Do COVID 19 Pandemic Related Policy Shocks Flatten The Bid Rent Curve? Evidence From Real Estate Markets in Shanghai
Do COVID 19 Pandemic Related Policy Shocks Flatten The Bid Rent Curve? Evidence From Real Estate Markets in Shanghai
Do COVID 19 Pandemic Related Policy Shocks Flatten The Bid Rent Curve? Evidence From Real Estate Markets in Shanghai
The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically affected the socioeconomic activities and peo-
ples’ daily life, resulting in a change in locational preferences in the real estate markets.
Although enormous efforts have been devoted to examining the housing price impacts of
the COVID-19 pandemic, little is known about the responses of the real estate markets to
the evolving pandemic control measures. This study investigates the price gradient effects
of various pandemic-related policy shocks using a hedonic price model on the district-level
property transaction data in Shanghai, China over a 48-month period from 2018 to 2021.
We found that these shocks have significantly altered the bid-rent curves. The price gra-
dient for residential property units decreased in absolute value to − 0.433 after Wuhan’s
lockdown, demonstrating peoples’ preferences to avoid the high infection risks in districts
closer to the city center. However, in the post-reopening and post-vaccine periods, the price
gradient increased to − 0.463 and − 0.486, respectively, implying rational expectations of a
recovering real estate market for the low infection and mortality rates. In addition, we dis-
covered that Wuhan’s lockdown has steepened the price gradient for commercial property
units, suggesting a decline in business volumes and an increase in operating costs in the
low-density districts imposed by the strict pandemic control measures. This study contrib-
utes to the empirical literature on the price gradient effects of the COVID-19 pandemic by
extending the study period to the post-vaccine era.
Keywords COVID-19 pandemic · Bid-rent curve · Hedonic price model · Real estate
* Zhikang Bao
[email protected]
Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong,
Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong,
Hong Kong
School of Mathematics, Hunan University, Changsha, China
Y. Ou et al.
1 Introduction
Do COVID‑19 pandemic‑related policy shocks flatten the bid‑rent…
Shanghai has experienced different stages of pandemic severity, allowing us to test the
responses of the real estate market at different COVID-19 pandemic stages.
The remainder of this study is structured as follows. Section 2 comprises three literature
review sections on the pandemic control measures, the property market responses to pub-
lic health crises, and the impacts of COVID-19 on the bid-rent curve. The methodology
and data are articulated in Sect. 3. Section 4 explains the model results and Sect. 5 dis-
cusses the policy implications and limitations of our study. Finally, conclusions are drawn
in Sect. 6. The goal of this study is twofold. The first is to introduce the bid-rent theory to
the literature on the real estate market effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The second goal
is to empirically examine the changes in the property price gradient associated with vari-
ous pandemic-related policy shocks.
2 Literature review
After the first case of COVID-19 infection was reported in late 2019 in Wuhan, China, the
COVID-19 pandemic rapidly spread throughout China and the rest of the world, which sig-
nificantly threatened global public health. Since then, various pandemic control measures
have been implemented in different countries. In the earlier stages of the pandemic, control
measures were mainly designed to contain the transmission of disease and mitigate the cor-
responding infections. For example, in China, aggressive containment strategies combined
with tremendous efforts of medical workers and Chinese citizens significantly contrib-
uted to containing COVID-19 within the first two months after Wuhan’s initial lockdown
(Cheng et al., 2021). In particular, two pandemic control measures, viz. the suspension of
intra-city public transport and closures of entertainment venues, helped significantly reduc-
ing the number of confirmed cases in China within 50 days, reflecting the effectiveness
of China’s national emergency responses in curbing the spread of COVID-19 (Tian et al.,
Similar measures were also adopted in other countries. In European countries such
as Germany, Spain, France, Italy and the UK, pandemic control measures like isolating
suspected and confirmed cases, closing schools and universities, encouraging social dis-
tancing, banning mass gatherings, as well as complete lockdowns, were implemented at
varying degrees since March 2020 (Aquino et al., 2020). In February 2020, the United
States, as one of the first countries to impose a border control measure, suspended the entry
of foreigners who had visited China within the previous 14 days (Lai & Cheong, 2020).
