as well as a relevant mix of nature-based and technology-based
-- In 2022, to foster tech-based solutions development, the Company has partnered with 1PointFive, a US company,
and has pre-purchased 100,000 tons of carbon removals per year over four years – or 400,000 tons in total – as part
of an initial offtake. A portion of these volumes will be allocated to the Company’s scope 1 & 2 offset strategy.
As an enabler for consistent decision making, the Company giving a clear signal to project leaders on the importance of
uses an internal carbon price to support investment with CO2 footprint reduction and enabling an acceleration of project
positive energy and CO2 reduction impacts on operations. In portfolio implementation.
2021, this price was updated from 30 €/tCO2 to 150 €/tCO2,
2 000 1 000
1 500
ktons CO₂e - Scope 1&2
-63% vs 2015
0 0
2015 2022 2030
Additional performance metrics are disclosed in “– 1.2.17 ESG Data Board – Environmental performance”.
2. Product Stewardship
In 2022, the Company defined a target for its Scope 3 category decarbonisation of the sector. The metric is based on the
11 (use of sold products) for commercial aircraft products, Company’s corresponding scope 3 Use of Sold Product for
covering over 90% of its total emissions: commercial aircraft. In alignment with SBTi methodology, it
–– CO2: reduce scope 3 (category 11 – use of sold product) for now includes emissions from upstream fuel production and
commercial aircraft by 46% in terms of CO2 per passenger- predicted average SAF usage over the aircraft lifetime as per
kilometre. This target, alongside the Company’s scope 1 & 2 IEA SDS (ETP 2020) scenario. See “– 1.2.17 ESG Data Board –
target, was validated by SBTi in January 2023, showing the Environmental performance” for detailed methodology.
Company’s GHG reduction targets are aligned with the goals The Company is committed to contributing to meeting the
of the Paris Agreement adopted at COP21 in December 2015. Paris Agreement targets and to taking a leading role in the
It was set based on the carbon budget allocated to aviation by decarbonisation of the aviation sector in cooperation with all
the International Energy Agency in its Sustainable Development stakeholders. Consequently, the Company is developing a multi-
Scenario (SDS); faceted climate-impact programme for commercial aircraft. This
–– this is a physical intensity target, in line with the SBTi includes a focus on new aircraft technology development, SAF,
recommendations, and highlighting the importance hydrogen, air traffic management (ATM) solutions, and carbon
of technology and aircraft carbon efficiency for the removal solutions.
CO2 emissions (in millions of tons)
2020 2030 2040 2050
Around 75% of the global commercial aircraft fleet is still made up of older generation aircraft, ›› In 2022, 99% of the delivered
while latest generation aircraft are up to 25% more efficient than the previous generation. commercial aircraft corresponded to
Renewing the fleet therefore offers immediate huge potential for aviation decarbonisation. latest generation aircraft (2021: 95%).
The Company’s commercial aircraft portfolio includes the most efficient aircraft:
--A350 and A330neo offer 25% reduction in fuel burn and significantly reduced noise footprint ›› Continuous improvement commitment
versus the previous generation of aircraft; is also reflected by the Company’s
--the A320neo family brings a 20% reduction in fuel burn, and nearly half the noise footprint contribution to Europe’s CleanSky2
programme: a military aircraft C295
compared to previous generation of aircraft;
--A220 offers 25% reduction in CO2 emissions per seat versus previous generation of small from the Company has been used as
an in-flight technology demonstrator,
single aisle aircraft, 50% reduction in noise footprint and 50% fewer NOx emissions than the
standards. Flight Test Bed.
The Company is continuously improving its products through new aerostructures designs and
technologies, advanced materials, upgraded systems and more fuel-efficient engines aiming to
achieve CO2, NOx and noise emissions reductions in operations.
Strategic pathway 2 Developing and deploying SAF, with all aircraft types 100% SAF compatible before 2030
In order to accelerate its action plan, the Company strengthened its governance on this matter by creating a dedicated project team,
responsible for the end-to-end SAF roadmap strategy and deployment.
Regarding SAF production, the Company supports CORSIA’s standard emphasising the necessity to respect land rights and
land use rights including indigenous and/or customary rights. The Company is committed to complying with local regulations
and CORSIA’s standard for its own usage.
›› In 2019, the Company signed a memorandum of understanding with airlines such as SAS Scandinavian Airlines and easyJet to jointly
research a hydrogen-powered aircraft ecosystem and its infrastructure requirements.
›› It has joined several major hydrogen alliances, such as the Hydrogen Council, Hydrogen Europe, and European Clean Hydrogen
Alliance. It has launched in 2020 a joint-venture with ElringKlinger in order to benefit from the huge cross-industry experience of other
industries, and accelerate its ambition.
›› It also participates in The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking, European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, France Hydrogène, French
Conseil National de l’Hydrogène, and the German Wasserstoffrat.
›› The Company promotes the “H2 Hub at airport” concept in which partners will join forces to adapt the infrastructure to the use of
hydrogen by aircraft, and more. In this context, it has signed partnerships with Delta, Wizz Air, Linde, Air Liquide, Changi Airport / Caas,
Korean Air, Incheon Airport, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Kansai Airport, Plug Power, Fortescue Future Industries, ANA, Air New
Zealand, Vinci, Engie, AREC, group ADP, Bristol Airport, Hynamics, Hydrogen South West, SAVE SNAM and Milan Airport.
Electric flight
The Company’s work in electric flight has laid the ›› In 2022, the Company partnered with Renault Group to advance research on
foundations for the future concept of lower carbon electrification and mature technologies associated with next-generation battery
commercial aircraft. Since 2014, the Company has been systems. Engineering teams will focus on energy storage, which remains one
exploring how recent technology advancements – from of the main roadblocks for the development of long-range electric vehicles.
battery capacity and autonomy to electric propulsion – This includes technology bricks related to energy management optimisation
can help drive the development of new kinds of aerial and battery weight improvement, and looking for the best pathways to move
vehicles with the potential for significantly reduced from current cell chemistries (advanced lithium-ion) to all solid-state designs
impact. which could double the energy density of batteries in the 2030 timeframe.
EcoPulse. The Company has partnered with Daher and ›› The Company is also investing in the required facilities to test these new
Safran to develop a distributed hybrid-propulsion aircraft technologies. Inaugurated in 2019, the more than 3,000m2 E-Aircraft System
demonstrator with the support of France’s CORAC and House (“EAS”) is the largest test house dedicated exclusively to alternative
DGAC and for which it is providing battery technology propulsion systems and fuels in Europe. This means the Company can now
and overseeing aerodynamic modelling. test the latest electric motors and hybrid-electric engines directly on its own
Urban air mobility ambition. The idea for a compact premises, and develop its own low-emission alternative propulsion units.
“flying taxi” first came from the Company’s desire to take
city commuting into the air in a sustainable way. The
›› In May 2018, the Company created the Urban Mobility entity to take its
Company has learned a lot from the test campaigns with exploration into cutting-edge commercial urban air mobility solutions and
two demonstrators, CityAirbus and Vahana. Beyond the services to the next level.
vehicle, the Company is working with partners, cities; ›› The CityAirbus NextGen revealed in September 2021 strikes a balance
and city inhabitants in order to create the ecosystem between hover and forward flight. This product vision is intended to target
that is essential for this new operating environment to the first markets/use cases and support the creation and maturation of the
deliver a sustainable service to society. technology, business and industry.
Strategic pathway 4 Investing in smart air traffic management (ATM) solutions and optimised operations 01
Improving the efficiency of air transport operations and infrastructure could ›› Coordinated by the Company in the Single European
reduce emissions by up to 10% (source: ATAG). Sky ATM Research programme (SESAR), ALBATROSS
launched in 2021, is an initiative of major European
The Company therefore supports initiatives aimed at reducing ATM aviation stakeholders to demonstrate how the technical
inefficiencies such as the Single European Sky Air Traffic Management and operational innovations the Company delivered in
Research programme (“SESAR”), while working on disruptive practices
the past years can be combined and used all together
like formation flying. The Company also focuses on developing fuel saving
to further reduce the environmental footprint of aviation
procedures for airports and ground operations to minimise the use of engine
power and auxiliary power units (“APU”) while the aircraft is on the ground. on the short term. It includes technologies such
as continuous climb and descent operations, flight
The Company organises face-to-face forums and webinars every year with trajectory optimisation with real-time transmission of
airlines to exchange knowledge on how to improve ground and in-flight four-dimensional trajectory data and hybrid “taxibot”
operational efficiency and using latest technological solutions. Namely, a “fuel assistance on ground operations.
efficiency network” has been developed with representatives of the ecosystem
including airlines, ATM, engine manufacturers, airports and suppliers. ›› By end 2020, the Company’s fello’fly demonstrator
project had signed agreements with two airline
In November 2019, the Company launched the fello’fly project which aims to customers, Frenchbee and SAS Scandinavian Airlines,
demonstrate the technical, operational and commercial viability of two aircraft as well as with three Air Navigation Service Providers
flying closer together for long-haul flights. Through fello’fly, the follower aircraft (ANSP) – France’s DSNA (Direction des Services de la
will retrieve the energy lost by the wake of a leader aircraft by flying in the Navigation Aérienne), the UK’s NATS (National Air Traffic
smooth updraft of the air it creates. This provides lift to the follower aircraft, Services) and European Eurocontrol – to demonstrate its
allowing it to decrease engine thrust and therefore reduce fuel consumption in operational feasibility. In November 2021, two A350 test
the range of 5-10% per trip. aircraft conducted the first-ever transatlantic fello’fly flight
Through its subsidiary Navblue, the Company provides services helping its confirming the potential for fuel savings of more than 5%
customers to minimise fuel consumption with best operational practices, during long-haul flights.
innovative services and training.
›› In 2022, Metron’s ATM optimisation solution deployment
Through its subsidiary Metron, the Company provides solutions to airports, was further extended to Qatar and expanded in
authorities and airlines to optimise air traffic management taking into account Singapore. It is estimated that some 2Mt CO2 were
live congestion and weather condition data, hence reducing engines’ running avoided in 2022 by the global fleet thanks to this
time and fuel burnt. In 2022, flights in the airspace of nine countries could innovation.
benefit from it.
Finally, CO2 emission compensation will be instrumental to stabilising aviation ›› In 2021, the Company and a number of major airlines
emissions in the medium term until disruptive solutions reach market maturity. – Air Canada, Air France-KLM, easyJet, International
For that reason, the Company supports ICAO’s CORSIA scheme as the only Airlines Group, LATAM Airlines Group, Lufthansa Group
global market-based measure for international civil aviation. and Virgin Atlantic – have signed Letters of Intent (LoI)
to explore opportunities for a future supply of carbon
The Company believes that direct air carbon capture and storage (DACCS)
removal credits from direct air carbon capture technology.
is a high-potential technology that could turn out to be meaningful in carbon
schemes applicable to aviation at some point. It involves capturing CO2 ›› In 2022, the Company partnered with 1PointFive and
emissions directly from the air using high powered fans. Once removed from pre-purchased 400,000 tons of carbon removals (see
the air, the CO2 can be used to produce power-to-liquid SAF that is drop- Offset Strategy above). It also invested in Carbon
in compatible with today’s aircraft. As the aviation industry cannot capture Engineering Ltd., a Canadian-based climate solutions
CO2 emissions released into the atmosphere at source, captured atmospheric company, operating the largest Direct Air Carbon
CO2 can also be safely and permanently stored in reservoirs within rock Capture (DACC) Research & Development facility in the
formations. This latter carbon removal solution would allow the sector to world.
extract the equivalent amount of emissions from its operations directly from
the air, thereby removing residual emissions.
The Company is actively working on a large portfolio of The Company’s space products also play an important role
projects focused on increasing the understanding of non-CO2 in the understanding of climate phenomenon and monitoring
emissions generation, their evolution and their climate effects, of their evolution. Today, 20 of the Company’s satellites are
but also to evaluate and develop solutions covering several involved in climate change monitoring and an additional 20
promising mitigation options impacting three well-identified are in development. As climate adaptation entails preparing
domains: through the use of new energies such as SAF or for natural disasters, this critical geospatial data enables
hydrogen, enhanced engine technology and flight operations the Company to deliver data that helps governments and
(implementation of operational/ATM measures). These include: humanitarian agencies predict and manage disasters. Earth-
–– on SAF, the ECLIF and VOLCAN projects included a DLR’s observation satellites allow the monitoring of deforestation,
Falcon aircraft, flying within 100m behind the Company test rising sea levels and GHG emissions in the atmosphere. The
aircraft fuelled with 100% SAF, to capture and analyse in-flight Company is involved in all major environment-monitoring
data. The preliminary observations show a positive impact of satellite programmes in Europe and plays a key role in all
SAF on aircraft emissions, and the tests will continue in 2023; 12 of the Copernicus missions, the EU’s Earth Observation
–– on hydrogen, the Company launched Blue Condor in 2022, Programme. For instance, the Sentinel-5 Precursor satellite is
a demonstrator taking a modified glider up to 33,000 feet to fitted with an array of measuring equipment used for air quality,
analyse hydrogen combustion’s impact on contrail properties. ozone and ultra-violet radiation, and climate monitoring and
The result of this analysis will provide critical information on forecasting. Sentinel-5P takes up to 40 million observations per
aviation’s non-CO2 emissions, including contrails and NOx, in day and provides a much finer view of emissions than previous
advance of the ZEROe demonstrator flight testing; satellites or detectors on the ground.
–– on operational measures, the Company announced in 2022 In 2022, the Company has progressed on the development and
its participation in the Contrail Impact Task Force, a cross- testing of new technologies that will be featured on biomass,
sector cooperation led by the RMI (Rocky Mountain Institute) the first ever satellite that will report how much CO 2 is captured
to explore opportunities to address the warming impact of
by the world’s forests. The spacecraft will deliver accurate
certain contrails. It also submitted a project proposal in the
maps of tropical, temperate and boreal forest biomass and
frame of SESAR 3. If selected – expected early 2023, as
changes in the biomass stock that are not obtainable by ground
expected, the Company’s project (due to start in 2023) will
measurement techniques. In arid areas of the planet, it will see
run for three years with the objectives of improving weather
through to the underlying bedrock, enabling mapping of the
forecasting capabilities, improving climate impact assessment,
rock structure and search for subterranean reservoirs of water.
defining a climate-optimised concept of operations and trialling
system solutions at aircraft and ATC level. The project will Upcoming missions also include EarthCARE, monitoring the
bring together experts and partners from climate science, impact of clouds and tiny atmospheric particles (aerosols)
meteorological institutions, airlines, manufacturers and air on atmospheric radiation; Merlin, studying GHG and global
traffic control. to focus on effective and operationally viable warming; and Microcarb, measuring CO 2 levels.
solutions to aviation non-CO2 emissions.
The Company’s satellite-based services help support a
Products and Services Supporting Climate Monitoring more sustainable agriculture. They provide insights enabling
and Adaptation reduction in the use of nitrates, and play a significant role
Climate change-related disasters are set to become more in helping agro-industrial companies like Ferrero or Nestlé
intense and frequent. This will require immediate action from monitor adherence to their non-deforestation commitments.
rescue teams for whom the Company’s products play an The Company’s Pléiades Neo constellation delivers precision
important role. For instance, the Company’s helicopters are insights to help farmers cultivate their fields more sustainably in
used by public authorities around the world in missions linked the context of a changing climate. Pléiades Neo’s Red Edge band
to disaster risk management, including medical evacuation, makes it possible to accurately predict and pinpoint subtle stress
search and rescue or firefighting operations. In 2022, around situations in crops long before the problem can be detected with
20% of delivered helicopters were equipped for such missions. conventional vegetation indices or even the human eye. This
information will allow farmers to assess the root cause of the
Military aircraft platforms can play a crucial role in the protection problem and take remedial action before the ailment spreads
of populations from natural disasters, such as for example or crops are lost, enabling more effective climate adaptation.
during the aftermath of hurricane “Irma” in 2017 when several
European nations used their A400M and C295 aircraft to
transport first aid and humanitarian equipment to several
impacted Caribbean islands. In July 2022, a removable
firefighting demonstrator kit was successfully tested on the
A400M airlifter during a flight test campaign in Spain. Due to
its low-level flight capability and manoeuvrability at low speeds,
the A400M can accurately drop payloads of water at very low
heights, down to 150ft.
90 88.8
50 Target
61.5 SAF
to fuel
In 2022, in order to align with SBTi-validated target methodology, Efficiency metric (SBTi-validated target) – Since 2015, aircraft
the Company established a new efficiency metric that will be efficiency measured through this metric has improved by 27%,
used for performance measurement. Namely, the difference in largely supported by significant investments into new aircraft
the two efficiency metrics can be explained by differences in technology and designs, as well as by projected SAF uptake
the following two key assumptions: the integration of emissions impact to a lower extent. Given the variable time horizons of
related to the upstream fuel production and the consideration each of the five decarbonisation pathways presented above,
of the likely usage of SAF over the product lifetime, as per the it is expected that the increase of SAF used by airlines in the
IEA-SDS assumptions, as illustrated on the chart for the year coming decades will have a decisive impact for achieving this
2022. The Company estimates that products delivered in 2022 -46% target by 2035. The Company intends to develop means
will see their life-time emissions reduced by around 14% thanks to monitor the actual availability of SAF and the resulting impact
to the gradual introduction of SAF during their operational life. on aircraft emissions.
For all reported Scope 3 figures and performance metrics, see
“– 1.2.17 ESG Data Board”.
While the greatest contribution from the Company’s supply Sending feedback letters to all suppliers after the 2021 campaign
chain to decarbonisation will be the capacity of its suppliers to has allowed the Company to raise the awareness of suppliers and
accompany the development and delivery of technical solutions, propose areas of improvement. From the 2022 campaign results,
getting its whole supply chain operations engaged into the the Company is going to request multi-year action plans from
transition towards a low carbon economy also remains a priority. suppliers that got a C or D score in order to foster improvement
in the management of their carbon footprint. These action plans
Scope 3 Purchased Goods and Services will be followed up by the procurement organisation.
In 2021, the Company published a first evaluation of the GHG
emissions arising from the goods and services it purchases 4. Employee engagement
(Scope 3 – Purchased goods and service) based on its 2020
Contribution of Company Culture and Employee
spend that amounted to 11.3 MtCO2e. In the course of 2022, Engagement to Climate Objectives
the calculation methodology has been refined which resulted
Success can only be collective and the engagement of each
in a reduction of 12.5% of reported emissions to 9.9MtCO2e.
and every employee is necessary. Environmental targets and
Following similar assumptions, emissions based on 2021 spent
objectives, including the ones related to climate, are internally
were estimated at about 8.4MtCO2e. 2022 estimates will be
promoted under the label high5+. Periodic communication
computed in early 2023 as spent data consolidation is completed.
campaigns are led using different communication channels, such
These evaluations were performed using a dedicated tool as posters and the intranet. In addition, climate-related objectives
developed by the International Aerospace Environmental are part of the Company Top Company Objectives (“TCO”). In the
Group (IAEG) and are expected to be further refined in the process of being cascaded to functions and teams, TCO’s trigger
coming years as mass-based information can be used. See discussions where teams reflect on how and to what extent they
methodology details in “– 1.2.17 ESG Data Board – Environmental can contribute and set meaningful objectives. Furthermore, a
performance”. While this method includes a certain degree of dedicated section in the Company’s intranet provides information
uncertainty – considered high by the IAEG on a certain number about the Company’s commitment towards climate, and
of emissions factors used – it provides a relevant view of the related action plans are available for employees to expand their
sources of GHG emissions in the Company’s supply chain awareness. On the training platform, e-learnings in relation to
and enables comparison of the Company’s various scopes climate, such as “climate crisis”, “climate science”, or “climate
throughout its supply chain. change economics”, are freely available to employees while one
environment-related e-learning has been included since 2022
Notably, this evaluation helped prioritise the engagement with the in the Company mandatory yearly training plan, applicable to
highest contributing suppliers, through the CDP (see hereafter) or all employees. From October 2021 to September 2022, some
the Airbus Supplier Code of Conduct (see “– 1.2.15 Responsible 73,457 employees were trained in environmental awareness.
Supply Chain”).
Since 2021, the Company has established a global sustainability
CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) ambassadors network now comprising 448 ambassadors from
In addition, the Company considers a CDP score as a relevant across 18 functions and 18 countries. Ambassadors help to foster
indicator for assessing the maturity of its suppliers to address sustainability culture and awareness, engage their local teams
climate change, and requests its main suppliers to respond in various initiatives, and support the adoption and integration
to the CDP Supply Chain programme on an annual basis. In of sustainability objectives into the business, including climate
2022, it continued engaging with suppliers representing 82% and communities. In addition, in 2022, through the Company’s
of the Company’s total sourcing volume, following which “+impact” digital platform (launched across the Company in
suppliers representing 78% of the Company’s sourcing volume November), employees had the chance to participate in several
have completed the CDP questionnaire. In 2022, suppliers climate change-related challenges inspired by international days
representing 66% of the sourcing volume received an A or B such as World Water Day and UN Earth Day, recording over 1,700
score. individual actions (see “– 1.2.16 Community Impact”).
collaboration with local authorities, and periodic “cycle to work” collaboration with local knowledgeable associations, as well
events organised. Car parks are being equipped with charging as with partners that have a global reach. Support can take the
devices to encourage the use of electric cars, and Company form of fund-raising, the coordination of humanitarian flights
car policy has evolved in order to incentivise the selection of using Company products or logistic aircraft, and providing
low-carbon vehicles by collaborators. satellite imagery for partners to properly assess a disaster’s
scope and adapt their response plans. For instance, in 2022 the
Airseas – Through its Airseas joint-venture, the Company is
Airbus Foundation organised humanitarian missions, including
co-developing kite solutions for sea vessels as complementary
providing free-of-cost chartering of air transport, in response to
carbon-free propulsion, with a potential to ultimately equip a
Cyclone Batsirai in Madagascar, Cyclone Rai in the Philippines
significant part of the global maritime fleet and generate up to
and also following the flooding in Pakistan. A mission was also
20% emission savings.
organised to deliver medical supplies to populations in Somalia
Climate adaptation, supporting local communities – Through impacted by severe famine. Over 43 satellite image requests
its Community Impact Policy – including corporate activities and were made on the dedicated portal platform, with partners
its non-profit arm the Airbus Foundation – the Company is conducting monitoring including flooding and weather impacts.
committed to support vulnerable communities through disaster For more detailed information see “– 1.2.16 Community Impact”.
response at a time when climate-related catastrophes are
getting more intense and frequent. The Company works in
1.2.3 Pollution
I. Introduction
Linked to the industrial nature of its operations, the Company’s In this regard, the Company is reportedly subject to multiple
activities may cause adverse impacts on the natural environment. regulatory provisions, including those of the EU Industrial
The Company strives to reduce this impact in compliance Emissions Directive (IED). The IED notably applies to the
with applicable standards, laws and regulations. As covered management of the Company’s industrial activities in France,
in this section, pollution includes air pollution (except GHG, Germany and Spain. This Directive requests operators of
see “– 1.2.2 Climate Change”), soil pollution, water pollution certain installations to establish the state of soil and surface
(surface and groundwater) and noise pollution caused by the and groundwater contamination at the start of operations, apply
Company’s activities and value chain. Pollution linked to the for a permit that includes conditions to prevent soil pollution
emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is a primary through application of the best available techniques, and take
focus of the Company, as it arises from aircraft painting and necessary action upon definitive cessation to return the site to its
cleaning activities. Light pollution has been deemed to be non- initial status. Beyond this directive, the law on soil management
material to the Company’s value chain. Pollution may impact is covered under several national texts which may differ from
the Company primarily through the potential consequences one country to another, as well as in the permits issued for the
of business disruption arising from constraints on activities in Company’s industrial activities. Specific regulations cover the
the Company’s value chain in case of local pollution peaks, for topic of chemical substances, with the main regulations covering
instance. Eventually, unmanaged pollution risks could disrupt the Company’s activities and products being Registration,
the Company’s ability to operate, e.g. deliver its products to Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of chemicals (REACH);
customers or imply depolluting costs. Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS); Persistent Organic
Pollutants (POP); and Biocidal Products.
Pollution is regulated around the world. Overall, the Company’s
compliance with applicable standards, laws and regulations
is part of the operating licences granted by local authorities.
Noise around the Company’s sites can also be an important seeking to reduce the noise at the source. In Toulouse, the
topic for neighbouring communities. The Company is actively Company has launched the Median initiative, regrouping actors
engaged with local authorities and the affected populations to in charge of flight activities around the airport to find the most
minimise its impact, by adapting operating times and actively effective solution to reduce noise levels.
I. Introduction
The Company recognises the challenges associated with of range and fuel consumption, and therefore has a benefit
depleting natural sources. This section covers its approach for customers’ expectations and the Company’s order book.
towards optimising the use of materials end-to-end – including Optimising the use of such high-value materials is directly linked
product life cycle, eco-design, circularity, and end-of-life to the Company’s competitiveness, while securing their supply,
considerations – with a focus on waste when it comes to its own as they become scarcer, is necessary to ensure business
industrial operations. The Company identified three materials continuity.
for which this approach is especially meaningful as they are
essential to aircraft manufacturing: aluminium, titanium, and Nevertheless, these materials can pose unique challenges in
carbon fibre-reinforced plastics (“CFRP”). terms of supply, application and recycling. Addressing this topic
requires an engagement and coordination with the end-to-end
While aerospace represents a small fraction of the global volumes value chain, from the extraction stages to the eventual disposal
for most materials – e.g. the Company’s aluminium consumption or recycling. Of note, the human rights aspects that may be linked
is estimated to be about 0.1% of the global market – it can figure to the sourcing of materials, including conflict minerals, as well
among the main users for some highly specialised materials as the potential environmental impact linked to their extraction
such as titanium or CFRP. The use of these materials, and the and processing are covered in sections “– 1.2.10 Human Rights”
impacts associated with their production or end-of-life, are and “– 1.2.15 Responsible Supply Chain”. A number of related
justified by their contribution to the efficiency of the end product, regulations apply to the Company globally, regionally and locally,
as they enable lighter structures and more efficient design. As such as the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary
around 97% of a typical aircraft’s life cycle impact comes from Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, or the EU
its operational use phase, using lighter materials (which are Waste Framework Directive.
sometimes more impactful in their production processes) is
Finally, all considerations for optimising material use shall under
particularly effective in regards to achieving significant reductions
no circumstance be detrimental to product safety and shall meet
in energy consumption and emissions overall. Product weight
all technical requirements from stringent certification standards.
optimisation is largely linked to product performance in terms
in various locations in France and Spain. A memorandum of Digitalisation, Traceability and Criticality Mapping
understanding between the Company and the city of Chengdu The Company leverages digitalisation as an enabler to optimise
was signed in 2022 for the launch of an aircraft life cycle and reduce its environmental footprint. For example, some
management service in China. Overall, TARMAC has recycled applications seek to improve design and material utilisation,
over 300 aircraft since 2007. or to optimise usage of critical resources. At the same time,
traceability of parts is essential to facilitate recycling. The
Life Cycle Thinking and Conscious Design
Company reports on marking parts to facilitate the ability to
The Company invests in LCAs for environmental impact reuse, recycle, and repair, while complying with legal provisions
accounting associated with a specific product, in accordance applicable to the sector. In addition, the Company has launched
with the requirements specified in the ISO 14040 standard. a dedicated traceability project to increase data availability and
Detailed LCA studies have been finalised for the A220-100, transparency from the aircraft “Bill of Materials” and leveraging
A220-300, A320neo and A350-900, covering over 95% of the on digital capabilities in collaboration with its supply chain.
Company’s deliveries of commercial aircraft products in 2022.
The Company is currently working together with the European As recommended by the EU Critical Raw Material (“CRM”)
Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) in the frame of the Product framework, the Company has created and is maintaining
Environmental Footprint initiative on the framework, to enable a dedicated Company framework – CRM. It is an internal
the publication of verified and standardised data in the future. methodology to assess that criticality of raw materials has been
developed on the axis of supply risk, environmental and ethical
In addition, the Company is deploying frameworks enabling impacts. Based on this, a regularly updated watchlist of the
environmentally-conscious design choices to reduce the footprint most critical raw materials for the Company has been defined
of projects and optimise aspects such as product end-of-life to influence design choices. The mapping of CRM in Company’s
management and critical raw materials usage. For instance, products is currently ongoing, based on available bill of materials,
in 2022 environmental assessments have complemented in the frame of an internal project. Additionally, the methodology
research & technology decision-making processes related to is currently being reviewed and improved by an external party,
commercial aircraft activities. Besides, as an example and part prior to being delivered in 2023.
of its Eco-design initiative, the Defence and Space Division used
LCA for the development of the Sentinel satellites that are built Competence Management
for the ESA. The Company’s Defence and Space Division is Circularity is a part of the Company’s sustainability and
engaged in a strategic transformation process which will focus environment competency strategy. Accordingly, related training
on increasing the circularity of its products, and expanding its modules have been identified and are in the process of being
product environmental impact assessment capabilities to include integrated in the Company’s training catalogue.
topics such as hybrid propulsion. These assessments would
be performed in addition to the regular LCA assessments for
1.2.5 Water
I. Introduction
The Company’s water usage is mostly linked to non-industrial The Company analyses current and projected local water stress
uses, including sanitary, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, levels to understand where the Company’s activities have the
canteens and fire extinguishing. Around 15% of the water greatest impact on water resources and prioritise actions in
purchased/withdrawn is used for industrial uses such as surface these areas (e.g. south of Spain, northern China). This analysis
treatment, machining, non-destructive testing and painting. This is based on the World Resources Institute’s Aqueduct Water
section covers both withdrawal and discharge. Risk Atlas tool. Of note, the Company has also identified water
as a relevant topic in its supply-chain roadmap and is currently
Water consideration is included in the Company’s LCA approach.
assessing water-related impacts and risks in the supply chain.
Procuring the required water does not currently represent a
Due diligence aspects with regards to the potential environmental
material cost for the Company as overall withdrawn volumes are
impact on water resources in the Company supply chain are
relatively limited, especially for its industrial operations. However,
described in section “– 1.2.15 Responsible Supply Chain”.
securing water availability to operate the industrial processes
requiring water is critical for the Company and its supply chain Water discharge quality is managed by each site directly to
to ensure business continuity. ensure compliance with applicable local regulatory requirements.
II. Governance The Company’s water usage is mostly linked to sanitation and
general uses (around 85%), while the rest is used in production-
The Airbus Environmental Policy and overall governance, as
related processes. The underlying approach is to reduce the
described in “– 1.2.2 Climate Change” are applicable to water.
use of potable water for uses where it is not necessary, while
ensuring that the overall withdrawal does not increase. While all
III. Risk Management concerned sites are working towards these targets to ensure
Environmental risk and opportunities, including the ones related advanced water management practices are implemented, a
to water, are managed following the Company’s ERM system, as keen focus is put on areas with current or future high water
described in the section “– 1.2.2 Climate Change”. In addition, stress levels. For example, local water stress levels are used
water has been identified as relevant to climate change physical as a criterion for prioritising the funding of projects (OpEx and
risks: work is ongoing to update the above-mentioned risks in CapEx) and for selecting sites for the launch of pilot projects (e.g.
line with the TCFD. proof of concept launched in Illescas (Spain) on digitised and
automated water consumption real-time monitoring).
IV. Implementation/Activities
In order to better monitor its approach with regards to water
management, the Company has set the following 2030 targets
(vs. 2015 baseline):
–– -50% reduction in purchased water;
–– 0% increase in water withdrawal.
In 2022, water withdrawal volumes increased by about 10% water dropped by 13%. In 2022, leaks were identified and fixed
compared to 2021, mainly as a result of people returning to the in Blagnac (France) and Mirabel (Canada), with an estimated
workplace after the COVID-19 period. When compared to 2015 impact of less than 2% on total water withdrawal.
baseline, water withdrawal reduced by 2.5% while purchased
1.2.6 Biodiversity
I. Introduction II. Governance
The Company recognises the considerable pressure planet Earth The Airbus Environmental Policy and overall governance, as
is facing as a result of loss of biodiversity. The latest 2019 report described in “– 1.2.2 Climate Change” applies to the biodiversity
of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity topic.
and Ecosystem Services (“IPBES”) demonstrates that the health
of ecosystems is deteriorating more rapidly than ever and the III. Risk Management
2021 IPBES-IPCC co-sponsored workshop shows the clear
Environmental risk and opportunities are managed following the
interdependencies between climate action and biodiversity
Company’s ERM system, as described in the section “– 1.2.2
protection. In this context, the Company intends to improve
Climate Change”.
its understanding of the impacts its activities and biodiversity
may have on each other alongside the interdependencies of this
subject with the Company’s ongoing climate actions. IV. Implementation/Activities
In order to progress its understanding of the impact of its activities
Moreover, the Company aims to contribute to the updated and
on biodiversity, the Company has identified the IPBES report as
new goals and objectives for biodiversity. These include the ones
a relevant framework to follow. In 2022, the Company launched
for 2030 and 2050 agreed at the 15th Conference of the Parties
a project to compile an inventory of potential impacts across the
of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity in December 2022,
five drivers of biodiversity loss: changing use of sea and lands,
in Montreal, according to which all signatory countries should
direct exploitation of organisms, climate change, pollution and
update their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans as
invasive non-native species. Meanwhile, the Company presumes
well as National Biodiversity Finance Strategies. Key goals are
that the most material biodiversity loss impact is linked to the
also ones set by the European Union in the EU Green Deal and
impact of its commercial aircraft activities on climate change and,
the EU Biodiversity Strategy of 2020 that place the European
as such, efforts are prioritised alongside the existing climate-
Union at the forefront of this transformation.
related initiatives. See “– 1.2.2 Climate Change”. In addition, a
number of mitigation actions have been started in relation to
the other drivers.
Pollution: see “– 1.2.3 Pollution”.
Changing Use of Land out, if required, the necessary biodiversity inventories and the
applicable deadlines in the timeline of each project.
Overall, the ground footprint of the aviation industry, as a global
means of transportation, is limited to local sites; mostly airports
Restoring Biodiversity
and related activities. As for the Company, its operations are
located at a number of industrial sites. When building a new site The Company’s space products, and more especially
or extending an existing one, the Company engages with local Earth-observation satellites, play an instrumental role in the
partners on conservation and remediation projects to preserve understanding of biodiversity evolution. See “– 1.2.2 Climate
flora and fauna that were impacted by the Company’s industrial Change” / Transition plan / Products and services supporting
activities. This is done in line with applicable legal requirements. climate monitoring and adaptation.
In France, for instance, during and after construction works, In addition, the Company through its corporate community work
the Company strives to apply the Avoid, Reduce, Compensate and its Airbus Foundation has supported a number of biodiversity
mitigation hierarchy, as well as establish a budget for projects that aim to help preserve wildlife and natural ecosystems
compensation measures that goes beyond the duration of the at a community level, such as contributing to the International
project (for maintenance for example). This requires identifying Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) forest restoration
areas rich in biodiversity (in particular protected species), project. See “– 1.2.16 Community Impact”.
identifying the potential impacts on biodiversity, and carrying
Additional resources Code of Conduct , Product Safety on , Safety in Operations on ,
Safety investigation on , Health Onboard , Accident Statistics website
10 year moving average fatal accident rate (per million flights) per aircraft generation
Efficiency metric evolution (gCO2/km.pax)
Fig. 10 year moving average fatal accident rate (per million flights) per aircraft generation.
Source of data: official accident reports, ICAO, Cirium, and Company databases. Flight cycle data provided by Cirium.
The Company shall comply with a wide range of local and international health and safety regulations. It measures its performance
using company-wide indicators, such as the lost time injuries frequency rate, as summarised in the table below:
NB: in 2022, the company rolling FR1 (excluding Airbus Atlantic and Airbus Aerostructures) decreased from 2.28 to 1.60 however
if this perimeter included Aerostructures and Airbus Atlantic, the FR1 decreased from 3.29 to 2.23.
II. Governance
In 2022 the Company strengthened its governance of health –– the application of the principles of the International Standard,
and safety by creating a Company Occupational Health and ISO 45001, for the Company management system; and
Safety (OHS) Governance Board. The first meeting in July 2022 –– the development of a culture in which employees take
was attended by executive representatives of the Company, its responsibility for their own health and safety and that of others.
