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Preventive Techniques of Phishing Attacks in Networks

Conference Paper · April 2020

DOI: 10.1109/ICACS47775.2020.9055943

19 3,658

5 authors, including:

Muhammad Adil Rahim Khan

University at Buffalo, The State University of New York Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan


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Preventive Techniques of Phishing Attacks in
Muhammad Adil Rahim Khan M. Ahmad Nawaz Ul Ghani
Dept. of computer science Dept. of Computer Science Dept. of Software Engineering
Virtual University Abdul Wali Khan University University of Management and Technology
Lahore, Pakistan Mardan, Pakistan Lahore, Pakistan
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—Internet is the most widely used technology in the convince the end user to expose their personal credentials
current era of information technology and it is embedded in daily and hijack their security. Moreover, network environment
life activities. Due to its extensive use in everyday life, it has means (fake E-mail, fake website, fake links, IP spoofing
many applications such as social media (Face book, WhatsApp,
messenger etc.,) and other online applications such as online and MAC address spoofing) etc,. Phishing attack allows the
businesses, e-counseling, advertisement on websites, e-banking, end user to expose their credential to intruders by means
e-hunting websites, e-doctor appointment and e-doctor opinion. of conceiving them to do something against the network
The above mentioned applications of internet technology makes security to hijack security parameters. The fake mails used
things very easy and accessible for human being in limited by attacker to convince end user is just like legitimate email
time, however, this technology is vulnerable to various security
threats. A vital and severe threat associated with this technology with a small changes to convince the end user. However,
or a particular application is “Phishing attack” which is used embedded hyperlink emails are also used for this purpose
by attacker to usurp the network security. Phishing attacks of redirecting the victim user to malicious Website to do
includes fake E-mails, fake websites, fake applications which are something against the security policy of the organization and
used to steal their credentials or usurp their security. In this expose their credentials to intruders. The growth of Phishing
paper, a detailed overview of various phishing attacks, specifically
their background knowledge, and solutions proposed in literature attacks increases everyday in the current technology world.
to address these issues using various techniques such as anti- The observation made toward the growth rate of such kind
phishing, honey pots and firewalls etc . Moreover, installation of attacks, as it starts in the initial stage are found with the
of intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion detection and gradual increase in every upcoming day. The current statistics
prevention system (IPS) in the networks to allow the authentic of phishing attacks show a continuous increase in it’s growth
traffic in an operational network. In this work, we have conducted
end use awareness campaign to educate and train the employs rate, due to the extensive use of internet technology in real
in order to minimize the occurrence probability of these attacks. life activities. One of the most interesting Phishing attack
The result analysis observed for this survey was quite excellent example is made in March, 2016, to hack John Podesta email
by means of its effectiveness to address the aforementioned issues. account, chairmen of presidential election campaign of Hillary
Clinton [2]. John Podesta received a Phishing mail from
Index Terms—Network Security, Information security, Mal-
ware, Phishing, Spam, Social engineering, and Machine learning, hacker in which he was directed through social engineering
Anti-Phishing to open the attachment by means of hyperlink (URL). The
mentioned URL was not a secure link such as any legitimate
I. I NTRODUCTION application like (https), after that he was asked to change his
Phishing is a type of social engineering attack, where password immediately. Once he changed the password of his