However, other transmission control measures and government responses were relatively
delayed in the United States, leading to an exponential growth in infections (Dandekar &
Barbastathis, 2020).
Since the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine in early 2021, various governments had
shifted their strategy to promoting vaccination and subsequently changed their pandemic-
related policies. Although vaccines cannot prevent transmission of the virus that causes
COVID-19, their effectiveness in protecting the infected population from severe health
impacts is well-proven (Duckett et al., 2021). By September 2022, approximately 110
million US citizens had been fully vaccinated (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention,
2022), and the US president, Joe Biden, declared the end of the COVID-19 pandemic in
the United States (Williams, 2022). In Australia, the national cabinet approved a national
Y. Ou et al.
reopening plan after implementing successful vaccination policies (Angeles et al., 2022).
In China, over 88% of the population were fully vaccinated as of October 2022, and the
dynamic zero COVID-19 policy, which requires mass testing and strict quarantine meas-
ures, is still China’s central COVID-19 control strategy at the time this paper was published
(Burki, 2022).
With a decreasing mortality rate due to the extensive vaccinationprogram, discussions
about a balance between public health and economic growth have received growing atten-
tion from the public and policymakers. Despite the importance of this topic in the con-
text of policymaking, relevant studies on the socioeconomic impacts of pandemic-related
policies are relatively sparse, with their findings being inconclusive. Guan et al. (2020)
asserted that stricter initial lockdowns could minimize economic losses and bring substan-
tial positive externality to the whole world. Contrastingly, a study focusing on 46 countries
suggested that strict containment measures would result in smaller economic gains, while
the vaccination rate is positively associated with the economic activities (Deb et al., 2022).
In China, the real estate market has been heavily affected during the COVID-19 pandemic
(Cheung et al., 2021; Tian et al., 2021). However, to the best of our knowledge, there is a
lack of relevant studies to explore the impacts of vaccination and other pandemic control
measures on the real estate market. Therefore, this study is motivated to fill this gap.
Few studies in the literature explored the impact of public health crises prior to the COVID-
19 pandemic on the real estate market. This is partially due to the speedy containment of
these incidents and the incomplete historical transaction records. We only identify three
studies on this topic, and all documented a negative association between the public health
incidents and housing prices. Of the three studies, two focused on the severe acute res-
piratory syndrome (SARS), suggesting a housing price decline of 1.0–7.1% associated with
the SARS outbreak in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Lu et al.,
2022; Wong, 2008). Another study conducted in European countries explored the impacts
of plague and cholera on housing prices in Amsterdam and Paris, respectively (Francke &
Korevaar, 2021). The SARS outbreak in Hong Kong was rapidly contained without caus-
ing a long-term economic impact, while the studied infectious diseases in Europe remained
local due to relatively less international mobility in the seventeenth and nineteenth cen-
turies. In contrast, the COVID-19 pandemic has lasted for nearly three years, resulting in
long-lasting impacts on the real estate markets worldwide. This reveals an urgent need for
an enhanced understanding of the real estate market impacts brought by COVID-19.
Numerous recent studies have examined the impacts of COVID-19 outbreaks on prop-
erty prices worldwide. For example, a decline in housing rental prices in 49 metropolitan
areas in the United States is observed after a local spread of COVID-19 (Kuk et al., 2021).
In Australia, when newly confirmed COVID-19 cases in a state were doubled, the hous-
ing returns were found to have decreased by 1.26% (Hu et al., 2021). In China, Qian et al.