Divisions and regions, and was chaired by the Company’s Chief
Approximately one third of the Company’s core entities in home
Human Resources and Workplace Officer. The mission of the
countries are certified to the ISO 45001 Standard for health and
Company OHS Governance Board is to stimulate continuous
safety management systems. The Airbus Defence and Space
improvement by reinforcing the compliance and performance
Division sites have renewed their ISO 45001 accreditation in
oversight required by ISO 45001, and driving the ambition to
2022. Company-wide, this means that about 25% of employees
improve strategic and operational safety, health and wellbeing,
work on sites where the health and safety management system
while considering the needs of interested parties and the
is certified to ISO 45001. Other sites operate to the standards
business´s sustainability.
required by the Company Policy and have formal management
A public Airbus Occupational Health and Safety Policy Statement systems, even though they may not yet be formally certified.
was signed by the Company’s CEO in 2021. It enhances and
reinforces the company-wide Occupational Health and Safety
Policy priorities, principles and key initiatives including:
–– the continued identification and management of risks to people
and the business that could arise from work activities;
III. Risk management Mental health and wellbeing are also topics of attention for
the Company, especially given the increasingly challenging
Occupational health and safety risks are managed using the
personal and environmental factors. A management strategy
framework provided in the Company methods for “Health and
and mitigation plan have been defined, which include a network
Safety Risk Management” and “Incident Management”. Those
of “Wellbeing Focal Points” and relevant training. Further related
risks that are considered to have a high potential impact, including
mitigating activities are detailed in section IV. Implementation/
in the Company’s affiliates, are reported in the Company’s ERM
activities below.
The Company’s affiliates report on their health and safety
The method for risk assessment and control consists of a
management status through the ICSA exercise or similar system
sequence of logical steps to identify significant hazards,
in the Airbus Helicopters Division. Their annual report on key
evaluate the risks, and prevent, eliminate or mitigate them. This
health and safety management system requirements forms part
is done following the hierarchy of control principles: elimination,
of the ERM process.
substitution, engineering control, administrative controls and, as
a final measure, personal protective equipment.
IV. Implementation/Activities
The health and safety priority topics identified within the Company
The Company’s goal is to enable an environment that’s safe
and forming part of the Company Vigilance Plan are:
and healthy for all. Risk prevention and promotion of safer and
–– hazardous substances and materials; healthier conditions in the workplace are also key wellbeing
–– working environment; enablers.
–– on-site contractors health and safety management;
–– mental health and wellbeing. Safety
The Company has deployed prevention measures and mitigation Key risk mitigation activities were pursued in 2022 including the
plans around these topics. continued promotion of the health and safety culture:
–– campaigns to support a safe return to work after a long break
The mitigation of the risk of exposure to hazardous substances
such as summer holidays;
and materials requires the Company to adhere to risk control
–– “Safety Awards” at site level to motivate and engage employees;
measures when suitable alternatives are not available and subject
–– safety mobilisation days such as the “Winter Road” campaign,
to appropriate authorisations. The mitigation plan includes
the “Mental Health Day” and “Safety Weeks”, supported by
the application of relevant Company methods of substances
“Level IV” managers;
and materials management, the development of surveillance
–– widespread “Safety Lab” sessions that prompted proactive
programmes, and the recording and analysis of all prevention
and protective activity. Late 2022 saw the closure of a five-year
–– “Safety Box” training held in dedicated spaces raising
project called REACH-IT, and similar initiatives in the Divisions,
awareness about risk prevention. For some years this has
aiming at ensuring the compliance of the Company sites with the
been a successful initiative, allowing employees to express
stringent environment, health and safety conditions described
and engage on relevant safety topics;
in the European Union´s REACH Chromates Authorisations.
–– transparent sharing of safety related information, such as
The project has given the means to local management for
frequency rates and “Flash Alerts”.
maintaining a high level of protection of employees and the
environment where chromates are concerned, covering the The Company also refreshed some existing activities and
whole Authorisation period. developed new initiatives, such as:
Working environment risks include slip, trip and fall, site roads and –– mandatory environment, health and safety training in particular
infrastructure, and work at height. These are key areas of focus at managers level;
for the Company: in particular, working at height considering –– extending the “Safety Ambassadors” network;
the potential outcomes. As part of its risk mitigation activities, –– deploying multi-functional safety workshops;
the Company focuses on immediate containment actions –– broadcasting videos to encourage employees to be actors
while defining permanent solutions and putting in place robust of their own safety and to declare safety situations using the
monitoring, including at top management level. FISH tool;
–– introducing new topics such as mental health and well-being
On-site health and safety contractor management is another in the refreshed version of the “Safety Boxes” for the sites
priority topic. Due to its activities, the Company has various where all employees have completed the original “Safety
contractors working on its sites for which the interaction and Box”.
coordination of activities may generate risks of worker injury or
damage to products or infrastructure. As part of the mitigation Projects such as “People Safety@Work” (PS@W) for the
activities, a company-wide method for supplier and contractor Company’s commercial aircraft activities, the “We Care” initiative
health and safety management (M1243) has been issued. This in the Airbus Defence and Space Division extended to non-
method sets a standardised health and safety framework for operational areas, and the “Safe Together” initiative in the Airbus
the selection, approval and management of suppliers and Helicopters Division, continue the pursuit of positive cultural and
contractors who perform work for the Company on its work behavioural change.
sites. This method is under deployment locally, considering
already existing procedures and in line with local regulatory
New harmonised training courses have been, and are being, –– “Health and Safety Conscience of a Leader”, reinforcing the
developed to support culture change and risk prevention, accident prevention role of leaders and the importance of
including: developing a positive health and safety culture.
–– health and safety fundamentals – A digital course providing Finally, the occupational health teams have continued to robustly
a high-level overview of occupational health and safety, the support the fight against COVID-19 and its consequences, by
regulatory framework and the management system approach providing advice and support for individual employees and the
in securing a safer and healthier work environment; business as a whole.
–– induction training – to guide managers in how to deliver an
effective workplace health and safety induction for new team Reporting and Indicators
members, also demonstrating the Company’s commitment
The Company’s employees are required to report accidents,
to health, safety and wellbeing;
near misses and hazards to their manager, who is consequently
Over 286,815 hours of dedicated health and safety training were required to investigate. The incident and investigation details
delivered to 90,490 individual employees between October 2021 are recorded and this data is analysed to identify opportunities
and September 2022. for risk mitigation and overall performance reporting. Lost time
injuries are reviewed and assessed where appropriate by the
Since their creation, around 4,000 employees have attended
relevant bodies, including safety committees. The Frequency
modules 1 and 2 of the “Airbus Environment and Health &
rate performance is also periodically shared with relevant work
Safety (EHS) Leadership Certificate”. Between October 2021
councils, including the SE-WC.
and September 2022, 2,214 employees attended these modules.
Modules 3 and 4 have been made available from end 2022. Company-wide data collection and analysis is performed on
Successful completion of all four modules will result in an FISH (Federated Information for Environment, Safety and Health),
externally validated certificate in health and safety competence. a global environment, health and safety platform, including an
incident management module. Around 80% of the Company’s
Leadership involvement is key in stimulating continual
employees including the active workforce, apprentices and
improvement. More than 180 executives and “Level IV” managers
temporary employees, are estimated to be covered under the
completed the “Leadership Masterclass on Environment and
FISH platform. The FISH perimeter continues to be progressively
Health & Safety” between October 2021 to September 2022.
extended. The deployment of the incident management module
In addition, the majority of executives and “Level IV” managers
is ongoing at sites in North America and the Asia Pacific region.
have now attended the practical “Back to the Floor” health and
Complimentary data are monitored by the operational health and
safety training.
safety teams. The harmonisation of data management and thus
more powerful analysis remains a goal.
Occupational Health and Wellbeing
Psychological health and wellbeing are priorities for the Company. One of the indicators used by the Company to measure its
Whilst the causes of psychological issues tend to be multifactorial, performance is the lost time injury (LTI) frequency rate (the
this does not alleviate the ethical and commercial reasons for “FR1”). This indicator is a company-wide standard designed to
supporting employees in pursuit of a state of wellbeing – which enable geographical and organisational comparisons and it may
is more than just the absence of ill-health. differ from the formulae used by other companies. This indicator
considers the work-related lost time injuries in relation to the
Mental health consultations are offered to employees on site working hours, on a rolling year basis. In the company incident
and remotely, providing opportunities for them to anonymously management method, lost time injuries are defined as those that
express concerns about personal or professional aspects in their require medical attention and which cause the employee to be
life. In addition, health and wellbeing support material is made absent from their normal work activity for 24 hours or more, not
available on the Company’s intranet pages. counting the day of the accident but including weekends and
Initiatives such as “Wellbeing seminars”, “Mental Health days” and holidays. This produces a figure of the number of injuries per one
“Therapy dogs” visiting sites have helped to raise awareness and million (1,000,000) worked hours. The 2022 end-of-year figure of
open discussion on these sensitive topics. The role of “Wellbeing the rolling frequency rate amounts to 1.60 Company-wide and
Ambassador” has been created and will be deployed in 2023. 2.25 for the Company’s commercial aircraft perimeter.
The Company rolling 12 months employee lost time injury frequency rate 01
2.18 2.06 2.01 1.92 1.85 1.78
2 1.73 1.72 1.64 1.62 1.60
Target 2022
KPIs Target year 2021 2022 vs. 2021
% of investigations completed or in progress(1) 100% Permanent 100% 100% -
% of sites having undertaken a social assessment(2) 100% 2026 10%(6) 29% +19pp
% of findings closed within 18-months(3) 100% Permanent 100%(7) 100%(7) -
Other key metrics 2021 2022 vs. 2021
Number of participants to human rights trainings – cumulative, reporting period:
5789 6955 +1166
1 Oct.-30 Sep(4)
Number of alerts of human rights concerns (5)
4 28
KPI and metrics assumptions:
Following reports of concerns linked to forced and child labour and other labour rights.
% of the Company’s sites with over 100 employees, cumulative since 2020, undergoing a social assessment including human and
labour rights (based on number of in scope sites at 2020).
Following social assessments including human and labour rights, carried out on the Company’s sites.
Cumulative number of participants who have completed e-learning modules on human rights and modern slavery since 2018.
Including forced labour and labour rights (received via OpenLine and other means) through the Company’s supply chain.
Cumulative since 2020. Due to a change in calculation methodology, this number has been reduced based on the 2021 report.
Number of site findings closed within 18 months 100%. Closure of identified findings related to corporate management systems
pending release of the Company’s Sustainability Due Diligence and Human Rights Directive.
Code of Conduct , Supplier Code of Conduct , Modern Slavery Statement , Human Rights on
Additional resources ,
OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises , Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible
Business Conduct , ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
II. Governance 01
The Executive Vice-President Communication and Corporate Affairs has top level accountability for human rights at Executive
Committee level. During 2022, following formalisation of the Company’s governance arrangements for human rights in 2020, the
Company held a number of meetings and presentations to support and advance respect for human rights. These included:
During 2022, the Company reviewed its governance on human (see “– 1.2.12 Social Dialogue”). An external Human Rights
rights to reflect its transition from policy-setting into business Policy Statement by the Company’s CEO, Guillaume Faury, was
integration. Part of this review included a review of the role of published on the Company’s website and provides a top level
the Human Rights Multi-Functional Team (MFT) which has now summary of the Company’s Human Rights Policy commitments.
transitioned into a Human Rights Core Team. The Core Team is
The commitments contained within the Human Rights Policy
made up of multi-divisional and multi-functional representatives
will be integrated into the Company through the deployment
from within the Company with key actions aligned to delivery of
of a dedicated internal Directive. This Directive brings together
the Human Rights Roadmap. In addition, the mandate of key
external requirements such as legal requirements and
internal networks, including the Sustainability Ambassadors’
international standards and principles, as well as existing internal
network and the Ethics and Compliance network were extended
commitments relating to human rights including through the
to cover the topic of human rights. Work will continue to embed
Airbus Code of Conduct, Airbus Supplier Code of Conduct,
human rights into these networks and ensure they have the
the International Framework Agreement and the Airbus Human
right competencies to adequately support the Human Rights
Rights Policy. A key focus of 2022 included raising awareness of
the Directive and respective requirements with a view to prepare
Human Rights Policy the integration of the requirements into the Company’s internal
management system and processes. This work will continue to
Building on the human rights commitments and expectations that be a focus during 2023.
have existed in various key documents for many years (including
within the Airbus International Framework Agreement signed in
2005, the Company’s Code of Conduct and Supplier Code of III. Risk Management
Conduct), a key focus for 2022 included efforts to consolidate The Company’s identified salient human rights issues are
commitments to human rights standards and principles as well embedded into the Company’s risk portfolio in the frame of
as expectations in this respect (aligned to international human the Company’s ERM system and associated response plans
rights standards and principles including the United Nations developed to address identified impacts. Actions are reviewed
Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights, the ILO Core regularly by the Human Rights Core Team and any salient
Conventions on Labour Standards and the OECD Guidelines for human rights issues requiring particular focus are escalated to
Multinational Enterprises), into a specific internal Human Rights the Human Rights Steering Committee as well as the Executive
Policy which was formally approved in 2022 and endorsed by Committee and ECSC as required. An update of actions related
members of the Executive Committee. to the Company’s salient human rights issues follows, with further
actions progressing throughout 2023. Taking into account that
A number of internal and external stakeholders supported salient human rights issues may change over time due to internal
the creation of the policy including divisional and functional and external influences, the Company is committed to reviewing
representatives of the Human Rights Core Team and Steering them regularly and at least once per year.
Committee and members of the Legal & Compliance team.
Externally the policy was reviewed by representatives from Salient Human Rights Issues
specialist expert human rights organisations, academics and
The Company’s initial salient human rights issues were identified
civil society. The policy was also presented and discussed
through a human rights impact and gap analysis carried out
at the Airbus Global Forum which brings together social
in 2019. This identification was based on desktop research,
partner representatives from the Company’s sites around the
a benchmark of industry peers and companies in similar
world and the Societas Europaea Works Council (“SE-WC”)
industries and an analysis of stakeholder expectations, including
which represents the Company’s European social partners
consideration from a rightsholder perspective. These issues Review of salient human rights issues
were reviewed, updated and validated during 2020 through
the Human Rights MFT and engagement with a number of key Salient Human Rights Issues
external stakeholders, including human rights NGOs, academics/
researchers and industry groups. The identified salient human -- Impacts related to products and services
rights issues (with impacted rightsholders in parentheses) and (passengers and citizens)
actions undertaken during 2022 follows: -- Impacts related to diverse and inclusive workplaces
(own workforce)
–– impact of products and services (passengers and
citizens): Overseen by the Company’s Executive Committee, -- Risk of forced labour (workers in supply chain)
the Company continued to review how to integrate human -- Impacts related to sourcing of raw materials
rights due diligence through existing processes and tools with (workers in supply chain)
a view to mitigating the risk of misuse of its defence products.
For further details of actions related to this salient issue, please During 2022, the Company undertook a full review of its salient
see the Due Diligence section below; human rights issues. This review followed a similar process of
–– forced and child labour and other labour rights identification as that undertaken in 2019 (via comprehensive
(contractors and supply chain): Key activities to mitigate document review, interviews with key internal stakeholders and
the risk of forced and child labour and other labour rights verification including with internal and external stakeholders)
in the Company’s supply chain included the continued roll and prioritisation and weighting based on severity (assessed
out of the Company’s revised Supplier Code of Conduct, from scale, scope and remediability criteria) and likelihood.
with strengthened expectations on forced and child labour During this review, stakeholder feedback was taken into
as well as other human and labour rights and a requirement account which led to the identification and prioritisation of
for suppliers to formally confirm adherence to the Supplier “underlying issues” to support more effective action plans.
Code of Conduct and to cascade the principles throughout The review also included an analysis of the Company’s ability to
their supply chain. In addition, the Company took actions use its leverage to influence mitigation of the risk (e.g., whether
to include human rights in the supplier onboarding process it is directly linked to the risk), or whether the Company has
and to strengthen its supply chain due diligence including caused or contributed to the risk. Actions to progress response
updated risk mapping (country and activity) and a review of its plans will continue through 2023.
risk identification and alert management process. For further
information, see the Due Diligence section below and “– 1.2.15 In addition, in order to strengthen the management of the action
Responsible Supply Chain”; plans, a governance framework has been established such
–– inclusion and diversity: During 2022, actions to progress that the Company’s salient human rights issues (and identified
this salient issue included a continued focus on the “25 by 25” underlying issues) are sponsored by relevant members of the
gender diversity ambition to increase female representation Company’s Executive Committee who will provide oversight of
at executive levels of the Company, creating a robust pipeline the action plans within the frame of the Company’s risk portfolio.
including specific leadership programmes for women, such In addition, a process for the regular review of the Company’s
as “MyWay” where the Company increased the numbers salient human rights issues is currently being developed which
of cohorts by 100% versus 2021 and to support inclusive will include ensuring a risk review is performed at least once
leadership. Furthermore, a mandatory inclusion and diversity per year, with a more in-depth review every three years. For
training module was rolled out for all employees achieving full details of the Company’s priority risks, see “– 1.2.1 – VII.
more than 95% by the end of 2022. For further information, Airbus’ way forward: vigilance plan”.
see “– 1.2.11 Inclusion and Diversity”;
–– the transition to decarbonisation (supply chain): 2022 Due Diligence on Human Rights
was dedicated to identifying the key areas of risk that the During 2022, the Company continued to strengthen its risk-
Company’s transition to decarbonisation may create, affecting based human rights due diligence taking into account the OECD
in particular human rights. The identified areas include the Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct.
potential impact on communities due to the production of This focus, which will continue throughout 2023, included:
SAF, carbon offset initiatives and specific minerals required in –– due diligence within the Company’s own operations;
the development and manufacturing of new technology. The –– supply chain due diligence;
Company is already engaged in various coalitions (e.g. the –– product and service due diligence (focused on the Company's
Roundtable for Sustainable Biomaterials and the International defence portfolio).
Sustainability and Carbon Certification) to ensure that human
rights dimensions are considered in these areas. For further This due diligence is intended to support identification,
information see “– 1.2.2 Climate Change” and “– 1.2.15 prevention or mitigation and remediation of human rights risks
Responsible Supply Chain”; across the Company’s value chain, including risks related to
–– data privacy: During 2022, the data privacy team continued forced and child labour, working time and wages, freedom
to implement and improve the data privacy programme of association and discrimination and harassment in both
throughout the Company. For further information see Privacy the Company’s supply chain and own operations as well as
section in “– 1.2.14 Business Integrity”.
Further actions will continue during 2023. During 2022, 28 alerts of concern were raised related to human
rights or labour rights from within the Company’s supply
Social Assessments (Focused on Human and chain. This increase (from four disclosed in 2021) reflects the
Labour Rights) Conducted on the Company’s progressing maturity of the Company’s due diligence efforts
Own Sites as well as increasing awareness on human rights topics.
During 2022, the Company continued to conduct on-site social The alerts were raised through either the supplier screening
assessments focused on human and labour rights covering process, external reports (media/NGO reports) or the Company’s
its own sites. These assessments were carried out using an OpenLine. Following analysis, 24 of the alerts were closed with
independent third-party social assurance provider consistent no required actions; four remain open pending completion of
with the assessments carried out in the Company’s supply required actions. The Company will continue to investigate any
chain. new alerts during 2023.
KPIs Target Target horizon 2021 2022 vs. 2021
% of external hires to be 33% Yearly 22% 27% +5p.p.
female (active workforce)
% women in Board of
33% 2022 25% 33% +8p.p.
% women in senior
18% 2022 14% 16% +2p.p.
management – Executives
Number of men in senior
management – Executives
Number of women in senior
management – Executives
with regards to human rights, environment and health & IV. Implementation/Activities
safety. In cases of restructuring, the Company strives to limit
During 2022, the Company continued activities aimed at
as much as possible the negative impacts on its workforce
strengthening collaborative and partnership approaches
and considers employment as a priority. As an illustration, the
with unions in various countries. The main focus has been
last restructuring plan implying significant workforce reduction
on preserving global social dialogue, addressing Company
was completed in 2021: the COVID-19 adaptation plan resulted
transformation projects as well as informing and consulting about
in the signature of various collective agreements by the main
employment, working conditions and sustainability.
unions and provided for a range of social measures including:
trainings, internal mobilities, working time adaptations, voluntary Preserving a Global Social Dialogue
departure schemes, early retirement and the opportunity to
In Europe, seven European committees have taken place at
pursue personal or professional opportunities outside of the
Company level in 2022, including discussions about the Company’s
Company, such as business creation as well as dedicated partial
commercial aircraft activities. The composition of the SE-WC
unemployment schemes.
was renewed in accordance with the Company agreement and
Regular social dialogue is ensured at global, European and local its rules of procedure. At the Company’s Airbus Helicopters
levels as per ILO requirements, local legislation and Company Division, four European committees have taken place. The main
agreements about social dialogue, for instance thanks to the topics have been the follow up of the Division’s performance and
Company’s European SE-WC agreement which was updated in strategy, the deployment of the site specialisation strategy and
2018. Sites outside Europe are also covered by the Company’s more globally the Company transformation, focusing in particular
IFA framing the social dialogue and social culture in line with on competitiveness, digitalisation and environmental roadmap.
local labour legislation, culture and practices of respective At the Company’s Airbus Defence and Space Division, eight
countries. European committees have taken place. The main topics have
been the strategy and performance of the Division with a focus
In line with the Company´s global social dialogue strategy and
on sustainable transformation, including the AD 4.1 and the AD
since 2019, the discussions with the social partners have not
Digital reorganisations.
only been assured at local or European level but have also
happened at global level with the creation of the Airbus Global With a global reach, the third AGF took place early July 2022 in a
Forum (“AGF”). In line with the Company’s commitments in digital format and has proven again to be an effective exchange
terms of Sustainability, the AGF is a clear illustration of the platform between the Company’s top leaders in the regions
Company’s engagement for a responsible social dialogue. The and its employee representatives from the Company’s home
seat allocation for employee representatives is based upon countries as well as Poland, Romania, Morocco, Tunisia, Brazil,
Company’s headcount distribution across the globe and New Zealand, Australia, North America and China. The AGF
conditional to existing legal employee representation as per agenda triggered insightful discussions around business and
applicable regulations and practices in the relevant countries. human resources including actions about sustainability, human
rights, safety and wellbeing. It also served as an opportunity
In addition, the Company is an active member of the Global Deal
to enhance the perspective of the Company’s social partners
for Decent Work and Inclusive Growth initiative (“Global Deal”)
on local and regional practices with regards to social matters,
that was developed in cooperation with the ILO and OECD.
especially out of the European home countries.
The Global Deal is a multi-stakeholder partnership between
governments, business and employers’ organisations, trade Supporting Company Transformation
unions, civil society and other organisations that seeks to
make economic growth work for all against a backdrop of rapid Numerous discussions with the Company’s social partners have
changes in the world of work. Furthermore, the Company has taken place to support the creation of global business services
regular discussions with some national and international trade in Portugal, Airbus Protect in France, Germany and the UK as
union federations. well as the creation of Airbus Aerostructures GmbH in Germany,
on top of the social impacts in relation to the ramp-up. In Spain,
the discussions started in 2021 about the consolidation of the
III. Risk management industrial activities and the maintenance of workload in the
The European labour relations’ management of the four home Province of Cádiz in the CBC work centre were continued and
countries of the Company (France, Germany, UK, Spain) is also concluded successfully. Also, during 2022, the space activities
part of the Company risk management processes and these in Getafe were successfully integrated.
risks are reviewed internally on a quarterly basis. For example,
during 2022, employee relations continued to focus on ensuring Supporting Employees
legal compliance regarding national labour laws and investing In 2022, the Company carried out constructive dialogue with
in training the Company’s HR professionals about labour law. its social partners to negotiate salary increase policies where
The Company’s approach to risk management is also reinforced relevant with its employee representatives committees or in the
by the OpenLine reporting system, which allows employees to frame of collective bargaining negotiations. After having listened
report concerns anonymously (where legally permitted). to the members of the SE-WC on 15 September 2022, and
then having discussed further with the employee representatives
who signed wage agreements, the Company decided to pay an
exceptional premium to its employees (see “– 1.2.13 People”),
independently of current or future salary negotiations.
1.2.13 People
I. Introduction Program. The faster-than-expected recovery of commercial
aircraft activity and strategic programmes development in the
The Company’s people draw on each other’s expertise and
two Divisions, resulted in the Company’s workforce increasing
experience and put all their passion and determination to
by more than 6% (8% commercial perimeter, 5% in Airbus
pioneering sustainable aerospace. Human Resources is at the
Defense and Space Division and 3% in Airbus Helicopters
heart of the Company.
Division). Following the workforce adaptations carried out in
The current priorities of the Company’s Human Resources (“HR”) 2020/2021, the number of leavers seen in 2022 is returning to
function within its People Strategy are: pre COVID-19 levels, with an attrition rate of 5.0%.
–– engaging, inclusive and high performing leadership; The Company’s workforce is 88.6% based in Europe, across
–– skilled workforce and an agile learning organisation; more than 100 sites. Concerning the nationality of its employees,
–– inclusive workplace and simplified ways of working. 35.0% are from France, 30.7% from Germany, 7.4% from the UK
As of 31 December 2022, the Company’s workforce amounted and 10.7% from Spain. The evolution of the Company’s global
to 134,267 employees (compared to 126,495 employees in 2021), presence is seen in the increase of the workforce located outside
96% of which consisted of full-time employees. These statistics Europe (11.4% in 2022 vs. 10.9% in 2021) and the increase of
take into account consolidation effects and perimeter changes nationals from outside the Company’s home country nationals
throughout 2022. Depending on country and hierarchy level, to 16.2% (vs. 15.1% in 2021), coming from 143 other countries.
the average contractual working time is between 35 and 40
hours per week. Workforce by Business Segment,
Geographical Areas
2022 confirmed the strong aerospace industry recovery,
The breakdown of the Company’s employees by business
enabling the Company to accomplish its recruitment plan with a
segment and geographical areas, including the percentage of
particular focus on new skills, diversity and generational renewal.
part-time employees, is available in “– 1.2.17 ESG Data Board”.
As part of this, the Company launched a new programme to
welcome university graduates, the Airbus Global Graduate
he Company’s headcount reporting includes all consolidated companies worldwide. Figures are based on the active workforce,
i.e. the number of permanent and short-term employees, irrespective of their individual working times, and having worked in the last
30 days. The headcount is calculated according to the consolidation quota of the respective companies. The scope for HR structure
reporting covers 100% of the Company’s total active workforce from consolidated companies.
Reporting period: from 1 Oct. to 30 Sep.
Number of privacy e-learning sessions delivered to employees (Reporting period: from 1 Oct. to 30 Sep.) 9,327 3,181
Airbus Ethics & Compliance webpage, including CEO statement , Airbus Values Anti Corruption Policy ,
Additional resources Responsible Lobbying Charter , Airbus’ commitment on the protection of Personal Data ,
Code of Conduct , Supplier Code of Conduct , OpenLine , Compliance at Airbus
IFBEC website , Global Foreign Exchange Committee website
II. Governance
The Ethics & Compliance organisation is part of the Legal allegations, implementing tools and controls and delivering
Department under the ultimate responsibility of the Company’s compliance training.
General Counsel. The aim is to provide strong governance
The ECSC also plays a key role in the oversight and continued
throughout the Company with the global presence of qualified
development of the Company’s Ethics & Compliance programme,
Compliance officers who ensure the Ethics & Compliance
organisation and framework for the effective governance of
programme is implemented consistently in the different functional
Ethics & Compliance.
and operational areas.
In addition to the dedicated Compliance professionals,
The Company’s Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer, who reports
the Company is coordinating a network of part-time Ethics &
to both the General Counsel and the ECSC of the Board of
Compliance Representatives (“ECRs”), spanning all Divisions,
Directors, leads a dedicated team of Compliance professionals
functions, and regions. The number of ECRs slightly increased in
who are responsible for supporting and advising across the
2022, with a total of 373 ECRs at the end of 2022 (compared to
Company on compliance related topics, supporting the day-to-
340 at the end of 2021). Although the ECR network members are
day business, performing risk assessments, drafting policies,
not compliance experts, they play an important role in promoting
conducting third party due diligence, investigating compliance
the Ethics & Compliance programme and culture and serve as Specific directives have been adopted to address the Company’s
points of contact for any employee who has questions about the key compliance risk areas. These include among others:
Ethics & Compliance programme or wishes to raise an Ethics –– Requirements for the Prevention of Corruption in the
& Compliance concern, including but not limited to bribery or Engagement of Sales Intermediaries;
corruption. The Ethics & Compliance team animates the ECR –– Requirements for the Prevention of Corruption in the
network, providing continuous training and information to the Engagement of Lobbyists & Special Advisors;
ECRs. –– Requirements for Gifts & Hospitality;
–– Requirements for Sponsorships, Donations and Corporate
In February 2022, the Company launched the Export Control
Points of Contact (“EPoCs”) network, spanning all Divisions,
–– Requirements for Supplier Compliance Review;
functions, and regions. Similar to ECRs, EPoCs are not
–– Requirements for Preventing and Declaring Conflicts of
export control experts but serve as “first line of defence”
and the “go-to” individuals for export control matters. On
–– Requirements for the Prevention of Corruption related to
the occasion of the launch, the Chief Ethics & Compliance
Mergers & Acquisitions, Joint Ventures, Partnerships and
Officer stated that “by raising awareness among employees
similar Transactions;
and acting as local focal points for queries on Export Control-
–– Method for the Prevention of Corruption in the Context of
related topics in their respective functions, EPoCs will be key
International Cooperation & Offset Activities;
contributors to the Company’s common objective: embed an
–– Requirements for Anti-Money Laundering / Know your
export control compliance system and culture throughout
Company’s businesses.” By the end of 2022, the network
–– Guidelines for Competitive Intelligence Gathering Activities
was established and active within the business, with a total
–– Requirements for Export Control Sanctions, Embargoes and
of 570 EPOCs.
Likewise, the Personal Data Protection Officer (“DPO”) relies on –– Requirements for Export Control Framework;
a team of privacy experts to guide, train and advise the business –– Requirements for Export Control Escalation and Voluntary
with respect to privacy requirements, and a network of Privacy Disclosure;
Focal Points in the business functions and affiliates, to support –– Requirements for Export Control Brokering;
the Airbus privacy programme. –– Requirements for Export Control Classification;
–– Requirements for Export Control Licences and Agreements;
III. Risk Management –– Requirements for ITAR Part 130 Reporting;
–– Personal Data Protection Directive, Method and Binding
The Company is required to comply with numerous laws and
Corporate Rules.
regulations in jurisdictions around the world where it conducts
business. This includes countries perceived as presenting an The Ethics & Compliance organisation is charged with oversight
increased risk of corruption. and monitoring of these directives to ensure that they are being
implemented effectively. Periodic controls on key processes are
Accordingly, the Company conducts a thorough bribery and
performed and reports provided to the Company’s Executive
corruption risk assessment across its two Divisions and different
Committee and the ECSC, including recommendations to
businesses annually. The results of this risk assessment
strengthen the Ethics & Compliance programme where
are embedded and monitored within the Company’s ERM
framework and highlight, among others, the risk of improper
payments being made to or via third parties such as sales In addition, the Corporate Audit & Forensic Department conducts
intermediaries, lobbyists and special advisors, suppliers, periodic, independent audits of the Company’s compliance
distributors and joint venture or offset partners. Further processes to assess the effectiveness of internal controls and
corruption risks include the use of sponsorships, donations, or procedures and allow the Company to develop action plans for
political contributions to improperly benefit decision-makers, or strengthening such controls.
the provision of excessive or overly frequent gifts and hospitality
by Company employees. IV. Implementation/Activities
In order to ensure its compliance with Export Control regulations Awareness and Training
and laws in the European Union, US and internationally,
the Company continues to strengthen its Export Control As part of their annual goals & objectives, all Company
compliance programme to ensure it is fit for purpose. Where employees are required to undergo a minimum amount of
risks are identified, they are embedded and monitored in the compliance training via e-learning. Additionally, depending on
Company’s ERM. Identified risks include potential unauthorised the function, the country and the level of risk implied by their
access to export-controlled data and hardware by third parties role, certain employees are selected to attend live classroom
and non-compliance with the ITAR. training as well, including on Anti Bribery & Corruption and Export
Control. Attendance in such cases is mandatory, and managers
Regarding privacy, the Company undertakes privacy impact have a responsibility to ensure that their team members do so.
assessments depending on the nature of the personal data Exposed employees are also required to complete regular
processed or scale of the processing. In addition, risks relating to training refreshers.
the protection of personal data are also assessed in the context
of the ERM and kept updated. From 1 October 2021 to 30 September 2022, the Company’s
employees followed 290,178 Ethics & Compliance e-learning
sessions, including on bribery, corruption and export control.
Furthermore, 4,699 employees attended live classroom training
323 investigative requests
HR-related 524
In some instances, the Company may engage outside counsel is delivered to employees who are particularly exposed to the
for support, depending on the nature of the investigation. underlying risks as described above.
The Ethics, Compliance & Sustainability Committee and other On the Export Control side, the Company has cascaded its
relevant stakeholders (including relevant authorities, if applicable, Export Control requirements through nine Directives and
and Company’s local management teams) are briefed regarding Methods throughout the Company. The cascading triggered an
the progress and outcome of internal investigations on a regular update of the relevant business processes and was completed
basis. in Summer 2022.
Policies and Procedures In 2021 and 2022, as required under the Consent Agreement,
two audits of the Company’s ITAR compliance programme were
In 2022, the Company continued to improve its policies and
undertaken by external counsels. Please refer to “Notes to the
procedures framework, by issuing a guidance on third parties
IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements – Note 39: Litigation
categorisation, for example, and translating the Code of Conduct
and Claims” (Investigation by the SFO, PNF, DoJ, DoS, Related
into seven additional languages to maximise the reach of this
Commercial Litigation).
foundational document. All policies and guidelines are made
available to employees on the Intranet, and classroom training
Est. 9%
Aircraft total 2022
In 2022, the Company’s external sourcing volume was estimated Of note, these figures may marginally change, as the data
around € 44 billion and shared between Divisions with 77% for consolidation process was not finalised at the date of publication.
the Company’s commercial aircraft business, 14% for the Airbus
Defence and Space Division and 9% for the Airbus Helicopters
102-9 Supply Chain
204 Procurement Practices
308 Supplier Environmental Assessment 4, 5, 8, 9, 12,
Materials Sourcing Vigilance plan
408 Child Labor 13, 16, 17
409 Forced or Compulsory Labor
414 Supplier Social Assessment
KPIs Target 2021 2022 2022 vs 2021
Percentage of sourcing volume of suppliers invited to CDP 75% 68%(1) 78%(6) +9p.p.
who have responded
Percentage of identified high risk suppliers(2), who have undergone
100%(5) 95% 99.5% +4.5p.p.
a sustainability assessment
Percentage of sourcing volume covered by supplier commitment
85% 79%(3) 86%(6) +7p.p.
to the Supplier Code of Conduct(4)
Digitalisation of supplier substance data collection – supplier sites 290(7) - 298 -
Supplier Code of Conduct , Environmental Policy Statement , Responsible Mineral Policy statement ,
Additional resources Be an Airbus supplier on, Human Rights Policy, IFBEC , Responsible Minerals initiative ,
OECD Due Diligence Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct
In 2022, the Company sourced 89% of its total purchased volume from countries in which it has significant operations, including
France 34%, USA 23%, Germany 16%, United Kingdom 9%, Spain 4%, Canada 2% and China 1%.
in North in Europe
America in Asia
24% 6%
in South in in Middle in
America Africa East Oceania
While the Company’s products and services are sold all over the commitment, supplier assessment, supplier engagement &
world, the majority of its supply chain is based in Europe and development.
OECD countries. However, in the past few years, the supply chain
The Company strives to make environmental and social
has become concentrated and more international. In addition,
responsibility a core element of its procurement strategy. This
and due to increasing consolidation within the aerospace and
includes managing the relationships with suppliers throughout
defence sector, larger work packages are being placed with a
the sourcing strategy, supplier selection, contract management
smaller number of lead suppliers.
and supplier monitoring and development. The Company’s
The Company’s global sourcing footprint is represented as suppliers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
follows based on Tier one suppliers only. In addition, all business shall be conducted by suppliers in
compliance with the principles of the Company’s Supplier
To promote further globalisation of its sourcing footprint, the
Code of Conduct, which is the document of reference for the
Company has established regional procurement offices in North
Company’s responsible supplier management. This Supplier
America (Herndon, VA), India (Bangalore), Asia Pacific (Singapore)
Code of Conduct integrates the group-wide values and principles
and China (Beijing). The regional procurement offices represent
in line with internationally recognised standards and conventions
the Procurement function in the respective regions. They are
(such as OECD and ILO).
responsible for strategic sourcing, general procurement and
supplier development (procurement operations) while supporting In order to drive the Sustainable Supply Chain Roadmap
the application of the Company’s procurement process and (“SSCR”), a monthly Steering Committee chaired by the Head
policy and digital solutions. As the Company’s commercial of Sustainability & Environment, and the Head of Procurement
aircraft business and its two Divisions are certified ISO 14001, Governance & Strategy and the representative of the Chief
the Procurement function acts in adherence with ISO 14001 Procurement Officer of the Company is implemented. The
requirements. Steering Committee includes Chief Procurement Officers of
Airbus Helicopters and of Airbus Defence and Space, as well as
II. Governance the Head of Health & Safety, the Head of Product Safety and the
Head of Ethics & Compliance, or their nominated representatives.
