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Table of Contents Humanoid and
Non-Humanoid Aliens .................... 15 Social Traits ............................. 15
Social Traits: Physical Modifications ... 15
1.0 Introduction ............................. 4 Atrophied Form (-2) .................................... 15
1.1 Referencing Rules from Different Cybernetic (+2) ........................................... 16
Supplements ...................................... 4 Physical Endurance (+1) ............................. 16
Social Traits:
2.0 Custom Race Design .............. 5 Economy, Construction, & Supply . 16
Corrupt (-1)* ................................................ 16
2.1 Design Points .......................... 5 Efficient Industry (+1)* ................................ 17
Design Point Conversion Table ..................... 5 Expansionist (+2)* ....................................... 17
Field Repair Specialist (+1) ......................... 17
2.2 Racial Traits ............................. 5 Inefficient Industry (-1)* ............................... 18
2.2.1 Trait Classifications ........................ 6 Logistical Experts (+1)* ............................... 18
Master Shipwrights (+1)* ............................ 18 Physical Traits ............................ 6
Mercantile (+1)* .......................................... 18
Physical Traits: Environmental .............. 6 Poor Shipwrights (-1)* ................................. 18
Adaptable (+1) .............................................. 7 Repair Specialist (+1) .................................. 19
Aquatic (+2) .................................................. 7 Scavenger (+1) ........................................... 19
Extra-Dimensional (+4) ................................. 7 Supply Master (+2) ..................................... 19
High-Gravity Species (+1) ............................. 8 Supply Novice (-3) ...................................... 19
Lithovore (+3) ................................................ 8 Trade Barriers (-1)* ..................................... 19
Low-Gravity Species (-1) ............................... 8
Social Traits: Diplomatic ...................... 19
Subterranean (+2) ......................................... 8
Bureaucratic Diplomacy (-2) ....................... 19
Physical Traits: Evolutionary ................. 9 Cultural Adopters (+1) ................................. 20
Aggressive (+1) ............................................ 9 Diplomatically Subservient (-1) ................... 20
Attractive (+1)* .............................................. 9 Elite Diplomatic Corps (+3) ......................... 20
Completely Alien (-3) .................................... 9 Erratic (-1)* ................................................. 21
Difficult Language (-1) .................................. 9 Gifted Negotiators (+1)* .............................. 21
Diminutive (-1)* ........................................... 10 Ineffective Negotiators (-1)* ........................ 21
Empathic (+2) ............................................. 10 Naïve (-1) .................................................... 21
Fearsome (+1)* ........................................... 10 Outgoing (±0) .............................................. 21
Gigantic (+1)* .............................................. 10 Pacifist (-1) ................................................. 21
Hivemind (±0) ............................................. 11 Prejudiced: Humanoids (-1) ........................ 22
Incomprehensible Language (-2) ................ 11 Prejudiced: Non-Humanoids (-1) ................ 22
Passive (-1) ................................................. 11 Prejudiced – Specific Race (±0) .................. 23
Non-Corporeal (+2) ..................................... 12 Warmonger (+1) ......................................... 23
Repulsive (-1)* ............................................ 12 Xenophobic (-2)* ......................................... 23
Robotic (+3) ................................................ 12
Social Traits: Intelligence .................... 24
Shapeshifters (+2) ...................................... 13
Efficient Operatives (+1)* ............................ 24
Symbiotic Relationship (+1) ........................ 13
Xenophobic Treaty Acceptance Chart ......... 24
Telepathic (+3) ............................................ 13
Espionage Experts (+1)* ............................. 24
Telepathic Immunity (+1) ............................. 13
Expert Intelligence Network (+2) ................. 24
Physical Traits: Population Growth ..... 14 Ineffectual Intelligence Network (-2) ........... 24
Fast Gestation (+2)* .................................... 14 Inefficient Operatives (-1)* .......................... 24
Fast Population Growth (+2)* ..................... 14 Insurgency Experts (+1)* ............................ 25
Slow Gestation (-2)* .................................... 14 Mission Specialist (+1)* ............................... 25
Slow Population Growth (-2)* ...................... 15 Sabotage Expert (+1)* ................................ 25

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Social Traits: Prankster Result Table .......................... 35
Space and Ground Combat ........... 25 Sacrificial Resolve (+2) ............................... 36
Bombardment Masters (+2) ........................ 25 Social Solidarity (+1)* ................................. 36
Elite Armies (+4) ......................................... 26 Spiritual (+1) ............................................... 36
Elite Crews (+4) .......................................... 26 Superiority Complex (-1) ............................. 36
Expert Boarding Parties (+2)* ..................... 26 Tense Alliance (-2) ...................................... 37
Expert Wing Commanders (+2) .................. 26 Utopian Society (±0) ................................... 37
Green Armies (-2) ....................................... 26 Social Traits: Research & Technology. 37
Green Crews (-2) ........................................ 26 Artifact Aficionados (+1) .............................. 37
Guerillas (+1) .............................................. 27 Expert Scientists (+1)* ................................ 37
Inferior Military Instruction (-1)* ................... 27 Extra-Dimensional Travel (+4) .................... 38
Kamikazes (+1) ........................................... 27 Fast Drive Systems (+3) ............................. 38
Master Tacticians – Command (+1)* ........... 27 Incompetent Scientists (-1)* ........................ 38
Master Tacticians – Maneuvers (+1) ........... 27 Tech Reliant (-1) ......................................... 39
Master Tacticians – Organization (+2) ........ 27 Social Revolutions ................... 39
Master Tacticians – Cunning (+1)* .............. 28
Integrated Example: Social Revolutions ..... 39
Natural Pilots (+2) ....................................... 28
Novice Armies (-1) ...................................... 28 2.3 Government Selection .......... 40
Novice Crews (-1) ....................................... 28
Poor Pilots (-2) ............................................ 28
2.3.1 Standard Government Types ....... 40
Poor Tacticians – Command (-1)* ............... 28 Anarchical Governments .......... 40
Poor Tacticians – Maneuvers (-1) ............... 28 Anarchical Government Advantages ........... 40
Poor Tacticians – Organization (-2) ............. 29 Anarchical Government Disadvantages ...... 40
Poor Tacticians – Predictable (-1)* .............. 29 Totalitarian Governments ......... 41
Professional Armies (+1)* ........................... 29 Totalitarian Government Advantages .......... 41
Sneaky (+1) ................................................ 29 Totalitarian Government Disadvantages ..... 41
Stalwart Defender (+2) ................................ 29 Meritocracy Governments ........ 41
Superior Military Instruction (+1)* ................ 30
Meritocracy Government Advantages ......... 41
Transformative Expert (+1) ......................... 30
Meritocracy Government Disadvantages .... 42
Unprofessional Armies (-1)* ........................ 30
Unremarkable Military (-3) .......................... 30 Representative Governments .. 42
Veteran Armies (+2) .................................... 30 Representative Government Advantages ... 42
Veteran Crews (+2) ..................................... 31 Representative Government Disadvantages . 43
Weapons Specialists (+3) ........................... 31 Collective Governments ........... 43
Social Traits: Cultural .......................... 31 Collective Government Advantages ............ 43
Abject Cowards (-3) .................................... 31 Collective Government Disadvantages ....... 43
Chemical Addiction (-2) ............................... 31 Confederate Governments ....... 43
Civil Disturbances (-1)* ............................... 32 Confederate Government Advantages ........ 43
Combat Respect (-1) .................................. 32 Confederate Government Disadvantages ... 44
Contemplative (+1) ..................................... 32 Technocratic Government ........ 44
Closed Society (+2)* ................................... 32 Technocratic Government Advantages ....... 44
Controlled Society (+1) ............................... 33 Technocratic Government Disadvantages .. 45
Fanatical (+2) .............................................. 33 2.3.2 Optional or Specialty
Gifted Explorers (+2)................................... 33
Government Types .......................... 45
Gregarious (+1)* ......................................... 33
Honorable (±0) ............................................ 34 Autocratic Governments ........... 45
Open Society (-2)* ...................................... 34 Autocratic Government Advantages ........... 45
Population Controls (-1)* ............................ 34 Autocratic Government Disadvantages ...... 45
Population Explosion (+1)* ......................... 34 Aristocratic Government ........... 46
Pranksters (-1)* ........................................... 34 Aristocratic Government Advantages .......... 46
Rival Houses (-1) ........................................ 34 Aristocratic Government Disadvantages ..... 46

2 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

1 Autarky Government ................ 46 Transitory Travel Nodes ....... 57
Autarky Government Advantages ............... 46 3.2.2 Sufficiently Far Away .................... 57
Autarky Government Disadvantages .......... 46 Decentralized Governments ..... 46
Decentralized Government Advantages ..... 47
4.0 The Aliens .............................. 58
Decentralized Government Disadvantages 47 Aam Conclave ....................................... 59
2.3.3 Government Sub-Types ............... 47 Federation of Gykryl (Cykryyl) ............... 60 Military ...................................... 47 Degli Technocracy ................................. 62
Huillym Alliance ..................................... 63 Scientific................................... 47
Solar Federation (Humans) ................... 65 Social ....................................... 47 N’lyk’Tyra Republic ................................ 67 Trade ........................................ 48 Nulos Trade Federation......................... 69 Religious .................................. 48 Obscari Enigma..................................... 71
2.3.4 Political Reform ............................ 48 Pan-Galactic Craxi Church (PGCC) ...... 72
Political Reform Modifiers Chart ................. 48 Suran Free Republic ............................. 74
Integrated Example: Political Reform ......... 48
Tawasi Empire ....................................... 75
2.3.5 Governmental Collapse ................ 49 Ze’U’Lok Empire.................................... 76
2.4 Finalizing Your Custom Race . 49 Zhujin Clans .......................................... 78
2.4.1 Effects of Multiple
Trait/Government Modifiers ............. 49 5.0 Credits and
2.4.2 Custom Race Modifiers Acknowledgements ................ 80
and System Control ......................... 51 5.1 Submission Guidelines.................... 80
Integrated Examples: 5.2 Contact Victory by Any
Designing Custom Races .............. 51 Means Games ................................. 80
5.3 Copyright Information ...................... 80
3.0 Additional and
Optional Rules ....................... 53
3.1 Tracking Census in a Campaign
Using Custom Races .............. 53
3.1.1 Effects of Multiple Census Types . 53
3.1.2 Multiple Census Types
and Population Growth .................... 54
Integrated Example: Population Growth
with Multiple Types of Census .............. 54
3.1.3 Multiple Census Colonies and
Morale/Insurgency ........................... 55
3.1.4 Census Exchanges ...................... 55
3.2 Extra-Dimensional Aliens in a
VBAM Campaign ..................... 56
3.2.1 Pocket Universe ........................... 56 Pocket Universes and Movement . 56 Static Travel Nodes .............. 56

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

1.0 Introduction
Welcome to The Menagerie, a custom race
design supplement for the Victory by Any Means
(VBAM) Campaign System. The rules found in this
book allow players to create their own unique
empires, each with its own advantages and
disadvantages. Use of these custom race design
rules will allow players and Campaign Moderators
(CMs) to add extra individuality to the empires in
their campaigns. In this way each player empire
will seem less “bland” and will be more interesting
to play and interact with during the course of the
campaign. Additionally, not all traits that a custom
race receives may be positive; some may instead
provide penalties to one or more areas of play
that the player will have to adapt to in order to
success to be achieved.
Also included in this supplement is a
compilation of sample custom races designed
using the VBAM custom race design rules. Each
sample custom race is accompanied by a short
background history, custom race information, and
force list. This makes it easy to begin using these
rules “right out of the box.” This can be fortuitous
for players, as it will allow them to get used to
playing with custom races before they start
designing their own empires for use in another

1.1 Referencing Rules from

Different Supplements CG ...... Victory by Any Means Campaign Guide
Some rule entries in the Companion refer to
rules introduced in other books. References to CC ............ Campaign Moderator’s Companion
rules external to The Menagerie itself are preceded EMP .......................................... Empire Rising
by a two- to three-letter abbreviation indicating
which book the rule appears in. Each VBAM WBK .. The Wars of the Boltians and Kuissians
Games supplement is assigned its own unique MG .......................................... The Menagerie
identifier for this purpose. Refer to the list below
for a list of products and their related Example: When referring to the 3.2 Turn Orders
abbreviations. Phase section of the VBAM Campaign Guide,
Use of these abbreviations will be helpful when a rules designer would reference the rule entry
compiling the list of optional rules being used in as “CG 3.2 Turn Orders Phase”.
your campaign.

4 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
2.0 Custom Race
standard number of design points will allow players
to purchase a suitable number of advantages/
disadvantages when creating their custom races.