(2021) found a 2.47% nationwide decrease in housing prices associated with the confirmed
COVID-19 cases, using a difference-in-differences model. Similarly, Tian et al. (2021)
indicated a 13.7% decline in urban residential land prices with a unit percent increase in
epidemic severity in the Yangtze River Delta of China. However, these estimates only
investigated the short-term responses of the real estate market to the COVID-19 pandemic.
There is a lack of studies focusing on the middle- or long-term impacts of the pandemic in
connection to location choices.
Do COVID‑19 pandemic‑related policy shocks flatten the bid‑rent…
MSA metropolitan statistical area, ZCBP ZIP code business pattern, DTC distance to the city center, PD
population density, ED employment density, BH building height, FL floor level
*Sample size is missing
The bid-rent curve has long been used to examine households’ locational preferences in
the land and real estate markets. Theoretical works on the bid-rent theory by Alonso (1960,
1964), Mills (1967), and Muth (1969) propose a downward-sloping price gradient from
the city center, as illustrated in Fig. 1, assuming that households make a trade-off between
the transport costs and housing costs when there is scarcer land supply near the city center.
Since then, the Alonso–Muth–Mills model of the bid-rent theory has been extensively
applied in empirical studies to examine the changes in housing price gradients associated
with urban developments (Huai et al., 2021), urban industrial transition (Ahlfeldt & Wend-
land, 2013), and transportation infrastructure supply (Chang & Murakami, 2019; Yiu &
Wong, 2005; Zheng & Kahn, 2008). In this sense, estimating the bid-rent curves can help
understand the formation of the urban spatial structure and housing price differentials. This
is of great use to policymakers when formulating various urban policies or public infra-
structure development strategies and to homebuyers or private property developers when
making investment decisions.
Y. Ou et al.
Given its impacts on peoples’ daily routines, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly
affected consumer preferences for location choices and may potentially change the bid-rent
curve for the following reasons. First, a higher infection risk near the city center due to
higher population density and more socioeconomic activities may lower households’ pref-
erence for living closer to the city center (Cheung et al., 2021). Second, a rising trend of
remote working during the pandemic may also contribute to a decreased housing demand
and prices in city centers, as explained by the reduced price premiums for shorter commut-
ing distances (Brueckner et al., 2021).
Several empirical studies have examined the price gradient effects of the COVID-19
pandemic (Table 1). Five US-based studies discovered the flattening of bid-rent curves
affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Brueckner et al. (2021) identified a flattened intra-
city housing price gradient associated with a rising trend of WFH. Ramani and Bloom
(2021) asserted a “donut effect” in 12 metropolitans in the United States, suggesting the
decreased rents and housing values in high-density areas after the pandemic. Similarly,
Gupta et al. (2022) and Liu and Su (2021) concluded a declining trend in housing prices
associated with an increasing distance to city centers and population density in the US met-
ropolitan areas during the pandemic. According to a more recent study focusing on com-
mercial units, the rent price premium associated with employment density substantially
drops during the pandemic in 89 urban areas in the United States (Rosenthal et al., 2022).