The Company’s sustainable supply chain ambition is built on
The EVP Communication and Corporate Affairs and the Chief
four pillars: “lead the journey towards clean aerospace, respect
Procurement Officer of the Company act as sponsors of the
human rights and foster inclusion, build our business on the
SSCR. In addition, the Head of Procurement Governance and
foundation of safety and quality, exemplify business integrity”.
Strategy is part of the Procurement Leadership Team and is
Derived from this ambition, the Company’s Sustainable Supply responsible for facilitating the communication on sustainability
Chain Roadmap is based on a three-step approach; supplier activities between the SSCR and the Procurement Leadership
Team on a regular basis.
III. Risk Management In response to the above 1. to 4., the Company deploys
responsible sourcing activities and specific supplier due diligence
The Company’s procurement-related risks and opportunities
actions in the frame of the SSCR.
are embedded into the Company’s ERM process. Risks and
opportunities related to the deployment of the sustainability
roadmap in the supply chain are managed according to the IV. Supply Chain Vigilance Plan
Procurement ERM plan and detailed hereafter. 1. Due Diligence in the Supply Chain
1. Impact on the Company’s Reputation In 2022 the Company launched a project aimed at reinforcing
due diligence in its supply chain. The outcomes of the project
Any industrial accident or other serious incident in the supply
will be rolled out in 2023. Activities under this project cover
chain, or any problems of the supplier to fulfil its operational or
primarily the Company’s own suppliers; nonetheless, if an alert
product compliance may have a significant adverse effect on
raised is linked to an upstream supplier, the Company will act
the reputation of the Company and its products and services.
on it as appropriate.
The Company’s reputation may also be affected by the public
perception of social and/or environmental impacts of its supply Alert and Grievance Mechanism
chain’s industrial operations on local environments, communities,
From 2019, the Company’s OpenLine has been accessible to
biodiversity and the general public’s health.
external stakeholders, such as suppliers and their employees.
2. Impact on the Local Environment For further information on OpenLine, see “– 1.2.14 Business
Integrity”. Access to OpenLine has been reiterated in the revised
From the extraction of raw materials to the manufacturing of Supplier Code of Conduct.
parts delivered to the Company, a supplier’s industrial operations
may have significant adverse environmental impacts on the local In addition to OpenLine, the Company’s sustainable supply chain
environment where the activity is performed, with possible team may receive alerts from other sources including through the
impacts on air, water, soil, biodiversity, workers’ occupational supplier onboarding process, media or directly from employees.
health and safety, on the health of the general public, on the land During 2022, the sustainable supply chain roadmap received
rights of the local or indigenous communities and on forced and alerts on 44 potential allegations relating to environmental and
child labour (see salient risks in section “– 1.2.10 Human Rights”). human rights concerns in its supply chain. The number of alerts
increased in 2022, following the inclusion in a more systematic In addition to suppliers identified as high risk, the Company
manner of sustainability criteria into the screening (including extended the coverage of the assessment to additional suppliers
human rights, environment, health and safety). Analysis and/ in order to progressively cover a more representative portion
or investigations of those alerts are either complete or still in of its supply chain. At the end of the year 2022, 73% of the
progress, according to best practice developed by the Legal sourcing volume was covered. Out of the suppliers completing
and Compliance team as detailed below: an assessment, 16% (118) have at least one red flag (mainly
–– initial review to determine if an investigation is needed; linked to the environmental criteria). Those red flags are mainly
–– detailed analysis of the allegation including collection of linked to the environmental category for which the Company
evidence; is requesting details on processes in place at the suppliers
–– assessment of information and documentation collected for capturing and satisfying regulatory changes, as well as for
during the investigation, preparation of an investigation a certified environmental management systems addressing,
report which summarises the findings and proposes remedial notably, management of chemicals and GHG emissions.
actions necessary to reasonably respond to and prevent the Since 2020, the Company has engaged in the supply chain
recurrence of the conduct, if any; programme of the CDP in order to promote transparency about
–– closing the investigation and reporting; climate actions in the Company’s supply chain. See section 5.
–– monitoring of the implementation of remedial actions. “CO2 emissions”.
Supplier Risk Mapping Assessment – On-site Assessments
The supplier risk mapping is based on the alerts and grievance
A particular situation triggered by a result of an evidence based
mechanisms detailed above, as well as the inherent risk
desktop assessment, or by any sustainability alert, may lead
mapping described below. It covers primarily tier-one suppliers;
the Company to request an on-site assessment at a particular
nonetheless if an alert raised is linked to a sub-tier supplier,
supplier site. In 2022, the Company performed seven on-site
the Company will include it in its risk mapping and act on it as
assessments. The Company engaged with suppliers on findings
in order to improve the situation, when relevant.
Since 2018, the Procurement team has carried out annual
proactive sustainability inherent risk mapping in line with Engagement & Mitigation Measures
international guidance, internal commodity expertise and The Company engages directly with suppliers in a number of
externally available country indices. In 2021 and 2022, with different circumstances:
the support of external advisors, the Company upgraded its –– if sustainability alerts have been reported linked to those
inherent risk mapping methodology building on risk indexes suppliers;
considering the location and the type of activity performed by the –– if a supplier has been identified as risky in the frame of the
suppliers. This allowed the delivery of an up-to-date suppliers’ risk mapping methodology;
sustainability risk assessment and to identify suppliers most at –– if a supplier’s assessment results have raised concerns on
risk regarding human rights, environment and health and safety one or more sustainability aspects.
(e.g. association freedom, decent wages, pollution).
The results of the completed assessments (including a
In 2022, the Company updated its inherent risk mapping to sustainability or CDP assessment) are communicated during
rank its active suppliers according to this methodology. The events with suppliers and engagement takes place with all
riskiest suppliers will be invited to undertake an evidence-based suppliers presenting findings. In addition, the Company reviews
desktop sustainability assessment according to the programme its relationship with suppliers who refuse to participate in its
developed in 2022 with IAEG (see the section Engagement and assessment programme.
awareness hereafter). Based on this assessment, a supplier
On top of the above-described engagement linked to due
not satisfying the Company’s sustainability expectations, which
diligence and findings, the Company is also engaging with
means not meeting a defined level of maturity for each category,
its supply chain as described in section 3. “Engagement and
will be classified as “red flag”, and will be requested to develop
awareness” below.
an improvement action plan.
its employees and logistic flows. For the second time, Hexcel –– different additional communication means are being used
Composite was also presented with an award for its sustainability such as: posters, kakemonos, a dedicated intranet website,
efforts and its innovation in composite recycling during the participation in internal events promoting sustainability
Defence and Space Division Supplier Awards. initiatives.
Environmental Performance
GRI KPI Unit 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Total energy consumption (excl. electricity
GWh 3,717 3,762 3,815 4,624 4,679
generated by CHP on site for own use)
Energy intensity (per Total Revenues) GWh/bEUR 62.4 71.2 75.8 64.3 -
Energy consumption from stationary sources
GWh 2,594 2,717 2,672 2,987 3,062
and electricity
Energy consumption from stationary
GWh 1,190 1,351 1,274 1,391 1,403
natural gas GWh 1,108 1,307 1,235 1,347 1,366
of which bio-methane GWh 23 11 0 0 0
heat generated from biomass GWh 37 25 24 27 17
other fuels GWh 44 19 16 17 20
Energy consumption from electricity,
GWh 1,404 1,366 1,397 1,595 1,659
heat and steam
purchased electricity (incl. renewable
GWh 1,280 1,232 1,274 1,460 1,472
or low carbon sources from grid)
of which purchased electricity
EN3 GWh 534 416 251 163 0
with REC/GoO*
Energy purchased electricity from renewable
EN4 GWh 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
sources PPA*
self-generated electricity from renewable
GWh 1.2 0.8 0.9 0.2 0.2
percentage renewable electricity % 41.8% 33.8% 19.8% 11.2% 0.0%
heat and steam GWh 123 133 123 135 187
Energy consumption from mobile
GWh 1,123 1,045 1,144 1,638 1,617
kerosene GWh 711 681 711 1,061 1,068
of which sustainable aviation fuel GWh 22 4 1 0 0
of which used in Beluga Transport GWh 330 298 290 421 413
of which used in flight test GWh 381 382 421 640 654
road & maritime fuel used in Oversize
GWh 365 335 405 540 509
Surface Transportation
Energy consumption from renewable
GWh 619 456 277 191 18
or low-carbon sources
Percentage energy from renewable
% 16.6% 12.1% 7.3% 4.1% 0.4%
or low-carbon sources
: 2022 data verified by EY®, based on limited assurance.
Scope of reporting: Reported data covers 84 sites. Company’s Additional methodology information:
environmental reporting guidelines include sites worldwide with –– the Company’s emission calculation methodology was
a workforce on-site higher or equal to 100 employees. Note that developed by a team consisting of key personnel from
only 100% consolidated entities are taken into account with the the engineering and environment departments and is aligned
exception of ATR and Tianjin operations. 2018-2021 figures were with the guidance provided by the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.
refined to rectify actuals for some entities. The external auditor performed a review of the calculation
methodology applied by the Company and assessed the
2021 restatements: some 2021 figures were restated to reflect
reasonableness of the supporting assumptions;
changes in reporting perimeter and to integrate information
–– the Company has used a number of assumptions based on
received post-closing 2021.
internal and external information including assumptions based
Methodology and assumptions: on publicly-available data.
–– For all products:
Energy – Purchased electricity from renewable sources:
——the estimation includes CO2 emissions only. Emissions
Power Purchase Agreements (“PPA”) – it is a contract under
related to CH4 and N2O were excluded given the very low
which a legal entity agrees to purchase renewable electricity
levels produced by modern aircraft engines. Emissions
directly from an electricity producer. For the Company this means
related to NOx were estimated and excluded given the
purchase of electricity from predefined renewable production
uncertainty related to the NOx emission factors and the
facilities and/or purchase of electricity from renewable electricity
relatively low contribution of this emission stream,
generation facilities that can be built near to a Company site and
——CO 2 emission factors for kerosene are the ICAO
that is connected to the site via and the direct wire.
internationally recognised lifecycle emission factor to be
Energy – Purchased electricity from renewable sources REC/ used for baseline fossil jet fuels (3.846kg CO2e per kg of
GoO: Renewable Electricity Certificates (“REC”) or Guarantees fuel for fossil Jet-A / Jet-A1). This factor represents a “well
of Origin (“GoO”) – is an energy certificate representing 1MWh to wake” life cycle analysis to assess the overall GHG
which has the sole function of providing evidence to a final impacts of a fuel including each stage of its production
customer that a given share or quantity of energy was produced and use.
from renewable sources. For the Company, this represents –– For commercial aircraft: assumptions include the aircraft
the electricity bought from the grid with energy certificates load factor, aircraft operational usage and average in-service
evidencing that a given share or quantity of energy was produced lifetime. Primary data collected within the Company was
from renewable sources. also used, such as aircraft performance and configuration
parameters. Emissions related to commercial aircraft engine
Air Emissions – Scope 1 & 2 – SAF emissions were computed start and taxing have been included, however, emissions
according to the formula set by the ICAO. from the APU and ground handling equipment have been
Air Emissions – Scope 1 & 2 – “market-based” (location excluded. For the purpose of this calculation, the Company
based net of REC): location based with purchased guarantees integrated into commercial aircraft Scope 3 the likely
of origin deduced. The Company is working towards improving usage of SAF over the product lifetime, as per the IEA-
data collection and market-based methodology implementation. SDS assumptions. Other operating conditions of the aircraft
Meanwhile, this metric is used by the Company to measure its were considered to be static over the whole service life. In
progress towards its 2030 target, in order to be able to take into addition, the Company reports for reference an indicative
account the contribution of its electricity sourcing on its industrial figure based on a zero SAF usage. A330-200 deliveries
decarbonisation target. However, this refining of methodology is destined to A330-MRTT conversion were excluded from the
expected to trigger restatements in the coming years, including commercial aircraft perimeter and included in the military
of the 2015 baseline. aircraft perimeter as part of the “other products” category.
–– For other products:
Air Emissions – Scope 3 – Use of sold products. The main ——Helicopters: assumptions include activity data from
contribution of the Company’s value chain on climate change Company’s customer services of helicopter operations
comes from the use of sold products, especially related to its such as flight hours per year and region where the helicopter
commercial aircraft activities. In order to provide the level of is operated. Direct emissions and indirect emissions from
transparency, the Company reports in-use emissions of the jet fuel production are included over the product’s entire
products it delivers (Scope 3 – Use of sold products). This started service life. Impact of SAF is not considered,
in 2020 with the disclosure of emissions from commercial aircraft ——Military aircraft: flight hours and mission profiles vary
products, and was extended to other products in 2021, namely significantly depending on conflicts and humanitarian
civil helicopters initially and further complemented by military crises. The estimation assumes the largest number of flight
aircraft and helicopters in 2022. The Company will continue to hours each aircraft has been designed for in its lifetime.
progressively extend the scope of reporting to other families Impact of SAF is not considered.
of products, for which the calculation methodologies are still
under development. Nevertheless, current results and advanced Air Emissions – Scope 3 GHG efficiency for delivered
estimations have shown that the vast majority (over 90%) of commercial aircraft (as per SBTi-validated target). In 2022,
the Scope 3 – Use of Sold Product impact of the Company’s the Company updated the definition and methodology of its
products is due to the commercial aircraft family of products, efficiency metrics in order to align with the SBTi methodology
and that this situation is unlikely to change once all the product and leading to a restatement of past years. Namely, the evolution
families will have been assessed. can be explained by changes in the following two assumptions:
the integration in the emissions related to the upstream fuel
production and the consideration of the likely usage of SAF over
the product lifetime, as per the IEA-SDS assumption.
Social Performance
2022 2021 2020
% Women in total active workforce 20% 19% 18%
Per category
Board of Directors 33% 25% 25%
Executive Committee 25% 25% 16%
Senior mgmt – Executives 16% 14% 13%
“Level IV” managers 17% 16% 14%
Newcomers 27% 22% 26%
By geographic area
France 21.4% 21.2% 20.5%
Germany 16.2% 16.4% 15.3%
Spain 24.0% 22.7% 22.3%
UK 14.0% 12.9% 13.5%
US 22.5% 22.4% 22.4%
Other countries 22.4% 21.0% 20.9%
Note: figures are based on the active workforce, i.e. the number of permanent and short-term employees, irrespective of their individual working times, and having worked in the last
30 days. The headcount is calculated according to the consolidation quota of the respective companies. The scope for HR structure reporting covers 100% of the Company’s
total active workforce from consolidated companies. Workforce and breakdowns metrics are figures at year-end. Other metrics cover civil year periods, except for training
related metrics with reporting periods going from 1 October to 30 September.
: 2022 data verified by EY®, based on limited assurance.
2022 2021 2020 2019
Number of employees per appointed Ethics & Compliance Representatives 360 372 390 -
Number of employees per appointed Export Control Point of Contact 236 - - -
% of employees (non-Exec) who have completed the E&C training objective 96% 90% 80% -
Number of E&C e-learning sessions delivered to employees 290,178 284,774 309,682 -
Number of privacy e-learning sessions delivered to employees
(Reporting period: from 1 Oct. to 30 Sep.) 9,327 35,073 -
Investigative requests received during the year 847 - - -
of which Compliance-related investigative requests 323 - - -
of which HR-related investigative requests 524 - - -
Note: Metrics cover civil year periods, except for training related metrics with reporting periods going from 1 October to 30 September.
: 2022 data verified by EY®, based on limited assurance.
(1) CDP Climate Change Questionnaire is available on Airbus website and CDP website .
1.2.19 EU Taxonomy
The EU Taxonomy is a classification system establishing a list transition activity in the EU Taxonomy, which acknowledges
of environmentally sustainable economic activities defined by its potential transition to a climate-neutral economy consistent
the EU Taxonomy Regulation (1). The EU Taxonomy Regulation with a pathway to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above
focuses on six environmental objectives and defines overarching pre-industrial level.
conditions that an economic activity must meet to be considered
For the reporting period FY 2021, only qualitative information
environmentally sustainable. The EU Taxonomy aims to direct
and information on the proportion of Taxonomy-eligible activities
investments towards sustainable projects and activities in order
in relation to total activities set out in the Delegated Act had to
to meet the EU’s climate and energy targets for 2030 and reach
be disclosed. For the reporting over FY 2022, the Delegated
the objectives of the European Green Deal.
Act applies fully, meaning that the Company has to disclose its
As the Company is obligated to report on non-financial information alignment to the EU Taxonomy as well. In order to be aligned
pursuant to the Non-Financial Reporting Directive, the EU with the EU Taxonomy, an eligible activity has to i) comply with
Taxonomy Regulation is also applicable to the Company, and the Technical Screening criteria (TSC); ii) the Do No Significant
therefore we must disclose information on the extent to which Harm (DNSH) criteria; and the company has to fulfil Minimum
our activities can be considered environmentally sustainable Safeguards.
economic activities within the meaning of the EU Taxonomy.
Technical screening criteria for two of the six environmental EU Taxonomy Assessment Over FY 2022
objectives have been laid down in the Climate Delegated
Act (2) which entered into force on 1 January 2022 and the The Company performed an analysis of its exposure to
Complementary Climate Delegated Act (3) which entered taxonomy-eligible activities referenced in the Climate Delegated
into force on 1 January 2023. Recommended criteria for the Act and the Complementary Climate Delegated Act and has
four remaining environmental objectives were published in conducted an assessment of compliance with the relevant TSC,
March 2022 (Annex to the Platform on Sustainable Finance’s the DNSH-criteria and the Minimum Safeguards. The results of
report with recommendations on technical screening criteria for this assessment have been included in the following sections
the four remaining environmental objectives of the EU Taxonomy) (EU Taxonomy KPIs and EU Taxonomy KPIs accompanying
and complemented with additional criteria in November 2022 information). The Company has performed these calculations
(Platform on Sustainable Finance’s report with supplementary based on consolidated information while it is still working on
advice on methodology and technical screening criteria for further improving financial data tagging to enable improved
the climate and environmental objectives of the EU Taxonomy) reporting in upcoming disclosures. The Company’s assessment
(“Draft Recommendations”). Aviation related activities have will be refined as additional official guidance on EU taxonomy
not been included in the Climate Delegated Act and the implementation and interpretation becomes available. The main
Complementary Climate Delegated Act, but, based on the Draft activities carried out by the Company are not yet covered by the
Recommendations, aviation is proposed to be included as a EU Taxonomy delegated acts.
(1) Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the council of 18 June 2020 on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment
and amending Regulation (EU) 2019/2088.
(2) Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2139 of 4 June 2021 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council by
establishing the technical screening criteria for determining the conditions under which an economic activity qualifies as contributing substantially to climate change
mitigation or climate change adaptation and for determining whether that economic activity causes no significant harm to any of the other environmental objectives.
(3) Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1214 of 9 March 2022 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2139 as regards economic activities in certain energy
sectors and Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2178 as regards specific public disclosures for those economic activities.
DNSH criteria
Substantial contribution (“Does Not Significantly
criteria Harm”)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
Absolute Proportion SC5 SC6 SC7 SC8 SC9 SC10 DN11 DN12 DN13 DN14 DN15 DN16 MS17 %Aligned prev. year Cat20 Cat21
turnover of turnover 18 19
activities Code(s) In m€ % % % % % % % Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Percent Percent E T
Turnover of
0 0% 0% N/A
aligned) (A.1)
A.2 Taxonomy-
Eligible but not
sustainable N/A
activities (not
Turnover of
eligible but not
0 0% N/A
activities (not
activities) (A.2)
Total (A.1 + A.2) 0 0% 0% N/A
limate change DN11 – Climate change MS17 – Minimum safeguards
mitigation mitigation %Aligned18 – Taxonomy-aligned
Turnover of
Taxonomy-non- SC6 – C
limate change DN12 – C
limate change proportion of turnover
58,763 100% adaptation adaptation
eligible %Aligned prev. year 19 – Taxonomy-
activities (B) SC7 – W
ater and marine DN13 – W
ater and marine aligned proportion of turnover,
resources resources previous year
Total (A + B) 58,763 100%
SC8 – Circular economy DN14 – Circular economy Cat20 – Category (enabling activity or)
SC9 – Pollution DN15 – Pollution Cat21 – Category
SC10 – Biodiversity DN16 – B
iodiversity and “(transitional activity)”
and ecosystems ecosystems
Column 21 should be filled in for transitional activities contributing to the climate change mitigation.
For activities listed under A2, columns 5 to 17 May be filled in on a voluntary basis by non-financial
DNSH criteria
Substantial contribution (“Does Not Significantly
criteria Harm”)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
Absolute Proportion SC5 SC6 SC7 SC8 SC9 SC10 DN11 DN12 DN13 DN14 DN15 DN16 MS17 %Aligned prev. year Cat20 Cat21
CapEx of CapEx 18 19
activities Code(s) In m€ % % % % % % % Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Percent Percent E T
A.1. Environmentally
sustainable activities N/A
CapEx of
sustainable activities 0 0% 0% N/A
A.2 Taxonomy-
Eligible but not
sustainable activities
(not Taxonomy-
aligned activities)
4.24 Production
of heat/cool from D35.30 14 0.6%
7.3 Installation, F42,
maintenance and repair F43,
of energy efficiency M71,
equipment C16,
C23, 17 0.7%
8.1 Data processing,
hosting and related J63.11 21 0.8%
CapEx of Taxonomy-
eligible but not
52 2.1% N/A
sustainable activities
(not Taxonomy-aligned
activities) (A.2)
Total (A.1 + A.2) 52 2.1% 0% N/A
limate change DN11 – Climate change MS17 – Minimum safeguards
mitigation mitigation %Aligned18 – Taxonomy-aligned
CapEx of Taxonomy-
non-eligible activities 2412 97.9% SC6 – C
limate change DN12 – C
limate change proportion of Capex
(B) adaptation adaptation %Aligned prev. year 19 – Taxonomy-
SC7 – W
ater and marine DN13 – W
ater and marine aligned proportion of CapEx, previous
Total (A + B) 2464 100% resources resources year
SC8 – Circular economy DN14 – Circular economy Cat20 – Category (enabling activity or)
SC9 – Pollution DN15 – Pollution Cat21 – Category
SC10 – B
iodiversity and DN16 – B
iodiversity and “(transitional activity)”
ecosystems ecosystems
For activities listed under A2, columns 5 to 17 May be filled in on a voluntary basis by non-financial
Substantial contribution DNSH criteria (“Does Not
criteria Significantly Harm”)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
Absolute Proportion SC5 SC6 SC7 SC8 SC9 SC10 DN11 DN12 DN13 DN14 DN15 DN16 MS17 %Aligned prev. year Cat20 Cat21
OpEx of OpEx 18 19
Economic Code
activities (s) In m€ % % % % % % % Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Percent Percent E T
OpEx of
0 0% 0% N/A
aligned) (A.1)
A.2 Taxonomy-
Eligible but not
sustainable N/A
activities (not
OpEx of
eligible but not
0 0% N/A
activities (not
activities) (A.2)
Total (A.1 + A.2) 0 0% 0% N/A
limate change DN11 – Climate change MS17 – Minimum safeguards
mitigation mitigation %Aligned18 – Taxonomy-aligned
OpEx of
Taxonomy-non- SC6 – C
limate change DN12 – C
limate change proportion of Opex
3,079 100% adaptation adaptation
eligible %Aligned prev. year 19 – Taxonomy-
activities (B) SC7 – W
ater and marine DN13 – W
ater and marine aligned proportion of OpEx,
resources resources previous year
Total (A + B) 3,079 100%
SC8 – Circular economy DN14 – Circular economy Cat20 – Category (enabling activity or)
SC9 – Pollution DN15 – Pollution Cat21 – Category
SC10 – B
iodiversity and DN16 – B
iodiversity and “(transitional activity)”
ecosystems ecosystems
(1) Activity 1 is Taxonomy-eligible in its entirety. However, only a proportion of it is Taxonomy-aligned. Therefore, Activity 1 May be reported under both A1 and A2. However, only
the proportion reported under A1 May be counted as Taxonomy-aligned in the OpEx KPI of the non-financial undertaking. For activities listed under A2, columns 5 to 17 May
be filled in on a voluntary basis by non-financial undertakings.
EU Taxonomy KPIs Accompanying This exercise has been conducted by a dedicated team involving
experts from different functions and Divisions through a number
Information of interviews and working sessions during the year.
(1) Platform on Sustainable Finance – Final report on Minimum Safeguards, October 2022.
Contextual Information About the OpEx KPI means of delegated act(s) to be adopted in 2023. The Company’s
commercial aircraft activity corresponding to NACE code 30.3 is
The Company’s OpEx definition differs from the EU Taxonomy
OpEx definition. For the purpose of the EU Taxonomy disclosure, described under section 7.2 Manufacturing of aircraft of the Draft
only research and development costs are considered. Recommendations (1). According to the Draft Recommendations,
a majority of the Company’s 2022 turnover would be eligible,
Future Developments mainly including the turnover generated by sales of commercial
In the coming years, the Company will continue to report under aircraft. Based on the same information, the Company estimates
the EU Taxonomy with regard to its Taxonomy-eligible economic that a significant portion of this eligible turnover could be
activities as well as its Taxonomy-aligned economic activities. Taxonomy-aligned, subject to Do-No-Significant-Harm criteria
This entails a further and continuous review of our economic and minimum safeguards criteria assessment. As per the technical
activities. Future guidance on the EU Taxonomy could result screening criteria of section 7.2 of the Draft Recommendations,
in updated definitions and other decision-making in meeting the alignment would correspond to the proportion of new aircraft
reporting obligations that may come into force. The Company sold that will replace less efficient older generation aircraft, and
expects that its reporting will evolve over time as more insights therefore contributing to reducing the overall carbon footprint of
will be gained on how best to comply with the EU Taxonomy. If the aviation – as described in section “– 1.2.2 Climate change” / IV.
delegated act related to the manufacturing of aircraft is adopted Transition plan / 2. Product stewardship. Activities from the
under the EU Taxonomy Regulation, the turnover generated by Company’s two Divisions may be covered to some extent in
sales of commercial aircraft may then become eligible. future developments of the EU Taxonomy, while current level of
information available does not enable the Company to provide an
Estimated eligibility and alignment if aviation-related estimate. Accordingly, “best-in-class” aircraft programme related
technical screening criteria were to be adopted as per draft CapEx, and R&D (Operating Expenses) should be respectively
recommendation: Pursuant to the Draft Recommendations, eligible and aligned at least in proportions similar to turnover
aviation-related activities are included in the EU Taxonomy by ones.
(1) Platform on Sustainable Finance: Technical Working Group / Part B – Annex: Full list of Technical Screening Criteria March 2022.
Stakeholder Engagement
2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagement See – 1.2.1 The Company’s approach to sustainability,
– 1.2.12 Social dialogue, – 1.2.17 ESG Data board (Social
2-30 Collective bargaining agreements performance)
Disclosure on material topics
3-1 Process to determine material topics
3-2 List of material topics See – 1.2.1 The Company’s approach to sustainability
3-3 Management of material topics
See Enterprise Risk Management on
Precautionary principle or approach See – 4.1.3 Enterprise Risk Management System,
– 1.2.1.VII Airbus’ way forward: Vigilance Plan,
– 1.2.1.VII Vigilance Plan (Devoir de Vigilance)
Climate change
See – 1.2.1 The Company’s Approach to Sustainability,
3-3 Management of material topics
– 1.2.2 Climate Change
302-4 Reduction of energy consumption See – 1.2.2 Climate Change, – 1.2.17 ESG Data Board
(Environmental performance)
Reduction in energy requirements of products and
305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions
305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions
See – 1.2.2 Climate Change, – 1.2.17 ESG Data Board
305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions (Environmental performance)
305-4 GHG emissions intensity
305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions
See – 1.2.1 The Company’s Approach to Sustainability,
3-3 Management of material topics
– 1.2.5 Water
303-3 Water withdrawal See – 1.2.5 Water, – 1.2.17 ESG Data Board (Environmental
303-4 Water discharge performance)
See – 1.2.1 The Company’s Approach to Sustainability,
3-3 Management of material topics
– 1.2.6 Biodiversity
Significant impacts of activities, products
304-2 See – 1.2.6 Biodiversity
and services on biodiversity
Business integrity
See – 1.2.1 The Company’s approach to sustainability,
3-3 Management of material topics
– 1.2.14 Business integrity, – 1.2.1.VII Vigilance Plan
See – 1.2.14 Business Integrity, – 1.2.17 ESG Data Board
205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption
(Social performance), – 1.2.1.VII Vigilance Plan
Communication and training about anti-corruption See – 1.2.14 Business integrity, – 1.2.17 ESG Data Board
policies and procedures (Social performance), – 1.2.1.VII Vigilance Plan
See – 1.2.14 Business integrity, – 1.2.17 ESG Data Board
205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken (Social performance), – 1.1.7 Legal and Arbitration
Community impact
See – 1.2.1 The Company’s approach to sustainability,
3-3 Management of material topics
– 1.2.16 Community impact
203-1 Infrastructure investments and services supported See – 1.2.1 The Company’s approach to sustainability,
203-2 Significant indirect economic impacts – 1.2.16 Community impact
See 1.2.1 The Company’s approach to sustainability,
201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed – 1.2.15 Responsible supply chain, – 1.2.17 ESG Data Board
(Social performance)
H175, H225 and LH (Light Helicopter) programmes: The fleet, and assessing extremely granular effects, we are able to
deployment of new digital continuity solutions between the have accurate aggregate numbers on aircraft trajectory, city
design and the shop floor execution for the new gear box pairs, Airline network, aircraft to aircraft, and airline to airline
assembly facility have resulted in higher quality and speed of views. Our intent is to include other effects in the near future,
execution. such as non-CO2 and climate impact effects, and beyond this
to develop a scenario of “what-if” capability to support Airbus’s
The developed and validated model based system engineering
achievement of its science-based climate targets. Airscout has
capabilities have been deployed on Tiger Mk3, H160 & NH90
been recognised in 2022 by a Digital Engineering award for “Top
(50 system engineers trained).
Sustainability Initiative” in a cross-industry jury panel.
In addition, the development of capabilities for end-to-end
Finally, in the context of aircraft sales campaigns, the Airline
maintenance engineering has been initiated.
Digital Twin was used in supporting ultra-long-haul A350 studies
–– New Digital Development Tools: for various potential customers. A comprehensive market
We improved and continued the implementation of system of assessment was carried out, including building an optimal airline
systems (SOS) trade capabilities to support business model fleet and product strategy to maximise airline profitability.
convergence and multi scenarios for business context. The MBSE
based on mission operation function logical (MOFL) modelling
methodology was implemented, enabling for example a clearer Artificial Intelligence (“AI”)
definition of dihydrogen (H2) storage system development. After successfully applying specific AI solutions across the
Ecodesign capabilities enabled by digital have been developed business domains, the Company is now accelerating and
and LCA models have been created to support assessment of maturing its industrial setup to deliver AI at scale. This includes
our future products. a focus on delivering an AI services catalogue making available
reusable and accessible core AI technology capabilities and
We also made good progress on the validation and patterns. These capabilities include:
implementation of processes, methods and tools supporting the –– computer vision to enable visual quality inspection and improve
new co-development logic for the early programme development the safety and quality of our manufacturing environment;
phase, reducing risks for late changes and development costs. –– pattern recognition and time series analysis to detect anomalies
Our existing disconnected product functional and physical and avoid failure in our industrial machines and aircraft;
architecture design tools started being connected through our –– natural language understanding and processing to classify
developed model based system engineering framework. New data (e.g. export control) and secure our compliance;
industrial system static and dynamic modelling capabilities were –– optimisation to improve scheduling and planning activities; and
developed and started showing improvements in our ability to –– hybrid modelling through machine learning to build surrogate
predict our future industrial system and supply chain ramp up models of physical systems, accelerating design activities and
readiness. increasing potential design space.
–– Digital continuity with a network of platforms: One of the AI projects called “Prometheus A380”, aiming
In 2022, we have started to define and experiment the new at optimising spare parts management for the A380, was
concepts of “network of platforms”. The network of platforms is recognised in 2022 by a Digital Engineering award for “Value
set to enable our end-to-end value chain digital continuity and Realisation” in a cross-Industry jury panel.
performance, e.g. ensuring data flows across our processes and
platforms internally and with our partners in the supply chain These are being complemented with a central governance and
whilst ensuring better data quality, consistency and ease of life cycle management of a wide range of operationalised AI and
access. The concepts of data products and data service layer decision models (ModelOps) framework. First versions were
have been successfully piloted on different end-to-end business released in 2022, demonstrating the great value of AI models
process flows with a deployment at scale starting in 2023. for key projects. These are paving the way to ensure compliance
for using AI in safety relevant systems in line with upcoming
Airline Sciences
The aim of the Airline Sciences team is to provide an operational Internet of Things
digital representation of an airline in all its complexities and
business models. Having a bottom-up approach enables the A standard IoT platform is now fully operational, which will
Company to test out different aircraft technologies and concepts, support sustainability use cases. The objective is to have data
validate product strategy, assist in sales campaigns, develop of different consumptions (water, electricity, raw materials, etc.)
new services and, more importantly, understand the customers’ to better optimise it in the future.
perspective across all layers of the Company.
Airbus has set sustainability at the heart of the Company’s Robotics and Automation Transformation
purpose and is willing to lead the decarbonisation of the aviation
In 2022, we have kickstarted our integrated robotics and
industry. Accurate monitoring of aircraft operational data is a
automation transformation programme to secure the deployment
core element of its decarbonisation strategy. As such, the Airline
of our ambitious robotics and automation roadmap. The Airbus
Digital Twin capability is being used heavily in order to assess
roadmap is organised around five major streams covering key
CO2 effects, including comprehensive emissions calculations
areas of our industrial system: Assembly, Paint, Composite,
as well as operational sensitivities. We have delivered the first
Logistics and Inspection.
CO 2 airline monitoring tool, AirScout, based on the Skywise
platform. Using actual flight trajectories of the entire Airbus
2022 has been a year of consolidation and optimisation for Airbus With a growing community of 42,000 users, AirbusWorld is
Defence and Space. In addition to enabling key programmes like continuously proposing new functionalities on key support
Eurodrone and FCAS with their common working environments activities such as logistics or technical support. Besides,
for development between all involved partners as already innovative services are proposed to enrich the overall experience
mentioned above, the ERP consolidation that is closely linked with Airbus Helicopters.
to it has been progressing in the background. This goes hand Many other improvements are on the way to be deployed in
in hand with the newly launched initiative “Fixing the digital 2023 to enrich our digital front Office and propose best in class
foundation” which has been kicked off in 2022 with the goal to support.
streamline and optimise the complex IT architecture. All this is to
reinforce the Division’s digital security, improve user experience
and be able to adapt to technological changes quicker.
Digitally Enabled People –– career paths were designed and started to be implemented
for architects (526 employees) and technology specialists
(400 employees);
Google Workspace Deployment –– 15,000 employees trained on digital upskilling solutions
Google and Airbus continue to partner to further improve the (Pluralsight and other platforms); and
functionalities of Google Workspace. 2022 has been key for –– 4,000 active members in communities of practice (social
the enhancement of security with the deployment of Flowcrypt learning) related to our digital jobs, exchanging best practices,
and Meet CSE (Client Side Encryption, allowing end users to pain points, getting technical mentorship, participating in
encrypt their most sensitive meetings with Airbus encryption events and seminars, etc.
keys). Data tagging drastically increased and the new secure
email platform has been delivered for military mailboxes. 2023 will 2023 Challenges
bring more autonomy to each employee with the Low code / No
code features being now available to all. 2023 will also see further 2022 once more demonstrated through the above achievements
deployments in Airbus Helicopters, Airbus Defence and Space the great collaboration among all participants from all the
and Airbus Atlantic. Divisions. Digital contributed to the success of the Company,
delivering even further the expected added value from Airbus,
partners and its customers.
Modern Workplace
Airbus started to roll out a more efficient and resilient workplace Digital will continue next year to be the digital engine of the
improving employee productivity from anywhere, anytime Company’s purpose “pioneering sustainable aerospace for a
from any device thanks to the modern devices management safe and united world”. Data boundaries will vanish to open
programme. the seamless data driven world, enabling end-to-end decision
making and supporting the ramp up of our production rates.
Also, the modern workplace is now even further improved with
smartphone deployment initiated in 2022, to enable each and Past years showed how resilience is paramount. Digital will
every employee seamless communication and collaboration. give its best to make Airbus digitally adaptable and strong with
This deployment will continue in 2023. cybersecurity capabilities at the centre, but also unleashing the
cloud and sovereign capabilities.
IM eXperts Career Path The journey to decarbonise aviation is one Digital’s priorities.
Efforts continue to give the means to reach our reduced emissions
Starting in 2021, we have been actively developing the IM eXpert
targets with new monitoring systems, material traceability and
career path together with the Airbus College of eXperts. Why?
new decarbonised aviation solutions for our customers.