Design If a custom race has design points remaining

unspent at the end of the race design process, it
may use these design points to give their power a
Custom race design allows players and CMs
boost in starting resources. Refer to the Design
to create unique factions for play in their VBAM
Point Conversion Table for converting excess
campaigns. Instead of all powers beginning on a
design points into starting resources. These
level playing field, these rules create empires that
starting resources may be applied to any single
have distinct advantages and disadvantages in
world controlled by the power at the start of a
specific areas of play.
The use of custom races is completely
optional. The decision to use these rules is left up
to the judgement of the CM and/or players. Design Point Conversion Table
As with all design systems, there is the
possibility that players will attempt to abuse the Starting Resource Design Point Cost
spirit of the custom race design rules in order to +1 Census 1
create unbalanced empires. It is the responsibility +1 Productivity 2
of the CM to moderate the use of these rules in +1 RAW 2
their campaigns.
+20 economic points 1
It is highly recommended that players consult
their CM prior to the beginning of the campaign to +1 Carrying Capacity 1
make sure that their custom race is both legal and +1 Morale 1
conforms to any optional or modified rules that Ancient Ruins 3
are to be used in the campaign. For example, a Special Resource 3
player that designed a “super-spy” custom race
for use in a campaign in which the Intel rules were
not being used would have his race’s primary
advantages wasted. Consulting the CM in this
instance would ensure a smooth start to the 2.2 Racial Traits
campaign. Design points are used to purchase positive
traits. Positive traits are those that provide a

2.1 Design Points specific bonus or bonuses to the powers that

purchase them. The cost of a positive trait is listed
as a positive number in parenthesis following the
When designing a new custom race, the player
name of the trait. Example: Cybernetic (+2) trait
is allocated a certain number of design points that
has a design point cost of 2.
he or she may use to purchase traits. The number
A custom race can earn additional design
of design points each player is allowed during the
points by also purchasing negative traits. Negative
custom race design process is set by the CM. In
traits provide a specific penalty or penalties to the
CM-less play, the number of design points
powers that purchase them; however they also
available to each of the players is determined by
provide extra design points to be spent on other,
player consensus. Each player will start with this
advantageous traits. The number of design points
same number of design points.
provided by negative traits is listed as a negative
For most campaigns, CMs should consider
number in parenthesis following the name of the
giving each player two (2) design points. This

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
trait. Example: Chemical Addiction (-2) trait Physical Traits
increases the power’s design point total by 2. Physical traits include all abilities and perks
The number of negative traits a custom race associated with a species’ innate physical
may purchase during the custom race design capabilities. Physical traits largely result from
process is limited. Each power may only possess evolutionary, environmental, and mechanistic
a number of negative traits equal to its starting forces on the species’ homeworld. All of these
design point total plus one (1). For example, a forces have helped to shape its physical
player whose custom race received two (2) design characteristics.
points to spend on abilities could elect to apply no Though the basic biology of a species can
more than three (3) negative traits to the race. theoretically be changed in a controlled manner,
Any trait with an asterisk (*) following its cost the time scale required to do so is beyond the
indicates that the trait can be purchased multiple scope of a normal VBAM campaign (playing
times for cumulative benefit or penalty. Simply add campaigns that span thousands or even millions
these effects (unless instructed otherwise by the of years is not advised!). For this reason, no power
trait) to arrive at the final cumulative bonus/penalty. may change any of its physical traits during the
Two examples are provided below. course of a VBAM campaign.

Example 1: A custom race purchases three CM’s Note: It could be argued that
levels of the Expert Scientists (+1)* trait. Each mechanical civilizations should be
level of the trait provides a –5% modifier to the allowed to reassign physical traits,
power’s tech advancement requirement, so but for the purposes of uniformity of
three levels would provide a total –15% rules this is not allowed. For
modifier. manufactured, machine intelligences, their basic
flexibility and ability to adapt are reflected in their
Example 2: A custom race purchases three base capabilities.
levels of the Incompetent Scientists (–1)* trait. If a CM wishes to allow Robotic powers to alter
Each level of the trait provides a +5% modifier physical traits (other than their Robotic trait, which
to the power’s tech advancement requirement, cannot be changed under any circumstances) it
so three levels would provide a total +15% is advised that the CM allow the Robotic powers
modifier. in his or her campaign to perform a special social
revolution at ten times the normal penalty to
In the case of cumulative negative traits, each change one or more physical traits. All other rules
level of the negative trait counts towards the race’s relating to social revolutions must be adhered to
negative racial trait maximum. for Robotic powers attempting to change their
physical trait(s).
2.2.1 Trait Classifications
Abilities are broken down into two categories:
physical traits and social traits. Physical traits are Physical Traits: Environmental
those that are intrinsic to the power’s biology and Environmental physical traits are those that
cannot be changed during the course of the are a direct result of environmental variables the
campaign. Social traits represent the preexisting species encountered during the course of its
social and psychological predisposition of the evolution. In order to survive (and, later, thrive) a
power’s population and/or leadership. Social traits species would have had to adapt to adverse and
can be changed during the course of a campaign changing physical conditions on its homeworld.
by way of Social Revolutions.

6 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
Adaptable (+1) species. Minor Colony systems are not affected
This species’ homeworld suffers from bizarre by the effects of the Aquatic trait.
environmental extremes that are far beyond the • If using the CC 2.1 Advanced System Generation
norm. As a result Adaptable species are much Rules, Aquatic species will gain their 25%
more resilient to abnormal habitats. They can live Capacity bonus on all Terrestrial or Adaptable
planets with a hydrographic climate value of 8 or
happily under conditions that would be considered
higher. They will incur the 50% Capacity penalty
adverse to other species.
on Barren and Hostile planets, or any planet with
Adaptable has the following effects: a hydrographic climate value of 3 or less.
• Adaptable powers consider all systems to have
20% greater Carrying Capacity than normal Extra-Dimensional (+4)
(round up). This power is native to another plane of
Example: A Minor Colony system with a Capacity existence and their homeworld exists outside the
of 6 would have a Capacity of 8 for Adaptable normal frames of reference in the campaign
powers. universe. Extra-Dimensional powers are often
• If using the CC 2.1 Advanced System Generation Completely Alien, but not always.
Rules, Adaptable powers consider all planets to Extra-Dimensional has the following effects:
have a climate variance 10% lower than normal.
• Trade with systems in this dimension is increased.
Round fractional climate variance results down.
All trade routes located outside the Extra-
Example: A planet has a base climate variance Dimensional power’s home reality gain a 10%
of 13 for an Adaptable species, which is then
reduced to a final, modified value of 11.

Aquatic (+2)
Aquatic species prefer to colonize worlds with
wetter climates. True “water worlds” provide
Aquatics with a truly magnificent environment in
which to live. Conversely, barren, hostile worlds
provide special challenges to Aquatic species, as
extensive life support equipment is necessary to
sustain even the barest operations.
Aquatic has the following effects:
• Aquatic species consider all systems of Colony
or Major Colony importance to have 25% greater
Carrying Capacity than normal (rounding up).
This extra Capacity exists at all systems, and it
is possible for an Aquatic to colonize this excess
Capacity on planets controlled by other powers
(upon CM approval).
However, all Unimportant systems are
considered to have only half their normal
Capacity (rounding down) for purposes of Aquatic
colonization. Like the colonization of other world’s
oceans, the remaining Capacity in these
Unimportant systems is not lost and can be
colonized by members of other, non-Aquatic

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
bonus to the total system output of the systems Lithovore has the following effects:
included in their routes, rounding fractional
• Lithovores consider all planets/systems to have
amounts up. For example, such a route that
a Carrying Capacity 2 greater than normal.
normally contains three systems with outputs of
18, 24, and 5 respectively would have the total • If using the CC 2.1 Advanced System Generation
system output in the route increased by 10%, from Rules, Lithovores halve all climate-related
47 to 52. This bonus is ignored in the Extra- Productivity penalties. Round fractional climate
Dimensional power’s home reality. variance results down.
• Extra-Dimensional powers may select one If these rules are not in play, Productivity increase
additional trait of a cost no greater than two (2) costs are reduced by 10% for Lithovore species.
design points that applies to their interactions in Example: A planet increasing Productivity to 9
the normal campaign universe. This trait is free would pay 81 economic points instead of the
and does not count against the race’s normal normal 90 economic points.
design point total. The effects of this ability do
not apply in the empire’s home reality.
Low-Gravity Species (-1)
• (Optional Rule) Extra-dimensional powers are
Emerging from planets with a weak
capable of moving between their home dimension
and the main campaign universe using one of gravitational field, Low-Gravity Species are thin
the methods supplied in 3.2 Extra-Dimensional and frail. Such lifeforms find it difficult to operate
Aliens in a VBAM Campaign. However, they do under high-gravity conditions. As a result, Low-
not gain any of the other bonuses associated with Gravity Species make poor ground troops.
the Extra-Dimensional Travel social trait. Low-Gravity Species has the following effects:
• Low-Gravity Species receive a -1 Attack penalty
High-Gravity Species (+1) when invading enemy planets and a -1 Defense
High-Gravity Species hail from worlds that penalty when defending its own planets.
possess crushing gravities that are extremely This penalty does not apply in ground combat
uncomfortable for other species. The immense situations involving two Low-Gravity Species. In
physical strength that these conditions confer on these situations, resolve ground combat normally.
native lifeforms is enough to give any High-Gravity
Low-Gravity Species and High-Gravity Species are
Species an edge in hand-to-hand combat.
mutually exclusive traits.
High-Gravity Species has the following effects:
• High-Gravity Species receive a +1 Attack bonus Subterranean (+2)
when invading enemy planets and a +1 Defense
Subterranean species live primarily
bonus when defending its own planets.
underground. Usually those aliens who live
This bonus does not apply in ground combat underground do so because they evolved from
situations involving two High-Gravity Species. In cavern-dwelling ancestors. Others, however, were
these situation, resolve ground combat normally.
forced underground due to the inhospitable
High-Gravity Species and Low-Gravity Species are surface world above. No matter, Subterranean
mutually exclusive traits. cities are better protected from orbital
bombardment and are far more defensible
Lithovore (+3) positions in the event of hostile invasion.
Lithovores rely on the natural mineral content Subterranean has the following effects:
of a planet for sustenance. Their alien chemistries • Defending troops receive a +2 dug-in bonus
set them apart from organic life. Lithovoric species instead of the typical +1 bonus, and opponents
tend to be much more resistant to the elements, receive half their normal bombardment point total
capable of surviving in extremely hostile (round down) when attacking planets owned by
environments. Subterranean powers.

8 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
Physical Traits: Evolutionary
Natural selection drives the evolution of
Completely Alien (-3)
species across the galaxy. Whereas Some exotic lifeforms are so different from the
environmental traits were forced upon these rest of the galactic population so as to be
species, evolutionary traits were honed through considered completely alien. The actions of these
genetic imperatives that determined that they were aliens and their empires are unpredictable and
preferential and conducive to long-term success dealing with them can oftentimes be tedious.
as a species. Completely Alien has the following effects:
• The effects of all diplomatic modifiers related to
Aggressive (+1) breaking treaties or declaring hostilities/war
against a Completely Alien power are doubled.
Supremacy on some alien homeworlds is hard
fought. Evolutionary pressures have continually • Each campaign year (e.g., every 12 turns),
attempted to rob this species of its dominant Completely Alien powers must attempt to break
position in the food chain, but heightened senses their highest level treaty with every opposing
power. This is the result of some gross
and instincts have given member of the species
misunderstanding between this power ands it
an edge. Unfortunately, this impetuousness neighbors. If no treaties exist between the
breeds aggression, often putting the species at Completely Alien power and another power, then
odds with its neighbors. there is no effect.
Aggressive has the following effects:
• All Aggressive ground units receive a +1 Attack Difficult Language (-1)
bonus. Communication with a species with a Difficult
• (NPE Only) Aggressive NPEs receive a +10 Language is not impossible; it is simply impossible
modifier to their Aggressiveness statistic. for communication to take place without the aid
of some sort of mechanical translation aid.
Aggressive is mutually exclusive with either the
Differences in communications mediums are
Passive, Pacifist, or Abject Coward traits.
usually to blame, but the roadblocks to diplomacy
that a Difficult Language presents are much
Attractive (+1)* simpler to overcome than that of a truly
Be it because of choice chemical secretions Incomprehensible Language.
or just their dashing good looks, other alien Difficult Language has the following effects:
species find this species extremely attractive. This
natural attraction to Attractive species can make • Before any communications or any treaties can
be signed, a special technological project must
it much easier for them to exert influence over
be completed by either of the two empires (e.g.,
their neighbors. the one with the Difficult Language or the one
Attractive has the following effects: that wishes to negotiate with them). The tech
• All attempts to break treaties with an Attractive investment cost of this technological project is
power are made at an additional –15% penalty. equal to 20% of the researching empire’s current
tech advancement requirement (round up). Tech
• All attempts to declare hostilities/war against an
investment points invested towards this project
Attractive power are made at an additional –10%
do not count towards the empire’s normal tech
• (NPE Only) Attractive powers receive a +10%
Difficult Language is mutually exclusive with the
bonus to foreign treaty acceptance rolls.
Additionally, foreign offering chances against an Incomprehensible Language trait.
Attractive power are increased by 1% per level
of the Attractive trait.

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
Diminutive (-1)* Empathic (+2)
It sure isn’t easy being small. Diminutive The natural empathic talents possessed by
species are smaller than other aliens, often by a some species allow them to achieve a far better
great deal. Their smaller size means there is more understanding of other alien species. Some
usable space on their worlds, and these dwarven species are extremely talented in understanding
people are always sure to have put the empty real and sensing the feelings, attitudes, and intentions
estate to good use. Unfortunately, Diminutive of others.
species also build diminutive space navies. Their Empathic has the following effects:
small ships are often weaker and more easily • All diplomatic Intel points spent by an Empathic
destroyed than those of their rivals. power to influence another power are treated as
Diminutive has the following effects: if 20% more Intel points had been assigned to
• Diminutive species consider all systems to have the task (round up).
a Carrying Capacity 20% higher than normal • All Intel points spent to influence an Empathic
(round up), but can only occupy this bonus power are treated as if 20% fewer Intel points
Carrying Capacity if at least one other point of had been assigned to the task (round down). This
Carrying Capacity on the planet is inhabited by applies to Intel spent on both diplomatic actions
one of the Diminutive power’s Census. and Intel missions.
• The Defense Value (DV) of all ship and base units Empathic and Telepathic Immunity are mutually
is reduced by 25% (round down, minimum DV exclusive traits.
1). In most cases this penalty is already factored
into the unit’s base statistics.
Fearsome (+1)*
• The Attrition value of all ground units is reduced Some distant alien worlds have bred incredibly
by 25% (round down, minimum Attrition 1). In
fearsome alien sapients. Fearsome species are
most cases this penalty is already factored into
the unit’s base statistics. gifted with extraordinary abilities that strike that
universal chord of fear that exists in the hearts of
Diminuitive is mutually exclusive with the Gigantic trait. all sentient races. Fearsome species can use this
natural aura of terror to cow their opponents,
making them easier to dominate and control.
Fearsome has the following effects:
• All opposing powers receive a –10% penalty to
any attempts to declare hostilities/war against the
Fearsome power.
• All opposing powers have a 5% chance of
accepting any Non-Aggression Pact or Armistice
offered by the Fearsome power, regardless of
whether or not the opposing power has already
rejected the treaty offer.