end users/administrator are convinced through some fake account, the current credential of his account was exposed
messages, emails, phone call etc., to extract their credential to hacker and later on he realized that his account is hacked
information [1]. Phishing is basically a social engineering, by someone attacker. This was a simple example of Phishing
which is used in internet technology to convince the client/end attack, in which John Podesta was convinced through social
users and steal their personal information for the sake of engineering to hack his account. The Phishing attacks report
misuse in different crimes. However, the concept of phishing released by Wombat security in the 2018 [3] with the
is closely interrelated to the traditional “Fishing” because analysis of Data Breach Investigation Report (DBIR) Verizon
it is adopted from the fisher troller technique. In traditional enterprise, where DBIR made analysis of 67 contributing
fishing, the fish troller use bait to caught fish in the rivers. organizations to overview security breaches by means of
Similarly in “Phishing attacks”, the intruder uses some social engineering. The report collects data from contributing
social engineering techniques in the network environment to organization, which was founded 53,000 incidents and 2,216
confirmed breaches. DBIR report emphasis on the importance
of end users education, because the organization is most
978-1-7281-4235-7/20/ $31.00 ©2020 IEEE likely to be attack by social engineering, rather than actual
vulnerability. The another report released by falling in phishing attacks. The solution of aforementioned
(Next generation cyber security) in the first quarter of 2018 vulnerabilities is mostly based on the user knowledge, rather
showed a 20 % increase in phishing attacks as compared than technology based design. Moreover, the end user un-
to 2017 report. The proofpoint security experts found that derstanding can play a vital role to address the weakness of
40 % of organization targeted by fake email. They received phishing victim and improve their security against mentioning
10 to 50 fake emails on daily basis [3]. The 2016 report attacks. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The
of proofpoint showed ransomware (banking Trojans) as next section, which is section II overview the related work,
a top malware to target clients by means of email. The subsequently, section III of the paper contained the proposed
second quarterly report Aug, 2018 by (Next methodologies. Section IV has detail analysis of our scheme
generation cyber security) has shown a 36% increase over results and section V concludes the discussion.
the first quarter report of 2018. Furthermore, the second
quarter report showed that average customers compromised
through fake emails have increased rate of about 35 %. Phishing attacks are increasing, due to online business, e-
The current report represents 26 % increase over 2018 first commerce website and financial transaction in the recent years.
quarter report and 87 % increase over 2017 last report [4]. The new techniques Phishing uses by intruder to convince the
The experts of proofpoint detect a 30 % increase in phishing computer user/victim are like spear Phishing, Pharming Phish-
link on social media. The latest report of phishing attacks ing, Tax scammers phishing, Iterative campaigns phishing,
shows a continuous increase in Phishing attacks as compared Sextortion scammers phishing, Malicious email, Deceptive
to 2016 and 2017. The Infosec security professional made Phishing and Zero day phishing attacks. The zero day phishing
analysis of different organization for phishing attacks; they attack is E-mails they contained malware. The latest type
felt that the phishing threat of 2016 was less in percentage of ransomware (Malware) name Wanarcry (WanaCyptor or
as compared with the current state of phishing attacks as WanaDecyrptor) was first reported on 12 May, 2017. The zero
shown in reports. The report released by infosec security day attack increase due to its success explosion rate in 2018
professional with wombat security organization showed as compared to 2016/17 according to reports of [20].
the most impacted areas of phishing attacks in 2016/17
[8]. The following figure shows the analysis of high used
threat/attacks make in 2018 to hijack security of end users.