–– because we strongly believe our digital technical expertise
is making the difference for the future of Airbus. A future
where digitalisation, cyber security risks, automation, cloud Research and Technology
technology, power of data, connectivity, artificial intelligence The Airbus Technology and Engineering Department is led by
and much more have become not only a business enabler but the Chief Technical Officer (“CTO”). Part of its responsibility is
a competitive advantage of our aerospace industry; to define, deliver and protect all the Company’s R&T, enable
–– to officially recognise the tremendous technical know-how of technology synergies across the group, federate the Company’s
our employees and offer them more development opportunities innovation activities and ensure expertise in breakthrough
in what they love doing every day at & for Airbus; and technologies. The R&T Programme department applies a lean
–– with the IM eXpert career path we aim to secure key project-based approach, tracked and managed using earned
competencies for Airbus top line strategic priorities, while value management, technology readiness levels and figures
providing meaningful development and career opportunities of merit. Technological collaboration with external research
to the talents interested in further expanding and deepening communities and partners is encouraged and coordinated
their technical and relational expertise. through the department with technical and scientific experts.
These duties are delivered through the capabilities outlined here
Digital Academy Services for All below.
Since 2018, the Digital Academy team has identified, both at The Company-wide integration of R&T technology and alignment
Airbus Group and at worldwide levels, all necessary skills, with institutional research partners is achieved through cross-
competences and people development means to use all the portfolio technology planning and road mapping, giving an
opportunities of our digital transformation. In 2022, some exhaustive view of technology targets and investments. In
significant steps were delivered to boost our digital profiles addition, Company-wide engagement for joint funding with
attraction and natural retention within whole Airbus: public agencies is achieved through a common R&T Funding
–– 5,000 employees across Airbus have a digital job and contract management.
60,000 employees have at least a competence in their position Specific cross divisional activities are delivered through the
supporting our digital transformation; Disruptive R&T department consisting of:
–– 300 employees certified this on data analysts and data
–– Central R&T: the cross-divisional R&T organisation that
scientists skills, so far raising up to 1,200 certified colleagues
prepares the Company’s long-term technological capabilities.
since 2019;
CRT leads specific investigations in emerging areas of research
–– new certifications are now live: 30 employees graduated in
and conducts ambitious research projects while leveraging
Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud Platform and 20
leading academic, scientific and research institutions to best
architects obtained the Archim@te certification;
utilise their expertise for achieving the Company’s ambitions.
Each Division has its own R&T function, defining and delivering Materials technology: 2022 has seen significant advancements
the divisional projects. The divisional R&T functions are primarily in the fields of materials sustainability and circularity, materials
planning and technical arbitration teams within their perimeters informatics, functional and high-performance materials towards
and accountable to both Technology, Divisional Engineering overall sustainability targets, product mission performance and
and Product Strategy. Their responsibilities include securing competitiveness. The perimeter continues to range from organic
continuous improvement in divisional competitiveness and the to inorganic materials, including ceramics and respective surface
ability to develop business. Within the Company, specific priority technologies.
is given to technologies for sustainable next-generation aircraft, –– In the area of sustainability and circularity the first bio-based
bringing together product, production system and services. carbon fibres have been tested at high performance –
matching aerospace requirements. Enzymatic technologies
In order to maximise the Company’s R&T activities, the Divisions for recycling of polymers have been further analysed and show
leverage the external ecosystem, utilising the portfolio of further opportunities, including catalyst development for full
projects for funding opportunities and engagement with global bio-based-resin formulations. Titanium chips to powder for
partnerships, research institutes and universities. This ensures additive manufacturing technologies have shown promising
efficient R&T portfolio execution, and benefits from new ways results, opening new opportunities for future circular process
of working including but not limited to agile methodology chain thinking.
and minimum viable product demonstration strategy. –– Digitalisation of materials (from materials definition, to
Responsibilities include securing continuous improvement in characterisation and analytics) is seeing a further increase
divisional competitiveness and the ability to develop business in opportunities. For example, AI in polymer formulations is
by establishing and driving the Company’s R&T ambitions. being investigated, in order to identify opportunities e.g. for
Fast-track roadmap owners serve as principal advisors to the the faster replacement of substances.
CTO on technical vision and roadmaps for associated technology –– In the area of functional and high-performance materials, high
areas. Fast-track roadmaps ensure coherency in the portfolio of robustness of printed electronics (wires, antennas, sensors)
activities and for the rapid advance of strategic priorities across was demonstrated, enabling application opportunities which
the Divisions. Current fast-track roadmaps cover: were not possible before.
–– electrification; Electrification technology: During 2022, the team has made
–– connectivity; significant progress on several aspects of electrification and
–– autonomy; electric propulsion techno bricks. For example, demonstrating
–– materials; active filtering of electromagnetic interference of power modules.
–– artificial intelligence. This technology, when applied to dedicated functions, could
result in a significant weight reduction when compared to
The Company’s IP is protected, secured and defended through
classical passive filtering.
a central Intellectual Property function responsible for patent
applications, portfolio investigations and portfolio defence. Artificial intelligence: In the scope of trustworthy AI, the
most impactful outcome was providing formal proofs of neural
networks’ robustness supporting the certification of systems,
embedding machine learning components with several
successful applications on existing neural networks. Research
will continue on AI in complex environments, such as AI in the
cockpit, with robust and explainable decision making.
Virtual product engineering: The team has investigated
advanced model based systems engineering technology
bricks to support co-development of product and industrial
systems, and has successfully demonstrated approaches to
be handed over to the DDMS programme for industrialisation. In 2022 the team increased its presence in Spain with the launch
In addition, projects are running to support modelling and of Airbus UpNext Spain, a wholly-owned innovation subsidiary.
simulation needs for future sustainable aircraft, including the As announced in Farnborough in 2022, the team is working
use of hybrid AI techniques to support traditional computational on a demonstrator called Auto’mate on autonomous air-to-air
approaches. In the field of aeroacoustics the team has developed refuelling operations applying advancements in vision-based
a methodology for coupling Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technology.
with Computational Aeroacoustic (CAA) methods. Finally, a
Throughout 2022, Airbus UpNext progressed with the extra-
collaborative project has been set up between CRT, Inria and
performance wing demonstrator project focused on accelerating
Cerfacs in France to enhance our key capabilities in applied
and validating technologies that will improve and optimise wing
mathematics for modelling and simulation. The initiative called
aerodynamics and performance for any future aircraft. This
“CONCASE” includes research into hybrid modelling linked to
scaled demonstrator will integrate and fly breakthrough wing
HPC – a key enabler for the next generation of modelling and
technologies on a Cessna Citation VII business jet platform in
representative flight conditions. The applications of the extra-
Communication technology: The team is trailblazing new performance wing compatible with any propulsion solution
communication system architectures and technologies enabling and aircraft configuration would reduce CO2 emissions, thus
resilient, pervasive and secure connectivity for our airborne contributing significantly to Airbus’ decarbonisation roadmap.
platforms. Major demonstrations of advanced technological
Another demonstrator in the pipe, VERTEX aims to simplify
capabilities were performed in the field of free-space Quantum-
helicopter mission preparation and management, reduce
Key-Distribution and Post-Quantum-Cryptography to provide
helicopter pilot workload, and further increase in safety. The
a maximum level of security for our communication links.
team has completed the software stack and will flight-test this
Other outstanding project results are paving the way for more
solution in 2023.
autonomous flight operations with demonstrations on very
highly-available communication links and a many-core processor Supporting the Airbus sustainability ambition, Airbus UpNext
implementation for highly-critical applications. New research demonstrated technology readiness on key hydrogen propulsion
initiatives to explore quantum networks and free-space power solutions, enabling the launch of the ZEROe demonstrator in
beaming for alternative energy sources were started. 2022 to mature hydrogen combustion technology on an A380
flight test platform. The team is also investigating contrails formed
Quantum technology: Implications of quantum technologies
via hydrogen direct-burn with the Blue Condor demonstrator
for aerospace and defence are extensive and include important
using two glider aircraft.
applications in the fields of computing, communication, and
sensing. The objective is to explore this new emerging technology ASCEND, the “Advanced Superconducting and Cryogenic
for our company and to prepare Airbus for the early adoption Experimental powertraiN Demonstrator” which investigates
of its portfolio. In 2022 a new partnership was set-up with one per formance of electric propulsion systems using
of the leading quantum computing companies IonQ in the superconducting materials and cryogenic temperatures has
project QUASA (QUAntum enabled Services for Aerospace). produced the first physical components for testing. In this field,
Airbus will work with IonQ on specialised quantum algorithms Airbus and CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
to tackle combinatorial optimisation, where quantum computing have signed a partnership to investigate the use of first generation
could provide an enormous speed-up compared to classical cryo-cables for aircraft via a sub-scale demonstration.
approaches. The two companies will explore cargo loading
optimisation as a benchmark use case and use one of the world’s Acubed
most powerful quantum computers for demonstration in 2023.
Launched in 2015, Acubed is Airbus’ Innovation Centre in Silicon
Blue sky research: Explores, validates and pushes more Valley. A project-based organisation designed for speed and
efficient early upstream technologies, which are new to Airbus, agility, its mission is to build the future of flight now, leverage
of strategic nature, high risk and high rewards, that will push world-class talent within the Silicon Valley ecosystem, and to
the boundaries of aerospace and will lead to high business and partner with and provide value to many different Airbus teams.
societal impact. The activity is driven by three clusters: Future Acubed drives high-value, high-impact innovations by focusing
Energies (new ways to generate, convey and manage energy), on technical domains in which Silicon Valley enjoys a clear
Future Transportation (novel ways to transport people, goods competitive advantage, including artificial intelligence, autonomy,
and data), and Future Society (design for societal change). Key data analytics, rapid prototyping and digital communications.
technologies that have been explored are Power Beaming Acubed’s agile, highly collaborative model ensures it injects
(transfer energy over the air and space), the Metaverse and its lasting value and expertise into Airbus while keeping a finger
applications across the aviation value chain, and Project 42, a on the pulse of emerging technologies that have the power to
model of societal reaction to future Airbus products. transform the aviation industry.
Acubed’s current areas of exploration and maturation are closely
Airbus Demonstrators – Airbus UpNext
aligned to Airbus’ strategic priorities and aim to help Airbus
Airbus UpNext is actively shaping the future of the aerospace secure and maintain leading positions across nascent and
industry as part of the Airbus innovation ecosystem by building established aerospace markets. Beyond its current portfolio,
demonstrators at speed and scale, in order to evaluate, mature Acubed continues to explore new areas of research where it can
and validate potential new products and services that embody develop additional value for Airbus and the industry.
radical technological breakthroughs.
propulsion and liquid hydrogen storage and distribution systems. The technology flagships have been updated to align with the
Airbus has disclosed in 2022 its H2 combustion propulsion strategy and the business ambition. Currently six different
system flight test demonstrator with CFM (also mentioned above Technology Flagships define the main capabilities and
in the UpNext section) as well as its technology roadmap for competences required in the Division while maintaining a full
the development of a fuel cell propulsion system. Airbus has alignment across the programme lines and product portfolio:
also engaged in many strategic partnerships around the world “Sustainable Aerospace”, “The future of Warfare”, “Next
in understanding and exploring the hydrogen ecosystem to Generation Aerospace Vehicles”, “High Performance Payloads
support the successful entry into service of a hydrogen powered & On board-computers”, “End to End Information superiority”
aircraft in 2035. This will accelerate in 2023 with more integrated and “Industrial Competitiveness”.
ground testing, as well as the preparation of the forthcoming flight
This optimisation of the technology landscape also took into
demonstrations. In parallel, different aircraft configurations will be
account the reinforcement of links between R&T and R&D, and
explored and matured in 2023, to assess the most efficient way
emphasised technologies reaching an “adoption at the right time
to integrate those technologies inside the aircraft. The Company
and with the right speed” by the business and the programme
will also continue its effort to support its customers to build their
lines, once the technologies reach a maturity level that allow
route-to-lower carbon operations, and to grow its partnership
their industrialisation and insertion into a product.
landscape for critical technology bricks and related ecosystems.
In terms of the main technology achievements, we achieved
Airbus Helicopters significant progress across all flagships.
Significant steps forward were made in 2022 in the Research End-to-end information superiority: we have focused on
and Innovation department, with activities focused on the main enhancing data management for decision support. As an
demonstrators and techno-bricks. example, the TWIN project (Pléiades Neo Super Resolution
Images) has opened the door to negotiations with Google and
The Flight Lab, the Airbus Helicopters’ techno bricks
demonstrator, performed several tests in 2022:
–– engine Back-Up System function completed its demonstration Next generation spacecraft vehicles: we continued working on
on a single engine helicopter; advanced materials and structures, human-machine interface
–– cable detection function using LIDAR and image processing and autonomy, among others. As an example, we achieved the
operations was demonstrated. handover of C295 Ergonomic Cockpit, with a cost reduction of
€ 500 per flight hour.
Eye for Autonomous Guidance Landing Extension (EAGLE), based
on a gyro-stabilised camera, using an artificial intelligence image High performance payloads & on-board computers: activities
processing software completed its functional demonstration. continue centred on increasing computing performance and
increasing high throughput communication capabilities. As an
Health function for Light Helicopters using wireless set-up was example, the project Space Optical NAOMI has reduced by
completely validated for further deployment. -50% the lead time of the NAOMI instrument automatic optical
The RACER assembly significantly progressed. Shake tests were alignment.
successfully run and power on of the demonstrator was done. Industrial competitiveness: specially linked to industrial
Main remaining component to be received to finalise assembly performance improvement and deploying technologies related
is the main gear box. With the remaining flight clearance tests, to the Factory of the Future. As an example, the AMANDA project
the first flight is now planned for the second half of 2023. has developed a Digital Assistant for blue collars to interact
The DisruptiveLab demonstrator and its first techno-bricks were by voice with Manufacturing systems, or the MFOP project
unveiled at the Airbus Summit. Ground tests were successfully run has developed a digital framework for aircraft diagnosis and
at the end of 2022 and the flight testing started in January 2023. prognosis to increase 15% fleet availability and reduce 20%
operating costs.
Airbus Defence and Space Future of warfare and sustainable aerospace are two new
2022 offered us the opportunity to balance the short and long- flagships that will guide the ambition for the following years.
term technologies in order to ring fence our R&T portfolio. Achievements in these fields include the development of
This has allowed us to secure the activities focussing on algorithms for flexible coordinated formation flight (it will pave
strategic technologies, under the assumption that mastering the way for FCAS) or the successful flight test of C295 semi-
those technologies will be key to maintain Airbus’ competitive morphing wing that reduces -43% CO2, and -45% lower noise
positioning in the mid-to-long-term (e.g., Quantum, advanced and reduction of fuel consumption.
AI applications). Finally, strong efforts were placed on defining the technology
It is worth mentioning the Zero Base Budgeting exercise, which national plans for the home countries, which will be key for the
took place in 2022 with the aim of ensuring the alignment eco-systems footprint in the core nations, maximising the public-
between the R&T portfolio and our future challenges. private collaboration and especially focusing on the national
customer priorities.
On 1 February 2023, Qatar Airways and the Company 3 March 2023, Xavier Tardy, Executive Vice-President Finance
announced they had reached an amicable and mutually for Airbus Defence and Space, will ensure continuity during the
agreeable settlement in relation to their legal dispute over A350 interim period in addition to his current role.
surface degradation and the grounding of A350 aircraft. The
On 29 March 2023 the Company announced, after careful
parties have proceeded to discontinue their legal claims. The
consideration, it has come to the conclusion that the potential
settlement agreement is not an admission of liability for either
acquisition of a minority stake of 29.9% in Evidian does not
party (see “– 1.1.7 Legal and Arbitration Proceedings”). The
meet the Company’s objectives in the current context and
parties have also agreed terms for the delivery of 50 A321 and
under the current structure. Airbus therefore confirms that it
23 A350 aircraft.
will no longer pursue discussions, initiated in February 2023,
On 14 February 2023, the Company appointed Dr. Thomas with respect to the potential acquisition of a minority stake of
Toepfer to succeed Dominik Asam as Chief Financial Officer 29.9% in Evidian.
on 1 September 2023. Following Dominik Asam’s departure on
The following discussion and analysis is derived from and should be read together
with the audited IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements as of and for the years ended
31 December 2022, 2021 and 2020. These Financial Statements have been prepared in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) issued by the International
Accounting Standards Board as endorsed by the European Union, and with Part 9 of Book 2
of the Dutch Civil Code. When reference is made to “IFRS”, this intends to be EU-IFRS.
The following discussion and analysis also contains certain “non-GAAP financial measures”,
i.e. financial measures that either exclude or include amounts that are not excluded or included
in the most directly comparable measure calculated and presented in accordance with IFRS.
Specifically, the Company makes use of the non-GAAP financial measures (i.e. Alternative
Performance Measures) “EBIT Adjusted”, “net cash” and “Free Cash Flow”.
The Company uses these non-GAAP financial measures to assess its consolidated financial
and operating performance and believes they are helpful in identifying trends in its performance.
These measures enhance management’s ability to make decisions with respect to resource
allocation and whether the Company is meeting its financial goals.
Non-GAAP financial measures have certain limitations as analytical tools, and should not be
considered in isolation or as substitutes for analysis of the Company’s results as reported
under IFRS. Because of these limitations, they should not be considered substitutes for the
relevant IFRS measures.
The Company also measures and communicates its performance on the basis of “EBIT”
2.1.1 Overview
The Company constantly innovates to provide efficient and The Company’s consolidated revenues amounted to € 58.8 billion
technologically-advanced solutions in aerospace, defence, in 2022, of which 80% in the civil sector (compared to 82% in
and connected services. In commercial aircraft, Airbus offers
modern and fuel-efficient airliners and associated services.
2021) and 20% in the defence sector (compared to 18% in 2021).
As of 31 December 2022, the Company’s active headcount 02
The Company is also a European leader in defence, security was 134,267 employees, an increase compared to 2021
and space businesses. In helicopters, the Company provides (126,495 employees).
civil and military rotorcraft solutions and services worldwide.
Average Year-end
€/US$ €/£ €/US$ €/£
31 December 2020 1.1422 0.8897 1.2271 0.8990
31 December 2021 1.1827 0.8596 1.1326 0.8403
31 December 2022 1.0530 0.8528 1.0667 0.8869 Reportable Business Segments In addition, Airbus Aerostructures GmbH was established on
1 July 2022. The new wholly-owned Airbus subsidiary manages
In 2022, the Company operated in three reportable business and delivers large structural components to Airbus. It includes
segments which reflect the internal organisational and four production sites in Germany: the Hamburg plant and
management structure according to the nature of the products headquarters, the plant in Stade, and the former Premium
and services provided. AEROTEC plants of Nordenham and Bremen. Adjacent Premium
–– Airbus – Development, manufacturing, marketing and sale AEROTEC sites in Augsburg, Varel and Braşov will initially remain
of commercial jet passenger aircraft of more than 100 seats, in Premium AEROTEC GmbH and are planned to undergo
freighter aircraft and regional turboprop aircraft and aircraft restructuring and, upon successful restructuring, to be integrated
components; aircraft conversion and related services. It also into Airbus Aerostructures GmbH by 30 June 2025.
includes the holding function of the Company and its bank
These have no impact on the segment structure described
–– Airbus Helicopters – Development, manufacturing, marketing
and sale of civil and military helicopters; provision of helicopter Consolidation effects are reported in the column “Eliminations”.
related services.
–– Airbus Defence and Space – Military Aircraft design,
development, delivery, and support of military aircraft such Significant Programme
as combat, mission, transport and tanker aircraft and their Developments in 2020, 2021 and
associated services. Space Systems design, development,
delivery, and support of full range of civil and defence
2022 and Other Financial Topics
space systems for telecommunications, earth observations, A320 programme. On 8 April 2020, the Company announced
navigation, science and orbital systems. Connected Intelligence its decision to adapt commercial aircraft production rates to 40
provision of services around data processing from platforms, per month for the A320 Family in response to the new COVID-19
secure communication and cyber security. Unmanned Aerial market environment. In 2020, 431 A320neo Family aircraft were
Systems design, development, delivery and service support. delivered. On A320, production rates were foreseen to gradually
In addition, the main joint ventures design, develop, deliver, increase from 40 aircraft per month currently to 43 in the third
and support missile systems and space launcher systems. quarter and 45 in the fourth quarter 2021.
On 1 January 2022, Airbus Atlantic, a wholly-owned Airbus In 2021, 459 A320neo Family aircraft were delivered. On
subsidiary, was established. The new company groups the 28 October 2021, the Company announced that it was working
strengths, resources and skills of Airbus’s sites in Nantes and to secure the A320 Family programme ramp up and was on
Montoir-de-Bretagne, the central functions associated with their trajectory to achieve a monthly rate of 65 aircraft by summer
activities, as well as the STELIA Aerospace sites worldwide. 2023.
This unification is part of the transformation project announced
in April 2021, aimed at strengthening the value chain of In 2022, 516 A320 Family aircraft were delivered. On the A320
aerostructure assembly within Airbus’s industrial setup. Family programme, the ramp-up trajectory has been adapted
with suppliers. The Company is now progressing towards a
monthly production rate of 65 aircraft by the end of 2024 and
75 in 2026. Entry-into-service for the A321XLR is expected to
take place in Q2 2024.
A350 programme. On 8 April 2020, the Company announced In 2022, 32 A330 were delivered. The A330 monthly production
its decision to adapt commercial aircraft production rates to six rate increased to around three at the end of 2022 as planned and
per month for A350 in response to the new COVID-19 market the Company now targets to reach rate four in 2024.
environment. Subsequently, the rate for A350 was further
A220 programme. In 2020, 38 A220 aircraft were delivered.
reduced to around five per month. In 2020, 59 A350 aircraft
Rates were expected to increase from four to five aircraft per
were delivered. Given the significant production rate reduction,
month from the end of the first quarter 2021.
the A350 programme did not reach breakeven with this level
of deliveries. In 2021, 50 A220 aircraft were delivered. On 28 October 2021,
the Company announced the A220 production rate, which was
In 2021, 55 A350 aircraft were delivered. On 28 October 2021,
at five aircraft a month, was expected to increase to around rate
the Company announced the A350 programme is expected
six per month in early 2022.
to increase from around five to around six aircraft a month in
early 2023. In 2022, 53 A220 aircraft were delivered and the monthly rate
of 14 is envisaged by the middle of the decade.
In 2022, 60(1) A350 aircraft were delivered. The A350 monthly
rate is now around six aircraft. In order to meet growing demand A380 programme. Airbus delivered the last five A380 aircraft
for widebody aircraft as international air travel recovers, and in 2021 and four in 2020.
following a feasibility study with the supply chain, the Company
is now targeting a monthly production rate of nine A350s at the As of 31 December 2018, the Company’s largest A380 operator
end of 2025. reviewed its aircraft fleet strategy going forward and concluded
it was forced to restructure and reduce its A380 order by 39
A400M programme. Developments on the A400M programme aircraft. As a consequence, the recognition of the onerous
resulted in the recognition of revenues of € 1.6 billion in contract provision as well as other specific provisions and
2020, € 1.4 billion in 2021 and € 1.8 billion in 2022. the remeasurement of the liabilities affected the consolidated
income statement before taxes by a net € 463 million in EBIT(2)
In 2020, the Company has delivered nine aircraft. An update
and positively impacted the other financial result by € 177 million
of the contract estimate at completion was performed and a
as of 31 December 2018.
charge of € 63 million recorded reflecting mainly the variation of
price escalation indexes. As a consequence and in addition to the net charge recorded
in 2018, the Company recorded a net charge of € 385 million
In 2021, the Company has delivered eight aircraft. The COVID-19
in EBIT in 2020 and of € 202 million in 2019, as part of its
pandemic weighed on the performance of development,
continuous assessment of asset recoverability and review of
production, flight testing, aircraft delivery and retrofit activities
onerous contract provision assumptions. In 2021, a positive
of the programme. In 2021, an update of the contract estimate
EBIT impact of € 274 million was recorded, mainly reflecting
at completion has been performed and an additional charge of
the release of provision recorded in 2018 on the former A380
€ 212 million has been recorded. This reflects mainly the updated
Lagardère facility that will be used for the modernised A320 FAL.
estimates on the delivery pattern of the launch contract and the
associated impact on unabsorbed costs. Defence export ban. Defence export licences to Saudi Arabia
were suspended by the German Government until 31 March
As of 31 December 2022, the Company has delivered a total of
2020 and are awaiting renewal. A revised Estimate at Completion
115 A400M aircraft including 10 aircraft in 2022. The Company
(EAC) for a customer contract was performed as of 31 December
has continued with development activities toward achieving the
2020, and the Company continues to engage with its customer
revised capability roadmap. Retrofit activities are progressing in
to agree a way forward. The outcome of these negotiations is
close alignment with the customer. In 2022, an update of the
presently unclear but could result in further significant financial
contract Estimate At Completion has been performed and an
impacts. The year-end 2020 assessment remains unchanged
additional charge of € 477 million recorded. This mainly reflects
as of 31 December 2021.
updated assumptions, including inflation and risks related to
the remaining SOC3 contractual development milestones to In 2022, the Company updated its contract EAC which confirmed
be achieved. the 2021 position. The Company continues to engage with its
customer to agree a way forward. The outcome of these actions
Risks remain on the qualification of technical capabilities and
is presently unclear but could result in further significant financial
associated costs, on aircraft operational reliability, on cost
reductions and on securing export orders in time as per the
revised baseline. Going concern and associated liquidity measures.
On 23 March 2020, the Company announced measures to
A330 programme. In 2020, 19 A330 were delivered. On
bolster its liquidity and balance sheet in response to the COVID-19
8 April 2020, the Company announced its decision to reduce
pandemic, including a new € 15 billion credit facility partially
commercial aircraft production rates to around two per month
termed out by bond and USPP issuances whereas the remaining
for A330 in response to the new COVID-19 market environment.
portion matured on 30 September 2021, the withdrawal of 2019
In 2021, 18 A330 were delivered. On 28 October 2021, the dividend proposal with cash value of € 1.4 billion, the suspension
Company announced that the recent commercial success of of voluntary top up pension funding and strong focus on support
the A330 programme enabled a monthly rate increase from to customers and delivery. In parallel, governmental partners
around two to almost three aircraft at the end of 2022. supported the aerospace sector since the beginning of the
(1) After a reduction of two aircraft previously recorded as sold in December 2021 for which a transfer was not possible due to international sanctions against Russia.
(2) The Company continues to use the term EBIT. EBIT is identical to profit before financial result and income taxes.
crisis either through direct support to airlines and suppliers, or As of 31 December 2022, there was no material impact.
through partial unemployment schemes. With these decisions,
Operational assets. As of 31 December 2020 and in response
the Company had available liquidity to cope with additional
to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Company performed a
cash requirements, including the amended production rates
comprehensive review of its operational assets and liabilities
as described above. As of 31 December 2020, the Company
taking into account the amended production rates and expected
had a net cash position of € 4.7(3) billion with a total liquidity of
€ 33.6 billion, before deducting short-term financing liabilities.
future deliveries. This review resulted in charges being recorded
in 2020 for an amount of € 1.3 billion, including an impairment
As of 31 December 2021, the Company had a net cash position of inventories considered at risk of € 355 million, additional
of € 7.7(3) billion with a total liquidity of € 28.7 billion, before provisions relating to A380 programme of € 279 million, a write-
deducting short-term financing liabilities. As of 31 December off of capitalised development costs of € 101 million, provisions
2021, management considers the Company has sufficient for supplier commitments of € 157 million and provisions covering
resources to continue operating for at least 12 months and that various commercial risks of approximately € 401 million.
there are no material uncertainties about the Company’s ability
As of 31 December 2021, year-to-date financials reflect deliveries
to continue as a going concern.
as well as efforts on cost containment and competitiveness.
As of 31 December 2022, the Company had a net cash position Furthermore, the Company has performed a comprehensive
of € 9.4(3) billion with a total liquidity of € 31.6 billion, before review of provisions and depreciations, taking into account
deducting short-term financing liabilities. As of 31 December the amended production rates and expected future deliveries.
2022, management considers the Company has sufficient Consequently, the Company recorded € 0.6 billion of release of
resources to continue operating for at least 12 months and that COVID-related provisions including restructuring in 2021.
there are no material uncertainties about the Company’s ability to
As of 31 December 2022 and as a consequence of the
continue as a going concern. For further information on liquidity,
Ukraine crisis, the resulting recorded EBIT charge amounts to
see “– 2.1.6 Liquidity and Capital Resources”.
approximately € 0.1 billion, mainly relating to Airbus.
Restructuring provisions. In June 2020, Airbus announced
Litigation. For information, see “– Information on the Company’s
plans to adapt its global workforce, principally in France,
Activities – 1.1.7 Legal and Arbitration Proceedings” and “Notes
Germany, Spain and the UK, and resize its commercial aircraft
to the IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements – Note 25:
activity in response to the COVID-19 crisis. This adaptation was
Provisions, Contingent Assets and Contingent Liabilities”.
expected to result in a reduction of around 15,000 positions no
later than summer 2021. Working time adaptation and mitigation
measures supported by the governments have reduced the Current Trends
number of positions subject to the restructuring plan. Taking
into consideration the actual departures since the initial As the basis for its 2023 guidance, the Company assumes no
announcement, the remaining number of positions subject to additional disruptions to the world economy, air traffic, the supply
the restructuring plan amounted to approximately 6,100 as of chain, the Company’s internal operations, and its ability to deliver
31 December 2020, including pre-retirement headcount under products and services. The Company’s 2023 guidance is before
German Altersteilzeit (“ATZ”). In addition, Airbus Defence and M&A.
Space completed the consultation process with the Company’s On that basis, the Company targets to achieve in 2023 around:
European works council on the Division’s planned restructuring. 720 commercial aircraft deliveries; EBIT Adjusted of € 6.0 billion;
The plan presented to the employee representatives initially and Free Cash Flow before M&A and Customer Financing of
foresaw the reduction of around 1,900 positions including pre- € 3.0 billion.
retirement headcount under ATZ until the end of 2021. However
this number was also subsequently reduced to approximately This guidance has been prepared on the basis of certain
1,400 positions reflecting departures which occurred after assumptions, including the principal assumptions as set out
the initial announcement. In November 2020, a reconciliation below. The principal assumptions within the Company’s control
of Interest Agreement involving approximately 100 positions are as follows: (a) underlying commercial aircraft deliveries are
was signed in Germany within Airbus Helicopters and hence, based on existing orders. Revenues from other activities are
a provision has been recorded accordingly. As of 30 September also based on existing orders and may include estimates based
2020, a restructuring provision was recognised for an amount of on relevant market forecasts; (b) no significant interruption in
€ 1.2 billion including mainly the cost of voluntary and compulsory operational performance or programme execution; (c) no
measures taking into account management’s best estimate of disruption in or change to the development of products or
the impact of the working time adaptation and government other development projects; and (d) no material change to the
support measures. Total payments to employees affected by Company’s existing capital structure.
the plan were expected to amount to approximately € 1.5 billion,
The principal assumptions outside the Company’s control are
including the settlement of other accrued employee benefits.
as follows: (a) no material change in general trading conditions,
As of 31 December 2021 and 31 December 2020, the geopolitical stability, military tensions, economic conditions,
restructuring provision in response to the COVID-19 pandemic competitive environment or levels of demand which would
amounted to € 0.1 billion and € 1.0 billion respectively. It reflects materially affect the Company’s business; (b) the Company’s
the utilisation of the restructuring provision for an amount of internal operations do not suffer further disruptions or from
€ 0.6 billion, the release of € 0.2 billion and € 0.2 billion reclassified external interruptions; (c) suppliers will meet their delivery
to liabilities to reflect the progress of the plan. commitments and ensure maturity, availability and in-service
(3) The Company has decided to refine the net cash definition to include interest rate contracts related to fair value hedges, which is also reflected in the 2022 balance.
performance; (d) no material change in the ability or willingness This guidance has been prepared on a basis consistent with the
of our customers to meet their contractual obligations, including accounting policies adopted by the Company and is comparable
payment obligations to the Company; (e) no changes in the with the Company’s historical financial information.
legislative or regulatory environment which could have a material
effect on the Company; and (f) no adverse outcome to any
material litigation or investigation.
those historical rates and the amounts received and paid differ, For further information on the significance of sales financing
there is a foreign currency exchange impact (mismatch) on transactions for the Company, see “– Sales Financing”.
EBIT. Additionally, the magnitude of any such difference, and
the corresponding impact on EBIT, is sensitive to variations in
the number of deliveries and spot rate (€/US$). Provisions for Onerous Contracts
Airbus Helicopters
(In € million) 2022 2021 2020
Revenue 7,048 6,509 6,251
EBIT 639 535 455
in % of revenue 9.1% 8.2% 7.3%
to euro using the spot rate as of 31 December 2022, 2021 and not considered in the valuation of order intake and order backlog.
2020, respectively. Adjustments to the value of the order backlog The order backlog will mainly be released into revenue over a
could result from changes in the transaction price. Options are period of eight years.
31 December
2022 2021 2020
(In € billion) (In percentage) (1)
(In € billion) (In percentage) (1)
(In € billion) (In percentage)(1)
Airbus 390.5 86.9% 345.1 86.4% 324.7 86.8%
Airbus Helicopters 20.8 4.6% 18.0 4.5% 15.8 4.2%
Airbus Defence and Space 38.4 8.5% 36.1 9.1% 33.5 9.0%
Subtotal segmental order backlog 449.7 100% 399.2 100% 374.0 100%
Eliminations (0.4) (0.8) (0.9)
Total 449.2 398.4 373.1
2022 compared to 2021. The € 50.8 billion increase in order System, the Eurodrone unmanned aerial system and 20 latest-
backlog to € 449.2 billion (2021: € 398.4 billion) mainly reflected generation Eurofighters for the Spanish Air Force.
the book-to-bill above one and the strengthening of the US dollar.
2021 compared to 2020. The € 25.3 billion increase in order
Airbus’ backlog increased by € 45.3 billion to € 390.4 billion, backlog to € 398.4 billion (2020: € 373.1 billion) mainly reflected
corresponding to a book-to-bill ratio in units significantly above the strengthening US dollar.
one (calculated using units of new net orders, i.e. new net orders
Airbus’ backlog increased by € 20.4 billion to € 345.1 billion. The
in units divided by deliveries in units) and the strengthening
book-to-bill ratio in units was below one (calculated using units of
of the US dollar. Total order backlog at Airbus amounted to
new net orders, i.e. new net orders in units divided by deliveries
7,239 aircraft at the end of 2022 (as compared to 7,082 aircraft
in units). Total order backlog at Airbus amounted to 7,082 aircraft
at the end of 2021). Order intake consisted of 820 net orders
at the end of 2021 (as compared to 7,184 aircraft at the end
in 2022 (as compared to 507 in 2021), comprising 770 net firm
of 2020). Order intake consisted of 507 net orders in 2021 (as
orders of the A320 Family, 105 A220s, 10 A350s partly offset
compared to 268 in 2020), comprising 437 net firm orders of
by higher cancellations than orders on the A330s.
the A320 Family, 38 A220s and 32 widebodies, including the
Airbus Helicopters’ backlog increased by € 2.8 billion to first A350 Freighter orders.
€ 20.8 billion, achieving a book-to-bill ratio above one both in
Airbus Helicopters’ backlog increased by € 2.2 billion to
units and value. Total order backlog amounted to 757 helicopters
€ 18.0 billion, achieving a book-to-bill ratio well above one
at the end of 2022 (as compared to 739 helicopters at the end
in terms of units and value. Total order backlog amounted
of 2021). Airbus Helicopters received 362 net orders in 2022 (as
to 739 helicopters at the end of 2021 (as compared to
compared to 414 in 2021). Helicopter orders were well spread
663 helicopters at the end of 2020). Airbus Helicopters received
across programmes and included 12 H160s.
414 net orders in 2021 (as compared to 268 in 2020), including
Airbus Defence and Space’s backlog increased by € 2.3 billion 52 H160s, of which 30 were the first batch of H160M military
to € 38.4 billion and the book-to-bill ratio in value amounted versions for France’s Joint Light Helicopter programme.
to around 1.2 with new net orders of € 13.7 billion, including
key orders in Demonstrator Phase 1B of the Future Combat Air
Airbus Defence and Space’s backlog increased by € 2.6 billion service support of the German and Spanish Eurofighter fleets
to € 36.1 billion and the book-to-bill ratio in value amounted to as well as export contracts for the C295 (India), A330 MRTT
1.3 with new net orders of € 13.7 billion, including key orders in (United Arab Emirates and Spain) and A400M airlifter (Republic
the Military Aircraft business such as the contracts for the in- of Kazakhstan).
The following table illustrates the proportion of civil and defence backlog at the end of each of the past three years.
31 December
2022 2021 2020
(In € billion) (In percentage)(1) (In € billion) (In percentage)(1) (In € billion) (In percentage)(1)
Civil sector 402.0 89% 355.3 89% 334.5 90%
Defence sector 47.2 11% 43.1 11% 38.6 10%
Total 449.2 100% 398.4 100% 373.1 100%
(1) Including “Eliminations”.