Gigantic (+1)*
Some aliens are big. No, I mean really big.
Gigantic species find extra elbow (or tentacle?)
room is always at a premium on their worlds, but
they have more than made up for this with their
behemoth starships. The fleets operated by
gigantic species are, needless to say, quite large

10 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
– big enough for a gigantic alien to be quite
comfortable. The size of these ships makes them Incomprehensible Language (-2)
sturdier and more resilient to damage, a handy Alien intelligence is a marvelous thing, and the
byproduct of their large size. fact that any of the alien powers that roam the
Gigantic has the following effects: stars can communicate with each other at all is
• Gigantic species consider all systems to have a incredible. However, some aliens possess an
Carrying Capacity 20% lower than normal (round incomprehensible language that makes diplomat
down, minimum 1). contact difficult at best, impossible at worst. The
• The Defense Value (DV) of all ship and base units reasons for this communications gap are varied.
is increased by 25% (round up). In most cases Differences in modes of thought, communication
this bonus will already be factored into the unit’s mediums, and syntax are all possible causes.
base statistics. Incomprehensible Language has the following
• The Attrition value of all ground units is increased effects:
by 25% (round up). In most cases this bonus will • All attempts to sign a treaty have a 50% chance
already be factored into the unit’s base statistics. of failure. This chance of failure can be reduced
Gigantic is mutually exclusive with the Diminuitive trait. by 5% per point of Intel applied towards the
diplomatic action. Intel points spent in this
manner provide no other benefits to the attempt.
Hivemind (±0)
Incomprehensible Language is mutually exclusive
We are one. This message resonates at the
with the Difficult Language trait.
heart of the Hivemind and its collective
consciousness. A single ‘mind’ unites this species,
providing uniformity to their response to outside
Passive (-1)
stimuli. This unity provides many significant Some advanced civilizations are extremely
advantages, but the lack of individualism means passive, owing in no small part to a lack of
that no one citizen will display above-average environmental pressures on their homeworld.
ability. Without adequate threats to their species’
Hivemind has the following effects: dominance, the species is lacking in aggressive
tendencies. Many herbivorous species are
• Hivemind species are limited to the Collective Passive.
government type only.
Passive has the following effects:
• Hivemind powers cannot train elite officers or
• All Passive ground units receive a –1 Attack
crews. If using crew/army grade level rules, all
penalty (minimum 0).
Hivemind units are considered to be Regulars,
and their training level cannot be improved or • (NPE Only) Passive NPEs receive a –10 modifier
degraded. to their Aggressiveness statistic.
• The selfless labor of the members of the Passive is mutually exclusive with either the
Hivemind increases the construction capacity of Aggressive or Warmonger traits.
all worlds controlled by this empire by 20% (round
up). This construction capacity increase also
affects all shipyards at the location.
Example: A planet with a base construction
capacity of 18 would be improved to 22 for a
Hivemind power.
• (NPE Only) All treaty acceptance chances for
opposing empires are halved unless the opposing
empire is also a Hivemind.

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
Non-Corporeal (+2)
These beings have ascended beyond the Robotic (+3)
physical realm and have achieved a state of pure Whirr, crash, boom! Robotic species lack
consciousness. Non-Corporeal aliens must obey biological components and are instead wholly
most of the same laws that constrain the activities mechanical in nature. This provides numerous
of their non-transcendent fellows, but they are also abilities to their empire, most notably in their ability
able to perform previously unheard of feats. to expand and survive amidst galactic chaos.
Non-Corporeal has the following effects: Empires administered by organic “flesh-bags”
• Intel missions performed against Non-Corporeal often see Robotic powers as a threat to their
powers by other powers lacking the Non- survival due to the latter’s cold, calculating nature
Corporeal trait have their difficulty increased by 1. and seemingly endless supply of robots.
Robotic has the following effects:
• Intel missions performed by Non-Corporeal
powers against other powers lacking the Non- • All systems and shipyards owned by a Robotic
Corporeal trait have their difficulty decreased by 1. power receive a +20% construction capacity
bonus (round up).
• Non-Corporeal ground units have their Attrition
values doubled. • Robotic agents have an easier time subverting
alien research, lowering the difficulty level of their
• Non-Corporeal ships have their maintenance
Espionage: Tech Intel missions by 2 to 1.
cost denominators increased by 1 due to their
lower life support requirements (e.g., a • The Census of Robotic powers do not experience
maintenance cost of 2/3 becomes 2/4). CG 3.8.4 Population Increases. Rather, Robotic
powers can purchase new Census at a flat rate
• Non-Corporeal powers may not use captured
of 40 economic points each. No system can
alien ships, but their ships cannot be captured
purchase more than one Census per turn in this
and used by non-Non Corporeal powers, either.
manner, and the system must have the available
construction capacity to “build” the Census just
Repulsive (-1)* as it would any other unit type. For campaigns
Some alien species are just considered using the CG 4.8 Quick Expansion Colony Fleet
abhorrent by their neighbors. This natural Rules, the cost of Robotic Colony Fleets is
repulsion might be based either on the way they reduced to 40 economic points each, but only one
look or some disgusting bodily function, but the Colony Fleet or population increase can be
end result is the same. The biggest impact this purchased per system per turn.
trait has is on the repulsive species’ dealings with
other empires.
Repulsive has the following effects:
• Any treaty attempt involving a Repulsive power
has a 10% chance of failure. This is regardless
of whether or not the treaty was already accepted.
• Opposing powers receive a +10% bonus to
breaking treaties or declaring hostilities/war
against a Repulsive power.
• (NPE Only) Repulsive species receive
a –10% penalty to foreign treaty
acceptance. Additionally, for
every level of the Repulsive
trait possessed by the
power, subtract 1% from
foreign offering chances.

12 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
• Robotic powers must pay a special 1/3 Census Symbiosis breeds mutual trust between the
maintenance cost each campaign turn. This involved parties and the loss of life on a world is
maintenance payment represents the cost of made doubly great.
upkeep for the robotic population. If blockaded, Symbiotic Relationship has the following effects:
a system must first fulfill the Census maintenance
requirement of the system before paying towards • Symbiotic powers receive +1 Defensive Intel
other maintenance or purchases. Out of supply against Insurgency missions. This Intel bonus is
Census will ‘shutdown’ and stop operating added to any other Defensive Intel at the location
Productivity until resupplied. • Any modifiers applying to the effects of the
• If playing with the CC 2.1 Advanced System destruction of friendly Census are doubled. This
Generation Rules, Robotic powers ignore all can include, but is not limited to, diplomatic and
climate-related Productivity penalties. All worlds Morale modifiers.
are considered to be equally inhabitable.
• Robotic powers are limited to the Collective Telepathic (+3)
government type only. As a special bonus, This entire species is telepathic to one degree
Robotic governments cannot experience 2.3.5 or another. The extent of their psychic capabilities
Governmental Collapse. Their distributed is sufficient to allow the Telepathic species to exert
intelligence or common programming makes a an influence over other powers, should they wish
total collapse of their command infrastructure to of course.
Telepathic has the following effects:
Robotic is mutually exclusive
• Telepathic powers ignore all below-readiness
with the Cybernetic trait. surprise results in combat.
• Non-Telepathic powers have their non-negative
Shapeshifters (+2) diplomatic modifiers to breaking treaties or
A perennial favorite, shapeshifters (also known declaring hostilities/war doubled as a result of
as polymorphs or changelings) are aliens capable their distrust of the Telepathic power. For
of changing their shape, and sometimes even their example, if a Telepathic power was implicated in
mass, on a whim. Shapeshifters by their very a successful sabotage mission (+50% diplomatic
nature make excellent spies, able to infiltrate alien modifier) against a non-Telepathic power the
organizations and governments with deft skill. modifier would be doubled, giving the non-
Telepathic power a whopping +100% bonus to
Perhaps more importantly, though, these
declaring hostilities/war!
Shapeshifters are masters of eluding discovery.
The chance of Shapeshifter agents being caught • Telepathic powers receive a +20% bonus to COD
is substantially lower than that of other powers. when using the CG 4.22 Stealth and Concealed
Movement optional rules.
Shapeshifters has the following effects:
• All Intel missions launched against a Telepathic
• Shapeshifters receive a –25% bonus to the MFP
power have their difficulty level increased by 1.
of all Intel missions they perform.
• (NPE Only) Telepathic powers gain a +20%
• All non-Shapeshifter opposing powers gain a
bonus to foreign treaty acceptance chances.
+15% bonus when breaking treaties with
Shapeshifters due to their natural, irrational Telepathic and Telepathic Immunity
distrust of Shapeshifters. are mutually exclusive traits.

Symbiotic Relationship (+1) Telepathic Immunity (+1)

This species exists in a symbiotic relationship This species has a natural immunity to
with another species. The two may be physically telepathic probing and suggestion. Their complete
bonded or else simply rely on one another for lack of mental powers makes it impossible for
natural benefit, but the net result is the same.

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
telepaths or empaths to affect them with their For each level of Fast Gestation after the first,
psychic powers. the number of turns between population
Telepathic Immunity has the following effect: increases is decreased by 1 turn.

• Powers with Telepathic Immunity completely Example: A race purchases three levels of Fast
ignore, and in fact negate, the advantages of Generation. The first level decreases the
Telepathic and Empathic species. population increase time from 12 turns to 6 turns,
and the second and third levels of this trait each
Telepathic or Empathic and Telepathic Immunity are reduce this by 1 more turn each to 4 turns. As a
mutually exclusive traits. result, every 4 turns the race will roll for population
increases at all of its colonies.
Fast Gestation is mutually exclusive
Physical Traits: Population Growth with the Slow Gestation trait.
Biological imperatives drive reproductive rates.
Some species reproduce at rapid rates, while Fast Population Growth (+2)*
others experience very few births in each For one reason or another, this empire tends
generation. The speed at which a population can to experience Fast Population Growth. The power
grow has a major impact on an empire’s ability to is far more likely to experience population growth
expand into and colonize new territories. than other species, especially at its smaller colony
Fast Gestation (+2)* Fast Population Growth has the following effects:
It doesn’t take very long for this species to • When performing population increases, each
multiply! A Fast Gestation period means that system’s Census counts as double its listed value
population increases will occur more rapidly. for purposes of the population growth roll.
Fast Gestation has the following effects: Each level of this trait after the first increases
• Powers with Fast Gestation roll for population this bonus by half the system’s Census (round
increases every 6 turns instead of every 12. down).
Example: A Census 7 system owned by a power
with two levels of the Fast Population Growth
trait would be considered to have a population
of 7 x 2 + 7 x 1/2 (RD) = 14 + 3 = 17 for purposes
of its population increase check.
Fast Population Growth is mutually exclusive
with the Slow Population Growth trait.

Slow Gestation (-2)*

This species’ gestation time is longer than that
of other species. It takes longer for their offspring
to develop prior to birth, slowing the power’s rate
of population growth.
Slow Gestation has the following effects:
• Powers with Slow Gestation roll for population
increases every 18 turns instead of every 12.
For each level of Slow Gestation after the first,
the number of turns between population
increases is increased by 2 turns.

14 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
Example: A race purchases three levels of Slow Social Traits
Generation. The first level increases the
population increase time from 12 turns to 18 Social traits are those resulting from cultural
turns, and the second and third levels of this trait or historical precedents. These traits represent
each increase this by 2 more turns each, to 22 natural ability to be sure, but are rarely biologically
turns. As a result, only every 22 turns will the mandated and are instead the result of social
race roll for population increases at all of its predilections. Civilizations that reward intellectual
colonies. prowess will produce more and better scientists
Slow Gestation is mutually exclusive in reaction to their perceived benefit to society,
with the Fast Gestation trait. while a war-like people will instead focus their
energies on creating an army of the most elite
Slow Population Growth (-2)* soldiers in the galaxy. As time goes by, the cultural
emphasis may shift across the spectrum. The
Declining growth rates have resulted in fewer
constant battle between popular ‘fad’ culture and
and fewer individuals being born into subsequent
staunch conservatism will inevitably lead to
generations. Analysts are worried about this turn
changes in the empire’s Social traits.
of events, and this decline may very well be the
Unlike Physical traits, Social traits can be
result of genetic drift or decay.
changed during the course of a campaign by way
Slow Population Growth has the following effects:
of Social Revolutions. This allows a
• When performing Population Increases, each civilization to change its focus in response to both
system’s Census counts as half its listed value foreign and domestic pressures.
(round up) for purposes of the population growth
Each level of this trait after the first increases
this penalty by one-quarter the system’s Census
Social Traits: Physical Modifications
(round up). As a species masters technology, it becomes
Example: A Census 7 system owned by a power possible for it to begin manipulating its own
with two levels of the Slow Population Growth physical characteristics. These modifications are
trait would be considered to have a population often the result of cultural or technological
of 7 / 2 (RU) – 7 / 4 (RU) = 4 – 2 = 2 for purposes developments.
of its population increase check.
Slow Population Growth is mutually exclusive Atrophied Form (-2)
with the Fast Population Growth trait. An individual’s physical condition is no longer
considered an important or healthy thing to focus Humanoid and Non-Humanoid one’s time on. Brains have beaten brawn, at least
for a time, and pursuits of the mind carry greater
Aliens social value than physical labors and skills. This
A special type of physical trait that all custom
civilization’s populace has let their bodies atrophy,
races must assign is whether their species is
making them physically weaker.
humanoid or non-humanoid. Bilateral symmetry,
Atrophied Form has the following effects:
traditionally bipedal stance, and otherwise human-
like appearance characterize humanoid aliens. • All ground units belonging to this power receive
Aliens that do not fit this “human mold” are a –1 Attrition penalty and their D Factor is reduced
by one step, meaning the number of faces on
considered non-humanoid.
the die is decreased by 1. A unit’s D Factor can
The decision to make a custom race humanoid be reduced to 0 as a result of this trait, nor can
or non-humanoid will have little effect on game its Attrition be decreased lower than 1.
play, only so far as it affects those powers with a
social prejudice towards one type or another.