Fig. 2. Detail overview of various phishing attacks based on its subcategories

Figure 2 of the paper has a brief overview of various

phishing attacks with its subcategories. Moreover, the inter-
connected/embedded categories of these attacks to elobarte
the concept of phishing attacks in more precise way. The
hybridization approach is proposed by Chaker to extract in-
formation about malicious activities in the network [20]. The
Chaker use pattern and extension information of websites to
Fig. 1. Wombat Security’s Statestic report on Phishing attacks, 2018 match and identify all sites, they are looking for malicious
activities. Phishing attacks can also be made through hyperlink
Figure 1 of the paper represents the statistic analysis of websites by excluding real web server address with small
of wombat report. The aforementioned statistic is extracted changes, to direct the victims users to fake websites. The
during analysis of different security threats such as (Mal- paper in this section describes the effective phishing attack
ware infection,Compromised account, Internet scamming and methodologies.
data breaches etc.,.). Furthermore, the paper emphasis on
the question of phishing attacks, with victim vulnerability A. Spear Phishing
factors (computer user), to analyze the collection of current The attacks, which are used to target a specific user or
research studies and understand the vulnerabilities of victims organization, rather than a number of users and organization.
This technique uses an E-mail spoofing attack (from trusted III. PROPOSED METHODOLOGIES
sources) to target the specific user or organization to convince, The solution proposed in the paper to address the issue of
and get access to the organization information. Phishing attacks used different technologies with additional
way to educate the organization employ by means aware-
B. Pharming Phishing
ness campaign to address all aforementioned subcategories
The Pharming Phishing attack is very difficult to detect, of phishing attacks in the previous section. However, the
because in this type of attack the intruder inject fake informa- techniques choosed to combated phishing attacks are discussed
tion to the organization server (DNS) to redirect the users to in detail one by one with its advantages and disadvantages.
fraudulent websites. The fraudulent information is very similar 1. Detecting of phishing attacks through active and passive
to organization legitimate information to convince the end user. method
2. Detection and Preventing of Phishing attacks through IDS
C. Tax Scammer’s phishing attacks
and IPS
They are used one of the latest phishing attacks by intruder 3. Victim awareness/education campaign
in North Carolina, Illinois and New Jersey as detected to 4. Anti-Phishing server
steal tax professional information as shown in internal revenue 5. Web server security toolbar
service (IRS) through Barkly (Barkly blog) report [5]. The 5. Anti-Phishing honey pots
acknowledge the entire tax professional about this said attack.
In this type attack the intruder pretends themselves as the state
accounting professional, send fake email to the tax holder to
disclose their account information and credential, after stealing
their personal information or account credential they used it
for fraudulent tax return.

D. Iterative campaigns phishing attacks with shortcut and web

query files
This type of attack was used by intruder specifically for win-
dows 10 users to send them email contain on .SettingContent-
ms file. The file allows to run commands against windows
defender, which was restricted by window 10. The Proofpoint
first time detects this campaign of phishing attacks in July,
2018 and called TA505, which send thousands of attacks email
to victims [18].
Fig. 3. Detail overview of various phishing attacks techniques used in this
E. Sextortion Scammer’s phishing attacks paper