2022 compared to 2021. The Company’s consolidated EBIT Airbus’ EBIT increased from € -1.3 billion for 2020 to € 4.2 billion
remained stable at € 5.3 billion for both 2022 and 2021, mainly for 2021. This mainly reflects the higher commercial aircraft
driven by Airbus. deliveries, effort on cost containment and competitiveness as
well as the release of COVID-related provisions in 2021 compared
Airbus’ EBIT increased from € 4.2 billion for 2021 to € 4.8 billion to the recording of charges triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic
for 2022. This mainly reflects the higher commercial aircraft in 2020, including restructuring provision.
deliveries and is supported by some non-recurring elements
related to the re-measurement of past service cost in the Airbus Helicopters’ EBIT increased from € 455 million for 2020
retirement obligations, the release of compliance-related to € 535 million for 2021, mainly driven by support and services,
provisions and a positive foreign exchange impact, partly offset programme execution and cost focus.
by contract-related provisions and exceptional premium granted
Airbus Defence and Space’s EBIT increased from € 408 million
to employees. In 2021, it included the release of COVID-related
for 2020 to € 568 million for 2021, reflecting continued cost
provisions, including restructuring provision.
containment. Additionally, it includes the gain recognised for
Airbus Helicopters’ EBIT increased from € 535 million for 2021 the sale of one of its sites in France to a 50% joint venture of
to € 639 million for 2022, mainly driven by higher services and € 122 million and higher A400M programme charge.
programme execution. It also included the positive impact related
Foreign currency impact on EBIT. In 2022, more than 70%
to retirement obligations.
of the Company’s revenues are denominated in US dollars
Airbus Defence and Space’s EBIT decreased from € 568 million with approximately 60% of such currency exposure “naturally
for 2021 to € -118 million for 2022, reflecting the impairment hedged” by US dollar-denominated costs. The remainder of
related to the loss of two Pleiades Neo satellites in December costs are incurred primarily in euros and to a lesser extent,
and to delays on the Ariane 6 launcher, as well as the impact pounds sterling. Given the long-term nature of its business
of updated assumptions in the A400M programme, including cycles (evidenced by its multi-year backlog), the Company covers
inflation and risks related to the remaining SOC3 contractual a significant portion of its net foreign exchange exposure to
development milestones to be achieved. This was partly offset mitigate the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on its EBIT.
by higher volume in Military Aircraft, the ramp-up in Eurodrone Please refer to the “Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial
and the positive impact related to retirement obligations. Statements – Note 38: Financial Instruments” and see “– Risk
Factors – 1. Financial Market Risks – Foreign Currency Exposure”
2021 compared to 2020. The Company’s consolidated EBIT and “– Foreign Currency Translation”.
increased from € -0.5 billion for 2020 to € 5.3 billion for 2021,
mainly driven by Airbus.
In order to do so, the Company primarily uses two mechanisms: revaluation of certain assets and liabilities at the closing rate
–– Financial instruments represented by the hedge portfolio, made and the impact of natural hedging.
of foreign exchange derivative contracts, which constitutes Since 2022 and going-forward, the Company has presented its
the main means of minimising the impact of exchange rate matured hedge portfolio and euro conversion on a blended basis
fluctuations on Company’s profit. and therefore blended rates reflect both the EBIT impact of hedge
–– Euro conversion, on an exceptional basis and at the specific rates of the US dollar hedge portfolio and euro conversions.
request of the customers. It consists of the conversion of
the full or partial payment from US dollar into euro based on During 2022, US$ 20.3 billion of forwards matured and euro
an agreed conversion rate and is accounted for in the IFRS conversion realised at an average blended rate of €/US$ 1.22.
Consolidated Financial Statements as a contract in euros.
During 2021, US$ 21.8 billion of forwards matured and euro
In addition to the impact that coverage activities have on the conversion realised at an average blended rate of €/US$ 1.21,
Company’s EBIT, the latter is also affected by the impact of as compared to €/US$ 1.20 in 2020.
(1) Included gain from divestment of one of its sites in France to a 50% joint venture in 2021.
(2) Included Aerostructures transformation costs (€ 0.1 billion) in 2022, release of restructuring provision (€ 0.2 billion) in 2021 initially recognised in 2020 (€ 1.2 billion).
(In € million)
Cost of sales (48,192) (42,518) (44,250)
Gross margin 10,571 9,631 5,662
Selling and administrative expenses (2,240) (2,052) (2,140)
Research and development expenses (3,079) (2,746) (2,858)
Other income 471 594 132
Other expenses (590) (201) (1,458)
Share of profit from investments accounted for under the equity
method and other income from investments 192 116 152
Profit (Loss) before finance costs and income taxes 5,325 5,342 (510)
Interest result (232) (246) (271)
Other financial result (18) (69) (349)
Income taxes (939) (853) (39)
Profit (Loss) for the period 4,136 4,174 (1,169)
Attributable to
Equity owners of the parent (Net income) 4,247 4,213 (1,133)
Non-controlling interests (111) (39) (36) Revenues
The following table presents a breakdown of the Company’s revenues by Business segment for the past three years:
Revenues increased by 12.7%, from € 52.1 billion for 2021 to contributions from Airbus Defence and Space and Airbus
€ 58.8 billion for 2022. The increase is mainly driven by higher Helicopters. It also reflects a positive foreign exchange impact
aircraft deliveries of 661 aircraft (in 2021: 611 aircraft) and higher at Airbus.
For 2021, revenues increased by 4.5%, from € 49.9 billion for 2020 to € 52.1 billion for 2021. The increase was mainly driven by
Airbus, reflecting higher aircraft deliveries partly offset by an unfavourable foreign exchange impact.
The following table presents a breakdown of deliveries of commercial aircraft by product type for the past three years.
(1) After a reduction of two aircraft previously recorded as sold in December 2021 for which a transfer was not possible due to international sanctions against Russia.
(2) Two A330s delivered on operating lease.
Airbus’ revenues increased by 14.4%, from € 36.2 billion for 2021 For 2021, Airbus’ revenues increased by 5.6%, from € 34.3 billion
to € 41.4 billion for 2022. This reflected higher aircraft deliveries of for 2020 to € 36.2 billion for 2021. This reflected higher deliveries
661 aircraft (compared to 611 deliveries in 2021) and a positive of 611 aircraft (compared to 566 deliveries in 2020), partly offset
foreign exchange impact. by an unfavourable foreign exchange impact.
Airbus Helicopters
The following table presents a breakdown of deliveries of helicopters by product type for the past three years.
Airbus Helicopters’ revenues amounted to € 7.0 billion in 2022 Airbus Helicopters’ revenues amounted to € 6.5 billion in 2021
(2021: € 6.5 billion). This increase reflected growth in services (2020: € 6.3 billion). This increase reflected growth in services
and a favourable mix in programmes. and higher deliveries of 338 units (2020: 300 units), including
the first H160.
Airbus Defence and Space’s revenues amounted to € 11.3 billion Other Income
in 2022 (2021: € 10.2 billion). The increase is mainly driven by
higher volume in Military Aircraft and Eurodrone. and Other Expenses
Airbus Defence and Space’s revenues amounted to € 10.2 billion Other income and other expenses typically include gains and
in 2021 (2020: € 10.4 billion). The decrease was mainly driven by losses on disposals of investments, of fixed assets and income
Military Aircraft, partially offset by Space Systems. from rental properties.
Other income and other expenses was € -119 million net as
compared to € 393 million net for 2021. The decrease includes Cost of Sales the impact of € -437 million partly offset by an insurance income
Cost of sales increased by 13.3% from € 42.5 billion for 2021 of € 200 million both linked to the launch failure of the two
to € 48.2 billion for 2022. It mainly reflects the higher deliveries satellites Pléiades Neo 5 and 6 in December 2022. In 2021, it
and additional losses recognised on the A400M programme included a restructuring provision release of € 207 million and
of € 0.5 billion. the gain of € 122 million for the divestment of one of its sites to
a joint venture.
For 2021, cost of sales decreased by 3.9% from € 44.3 billion for
2020 to € 42.5 billion for 2021. It mainly reflects in 2021 continued For 2021, other income and other expenses was € 393 million
cost containment and the release of COVID-related provisions net as compared to € -1,326 million net for 2020. The increase
while 2020 was impacted by charges recorded in response to includes the gain of € 122 million for the divestment of one of its
the COVID-19 pandemic. sites in France to a 50% joint venture. In 2020, it included the
COVID-related restructuring provision. Interest Result For 2021, income tax expense was € -853 million as compared
to € -39 million for 2020, and corresponds to an effective income
Interest result reflects the net of interest income and expense tax rate of 17%. The higher tax expense was mainly driven by the
arising from financial assets and liabilities, including the interest income before tax in 2021 of € 5,027 million as compared to the
expense on refundable advances provided by European loss before tax in 2020 of € -1,130 million, partly compensated
governments to finance R&D activities. Please refer to the “Notes by a net release of deferred tax asset impairments mainly due to
to the IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements – Note 17: Total an updated business outlook in 2021 in comparison to deferred
Financial Result”. tax impairments in 2020. Management will continue to assess
The Company recorded a net interest expense of € -232 million, its tax contingencies going forward, whose outcome could
as compared to € -246 million for 2021 and € -271 million for 2020. result in further financial impacts.
Please refer to the “Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial
Statements – Note 18: Income Taxes”. Other Financial Result
Other financial result includes the impact from the revaluation
of financial instruments, the effect of foreign exchange valuation Non-Controlling Interests
of monetary items and the unwinding of discounted provisions. For 2022, loss for the period attributable to non-controlling
Please refer to the “Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial interests was € -111 million, as compared to loss of € -39 million
Statements – Note 17: Total Financial Result” and “– Note 26: for 2021.
Other Financial Assets and Other Financial Liabilities”.
Other financial result changed from € -69 million for 2021 to Profit for the Period Attributable
€ -18 million for 2022. This is mainly driven by the revaluation of
certain equity investments and a net positive impact from the to Equity Owners of the Parent
revaluation of financial instruments partly offset by the negative (Net Income)
impact from the foreign exchange valuation of monetary items.
As a result of the factors discussed above, the Company
For 2021, other financial result changed from € -349 million for recorded a net income of € 4,247 million for 2022, as compared
2020 to € -69 million for 2021. This is driven by the positive impact to the net income of € 4,213 million for 2021.
from the revaluation of certain equity investments, compensated
by a negative impact from the revaluation of financial instruments.
In 2020, it included the European governments’ refundable Earnings per Share
advances impact related to the A350 programme. Basic earnings were € 5.40 per share in 2022, as compared
to € 5.36 per share in 2021. The denominator used to
calculate earnings per share was 787,080,579 shares (2021: Income Taxes 785,326,074), reflecting the weighted average number of shares
Income tax expense was € -939 million for 2022 as compared to outstanding during the year. In 2020, the Company reported
€ -853 million for 2021, and corresponds to an effective income basic earnings of € -1.45 per share, based on a denominator
tax rate of 19%. The higher tax expense was mainly driven by of 783,178,191 shares.
higher net valuation allowances and lower positive impacts from
tax risk updates in 2022 as compared to 2021.
Diluted earnings were € 5.39 per share in 2022, as compared to € 5.36 per share in 2021. The denominator used to calculate
diluted earnings per share was 787,753,485 (2021: 785,761,995). In 2022, LTIP 2022 plan has been excluded from the calculation
because of its antidilutive effect. As there was a net loss in 2020, the effect of potentially dilutive ordinary shares is anti-dilutive.
For further information, please refer to the “Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements – Note 19: Earnings per Share”.
(In € million)
Balance at 1 January 2022 9,486
Profit for the period 4,136
Other comprehensive income 237
thereof foreign currency translation adjustments 123
Capital increase 127
Cash distribution to Airbus SE shareholders / Dividends paid to non-
controlling interests (1,182)
Equity transactions (IAS 27) 86
Share-based payment (IFRS 2) 115
Change in treasury shares (23)
Balance at 31 December 2022 12,982
The number of shares issued as of 31 December 2022 was 788,205,008. Please refer to the “Airbus SE IFRS Consolidated Financial
Statements – IFRS Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity for the years ended 31 December 2022 and 2021” and to the
“Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements – Note 35: Total Equity”.
The following graphic presents the cash flow hedge related movements in AOCI over the past three years. The mark to market of
the backlog is not reflected in the accounts whereas the mark to market of the hedge book is reflected in AOCI.
OCI Net Asset -4,779
Net Deferred Taxes 1,323
Net Equity OCI -3,456
31 December 2020: US$ 1.23 31 December 2021: US$ 1.13 31 December 2022: US$ 1.07
(1) Cash flow hedge in AOCI in total equity (including non-controlling interests).
As a result of the negative change in the fair market valuation of the cash flow hedge portfolio in 2022, AOCI amounted to a net
liability of € -7.9 billion for 2022, as compared to a net liability of € -4.8 billion for 2021. The corresponding € +0.9 billion tax effect
led to a net deferred tax asset of € 2.2 billion as of 31 December 2022 as compared to a net deferred tax asset of € 1.3 billion as
of 31 December 2021.
For further information, please refer to the “Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements – Note 38.5: Financial Instruments
– Derivative Financial Instruments and Hedge Accounting Disclosure”.
(1) The Company has decided to refine the net cash definition to include interest rate contracts related to fair value hedges which is also reflected in the 2022 balance.
(2) Represents cash provided by operating activities, excluding (i) changes in other operating assets and liabilities (working capital), (ii) contribution to plan assets of pension schemes
and (iii) realised foreign exchange results on treasury swaps (€ -44 million in 2022, € 27 million in 2021, € 70 million in 2020). It is an alternative performance measure and an indicator
used to measure its operating cash performance before changes in other operating assets and liabilities (working capital).
(3) Including customer financing, excluding some perimeter change impacts from changes in consolidation.
(4) Does not reflect change in securities (net investment of € -344 million in 2022, net investment of € -1,186 million in 2021, net disposal of € 6,303 million in 2020), which are classified
as cash and not as investments solely for the purposes of this net cash presentation. Excluding bank activities.
(5) Does not reflect change of securities, change in cash from changes in consolidation, contribution to plan assets of pension schemes and realised foreign exchange results on
treasury swaps. Excluding bank activities. Free Cash Flow is an alternative performance measure and key indicator that reflects the amount of cash flow generated from operations
after cash used in investing activities.
(6) Free Cash Flow before M&A refers to Free Cash Flow adjusted for net proceeds from disposals and acquisitions. It is an alternative performance measure and key indicator that
reflects Free Cash Flow excluding those cash flows from the disposal and acquisition of businesses.
(7) In 2020, thereof € 331 million contributions for retirement and deferred compensation plans.
(8) Including both fair value and foreign exchange impacts on securities and financing liabilities.
The net cash position as of 31 December 2022 was € 9.4 billion, Changes in Other Operating Assets
a 21.8% increase from 31 December 2021. It includes payments and Liabilities (Working Capital)
received in advance from certain customers and payments made
to suppliers in anticipation. Please see further details below. Changes in other operating assets and liabilities (working capital),
comprises inventories, trade receivables, contract assets and
contract liabilities (including customer advances), trade liabilities,
Gross Cash Flow from Operations and other assets and other liabilities. They resulted in a positive
Gross Cash Flow from operations is an alternative performance working capital variation of € 1.4 billion for 2022, versus a positive
measure and an indicator used by the Company to measure its impact of € 1.0 billion for 2021.
operating cash performance before changes in working capital.
In 2022, the contributors to the positive working capital variation
Gross Cash Flow from operations increased to € 5.5 billion for
from 2021 to 2022 were the change in contract assets and
2022, which mainly reflects EBIT Adjusted.
contract liabilities (€ +5.6 billion), mainly due to a positive phasing
impact from contracts assets and liabilities reflecting higher
advance payments and a positive impact from net payments
made to suppliers in anticipation, the change in trade liabilities
(€ +3.1 billion), which reflected higher volume and payment terms
increase linked to certain agreements reached with suppliers, from operations after cash used in investing activities. As a result
and the change in trade receivables (€ +0.5 billion). This was of the factors discussed above, Free Cash Flow amounted to
partially offset by the change in inventories (€ -5.6 billion), which € 4.3 billion for 2022 as compared to € 3.5 billion for 2021 and
reflected the inventory build up to support ramp up and the € -7.4 billion for 2020.
higher advance payments made to suppliers, and the change
in other assets and liabilities (€ -2.3 billion). Free Cash Flow before M&A
European governments’ refundable advances. As of Free Cash Flow before mergers and acquisitions refers to
31 December 2022, total European governments’ refundable Free Cash Flow adjusted for net proceeds from disposals and
advances liabilities, recorded on the statement of Financial acquisitions. It is an alternative performance measure and key
Position in the line items “non-current other financial liabilities” indicator that reflects Free Cash Flow excluding those Cash
and “current other financial liabilities” due to their specific nature, Flows resulting from acquisitions and disposals of businesses.
amounted to € 3.9 billion, including accrued interest.
European governments’ refundable advances (net of Free Cash Flow before M&A and Customer
reimbursements) remained stable in 2022 as compared to 2021. Financing
Please refer to the “Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial Free Cash Flow before M&A and customer financing refers
Statements – Note 26: Other Financial Assets and Other Financial to Free Cash Flow before mergers and acquisitions adjusted
Liabilities”. for Cash Flow related to aircraft financing activities. It is an
alternative performance measure and indicator that may be
Cash Used for Investing Activities used occasionally by the Company in its financial guidance,
especially when there is higher uncertainty around customer
Management categorises cash used for investing activities into
financing activities.
three components: (i) industrial capital expenditure, (ii) M&A
transactions and (iii) others. Cash used for investing activities
amounted to € -2.6 billion for 2022, to € -1.6 billion for 2021, and Cash Distribution to Shareholders /
to € -2.2 billion for 2020. Non‑Controlling Interests
Capital expenditure. Capital expenditure includes product- For the fiscal year 2022, the Company’s Board of Directors
related development costs that are capitalised in accordance proposes a cash distribution to shareholders of € 1.80 per share.
with IAS 38. See “– Capitalised development costs”. The proposed payment date is 27 April 2023.
Capital expenditure (investments in property, plant and For the fiscal year 2021, the Company’s Board of Directors
equipment and intangible assets) amounted to € -2.5 billion for proposed a cash distribution to shareholders of € 1.50 per share
2022, € -1.9 billion for 2021 and € -1.8 billion for 2020. and cash distribution to shareholders amounted to € -1.2 billion
in 2022.
In 2020, the decrease of capital expenditure reflected the
prioritisation of projects. Given the global business environment, there was no cash
distribution to shareholders proposed for the fiscal year 2020.
M&A transactions. In 2022, the € -0.2 billion figure mostly This decision aimed at strengthening the Company’s financial
relates to the acquisition of 100% of the shares of ZF resilience by protecting the net cash position and supporting its
Luftfahrttechnik GmbH. ZF Luftfahrttechnik was subsequently ability to adapt as the situation evolved. On 23 March 2020, the
renamed Airbus Helicopters Technik GmbH. Company decided to withdraw the € -1.3 billion cash distribution
to shareholders initially proposed for the fiscal year 2019, in
In 2021, there were no significant M&A transactions.
response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Consequently, there was
In 2020, the € -0.6 billion figure mostly relates to the acquisition no cash distribution to shareholders in 2020.
of Bombardier’s additional 29.64% shares in Airbus Canada.
Please refer to the “Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial Contribution to Plan Assets of Pension
Statements – Note 9: Acquisitions and Disposals”. Schemes
Other disposals. In 2021, the Company divested to a 50% The cash outflows of € -0.6 billion, € -0.5 billion and € -0.3 billion
joint venture one of its sites in France. The Company received in 2022, 2021 and 2020, respectively, primarily relate to
a consideration of € 310 million. contributions to the Contractual Trust Arrangements (“CTA”)
in Germany for allocating and generating pension plan assets
Please refer to the “Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial in accordance with IAS 19, the German relief fund, as well as
Statements – Note 9: Acquisitions and Disposals”. to pension schemes and plan assets in the UK, Canada and
to French benefit funds. Please refer to the “Notes to the IFRS
Free Cash Flow Consolidated Financial Statements – Note 32: Post-Employment
The Company defines Free Cash Flow as the sum of (i) cash
provided by operating activities and (ii) cash used for investing
activities, minus (iii) change of securities, (iv) contribution to Change in Treasury Shares / Share Buyback
plan assets of pension schemes, (v) realised foreign exchange Change in treasury shares amounted to € -36 million for 2022,
results on treasury swaps and (vi) Airbus Bank activities. It is an to € -22 million for 2021 and to € -4 million for 2020. As of
alternative performance measure and key indicator which allows 31 December 2022 and 2021, the Company held 647,500 and
the Company to measure the amount of Cash Flow generated 454,735 treasury shares, respectively.
Additions 293
Disposals -352
Amortisation -22
Airbus gross customer financing exposure as of 31 December Airbus Helicopters’ gross customer financing exposure
2022 is distributed directly over 17 aircraft, operated by amounted to € 33 million as of 31 December 2022. This exposure
approximately five airlines. In addition, the level of exposure is distributed over 12 helicopters, operated by approximately
may include other aircraft-related assets, such as spare parts. six companies.
Over the last three years (2020 to 2022), the average number For further information, please refer to the “Notes to the IFRS
of aircraft delivered in respect of which direct financing support Consolidated Financial Statements – Note 28: Sales Financing
has been provided by Airbus amounted to approximately 1% Transactions”.
of the average number of deliveries over the same period, i.e.
nine aircraft financed per year out of 613 deliveries per year on
The Company’s IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements for Copies of the AFM-filed documents are available free of charge
the year ended 31 December 2022, together with the related upon request in English at the registered office of the Company
notes, appendices and independent auditors’ report, shall be and on (Investors > Financial Results & Annual
deemed to be incorporated in and form part of this Universal Reports).
Registration Document.
The above-mentioned Financial Statements are also available
In addition, the following documents shall be deemed to be in English for inspection at the Chamber of Commerce of The
incorporated by reference in and form part of this Universal Hague.
Registration Document:
–– The IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements for the year
ended 31 December 2021, together with the related notes,
appendices and independent auditors’ report, as incorporated
by reference in the Registration Document filed in English with
the AFM on 6 April 2022 without prior approval and filed in
English with the Chamber of Commerce of The Hague.
–– The IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements for the year
ended 31 December 2020, together with the related notes,
appendices and independent auditors’ report, as incorporated
by reference in the Registration Document filed in English with
the AFM on 26 March 2021 without prior approval and filed
in English with the Chamber of Commerce of The Hague.
Please refer to the “Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements – Note 40: Auditor Fees”.
(1) A resolution will be submitted to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2023, in order to appoint Ernst & Young Accountants LLP as the Company’s auditors for the 2023
financial year.
Ernst & Young Accountants LLP has a licence from the AFM to perform statutory audits for Public Interest Entities and its
representative is member of the NBA (Koninklijke Nederlandse Beroepsorganisatie van Accountants – the Royal Netherlands Institute
of Chartered Accountants). The NBA is the professional body for accountants in the Netherlands.
German Regulations prejudice its legitimate interests provided that such delay would
not be likely to mislead the public and provided that the issuer is
Due to the listing of the Company’s shares in the Prime Standard able to ensure the confidentiality of that information.
sub-segment of the Regulated Market (regulierter Markt) of the
Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the Company is subject to certain
post-listing obligations as described below. The Company Dutch Regulations
is included inter alia in the selection index DAX of Deutsche Following the implementation of the Transparency Directive
Börse AG. into Dutch law, the Company must publicly disclose Regulated
Information and also file Regulated Information with the AFM,
Pursuant to the Exchange Rules (Börsenordnung) of the
which will keep all relevant Regulated Information in a publicly
Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the Company is required to publish
available register. The Company will, whenever it discloses inside
consolidated annual and semi-annual Financial Statements as
information pursuant to applicable mandatory law as part of the
well as consolidated quarterly reports which may be prepared
in English only. In addition, pursuant to the Exchange Rules,
the Company is required to publish a financial calendar at the
Regulated Information, disclose and disseminate throughout the
European Community any such information. 03
beginning of each financial year in German and English. The Under Dutch law, the Company must also publish any change in
Company is also required to hold an analysts’ meeting at least the rights attached to its shares, as well as any changes in the
once per year in addition to the press conference regarding the rights attached to any rights issued by the Company to acquire
annual Financial Statements. Airbus shares.
(1) In this context, the term “shares” also includes for example depositary receipts for shares and rights resulting from an agreement to acquire shares or depositary
receipts for shares, specifically call options, warrants, and convertible bond. Equally, the term “voting rights” also includes actual or contingent rights to voting rights
(e.g., embedded in call options, warrants or convertible bond).
Disclosure of Transactions Carried Out are discharged by any person referred to in categories (i) or (ii) or
on Any Securities Issued by the Company which are directly or indirectly controlled by such a person, or
that have been set up for the benefit of such a person, or whose
Based on the Market Abuse Regulation, certain persons economic interests are substantially equivalent to those of such
discharging managerial or supervisory responsibilities within a person.
the Company as well as persons closely associated with them
(together “Insiders”, as defined below), are required to notify The Company has adopted specific internal insider trading rules
the Company and the AFM within three trading days of all (the “Insider Trading Rules”) in order to ensure compliance with
transactions conducted for their own account involving shares the above requirements and with other share trading regulations
of the Company, or derivatives or other financial instruments applicable in the Netherlands, France, Germany and Spain. The
related to such shares, unless the aggregate amount of Insider Trading Rules are available on the Company’s website,
such transactions does not exceed € 5,000 in respect of all and provide in particular that: (i) all employees and Directors
transactions in a calendar year.
“Insiders” for the Company include (i) Members of the Board
are prohibited from conducting transactions in the Company’s
shares or stock options if they have inside information, and 03
(ii) certain persons are only allowed to trade in the Company’s
of Directors and the Executive Committee of the Company as well shares or stock options within very limited periods and have
as certain other senior executives who are not members of these specific information obligations to the ITR Compliance Officer of
bodies and who have regular access to inside information relating the Company and the competent financial market authorities with
directly or indirectly to the Company and power to take managerial respect to certain transactions. The ITR Compliance Officer is
decisions affecting the future developments and business responsible for the implementation of the Insider Trading Rules.
prospects of the Company, (ii) persons closely associated
with any person mentioned under category (i) (including their Pursuant to the Market Abuse Regulation, the Company must
spouses, life partners or any partner considered by national maintain a list of all persons working for it by virtue of a labour
law as equivalent to the spouse, dependent children and other relationship or otherwise, who may have access to inside
relatives who have shared the same household), and (iii) legal information.
entities, trusts or partnerships whose managerial responsibilities
–– the foundation has no discretion as to the exercise of voting Exemptions from Mandatory
rights attached to any of the Company shares held by it and
will in a mechanical manner vote to reflect the outcome of the Disposal Threshold
votes cast (or not cast) by the other shareholders, and the The restrictions pursuant to the Mandatory Disposal Threshold
foundation will distribute any dividends or other distributions under the Articles of Association do not apply to a person
it receives from the Company to the holders of depositary who has made a public offer with at least an 80% acceptance
receipts; and (including any Airbus shares already held by such person).
–– no transfer of a depositary receipt can be made without the These restrictions also have certain grandfathering exemptions
prior written approval of the foundation’s Board. for the benefit of shareholders and concerts holding interests
For any shareholder or concert, the term “Excess Shares”, exceeding the Mandatory Disposal Threshold on 2 April 2013
as used above, refers to such number of shares comprised (the “Exemption Date”), which is the date of first implementation
in the interest of such shareholder or concert exceeding the of the Mandatory Disposal Threshold.
Mandatory Disposal Threshold which is the lesser of: (i) the Different grandfathering regimes apply to such shareholders and
shares held by such shareholder or concert which represent a concerts, depending on the interests and the nature thereof held
percentage of the Company’s issued share capital that is equal by each such shareholder or concert on the Exemption Date.
to the percentage with which the foregoing interest exceeds the
Mandatory Disposal Threshold; and (ii) all shares held by such The Company has confirmed that: (i) the specific exemption in
person or concert. Article 16.1.b of the Articles of Association applies to Société de
Gestion de Participations Aéronautiques (“Sogepa”), as it held
This restriction is included in the Articles of Association to reflect more than 15% of the outstanding Company voting rights and
the Company’s further normalised governance going forward, shares including the legal and economic ownership thereof on the
aiming at a substantial increase of the free float and to safeguard Exemption Date; and (ii) the specific exemption in Article 16.1.c
the interests of the Company and its stakeholders (including all of the Articles of Association applies to the concert among
its shareholders), by limiting the possibilities of influence above Sogepa, Gesellschaft zur Beteiligungsverwaltung GZBV mbH
the level of the Mandatory Disposal Threshold or takeovers other & Co. KG (“GZBV”) and Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones
than a public takeover offer resulting in a minimum acceptance Industriales (“SEPI”), as they held more than 15% of the
of 80% of the share capital referred to below. outstanding Company voting rights and shares including the
legal and economic ownership thereof on the Exemption Date.
(1) The costs (net of taxes) related to the initial public offering of the shares of the Company in July 2000 have been offset against share premium for an amount of € 55,849,772.
(2) For information on Stock Option Plans under which these options were granted to the Company’s employees, see “– Corporate Governance – 4.3.3 Long-Term Incentive Plans”.
In the course of 2022, a total number of 2,121,318 new shares were issued, all of which were issued in the framework of the ESOP
and its sub-plan SIP.
During 2022 (i) Airbus SE repurchased 325,953 shares and (ii) none of the treasury shares were cancelled. As of 31 December
2022, Airbus SE held 647,500 treasury shares.
15.69% 84.31%
According to the AFM register on substantial holdings, the below –– EuroPacific Growth Fund (2.96% of the share capital and
listed entities have notified the AFM of their substantial interest 2.97% of the voting rights);
in the Company as per 31 March 2023: –– the Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (2.29% of the share capital
–– BlackRock, Inc. (3.60% of the share capital and 4.43% of the and 2.29% of the voting rights);
voting rights); –– TCI Fund Management Ltd. (3.02% of the share capital and
–– Capital Research and Management Company (9.90% of the 3.02% of the voting rights).
voting rights);
Actual interests may differ as the holder of a substantial interest As of 31 December 2022, the Company held, directly or indirectly
is only obliged to notify the AFM of any change in the percentage through another company in which the Company holds directly or
of share capital and/or voting rights if such holder, directly or indirectly more than 50% of the share capital, 647,500 of its own
indirectly, reaches, exceeds or falls below any of the following shares, equal to 0.08% of the issued share capital. The treasury
thresholds: 3%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 40%, 50%, shares owned by the Company do not carry voting rights.
60%, 75% and 95%.
For the number of shares and voting rights held by Members
Except as described above, the Company is not aware of any of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee, see
other person or legal entity that, as of the date of this Universal “– Corporate Governance – 4.2.1 Remuneration Policy”.
Registration Document, has a capital or voting interest in the
As of 31 December 2022, 2.13% of the share capital (and voting
Company of 3% or more. For further details, please refer to the
rights) was held by the Company’s employees (active or inactive
website of the AFM at:
who participated at least once to an Airbus shares based plan)
vs 2.21% as of 31 December 2021.
The Company will not incur any liability to any of the Parties by Unless Sogepa and GZBV agree to vote in favour together of
taking such actions following receipt of any such joint instruction such draft resolution, the shareholders shall vote against such
or binding advice and the Company will not be required to draft resolution. If Sogepa and GZBV reach a mutual agreement
interpret the post-concert Grandfathering Agreement or any on such draft resolution, the shareholders shall vote in favour of
such joint instruction or binding advice. such draft resolution.
Notwithstanding the description under “Various provisions Reserved Matters. With respect to the matters requiring the
– Jurisdiction” below, the courts of the Netherlands will have approval of a Qualified Majority at the Board level (“Reserved
exclusive jurisdiction to resolve any dispute, controversy or claim Matters”), all the Directors shall be free to express their own
affecting the rights or obligations of the Company under the views. If the implementation of a Reserved Matter would require
post-concert Grandfathering Agreement. a decision of the shareholders’ meeting of the Company, Sogepa
and GZBV shall consult each other with a view to reaching a
Various Provisions
Termination. The post-concert Grandfathering Agreement
common position. Should Sogepa and GZBV fail to reach
a common position, Sogepa and GZBV shall remain free to 03
terminates only if either the French State and its affiliates or exercise on a discretionary basis their votes.
the German State and its affiliates no longer hold shares in the Prior consultation. Sogepa and GZBV shall consult each other
Company. on any draft resolution submitted to the shareholders’ meeting
Governing law. Laws of the Netherlands. other than related to Reserved Matters and the Board Rules.
Jurisdiction. The courts of the Netherlands shall have exclusive Balance of Interests
jurisdiction. This is binding advice for any dispute, controversy
The shareholders agree their common objective to seek a
or claim arising out of or in connection with the post-concert
balance between themselves of their respective interest in the
Grandfathering Agreement in accordance with the procedure set
Company as follows:
forth in the post-concert Grandfathering Agreement; provided,
however, that application to the courts is permitted to resolve –– to hold as closely as reasonably possible to 12% of the voting
any such dispute controversy or claim. rights for Sogepa, together with any voting rights attributable
to Sogepa and/or to the French State, pursuant to Dutch
takeover rules except for voting rights attributable due to acting
Shareholders’ Agreement in concert with the other parties;
Below is a further description of the Shareholders’ Agreement, –– to hold as closely as reasonably possible to 12% of the voting
based solely on a written summary of the main provisions of rights for GZBV, together with any voting rights attributable to
the Shareholders’ Agreement that has been provided to the GZBV and/or to the German State, pursuant to Dutch takeover
Company by Sogepa, GZBV and SEPI (all parties together the rules except for voting rights attributable due to acting in
“Shareholders”). concert with the other parties;
–– to hold as closely as reasonably possible to 4% of the voting
Governance of the Company rights for SEPI, together with any voting rights attributable
Appointment of the Directors. The shareholders shall vote to SEPI and/or to the Spanish State, pursuant to Dutch
in favour of any draft resolution relating to the appointment of takeover rules except for voting rights attributable due to acting
Directors submitted to the shareholders’ meeting of the Company in concert with the other parties.
in accordance with the terms and conditions of the German State
Security Agreement and the French State Security Agreement Mandatory Takeover Threshold
(as described below). If, for whatever reason, any person to be The total aggregate voting rights of the shareholders shall always
appointed as a Director pursuant to the German State Security represent less than 30% of the voting rights of the Company,
Agreement or the French State Security Agreement is not or less than any other threshold the crossing of which would
nominated, the shareholders shall use their best endeavours trigger for any shareholder a mandatory takeover obligation
so that such person is appointed as a Director. (the “MTO Threshold”). In the event that the total aggregate
voting rights of the shareholders exceed the MTO Threshold,
Sogepa and GZBV shall support the appointment of one the shareholders shall take all appropriate actions as soon as
Spanish national that SEPI may present to them as Member of reasonably practicable, but in any event within 30 days, to fall
the Board of Directors of the Company, provided such person below the MTO Threshold.
qualifies as an Independent Director pursuant to the conditions
set forth in the Board Rules, and shall vote as shareholders in Transfer of Securities
any shareholders’ meeting in favour of such appointment and
Permitted transfer. Transfer of securities by any shareholder
against the appointment of any other person for such position.
to one of its affiliates.
If, for whatever reason, the French State Security Agreement
Pre-emption right. Pro rata pre-emption rights of the
and/or the German State Security Agreement has / have been
shareholders in the event any shareholder intends to transfer
terminated, KfW or Sogepa, as the case might be, shall propose
any of its securities to a third party directly or on the market.
two persons, and the shareholders shall exercise their best
endeavours so that these persons are appointed as Directors. Call-option right. Call option right for the benefit of the
Directors can be dismissed by the General Meeting at all times. shareholders in the event that the share capital or the voting
rights of any shareholders cease to be majority owned directly or
Modification of the Articles of Association. Sogepa and
indirectly by the French State, the German State or the Spanish
GZBV shall consult each other on any draft resolution intending
State as applicable.
to modify the Board Rules and/or the Articles of Association.
Tag-along right. Tag-along right for the benefit of SEPI in the also be Members of the Board of Directors. The qualifications to
event that Sogepa, the French State or any of their affiliates and serve as a German Defence Outside Director are comparable to
any French public entity and GZBV, the German State or any of those to serve as a French Defence Outside Director.
their affiliates and any public entity propose together to transfer
In February 2021, the Company and the Spanish State entered
all of their entire voting rights interests.
into an agreement relating to the protection of essential security
Various Provisions interests to the Spanish State (the “Spanish State Security
Agreement”). Under the Spanish State Security Agreement,
Termination. The Shareholders’ Agreement may cease to certain sensitive Spanish military assets are held by a Company’s
apply in respect of one or more Shareholders and/or their subsidiary (the “Spanish Defence Holding Company”).
affiliates, subject to the occurrence of certain changes in its Pursuant to the Spanish State Security Agreement, the Company
or their shareholding interest in the Company or in its or their granted the Spanish State a pre-emption right to acquire the
shareholders. sensitive assets as defined under the Spanish State Security
Governing law. Laws of the Netherlands. Agreement. The pre-emption right applies in case the Spanish
Defence Holding Company wishes to sell the sensitive assets to
Jurisdiction. Arbitration in accordance with the Rules of an entity outside Airbus or outside Spain’s territory. In such case,
Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, with the the Spanish State has the right to acquire the sensitive assets.
seat of arbitration in The Hague (the Netherlands).