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
Example: A D Factor of d2 would be increased genetic modifications, and limited cybernetic
to d1 (or simply 1) as a result of an Atrophied enhancements have all be used to improve
Form. physical stamina and endurance beyond that
Atrophied Form is mutually exclusive with the naturally possible.
Physical Endurance trait. Physical Endurance has the following effects:
• All ground units belonging to this power receive
Cybernetic (+2) a +1 Attrition bonus and their D Factor is
While originally wholly organic in origin, some improved by one step, meaning the number of
powers have opted to migrate their civilization faces on the die is increased by 1.
towards a cyber-organic existence. Cybernetic Example: A D Factor of d2 would be increased
powers use mechanical augmentations to to d3 as a result of Physical Endurance.
enhance the capabilities of the populace. These Physical Endurance is mutually exclusive with the
enhancements can be minor, but often they Atrophied Form trait.
represent the first step towards the realization of
a Robotic society.
Cybernetic has the following effects:
Social Traits:
• All systems and shipyards owned by a Cybernetic
power receive a +15% construction capacity
Economy, Construction, & Supply
bonus. Social traits of this type focus on the industrial
• Cybernetic agents have an easier time subverting capabilities of an empire. While some empires
alien research, lowering the difficulty level of refine their skills in this area, others experience
Espionage: Tech Intel missions by 1 to 2. diminished capabilities due to neglect or graft.
• Cybernetic powers must pay a special 1/6
Census maintenance cost each campaign turn. Corrupt (-1)*
This maintenance payment represents the cost Corrupt powers are mired in layer upon layer
of upkeep for the population’s cybernetic of graft, incompetence, and indifference. Corrupt
enhancements. If blockaded, a system must first powers find it difficult to reign in the troublemakers
fulfill the Census maintenance requirement of the due to their influence at all levels of society. The
system before paying towards other maintenance
losses in efficiency are heavy, and can place an
or purchases.
incredible burden on the power.
• Unlike other social traits, the Cybernetic trait is Corrupt has the following effects:
much more permanent, as it represents a short-
term bridge between pure-biological and pure- • Corrupt power has its total income each turn
mechanical civilizations. Any social revolution reduced by 5% due to rampant corruption (round
that attempts to retire the Cybernetic trait is down). This reduction in income affects all forms
performed at a –100% penalty to the attempt. of income earned by the empire, including
income from trade and random events. These
Cybernetic is mutually exclusive economic points are simply lost. Tech
with the Robotic trait. advancement calculations continue to use the
empire’s original, unmodified total domestic
Physical Endurance (+1) product.
Cultural imperatives have placed an increased Example: A Corrupt power earns 72 economic
emphasis on athleticism and physical capabilities. points from its systems and a further 12 economic
Rather than relying on natural talents to reach this points from commerce income, for a total
societal paradigm, artificial means are commonly unmodified total of 84 economic points. With one
used to provide an extra edge over the level of the Corrupt trait, this power’s per-turn
income would be reduced by 5%, or 4.2 economic
competition. Performance enhancing drugs,

16 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
points. We round this amount down to 4, resulting Expansionist has the following effect:
in a adjusted output of 80 economic points.
• Civilian fleets (Colony, Transport, and Trade
Building on this example, if the empire had had Fleets) cost 10% less to build than normal. Round
two levels of the Corrupt trait, its per-turn income fractional fleet costs down.
from all sources would be reduced by 10%. This
Example: If Colony, Transport, and Trade Fleets
would be 84 x 10% = 8.4, which would round
normally cost 30, 20, and 15 economic points
down to an economic penalty of 8 economic
respectively in your campaign, an Expansionist
points, for an adjusted imperial income of 76
would have these costs reduced by 10%
economic points.
(rounding fractional costs down) to 27, 18, and
• (Underworld Empires Only) The difficulty of 13 respectively.
increasing Corruption at a Corrupt power’s
If that same Expansionist had two levels of the
system is reduced by 1 (minimum difficulty 1).
trait, costs for these civilian fleets would be
• (NPE Only) A NPE cannot be Corrupt if its reduced by 20%, to 24, 16, and 12 respectively.
Integrity is greater than or equal to 80. Each
successive level of the Corrupt trait lowers this
maximum AIX value by 10 (Example: 2 levels of
Field Repair Specialist (+1)
Corrupt would require a maximum Integrity less Like Repair Specialists, Field Repair
than 70). Specialists have an innate knack for performing
repair operations. However they specialize in
Efficient Industry (+1)* remote, on-site repair operations, the type of which
is performed by Military Supply Ships and Field
The industrious nature demonstrated by some
Repair craft. This front-line damage control
powers is impressive. These powers possess
support can be extremely important during active
highly efficient industries that allow them to mass
produce goods at a rate faster than that of their
Field Repair Specialist has the following effect:
Efficient Industry has the following effect: • All of the power’s vessels capable of performing
CG 3.7.14 Field Repair can perform 1 additional
• All the power’s systems, shipyards, and other
point of Field Repair each campaign turn.
sources of construction capacity receive a +10%
construction capacity bonus. Round fractional
construction capacities up.
Example: A system with 24 output under the
control of a power with one level of Efficient
Industry would have its construction capacity
increased by 10% to 27 from the original 24.
Efficient Industry is mutually exclusive with the
Inefficient Industry trait.

Expansionist (+2)*
Lebensraum: living space; it is the ideal of any
expansionist power. The pursuit of domination of
new foreign territories requires the maintenance
of a large and able-bodied civilian fleet to maintain
lines of supply and communication across an
empire’s territories. The Expansionist understands
this, fostering a healthy, privately held transport

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
Inefficient Industry (-1)* Example: A system with a Utilized Productivity
When it comes to productivity, some powers of 10 controlled by an empire with one level of
the Master Shipwrights trait would have 12 dock
simply aren’t interested. Gross mismanagement
spaces available instead of the normal 10.
of resources, corruption, and endless partying can
often be linked to Inefficient Industries. Powers • When using the CG 4.10 Extended Construction
Time rules, purchasing two levels of the Master
suffering from Inefficient Industry will find that their
Shipwrights trait will reduce the construction time
worlds lack construction capacity, limiting their
of all units by 1 turn (minimum 1 turn). This ability
production capabilities. is not cumulative, and two levels of the trait must
Inefficient Industry has the following effects: be purchased before this additional ability will
• All of the power’s systems, shipyards, and other have any effect.
sources of construction capacity receive a –10% Master Shipwrights is mutually exclusive with the
construction capacity penalty. Round fractional Poor Shipwrights trait.
construction capacities down.
Example: A system with 24 output under the Mercantile (+1)*
control of a power with one level of Inefficient
The master traders of the galaxy, Mercantile
Industry would have its construction capacity
reduced by 10% to 21 from the original 24. powers generate more commerce income with
their trade fleets and trade routes than other
Inefficient Industry is mutually exclusive with the powers do.
Efficient Industry trait. Mercantile has the following effect:
• Mercantile powers receive a 10% bonus to their
Logistical Experts (+1)* commerce income each turn (round up).
This power has the uncanny ability to keep
their ships in supply for extended periods of time.
Poor Shipwrights (-1)*
Even when cutoff from all traditional supply lines,
Ship construction has always been a long,
they can find a way to stretch what supplies they
painstaking task that requires large amounts of
do have over another month, if necessary.
manpower to perform. For Poor Shipwrights,
Logistical Experts has the following effects:
organizing all of these resources is difficult. As a
• All units ignore their first out of supply level result their shipyards rarely run at full capacity.
(OOSL). Additional levels of this ability allow units Poor Shipwrights has the following effects:
to ignore one (1) additional OOSL per level
purchased. • The empire receives a penalty to the number of
available dock spaces at all of their shipyards.
Each shipyard, be they planetary or orbital, have
Master Shipwrights (+1)* their number of dock spaces decreased by 20%
When it comes to shipbuilding, this power has Round fractional dock space numbers down, and
some of the best shipwrights in the known galaxy. the number of dock spaces at a location cannot
Elegant, detailed craftsmanship is the hallmark of be reduced below 1.
the master shipwright. The speed at which this Example: A system with a Utilized Productivity
power can produce ships is almost legendary. of 10 controlled by an empire with one level of
Master Shipwrights has the following effects: the Poor Shipwrights trait would have only 8 dock
• The empire receives a bonus to the number of spaces available instead of the normal 10.
available dock spaces at all of their shipyards. • When using the CG 4.10 Extended Construction
Each shipyard, be they planetary or orbital, have Time rules, purchasing two levels of the Poor
their number of dock spaces increased by 20%. Shipwrights trait will increase the construction
Round fractional dock space numbers down, but time of all units by 1 turn. This ability is not
there is a minimum dock space bonus of 1. cumulative, and two levels of the trait must be

18 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
purchased before this additional ability will have Supply Novice (-3)
any effect. The logistics of a maintaining supply
Poor Shipwrights is mutually exclusive with the throughout this species’ empire is beyond their
Master Shipwrights trait. limited capabilities. Ledgers and manifests just
baffle them, math never being their strong suit and
Repair Specialist (+1) all. Making sure that local needs are met is hard
Repair Specialists excel at damage control enough, but ensuring that atmospheric
operations. Their technicians are capable of condensers are delivered to a colony or
quickly and efficiently repairing or replacing replacement fighter components make it to an
damaged systems so that crippled starships and outer attack fleet is just asking too much of the
bases can return to full combat readiness. Supply Novice.
Repair Specialist has the following effect: Supply Novice has the following effect:
• The repair cost for all units is halved (minimum • The base supply range is reduced by one jump
1 economic point). to one (instead of two).
Supply Novice is mutually exclusive
Scavenger (+1) with the Supply Master trait.
Your species is highly efficient at cannibalizing
wrecked starships. Your experienced work crews Trade Barriers (-1)*
meticulously scour the decks of the ships Trade Barriers exist as a means of self-
consigned to the striking block, stripping anything protection for local industry against cheaper
of value that can be used elsewhere. foreign competition. These tariffs and duties
Scavenger has the following effect: present a roadblock to free trade. The effects of
• The power receives +25% more economic points economic protectionism have been positive for the
from scrapping units than normal (e.g., 75% of affected industries, but the empire has a whole
the unit’s base cost rather than 50%). Round suffers from artificially heightened prices on its
fractional economic amounts down, but a locally produced goods.
Scavenger will always receive at least 1 Trade Barriers has the following effect:
economic point from any non-flight unit it scraps.
• Powers with Trade Barriers receive a -10%
penalty to their commerce income each
Supply Master (+2) campaign turn (round up).
A Supply Master’s logistics network is a finely
oiled machine and one that you can always count
on when it matters the most. The taskmasters that
keep the supply flowing will make sure that the
Social Traits: Diplomatic
parts and equipment are available and delivered Diplomacy is a very important facet of an
on time, no matter what. This efficiency allows the empire’s operations. International relations come
power’s supply network to be able to resupply easily to some powers but slowly to others. Those
ships faster and farther out than normally possible. with diplomatic skill can use it to exert control over
Supply Master has the following effect: those that lack it.
• The base supply range is extended by one jump
to three (instead of two). Bureaucratic Diplomacy (-2)
Oftentimes a government’s bureaucratic
Supply Master is mutually exclusive
processes will extend into its diplomatic channels.
with the Supply Novice trait.
When no one group or individual within the
government has unilateral authority to accept or
reject treaties, such offers inevitably end up locked

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
in committee. This makes diplomacy frustrating treaty regardless of whether or not the player
for all parties. rejected the treaty.
Bureaucratic Diplomacy has the following effects: • All Intel points spent to influence the
• A power with this trait may never accept a treaty Diplomatically Subservient power’s diplomatic
on the turn that it is offered. Any time that the actions are twice as effective as normal.
power is offered a treaty, it will take d6 turns from
the turn that the treaty is offered before it can be Elite Diplomatic Corps (+3)
signed or rejected. In CM-moderated play, this These master negotiators are extremely
length of time should be kept secret from ALL ambitious in their plans to influence alien
involved parties until it is time to sign or reject governments and turn them towards their cause.
the treaty. Declarations of hostilities/war and Co-
Diplomatic entourages seem more common than
Belligerency Treaties remain unaffected by this
trait. warships in this empire’s service, and there are
some that claim that the ambassador’s pen is
indeed far more powerful than the admiral’s laser
Cultural Adopters (+1)
cannon. Weapons are effective, most assuredly
These cultural hangers-on are easily smitten
so, but what need have a government of weapons
with alien cultures. These consumers of esoteric
when real politick will do?
alien baubles and customs enjoy alien culture to
Elite Diplomatic Corps has the following effects:
the point that they begin adopting or mimicking
the elements that they like, making them their own. • The power receives ten (10) free Intel points to
This endears them to other powers, if only be spent on diplomatic missions each turn. These
free Intel points cost nothing to maintain but must
marginally, and makes relations a little trickier.
only be used on diplomatic missions, such as
Cultural Adopters has the following effects:
breaking treaties or declaring hostilities or war.
• All attempts to break a treaty or declare hostilities/ If unused, these Intel points are lost.
war against a Cultural Adopter are made at a –
• The experience point cost to train Diplomat elite
10% penalty.
officer is reduced to two-thirds of normal (round
• (NPE Only) At contact, Cultural Adopters receive up).
a +10% bonus to their initial relationship value
with any new alien power. The alien power in turn
receives a +5% bonus to its own initial
relationship value towards the Cultural Adopter.
All future positive relationship bonuses modifying
the relationship between the two powers are