In China, studies on this topic are relatively sparse; however, empirical evidence in sup-
port of the flattening of the bid-rent curve still exists. Using housing transaction data from
January 2019 to July 2020 in Wuhan, Cheung et al. (2021) reported a 4.8–7.0% drop in
housing prices due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with corresponding districts closer to the
epicenter experiencing a greater decline in housing prices than suburban districts. Another
study by Huang et al. (2022) also observed a 2% decrease in housing prices 35 days after
the 2020 Chinese Lunar Festival among the 60 Chinese cities, where a flattened housing
price gradient is also explicitly exhibited. However, these studies’ which primarily focused
Dependent variables
SP_RESI Average unit selling price for residential property (RMB/m2) 768 5.28E + 04 2.31E + 04
SP_COM Average unit selling price for commercial property (RMB/m2) 761 4.95E + 04 1.54E + 04
Variables of interest
DTC Distance to the city center (km) 16 2.02E + 01 1.40E + 01
POP_D Population density in 2019 (persons/km2) 16 1.30E + 04 1.17E + 04
SCH_D School density (schools/103 km2) 16 7.67E + 02 9.53E + 02
MAL_D Mall density (malls/103 km2) 16 1.15E + 02 1.27E + 02
HOS_D Hospital density (hospitals/103 km2) 16 1.67E + 02 2.00E + 02
Control variables
SV_RESI Supply volume for residential property (unit) 768 6.43E + 03 6.43E + 03
SV_COM Supply volume for commercial property (unit) 763 2.05E + 02 2.21E + 02
Time dummies
T1 1 if 2020.02 or later; 0 otherwise 768 5.00E − 01 5.00E − 01
T2 1 if 2020.04 or later; 0 otherwise 768 4.38E − 01 4.96E − 01
T3 1 if 2021.02 or later; 0 otherwise 768 2.29E − 01 4.21E − 01
Do COVID‑19 pandemic‑related policy shocks flatten the bid‑rent…
Fig. 2 Monthly average transaction prices for residential and commercial units during the study period.
Source: Created by the author from Xitai data (2022)
Y. Ou et al.
on the pre-2021 period may not reflect the long-term impacts of COVID-19 control meas-
ures on housing prices, and this calls for the urgent need to extend the study period.
China’s strict pandemic-related policies have led to consistently low infection rates and
a slow economic recovery of the country, particularly after Wuhan’s reopening and vacci-
nation program (Tian, 2021). Given the rational expectation of a recovering housing mar-
ket associated with the low infection risk and vaccine availability, we hypothesize a steep-
ened bid-rent curve for the post-reopening and post-vaccine periods.
3 Methodology
Shanghai, an international financial center in eastern China, has a metropolitan area of over
6,340 km2. As of the end of 2020, the population of Shanghai was approximately 25 mil-
lion, with a GDP per capita of 22,600 USD (Shanghai Bureau of Statistics, 2022). The
large population and strong economic performance have ensured Shanghai’s booming real
estate markets. During the study period, the property prices for residential and commercial
units share a similar trend, with them being relatively stable during the pre-2021 period,
followed by a gradual increase in early 2021 after vaccine became available (Fig. 2). This
offers a favorable environment to test the price gradient effects of the pandemic-related
shocks for the residential and commercial real estate markets, where drastic fluctuations in
the supply and price with a potential to incur biased estimates are not observed during the
study period.
Our 48-month panel dataset for the 16 districts in Shanghai was constructed from three
primary sources (See Fig. 3 for spatial distribution of districts in Shanghai). The trans-
action data for residential and commercial property units, aggregated at the district level,
including the supply volume and average selling prices, were obtained from the Xitai
database—one of the largest online Chinese real estate transaction databases (Xitai Data,
2022). The population density data were extracted from the Shanghai Statistical Yearbook
(Shanghai Bureau of Statistics, 2022). Other density measures, such as the hospital, retail
and school density, were computed based on the point of interest data collected from the
OpenStreetMap dataset (OpenStreetMap, 2022). The descriptive statistics for all tested var-
iables are summarized in Table 2.
3.2 Empirical model
The hedonic price model, which assumes that a commodity’s explicit price is the com-
posite of the implicit prices of its attributes (Rosen, 1974), has been widely adopted to
examine the prices of various housing attributes, both inherently and extrinsically, such as
the number of rooms (Fletcher et al., 2000; Li & Brown, 1980), transit accessibility (Yang
et al., 2020, 2022, 2023) and environmental (dis)amenities (Nam et al., 2022; Ou et al.,
2022). This model has also been applied to examine the price gradient effects, given its
ability to estimate the marginal willingness to pay for the locational attributes regarding the
distance to the city center and population density (Brander & Koetse, 2011; Chen & Hao,
Do COVID‑19 pandemic‑related policy shocks flatten the bid‑rent…
*p < 0.10; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.01; standard errors are in parentheses
*p < 0.10; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.01; standard errors are in parentheses
In this study, we first estimate a baseline hedonic price model to capture the average
price gradient in Shanghai during the study period. The full-log fixed-effects model is
given in Eq. (1), where yit is the average selling or rental price in district i at month t; di is