Dassault Aviation Undertakings with Respect The Company entered into an agreement with the French State
to Certain Interests of Certain pursuant to which the Company:
Stakeholders –– grants the French State a right of first offer in case of the sale
of all or part of its shareholding in Dassault Aviation; and
The Company has made certain undertakings and entered into –– commits to consult with the French State prior to making any
certain agreements in connection with certain interests of its decision at any shareholders’ meeting of Dassault Aviation.
former core shareholders and the German State.
The Company holds 9.90% of Dassault Aviation’s share capital.
State Security Agreements and Related For more information about Dassault Aviation, see “– Information
Undertakings and Negotiations on the Company’s Activities – 1.1.5 Investments”.
The Company and the French State have entered into an
amendment to the existing convention between them relating Stock Exchange Listings
to the Company’s ballistic missiles business (as so amended, The Company has undertaken to the parties to the Shareholders’
the “French State Security Agreement”). Under the French Agreement that for the duration of the Shareholders’ Agreement
State Security Agreement, certain sensitive French military the Company’s shares will remain listed exclusively in France,
assets are held by a Company subsidiary (the “French Defence Germany and Spain.
Holding Company”). The French State has the right to approve
or disapprove of – but not to propose or appoint – three outside
Directors to the Board of Directors of the French Defence Holding
Specific Rights
Company (the “French Defence Outside Directors”), at least French State: Pursuant to the “French State Security
two of whom must qualify as Independent Directors under the Agreement”, the Company has granted to the French State:
Board Rules if they were Members of the Board of Directors. (a) a veto right, and subsequently, a call option on the shares of
Two of the French Defence Outside Directors are required also the Company performing the ballistic missiles activity exercisable
to be Members of the Board of Directors of the Company. under certain circumstances, including if (i) a third party acquires,
French Defence Outside Directors may neither (i) be employees, directly or indirectly, either alone or in concert, more than 15%
managers or corporate officers of a company belonging to or any multiple thereof of the share capital or voting rights of
the Company (although they may be Members of the Board the Company, or (ii) the sale of the shares of such companies
of Directors of the Company) nor (ii) have material ongoing carrying out such activity is considered, and (b) a right to oppose
professional relationships with Airbus SE. the transfer of any such shares.
The Company and the German State have entered into an German State: Pursuant to the “German State Security
agreement relating to the protection of essential interests to Agreement”, the Company and the German Defence Holding
the German State’s security (the “German State Security Company have granted to the German State a pre-emption right
Agreement”). Under the German State Security Agreement, to acquire the sensitive activities, as defined under the German
certain sensitive German military activities are pursued directly State Security Agreement. The pre-emption right applies in
or indirectly by a Company subsidiary (the “German Defence case the German Defence Holding Company wishes to sell the
Holding Company”). The German State has the right to approve sensitive activities to an entity outside the Company, or outside
or disapprove of – but not to propose or appoint – three outside the German territory, or the shares of a controlled entity which
Directors to the Supervisory Board of the German Defence hosts sensitive activities. In such a case, the German State may
Holding Company (the “German Defence Outside Directors”), acquire the shares of such a controlled entity. Furthermore, the
at least two of whom must qualify as Independent Directors under German State has the right to acquire the sensitive activities in
the Board Rules if they were Members of the Board of Directors. case the Company intends to allocate the sensitive activities
Two of the German Defence Outside Directors are required to outside Germany or to give-up the sensitive activities.
To the knowledge of the Company, there are no pledges over The shareholding structure of the Company as of 31 December
the shares of the Company. 2022 is as shown in the diagram in “– 3.3.1 Shareholding
Structure at the end of 2022”.
88.71% 94.73%
3.3 Shareholdings and Voting Rights
Elbe Computadoras,
Flugzeugwerke Redes
GmbH e Ingenieria, S.A.
(Germany) (Spain)
50%* 75%*
Airbus Canada
Airbus DS Holding Airbus Operations ATR GIE Airbus Atlantic Limited Airbus Americas,
SAS SAS Inc. Airbus Helicopters
4.04% (France) (France) Partnership (France)
(France) (France) (Canada) (USA)
5.33 % Premium Aerotec 94.67%
Airbus Helicopters
Airbus Defence GmbH Airbus Group Deutschland
Airbus Defence (Germany) Inc.
and Space Holding and Space SAS GmbH
France SAS (USA) (Germany)
50%* 37.5%* Airbus
Airbus Operations Aerostructures
GmbH Airbus Helicopters
(Germany) GmbH
MBDA (Germany) UK Limited
Ariane Group (France) (UK)
Operations, S.L. Airbus Helicopters
(Spain) España, S.A.
Airbus Defence and Space
Airbus Helicopters
Airbus Operations
Ariane Group Limited
MBDA Group
Subsidiaries held with no indication of ownership percentage are 100% owned.
* Indirectly
Legal forms are indicated for information purposes and are not always part of the legal name.
3. General Description of the Company and its Share Capital /
3.3 Shareholdings and Voting Rights Description of the Share –– the Company undertakes to maintain at any time a sufficient
number of shares in public hands to meet the thresholds of
Repurchase Programme to Be Euronext, shares may be bought or sold at any time (including
Authorised by the Annual General during a public offering) to the extent authorised by the stock
Meeting of Shareholders to Be exchange regulations and by any means, including, without
limitation, by means of block trades and including the use of
Held on 19 April 2023 options, combinations of derivative financial instruments or
Pursuant to Articles 241-2-I and 241-3 of the French AMF General the issue of securities giving rights in any way to Airbus SE
Regulations, below is a description of the share repurchase shares within the limits set out in this document;
programme (descriptif du programme) to be implemented by –– the portion of shares repurchased through the use of block
the Company: trades may amount to all the shares to be repurchased
–– date of the shareholders’ meeting to authorise the share in the context of this programme. In addition, in the event
repurchase programme: 19 April 2023; that derivative financial instruments are used, the Company
–– intended use of the Airbus SE shares held by the Company will ensure that it does not use mechanisms which would
as of the date of this document: the owning of shares for the significantly increase the volatility of the shares in particular
performance of obligations related to employee share option in the context of call options, characteristics of the shares
programmes or other allocations of shares to employees of to be repurchased by the Company: shares of Airbus SE, a
Airbus and Airbus’ companies; company listed on Euronext Paris, on the regulierter Markt
–– purposes of the share repurchase programme to be of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and on the Madrid, Bilbao,
implemented by the Company (by order of decreasing Barcelona and Valencia Stock Exchanges;
priority, without any effect on the actual order of use of –– maximum purchase price per share: not less than the
the repurchase authorisation, which will be determined nominal value and not more than the higher of the price of the
on a case-by-case basis by the Board of Directors based last independent trade and the highest current independent
on need): bid on the trading venues of the regulated market of the
–– the reduction of share capital by cancellation of all or part country in which the purchase is carried out;
of the repurchased shares, it being understood that the –– term of the share repurchase programme and other
repurchased shares shall not carry any voting or dividend characteristics: this share repurchase programme shall be
rights, valid until 19 October 2024 inclusive, i.e. the date of expiry of
–– the owning of shares for the performance of obligations the authorisation requested from the AGM of Shareholders
related to (i) debt financial instruments convertible into to be held on 19 April 2023.
Airbus SE shares, or (ii) employee share option programmes As of the date of this document, the Company has not entered into
or other allocations of shares to employees of Airbus and any liquidity agreement with an independent investment services
Airbus’ companies, provider in the context of the share repurchase programme.
–– the purchase of shares for retention and subsequent use for
exchange or payment in the framework of potential external
growth transactions, and Share Repurchase Programme 2022
–– the liquidity or dynamism of the secondary market of the In February 2022, the Company started implementing a share
Airbus SE shares carried out pursuant to a liquidity agreement buyback programme that was conferred by Board of Directors
to be entered into with an independent investment services on 12 April 2022 following the authorisation by the Company’s
provider in compliance with the decision of the AMF dated Annual General Meeting of shareholders on 12 April 2022. This
1 October 2008 (as amended) related to approval of liquidity share buyback programme is reported in accordance with the
agreements recognised as market practices by the AMF; Market Abuse Regulation.
–– procedure:
–– maximum portion of the issued share capital that may be
repurchased by the Company: 10%,
–– maximum number of shares that may be repurchased by
the Company: 78,820,500 shares, based on an issued share
capital of 788,205,008 shares as of 16 February 2023,
–– the amounts to be paid in consideration for the purchase of
the treasury shares must be, in accordance with applicable
Dutch law, a price per share not less than the nominal
value and not more than the higher of the price of the last
independent trade and the highest current independent bid
on the trading venues of the regulated market of the country
in which the purchase is carried out;
3.4 Dividends
3.4.1 Dividends and Cash Distributions Paid
Cash distributions paid to the shareholders are set forth in the table below:
Financial year Date of the cash distribution payment Gross amount per share(1)
2016 20 April 2017 € 1.35
2017 18 April 2018 € 1.50
2018 17 April 2019 € 1.65
2019 N/A €0
2020 N/A €0
2021 21 April 2022 € 1.50
(1) Note: figures take into account the number of shares outstanding at the date of payment.
3.4.4 Taxation
The statements below represent a broad analysis of the current and which may be substantially different from the general rules
tax laws of the Netherlands. The description is limited to the described below. Investors who are in doubt as to their tax
material tax implications for a holder of the Company’s shares position in the Netherlands and in their state of residence should
(the “Shares”) who is not and is not deemed to be resident in consult their professional advisors. Where the summary refers
the Netherlands for any Dutch tax purposes (a “Non-Resident to “the Netherlands” or “Netherlands” or “Dutch”, it refers only
Holder”). Certain categories of holders of the Company’s shares to the European part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
may be subject to special rules which are not addressed below
The corporate governance arrangements of the Company were the Company’s corporate governance, reflecting an emphasis
substantially changed pursuant to the Multiparty Agreement, on best corporate governance practices and the absence of a
including changes in the composition of the Board of Directors controlling shareholder group. Below is a summary description
and the rules governing its internal affairs (the “Board Rules”). of such changes.
These changes are intended to further normalise and simplify
finance skills and four having information or data management key responsibilities of the Board of Directors, unless these
skills. More details about the diversity of the members of the transactions have been approved by the Board of Directors.
Board of Directors are available in the table (Airbus SE Board of
Matters that require Board of Directors’ approval include among
Directors until AGM 2023).
others, the following items (by Simple Majority unless otherwise
The Board of Directors is required to take into account, in the noted):
resolutions proposed in respect of the renewal or nomination –– approving any change in the nature and scope of the business
of Directors presented to the shareholders’ meeting, the of the Company;
undertakings of the Company to the French State, pursuant to –– debating and approving the overall strategy and the strategic
the amendment to the French State Security Agreement, and plan of the Company;
to the German State, pursuant to the German State Security –– approving the operational business plan of the Company
Agreement, in each case as described more fully above. In (the “Business Plan”) and the yearly budget of the Company
practice, this means that at all times the Board of Directors (the “Yearly Budget”), including the plans for investment,
needs to have: (i) two Directors who should also be French R&D, Employment, Finance and, as far as applicable, major
Defence Outside Directors (as defined above) of the French programmes;
Defence Holding Company (as defined above) who have been –– nominating, suspending or revoking the Chairman of the Board
proposed by the Company and consented to by the French of Directors and the CEO (Qualified Majority);
State and (ii) two Directors who should also be German Defence –– approving of all the members of the Executive Committee as
Outside Directors (as defined above) of the German Defence proposed by the CEO and their service contracts and other
Holding Company (as defined above) who have been proposed contractual matters in relation to the Executive Committee and
by the Company and consented to by the German State. deciding upon the appointment and removal of the Secretary
to the Board of Directors on the basis of the recommendation
The RNGC endeavours to avoid a complete replacement of
of the RNGC;
outgoing Directors by new candidates, and draws up an
–– approving the relocation of the headquarters of the
appointment and reappointment schedule for the Directors after
principal companies of the Company and of the operational
consultation with the Chairman and the CEO. In drawing up such
headquarters of the Company (Qualified Majority);
a schedule, the RNGC considers the continuity of company-
–– approving decisions in connection with the location of new
specific knowledge and experience within the Board of Directors,
industrial sites material to the Company or the change of the
also taking into account that a Director should at the time of his/
location of existing activities that are material to the Company;
her appointment or re-appointment not be older than 75 years
–– approving decisions to invest and initiate programmes financed
and ensuring that at least one third of Directors’ positions are
by the Company, acquisition, divestment or sale decisions, in
either renewed or replaced every year for a term of three years.
each case for an amount in excess of € 300 million;
This is to avoid large block replacements of Directors at one
–– approving decisions to invest and initiate programmes financed
single AGM, with the corresponding loss of experience and
by the Company, acquisition, divestment or sale decisions, in
integration challenges, provided that exceptions to these rules
each case for an amount in excess of € 800 million (Qualified
may be agreed by the Board of Directors if specific circumstances
provide an appropriate justification for such exceptions.
–– approving decisions to enter into and terminate strategic
alliances at the level of the Company or at the level of one of
b) Role of the Board of Directors its principal subsidiaries (Qualified Majority);
Most Board of Directors’ decisions can be made by a Simple –– approving matters of shareholder policy, major actions or
Majority, but certain decisions must be made by a two-thirds major announcements to the capital markets; and
majority (i.e. eight favourable votes) of votes cast by the Directors –– approving decisions in respect of other measures and business
regardless of whether they are present or represented in of fundamental significance for the Company or which involves
respect of the decision (a “Qualified Majority”). In addition, an abnormal level of risk.
amendments to certain provisions of the Board Rules require
the unanimous approval of the Board of Directors, with no more The Board of Directors must have a certain number of Directors
than one Director not being present or represented (including present or represented at a meeting to take action. This quorum
provisions relating to nationality and residence requirements with requirement depends on the action to be taken. For the Board
respect to Members of the Board of Directors and the Executive of Directors to make a decision on a Simple Majority matter,
Committee). However, no individual Director or class of Directors a majority of the Directors must be present or represented.
has a veto right with respect to any Board of Directors’ decisions. For the Board of Directors to make a decision on a Qualified
Majority matter, at least ten of the Directors must be present or
The Board Rules specify that in addition to the Board of represented. If the Board of Directors cannot act on a Qualified
Directors’ responsibilities under applicable law and the Articles Majority Matter because this quorum is not satisfied, the quorum
of Association, the Board of Directors is responsible for certain would decrease to eight of the Directors at a new duly called
enumerated categories of decisions. Under the Articles of meeting.
Association, the Board of Directors is responsible for the
management of the Company. Under the Board Rules, the Board In addition, the Board Rules detail the rights and duties of the
of Directors delegates the execution of the strategy as approved members of the Board of Directors and set out the core principles
by the Board of Directors and the day-to-day management of which each member of the Board of Directors shall comply
the Company to the CEO, who, supported by the Executive with and shall be bound. These principles include acting in the
Committee and its executive leadership team, makes decisions best interests of the Company and its stakeholders, devoting
with respect to the management of the Company. However, necessary time and attention to the carrying out of their duties
the CEO should not enter transactions that form part of the and avoiding any and all conflicts of interest.
Board member Status Since Term Primary occupation Director expertise Board Committee attendance(4)
Age(1), Gender, Nationality expires & Other mandates attendance Audit RNGC ECSC
Jean-Pierre 2018,
Chairman of the Board
CLAMADIEU Independent
2024 of Engie and Member 13/13 5/5
64, M, French of the Board of AXA SA 4/4
in 2021
Ralph D. 2013,
Member of the Board
CROSBY, Jr. Independent
2023(2) of Directors of Excelitas 13/13 4/4
75, M, American Holdings, LP
in 2020
Claudia 2016,
Member of the Board
NEMAT Independent
2025 of Management of Deutsche 12/13 4/5
54, F, German Telekom AG
in 2022
Chair Global Engineering Manufacturing Aerospace Finance Geopolitical Defence Information & Data Asia Sustainability
Business & Technology & Production Industry & Audit Economics Industry Management
(ii) Curriculum Vitae and Other Mandates and Duties Performed in any Company by the Members
of the Board of Directors in 2022
The Company has not appointed observers to the Board of Directors. Pursuant to applicable Dutch law, the employees are not
entitled to elect a Director. There is no minimum number of shares that must be held by a Director.
René Obermann is Co-Head of Europe and Managing Director of Warburg Pincus Deutschland GmbH,
a leading global private equity firm that he joined in 2015. In addition, he is Deputy Chairman of the
Supervisory Board at IONOS Group SE, a leading European web hosting and cloud company, and a
Member of the Board of Directors at ISAT Connect Bidco Limited (the holding company for the Inmarsat
group), a satellite network provider. René Obermann previously served as a member of the Board of various
companies including Allianz Deutschland AG, Spotify and Telenor.
René worked as CEO of Ziggo BV in The Netherlands in 2014 until the merger with LibertyGlobal’s
UPC in November 2020. Prior to Ziggo, René worked at Deutsche Telekom Group (DT) from 1998 until
59 years old 2013. After running DT’s mobile Division (T-Mobile International), he was appointed as CEO of Deutsche
Telekom AG in November 2006, where he remained until December 2013.
Director since 2018,
Re-elected in 2021
René began his career with a business traineeship at BMW AG in Munich. Next, he founded his own
business in 1986: ABC Telekom, a company distributing telecommunication equipment and providing 04
technical services. After the acquisition of ABC Telekom by Hutchison Whampoa in 1991, René became
Managing Partner of the resulting company: Hutchison Mobilfunk GmbH. Between 1993 and 1998, he was
CEO of that company.
From 2007-2013, René also served as Vice-President of the German Association for Information Technology,
Telecommunications and New Media (BITKOM).
Guillaume Faury
Guillaume Faury was appointed Airbus Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in April 2019 and was reappointed
in 2022. Guillaume leads the Company’s Executive Committee. He was previously President of Airbus’
commercial aircraft business, a role he had held since February 2018.
Additionally, since April 2021, Guillaume is a member of the Board of Directors of AXA SA and since July 2021
he is the President of the Groupement des Industries Françaises de l’Aéronautique et du Spatial (GIFAS),
the French aerospace industries association.
Prior to this, Guillaume was Chief Executive Officer of Airbus Helicopters (2013-2018), where his achievements
included restructuring its manufacturing system and introducing new technologies. Before that, he enjoyed
55 years old a four-year spell in the car industry at Peugeot (2009-2013), the French automotive manufacturer, rising
to become the Executive Vice-President for research and development and a member of the company’s
Director since 2019 management board. He presided over significant advances in Peugeot’s lower-emissions hybrid-engine
Re-elected in 2022 technology and the overhaul of the company’s product range, among other accomplishments.
Between 1998 and 2008, he held various leadership positions in engineering, programmes and flight testing
Executive in Airbus’ helicopter business, which at the time operated under the name of Eurocopter. He became
Executive Vice-President for Programmes and a member of the Eurocopter Executive Committee, before
being appointed as Executive Director for research and development.
Guillaume began his career in 1992 as a flight-test engineer for the Eurocopter Tiger helicopter in the
Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA), the French government agency responsible for the development
and purchase of defence systems for the French armed forces.
He graduated from the École polytechnique in Paris in 1990 and, subsequently, from the École nationale
supérieure de l’aéronautique et de l’espace in Toulouse.
Guillaume’s love of flying and aviation dates back to his childhood. He is a qualified light-aircraft pilot and
helicopter flight-test engineer with 1,300 hours of flying experience. He was born in 1968 in Cherbourg,
Normandy, and is married with three children.
Victor Chu
Victor Chu graduated as a lawyer in London. He was admitted to practice law in England and Hong Kong.
After completing his training with Herbert Smith, the City law firm, Victor moved back to Hong Kong in 1982
with Herbert Smith. He has since handled a wide array of mandates in the field of corporate, commercial
and securities law, with special emphasis on China and regional investment transactions. In late 1985,
he founded Victor Chu & Co., which has become one of the leading law firms in Hong Kong.
In 1988, Victor Chu created the First Eastern Investment Group, a Hong Kong based international investment
firm which he has lead since then as Chairman and CEO. First Eastern specialises in private equity
investments, venture capital investments and investments in the expansion stage of business development.
65 years old Victor Chu was part of the first wave of specialists in the Chinese market. He penetrated China early and
built a lot of relationships at the highest level in the country. Victor Chu also currently serves as a Member
Director since 2018, of the Board of Nomura Holdings Inc.
Re-elected in 2021
Victor Chu has been instrumental in gaining the confidence of major international investors and institutions
Independent ready to co-invest with First Eastern Investment Group. Key projects have included toll roads, water treatment
operations, property and manufacturing industries and FinTech, as well as the launch of Japanese budget
airline Peach Aviation.
Victor Chu is an extremely respected business figure in Hong Kong and Asia. In addition to his business
activities, he has been very active with several international institutions such as The World Economic
Forum and The Royal Institute of International Affairs. He is also a generous philanthropist in the field
of environmental protection (having served on Global Ocean Commission and WWF) and education
(currently Chair of Council at University College London).
Jean-Pierre Clamadieu
Jean-Pierre Clamadieu graduated from École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris before becoming
Chief Engineer of the Corps of Mines. Between 1981 and 1993, he worked mainly for the French Ministry
of lndustry and as Technical Advisor to the Minister of Labor.
In 1993, Jean-Pierre Clamadieu joined RhônePoulenc to develop new activities in the field of automobile
pollution control. ln the following years, he held several executive positions in the Rhodia group, as President
of Rhodia’s Chemicals in Latin America, President of Rhodia Eco Services, Senior Vice-President for Rhodia
Corporate Purchasing, President of Rhodia Organic Fine Chemicals Division and President of Rhodia
Pharmaceuticals & Agrochemicals Division.
64 years old In October 2003, Mr Clamadieu was appointed CEO of Rhodia, and became its Chairman & CEO in
March 2008. Following a merger between Rhodia and the Belgian chemical group Solvay in 2011,
Director since 2018, Mr Clamadieu was appointed CEO of the new Solvay group. Since his appointment, Jean-Pierre Clamadieu
Re-elected in 2021
led the integration of the new group and its transformation into a major player in the field of specialty
Independent chemicals and advanced materials, which combines industrial competitiveness with the quest for sustainable
solutions for its clients. His mandate at Solvay SA ended in March 2019.
Since May 2018, Mr Clamadieu serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of ENGIE, a French energy
company. He also serves as a Member of the Board of Directors at AXA SA.
Jean-Pierre Clamadieu also promotes an ambitious and coordinated European energy policy.
Ralph Crosby is a Member of the Board of Directors of Excelitas Holdings, LP, headquartered in Boston.
Previously, he served until May 2021 as an Independent Director of American Electric Power headquartered
in Columbus, Ohio, where he chaired the Human Resources Committee. He was Member of the Executive
Committee of EADS from 2002 -2012 as well as Chairman and CEO of EADS North America from 2002
– 2009. Prior to joining EADS, Mr Crosby was an Executive within Northrop Grumman Corporation, where
he had served as a Member of the Corporate Policy Council with positions including President of the
Integrated Systems Sector, Corporate Vice-President and General Manager of the company’s Commercial
Aircraft Division and of the B-2 Division. Prior to his industry career, Mr Crosby served as an officer in the
75 years old US Army, where his last military assignment was as military staff assistant to the Vice-President of the
United States. Mr Crosby is a graduate of the US Military Academy at West Point, and holds Master’s
Director since 2013, degrees from Harvard University, and the University of Geneva, Switzerland. He is the recipient of the
Re‑elected in 2020 James Forrestal Award from the National Defense Industrial Association and has been awarded Chevalier
Independent of the Légion d’Honneur of France.
Mark Dunkerley received his BS in Economics from The London School of Economics and Political Science
and his MS in Air Transport Management from Cranfield University in the UK.
Between 1989-1999, he held various senior positions at British Airways Plc. in a corporate strategy capacity
as well as in regional roles in Europe and the USA encompassing notably the management of sales,
marketing, customer services, operations, finance, industrial relations, human resources and alliances.
Thereafter, Mr Dunkerley successively served as President and COO of Worldwide Flight Services, a leading
multinational ground handling business, as Executive Vice-President at the San Francisco-based aviation
consultancy firm, Roberts Roach & Associates and as COO at Sabena Airlines Group.
59 years old In 2002, Mark Dunkerley joined Hawaiian Airlines, first as President and COO and from 2005 as President
Director since 2020 and CEO (including of the parent company, Hawaiian Holdings, Inc.) where he led the transformation of the
company from bankruptcy into one of the world’s most successful airlines from which he retired in 2018.
Independent Mr Dunkerley currently serves as Non-Executive Director of Spirit Airlines Inc., a NASDAQ listed US airline
and of Volotea Airlines, a privately-owned low-cost airline operating in Europe.
Stephan GEMKOW
Stephan Gemkow studied business administration at the University of Paderborn, Germany, and at St. Olaf
College in Minnesota, USA.
From 1988 to 1990 he worked as a management consultant at BDO Deutsche Warentreuhand AG in
Between 1990 and 2012, he held various management positions at Deutsche Lufthansa AG in Frankfurt and
Washington, such as Sales Manager, Head of Investors Relations, Head of Corporate Finance and Human
Resources for the Cargo Division which he accompanied through a major reorganisation. From 2006 to
2012, Mr Gemkow served as Chief Financial Officer and a member of the Management Board of Deutsche
63 years old Lufthansa AG which he successfully lead through growth, global expansion as well as the financial crisis.
Director since 2020 In 2012, he took the position of Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Franz
Haniel & Cie, one of the largest family-owned investment holdings, based in Germany, where he drove the
Independent company through important restructuring and investment phases in a complex stakeholder management
context and where he remained until June 2019.
Mr Gemkow furthermore served as Chairman on the Supervisory Boards of TAKKT AG and Celesio AG
(now known as McKesson Europe AG), and as member of the Supervisory Board of Evonik Industries AG.
Stephan Gemkow currently holds positions as non-executive member in the Board of Directors of Amadeus
IT Group, Flughafen Zürich AG and CD Waelzholz GmbH & Co. KG. 04
Stephan Gemkow currently serves as senior advisor to BNP Paribas Group Germany since May 2021.
Catherine Guillouard
Catherine Guillouard began her career in 1993 at the Ministry of Economy in the French Treasury working
for the department in charge of the Africa – CFA zone and later in the Banking Affairs Department.
She joined Air France in 1997 as IPO Senior Project Manager. She was subsequently appointed Deputy
Vice-President Finance Controlling in 1999, Senior Vice-President of Flight Operations in 2001, Senior
Vice-President of Human Resources and Change Management in 2003 and Senior Vice-President of
Finance in 2005. In September 2007, she joined Eutelsat as Chief Financial Officer and member of the
Group Executive Committee.
Ms Guillouard joined Rexel in April 2013 as Chief Financial Officer and Group Senior Vice-President.
58 years old Between May 2014 and February 2017 she was Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Rexel. From August 2017
to September 2022, Ms Guillouard served as Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer of RATP Group, the
Director since 2016, third largest urban transportation operator in the world with nearly 16 million daily passengers in 12 countries
Re‑elected in 2022 and 4 continents. In April 2020, Ms Guillouard became a member of the Supervisory Board of KPN, one
Independent of the leading telecommunications and IT providers, market leader in the Netherlands. Ms Guillouard was
appointed Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of Ingenico, the global leader in payments acceptance
solutions and services in 37 countries, on 30 September 2022. Ms Guillouard is also a member of the
Board of Directors of Lottomatica, an Italy based gaming and betting company.
Catherine Guillouard, born in 1965, is a graduate of the Institute of Political Studies of Paris and the École
Nationale d’Administration and she has a PhD of European laws (Panthéon-Sorbonne).
Amparo Moraleda graduated as an industrial engineer from the ICAI (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería
Industrial) Madrid and holds a PDG from IESE Business School in Madrid. Between January 2009 and
February 2012, she was Chief Operating Officer of Iberdrola SA’s International Division with responsibility
for the United Kingdom and the United States. She also headed Iberdrola Engineering and Construction
from January 2009 to January 2011. Previously, she served as General Manager of IBM Spain and Portugal
(2001-2009). In 2005 her area of responsibility was extended to encompass Greece, Israel and Turkey as
well. Between 2000 and 2001, she was executive assistant to the Chairman and CEO of IBM Corporation.
From 1998 to 2000, Ms Moraleda was General Manager of INSA (a subsidiary of IBM Global Services).
58 years old From 1995 to 1997, she was HR Director for EMEA at IBM Global Services and from 1988 to 1995 held
various professional and management positions at IBM España.
Director since 2015, Ms Moraleda is also a member of various boards and trusts of different institutions and bodies. She is
Re-elected in 2021 member of the academy of “Ciencias Sociales y del Medio Ambiente” of Andalucía (Spain), member of
Independent the Board of Trustees of MD Anderson Cancer Centre in Madrid and member of the Board of the global
alumni association of IESE Business School. In May 2017 she was inducted as a member of the Spanish
Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences.
Claudia Nemat
Claudia Nemat has been a member of Deutsche Telekom’s Board of Management since 2011. She was
responsible for the Board area Europe and Technology until the end of 2016 and has been responsible for
Technology and Innovation since January 2017.
Before joining Deutsche Telekom AG, Claudia Nemat spent 17 years working McKinsey&Company where
she was elected Partner in 2000, and Senior Partner in 2006. She co-led McKinsey’s global Technology
Sector and had a number of interim management roles with global IT clients, ensuring disaster recovery
of large IT projects, and acting as interim CEO.
She focuses on digital transformation, the impact of new technologies like artificial intelligence on business
54 years old models, our work and lives, technology and product innovation, as well as IT transformation, security and
crisis management.
Director since 2016,
Re‑elected in 2022 She has worked in different European countries as well as the United States and was a member of the
Supervisory Board of Lanxess for several years. Since 2016, she has been a member of the Board of
Independent Airbus, as well as the Supervisory Board of Airbus Defence.
Claudia Nemat studied physics at the University of Cologne and taught at the Institute of Mathematics
and Theoretical Physics.
Irene Rummelhoff
Irene Rummelhoff has since 2018 served as Executive Vice-President of Marketing, Midstream and
Processing (MMP) at Equinor ASA (international energy company based in Norway) and been a member
of the company’s Corporate Executive Committee since 2015. With more than 3600 MMP-employees
worldwide, she has the responsibility for flow assurance, processing and marketing of all of Equinor’s
products, including marketing of the Norwegian State’s natural gas and crude on the Norwegian continental
shelf. This responsibility includes development of the company’s hydrogen and carbon capture and storage
(CCS) value chains.
Between 2015 and 2018 she served as the Executive Vice-President for Equinor’s New Energy Solutions
56 years old division, reporting to the CEO. In that context she was instrumental in Equinor’s market-leading transition
into the renewable energy field, ahead of all other oil majors. She was tasked with forming a new division and
Director since 2022 driving the development of the Equinor’s strategy in renewable and alternative energy solutions, whereby
Independent she pushed for offshore wind and low carbon solutions such as carbon capture and storage and other
related technologies, including hydrogen development.
Throughout her career, Ms. Rummelhoff has held a number of management positions in Equinor (previously
Statoil), with the majority having an international focus.
In 2014, Ms. Rummelhoff became an appointed member of the Board of Directors of Norsk Hydro (aluminum
and renewable energy producer) and was later promoted to Deputy Chair in 2016, a position she held until
the expiry of her term in 2022.
-- Member of the Board of Directors of Airbus SE; FOR THE LAST FIVE YEARS
-- Executive Vice-President of Marketing, -- Member of the Board of Directors and Deputy
Midstream and Processing (MMP) and member Chair of Norsk Hydro ASA (until May 2022)
of the Corporate Executive Committee of Equinor -- Executive Vice-President, New Energy Solutions
ASA. division of Equinor ASA (until August 2018).
Antony Wood
Tony Wood was Chief Executive of Meggitt plc from 2018 to 2022 having joined the company in 2016.
He is also a Member of the Board of Directors of National Grid plc, one of the world’s largest publicly
listed utilities focused on transmission and distribution of electricity and gas, and a Director of ADS Group
Limited, the trade association for the Aerospace, Defence, Security and Space sectors in the UK having
served as its President from 2020 to 2022.
Prior to joining Meggitt, Mr Wood spent 15 years at Rolls-Royce plc where he was a member of the Executive
Committee from 2009 – 2016, latterly serving as President of Aerospace from 2013 – 2016. He began his
career as a sponsored undergraduate trainee with the Dowty Group in 1984 (now part of Safran SA) where
56 years old he held a variety of management roles.
Mr Wood has lived and worked in the UK, France and Canada. He holds a degree in Engineering from the
Director since Open University in the UK and a Master of Business Administration from INSEAD in France. He is a Fellow
2022 (appointed
of the Royal Aeronautical Society; a Fellow of the Association for Project Management and was awarded
at December 2022
Board of Directors’ an honorary Doctorate of Science from Cranfield University in 2015.
meeting, subject to
appointment by 2023
-- Member of the Board of Directors of Airbus SE; FOR THE LAST FIVE YEARS
-- Member of the Board of Directors of National -- CEO of Meggitt plc (until September 2022);
Grid plc; -- President of ADS Group Limited (until
-- Member of the Board of Directors of ADS Group January 2022).
-- Contractor of ATL Partners.
Ethics, Compliance Lord DRAYSON (Paul) Member Ms. Irene RUMMELHOFF Member
and Sustainability
Independent Directors environment, as well as the situation in China and the US.
The Independent Directors appointed pursuant to the criteria Convened on an ad hoc basis early in April 2022, the Board
of independence set out above are René Obermann, Ralph dedicated a session to perform a comprehensive review of the
Crosby Jr., Catherine Guillouard, Victor Chu, Maria Amparo potential impacts of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on Company
Moraleda Martinez, Claudia Nemat, Jean-Pierre Clamadieu, business and, more generally, on the aerospace industry.
Mark Dunkerley, Stephan Gemkow, Irene Rummelhoff and Regular updates on relevant developments in that regard were
Antony Wood. provided to the Board during the year. The Board continued
to review and discuss the operational and commercial status
Prior Offences and Family Ties of programmes, as well as the overall financial situation of the
To the Company’s knowledge, none of the Directors (in either their Company in a context where the COVID-19 situation significantly
individual capacity or as Director or senior manager of any of the improved but was followed by international sanctions and the
entities listed above) has been convicted in relation to fraudulent energy crisis that aggravated already existing tensions on
offences, been the subject of any bankruptcy, receivership or logistics, materials, components and skilled workforce.
liquidation, or companies put into administration nor been the
During the year, the Board reviewed the Company’s financial
subject of any official public incrimination and/or sanction by a
results and forecasts. After two consecutive years without
statutory or regulatory authority, nor been disqualified by a court
dividend payment, the Board decided to submit a dividend
from acting as a Member of the administrative, management
proposal to the 2022 AGM. The Board maintained an emphasis
or supervisory bodies of any issuer or conduct of affairs of any
on both Corporate Audit and ERM and reinforced its emphasis
company, during at least the last five years. As of the date of this
on internal controls.
document, there are no family ties among any of the Directors.
With regard to the commercial aircraft business, in May 2022
(iii) Operation of the Board of Directors in 2022 the Board reviewed and supported the evolution of the single
Board of Directors Meetings aisle industrial footprint to a rate of 75, including the creation
of a new single aisle final assembly line in Mobile, Alabama (the
Thirteen Board of Directors (the “Board”) meetings (including
US), and an A321 capability upgrade in Toulouse (France). The
ad hoc calls) were held in 2022. The average attendance rate at
Board received regular updates on the status of the production
these meetings was 96%. In addition, as it is the case every year,
ramp-up of the different aircraft families and on supply chain
the Board was informed in due time of any relevant developments
issues, as well as on their impact on the number of deliveries.
through reports from the CEO in between meetings of the Board.
In that context, the Board notably discussed and supported the
Regular non-executive sessions took place at the end of the
revision of the Company’s 2022 target for commercial aircraft
meetings of the Board.
deliveries in July and the decision to no longer maintain that
Throughout the year, the Board discussed all matters of target in December 2022 as recommended by management.
importance for the Company’s activities and there was a In addition, in-depth analyses on commercial aircraft sales
continual focus on geopolitical issues, including Russia’s contracts, approval processes and relations with customers
invasion of Ukraine and its impact on the Company’s operating were presented to the Board and discussed.