Diplomatically Subservient (-1)

Diplomatically Subservient empires suffer from
a weak constitution when it comes to dealing with
outsiders. It seems no matter what they do, the
outsiders come across as negotiating from a
position of power. Rather than make waves in the
political arena, these powers opt to adopt an
obsequious position.
Diplomatically Subservient has the following effects:
• Whenever another power offers this power a
treaty, there is a 10% chance that the
Diplomatically Subservient power will accept the

20 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
Erratic (-1)* each turn. These free Intel points cost nothing
This power ’s leadership is extremely for the opposing power to maintain but must only
be applied to diplomatic missions, such as
temperamental. It can vary widely from day to day,
breaking treaties or declaring hostilities or war.
week to week, and month to month. Even those
within the government sometimes have a hard
time keeping up with the ever-changing whims of
Naïve (-1)
Some races are consumed with a mindless
their superiors. For outsiders, this Erratic behavior
trust in the good will and intentions of others.
can be extremely trying. These powers know that
Whether they are so innocent that they cannot
the Erratic leaders they deal with are fickle, and
fathom others would choose to break their word,
the treaties that are signed today may be easily
or they hold so firmly to their own ideals that they
forgotten tomorrow.
cannot accept such treachery is unknown. What
Erratic has the following effects:
is known is that Naïve empires are often taken
• Every turn, an Erratic power rolls d10 for each of advantage of by their peers.
its relationships with foreign powers it does not
Naïve has the following effects:
already have a Mutual Defense Pact or Alliance
with. On a result of ‘10’ or greater, the Erratic • Opposing empires gain a +1 Intel bonus to all
power will attempt to break its highest level treaty Espionage missions launched against a Naïve
with the targeted power, with +20% bonus to the empire.
attempt. If purchased multiple times, add +1 to • (NPE Only) All opposing empires gain a +10% to
the roll for every additional level of the Erratic treaty acceptance when dealing with them.
Outgoing (±0)
Gifted Negotiators (+1)* Friendly and outgoing species are keen on
Through the eloquent delivery of their making new friends wherever and whenever they
oratories, the Gifted Negotiators can adeptly sway can. These aliens are extremely interested in
the opinions of their peers. These ambassadors building lasting relationships with their neighbors.
can wield a great influence over the course of Their persistence is admirable, and foreign powers
history, bending or breaking empires on a word. often get upset that they are constantly bothered
Gifted Negotiators has the following effect: by this power’s represents.
• The power receives three (3) free Intel points to Outgoing has the following effects:
be spent on diplomatic missions each turn. These
• This power receives a –10% penalty to any
free Intel points cost nothing to maintain but must
attempt to break a treaty with or declare
only be used on diplomatic missions, such as
hostilities/war against a rival power.
breaking treaties or declaring hostilities or war.
If unused, these Intel points are lost. • (NPE Only) The NPE’s Offering Chance is
increased by 5%.
Ineffective Negotiators (-1)*
The poor negotiating style possessed by this Pacifist (-1)
power does not make them many friends. In fact, The opposite of the Warmonger, Pacifists (also
Ineffective Negotiators actually do more to harm called ‘doves’) advocate peace and non-violence
their government’s position on the galactic stage in their dealings with foreign powers. Pacifist
than to help promote its message. powers are openly opposed to using war as a
Ineffective Negotiators has the following effects: means to an end, viewing it instead as the absolute
last resort. These powers will actively avoid
• All opposing powers receive two (2) free Intel
points to be spent on diplomatic missions against conflict, if possible, and will be the first to sign an
the power with the Ineffective Negotiators trait armistice if it is reasonably offered.
Pacifist has the following effects:

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
• Pacifist powers may not spend more than 50%
of their per-turn total domestic product on military
units or Intel (round up). If organized as a
Representative government, Pacifist powers may
only spend 25% of their per-turn total domestic
product on military units or Intel (round up).
• Pacifist powers receive a –20% penalty to all
attempts to declare hostilities or war against
another power. Unlike normal modifiers, this
penalty is cumulative even with other non-
cumulative modifiers.
• If a Pacifist power is offered an Armistice, there
is always a 15% chance that the power will accept
the Armistice even if the controlling player
• (NPE Only) Pacifist NPEs receive a +15% bonus
to all Armistice Checks. A NPE cannot be a
Pacifist if its AG is greater than 33.

Pacifist is mutually exclusive with either the

Aggressive or Warmonger traits.

Prejudiced: Humanoids (-1)

For some inexplicable reason, this power holds
an extreme dislike and distrust of humanoid
species. It will actively attempt to limit contact with
Prejudiced: Non-Humanoids (-1)
the humanoid powers it finds so distasteful. Maybe it is the tentacles or acidic saliva, but
Prejudiced: Humanoids has the following effects: this power just doesn’t care for non-humanoid
alien lifeforms. It will actively attempt to limit
• Any attempt by the prejudiced power to sign a contact with the non-humanoid powers it finds so
treaty with a humanoid power has a chance of
failing equal to 25%, or the prejudiced power’s
Xenophobia statistic if the power is a NPE.
Prejudiced: Non-Humanoids has the following effects:

• The prejudiced power gains a +10% bonus to all • Any attempt by the prejudiced power to sign a
attempts to break treaties with or declare treaty with a non-humanoid power has a chance
hostilities/war against humanoid powers. of failing equal to 25%, or the prejudiced power’s
Xenophobia statistic if the power is a NPE.
• The prejudiced power considers systems
controlled by humanoid powers to have half their • The prejudiced power gains a +10% bonus to all
normal system output (round down) for purposes attempts to break treaties with or declare
of trade routes and commerce income. hostilities/war against non-humanoid powers.

• (NPE Only) The prejudiced power’s offering • The prejudiced power considers systems
chance is halved when dealing with humanoid controlled by non-humanoid powers to have half
powers. The prejudiced power ’s treaty their normal system output (round down) for
acceptance chance for treaties offered by purposes of trade routes and commerce income.
humanoid powers is also halved. • (NPE Only) The power’s offering chance is
halved when dealing with non-humanoid powers.
The treaty acceptance chance for treaties offered
by non-humanoid powers is also halved.

22 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
Prejudiced – Specific Race (±0) • Warmonger powers receive a +20% bonus to all
This power exhibits an irrational hatred of a attempts to declare hostilities or war against
another power. Unlike normal modifiers, this
single alien species. It is unknown why this enmity
bonus is cumulative even with other non-
exists – maybe they owe them money? – but in cumulative modifiers.
any event this empire will be loath to associate
• If a Warmonger is offered an Armistice, there is
with the target power.
always a 15% chance that the power will refuse
Prejudiced – Specific Race has the following effects:
the Armistice even if the controlling player
• The empire must select one opposing power to accepts the offer.
be prejudiced against at the start of the
• (NPE Only) Warmonger NPEs receive a -15%
campaign. The target of this prejudice is publicly
penalty to all Armistice Checks. A NPE cannot
declared and should be known by all players. If
be a Warmonger if its AG is less than 66.
playing an exploration campaign, roll d6 for each
new empire contacted by this power. On a roll of Warmonger is mutually exclusive with either the
‘6’, this empire is prejudiced against that power’s Passive, Pacifist, or Abject Coward traits.
species and any other empire controlled by
members of the same species. Xenophobic (-2)*
• Any attempt by the prejudiced power to sign a Xenophobic powers have a hard time dealing
treaty with a power it feels prejudiced towards with outsiders. They are naturally fearful of the
has a chance of failing equal to 25%, or the aliens they meet. This fear is oftentimes
prejudiced power’s Xenophobia statistic if the
manifested through overt hostility, but can be just
power is a NPE.
as effectively masked in apathy.
• The prejudiced power gains a +10% bonus to all Xenophobic has the following effects:
attempts to break treaties with or declare
hostilities/war against a specific opposing power • Xenophobic powers must roll for each attempt
to sign a new, non-Armistice treaty using a
• The prejudiced power considers systems percentile die. Refer to the list below for
controlled by the specified power to have half acceptance chances by treaty type. If the treaty
their normal system output (round down) for attempt fails, then the treaty is not signed.
purposes of trade routes and commerce income. Xenophobic powers can accept Armistice treaties
• (NPE Only) The prejudiced power’s offering without rolling for the attempt. Subtract 20% from
chance is halved when dealing with powers it each of these acceptance chances for each
feels prejudice towards. The prejudiced power’s additional level (after the first) of the Xenophobic
treaty acceptance chance for treaties offered by trait. Acceptance chances that are reduced to
these powers are also halved. being less than or equal to 0 become impossible
for the power to sign.
Warmonger (+1) • A Xenophobic power may only attempt to sign
The opposite of the Pacifist, Warmongers (also one treaty with each opposing power per turn.
called ‘hawks’) believe that a government needs • Xenophobic powers receive a +20% bonus when
to talk softly and carry a big stick. Those who breaking treaties, +10% per additional level of
desire the use of force to further their own political the trait.
agendas can easily abuse this philosophy of ‘big • The Xenophobic trait negates all special
stick diplomacy’. To them, violence is simply a diplomatic abilities held by opposing races,
means to an end. including those conferred by Diplomat elite
Warmonger has the following effects: officers. Thus, when dealing with Xenophobic
powers, the opposing power’s diplomatic
• Warmonger powers are allowed to use up to 75%
modifiers are ignored.
of its per-turn total domestic product toward the
purchase of military units and Intel if organized
as a Representative government.

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
Espionage Experts (+1)*
Xenophobic Treaty Acceptance Chart When it comes to Espionage missions, this
Treaty Type % Chance power’s spies are some of the best around. Using
Armistice Automatic advanced surveillance and reconnaissance
Non-Aggression Pact 60% methods, Espionage Experts have a much easier
time tracking down the information their superiors
Peace Treaty 50%
are looking for.
Trade Treaty 40% Espionage Experts has the following effect:
Mutual Defense Pact 30%
• All Espionage missions launched by this power
Alliance Treaty 20% receive a +1 Intel point bonus. This bonus is per
Partnership 10% mission, not per system participating in the
Unification Impossible Espionage mission.

Co-Belligerency Pact 40%

Expert Intelligence Network (+2)
Tribute Treaty Treaty 25%
An elite network of operatives ensures that all
Naval Appropriation Treaty 25% Intel missions this empire performs have a greater
Research Treaty 25% chance of success. The intelligence arm of the
government is well-funded and its ranks filled with
only the best spies to practice the craft.
Expert Intelligence Network has the following effect:
• All Intel missions launched by this power receive
Social Traits: Intelligence a +1 Intel point bonus. This bonus is per mission,
Nations live or die by the data retrieved and not per system participating in the Intel mission.
missions performed by their intelligence agencies.
The life of a spy is dangerous but it can be Ineffectual Intelligence Network (-2)
rewarding. Natural aptitudes in this area can give When referring to this power’s intelligence
an empire an edge, while inefficiencies will make agents, the terms ‘incompetent’ and ‘inept’
it difficult – if not impossible – for an empire to immediately spring to mind. These bumgling fools
assemble a competent spy service. find it difficult to succeed in any of their missions,
and when they do succeed it is the result of luck
Efficient Operatives (+1)* and not by their own merits. This shameful
This power’s spies are highly efficient and performance reflects poorly upon the head of the
make the most of the resources at hand. empire’s intelligence bureau, who often finds
Maintaining a strong intelligence network becomes himself ashamed of the agents under his
much easier as a result. command.
Efficient Operatives has the following effect: Ineffectual Intelligence Network has the
following effect:
• The power can maintain 20% more Intel points
per economic point of maintenance (round up). • The first point of Intel applied to any Intel mission
Example: If the default Intel maintenance cost of launched by this power is ignored for purposes
1/10 is being used, a power possessing one level of calculating the Mission Failure Percentage
of this trait would pay 1/12 maintenance on its (MFP). This penalty is per mission, not per
Intel points, two levels would pay 1/14, three system participating in the Sabotage mission.
levels would pay 1/16, and so on.
Inefficient Operatives (-1)*
Corruption and mismanagement plague
intelligence agencies filled with Inefficient

24 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
Operatives. The resulting bureaucratic quagmire Sabotage Expert (+1)*
makes it more expensive to maintain a strong Ask any of this empire’s agents and they will
intelligence network. tell you the same thing: explosives are their best
Inefficient Operatives has the following effect: friends. When it comes to blowing something up,
• The power can maintain 20% fewer Intel points this power has demonstrated that it both willing
per economic point of maintenance. and capable to carry out intricate sabotage
Note that a race may purchase this trait a missions against enemy targets.
maximum of five times, and the minimum Sabotage Experts has the following effect:
maintenance for Intel points is 1/1 (1 economic • All Sabotage missions launched by this power
point per 1 Intel point). receive a +1 Intel point bonus. This bonus is per
Example: If the default Intel maintenance cost of mission, not per system participating in the
1/10 is being used, a power possessing one level Sabotage mission.
of this trait would pay 1/8 maintenance on its Intel
points, two levels would pay 1/6, three levels
would pay 1/4, and so on. Social Traits:
Insurgency Experts (+1)*
Space and Ground Combat
Insurgency Experts are trained in the finer arts Battles are fought both in space and on the
of instigating rebellions, or diffusing similar ground. It is on these battlefields of void and earth
situations back home. Their work is thankless as that the wheat is separated from the chaff. The
they work entirely in the shadows unknowingly social imperative to breed strong, able-bodied
manipulating the masses. warriors is strong in some powers and completely
Insurgency Experts has the following effect: lacking in others. Those that do possess great skill
in combat have earned the respect of their peers...
• All Insurgency/Counter-Insurgency missions
and the fear of their enemies.
launched by this power receive a +1 Intel point
bonus. This bonus is per mission, not per system
participating in the Insurgency/Counter- Bombardment Masters (+2)
Insurgency mission. Previous campaigns have taught this power
how to efficiently conduct orbital bombardment
Mission Specialist (+1)* exercises against enemy planetary positions.
This power places a special emphasis on a Extensive literature has been written on the
particular mission type during agent training. It is subject, and all military officers are adept at
in this area that its spies excel. Powers that employing “fire from the sky” tactics against enemy
maintain a specialty in a specific Espionage or worlds.
Sabotage mission type are typically the best in Bombardment Masters has the following effects:
their fields for that particular mission. • All units produce twice their normal number of
Mission Specialist has the following effect: bombardment points.
• This special trait gives the player a +2 Intel point • All Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) cost
bonus towards one specific Espionage or 25% less to purchase (round down).
Sabotage Intel mission type (ex: Espionage:
Example: If WMDs cost 2 economic points in your
System or Sabotage: Population). The mission
campaign, this trait will reduce their cost to 1
type the power will be receiving this special bonus
economic point each.
in must be clearly noted and will only apply to
missions of that type.

