College ERP Using MERN Stack
College ERP Using MERN Stack
College ERP Using MERN Stack
Article Info This paper is aimed at developing an Online College Management System that is
Volume 7, Issue 3 of importance to the educational institute or college. This system is named
Page Number : 190-196 College ERP using MERN stack. This system may be used to monitor college
students and their various activities. This application is being developed for an
Publication Issue : engineering college to maintain and facilitate ease of access to information. For
May-June-2021 this the users must be registered with the system. College ERP is an Internet
based application that aims at providing information to all levels of management
Article History within an organization. This system is used as an information management
Accepted : 10 May 2021 system for the college. For a given student and staff (technical and non-
Published : 16 May 2021 technical) can access the system to either upload and access some information
from the database.
Keywords : MERN, ERP, MongoDB
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Technoscience Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under the 190
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
Shubham Patil et al Int. J. Sci. Res. Comput. Sci. Eng. Inf. Technol, May-June - 2021, 7 (3) : 190-196
When the number of records increased, it was are also increasing. But the actual challenge is
difficult to maintain the information of each student starting from now. Most of the schools and colleges
in the old manual system. Maintaining the records maintain student information in records.
manually leads to error prone and requires more man
power and it consumes more time for processing the When the number of records increased, it was
records. difficult to maintain the information of each student
in the old manual system.
III. Aim and Objective
Maintaining the records manually leads to error
The main objective of developing the current project prone and requires more man power and it consumes
entitled “College ERP using MERN stack” is to build more time for processing the records.
an effective system which is fast, accurate, consistent,
reliable and flexible enough so that it can incorporate V. Requirement Analysis
any future enhancements.
Software Requirements
By automating the system using computers,
sophisticated technology can be used for making the We need the following software to accomplish our
information more flexible, accurate, and secure and project.
user friendly.
1. Writing Code (Sublime Text)
Time and manpower can be more effectively utilized 2. MERN Stack
and online information can be easily available to the a. MongoDB: A cross-platform
user and at the same time we can maintain a higher document database.
level of security. b. Express: A back-end web application
Every user such as student, staff and administration is c. React: A JavaScript library for
able to see the information of each student online building user interfaces.
from anywhere and anytime. d. Node.js: A cross-platform JavaScript
runtime environment.
IV. Literature Review
Hardware Requirements
Figure 14. Student 2nd Level DFD MERN stack: The MERN architecture allows you to
easily construct a 3-tier architecture (frontend,
VII. Technologies Used backend, database) entirely using JavaScript and
HTML: The HyperText Markup Language, or HTML
is the standard markup language for documents
designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be
assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style
Sheets (CSS) and scripting languages such as
MongoDB Database Tier We would like to grab this opportunity to thank Dr.
If your application stores any data (user profiles, S. D. Sawarkar, principal for encouragement and
content, comments, uploads, events, etc.), then support he has given for our project.
you’re going to want a database that’s just as easy to
work with as React, Express, and Node. We express our deep gratitude to Dr. A. P. Pande,
head of the department who has been the constant
That’s where MongoDB comes in: JSON documents driving force behind the completion of this project.
created in your React.js front end can be sent to the
Express.js server, where they can be processed and We wish to express our heartfelt appreciation and
(assuming they’re valid) stored directly in MongoDB deep sense of gratitude to my project guide Prof. J. D.
for later retrieval. Again, if you’re building in the Sawarkar for his encouragement, invaluable support,
cloud, you’ll want to look at Atlas. If you’re looking timely help, lucid suggestions and excellent guidance
to set up your own MERN stack, read on! which helped us to understand and achieve the
project goal. his/her concrete directions and critical
VI. CONCLUSION views have greatly helped us in successful completion
of this work.
College ERP Management using MERN Stack
provides an easy way to automate the functionalities We extend our sincere appreciation to all professors
of the college. It is an integrated platform that for their valuable inside and tips during the designing
connects various departments of an institution like of the project. Their contributions have been
administration, staff, students as well as guardians. It valuable in so many ways that we find it difficult to
provides reliability, time savings, and is easy to acknowledge them individually.
control. Information can be saved and can be
accessed at any time by an authorized user. It We are also thankful to all those who helped us
includes almost all modules required for seamless directly or indirectly in completion of this work.
college functions.
These modules include attendance management,
railway concession system, training and placement, [1].
staff details, staff records, etc. It also facilitates management-system-project-48367405
exploring various events happening in the college [2].
such as exams, practical, submission, placements, system-cms.html
annual events in the form of notifications. [3]. (PDF) A Research Paper on College
Management System | suraj kumar -
Motivation and guidance are the keys towards success. ch_Paper_on_College_Management_System
I would like to extend my thanks to all the sources of [4]. MERN Stack