Scenario 1

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This scenario pits the players against a small slaver start up THYRIS GHAST, SELONIAN HIRED GUN
that belongs to their competitor. Their goal is to dismantle this [NEMESIS]
operation and free the slaves, using only their wits and their
skill for resources. The scenario can probably be completed in Outcast for using deadly violence during a playful brawl, she
one playing session. wishes nothing more than getting revenge on the den that
exiled her. She is constantly in a bad mood and has no real
future in sight, other than hurting people and surviving. She
THE SLAVER OPERATION does not mind taking orders, just as long as they’re the cor-
Olstra the Hutt wants to get in more in the slaver business, rect kind of orders.
seeing as it is a lucrative illegal business and she thinks she
can take a larger market share than she already has. She has 4 3 2 1 3 1
started using an entrepreneurial approach and allowed some
of her more trusted hired guns to attempt to set up their own
7 18 14
One of her mercenaries, Rak Torn, distinguished himself
during a recent assault and jumped at the chance to advance Skills: Melee 2, Ranged (Light) 1, Cool 1, Coordination 1
Talents: Lethal Blows (adds +10 any Critical Injury rolls in-
his career. He was given command of about 15 people, includ-
flicted on opponents), Enduring (+1 Soak)
ing Tyris Ghast, an outcast Selonian who desperately wants Equipment:
revenge on her clan for throwing her out. Torn and Ghast Heavy Blaster Pistol (Ranged [Light]; Damage 7; Critical 3;
worked together to kidnap solitary Selonians, mostly in the Range [Medium]), Padded armor (+2 Soak), Vibroaxe (Dam-
wilderness, and attempt to start their own slaver operation. age 7; Critical 2; Pierce 2; Sunder; Vicious 3)
One of Olstra’s contacts in Coronet City (the Twi’lek Heb
Shan) has been handling the screening, wetting and connec- One of Olstra’s enforcers, responsible for keeping the main
tions with potential buyers, and the slavers do the rest. So far camp operational and secure. She is confident, cooky and
both the demand and the supply side of the business have actually has a decent grasp of small unit tactics.
been slow, and Rak Torn is no natural businessman, so the
whole operation is currently not giving a great deal of profit.
3 2 2 2 2 2
Given time, it will probably fall to either CorSec or some
other criminal competitor to dismantle it, or it will collapse
in on itself because of Torn’s lack of leadership and business 5 18 12
sense. For now, the slavers are desperately searching for more
buyers and will gladly trade with anyone without being too
Skills: Ranged (Heavy) 2, Brawl 2, Perception 1, Vigilance 1
careful. Bargos the Hutt has gotten a lead on this operation
Talents: Adversary 1 (upgrade the any combat check difficul-
though a contact on Corellia and wants the PCs to destroy the
ty targeting this character once)
operation. Equipment:
Heavy Blaster Rifle (Ranged [Heavy]; Damage 10; Critical 3;
THE SLAVERS Range [Long]; Cumbersome 3; Pierce 2), Padded armor (+2
Raised by a small time criminal, Rak Torn is a typical bully SLAVERS [MINION]
who worked his way up in Olstra’s organisation as an enforcer.
A mix of Weequays, Rodians, Quarren and Humans, all indebt-
Sadistic, ambitious and cruel, he embodies most traits one
ed to Olstra in some way.
would expect to find in a slaver. He distinguished himself on a
raid halv a year ago, and Olstra was impressed enough to give
him command of a small slaver operation. 2 2 2 2 2 2