Y. Ou et al.
Fig. 4 Bid-rent curves for T1, T2, and T3 periods. Source: Created by the authors from Xitai data (2022)
a locational attribute; xit is a control variable of the housing unit supply; 𝛽0, 𝛽1, and 𝛽2 are
parameters to be estimated; 𝛼i and 𝛾t are the district and time fixed effects, respectively; and
𝜀it is the error term.
( ) ( )
ln yit = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 ln di + 𝛽2 ln(xit ) + 𝛼i + 𝛾t + 𝜀it
We tested two locational attributes for di in this model. One is the distance to the city
centre (DTC), where the city centre is defined as the location of the Shanghai Municipal
Government Office. The other is the district-level population density in 2019 (POP_D).
These two locational attributes are used to capture the distance price gradient and density
price gradient, respectively.
To examine the impacts of several pandemic-related shocks on the housing price gra-
) 𝐓it , to Eq. (2), which includes the interaction
dient, we additionally introduced a (vector,
terms between time dummies and ln di with the model. All other notations remain identi-
cal to those as defined in Eq. (1).
( ) ( )
ln yit = 𝛽0 + 𝛽1 ln di + 𝛽2 ln(xit ) + 𝜷 3 𝐓it + 𝛼i + 𝛾t + 𝜀it
Three time dummies were included, namely post-COVID (T1), post-reopening (T2),
and post-vaccine (T3). The T1 period, starting from January 23, 2020, is used to test the
real estate market impacts associated with the lockdown of Wuhan, given that semi-lock-
down measures, such as social distancing and quarantine interventions, were also imposed
in Shanghai since February 2020 to contain the spread of COVID-19 (Leung et al., 2020;
Qiu et al., 2020). In comparison, the T2 (April 8, 2020) and T3 (February 5, 2021) periods
were applied to test the respective real estate market responses to the reopening of Wuhan
and vaccine availability associated with the rational expectations of low infection risk and
the return to pre-pandemic daily life.
Do COVID‑19 pandemic‑related policy shocks flatten the bid‑rent…
*p < 0.10; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.01; standard errors are in parentheses
4 Results
Our baseline hedonic price model results suggest positive housing price impacts of the
proximity to the city center and population density during the study period (Table 3). As
shown in Model [1], the coefficient of − 0.457 for our key explanatory variable is signifi-
cant at the 1% level, suggesting that housing prices decrease by 0.457% with a 1% increase
in the distance to the city center. Accordingly, the results presented in Model [2] reveal that
housing prices rise by 0.513% for every 1% increase in population density. These findings
confirm an overall downward bid-rent curve in Shanghai during the study period.
Y. Ou et al.
*p < 0.10; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.01; standard errors are in parentheses
The results of the price gradient models with interaction terms show that COVID-
19 pandemic-related shocks have significantly affected housing price gradients; how-
ever, their impacts, in terms of sign, tend to be divergent (Table 4). As shown in Model
[1], all three interaction terms are significant at 10% or higher levels, with the first
interaction term (T1) having a positive sign and the remaining two (T2 and T3) hav-
ing negative signs. The base elasticity of − 0.445 for months before the pandemic first
declined in absolute values to − 0.433 during the lockdown of Wuhan. It then increased
to − 0.463 and − 0.486 after the reopening of Wuhan and after the vaccine availability,
respectively. This trend is also confirmed by the bid-rent curves drawn from the three
different periods (Fig. 4), with the steepness of the curves increasing over time.