In relation to Airbus Defence and Space, the Board regularly On the recommendation of the RNGC, the Board selected two
reviewed the financial status of the Division, and the status of new Board Members who joined in 2022 (Irene Rummelhoff
the key programmes, including the progress of the FCAS. There and Antony Wood) and continued to keep an active pipeline
were in-depth discussions about the Company’s strategy in of talent for future changes within the Board, with a focus on
Defence, Space Systems and Connected Intelligence, and on continuing improving (gender) diversity.
critical skills identification and management.
On the recommendation of the RNGC, the Board approved the
For Airbus Helicopters, the Board focused its review on the increase in the CEO remuneration implemented in 2022 in the
financial situation of the Division, competition, progress made context of his renewal and that of the non-Executive Directors
on major projects, including military programmes and next- for implementation in 2023.
generation rotorcraft.
The Board also discussed several sustainability matters of major
The Board dedicated several sessions in 2022 to reviewing importance to the Company such as:
the strategic plan implementation status and key aspects –– safety: the Board performed a bi-annual review of product
of the Company’s strategy, including in Defence and Space safety related issues, received regular updates at quarterly
as mentioned above. As it is the case every year, the Board meetings of the Board of Directors and ad hoc updates on
had a strategy off-site meeting. In 2022, this meeting took relevant developments in between meetings of the Board of
place in Airbus UK’s Broughton premises where the Board Directors. In addition, the Board visited the newly created
met with the Company’s local teams and visited the industrial Airbus safety promotion centre in Blagnac (France);
site. There was a focus on Airbus’ single aisle operations, –– climate: the Board also approved the Company’s engagement
with a presentation of the wing assembly industrial system. with the SBTi for the assessment of its GHG targets, including
The Board also visited the Innovation Space facility where the establishment of a science-based target for its scope 3.
key initiatives on people and engagement were presented,
as well as the single aisle pre-equipping flowline, where In addition, an update on Airbus cybersecurity matters, including
the progress of Airbus’ safety journey was addressed. The the cybersecurity governance model, was presented to the
Board also discovered the Advanced Manufacturing Research Board and discussed.
Centre that is the home of Airbus’ flagship Wing of Tomorrow Following the settlements reached with the French, UK and
programme, a crucial part of Airbus’ R&T portfolio to develop US authorities in January 2020 in relation to the Serious
the new technologies, materials and skills to enable the next Fraud Office / Parquet National Financier / US Department
generation of decarbonised aircraft. of Justice / US Department of State investigations, the Board
In addition, the newly appointed Board Members (Irene of Directors and its Ethics, Compliance and Sustainability
Rummelhoff and Antony Wood), joined by other members of Committee remained fully committed and provided full support
the Board of Directors (in particular René Obermann, Stephan throughout the year to the post-settlement activities. The
Gemkow and Mark Dunkerley), followed the Airbus induction Board continued (and will continue) to pay close attention to the
programme aiming at providing relevant information to support Company’s active engagement with its shareholders, so that
them in their non-Executive Director roles. Three meetings Airbus’ approach to governance, compliance and sustainability
were organised in 2022 as part of this induction programme: is well understood and reflects shareholders’ expectations to
in Manching (Germany) at Airbus Defence and Space, in the extent possible. In 2022, in addition to the formal general
Marignane (France) at Airbus Helicopters and in Blagnac meeting, the Chairman and the lead Independent Director,
(France) at Airbus Commercial Aircraft. During those meetings, together with the Airbus team, sought regular engagements
presentations on business strategy and upcoming challenges with major shareholders in order to understand their views
were made by top Company executives. They were also an in particular on governance, remuneration, key sustainability
opportunity for Board Members to interact with talents (from matters and performance against the Company’s strategy.
top and middle management) and learn more about Company
Board Evaluation 2022
activities such as:
The Board of Directors implemented a continuous evaluation
–– Eurofighter Final Assembly Line (FAL), the FCAS lab, the
process based on a three-year cycle. As part of this process,
Eurodrone plateau and the Intelligence activities (OneAtlas
every three years, a formal evaluation of the functioning of
and Pléiades Neo programme) for Airbus Defence and Space;
the Board of Directors and its Committees is conducted with
–– th e R a c e r, D i s r u pti ve l a b a n d F l i g ht l a b, th e
the assistance of a third-party expert. In the year succeeding
H160 / H225 / H125 / H130 FALs for Airbus Helicopters; and
such an outside evaluation, the Board of Directors performs
–– flight test operations activities and aircrafts and the Airspace
a self-evaluation and focuses on the implementation of
customer showroom for Airbus Commercial Aircraft.
the improvement action plan resulting from the third-party
Eager to engage with Airbus’ teams globally, in 2022 René assessment. In the intervening second year, the General
Obermann also visited the sites of Getafe (Spain) and Hamburg Counsel, being also the Secretary of the Board, issues a
(Germany). questionnaire and consults with Board Members to establish
an internal evaluation which is then discussed with them.2022
Throughout 2022, the Board of Directors frequently addressed was the second year of the three-year cycle that started in
and discussed the Company’ strategy in relation to its employees. 2021. In November 2022, the Board of Directors, therefore,
This included critical skills and competences identification and carried out an internal evaluation based on a questionnaire
management, remuneration and retention schemes, employer issued by the General Counsel and circulated to each Board
attractiveness as well as inclusion and diversity (including Member. The questionnaire covered: Board composition, the
gender diversity). In parallel, the Board performed regular talent functioning and contribution of the Board and its Committees,
reviews, including in-person meetings with a number of talents the topics covered at Board level, the dynamic between the
identified as part of the top management succession planning. Board and management and further among Board Members,
Board decision-making processes, Board and management Enterprise Risk Management System”. Please refer to Annex E
succession planning, Board priorities and Board Secretary of the Board Rules for a complete list of responsibilities of the
support. Audit Committee.
In this internal evaluation, the Board confirmed its overall The Chairman of the Board of Directors and the CEO are invited
satisfaction with the progress made in the implementation of to the Audit Committee meetings. The CFO and the Head of
the “Improvement Action Plan” that resulted from the formal Accounting Record to Report are requested to attend meetings
evaluation conducted by a third-party expert, Korn Ferry, in to present management proposals and to answer questions.
2021. Furthermore, the Head of Corporate Audit & Forensic and the
Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer are requested to report to
The Board Members expressed their overall satisfaction the Audit Committee on a regular basis.
regarding the Board dynamic and efficiency. The Directors,
notably, valued the diversity of expertise, the high level of In 2022, this Committee met five times with an average attendance
engagement of fellow members, as well as the constructive rate of 100%. It fully performed all its duties and discussed all
and open debates under the Chairman’s leadership. They the items described above. In particular, it performed reviews of
welcomed the organisation of awareness sessions on specific internal controls, corporate audit (including major findings and
topics and, for those interested, the quality of the induction audit plan for 2022), accounts (i.e. 2021 full year accounts, 2022
programme. They highlighted the necessity to continue further Q1, H1 and Q3 accounts, specific provisions and accounting
improving gender diversity and reinforcing the Board’s defence items, operative planning and forecasts) tax related issues and
and technological expertise. independence of external auditors. In addition, the Committee
Following the last review, the Board has dedicated more time to
reviewed Airbus Bank activities and regular ERM, legal and
compliance updates were presented and discussed in meetings.
in-depth strategic debates and sustainability issues. Discussions
on other key topics such as supply chain management,
innovation, climate change and capital allocation will be further b) The Ethics, Compliance
enhanced. and Sustainability Committee
To reinforce the role and involvement of the Board of Directors
Finally, the outcome of the questionnaire notably emphasised the
on sustainability-related topics, the remit of the former Ethics
trustful and supportive equilibrium of power between the Board
& Compliance Committee established in 2017 was extended to
and management. The Board highlighted that participation
sustainability matters in July 2020. The Committee was renamed
of management in meetings of the Board of Directors has
the Ethics, Compliance and Sustainability Committee (“ECSC”)
increased. The Directors emphasised that relationships with
and the Board Rules have been amended accordingly. Pursuant
the management team beyond the Executive Committee should
to the Board Rules, ECSC which is required to meet at least
be reinforced, notably to support the Board and RNGC’s
four times a year, the main mission of the ECSC is to assist the
continuous work on the succession plan.
Board of Directors in overseeing the Company’s culture and
commitment to ethical business, integrity and sustainability. Board Committees The ECSC is empowered to monitor the Company’s Ethics &
Compliance programme, organisation and framework to make
sure that the Company’s Ethics & Compliance governance is
a) The Audit Committee
effective (including all associated internal policies, procedures
The Audit Committee has four (4) Members and is chaired by and controls). This includes the areas of money laundering and
an Independent Director who is not the Chair of the Board terrorist financing, fraud, bribery and corruption, trade sanctions
of Directors or a current or former Executive Director of the and export control, data privacy, procurement and supply chain
Company. The Chair of the Audit Committee shall be, and compliance and anti-competitive practices. The ECSC is also
the other members of the Audit Committee may be, financial empowered to oversee the Company’s sustainability strategy
experts with relevant knowledge and experience of financial and effective governance and ensure that sustainability related
administration and accounting for listed companies or other topics are taken into account in the Company’s objectives and
large legal entities. strategy.
Pursuant to the Board Rules, the Audit Committee, which The ECSC makes recommendations to the Board of Directors
is required to meet at least four times a year, makes and its Committees on all Ethics, Compliance or Sustainability-
recommendations to the Board of Directors on the approval related matters, including on climate-related disclosures, and is
of the Annual Financial Statements and the interim accounts responsible for providing to the Audit Committee any necessary
(Q1, H1, Q3), as well as the appointment of external auditors disclosures on issues or alleged ethical and compliance
and their remuneration. Moreover, the Audit Committee has breaches that are financial and accounting-related. The ECSC
responsibility for verifying and making recommendations to maintains a reporting line with the Chief Ethics & Compliance
the effect that the internal and external audit activities are Officer, who attends every ECSC meeting and is requested to
correctly directed, that internal controls are duly exercised and provide periodic reports on its activities.
that these matters are given due importance at meetings of the
Board of Directors. Thus, it discusses with the auditors their The Chairman of the Audit Committee and the Chairman of the
audit programme and the results of the audit of the Financial RNGC are members of the ECSC. Unless otherwise decided
Statements, and it monitors the adequacy of the Company’s by the ECSC, the CEO and the Chairman of the Board of
internal controls, accounting policies and financial reporting. It Directors are invited to attend the meetings. From time to time,
also oversees the operation of the Company’s ERM system and independent external experts are also invited to attend ECSC
keeps a strong link to the Ethics, Compliance and Sustainability meetings.
Committee. For further details in this regard, see “– 4.1.3:
In 2022, the ECSC met four times with an average attendance questions. The CEO leaves the meetings when the RNGC
rate of 95%. All of the above described items were discussed discusses his/her remuneration or personal situation.
during the meetings and the ECSC fully performed all its duties.
Pursuant to the Board Rules, the Chair of the RNGC automatically
Following the settlements reached with the French, UK and US
fulfils the function of “Lead Independent Director”. In this
authorities in January 2020 in relation to the SFO / PNF / US
role, the Chair of the RNGC is responsible for (i) replacing the
DoJ / US DoS investigations, the ECSC maintained a sharp
Chairman if unable to attend meetings of the Board of Directors,
focus on post-settlement activities (including compliance and
(ii) organising the annual appraisal of the Chairman’s performance
export control reviews). The ECSC was notably provided with
by the Board of Directors and (iii) acting as an intermediary for,
regular updates on the status of the monitoring of the AFA
and between, the other Directors when necessary.
and on the activities of the ITAR Special Compliance Officer,
appointed under the Consent Agreement with the US State The RNGC is required to meet at least four times a year. In 2022,
Department. Airbus’ competition law practice was presented it met five times with an attendance rate of 95%. It discussed all
to the ECSC and discussed. of the above-described items during the meetings and it fully
performed all its duties. In particular, the RNGC worked on the
Half of the ECSC work was dedicated to Sustainability topics.
Board of Directors’ succession plan, with a strong focus on
In particular, the ECSC discussed the Company’s scope 1
diversity (including gender diversity and skills mix). The RNGC’s
& 2 decarbonisation target acceleration (from a well below
work notably led to the appointment of two new Board Members
2°C trajectory to a 1.5°C one by 2030). It also discussed the
in 2022, including one female. The Company constituted an
establishment of science-based target for the Company’s
active pipeline of talent for future changes within the Board.
scope 3, and its consistency compared to the ATAG (an
international sectoral body) and (later in 2022) ICAO’s long-term The RNGC work also included reviewing the membership of the
aspirational goal of the aviation sector achieving net-zero carbon Board Committees. Changes to the composition of the ECSC
emissions by 2050; it discussed the Company’s engagement and RNGC were implemented in 2022.
with the SBTi for the assessment of these scope 1, 2 & 3 targets;
and the Airbus’ human rights policy. The ECSC reviewed the Assisted by a specialised firm, the Committee carried out the
sustainability roadmaps (including towards a sustainable supply search process for a successor for the position of Chief Financial
chain), 2022 key priorities, dashboard and key performance Officer following the announcement of Dominik Asam’s decision
indicators. In addition, the ECSC reviewed stakeholders’ to resign, evaluating both internal and external candidates. The
expectations on sustainability issues including in relation to how RNGC also held regular discussions on the Executive Committee
environmental, social and governance matters affect defence. succession roadmap, on talent management (development,
engagement and retention) and diversity at top management
levels. In light of benchmarks performed by third-party experts,
c) The Remuneration, Nomination the RNGC further discussed the structure and level of the CEO
and Governance Committee remuneration in the context of his renewal in 2022, and reviewed
Pursuant to the Board rules, besides its role described in the remuneration of the non-Executive Directors.
section 4.1.1 above, the RNGC consults with the Chairman
and the CEO with respect to proposals for the appointment
of the members of the Executive Committee, and makes The Executive Committee
recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the
appointment of the Secretary to the Board of Directors. The a) Nomination and Composition
RNGC also makes recommendations to the Board of Directors The Executive Committee of Airbus (the “Executive Committee”)
regarding succession planning (at Board of Directors, Executive is chaired by the Chief Executive Officer and its members are
Committee and Senior Management levels), remuneration appointed on the basis of their performance of their individual
strategies and long-term remuneration plans. Furthermore, the responsibilities as well as their respective contribution to the
RNGC oversees contractual matters in relation to the members overall interest of Airbus.
of the Board and the Executive Committee, including the terms
and conditions of the relevant contracts, and the preparation The CEO proposes all the members of the Executive Committee
of the remuneration policy for approval by the Board. The rules for approval by the Board of Directors, after consultation with
and responsibilities of the RNGC have been set out in the Board (i) the Chairman of the RNGC and (ii) the Chairman of the Board
rules. of Directors, applying the following principles:
–– the preference for the best candidate for the position;
In addition, the RNGC reviews the Company’s top talent,
–– the maintenance, in respect of the number of Members of
discusses measures to improve engagement and to promote
the Executive Committee, of the observed balance among
diversity, as well as reviewing the remuneration of the Executive
the nationalities of the candidates in respect of the location
Committee members, the Long-Term Incentive Plans (“LTIP”),
of the main industrial centres of the Company (in particular
and the variable pay for the previous year.
among the nationals of France, Germany, Spain and the
Finally, the RNGC performs regular evaluations of the Company’s United Kingdom, where these main industrial centres are
corporate governance and makes proposals for changes to the located); and
Board Rules or the Articles of Association. –– at least two-thirds of the members of the Executive Committee,
including the CEO and the CFO, being EU nationals and
Unless otherwise decided, the Chairman of the Board of Directors residents.
and the CEO are invited to attend meetings of the RNGC. The
Chief Human Resources Officer (“CHRO”) is requested to attend The Board of Directors determines, by simple majority vote,
meetings to present management proposals and to answer whether to approve all of the Members of the Executive
Committee as proposed by the CEO.
b) Role of the CEO and Executive Committee matters, communications and market disclosures. It is also the
forum where the information or requests for approval destined
The CEO is responsible for executing the strategy, as approved
for the Board of Directors are discussed and approved. The EC
by the Board of Directors, and for managing the day-to-day
members shall jointly contribute to the overall interests of the
operations of the Company’s business with the support of the
Company, in addition to each member’s individual operational
Executive Committee (“EC”) and its executive leadership team
or functional responsibility within the Company.
through Executive Leadership Meetings (“ELM”) in which the
EC members participate. The CEO shall be accountable for the The EC comprises the heads of the Divisions and key functions
proper execution of the day-to-day operations of the Company’s of the Company.
The CEO is the only Executive Director within the Board of
ELMs are held on a regular basis and aim at advising the CEO on Directors and represents the Company on the Board of Directors.
his day-to-day role, as well as ensuring that EC members report Depending on the topic, he usually asks the responsible EC
back on business progress, updates and concerns, addressing member to join him at Board meetings to present the financials
Company-wide topics including corporate matters, approving (CFO), programme / product topics (Division heads), HR matters
all vacancies and promotions above certain levels including (CHRO) or any other topic where a specialist is needed. This
with a focus on diversity. approach allows the Board Members to get to know the EC
members and equips them to make judgements when it comes
The EC further supports the CEO in performing these tasks. Under
to decisions about key positions.
the leadership of the CEO, the EC is responsible for business
strategy as well as organisational matters and management
of the business, monitoring key projects / products and major c) The Executive Committee in 2022
investments, overseeing performance targets, whether it be The EC comprises the heads of the Divisions and key functions
financial, individual, programmes or support functions, outlining of the Company.
policies to motivate, recruit and retain employees. It is also
accountable for regulatory and statutory obligations, policy The EC met four times during 2022.
Note: Status as per 31 December 2022. The professional address of all Members of the Executive Committee for any matter relating to Airbus is Mendelweg 30, 2333 CS Leiden,
The Netherlands.
(1) Members of the Company’s top management regularly invited to attend Executive Committee meetings.
Guillaume Faury – Chief Executive Officer Airbus Thierry Baril – Chief Human Resources Officer
(see above under “– Board of Directors”). Thierry Baril was appointed Chief Human Resources Officer of
Airbus on 1 June 2012.
Dominik Asam – Chief Financial Officer (until
March 2023) Thierry Baril joined Airbus Commercial Aircraft in 2007 as
Executive Vice-President, Human Resources, and Member
Until his decision to leave the Company on 3 March 2023,
of the Airbus Commercial Aircraft Executive Committee, with
Dominik Asam was Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Airbus and
responsibility for defining and implementing a company-wide
a Member of the Executive Committee.
Human Resources strategy, enhancing integration and employee
Dominik Asam joined Airbus in April 2019 from Munich-based engagement. He oversaw the development of key skills and
Infineon Technologies AG, where he had been CFO since 2011. competences to support business growth and greater internal
During eight years he was responsible for functions including mobility. One of his main achievements was the transformation
Group Controlling, IT, Treasury, Investor Relations, Compliance of the Company in the areas of leadership culture and diversity,
& Risk Management, Export Control and Sustainability and having played a key role in the implementation of “Power8” and
Business Continuity. Airbus’ internationalisation strategy.
Previously, Dominik Asam was Head of Group Controlling at Prior to this, Thierry Baril was Executive Vice-President Human
RWE AG in 2010. Resources at Eurocopter – now Airbus Helicopters – and member
of the Eurocopter Executive Committee from January 2003.
Between 2005 and 2010 he held various positions at Siemens AG In this position, Thierry Baril managed the Company’s Human
such as CEO of Siemens Financial Services and Corporate Vice- Resources activities globally, including the implementation of
President and Treasurer. Human Resources policies across Eurocopter’s European sites
From 2003 to 2005, Asam headed Investor Relations, Mergers & and its 15 subsidiaries worldwide. He was instrumental in the
Acquisitions and Strategy at Infineon Technologies. implementation of “Vital”, a programme which transformed
Eurocopter as a business.
Dominik Asam began his professional career in 1996 in the
Investment Banking Division of Goldman Sachs Inc. with Thierry Baril started his career in 1988 as Deputy Human
postings in Frankfurt, London and New York. Resources Director at Boccard SA, and transferred to Laborde
& Kupfer-Repelec, a subsidiary of GEC ALSTHOM, as Human
A graduate in Mechanical Engineering from the Technical Resources Manager in 1991.
University of Munich and the École Centrale Paris, Dominik
Asam holds a Master’s in Business Administration from INSEAD From 1995, Thierry Baril held roles as Human Resources Director
(European Institute of Business Administration). of the Alstom Energy Belfort site and Vice-President of Human
Resources of the Alstom Energy Group.
Following on from his experience at Alstom Energy, in 1998 In this role he was responsible for the worldwide operations
Thierry Baril became Managing Director of Human Resources of the military aircraft business, including manufacturing and
for Europe for GE (General Electric) at their Belfort Headquarters, production in all the different sites of the company, setting up the
followed by Vice-President of Human Resources at Alcatel A400M Final Assembly Line in Seville, the A330 Tanker Conversion
Space’s Headquarters in Toulouse from 2000. Centres in Madrid, Brisbane (Australia) and Bournemouth (UK),
the revitalisation of the Indonesian Aerospace Industry and the
Thierry Baril holds a University Degree in Personnel Management
restructuring of the company’s Polish subsidiary in Warsaw
(Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie en Gestion des Entreprises
PZL as well as the defence business in Portugal through the
et des Administrations), as well as a Business Page 2 of 2 Degree
Portuguese Company OGMA.
in Human Resources Management and Development from the
Institut de Gestion Sociale (IGS) in Paris. Alberto Gutiérrez´s career started in 1985 as a young engineer
in the former CASA in Getafe, working and gaining experience in
Thierry Baril was born in February 1965 in Suresnes, France. In
different positions in Manufacturing and Production, IT, Planning
2007, he was appointed as a Chevalier de l’Ordre National du
and Programmes.
Mérite and was further commended as a Chevalier de l’Ordre
National de la Légion d’Honneur in 2012. In 2013, he was named Alberto Gutiérrez has a Telecommunications Engineering degree
HR Director of the year by Hudson, Le Figaro Economie and from the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid and holds a master
Cadremploi Group. in Information System Management.
Prior to this position, Catherine was Chief Information Officer programmes, development processes and change and
at Airbus Helicopters, a role that she held from July 2013 to innovation projects within the Airbus Commercial Aircraft division.
February 2020.
From 1998 to 2002 Sabine worked at DELMIA, a brand of
Before joining Airbus, Catherine held a variety of positions, Dassault Systèmes, where she carried out the deployment of
between 2007 and 2013, at Rio Tinto in Montreal, Canada within digital manufacturing software and supported the development
the field of Information Systems & Technology (IS&T). Catherine of the consulting and services department with customers in the
also spent 17 years at Accenture and was nominated Partner automotive and the aerospace industries.
in 2002, a position that she held for five years
Sabine has a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University
Julie Kitcher – Executive Vice-President of Technology (TU) in Dresden and is a graduate of the INSA
Communications and Corporate Affairs Hauts de France (formerly known as École Nationale Supérieure
d’Ingénieurs en Mécanique Énergétique in Valenciennes
Julie Kitcher is EVP Communications and Corporate Affairs of (ENSIMEV)).
Airbus and a member of the Executive Committee, reporting
to the CEO. Julie also serves as the Chief of Staff to the CEO. Philippe Mhun – Executive Vice-President
Julie heads Communications. In addition, she drives Airbus Programmes and Services
ambition and contribution to sustainable aerospace. Her role Philippe Mhun was appointed as Chief Programmes & Services
also oversees and coordinates the transformation agenda of Officer for Airbus Commercial Aircraft, effective 1 January 2019,
Airbus, Performance Management, Corporate Audit and Internal and a Member of the Company’s Executive Committee.
In his previous role as Head of Customer Services since
Julie has over 20 years of experience at Airbus. She has held a October 2016, Philippe Mhun was responsible for all Airbus
number of roles in Finance including Financial Analyst, Corporate support and services activities for airline customers, lessors,
Planning and Business Controlling. MROs and operators, ranging from maintenance and engineering
to training, upgrades and flight operations but also material
Most recently and prior to her current position, Julie was the
management and logistical support. This included the supervision
Head of Investor Relations and Financial Communication. Under
of the Services Business Unit and affiliated subsidiaries, such as
Julie’s leadership, Airbus was awarded the “Most Honoured
Satair, Navblue, Airbus Interiors Services and Sepang. For the
Company” status in the Institutional Investor All Europe
past two years, Philippe has initiated and implemented a major
Executive Team survey four years in a row -2015 to 2018. As
transformation programme focusing on Customer Satisfaction,
part of this recognition, Julie was named “Best Investor Relations
Services development and digital enablers such as Skywise
Professional” in the Aerospace & Defence sector for the same
Prior to this assignment, Philippe was Senior Vice-President
She also previously held a role in GE Capital Equipment Finance
Procurement for Equipment, Systems and support, a position
in the UK. Julie is a Chartered Management Accountant (CIMA)
he held since 2013.
with an MSc from ESC Skema (Lille).
Philippe joined Airbus in November 2004 as Vice-President A380
Sabine Klauke – Chief Technical Officer Programme within Customer Services to prepare and support
Sabine Klauke has been Chief Technical Officer at Airbus since the A380 entry-into-service. He then became Vice-President
1 July 2021 and is a member of the Company’s Executive Programmes in Airbus Customer Services leading Single Aisle,
Committee. Long Range, Widebody, A380 and A350 Programmes together
with e-operations and supplier support activities.
In this role, Sabine drives the Company’s ambition behind
delivering bold and breakthrough technologies to build the Before joining Airbus, Philippe held various positions within UTA
future of aerospace. She also leads a team of more than 11,000 and following the merger in 1993, within Air France, starting
Airbus engineers across the globe who design, develop, certify as a Structure Engineer for Boeing 747 at UTA all the way up
and ensure continuing airworthiness of all Commercial Aircraft to becoming the Head of Long-Haul Fleet Engineering and
products and services. Maintenance in Air France. From 1986 to 2004, Philippe was
involved in new programmes’ entry-into-service, engineering
Previously, Sabine was Head of Engineering within Airbus and maintenance at all levels of the Company.
Defence and Space and a member of the Division’s Executive
Committee. In this capacity, she was responsible for all Philippe Mhun holds a degree from the Applied Sciences National
engineering activities within the Defence and Space division and Institute (INSA Lyon) as a mechanical engineer.
in charge of its product and services portfolio. By managing the
technology, development and innovation roadmap, she played Christian Scherer – Chief Commercial Officer
a key role in preparing the future of Airbus Defence and Space. and Head of Airbus International
Christian Scherer was appointed Airbus Chief Commercial
Prior to this position, she served as Head of Programmes
Officer in September 2018 and is a Member of the Company’s
Customer Services: a responsibility she held for the A330/
Executive Committee. He is also heading Airbus International.
A340 programmes since 2015. Sabine joined Airbus in 2002,
where she has held positions of increasing responsibility within He was previously Chief Executive Officer of ATR, a position he
manufacturing engineering, production, product development held since November 2016.
Prior to this, Christian was Executive Vice-President and Head Michael began his career in 1984 in the German armed forces,
of Airbus Group International, responsible for driving the overall where he served as an officer and a helicopter pilot until 1994,
Airbus Group internationalisation strategy. with assignments in Germany and the US. Michael worked
in academia as a research assistant at the Helmut Schmidt
Christian started his professional career in 1984 when he joined
University (University of the German armed forces) in Hamburg
Airbus Industrie as a Commercial Contracts Manager. He was
(1994-1999). He started out his career with Bosch in 1999 and
seconded to the US between 1987 and 1994 as Vice-President
held various senior management positions in the automotive
Contracts of Airbus North America, responsible for pricing,
sector in the US, the Czech Republic and Germany before being
financial performance, negotiation and implementation of all
appointed EVP for Manufacturing and Quality in 2012.
sales transactions in North America.
Michael is President of BDLI, the association of the German
On his return to headquarters, as Vice-President Leasing
aviation industry as well as a presidium member of BDI, the
Markets, he developed and managed an integrated sales
association of the German Industry.
division covering all commercial activities dealing with operating
leasing companies and other financial institutions worldwide. He is Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Airbus
Operations GmbH, Managing Director of Airbus Defence and
In 1999, he was appointed Vice-President Contracts and Pricing
Space GmbH, member of the Board of Directors of Airbus
worldwide while retaining leadership of the Leasing Markets
Defence and Space Inc. US and member of the Board of
Division and in 2003 he also became the Deputy Head of
Directors of Stratasys Ltd (NASDAQ: SSYS).
Michael Schöllhorn holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering
Following his time in Commercial, he became Head of Strategy
and a PhD in Control Engineering from the Helmut Schmidt
and Future Programs at Airbus, responsible for defining Airbus’
long-term strategic objectives and for driving the genesis of
future aircraft product offerings and programmes, such as the Antoine Bouvier – Head of Strategy,
A320neo, as well as Airbus’ international development in terms Mergers & Acquisitions and Public Affairs
of the US final assembly lines.
Antoine Bouvier has been appointed Head of Strategy, Mergers
In 2012, he was appointed Head of Sales & International & Acquisitions and Public Affairs Airbus, effective 1 June 2019.
Operations at Cassidian in Munich, Germany, responsible
for Sales, Marketing, Strategy and Cassidian’s International Antoine Bouvier joins Airbus from MBDA where he had been
Subsidiaries including Brazil, India, KSA, UAE, UK and US. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) since June 2007.
Upon integration of Airbus’ Defence, Space and Military aircraft From January 2002 to June 2007, he was CEO of Astrium
businesses, he became the Head of Marketing & Sales of Satellites (now part of Airbus Defence and Space).
Airbus Defence and Space and Managing Director of Airbus Previously, he was Executive Vice-President in charge of the
Defence and Space GmbH. In that role, he held the overall Commercial Helicopter Division of Eurocopter (now Airbus
responsibility for all Sales & Marketing activities. He also chaired Helicopters).
BDLI’s defence and security forum whilst being a member of
the BDLI presidium. In 1990, Antoine Bouvier joined Aérospatiale as Assistant to
the Director of the company’s Civil Aircraft Division. In 1991,
Born in 1962 in Duisburg, Germany, and raised in Toulouse, he became Director of the Division’s Department of Strategic
France, Christian Scherer holds an MBA from the University of Analysis.
Ottawa and graduated from the Paris Business School (ESCP)
in 1984. From 1992 until 1994, he was Secretary General and Industrial
Director of ATR GIE. From 1994 until 1998, he was Vice-President
Michael Schöllhorn – Chief Executive Officer Operations of ATR, going on to become President of ATR GIE
Airbus Defence and Space between 1998 and 2001.
Michael Schoellhorn has been Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Antoine Bouvier started his career as an auditor at the Cour des
Airbus Defence and Space since 1 July 2021 and is a member of Comptes. He graduated from the École Polytechnique (1981-
Airbus’ Executive Committee, responsible for Airbus’s defence, 1984) and of the École Nationale d’Administration (1984 -1986).
space, unmanned air services and connected intelligence
activities. C. Jeffrey Knittel – Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer Airbus Americas
Previously, he was Airbus Chief Operating Officer (COO) and
a member of the Company’s Executive Committee. In this C. Jeffrey (Jeff) Knittel is the Chairman and CEO of Airbus
position, he led the production, quality, procurement and Americas, Inc. In addition, he is the Head of Region for the
information management organisations, transforming and Americas and as such reports directly to the Airbus CEO.
building the production system of the future. He is responsible for Airbus’ commercial aircraft business
throughout the Americas, as well as for providing leadership
Michael joined Airbus in February 2019 from BSH Home for the company’s market leading helicopter business and its
Appliances GmbH in Munich, where he was COO and a member space and defence unit in North America.
of the BSH Management Board from 2015.
Additionally, Knittel chairs A3 by Airbus, the company’s Silicon George Xu – Chief Executive Officer Airbus China
Valley-based innovation arm; is a Board Member of Airbus George Xu has been appointed CEO of Airbus China effective
Ventures, which scouts and invests in early stage technologies 8 January 2018. As country head of Airbus China, he is
across the globe; and a member of the Airbus Canada Limited responsible for all Airbus Commercial Aircraft business activities
Partnership Board – a multibillion dollar joint venture of Airbus, and providing leadership to the company’s Helicopters and
Bombardier, and the Province of Quebec to procure parts, Defence and Space businesses in China.
assemble, and market the world’s most modern commercial
aircraft, the A220. In 1995, George Xu worked for the Tianjin Economic and
Technology Development Area Administrative Committee. He
With more than 5,000 employees, Airbus Americas was nominated Deputy Director of the Investment Promotion
encompasses the regional corporate offices, engineering and Bureau of Tianjin Free Trade Zone in 2003 and was promoted
innovation centers, training facilities, MROs and spare parts as its Director in 2005, when he started to actively participate
distribution centers, imagery and drone services, as well as large in the Airbus A320 Family Final Assembly Line project including
scale manufacturing facilities producing commercial aircraft, site selection, and negotiation and set-up of the joint venture.
helicopters, and satellites.
From 2008 to 2011, George Xu was Deputy GM of Airbus
Knittel has more than 35 years of experience in aerospace Tianjin A320 Family Final Assembly Line and in parallel Director
and transportation finance. Before joining Airbus, Knittel was of the Investment Promotion Bureau of Tianjin Free Trade Zone
Chief Executive Officer of C2 Aviation Capital (C2), a global Administrative Committee and Deputy Chairman of Avicopter.
leasing company focused on acquiring, leasing and managing
commercial aircraft. Prior to leading C2 Aviation Capital, In 2011, he was appointed Chairman of Board of Airbus Tianjin
Mr. Knittel served since 1986 in a series of senior leadership Final Assembly Line and Vice-President of Tianjin Free Trade
positions at CIT Group Inc. – most recently as President of CIT Zone Administrative Committee.
Transportation Finance, a $21 billion diversified organisation that
In 2014, George Xu was nominated and worked full time as
provided leasing and financing solutions for the aerospace, rail
Party Secretary of Tianjin Youth League until 2017. George Xu
and maritime industries, including commercial airlines, business
was a member of the Standing Committee of Tianjin Municipal
aircraft operators, railroads and shippers.
People’s Congress from 2015 to 2017.
Knittel is currently a member of the Board of the National Air and
George Xu was born in 1972 in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province.
Space Museum, the Board and Chair of the Finance Committee
George Xu received a Bachelor of Engineering degree in
of the USO of Metropolitan New York, the Board of Trustees of
Information Management System from Tianjin University and
the National World War II Museum, and a member of the Board
Master of Business Administration from Roosevelt University
and Executive Committee of the Atlantic Council. He is a former
of Chicago. He also received a Doctorate degree in Economics
President and an emeritus member of the Board of Governors of
from Nankai University.
the Wings Club. He is a former Chairman of the Board of Just One
Break, a not-for-profit institution founded by Eleanor Roosevelt George Xu is married and in his spare time, he likes football,
for the disabled and later merged with The Viscardi Center. hiking and reading.
Mr. Knittel holds a bachelor’s degree in aviation management
from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. In addition, he
graduated from the Advanced Management Program at the
University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business.
The ERM process applies to all relevant sources of risks and and is backed by a dedicated risk management organisation
opportunities that potentially affect the Company’s activities, in the Company, focusing on the operational dimension, early
its businesses and its organisation in the short-, mid- and long- warning and anticipation culture development, while actively
term. The ERM process is part of the management process and seeking to reduce overall risk criticality by challenging the
inter-related with the other processes. business. The risk management organisation is structured as
a cross-divisional Centre of Competence (“CoC”) and pushes
All Airbus organisations, including the Divisions, subsidiaries
for a proactive risk management; and
and controlled participations, commit to and confirm the
–– the management at executive levels has responsibility
effective implementation of the ERM system. The annual ERM
for the operation and monitoring of the ERM system in its
Confirmation Letter issued by each organisation is the formal
respective areas of responsibility, and for the implementation
acknowledgement about the effectiveness of the ERM system.
of appropriate response activities to reduce risks and seize
For a discussion of the main risks to which the Company is opportunities, also considering the recommendations of the
exposed, see “– Risk Factors”. internal and external auditors.
The combination of the following controls is designed to achieve reasonable assurance about ERM effectiveness:
Organisation Explanations
Regular monitoring
Board of Directors / The Board of Directors and the Audit Committee review, monitor and supervise the ERM system. Any material
Audit Committee failings in, material changes to, and/or material improvements of the ERM system which are observed, made
and/or planned are discussed with the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee.
ERM as part of the regular divisional business reviews
Results of the operational risk and opportunity management process, self-assessments and confirmation
Top Management
procedures are presented by the Divisions or other Airbus’ organisations to top management.
ERM working sessions at an executive leadership meeting twice a year.
ERM confirmation letter procedure
Management Entities and department heads that participate in the annual ERM compliance procedures must sign ERM
confirmation letters.
ERM effectiveness measurement
ERM CoC Assess ERM effectiveness by consideration of ERM performance KPI, ERM reports, ERM confirmations, in situ
sessions (risk reviews etc.), participation to key controls (e.g., major Programme maturity gate reviews).
Audits on ERM
Corporate Audit
Provide independent assurance to the Audit Committee on the effectiveness of the ERM system; annual survey.
Alert system
Ethics & Compliance Detects deficiencies regarding conformity with applicable laws and regulations, as well as with ethical business
Company performance, Shares and/or Units).