2 3 2 2 2 2
2 12

Skills (group only): Ranged (Light), Brawl

2 16 12
Heavy Blaster Pistol (Ranged [Light]; Damage 7; Critical 3;
Skills: Piloting Space 2, Gunnery 1, Ranged (Light) 1, Negoti- Range [Medium])
ation 1, Vigilance 1
Modified Heavy Blaster Pistol (Ranged [Light]; Damage 8;
Critical 3; Range [Medium])
In this epsiode, the PCs try to get a lead on the slavers and MEETING DALEN JING
their operation. They get a contact from a sewer maintenance
tech and hopefully arrange a meeting with the unsuspecting Jins demeanor will depend on how the PCs approach him.
slavers. If they track him down at his job or wait for him outside his
apartment, he will be cautious and a bit wary, but otherwise
will be willing to talk to the characters. If he comes home and
A TASK TO BE DONE finds the PCs in his apartment after a break in, he will try to
bolt. A small chase should ensue, but Jing is tired after a hard
The PCs get the following message from Bargos the Hutt. days work and the PCs are probably a lot faster than him, so
Read aloud or paraphrase. they should be able to catch him easily. His mood will not be
the best however, so any skill checks vs him will have their
difficulty upgraded once.
Greetings gentlebeings! We have an opportunity
to inconvenience a small slaver operation run by GETTING THE INFORMATION
our competitor. This will require your particular The reason Dalen Jing knows what he knows is that some of
skills and I expect you to get it done in an efficient his colleagues are involved in some smuggling operations. If
manner. You will first travel to Corellia and find a the PCs ask about slaves or slavers, he will reveal the informa-
maintenance tech named Dalen Jing. His address tion for a small bribe (50 credits will require an Average (11)
are at the end of this message. He will know how Negotiation check, 100 credits will lower it to an easy check,
to get in touch with the slaver operation. Make and 200 credits will get the information automatically). The
sure you find their main base and remove all PCs can also strong arm him if they want, he is not particular-
traces of their operation ly brave and won’t risk any injuries by keeping the information
secret. An Easy (1) Coercion check will also get him to talk.
The PCs are given the coordinates of an appartement com-
plex in Coronet City.
“So you’re looking for slaves ey? I know who
can hook you up. There is a man named Heb
Unless the PCs are already there, they will need to travel
Shan who is connected in that area. He usually
to Corellia. The trip should be fairly uneventful, to keep the
frequents the Purple Nebula restaurant in Coronet
PCs from getting side tracked. A small run in with customs
city, your best bet is to catch him there. I’ve
or something similar might spice things up if the GM finds
heard he is a man who likes money. Convince him
it appropriate, or if the PCs try to smuggle in a large load of
you need to buy some labor, and he will be very
Thermal Detonators or something similar. Otherwise they will
be given a landing permit and a docking bay on the outskirts
of Coronet city.


The coordinates lead the characters to a run down apartment
complex in the seedier parts of Coronet City. The neighbour- A sullustan maintenace tech down on his luck, Dalen Jing is
hood isn’t particularly rough, but might seem that way from a not a happy man. He dreams about earning enough money to
cursory visit. leave this work and have a better life, but he lacks the inner
drive to do something about it. For now he peddles informa-
It is easy to find Dalen Jings apartment, it is clearly marked tion scraps he overhears from his colleagues, some of which
on the residence grid. He isn’t home during the normal work are connected to criminal elements that uses the sewers for
day (between 7-17) but will be home in the evenings. The smuggling.
PCs can either wait for him outside or break in, or try to track
him down at his work. This will be difficult however since the
city employs thousands of sewer techs and it will take too 1 2 2 1 1 2
much time to track him down if they go through the office. A
good slicer might be able to do it with a few Knowledge: Core
worlds and Computer checks, but that’s up to the GM. 2 12
Skills: Mechanic 1, Vigilance 1, Perception 1
The PCs might decide to break in and try to find the informa-
tion that way. It is not difficult to crack the lock (Easy skuldug-
gery check) but Jing does not keep any secret information
in his home. What little he knows he keeps in his head. They
only find a small two room apartment which is not particularly
clean or inviting. Some small amounts of money (2D10 cred-
its) and a well used sim stim unit is all that is of interest.