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
Elite Armies (+4) Expert Wing Commanders (+2)
A highly professional training regimen ensures Superior fighter tactics have been known to
that all ground personnel are the best they possibly breed Expert Wing Commanders, flight officers
can be. The bravery and dedication of such troops whose skill allows them to more effectively
is renowned and their fury on the battlefield coordinate their wings. This improved unit
unparalleled. cohesion allows for better reaction times and
Elite Armies has the following effect: higher survival rates.
• All new ground units begin with an army grade Expert Wing Commanders has the following effect:
level two levels higher than normal. During • Expert Wing Commanders increase the effective
peacetime this means that all newly purchased DV of all of the powers’ flights by 1. For example,
ground units begin with an army grade level of a medium fighter flight that normally has DV 2
Elite instead of Regular. would have DV 3 when operated by a power with
Elite Armies is mutually exclusive with the Green the Expert Wing Commander trait.
Armies, Novice Armies, or VeteranArmies traits. Expert Wing Commanders is mutually exclusive with
the Poor Pilots trait.
Elite Crews (+4)
Your star fleet’s exploits are legendary. Your Green Armies (-2)
people have a natural affinity for space, and the The ground forces fielded by this nation are
superior training that your crews receive puts them the worst of the worst. A lack of training or unified
head and shoulders above their peers. It takes command severely undermines that ability to fight
other powers’ officers decades to achieve the effectively against foreign ground units. Attrition
knowledge and training that are second nature to rates are regrettably high in Green Armies.
your own. Green Armies has the following effect:
Elite Crews has the following effect: • All new ground units begin with an army grade
• All new non-flight units begin with a crew grade level two levels lower than normal. In effect, all
level two levels higher than normal. During newly purchased ground units begin with an army
peacetime this means that all new ships and grade level of Green!
bases begin with a crew grade level of Elite Green Armies is mutually exclusive with the Novice
instead of Regular.
Armies, Veteran Armies, or Elite Armies traits.
Elite Crews is mutually exclusive with the Green
Crews, Novice Crews, or Veteran Crews traits. Green Crews (-2)
Not every species is a natural when it comes
Expert Boarding Parties (+2)* to piloting spacecraft. Some find zero or reduced
A flurry of gunfire follows the sound of gravity environments comfortable, and others have
exploding metal and the acrid smell of smoke as environmental or physical requirements which
your marines invade an enemy’s ship. Expert make serving aboard starships uncomfortable.
Boarding Parties have little probably achieving Excuses aside, there are some empires whose
their objectives and are able to quickly subjugate crews are just incompetent. These Green Crews
defending security teams on alien starships, are unlikely to ever equal to the skill of even the
ensuring the capture of these vessels. greenest enemy crews.
Expert Boarding Parties has the following effect: Green Crews has the following effect:
• All Direct Assault units receive a +1 attrition • All new non-flight units begin with a crew grade
damage bonus to their Direct Assault ability in level two levels lower than normal. In effect, all
combat. new construction ships and bases begin with a
crew grade level of Green!

26 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
Green Crews is mutually exclusive with the Novice
Crews, Veteran Crews, or Elite Crews traits. Master Tacticians – Command (+1)*
These great military commanders possess a
Guerillas (+1) knack for organizing and leading fleets of ships
Moving silently through forests of both trees into battle. They surround themselves with the best
and steel, Guerillas are adept at striking at advisors who feed them the data they need to
invading forces and then fading back into the make the most informed decisions possible in the
darkness. The conquest of such a power can take least time required.
years and more than one invader has forfeited Master Tacticians – Command has the
their position rather than continue to fight against following effect:
these formidable defenders. • Increase the Command Rating of all units under
Guerillas has the following effect: the empire’s control by 10%, rounding all
• All Guerilla defenders gain an additional +1 dug- fractional Command Ratings up.
in bonus when defending friendly planets,
regardless of whether or not the enemy has Master Tacticians – Cunning (+1)*
established a beachhead on the contested world. This power’s officers have an uncanny ability
to anticipate the enemy’s actions, which makes it
Inferior Military Instruction (-1)* difficult for them to be caught off guard. In fact,
Officer training in this empire is pitiful by any their commanders are adept at turning the tables
standards. An officer’s training focuses more on on enemy forces, winning victories where defeat
philosophies and ideologies than usable skills. A seemed evident.
program of training such as this breeds Master Tacticians – Cunning has the following
incompetent leaders who would never have been effect:
able to rise to their station in foreign military • The empire receives a +1 bonus to all surprise
service. As a result it is much harder for an empire rolls in combat.
with Inferior Military Instruction to find and promote
those officers that actually do demonstrate a Master Tacticians – Maneuvers (+1)
natural talent for leadership. This commander excels when it comes to
Inferior Military Instruction has the following effect: outmaneuvering the enemy in battle. The ships
• The experience cost to purchase or upgrade under this empire’s control are able to routinely
military Elite Officers (Fleet, Flight, or Ground), outflank the enemy or cut off their escape routes.
upgrade crew grade levels, or upgrade army Also, their captains know when to make a break
grade levels is increased by 10% (round up). for safety, and their sly maneuvers can allow the
Inferior Military Instruction is mutually exclusive with fleet to shake pursuing units and make good a
the Superior Military Instruction trait. retreat.
Master Tacticians – Maneuvers has the
Kamikazes (+1) following effect:
Kamikazes are blatantly suicidal, whether • The empire may either increase scenario length
because of social or population pressures is by 1-6 rounds (instead of 1-4), or decrease the
anyone’s guess. These pilots and crews don’t have scenario length by 1-2 rounds.
any qualms about giving their lives for the greater
good. Master Tacticians – Organization (+2)
Kamikazes has the following effect: Fleet organization is important. Without unit
cohesion a battle line would fall apart moments
• All non-fixed defense units double their defense
values for purposes of Ramming only. after the enemy is engaged. Good leaders know

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
how to maintain their fleet’s formation even when service is shorter than normal, or else only give
set upon by a superior force. The maintenance of new personnel minimal training before assigning
a strong formation keeps valuable fleet units in them duties. Whatever the case, these Novice
position so that they can do the most good and, Crews require time and experience to reach
more importantly, avoid being separated from the Regular status.
fleet where they can be destroyed at the enemy’s Novice Crews has the following effect:
leisure. • All new non-flight units begin with a crew grade
Master Tacticians – Organization has the level one level lower than normal. During
following effect: peacetime this means that all new ships and
• The empire may place all of the members of a bases begin with a crew grade level of Novice
single non-flag squadron in level 1 formation instead of Regular.
bonus at no cost. The fleet retains its ability to Novice Crews is mutually exclusive with the Green
put one ship in the squadron in a formation bonus Crews, Veteran Crews, or Elite Crews traits.
one level higher.
Poor Pilots (-2)
Natural Pilots (+2) Just as some species are Natural Pilots, others
Some species have a natural affinity for fighter are just not suited for space fighter deployments.
piloting. To them, flying is almost second nature. These Poor Pilots lack the same level of control
These Natural Pilots can easily out fly even the and focus that other pilots instinctively possess,
aces of other powers. putting them at a disadvantage.
Natural Pilots has the following effect: Poor Pilots has the following effect:
• All fighter flights fielded by a power with the
• None of the power ’s flights may perform
Natural Pilots trait gain a +1 readiness modifier
dedicated fighter missions.
Poor Pilots is mutually exclusive with the Natural
Natural Pilots is mutually exclusive
Pilots or Expert Wing Commanders trait.
with the Poor Pilots trait.

Poor Tacticians – Command (-1)*

Novice Armies (-1)
This empire’s fleet commanders haven’t
This empire’s ground forces are lacking in
learned to delegate, and it shows. The admiralty
basic training. It takes intensive training and
demands that all orders of consequence pass
combat experience to improve these armies to an
through them, limiting the overall efficiency of a
adequate level of ability.
fleet’s command structure.
Novice Armies has the following effect:
Poor Tacticians – Command has the following
• All new ground units begin with an army grade effect:
level one level lower than normal. During
peacetime this means that all newly purchased • Reduce the Command Rating of all units under
ground units begin with an army grade level of the empire’s control by 10%, rounding all
Novice instead of Regular. fractional Command Ratings down. A unit’s
Command Rating cannot be reduced below 1 as
Novice Armies is mutually exclusive with the Green a result of this trait.
Armies, Veteran Armies, or Elite Armies traits.
Poor Tacticians – Maneuvers (-1)
Novice Crews (-1) None of this power’s commanders have been
This empire lacks a focus on its space military taught the importance of tactical maneuvers. In
forces. As such, it may either rely heavily on either fact, most are more than happy to sally forth and
conscript or volunteer forces whose time in military

28 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
let their enemy choose and time, place, and • The efficiency at which ground units are
conditions under which they will meet. maintained is increased. For each level of this
Poor Tacticians – Maneuvers has the following trait, increase the maintenance denominator of
effect: each of the empire’s ground unit types by 1. For
example, a ground unit with a normal
• In space combat engagements, the empire’s maintenance cost of 1/3 would be increased to
opponent gets to select the number of rounds 1/4 with this trait. If other powers are allowed to
(1-4) that this empire’s fleet will participate in purchase units belonging to this power, they
combat. likewise are allowed maintain them at this lower
Poor Tacticians – Organization (-2) Professional Armies is mutually exclusive with the
The value of strong force organization has Unprofessional Armies trait.
been completely lost on this empire’s leaders.
Once battle is joined, all semblance of an Sneaky (+1)
intelligent fleet formation disappears as individual
Sneaky aliens prefer to move about unseen.
ships break off to engage enemies of opportunity.
The ships belonging to Sneaky powers are
This chaos leaves valuable fleet assets exposed.
optimized to reduce their visible emissions and
Poor Tacticians – Organization has the
make it easier for them to move about without
following effect:
attracting undue attention.
• The empire’s flag squadrons do not receive their Sneaky has the following effects:
standard level one formation bonus, but their AS
• Sneaky powers decrease the length of any
and AF values always remain halved.
Pursuit scenario generated against them by one
turn. Additionally, the Pursuing power can field
Poor Tacticians – Predictable (-1)* one less squadron than normal.
Predictable commanders are easily
• Sneaky powers receive a –10% bonus to be
ambushed. Their cautious nature prevents them detected when using the CG 4.22 Concealed and
from taking initiative in battle. Unfortunately, this Stealth Movement optional rules.
lack of initiative is not unique. All of the power’s
commanders suffer from the same fatal flaw.
Poor Tacticians – Predictable has the following
Stalwart Defender (+2)
effect: In times of trouble, Stalwart Defenders will take
up arms in defense of their world; they are not
• The empire receives a -1 bonus to all surprise content to sit idly by and let their empire’s
rolls in combat.
professional ground forces to the fighting. Their
assistance may not make an impact, but their
Professional Armies (+2)* tenacity and spirit is infectious.
The armies maintained by this power are Stalwart Defender has the following effect:
highly professional. Conscription is frowned upon
• Whenever a Stalwart Defender’s planet is
and avoided unless necessary. Those that join the
invaded, one Militia per Census is automatically
empire’s ground forces are career soldiers, born
formed to fight defense of their home. These
and bred to live, fight, and die by their valor and Militia units are always in supply, even if the
that of their comrades in arms. A combination of system is blockaded. Each campaign turn, these
exemplary training, battle hardening, and strong Militia units will completely regenerate so long
morale allows these Professional Armies to as the Stalwart Defender remains in control of
operate more efficiently. the planet. This provides a weak but constant
Professional Armies has the following effect: supply of ground units to defend the planet.