In this type attacks the intruder sent email to the victim users
and asked them, that the message received by them contains a A. Detecting Phishing attacks
porn video to watch, likewise the end user try to open hyper- The attackers use some skillful method to reach the target
links of the same message to access the video, but at some victims via emails and websites. While Detecting is the
stage the user is asked to login account and watch the video. method used to identify these malicious sites and emails,
In this way, the intruder access the password of victim user. some browser has the self defense feature against such kind of
The victim users of this type phishing attack observed by a attacks by detecting and reporting them to an administrator.
security expert on 21, July 2018 and the report released by The detection of such kind malicious activities is based on
Barkly blog showed an increase compared to 2016/17. The real time traffic (Active attacks). The passive indicator on
attacker made a $ 500,000, as trice of the last year’s outbreak the other hand doesn’t interrupt the user current task to
WannaCry ransomware (malware) report [5]. report malicious traffic immediately to network administrator
or organization IT expert team to take an appropriate action
F. Zero day phishing attacks against it [5]. Passive indicator is not more effective, because
The zero day phishing attack is an exploiting vulnerability the user most of the time ignore or simple notice it. Active
now days for internet users. The zero day attack is one of the indicator is more effective in detecting malicious activities to
effective tools used by attacker now days, because the zero day acknowledge the end user about malicious site, and also take
attack data is not available until the attack is detected. These an appropriate action accordingly. Example of this includes
types of attacks are also used as targeted [13]. The Symantec Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) devices, tool and software,
Research Lab showed in their article [5] that 18 identified which is used to detect malicious activity in the network,
vulnerabilities exploited before their disclosure in the wild, websites and servers. IDS detect malicious site, websites and
11 of them were new to employer from that of first zero day traffic as based on their installation and configuration. IDS
attack. has different types like, Host based IDS (HIDS) and Network
Based IDS (NIDS). Network base IDS used on the router side to familiarize the victims with phishing attacks threats. This
with configuration to filter all traffic go through (IN/OUT) the technique is used to send mock phishing mail to the end user
network. The NIDS stop the traffic of websites, email server to acknowledge them security threats. They are also helpful
and DNS server by means of Brand monitoring, behavior to teach them, how to avoid phishing attacks. The example of
detection, security authentication and security events if not this technique highlights that some mock emails were sent
matched with device security authentication configuration. to end users, and they were asked to open these attached
Furthermore, network based IDS is more effective and less emails, once they open these phishing contained emails, they
expensive to use for large organizations. Host based IDS is were shown with the message that the link is contained with
another effective way to detect, stop and restrict the malicious fake website or malicious information. The Mock phishing
activity on a specific host server as per their configuration awareness campaign also increases the end user knowledge to
like restricts emails by means of email analysis, websites by protect against phishing attacks.
blacklist and similarity layout by comparison. Host based IDS D. Anti-Phishing Client/Server based
are expensive, but more effective to protect individual server
or host from Phishing attacks. Anti-Phishing host based and server based defense tech-
niques can minimizes phishing attacks, due to its rigid pro-
B. Prevention of Phishing attack through IPS tection nature. Anti-Phishing server is the external plug-in
Preventive phishing has great importance in phishing at- application software to the browser that is very effective in
tacks, because this method not only detects malicious web- information flaws based solution, blacklist etc,. [10, 11]. Once
sites and email server. But it also block the sites containing the anti-Phishing server is installed in the browser, the browser
malicious information and report them [5, 19]. Preventive makes a request for a user-name and password for the new
phishing first carried a verification of the sites before the user. The password of the new user is stored and encrypted
authorization, through machine learning to verify the security with the DES standard in the browser. This type of anti-
parameters. Furthermore, compare network traffic (IN/OUT) Phishing technique works very efficiently to protect the victim
with their configuration, such as (profile, Signature match users, because once they enter a malicious site, mail server
etc) to allow only legitimate information and restrict the or un-trusted sites on a browser generate a warning alert,
information, website, email servers they are not matched with before sharing or sending any information from victim system.
defined parameters. IPS has the ability to detect and stop the Anti-Phishing server also plays an important role to protect
traffic during traffic analysis phase if they are not matched to victims with the similar layout of security threats and attacks,
their profile, signature or threshold value [9]. Phishing filter because of there high detection rate. Anti-Phishing server
is another anti-Phishing preventive technique used to monitor of similarity layout used to compare the “visual” similarity
malicious site by filtering the traffic (IN/OUT) of the network index of the web page, if they are larger in number of the
[6, 21]. Preventive Phishing is also use URL with an IP mentioned threshold level in anti-Phishing server. Moreover,
address, attributes, domain name, and link text to check against the phishing web page is a ( web page, whose similarity index
each mail received, with internal configuration to verify the is greater than that of a legitimate web page). The statistic are
security standard, if any mismatch or similarity index with shown in report of malicious website and warn the end users
blacklist information in its internal configuration they stop [12]. Document object model (DOM) is also used as an anti-
them, log file and report them [9]. Phishing in similarity layout to protect the victim users.

C. Victims awareness/education
The awareness campaign can also play a very important role
to avoid phishing attacks. The current awareness, education
against phishing attacks is not sufficient, because most of
the attacks were seen in the above paragraph and sections
are happened due to the end user negligences. Therefore,
the effectiveness of awareness campaign cannot be ignored
to prevent these attacks. The advance phishing attacks, such
as shown in the article [7]. Most of these attacks have been
addressed up to a reasonable extent through an awareness
campaign. The researchers still working hard to familiarize
the victim users with anti-phishing methodologies like games
and other embedded security awareness tool in the server Fig. 4. Detail overview of Anti-Phishing techniques used in client and server
to familiarize end user with security threats. The example based authentication
of game phishing familiarization is the Anti-Phishing Phil’
which means teach and help the user to identify malicious E. Web server security toolbar
URLs and other phishing scams [19]. The embedded server Web server based security toolbar defense includes protect-
training program is another technique used as “Anti-phishing”, ing of victims through SSL (Secure socket layer) and TLS
(Transport Layer Security) protocol, because most of the server F. Anti-Phishing Honeypots
and web browser support SSL and TLS [12]. SSL (Secure
socket layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security) both use The undermentioned figure represents the simulation
advance public key cryptographic protocol. The operation of diagram, where we have practically used honpots as Anti-
TLS and SSL is based on the handshake, where authentication Phishing to overview the result statistics of the network.
between user and server is made through a handshake.