In principle, no vesting
and engagement based
LTIP if cumulative EBIT is negative. In addition, for the vesting
on financial targets
(in Units and/or Shares) If cumulative EBIT is positive, of Performance Units:
aligned with long-term
objectives subject to
vesting from 50% to 150%
of grant based on EPS (75%)
-- overall pay-out is capped at 250% of the
cumulative performance original value at the date of grant;
over a three-year period.
and Free Cash Flow (25%). -- the value that could result from share
price increases is capped at 200% of the
reference share price at the date of grant.
(1) The Company continues to use the term EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes). It is identical to Profit before finance cost and income taxes as defined by IFRS Rules.
(2) Airbus defines the alternative performance measure FCF as the sum of (i) cash provided by operating activities and (ii) cash used for investing activities, less (iii) change of
securities, (iv) contribution to plan assets for pension schemes, (v) realised treasury swaps and (vi) bank activities. It is a key indicator which allows the Company to measure the
amount of Cash Flow generated from operations after cash used in investing activities.
The following graphic depicts three relevant scenarios for the outcome of the Total Direct Compensation:
Below Threshold
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Base Salary Variable Remuneration (VR) LTI paid in cash and/or shares
“Below Threshold” includes annual Base Salary; VR at 0%; LTIP not vesting.
“Target” includes Base Salary, VR at target and LTIP grant face value in cash and/or in shares.
“Maximum” includes Base Salary; maximum VR value (200% of VR at target); maximum LTIP cash grant projected at vesting date (250%
of grant value); maximum performance applicable to the number of shares granted (150%). The final value of Performance Shares
depends on the share price development which is not capped. Illustrative table for a theoretical grant of 50% Shares / 50% Units.
c) Base Salary
The CEO’s Base Salary is determined by the Board of Directors, taking into account the peer group analysis mentioned above.
FCF (Free Cash Flow) EBIT (Earnings before Interest & Tax)
Annual, M€ (40%) Annual, M€ (40%)
Measures cash generation Measures operational profitability
Driven by cash provided by/used for operating Driven by revenues and operating
and investment activities expenses
Annual, % (20%)
Individual Component
The individual element (“Individual Component”) focuses on outcomes and behaviour (as defined below). Individual performance
is assessed in these two important dimensions, which both contribute to the Company’s remuneration philosophy. Among other
matters, corporate social responsibility and the Company’s corporate values are considered as part of this assessment:
–– Outcomes encompass various aspects of what the CEO can do to contribute to the success of the business: specific business
results he achieves, projects he drives and processes he improves. The individual targets of the CEO are comprehensive and
shared with all employees via the Top Company Objectives.
–– Behaviour refers to the way results have been achieved, which is also critical for long-term success: how the CEO and the
Board of Directors work as a team, how the CEO leads the Executive Committee, quality of communication, encouragement of
innovation, etc. A specific part of the behaviour assessment relates to ethics, compliance, quality and other sustainability matters.
The performance of the Individual Component is measured by the RNGC for the CEO and for all the other members of the Executive
The RNGC discusses the level of achievement of every single target and derives a combined target achievement level for the
outcomes. The behavioural part of the Individual Component is also discussed by the RNGC and constitutes an adjustment
factor for the target achievement of the outcomes. Finally, the RNGC proposes to the Board of Directors the compound Individual
Component of the CEO target achievement made up from the outcomes and behavioural achievements.
Face value at grant date
Performance calculation
determines the number of Units 04
Allocation policy and Shares that may vest
The level of vesting of Performance Shares and Units is subject to the following performance measures:
–– 0-50% of the allocation: In principle, this element of the Performance Unit / Share award will not vest if the Company reports
negative cumulated EBIT results. Nonetheless, in case the Company’s EBIT results are impacted by exceptional and unpredictable
circumstances, the Board of Directors, upon recommendation of the RNGC, may decide that a maximum portion of 50% of the
allocation will vest;
–– 50-150% of the allocation: This element of the Performance Unit / Shares vests based on the two following performance criteria:
average earnings per share (75%) (“Earnings per Share” or “EPS”) and cumulative Free Cash Flow (25%).
The vesting of Performance Units and Shares is subject to the following maximum cap:
–– the maximum level of vesting is 150% of the number of Units/Shares granted.
The vesting of Performance Units is subject to the following maximum caps:
–– the value that could result from share price increases is capped at 200% of the reference share price at the date of grant; and
–– the overall pay-out is capped at 250% of the value at the date of grant.
Performance Units and Performance Shares that vest in accordance with the terms and conditions applicable to them are settled
without further action being required by the beneficiary.
For each payment in cash, one Unit is equal to the value of one Airbus SE share at the time of vesting. The Airbus SE share value
is the average of the opening share price, on the Paris Stock Exchange, during the 20 trading days preceding and including the
respective vesting dates.
f) Share Ownership Guideline item k) below) assessed by the Board of Directors have been
fulfilled. If the CEO’s appointment as member of the Board of
The Board of Directors has established a share ownership
Directors terminates within a period of 12 months or less prior to
guideline pursuant to which the CEO is expected to acquire
his retirement date, the termination indemnity will be limited by
Airbus SE shares with a value equal to 200% of the Base Salary
pro-rating its amount. This will not apply if the CEO’s mandate
and to hold them throughout his or her tenure.
is terminated for cause (misconduct), in case of resignation or
termination on or after his retirement date.
g) Benefits
The benefits offered to the CEO are similar to the benefits granted The CEO’s appointment terms and conditions include a non-
to other executives of the Company and comprise, among other compete clause, which applies for a maximum of one year. The
matters, medical, death and disability coverage (both through compensation under the non-compete clause is equal to 50%
a social security system or a company plan, depending on the of the last total annual remuneration (defined as Base Salary
contractual agreement with the CEO), a company car and usual and VR most recently paid), subject to applicable local legal
facilities. requirements if any and paid in monthly instalments.
Unless the law provides otherwise, the costs and expenses of Past LTIP awards may be maintained, in such cases as retirement
the CEO are covered, including reasonable costs of defending or if a mandate is not renewed by the Company for a reason other
claims, under the conditions set forth in the insurance policy than cause (misconduct). The vesting of past LTIP awards follows
subscribed by the Company. Under circumstances excluded by the rules and regulations of the LTIP including performance
the insurance policy, such as an act or failure to act by the CEO conditions and is not accelerated in any case. LTIP awards are
that can be characterised as intentional, intentionally reckless, or forfeited for executives who leave the Company at their own
seriously culpable, there will be no entitlement to any coverage. initiative, but this is subject to review by the Board of Directors.
The term of the CEO’s appointment is linked to his or her mandate
h) Retirement as a member of the Board of Directors. The termination of the
The CEO is entitled to retirement benefits through mandatory CEO’s appointment may be subject to a notice period of six
applicable state and collective pension plans. months, except if the CEO’s appointment is terminated for cause
(misconduct), in which case the CEO’s appointment may be
The CEO participates also in a Company pension contributions terminated immediately, or in case of non-renewal of the CEO’s
based plan. This plan consists of an annual pension contribution mandate by the general meeting.
of 20% of the annual pensionable remuneration (as described
in paragraph item h) below) subject to applicable local
practices (if any). Non-Executive Remuneration –
Applicable to Non-Executive
i) Clawback Directors
In accordance with Dutch law, the Board of Directors may
The Company’s Remuneration Policy with regard to Non-
adjust a “bonus” (as defined under Dutch law, including short-
Executive Directors aims at ensuring fair compensation
term remuneration and awards under the Long-Term Incentive
and protecting the independence of the Board’s Members.
Plan subject to performance criteria) awarded to the CEO to
Their remuneration should be commensurate to the time spent
a suitable level, if payment or satisfaction of that bonus would
and the responsibilities of their role on the Board of Directors.
be unacceptable under the standards of reasonableness and
fairness. Also, the Company may reclaim a bonus already paid,
in whole or in part subject to applicable local legal requirements, Fees and Entitlements
if any, to the extent that such payment was made on the basis of Non-Executive Directors are entitled to the following remuneration
incorrect information regarding the achievement of the targets, components:
objectives and/or conditions underlying the bonus or regarding –– a base fee for membership or chair of the Board of Directors;
the circumstances on which the bonus was dependent. The –– a Committee fee for membership or chair on each of the
Non-Executive Directors, or a special representative designated Board’s Committees;
by the general meeting, may demand such repayment on the –– an attendance fee for the attendance of Board meetings
Company’s behalf. (subject to such conditions as may be imposed by the Board
Any such adjustment or clawback will be reported in the notes of Directors at the recommendation of the RNGC); and
of the relevant Financial Statements of the Company. –– an attendance fee for the attendance of Committee meetings
if and when such Committees would have more than four
Committee meetings per year (whether these meetings are
j) Loans held physically or by phone).
The Company does not provide loans or advances to the CEO.
Each of these fees is a fixed amount that is determined by the
Board of Directors from time to time, at the recommendation
k) Severance of the RNGC.
In case of termination of the CEO’s duties at the initiative of the
Board of Directors, the CEO shall be entitled to an indemnity Committee chairmanship and Committee membership fees are
equal to one (1) time the last Total Annual Remuneration cumulative if the concerned Non-Executive Director belongs to
(defined as Base Salary and VR most recently paid) subject two different Committees. Fees are paid twice a year at the end
to applicable local legal requirements if any, and provided that of each semester (as close as possible to the Board meeting
the performance conditions (as described in paragraph 4.4.3 dates).
Non-Executive Directors do not receive any performance or The Company does not provide loans or advances to the Non-
equity- related compensation, and do not accrue pension rights Executive Directors.
with the Company in the frame of their mandate, except what they
Unless the law provides otherwise, the Non-Executive Directors
would receive in the frame of a current or past executive mandate.
shall be reimbursed by the Company for various costs and
These measures are designed to ensure the independence of
expenses, including reasonable costs of defending claims.
Board Members and strengthen the overall effectiveness of the
Under certain circumstances, such as an act or failure to act
Company’s corporate governance.
by a Member of the Board of Directors that can be characterised
The Company does not encourage Non-Executive Directors to as intentional, intentionally reckless, or seriously culpable, there
purchase Airbus SE shares. will be no entitlement to this reimbursement.
(1) France: Total, Sanofi, Safran SA, Air Liquide, Stellantis, Danone, Schneider Electric, Saint-Gobain, Vinci, Engie, Thales, Dassault systèmes
Germany: Bayer, Volkswagen, Daimler, BASF, Deutsche Telekom, Siemens, BMW, Continental, E.ON, Henkel, Deutsche Post, SAP
Spain: Iberdrola, Endesa, Siemens Gamesa, Santander, Telefónica, Naturgy, Repsol, Banco Bilbao, Inditex, Ferrovial SA
UK: Shell, BP, BAT, GSK, Rio Tinto, Vodafone, Bae Systems, Rolls Royce, Diageo, Unilever, Tesco
US: Boeing, Lockheed, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman, GE, Caterpillar, 3M, IMB, Fedex
This decision has been taken after due consideration of the outcome of the benchmark and the successful leadership of the CEO
during his first term of office as CEO.
With this increase,
–– the Total Target Cash (TTC) (Base Salary + Variable Remuneration) of the CEO (€ 2,970,000) is closer to the median market range
of the peer group (i.e. € 3,000,000);
–– however his Total Direct Compensation (TDC) remains by around 28% below the median level of the peer group (i.e. € 4,455,000
for the CEO compared to € 6,200,000 for the peer group in 2022).
€ 7,000,000
€ 6,000,000
€ 5,000,000
€ 4,000,000
€ 3,000,000
€ 2,000,000
€ 3,000,000
€ 2,970,000
€ 6,200,000
€ 4,455,000
€ 1,000,000
Total Target Cash Total Direct Compensation
In addition to external benchmark, the RNGC also considers the remuneration of employees through the review of the evolution
of the pay-ratio (see item (j)).
b) Base Salary
The 2022 CEO Base Salary level on a full year basis increased by 10% in the context of his renewal as per the Board of Directors’
decision, compared to 2021 and amounts to € 1,485,000 (still below the Base Salary of the former CEO: € 1,500,000 in 2019).
Common Collective
Variable € 1,113,750
Individual part: Remuneration Achievement:
€ 928,125 of CEO in 2022: 150%
Achievement: € 2,041,875
Financial 121%
= 150%
Sustainability 10%
20% FR1
200% 04
Minimum Maximum
Achievement Achievement
0% 200%
High level of achievement for EBIT and Free Cash Flow was driven by Airbus Commercial and Airbus Helicopters partially offset by
Airbus Defence & Space. Normalisations were made to exclude exceptional financial impacts such as currency exchange differences.
Sustainability targets are measured by two criteria: the rolling lost time injury frequency rate (“FR1”) which is the monthly number of
lost time injuries per million worked hours averaged over 12 months and the reduction in CO2 emissions (“CO2e”), each weighted
for 10% of the Common Collective Performance.
–– In 2022, the rolling FR1 decreased by more than 30% in Airbus Commercial and by more than 20% in both Airbus Helicopters
and Airbus Defence and Space, leading to a consolidated achievement of 200%. For further details, see section 1.2.9 Health
and Safety.
–– In 2022, the CO2e decreased by 8.5% (reduction of circa 63ktons), which is above the targeted reduction of 5%, leading to an
achievement of 171%. For further details, “– Information on the Company’s Activities – 1.2.2 Climate Change”.
For 2023, the Board of Directors decided to maintain the sustainability component as follows: FR1 for 50% and CO2 avoidance
for 50%. The targets for 2023 are:
–– a reduction of the rolling FR1 by 15% in Airbus Commercial and Airbus Helicopters (the rolling FR1 in these two Divisions at the
end of 2022 being still above 1) and by 10% in Airbus Defence and Space (the rolling FR1 for this Division at the end of 2022
being below 1) versus the actual 2022 rolling FR1;
–– annual targets are set in line with the Company’s 2030 roadmap; they refer to a material sub-scope of its operations on which
the Company can have a more direct control and influence. The CO2e for 2023 was set in absolute value at 687ktons, which
represents a reduction of -0.9% vs. 2022 for a scope extended to another four sites. For further details, “– Information on the
Company’s Activities – 1.2.2 Climate Change”.
(1) While the Company is paying all due attention to investors’ feedback, for sensitivity reasons specific information on vesting scale (threshold, target, maximum) is not
The Individual component has been assessed according to three sets of complementary objectives:
–– Top Company Objectives Assessment – accounting for 30% of the total Individual Component, shared with all company executives
to promote collective alignment;
–– CEO Individual Objectives – accounting for 60% of the total Individual Component;
–– CEO Behavioural Ojectives – accounting for 10% of the total Individual Component.
I. Outcomes element
A. 2022 Top Company Objectives
They have been defined and are structured around six clusters:
–– Customer;
–– Operational Performance;
–– Financial Performance;
–– People;
–– Sustainability;
–– Enable the Future.
A series of KPIs and associated targets have been set at the beginning of the year, for each of the clusters.
Each of the KPIs has been measured and compared to the relevant target, leading to a global measurement of the TCOs achievement
at 90% of the targets, as per details shown in the table “summary CEO achievement – Individual Component” at the beginning of
this chapter.
1. Perform again
Despite a challenging supply chain context, with notable disruption on engines and electronic components, aircraft deliveries
increased, reaching 661 at the end of 2022 compared to 611 in 2021. However, this falls short of the initial 2022 delivery guidance.
The industrial setup reshaping was pursued, with progress on the restructuring of the Aerostructures business (Airbus Atlantic,
Airbus Aerostructures GmbH, Premium Aerotec Industries) as well as on making all Final Assembly Lines A321-capable (Tianjin
and Toulouse in addition to Hamburg and Mobile).
ESG and Ethics & Compliance have been established as a strategic building block, actively engaging with the Company’s wide
stakeholders base:
–– notable steps have been made on the ZEROe aircraft programme, which aims to develop the first zero emission commercial
aircraft entering the market by 2035. In particular, the progress in terms of technology readiness level and industrial capabilities
can be highlighted, such as through the development of the ZEROe Emissions Development facilities;
–– developments were driven on SAF with the notable example of the establishment of a joint fund with Qantas;
–– very good progress has also been made on employee diversity, notably in terms of executives’ gender diversity hiring and
–– progress has been made on integrating defence within the wider ESG framework. Positive feedback was received after the 2022
Capital Market Day, and increased alignment with the wider private and public stakeholder base;
–– positive feedback was received from the AFA following the audits, and significant progress was made in anchoring Compliance
as a key pillar of the Company’s culture. The Deferred Prosecution Agreements have now expired and formal closure by the
authorities is pending in line with the procedural requirements of each country.
The grants in 2022 were performed in compliance with the performance measures (average EPS (75%) and cumulative FCF (25%))
described in paragraph item e). As per the current Remuneration Policy, the Performance Shares granted in 2021 will vest
in one tranche in May 2026.
Based on the above, the ratio between the fixed part of depending on the number of shares acquired at fair market value
the remuneration of the CEO in 2022 (Base Salary, annual by the employees, with a maximum discount of 50%. The total
contribution to the Company’s defined contribution pension offering was up to 2.2 million shares of Airbus SE, open to all
plan and benefits) and the variable part of the remuneration qualifying employees. Information about the plan can be found
(Variable Remuneration related to 2022 paid-out in 2023 and on the Company’s website.
LTIP vesting in 2022) is 48% / 52% (versus 49% / 51% in 2021).
Under the umbrella of the ESOP 2022, a dedicated UK tax
advantageous Share Incentive Plan (“SIP”) was also deployed
e) Share Ownership in March 2022.
The CEO owned 26,599 Airbus SE shares on 31 December 2022.
The CEO has reached the target of 200% of the Base Salary in Although the CEO was eligible for the plan, he did not participate
2022 thanks to a personal investment plan in Airbus SE shares. in the ESOP 2021 plan leaving more shares for employees in
order to favour the development of employee shareholding.
Please refer to the AFM website for any further
information related to the transactions of the CEO. g) Benefits
Costs of benefits provided through applicable mandatory
f) Employee Share Ownership Plan (ESOP) collective and social security plans are accounted for among
In March 2022, the Company offered all eligible employees the social charges (please refer to Note 34 to the IFRS Consolidated
opportunity to subscribe to a share matching plan, through Financial Statements for further details). The monetary value of
which the Company matches a certain number of directly other benefits provided to the CEO in 2022 amounts to € 32,734
acquired shares with a grant of matching shares. This ratio varies (vs € 32,479 in 2021).
(1) Base salary 2019 relates to the former CEO up to 10 April 2019 and to the current CEO from 10 April 2019.
(2) VR paid during the financial year at stake in relation to the previous financial year. In 2020, the VR paid is related to the former CEO from 1 January 2019 up to 10 April 2019
(based on target) and to the current CEO from 10 April 2019 up to the end of the year 2019. As a reminder, the current CEO decided in 2020 to donate the equivalent to his VR
related to 2019 to non-governmental organisations and humanitarian organisations.
(3) Face value of LTIP granted in the financial year. No LTIP was granted in 2018 to the former CEO due to his future departure.
(4) Average compensation of full-time equivalent permanent employees from France, Germany, the UK and Spain for the Company, excluding subsidiaries, composed by gross sum
of the Base Salary, annual bonus, profit and success sharing, overtime, premium for work conditions and other premiums. For the 2021 financial year, the amount presented has
been adjusted based on final figures. For the 2022 financial year, the amount presented is still an estimate and will be adjusted next year.
The 2022 CEO’s direct cash compensation is roughly the same The annual variation of the Employee compensation between
as in 2019, before the COVID-19 crisis. 2022 and 2021 is mainly due to two factors:
–– the success sharing paid in 2022 was much higher than the
The annual variation (+35%) of the CEO’s direct cash
one paid in 2021 due to the COVID-19 impact,
compensation between 2022 and 2021 is mainly due to the
–– in 2022, an exceptional premium of € 1,500 or £ 1,500 has
increase in the collective component of the Annual Variable
been paid following a decision from the CEO and the Executive
Remuneration (VR): the collective component related to the VR
Committee in order to support our employees facing the high
paid-out in 2021 to the CEO was impacted by the COVID-19
inflation environment.
crisis, while it was not the case for the payment in 2022 related
to the 2021 performance which was very strong due to quicker
than expected post COVID-19 recovery.
–– physical participation: 3,000 if the Chair or Member is based Note: upon recommendation of the RNGC, the Board of Directors
in Europe and double attendance fee amount, i.e. 6,000 if decided that the Committee fees in relation to the meetings of
the Chair or Member is based outside Europe, the ad hoc Board Committee convened in 2022 to address
–– participation by phone (whether the meeting is held physically some specific strategic topics (see section – Board
or by phone): 1,500. Committees), would be prorated to cover only the period from
July 2022, when the Committee first met, and December 2022.
The remuneration of the Non-Executive Members of the Board of Directors was as follows:
2022 2021
Attendance Attendance
(In €) Fixum(1) Fees(2) Total Fixum(1) Fees(2) Total
Non-Executive Board Members
René Obermann 225,000 135,000 360,000 210,000 90,000 300,000
Victor Chu 100,000 66,000 166,000 100,000 43,000 143,000
Jean-Pierre Clamadieu 140,000 96,500 236,500 130,000 67,500 197,500
Ralph D. Crosby Jr. 100,000 100,000 200,000 100,000 61,000 161,000
Mark Dunkerley(3) 124,420 112,000 236,420 100,000 66,000 166,000
Stephan Gemkow 110,000 98,000 208,000 100,000 63,000 163,000
Catherine Guillouard 140,000 98,000 238,000 130,000 67,500 197,500
Amparo Moraleda 140,000 103,000 243,000 130,000 54,500 184,500
Claudia Nemat 100,000 76,500 176,500 100,000 56,500 156,500
Irene Rummelhoff (4)
72,100 75,000 147,100 N/A N/A N/A
Antony Wood(5) 3,913 10,000 13,913 N/A N/A N/A
Former Non-Executive Board Members
Lord Drayson(6) 33,811 15,000 48,811 120,000 49,500 169,500
Carlos Tavares (7)
22,541 5,000 27,541 80,000 45,000 125,000
Total 1,311,785 990,000 2,301,785 1,300,000 663,500 1,963,500
(1) Fixum includes a base fee for Board membership and the relevant Committee membership as the case may be (Audit Committee, Remuneration, Nomination and Governance
Committee (“RNGC”), Ethics, Compliance and Sustainability Committee (“ECSC”) and/or ad hoc Committee). The fixum for the year 2022 was paid 50% in January 2022 and
50% in July 2022 except in relation to the ad hoc Committee for which the full amount was paid in January 2023. The fixum for the year 2021 was paid 50% in January 2021 and
50% in July 2021.
(2) 2022 attendance fees include the Board attendance fees and the fees in relation to the relevant Committee (Audit Committee, RNGC and ECSC) meetings. The Board
attendance fees related to the first semester 2022 were paid in July 2022, those related to the second semester 2022 were paid in January 2023. The Committees’ attendance
fees related to full year 2022 were paid in January 2023.
(3) Member of the RNGC since 12 April 2022.
(4) Member of the Board of Directors and the ECSC since 12 April 2022.
(5) Member of the Board of Directors since 14 December 2022.
(6) Member of the Board of Directors, the RNGC and the ECSC until 12 April 2022.
(7) Member of the Board of Directors until 12 April 2022.
The total aggregated remuneration (i.e. fixum and attendance attendance and recognise the strategic role played by the Board
fee) of the Non-Executive Members of the Board of Directors of Directors in the Company developments. The applicable
was respectively € 2,154,838 in 2020, € 2,350,176 in 2019 and fixum for Board membership as well as Committee membership
€ 2,010,910 in 2018. and chair remained unchanged since 2007.
For 2022, the applicable fixum for Board chair as well as the The applicable attendance fees for Committee membership
applicable attendance fees for Board Membership and chair remained unchanged since 1 January 2019 following the
remained unchanged since 1 January 2016 (first comprehensive decision made at the 2019 AGM to allocate an attendance
revision since 2007) following the decision made at the 2016 fee above four meetings per Committee per year in order to
AGM to increase the remuneration of the Chair (fixum by take into account Directors’ attendance at a greater number
€ 30,000 and attendance fees by € 5,000) and double (to of Committee meetings when the workload substantially
€ 10,000) the attendance fees of the Non-Executive Board intensifies due to exceptional circumstances.
Members in order to be in line with market practice, incentivise Miscellaneous
Policy for Loans and Guarantees Granted circumstances, such as an act or failure to act by a member of
the Board of Directors that can be characterised as intentional,
The Company’s general policy is not to grant any loan to the
intentionally reckless, or seriously culpable, there will be no
members of the Board of Directors. Unless the law provides
entitlement to this reimbursement. The Company has also
otherwise, the members of the Board of Directors shall be
taken out liability insurance (“D&O” – Directors & Officers) for
reimbursed by the Company for various costs and expenses,
the persons concerned.
like reasonable costs of defending claims. Under certain
The following table summarises the main terms of the ESOPs conducted over the last three years:
Year Price per share Nominal value per share Number of shares issued Date of issuance
€ 136.00(1) / € 136.60(2) / €1 891,633 4 May 2020
2020 € 90.09(3) €1 84,522 18 November 2020
€ 89.52(1) / € 93.90(2) / €1 1,871,546 18 March 2021
2021 € 114.90(3) €1 62,874 18 October 2021
€ 114.01(1) / € 117.88(2) / €1 2,052,236 17 March 2022
2022 € 99.10(3) €1 68,809 18 October 2022
(1) Shares purchased within context of French group employee savings plan.
(2) Shares purchased directly.
(3) Under the umbrella of the ESOP, a dedicated UK tax advantageous Share Incentive Plan, SIP, was also deployed in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
In 2022 and 2021, the Board of Directors approved a new ESOP 2022 (2021: 17 February 2021), resulting in a price of € 114.01
scheme. Eligible employees were able to purchase a fixed (2021: € 89.52). In 2022, the Company issued and sold 1,296,252
number of previously unissued shares at fair market value (5, 10, ordinary shares (2021: 1,442,645) with a nominal value of € 1.00
15, 30, 60 or 100 shares in 2022; 5, 15, 30, 50 or 100 shares in each. In 2022, the Company issued and distributed 824,793
2021). The Company matched each fixed number of shares with matching ordinary shares (2021: 491,775) with a nominal value
a number of the Company free shares based on a determined of € 1.00 each. Compensation expense (excluding social security
ratio (5, 9, 12, 20, 35 and 55 free shares, respectively in 2022, contributions) of € 82 million (2021: € 49 million) was recognised
versus 4, 7, 10, 13 and 25 free shares, respectively in 2021). in connection with ESOP in 2022.
During a custody period of at least one year, employees are
The Company intends to implement an ESOP in 2023, subject
restricted from selling the shares, but have the right to receive
to approval by the Board of Directors, open to all qualifying
all dividends paid. Employees who directly purchased the
employees (including the CEO). With future ESOP, the Company
Airbus SE shares have, in addition, the ability to vote at the
intends to offer shares to eligible employees through the issuance
Annual Shareholder Meetings. The subscription price was equal
of shares or free distribution of shares or other existing or new
to the closing price at the Paris stock exchange on 16 March
securities giving access to the capital as a matching contribution.
2022 (2021: 17 February 2021) and amounted to € 106.82 (2021:
This plan would aim at favouring the development of employee
€ 93.90). Investing through a mutual fund led to a price which
corresponds to the average price at the Paris stock exchange
during the 20 trading days immediately preceding 16 February
Since 2016, the Company operates a Performance Units and Performance Shares Plan. Performance Units qualify as a cash-settled
share based payment plan under IFRS 2 and Performance Shares qualify as an equity-settled share-based payment plan under
IFRS 2. Since 2022, the Company operates only a Performance Shares Plan.
The principal characteristics of these Performance Units and Performance Shares as of 31 December 2022 are set out in the “Notes
to the IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements – Note 33: Share-based payment”. They are also summarised in the tables below:
Nineteenth tranche
Date of Board of Directors meeting (grant date) 30 October 2017
Performance Units and Performance Shares plan
Performance Units Performance Shares
Number of units/shares granted (1)
421,638 425,702
Number of units/shares granted through Equity Pool(2) 1,898 1,898
Number of units/shares outstanding
-- Units/shares granted to:
0 0
-- Mr Guillaume Faury* 4,404 4,404
-- the ten employees having being granted the highest
number of units/shares during the year 2017
(nineteenth tranche) 53,808 57,872
Total number of eligible beneficiaries 1,601
Vesting dates: The Performance Units and Shares will vest if the participant is still employed by an Airbus company at the respective vesting
dates and upon achievement of mid-term business performance. Vesting schedule is made up of two payments over two years:
--Performance Units: 50% vested in May 2021, and 50% expected in May 2022;
--Performance Shares: 100% vested in May 2021.
Number of vested units/shares 192,010 194,975
(1) Based on 100% target performance achievement. A minimum of 50% of Performance Units will vest; 100% in case of on-target performance achievement; up to a maximum of
150% in case of overachievement of performance criteria. In case of absolute negative results (cumulative EBIT* of Airbus) during the performance period, the Board of Directors
can decide to review the vesting of the Performance Units including the 50% portion which is not subject to performance conditions (additional vesting condition).
(2) Mirroring the respective plan rules and regulations, but granted at a different date based on specific Board of Directors’ resolutions.
* For more information in respect of units and shares granted to the Chief Executive Officer, please refer to the “Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements –
Note 34: Remuneration”.
Twentieth tranche
Date of Board of Directors meeting (grant date) 30 October 2018
Performance Units and Performance Shares plan
Performance Units Performance Shares
Number of units/shares granted (1)
278,376 281,181
Number of units/shares granted through Equity Pool(2) 6,664 6,664
Number of units/shares outstanding 64,147 0
Units/shares granted to:
-- Mr Guillaume Faury* 4,208 4,208
-- the ten employees having being granted the highest
number of units/shares during the year 2018
(twentieth tranche) 23,578 26,383
Total number of eligible beneficiaries 1,626
Vesting dates: The Performance Units and Shares will vest if the participant is still employed by an Airbus company at the respective vesting
dates and upon achievement of mid-term business performance. Vesting schedule is made up of two payments over two years:
--Performance Units: 50% vested in May 2022, and 50% expected in May 2023;
--Performance Shares: 100% vested in May 2022.
Number of vested units/shares 66,714 132,120
(1) Based on 100% target performance achievement. A minimum of 50% of Performance Units will vest; 100% in case of on-target performance achievement; up to a maximum of
150% in case of overachievement of performance criteria. In case of absolute negative results (cumulative EBIT* of Airbus) during the performance period, the Board of Directors
can decide to review the vesting of the Performance Units including the 50% portion which is not subject to performance conditions (additional vesting condition).
(2) Mirroring the respective plan rules and regulations, but granted at a different date based on specific Board of Directors’ resolutions.
* For more information in respect of units and shares granted to the Chief Executive Officer, please refer to the “Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements –
Note 34: Remuneration”.
Twenty-first tranche
Date of Board of Directors meeting (grant date) 29 October 2019
Performance Units and Performance Shares plan
Performance Units Performance Shares
Number of units/shares granted (1)
247,508 247,508
Number of units/shares granted through Equity Pool(2) 4,343 4,252
Number of units/shares outstanding 114,075 115,134
Units/shares granted to:
-- Mr Guillaume Faury* 5,530 5,530
-- the ten employees having being granted the highest
number of units/shares during the year 2019
(twenty-first tranche) 28,058 28,058
Total number of eligible beneficiaries 1,576
Vesting dates: The Performance Units and Shares will vest if the participant is still employed by an Airbus company at the respective vesting
dates and upon achievement of mid-term business performance. Vesting schedule is made up of two payments over two years:
--Performance Units: 50% vested in May 2023, and 50% expected in May 2024;
--Performance Shares: 100% vested in May 2023.
Number of vested units/shares - -
(1) Based on 100% target performance achievement. A minimum of 50% of Performance Units will vest; 100% in case of on-target performance achievement; up to a maximum of
150% in case of overachievement of performance criteria. In case of absolute negative results (cumulative EBIT* of Airbus) during the performance period, the Board of Directors
can decide to review the vesting of the Performance Units including the 50% portion which is not subject to performance conditions (additional vesting condition).
(2) Mirroring the respective plan rules and regulations, but granted at a different date based on specific Board of Directors’ resolutions.
* For more information in respect of units and shares granted to the Chief Executive Officer, please refer to the “Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements –
Note 34: Remuneration”.
Twenty-second tranche
Date of Board of Directors meeting (grant date) 28 October 2020
Performance Units and Performance Shares plan
Performance Units Performance Shares
Number of units/shares granted(1) 420,004 420,004
Number of units/shares granted through Equity Pool (2)
1,224 1,224
Number of units/shares outstanding 401,527 401,527
Units/shares granted to:
-- Mr Guillaume Faury* 9,920 9,920
-- the ten employees having being granted the highest
number of units/shares during the year 2020
(twenty-second tranche) 48,610 48,610
Total number of eligible beneficiaries 1,602
Vesting dates: The Performance Units and Shares will vest if the participant is still employed by an Airbus company at the respective vesting
dates and upon achievement of mid-term business performance. Vesting schedule is made up of two payments over two years:
Performance Units: 50% expected in May 2024, and 50% expected in May 2025.
Performance Shares: 100% vested in May 2024. 04
Number of vested units/sjates - -
(1) Based on 100% target performance achievement. A minimum of 50% of Performance Units will vest; 100% in case of on-target performance achievement; up to a maximum of
150% in case of overachievement of performance criteria. In case of absolute negative results (cumulative EBIT* of Airbus) during the performance period, the Board of Directors
can decide to review the vesting of the Performance Units including the 50% portion which is not subject to performance conditions (additional vesting condition).
(2) Mirroring the respective plan rules and regulations, but granted at a different date based on specific Board of Directors’ resolutions.
* For more information in respect of units and shares granted to the Chief Executive Officer, please refer to the “Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements – Note 34:
Twenty-third tranche
Date of Board of Directors meeting (grant date) 15 December 2021
Performance Shares Plan
Number of shares granted(1) 520,870
Number of shares granted through Equity Pool(2) 7,438
Number of shares outstanding 522,932
Shares granted to:
-- Mr Guillaume Faury* 12,121
-- the ten employees having being granted the highest number of shares
during the year 2021 (twenty-third tranche) 61,412
Total number of eligible beneficiaries 1,782
Vesting dates: The Performance Shares will vest if the participant is still employed by an Airbus company at the respective vesting dates
and upon achievement of mid-term business performance. Vesting schedule is expected in May 2025.
Number of vested shares -
(1) Based on 100% target performance achievement. A minimum of 50% of Performance Shares will vest; 100% in case of on-target performance achievement; up to a maximum of
150% in case of overachievement of performance criteria. In case of absolute negative results (cumulative EBIT* of Airbus) during the performance period, the Board of Directors
can decide to review the vesting of the Performance Shares including the 50% portion which is not subject to performance conditions (additional vesting condition).
(2) Mirroring the respective plan rules and regulations, but granted at a different date based on specific Board of Directors’ resolutions.
* For more information in respect of shares granted to the Chief Executive Officer, please refer to the “Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements – Note 34: Remuneration”.
Twenty-fourth tranche
Date of Board of Directors meeting (grant date) 14 December 2022
Performance Shares Plan
Number of shares granted(1) 649,373
Number of shares granted through Equity Pool(2) 1,348
Number of shares outstanding 650,721
Shares granted to:
-- Mr Guillaume Faury* 14,115
-- the ten employees having being granted the highest number of shares
during the year 2022 (twenty-fourth tranche) 63,471
Total number of eligible beneficiaries 1,574
Vesting dates: The Performance Shares will vest if the participant is still employed by an Airbus company at the respective vesting dates
and upon achievement of mid-term business performance. Vesting schedule is expected in May 2026.
Number of vested shares -
(1) Based on 100% target performance achievement. A minimum of 50% of Performance Shares will vest; 100% in case of on-target performance achievement; up to a maximum of
150% in case of overachievement of performance criteria. In case of absolute negative results (cumulative EBIT* of Airbus) during the performance period, the Board of Directors
can decide to review the vesting of the Performance Shares including the 50% portion which is not subject to performance conditions (additional vesting condition).
(2) Mirroring the respective plan rules and regulations, but granted at a different date based on specific Board of Directors’ resolutions.
* For more information in respect of shares granted to the Chief Executive Officer, please refer to the “Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements – Note 34: Remuneration”.
The information in respect of stock options and performance and restricted shares cancelled and exercised during the year are
set out in “Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements – Note 33: Share-based payment”.
No other Member of the Board of Directors holds shares or other securities in the Company.
5.6 Statement on Approval
This Universal Registration Document has been filed with the AFM on 4 April 2023 in its capacity as competent authority under
the Prospectus Regulation without prior approval pursuant to Article 9 of the Prospectus Regulation. This Universal Registration
Document may be used for the purposes of an offer to the public of securities or admission of securities to trading on a regulated
market if approved by the AFM together with any amendments, if applicable, and a securities note and summary approved in
accordance with the Prospectus Regulation.