Similar results are also reported in Model [2]. The density gradient declined from
0.505 to 0.490 after Wuhan’s lockdown, bounced back to 0.519 during the post-reo-
pening period and further increased to 0.544 during the post-vaccine period. On the
one hand, the flattened bid-rent curve observed during Wuhan’s lockdown is consist-
ent with the findings of existing empirical studies (Cheung et al., 2021; Huang et al.,
2022), reflecting homebuyers’ housing preferences in avoiding higher infection risk in
the city center with a higher population density. On the other hand, an increase in price
premium for proximity to the city center for the post-reopening and post-vaccine peri-
ods may be understood in two ways. First, a high infection risk and a rising trend of
Do COVID‑19 pandemic‑related policy shocks flatten the bid‑rent…
*p < 0.10; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.01; standard errors are in parentheses
remote working, which flatten the price gradient, no longer exist under China’s strin-
gent pandemic control and vaccination policies. Second, public service and medical
resources with greater price premiums are concentrated in more developed high-den-
sity areas during the pandemic (Yang & Zhou, 2022). Additionally, a higher elasticity
measured in absolute value for the post-vaccine period compared to the post-reopening
period reflects that the expectations for long-term recovery associated with vaccine
availability bring homebuyers greater confidence in the housing market than the short-
term recovery associated with the dynamic zero COVID-19 strategies.
4.2 Robustness tests
We designed robustness tests to examine the sensitivity of the price gradient regard-
ing the measure of density. For this purpose, we replaced the population density with
school, mall, and hospital densities which often explain the patterns of population
distribution associated with education, shopping, and healthcare purposes (Bao et al.,
2022). As demonstrated in Table 5, the key findings still hold, with the coefficients
for density measures and their interaction terms in all three models showing identical
signs and being significant at the 5% or higher levels.
The base estimates for the three models presented in Table 5 range within [0.468,
0.526], presenting acceptable differences in the absolute value between 4.2 and 7.3%
from the referenced base estimate of 0.505. The most significant difference of 7.3% is
found in Model [3] when the population density is replaced by the hospital density,
showing the lowest base elasticity of 0.468 among all the three models. This is prob-
ably due to the dual effects of hospital accessibility on housing prices. Healthcare ser-
vices with high accessibility could positively affect the housing prices, while higher
infection risks in the vicinity of hospitals during the pandemic would negatively affect
the housing prices (Cheung et al., 2021).
Another interesting question on this topic is whether the price gradient for commer-
cial units has a different response to the pandemic-related policy shocks compared to
residential ones. Theoretically, the steepness of the bid-rent curves for residential and
commercial property markets is determined by different factors, which may be affected
by various impacts of the pandemic-related shocks. According to Alonso (1960), three
factors affecting the residential location choices are the budget constraints, commuting
distances and living spaces, while location decisions made by firms are based on their
business volumes and operating costs. In this study, we limited our discussion to the
Y. Ou et al.
commercial units, given a lack of observations for the office units in Shanghai’s Chong-
ming, Jinshan and Fengxian districts.
The results of the price gradient models for commercial units are summarized in
Table 6. The baseline results for commercial units presented in Models [1] and [3] are
consistent with residential units in terms of the sign and statistical significance for DTC
and POP_D. In Model [1], the coefficient of − 0.274 for DTC is significant at the 1%
level, suggesting that the selling price for commercial units will drop by 0.27% with
every 1% increase in the distance to the city center. Similarly, the coefficient of 0.281
presented in Model [3] demonstrates a 0.28% increase in selling price associated with
a 1% increase in population density. However, the estimates of base elasticity for com-
mercial units are lower in absolute value than those for residential units. One possible
explanation for the lower price gradient for commercial units is that some district-spe-
cific advantages (e.g. better access to education and healthcare services) provided in the
urban core districts may attract local residents more than commercial entities. As shown
in Table 7, both the school and hospital densities strongly correlate with population den-
sity and distance to the city center, suggesting that education and healthcare resources
favored by local residents are concentrated in urban core districts with a high population
density. Also, the strong negative correlations between DTC and other density measures
reflect the monocentric structure of Shanghai, validating our use of the bid-rent model.1
Interestingly, Table 6 shows that Wuhan’s lockdown seems to have opposite impacts on
the price gradients for commercial and residential units in Shanghai. As presented in Mod-
els [2] and [4], the coefficients of − 0.003 and 0.027 for the first interaction term (T1) are
significant at the 1% level, suggesting a steeper bid-rent curve for commercial units after
Wuhan’s lockdown. This result indicates that disruptions in the public transit systems and
in the daily lives of residents during the semi-lockdown in Shanghai posed stronger nega-
tive impacts on business volumes in the low-density districts than in high-density ones.