Fig. 7. overview diagram, when the authentication phase completed and

communication flow took place among client and server
Fig. 5. shows a brief Handshake authentication between user and server

However, when the authentication/handshake process is com- Anti-Phishing Honeypots is another widely used tool
pleted, a secure channel is established between client and protecting victims from more advance phishing attacks, such
server to transfer data between the client and server. The as malware and worm. The mentioned tool are very effective
brief overview of the secure channel establishment is shown to detect phishing contained emails and websites. Moreover,
in below diagram. HTTPS and IPSec are other protocols they report the phishing contained sites to end users with an
option of shutdown, before they are doing something harm
to organization. Anti-Phishing Honeypots are very effective
in E-commerce and financial institutes in the current internet
technology era, because they detect malicious web sites as
an active tool to protect their organization’s network, server
and customer from phishing attacks [15, 16]. Anti-Phishing
Honeypots also play a vital role in forensic investigation,
because it makes log of all traffic pass through it. Therefore,
they are very effective tool against phishing attacks to
protect end user. Below are two the most important types of
anti-Phishing Honeypots.
1. High interaction Honeypots
2. Low Interaction Honeypots
Fig. 6. overview diagram, when the authentication phase completed and High interaction Honeypots consists of real physical
communication flow took place among client and server
machines. They are currently playing very important role
in forensic investigation, because they make log file of
used to protect victims from Phishing attacks [14]. IPSec vulnerability and intruder attacks, which are helpful to reach
(Internet Protocol security) uses authentication Header (AH) the intruder in most of the cases and caught them. High
and Encapsulation Security payload (ESP) for authentication interaction honeypots are very efficient tools against phishing
and encryption of data. Authentication Header (AH) is used attacks to protect the organization and minimize phishing
as the authentication protocol, while Encapsulation security attacks.
payload (ESP) used as authenticating and encrypting protocol Low interaction Honeypots anti-phishing emulate the
to provide a secure channel for communication between client vulnerability related window protocols like (SMTP, FTP)
and server to achieve authentication, confidentiality and data targeted by malware. Low interaction honeypots are easy
integrity as discussed in the article [14]. Web server secu- to implement, because of there simplicity and user friendly
rity toolkit is also very efficient against Pharming Phishing, interaction with the virtual machines. Therefore, the research
because it also encourage the end user/customers to login of this paper against Phishing attacks emphasis on to follow
with HTTPS protocol in desired sites to protect their login Anti-Phishing honeypots to protect organization and end user
credentials and avoid phishing attacks. from phishing attacks.
IV. E XPERIMENT ANALYSIS R ESULTS as a CEO of the organization to ask password of an individual
The result analysis is made on the basis of different computer system in the organization, 60 % of the employ
techniques adopted in this research to prevent Phishing share their password without knowing furthermore about the
attacks. IDS and IPS equipment are installed in Cisco packet CEO at first attempt, 15 % were found hesitated to share
tracer simulation tool with designated network. However, the their credentials and the other 25 % employment were found
security tool as mentioned earlier in the paper were attached with sufficient knowledge about their trade job and sharing
on both the sides of the network (server and client side with personal credential. The detail analysis is shown in figure 9
declaration of some websites and IP address, MAC address) of the paper.
to detect different types of attacks based on IP spoofing, MAC
address spoofing and web browser attack. The analysis result
extract during simulation showed a clear difference between
the attack success ratio before the installation of mentioned
devices and after installation of these devices. The result is
compared on the basis of launching attacks, before and after
installation of IDS and IPS (in simulating environment) in
%. The attacks launched before the installation of IDS and
IPS on the network was through IP spoofing, websites and
MAC addresses spoofing to access the network, the result
observed from simulation tool showed as a compromised
network by sending an ICMP ping request from intruder
PC via MAC address spoofing and as well as IP spoofing.
The same attacks were launched after the installation of IDS