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
Superior Military Instruction (+1)* increased by 1 for each level of this trait. For
Those who fail to learn from history are example, a ground unit with a normal
maintenance cost of 1/3 would be increased to
doomed to repeat it. This power takes those words
2/3 with this trait. If other powers are allowed to
to heart and have implemented exceptional purchase units belonging to this power, they
training programs for its military personnel. From likewise must pay to maintain them at this higher
the day each recruit enters the military institute’s rate.
halls they are inundated by information about past
Unprofessional Armies is mutually exclusive with the
battles. The successes and failures of admirals
Professional Armies trait.
and generals from a dozen worlds (or more) are
set before them. It is expected that these students
will learn from these lessons, providing them with Unremarkable Military (-3)
exemplary knowledge and ability in the field. Occasionally a race manages to achieve
Superior Military Instruction has the following effect: sentience and interstellar travel without also
developing any martial tendencies. Whether it was
• The experience cost to purchase or upgrade due to a lack of natural predators in their formative
military Elite Officers (Fleet, Flight, or Ground),
eons or a remarkable degree of unity amongst
upgrade crew grade levels, or upgrade army
grade levels is reduced by 10% (round down). themselves later, this race has never really had to
fight for anything. As such, they’re not very good
Superior Military Instruction is mutually exclusive with at it; a fact duly noted by their neighbors.
the Inferior Military Instruction trait. Unremarkable Military has the following effect:
• This power may not purchase any new military
Transformative Expert (+1) elite officers (Fleet, Flight, or Ground), nor may
Those powers adept in building and they increase their crew or army grade levels
maintaining transformable craft have all integrated above Regular. All existing elite officers, crews,
the use of such units into their standard combat and armies already in the empire’s service are
doctrines. A combination of familiarity with and retained, but no future examples may be
military training in the use of these metamorphic purchased.
combat units gives the Transformative Expert a Unremarkable Military is mutually exclusive
decisive edge in combat. with any social Space and Ground Combat trait
Transformative Expert has the following effects: that confers positive results.
• In space combat, if Transformative units make
up half or more of the power’s fleet units it Veteran Armies (+2)
receives a special +1 bonus to its surprise roll. Your ground forces are more effective than
• In ground combat, this power’s Transformative those fielded by other powers. It also does not
flight units ignore the normal –2 Attack penalty take long to get new recruits up to speed and
associated with invading from transports. In fighting like professionals. In war, that alone can
essence, this trait expands the units’ bonuses to be an invaluable gift.
make them full Marine units.
Veteran Armies has the following effect:
• All new ground units begin with an army grade
Unprofessional Armies (-2)*
level one level higher than normal. During
Some empires field smaller ground armies, or peacetime this means that all newly purchased
else rely on mercenaries to provide for planetary ground units begin with an army grade level of
security at their worlds. Veteran instead of Regular.
Unprofessional Armies has the following effect:
Veteran Armies is mutually exclusive with the Green
• The maintenance costs of ground units fielded Armies, Novice Armies, or Elite Armies traits.
by an empire with Unprofessional Armies are

30 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
Veteran Crews (+2) have its maintenance increased by 2 economic
Your fleet is known for producing well- points, to 41 economic points.
trained crews. They are not as elite as some, but
all perform their duties with extra efficiency and
skill. These crews still have a lot to learn – lessons Social Traits: Cultural
that only battle can teach them – but they are Most social traits are the result of cultural
recognized as a valued resource by your empire. developments. Each culture embraces a different
Veteran Crews has the following effect: set of fundamental beliefs, and it is these belief
• All new non-flight units begin with a crew grade systems that lead them to prioritize the qualities or
level one level higher than normal. During virtues that they seek to promote within their society.
peacetime this means that all new ships and In addition to this active promotion comes the
bases begin with a crew grade level of Veteran rejection of other, possibly opposing points of view.
instead of Regular.
Veteran Crews is mutually exclusive with the Green Abject Cowards (-3)
Crews, Novice Crews, or Elite Crews traits. There exist some species that are so adverse
to conflict that they simply have no means to cope
Weapons Specialists (+3) with the realities of war. Abject Cowards are as
Your scientists excel at building and apt to flee and run as they are to stand and fight.
implementing advanced weapon systems. These Defeating the military ‘might’ of such a power is
weapons confer a weighty advantage to your units, child’s play.
making them some of the most efficient weapons Abject Cowards has the following effects:
of war in the known galaxy. The benefits of this • All ground units belonging to the power do not
bleeding-edge technology does not come without benefit from dug-in bonuses of any kind.
a price, however, as the cost of maintaining such • All space units belonging to the power suffer an
an advanced fleet puts an extra burden on your additional –1 to their readiness modifier in combat
empire. above and beyond that incurred via the effects
Weapons Specialists has the following effects: of surprise.
• All ships, bases, and flights receive a +1 bonus • If all of the ships in a task force squadron are
to their AS and AF values. A unit’s AS and AF crippled, they will immediately attempt to retreat
values cannot be increased beyond twice their from combat.
original value, as modified by this trait and any
• Abject Cowards are not allowed to ram under
other modifiers, such as those from elite officer
any circumstances.
or crew grade levels. Flight units with asterisked
values (ex: 1*) are not improved as a result of Abject Cowards is mutually exclusive
this trait. with any social Space and Ground Combat trait
• All ground units receive a +1 Attack and +1 that confers positive results.
Defense bonus. A unit’s Attack and Defense
values cannot be increased beyond twice their Chemical Addiction (-2)
original value, as modified by this trait and any This power has developed a chemical or
other modifiers, such as those from elite officers
psychological dependency on a specific
or army grade levels.
substance. If access to this substance is stopped,
• This empire’s total maintenance cost is increased even momentarily, the empire’s population will be
by 5% (round fractional maintenance costs up). thrown into panic.
Example: Weapons Specialists with a normal Chemical Addiction has the following effects:
maintenance cost of 39 economic points would

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
• Morale checks at systems that are cut off from offering party has previously encountered them
the homeworld or otherwise blockaded are made in battle.
at a –2 penalty to the roll.
• Systems under a blockade produce only 50% of Contemplative (+1)
their normal system output until the blockade is Contemplative powers tend to enjoy
broken. The population is unable (or unwilling) ruminating at length on a subject before they act.
to work until they can be given access to more of By taking their time to mull over the problem at
the drug.
hand they are able to reduce the risk of making
unnecessarily hasty decisions. It is not uncommon
Civil Disturbances (-1)* for members of this civilization to spend days
This culture is plagued by unrest, which often sitting idle considering the intricacies of a flower
leads to violence. Quelling this unrest requires or the natural beauty of an atomic structure.
extensive use of an empire’s military and Contemplative has the following effects:
intelligence resources. With each new insurrection
• Due to their attention to detail, Contemplative ship
put down though, it is only a matter of time before
builders work at a slower rate but they are more
another disturbance throws a planet’s population apt to notice imperfections in the craft they are
into chaos. building. All planets and shipyards have their
The discordant nature of this culture could be available construction capacity reduced by 10%
the result of something as simple as a predilection (round down), but all ships, bases, and satellites
towards social disagreement and strife, or it might can take 1 more point of damage in combat
be the result of a waning empire that is no longer before they become crippled (effective DV +1
able to maintain its various conquests after until crippled).
centuries of decline. • All non-Insurgency/Counter-Insurgency Morale
Civil Disturbances has the following effect: effects (positive and negative) are halved.
• All Morale checks with negative effects have their • In combat scenarios, Contemplative empires
target number increased by 1 per level. receive a –1 penalty to their surprise roll, but the
maximum readiness modifier penalty they can
Example: With one level of this trait, a Morale
receive is a –2.
check with a normal target number of 2 would
have this number increased by 1 to 3, so a roll of
‘3’ or less is needed to activate the check instead Closed Society (+2)*
of a ‘2’ or less. Closed Societies are not necessarily
Xenophobic, but they still believe that there are
Combat Respect (-1) certain things that a people should keep to itself.
There exist some alien empires that will only Members of a Closed Society would be loath to
respect their enemy once they have demonstrated openly associate with foreigners outside of strictly
themselves on the battlefield. To these powers delineated interactions and diplomatic protocols,
Combat Respect means everything, and those largely limited to basic commerce and diplomacy.
opponents that are too timid to engage in combat Infiltrating a Closed Society is almost impossible
are below their contempt. and foreign powers will find few willing to associate
Combat Respect has the following effects: with outsiders. Caste-based societies are a perfect
example of a Closed Society.
• All treaties have a 25% chance of failing unless
Closed Society has the following effects:
the power possessing the Combat Respect trait
and the target empire have participated in one • All Intel missions performed upon a Closed
or more space or ground combat engagements. Society by opposing powers have their difficulty
increased by 1.
• (NPE Only) The NPE has all treaty acceptance
chances halved (rounding down) unless the • If a Closed Society is also a Religious Meritocracy,

32 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
the effects of invoking a fervor among the power, in which case all treaties with that power
population will last an additional 1d6 turns per are automatically broken.
level of this trait.
• If a Fanatical power is also a Religious
Closed Society is mutually exclusive with the Open Meritocracy, the effects of invoking a fervor
Society trait. among the population will last for an additional
2d6 turns.
Controlled Society (+1)
Similar to a Spiritual power, a Controlled Gifted Explorers (+2)
Society forcibly enforces a strict code of societal Curiosity is an inherited trait, and there are
conduct. Nonconformists are not tolerated within some species in the universe that is the
a Controlled Society. Most are neutralized before descendents of truly curious creatures. These
they become a threat to the society’s artificial species have an uncanny knack for navigating the
social framework, disappearing from the public cosmos. The tenacity of explorers of this caliber
eye only to reappear later, after their ‘rehabilitation.’ is not to be discounted.
The cost of a perfectly maintained society is Gifted Explorers has the following effect:
the loss of free will and genuine happiness. It only • All of the power’s scouting forces receive a +2
takes a spark of unrest to thrust a Controlled bonus to their exploration attempts.
Society into chaos. Special Note: Gifted Explorers is only a valid choice if
Controlled Society has the following effect: your campaign will be using the CC 2.2 Exploration
• Controlled Societies receive a +1 bonus to all Campaign rules.
Morale checks.
• Controlled Societies ignore all non-Counter- Gregarious (+1)*
Insurgency Morale increases. This means that Gregarious species are extremely friendly and
any positive Morale effects from Morale checks get along well with other alien lifeforms. They are
or random events are nullified by the Controlled social creatures and love to talk – and listen. Being
Society trait. a social animal does have its drawbacks, though.
Gregarious aliens tend to say a bit too much
Fanatical (+2) sometimes, passing on information that was best
When it comes to certain aspects of society, not passed on.
this power is extremely Fanatical. Zealotry is Gregarious has the following effects:
common and it is easy for a demagogue to whip
• All attempts to break a treaty with a Gregarious
his or her forces into a fervor, religious or
power are made at a –5% penalty. However, the
otherwise. Fanatics are unpredictable in the Gregarious power also receives a –5% penalty
extreme, but their constitution is strong and they when it attempts to break treaties, too.
will see their crusade through to its bloody
• The power receives one (1) free Intel point to be
spent on diplomatic missions each turn. This free
Fanatical has the following effects: Intel point costs nothing to maintain but must only
• On any turn, a Fanatical power may declare that be used on diplomatic missions, such as breaking
it is whipping its population into a fervor. On the treaties or declaring hostilities or war. If unused,
following turn the power receives a 5% bonus to this Intel point is lost.
its total domestic product (round up) and is • All Intel missions launched against a Gregarious
immune to negative Morale effects. This fervor power have their MFP increased by 5%. However
lasts for a total of 2d6 turns. During the fervor the Gregarious power also receives a +5% MFP
the power cannot form new treaties and cannot penalty on all Intel missions it performs.
break any treaties unless attacked by another

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
Honorable (±0) • Population growth checks are made at a
Honorable species live by a strict code of cumulative –1 penalty per each level of this trait.
honor, valuing personal and/or family honor above • Anytime a system’s population increases, roll d6;
all other concerns. To them, those without honor on a roll of ‘5’ or ‘6’, its Morale is decreased by 1.
have no reason to live. Their passionate devotion
to the concept of honor impacts all of the decisions Population Explosion (+1)*
an Honorable power must make. Social or political pressures have put extra
Honorable has the following effects: emphasis on reproductive activity within the
• All treaty bonuses and penalties are doubled, empire. All able-bodied members of society are
except for those provided by Intel. In general, expected to procreate for the good of their species.
this means that an Honorable power will have a Governments often adopt such a stance after the
hard time breaking a treaty unless given reason end of a terrible conflict, with the hopes that it will
to, and it will also be more likely to honor treaties help to replenish population losses stemming from
it has signed with other powers. the recent conflict. However there are also some
• (NPE only) A NPE cannot be Honorable if its IN species for whom the instinct to mate is too strong
is less than or equal to 20. to overcome (or they simply choose not to!).
Population Explosion has the following effects:
Open Society (-2)* • Population growth checks are made at a
Open Societies welcome the chance to cumulative +1 bonus per level of this trait.
interact with other powers. Their borders are • Anytime a system’s population increases, roll d6;
largely unpatrolled, making for easy violation of on a roll of ‘5’ or ‘6’, its Morale is increased by 1.
their space, and their customs officials don’t tend
to ask many questions. While this situation caters Pranksters (-1)*
favorably to the moods of the population, it does There is nothing like a good joke. Your public
nothing to prevent opposing powers from taking servants take this old adage to heart when
advantage of the ease of movement their agents conducting day-to-day affairs of state. From
enjoy in the Open Society. putting whoopee cushions in diplomats’ chairs to
Open Society has the following effect: running across the border to scare a freighter full
• All Intel missions performed upon an Open of war orphans, your citizens love pulling off
Society by opposing powers have their difficulty hilarious gags. You even think they are funny!
decreased by 1 (minimum difficulty 1). Unfortunately, most opposing empires aren’t
Open Society is mutually exclusive with the Closed amused by such hijinx. Ha! The joke’s on them!
Society trait. Prankster has the following effect:
• Once per campaign turn, during the Update Asset
Population Controls (-1)* Phase, roll d10. For each extra level of Prankster
Massive overpopulation has caused this purchased, add 1 to the die roll. On a roll of ‘10’
culture to institute strict population control or more, one of your officials has decided to do
guidelines to limit its out of control population something they consider truly hilarious. Roll on
the Prankster Result Table to determine which
growth. Reproduction is strictly monitored, and
event has transpired and apply the effects
those that attempt to violate or circumvent the rules accordingly.
are dealt with harshly. It is hoped that several
generations of these Population Controls will allow
Rival Houses (-1)
the power to once again achieve a sustainable
This empire is controlled by a multitude of
level of population on its worlds.
autonomous aristocratic houses or independent
Population Controls has the following effects:
nation states. These houses have vowed to work