Similar findings are also reported in the United States, with more job opportunities being
concentrated in the urban cores shortly after the pandemic (Delventhal et al., 2022). For the
post-vaccine period, the distance and density price gradients for commercial units increase
in absolute values to − 0.284 and 0.318, respectively. A similar trend is also found for resi-
dential units, reflecting the common expectations of a pre-pandemic lifestyle associated
with low infection and mortality risks.
5 Discussion
Overall, our results on the flattening bid-rent curve during the lockdown period from Feb-
ruary to April 2020 in Shanghai are consistent with the findings drawn from other cities
in China (Cheung et al., 2021; Huang et al., 2022) and in the US (Brueckner et al., 2021;
Gupta et al., 2022; Liu & Su, 2021; Ramani & Bloom, 2021; Rosenthal et al., 2022), con-
firming people’s infection-avoidance behaviors and a shift towards remote working during
the COVID-19 pandemic. However, by extending the study period to the post-vaccine era,
we find that the reopening of Wuhan and the promotion of vaccination tend to steepen the
bid-rent curve, reflecting people’s growing confidence in the recovery of the real estate
markets associated with dynamic zero COVID-19 strategies and vaccine availability in
The bid-rent model is based on the assumption of a monocentric city (Alonso 1960; Alonso 1964).
Do COVID‑19 pandemic‑related policy shocks flatten the bid‑rent…
China. These findings enhance the current understanding of the price gradient impacts of
COVID-19 and carry rich policy implications. The following subsections discuss policy
implications drawn from the findings and potential limitations underlying our data and
5.1 Policy implications
This study conveys several policy implications. First, it gives insight into land and housing
policymaking in the post-2020 period. Our results show a steeper bid-rent curve since the reo-
pening of Wuhan, reflecting an oversupply of housing units associated with a shrinking hous-
ing demand in urban peripheries after the pandemic. Second, the steep price gradients shown
in our results also reflect an uneven distribution of public service resources and job opportu-
nities in the post-2020 period in Shanghai. This suggests that policymakers should increase
public service provisions in districts farther away from the city center, as uneven access to
public services and job opportunities could threaten sustainable economic growth (World
Economic Forum, 2014). Finally, our results of evolving bid-rent curve in response to multiple
policy shocks shed light on the potential real estate market impacts of public health policies.
Although China dropped its dynamic zero COVID-19 strategies on December 7, 2022 (Dyer,
2023), the promotion of vaccination is expected to have long-lasting effects on the real estate
market since COVID-19 still exists. In addition, the steeper bid-rent curve found during the
reopening period provides some new insights into the potential real estate market responses
to the recent abandonment of dynamic zero COVID-19 strategies, given the common features
these two policies shared with each other.
There are a few limitations of this study, which demand further improvements in future stud-
ies. First, the property price data used in this study was aggregated at the district level due to
constrained data availability, limiting our study to focus only on a few district-level locational
attributes, such as distance to the city center and population density. However, some commu-
nity-level attributes, such as urban green space and public service accessibilities, which may
also be affected by pandemic control measures (Nanda et al., 2021), are largely neglected.