and IPS, where the IP and MAC address are specified for
communication in the network, same like blocking the same
IP address and MAC address in access control list of IDS
and IPS. The results were found more effective and attractive
as compared with previous results, before the installation
of aforementioned tools. The detail result analysis graph is Fig. 9. Detail analysis of social engineering attacks, which was observed
during assessment for our proposed scheme
shown below in figure 8.
However, the same statistic is seen after an awareness
campaign, where employ of the said organization were
briefed about the internal and external security threats through
a lectures program at different departments. Moreover, the
lecture programs continuously arranged a couple of weeks and
understand the basic security threats in the same organization.
The concept of intranet and internet with its advantages
and disadvantages were clarified in the light of real world
existing threats. The assessment is arranged after six months
and the same social engineering technique was used with
different ideas by pretending himself as bank manager of
the local branch. The employed were asked to share their
account information for the sake of extra salary from their
organization (bonus payment), only 3 % employed shared
their credential 1 % were hesitated and the rest of the people
were found excellent and with sufficient knowledge about the
social engineering threats. The graph of figure 10 represents
the statistical analysis results, after education campaign.
Fig. 8. Statistic diagram of Phishing attacks after installation of proposed Moreover, the comparison is furthermore categorized in the
analysis of different phishing preventive techniques. Table
The experiment statistic was continued, but this time the 1 represents the overall comparison analysis of proposed
result analysis were for victim’s awareness campaign. The anti-Phishing techniques with their effectiveness ratio of the
cloth industry organization was chosen for this purpose at different types of phishing attacks.
(Sawabi) to compare the result of social engineering phishing
technique. A phone call was made to the employment of Table I of the paper briefly overviews various schemes and
different department in the organization and pretended himself their effective role in prevention of phishing attacks. Moreover,
Phishing attacks were started in 90,s to steal personal
information, credential information, credit card information,
and online transaction credential of victim users. The emphasis
of this paper is on end use security of clients and networks.
However, some anti-phishing techniques are discussed in detail
to resolve the aforesaid attacks. We have also discussed some
phishing attacks made through social engineering, like e-
Commerce, financial transactions and fake mails, etc. Social
engineering Phishing always use a more efficient way to
convince the victims. The paper proposed a solution to install
IDS and IPS in the network, and also launches awareness
campaign to educate the end user’s network (organization
employs to deny social engineering phishing attacks). Internet
technology is one of the prepared media used by attacker
in phishing attacks, which basically affect the impressive
structure of organization like e-commerce, online shopping,
Fig. 10. Statistical analysis of phishing attacks after education campaign online banking and other online businesses. These attacks can
be avoided by the uses of detecting phishing attacks devices,
TABLE I tools, application and software. The survey of this paper will
D ETAIL ANALYSIS OF DIFFERENT SCHEMES , WHILE PREVENTING help users to understand the history and different techniques
PHISHING ATTACKS WITH ITS ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES used by intruder to launch phishing, but it will also help them
Technique Description Advantage Limitation with latest solutions conferred to prevent these attacks, and
Name provide safeguard to end users and organizations.
Computer Tool, applica- This type of Very expensive, lim-
based tion software training is easy ited by lack of system
training and system and accurate knowledge ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Tool to Anti-Phishing They can block Very expensive tool,
filter tools such malicious sites Not very efficient for This work is supported by Higher Education Commission
as Microsoft internal attackers and of Pakistan and Department of Computer Science, Virtual
filter and web lack hum knowledge
senser University of Pakistan, Lahore.
Human Awareness Minimize attacks Trust tendency, Rela-
base campaign of up to great extent tive human decision, R EFERENCES
end uses or by educating end greed and with emo-
clients user with phish- tional human influ-
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