A typical craft, smarty greedy Twi’lek information trader. He

The Purple Nebula is an upscale restaurant in the fancier has expensive tastes and a hunger for credits, which makes
parts of Coronet. It is not so posh that you cannot get a table, those who know him trust him as far as they can throw him.
but the prices are high enough to scare away most middle Olstra uses his services from time to time, but he is not given
class citizens. The PCs can get a reservation easily by just con- access to any important information.
tacting the restaurant. Heb Shan dines there about four nights
a week, so the PCs will probably catch him on the first try (or
the GM can have some fun and force the PCs to eat at a fancy 1 2 3 2 2 3
restaurant four nights in row, burning some of their credits).

If the PCs turn up wearing armor and big weapons, they will
1 11
be politely turned away and informed that there is a little bit
of a dress code in the establishment (it reads no weapons, Skills: Charm 2, Negotiation 2, Perception 1
armor and all sentients must wear decent clothes). If they Equipment:
insist or cause trouble, the staff will call CorSec who will treat Expensive clothes and jewelry
it as an attempted robbery and respond with tactical teams.
If they turn up without any big weapons and are dressed at
least casually, they will be shown to a table.
3 2 2 2 2 2
Heb Shan turns up around eight o’clock with his entourage,
4 14
two assistants / bodyguards. The bodyguards are dressed in Skills: Ranged (Light) 2, Melee 1, Vigilance 2
suits and armed with hold out blasters under the jackets, and Equipment:
looks pretty well trained. Heb Shan is dressed like a typical Holdout Blaster (Ranged [Light]; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range
prosperous Twi’lek, lots of expensive clothes and gaudy jew- [Short]; Stun setting), Vibroknife (Melee; Damage 4; Critical 2;
Pierce 2; Vicious 1)
elry. He is typically in a happy mood, and always like meeting
new business partners. If the characters approach him in a
casual friendly manner and asks to discuss business he will
invite them to join him for dinner. DEPARTURE
When the conversation turns to business, he will never use The next day, the characters will be sent a comlink message
the word “slaves” or “slavers”, simply referring to it as mer- with the time and place for the meeting. The message is short
chandise or goods. If the characters speak about it to overtly and to the point, telling the PCs to turn up on Selonia at these
he will have a slight suspicion that he is being bugged (but he coordinates, the day after tomorrow at dawn. Their contact
won’t let that get in the way of a good business deal), and any will be named Rak Torn and show up with the goods. The PCs
social checks with him adds a Black die. He will question the might decide to stock up on supplies, and the GM can throw
characters about their needs, since the slavers he deals with in some random encounter in Coronet city or just fast forward
only has access to Selonian slaves, but since they fit nearly to episode two.
all broad descriptions most uses will work. If the PCs story
involves some extremely detailed uses that does not include
manual labour (not a good idea) he will tell them that his mer-
chandise is probably unsuitable for them. Good stories from
the PCs include mining camps, construction work etc.