Therefore, we recommend future studies use unit-level transaction data combined with com-
munity-level locational attributes when data becomes available. Second, our findings were
derived from Shanghai; however, it is unclear whether similar findings can also be drawn from
other Chinese cities since China’s uneven regional economic development may contribute to
heterogeneous property market responses to pandemic-related policy shocks, which is also
considered as an inevitable weakness for case study research (Bao, 2023; Bao et al., 2023; Bao
& Lu, 2023). For this reason, we suggest that future studies conduct cross-regional analyses to
explore inter-regional variations. Finally, although our revealed preference model with direct
market data successfully captures the changes in price gradient associated with pandemic-
related policy shocks, the underlying mechanisms may not be explicitly demonstrated. Given
the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and the variety of pandemic control measures, it is impor-
tant to understand the rationales behind the changes in consumer preferences. We recommend
future studies attempt using the stated preference methods to explore the causes of changing
market behaviors during the pandemic.
Y. Ou et al.
6 Conclusion
The COVID-19 pandemic flattened the bid-rent curve in real estate markets during its earlier
stages due to its strong influence on people’s preferences for locational attributes. However,
there is a lack of empirical evidence on how consumer preferences respond to the evolving
pandemic-related policies at different stages of the pandemic. To fill this gap, we examined
the impacts of various pandemic control measures and vaccine availability on property price
gradients in Shanghai, using a fixed-effects hedonic price model on a 48-month panel dataset.
Our results show that pandemic-related shocks have significant impacts on both distance
and density price gradients, and the price gradient effects of different shocks tend to be diver-
gent. Before the lockdown of Wuhan, a unit percent increase in the distance to the city center
was associated with a 0.45% decrease in housing prices in Shanghai. The elasticity drops in
absolute value to − 0.433 during Wuhan’s lockdown, bounced back to − 0.463 after Wuhan’s
reopening and further increases to − 0.486 after vaccine availability. A similar pattern is also
observed for the density price gradient. The elasticity first decreased to 0.490, then increased
to 0.519 and 0.544 during the three study periods, exhibiting households’ preference for low-
density areas to avoid high infection risk at the beginning of the pandemic and a transition
associated with the expectations for a recovery in the housing market under stringent COVID-
19 control measures after Wuhan’s reopening and vaccine availability.
We also found inconsistency in the price gradient effects of the pandemic-related shocks
between residential and commercial units in Shanghai. The density price gradient increased by
approximately 10% for commercial units after Wuhan’s lockdown, in contrast to a 3% decrease
for residential units during the same period. This phenomenon could be attributed to a sharper
decline in business volumes and a more significant increase in operating costs in low-density
areas associated with semi-lockdown measures.
There are two main contributions of this study. From an academic perspective, our study
enriches the existing empirical literature on the price gradient impacts of pandemic-related
shocks by exploring consumer preferences for vaccine availability. Existing studies focused
primarily on the short-term property market responses to the outbreaks of COVID-19. By
extending this study to cover the post-vaccine period, our study reflects the market effects in
the post-pandemic stage. From a policy perspective, our results, which show a steeper bid-rent
curve in Shanghai associated with the reopening of Wuhan and vaccination promotion, reveal
a need for policy interventions to address the oversupply of residential and commercial units
in the urban peripheries and an undersupply in the urban core areas in Shanghai in the post-
reopening and post-vaccine periods. Our results also provide a new angle to understand the
socioeconomic impacts of various COVID-19 pandemic control measures.
Acknowledgements The study was supported by the Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) (Project Number:
C7080-21GF) from the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong Government, SAR.
Author contributions Y.O. Conceptualization; Data curation; Formal analysis; Investigation; Methodology;
Project administration; Writing—original draft preparation. Z.B.: Funding acquisition; Resources; Supervi-
sion; Validation; Visualization; Writing—review & editing. S.T.N.: Data curation; Investigation; Validation;
Visualization. J.X.: Funding acquisition; Resources; Writing—review & editing.
Conflict of interest The authors have no relevant financial or non-financial interests to disclose.
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