If the PCs can convince him they are in the market for his
goods (Easy (1) Charm/Negotiation check) he promises to
deliver a time and place for a meeting. Each unit costs 4000
credits, and he advises them to bring cash. Also, he informs
the PCs that the meeting will be off-world, and probably in
a day or two, so they will need to secure a ship if they don’t
have one. After the dinner he expects the characters to pick
up the tab, and excuses himself early with that he must attend
to their business. The tab will probably be about 200 credits
for him and his entourage, plus whatever the characters or-
dered (the price for a meal in this restaurant is about 50-200
credits per person).
The PCs arrive on Selonia in their ship. Either they can go di-
rectly to the coordinates or they can stay in one of the cities if
they prefer that. If they map out the coordinates beforehand, Some different approaches the PCs might take. The GM is
they will find they are in the middle of the wilderness, in a encouraged to let most plans succeed, as the salvers aren’t
swamp surrounded by steep mountains. There does not seem particularly bright or careful.
to be any landing platforms or cities nearby, so the PCs might
decide to take speeders instead. Any inquires with any wilder- • Pretend to want more slaves: If the PCs can convince Rak
ness experts will tell the PCs that “oh that’s in the middle of Torn (opposed Negotiation check) that they need more
nowhere! You won’t find any spaceport or landing fields there. units, he will grudgingly tell them to wait here while he
Bring a tent <chuckle>”. returns to pick up some more units. Three successes or
three advantages (or one triumph) on the roll will allow
the PCs to tag along to the main base instead. The slavers
SWAMP MEETING will then reboard their ship and return to their main camp
to pick up some more slaves. They will not mask their
When the characters arrive at the coordinates(either in orbit flight path or be especially crafty, so either tracking their
or by speeder) they find that at the precise coordinates, ship with their own ships scanners or following them from
someone has reinforced a small clearing with duracrete, to a distance (either on speeders or with a ship) will proba-
provide a stable landing platform just big enough for two bly work if the PCs are careful (Easy stealth checks, with
freighter sized ships. The PCs will probably arrive a few hours Black added if they are on speeders).
early (expecting or setting up an ambush). The slavers are in
no hurry and will arrive about half an hour after dawn (it takes • Discard the slaves as not good enough: If the PCs com-
about 30 mins to fly from their main camp to the swamp site). plain about the quality, Rak will be insulted and upset,
and tell the PCs to leave. He will then board his ship with
The characters will first notice the sound of a ship approach- his crew and return to their main camp. The PCs will
ing from the north. Soon a battered YT-1300 will be visible probably be able to follow them (as outlined above). A
and make a slow circle of the landing pad, to check for obvi- tracking device on the slavers ships will also work, if the
ous signs of ambush. A few armed individuals won’t scare the PCs have time to deploy it.
slavers much, but obvious heavy artillery or walker / speeder
based weaponry might make them reconsider. • Ambush the slavers: The slavers are alert and prepared
for a fight. They will be cautious and keep their weapons
The slavers will then land and disembark from their ship. drawn at all times. The PCs will probably still be able to
There will be one slaver minion for each PC, plus Rak Torn overpower them with a well executed ambush. If the fight
and Tyris Ghast. They will bring out as many slaves as the PCs is going badly, the slavers will try to retreat into their ship
agrede with Heb Shan in the previous episode. The slaves will and escape to their main camp. If they are winning, they
be drugged and are obviously in bad physical and mental try to capture the characters to sell as slaves. If the PCs
condition. They will not respond with anything intelligent if successfully defeat the slavers, they can find the coordi-
spoken to. The slavers treat them like animals and seem to nates for the slavers main camp in the ship’s computer as
enjoy abusing them. the last visited destination (easy Computer check).

From here the mission takes a different turn depending on • Go through with the transaction: If the PCs have a lot of
what the PCs decide to do. There are several ways they might money (or are very good forgers), they might actually pre-
try to get to the slavers main camp. Some are detailed below, tend to buy the slaves to get the slavers to leave, then fol-
but players will be players and will probably come up with low them. They can further negotiate the price with Rak
something completely different. The main objectives for the Torn (opposed check) but he cannot go lower then 3000
slavers are: If they discover that the PCs are imposters, and per slave, as that would leave him no money when paying
they (Rak Torn) decides they can win a fight, they will attempt back his backers. If the PCs successfully go with this idea,
to kill the PCs. If the PCs seem powerful and armed to the the slavers will return directly to their main camp with the
teeth, the slavers will attempt to escape to their main camp money and the PCs can follow them, as above.
to call in their reinforcements. They are not smart enough to
consider that this will allow the PCs to follow them to their
In this episode the PCs have located the slaver camp and
hopefully attempt to destroy it. If the party mostly contains
non-fighter characters, they can always contact Bargos the 1. BARRACKS
Hutt and he will send some help. This might cost the PCs Sleeping quarters for the slaver minions. Each of them has
some Obligation at the GMs discretion. a sleeping bag, some personal hygiene products and some
small simstim units or a sabacc deck.


The slavers main camp is situated in the mountains of Selonia, Rak Torn and Thyris Ghast shares this building. They sleep in
on a plateau in the middle of the wild. They have some small sleeping bags and have a small computer for keeping track
buildings for themselves, a few holding pens and some stor- och stuff and communicating with Olstra.
age units. The plateau is about 200 meters up the mountain,
and there are no roads or other easily accessible paths. The 3. STORAGE SHED
easiest way is to use a ship or an airspeeder, since landspeed-
Contains foodstuffs, a couple of crates of drugs to keep the
ers are not able to fly that high (the slavers always arrive by
slaves docile, some small arms (four Heavy Blaster Pistols can
ship). A skillful and determined climber might also be able to
be found here), power packs and some general supplies.
reach the camp by rock climbing. The first climber will need
three hours and three successful Daunting Athletics checks
(1111) to reach the top. PCs following him and using the
ropes the first climber hopefully attached will only need to Contains parts and tools. The PCs can find some parts for
make three Hard (111) checks. repairing a starship, but not anything particularly valuable.

The camp is made up of prefabricated durasteel buildings, 5. Landing pad

practical but not very aesthetically pleasing. The locks on the A reinforced ground plane capable of supporting up to two
buildings are Easy to pick and not very sturdy. The slavers small freighters. The slavers only have one for the moment
have few personal possessions and keep most of their import- (the battered YT-1300 mentioned earlier).
ant items on their persons.
6. Slave pen 1
THE POPULATION A holding pen for slaves. Four walls and a roof, but not much
There are 15 slaver minions in the camp, and about 30 slaves. else. One guard is stationed outside to keep order. The door
The slaves are kept in two large prefabricated house units, has a window to allow the slavers to keep up with what’s going
with sturdy locks and a guard outside. The slaves are also on inside.
kept drugged through their food, to keep them docile and
7. Slave pen 2
Identical to number 6 above.
Also present is the camp overseer, Gem Leuf. He manages
8. climbing access point
the camp and are Rak Torn’s trusted lieutenant, sometimes
standing in for him when deals are made. If the PCs climb up the mountain, they enter here.
Since it is difficult to approach the camp without using an If the PCs manages to defeat the slavers, they can free the
airspeeder or a ship, the surprise element is somewhat hard slaves. Because of the drugs in their system, the slaves cannot
to achieve (unless the PCs use the rock climbing approach). If function normally at present, but this gradually wears of after
the PCs manages to defeat the slavers at the swamp and use a day and they are able to find their own way home if given
their ship as the transportation, the slavers will be caught off transport.
guard. If the slavers spot an unknown ship approaching they
will immediately arm themselves and take cover indoors.
If the slavers ship is at the camp and not disabled, two min-
ions (and Rak Torn if he is still at the camp) will attempt to get
to the ship, lift off and try to defeat the attackers.
The hutt is pleased with the operation and rewards the PCs
The slaver minions are not coordinated in a big way, so they with 1000 credits each.
will probably attack without any grand strategy and not all at
once. They will hide in different houses in threes or fours and The PCs should be given about 20 XP if they manage to com-
first attempt to ambush intruders when they reach the house. plete the scenario. Additional XP can be given for following
However, if the PCs start rescuing slaves, they will attempt to the characters motivation according to guidelines given in the
stop this by charging out. Edge of the Empire rulebook.

Gem Leuf is different. He will take the nearest minions (as

many as the PCs) and form an assault element that will hide
in one building and then attack the PCs as soon as they
disembark. The minions under his command will use cover
and aiming maneuvers to their greatest effect when attacking.
Gem is no master strategist though and will always favor the
frontal assault tactic.

If Rak Torn and Tyris Ghast are still alive and at the camp,
they will fight alongside Gem using the same tactics. Ghast
will want to fight in close combat if possible and charge the
nearest opponent without much concern for her own safety.

If the PCs manages to surprise the slavers (either by using

their ship or reaching the plateau via rock climbing), they will
have a few rounds when the slavers are not sure what’s going
on. During this time, a Formidable Leadership and a Hard
Deception check (both upgraded twice unless the PCs have
the correct uniforms and brandish a lot of heavy weaponry)
will convince all slaver minions that they are under attack by
CorSec (or a similar entity) and surrender quietly. Gem Leuf,
Rak Torn and Tyris Ghast will never surrender though and
fight to the death (since that is what awaits them if they are
captured anyway).

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