34 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
Prankster Result Table 6 We’ll Meet You at the Pub! All of the
(Roll D10) members of one of the empire’s ground
units ended up in the local tavern last
Roll Result week (it was a big tavern!), got a bit
1 Fun With Numbers. Someone decided unruly, and ended up getting into some
to erase one of the global currency trouble. They were AWOL to begin with.
exchange servers (again); your empire As a result they were kicked out of the
loses 5% of its total domestic product armed forces. The ground unit is
on the next campaign turn. disbanded.
2 A Walk in the Park. One squadron from 7 Did I Do That? One particularly
a random fleet on the empire’s border enterprising individual tried seeing if a
moves into a neighboring system that fusion reactor can be used as a
is controlled by a foreign power (or makeshift rotisserie. It cannot. One
neutral, if the Prankster’s empire does random ship or flight unit is destroyed
not border another power). They will not as a result of this experiment.
initiate hostilities (unless a declaration 8 Diplomatic Shenanigans. One of your
of hostilities/war is signed) but will diplomats decided that it would be fun
instead taunt other ships in the system. to push a high-ranking foreign official
3 Secret Videos. Your intelligence off of a balcony or into oncoming hover
operatives decide to spend their time traffic. Select one opposing empire at
using government resources to spy on random. The target will attempt to break
their favorite holo-vid celebrity or other their highest level treaty with the
high-profile public official. They use 2d6 Prankster’s empire on the next
Intel points to perform the mission. campaign turn.
Subtract these points from the empire’s 9 Awkward Situation. The leader of the
Military Intel Pool. If there are not empire is caught up in a massive
enough Intel points in the Military Intel scandal. Luckily, the compromising
Pool to cover this expenditure, then the situation he or she (or it?) was caught
mission will simply use the remainder in was side-splittingly funny and will be
of the Intel points in the pool. shown with automated laugh tracks for
4 War of the Worlds. A communications years to come. ALL of the empire’s
officer in a random system puts on a systems make a special Morale check
mock ‘end of the universe’ news drama this turn, with a target number of 2. If
that scares the bejesus out of the the roll is equal to or less than 2, then
planet’s population. What a card! The the system’s Morale increased by 1.
system’s Morale is reduced by 1. 10 Impromptu National Holiday.
5 What Science? Your scientists have Someone in the docker’s union decided
really been investigating side projects that today would be a great day for a
that are of no real value to you, but they space picnic. One random shipyard will
have been pretty excited about them. be unusable on the next campaign turn
Reduce the amount of tech investment while the workers gather for a good old-
points paid into the tech pool by the fashioned game of space croquet on
empire by 10% (round up). the friendly neighborhood space lawn.

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
together to further the cause of their empire, but • When in a state of hostilities or war, this power
this common cause does not eliminate their gains a +1 bonus to all Morale checks with
individual ambitions. Internecine conflict is negative effects, and a –1 bonus to all Morale
common in this fractured political landscape as checks with positive effects.
houses battle for control of territory and resources
that they can in turn use to gain greater power Spiritual (+1)
over the empire as a whole. Spiritual powers are highly attuned to some
Rival Houses has the following effects: philosophical or theological element of their
• Rival Houses receive a –1 penalty to all Morale society. To them, their spirituality is of extreme
checks. importance. The power has learned how to use
this to their advantage. Spiritual powers are adept
• In cases of rebellion, the Census of a power with
Rival Houses receives a +1 bonus to their at mollifying the population, maintaining a great
Rebellion rolls. peace within the society as a whole. However,
when the Morale of the power changes, this
Sacrificial Resolve (+2) change is extreme.
Desperate situations in the past have Spiritual has the following effect:
illustrated that personal sacrifices are often • Spiritual powers add +1 to all Morale check rolls
necessary to ensure the survival of the empire as and the effects of all Morale checks are doubled.
a whole. This empire’s leaders can inspire a self- For example, if Morale was to increase by 1 it
sacrificing zeal in their citizenry, presenting a instead increases by 2. The reverse is true as
well, with a Morale decrease of 1 becoming a
united front against enemy forces.
decreasing of 2.
Sacrificial Resolve has the following effect:
• On any turn, the power may declare that it is Superiority Complex (-1)
calling upon its population to make necessary
Aliens with a Superiority Complex believe that
sacrifices for the greater good. On the following
their own species or culture is superior to that of
turn, and as long as the resolve is maintained,
the power’s colonies become immune to negative other powers. Genetic and social purity dictates
Morale effects. The resolve lasts for a total of this to be true. These powers believe all others to
2d6 turns. During this period, any encounter be inferior and not worthy of contact. Additionally,
generated against its military lasts an additional there is the fear that interaction with these
2 rounds and its military units are disallowed from ‘barbarian’ species could itself carry a taint that
retreating from any engagement. These units are would jeopardize their purity. Until they can be sure
however allowed to ram. that these inferior species are deserving of
interaction with a superior species, diplomacy is
Social Solidarity (+1)* impossible.
In times of crisis, this empire’s population Superiority Complex has the following effect:
comes together and presents a united front • Whenever this power makes contact with another
against a common enemy. This solidarity makes empire, the power will be unable to conduct
it difficult to force an empire into a state of discord diplomacy with this new empire until it has
since each individual is doing his or her part to deemed them “worthy” of such an honor. The
keep the gears of government and industry Superior power will make a special diplomatic
turning. roll each turn to determine if they will open
normalized relations with the target power. Roll
Social Solidarity has the following effects:
d10; if the result is ‘10’, then the Superior power
• When at peace, this power receives a –1 bonus has accepted them as peers and can begin
to all Morale checks with positive effects. exchanging diplomatic actions with the opposing
power. Until this occurs, the Superior power will

36 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
ignore all diplomatic overtures made by the other • The power receives a +5% penalty to its base
power. The Superior power declare hostilities/war tech investment requirement.
against the opposing power normally, as the
• The power can maintain 10% fewer Intel points
decision to attack the opposing power has no
than normal.
bearing on whether or not the enemy is superior
or inferior. • Income generated by trade is reduced by 10%
(round down).
Tense Alliance (-2)
The power’s current ruling body is held
together by tenuous bonds of alliance. The Social Traits: Research & Technology
fractured political landscape has bred distrust Empires often focus their citizen’s talents
amongst the various opposing factions and trying towards areas of research and technology.
to maintain a unified government is extremely Technological growth has historically led to higher
difficult. standards of living for those lucky enough to enjoy
Tense Alliance has the following effects: its benefits. For this reason many believe that
• All Morale penalties are doubled. technological progress will inevitably create a
fairer, more egalitarian society, or else open
• All Insurgency missions launched against the
power have a difficulty level of 1.
doorways to concepts beyond comprehension.

• 2.3.4 Political Reforms take six turns longer than

normal to perform.
Artifact Aficionados (+1)
Over the years, these aliens have been able
to study numerous alien relics. Their expeditions
Utopian Society (±0)
have brought home artifacts from dozens of
Philosophers have long dreamt of a Utopian
planets. Analysis of these artifacts has consumed
Society. Visions of a world without strife, a world
the lives of numerous historians and linguists. This
wherein all members of society treat one another
intimate knowledge of alien artifacts and language
equally and with utmost compassion, are those of
has bred “Artifact Aficionados” who can quickly
such dreamers. This power has achieved that
read and interpret alien glyphs and maximize the
goal, but the world of tomorrow is not as wondrous
potential of the treasures found amongst alien
as the seers of yesterday foretold. The peace of
this empire is artificially enforced, often through
Artifact Aficionados has the following effects:
draconian laws that weed out potential
troublemakers and non-conformists. The passion • The effects of all artifact tech investment bonuses
behind the utopian dream is gone; all that remains are increased by 50% (round up).
is the tranquility and placid conformity. • When recovering ancient derelicts or attempting
Utopian Society has the following effects: to bypass ancient defense systems, this power
may re-roll one result roll per campaign turn (not
• The power gains a +3 bonus to all Morale checks. per recovering roll). This ability is typically used
• All Insurgency missions launched against the to try and turn a negative result into a positive, or
power have a difficulty level 1 higher than normal. else gamble on a better positive result.
• The power cannot perform 2.3.4 Political Special Note: Artifact Aficionado is only a valid
Reforms. They must be brought to their knees choice if your campaign will be using either CC 2.6
and into the throes of Anarchy before such Ancient Ruins or CC 2.7 Alien Derelicts.
reforms are possible.
• All maintenance costs are increased by 5% Expert Scientists (+1)*
(round up). Expert Scientists have a natural affinity for
solving the great mysteries of the universe.

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
Whether it is working on that pesky Unification Fast Drive Systems (+3)
Theory or designing a new railgun, these scientists This power has mastered their favored form
devote themselves completely to their studies. The of faster-than-light travel. Their FTL drives are so
net result is that it takes fewer resources for Expert refined that their efficiency outstrips those of
Scientists to achieve their goals. almost every other competing power. Powers with
Expert Scientists has the following effect: Fast Drive Systems can outrun all but the fastest
• Expert Scientists receive a –5% bonus to the alien ships. Despite their advantages, the benefits
power’s base tech investment requirement. For of Fast Drive Systems trait do come at a logistical
example, one level of Expert Scientists would cost to the power.
decrease the base tech investment requirement Fast Drive Systems has the following effects:
from 50% of total domestic product to 45%. A
second level would further decrease this to 40%, • All ships built by a power with Fast Drive Systems
and so on. This bonus is cumulative with any are considered Fast Ships, earning all of the
tech bonuses conferred by the power ’s benefits therein. The movement benefits of Fast
government type. Drive Systems are cumulative for the power’s
units that are themselves classified as Fast
Ships. These speedy units effectively have their
Extra-Dimensional Travel (+4) Fast Ship benefits doubled, allowing them to
Space travel need not be confined to one’s make two extra jumps across minor or major
home galaxy or dimension. Extra-dimensional lanes at the end of their normal movement.
travel allows ships so equipped to journey between • Powers whose ships are equipped with Fast
the stars faster than any standard drives could Drive Systems receive a –2 scenario length
ever allow. Aliens possessing Extra-Dimensional bonus to any Pursuit scenario in which they are
Travel need not have extra-dimensional origins; the force being pursued.
they may simply have developed the technology • Total maintenance costs are increased by 5%
to allow them to move greater distances faster. for powers with Fast Drive Systems.
Extra-Dimensional Travel has the following effects:
• If the campaign contains multiple maps for Incompetent Scientists (-1)*
different dimensions or galaxies, any power It has been said that these aliens’ scientists
possessing Extra-Dimensional Travel may move barely know the difference between a Bunsen
their units from map to map at will. The power burner and a Petri dish. An exaggeration, to be
must choose a destination system within the
sure, but it is symptomatic of the seeming
dimension/galaxy that they will be moving to, and
it will take the unit(s) a full turn to move from one ignorance of their researchers. It takes
map to another. Extra-Dimensional Travel comparatively more resources for an Incompetent
however does not allow the power to move Scientist to achieve a breakthrough.
instantaneously within the same dimension or Incompetent Scientists has the following effect:
galaxy map. • Incompetent Scientists receive a +5% penalty to
• Powers with Extra-Dimensional Travel consider the power’s base tech investment requirement.
all lanes to be major lanes regardless of their For example, one level of Incompetent Scientists
real status. This bonus applies to movement, would increase the base tech investment
supply, and all other rules with effects based on requirement from 50% of total domestic product
lane quality. to 55%. A second level would further increase
this to 60%, and so on. This bonus is cumulative
• In space combat scenarios, Extra-Dimensional
with any tech bonuses conferred by the power’s
Travel allows all units to ignore below-readiness
government type.
effects resulting from surprise rolls. Vessels
capable of traveling between dimensions or
galaxies on a whim cannot be surprised!

38 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
Tech Reliant (-1) people know that they are on the cusp of a major
Some cultures have become so reliant on cultural change. Many are scared of the change,
technology that they cannot function in its clinging to their old values and the status quo,
absence. For these people, the loss of a simple and are actively attempting to rally support against
data network can seem like the end of the world. the social revolution. A social revolution will fail
As a result, disruptions of planetary computer should the government collapse during the twelve-
systems can cause a Tech Reliant planet’s turn period.
population to go into a state of shock and panic. The base chance of success for any social
Tech Reliant has the following effect: revolution is 20%, as modified on the Social
Revolution Modifiers Chart.
• The loss of Utilized Productivity, either permanent
or temporary, results in an automatic –1 Morale
penalty at the system where the Productivity is
lost. Social Revolution Modifiers Chart
(Base Chance: 20%) Social Revolutions –20% per design point cost of the traits
being added/removed (positive/negative)
Throughout history, changing cultural
dynamics have periodically forced dramatic social +1% per Intel point
upheaval. Social revolutions are an outgrowth of –1% per Morale in the empire
the general population’s changing social values
and represent how these changing values affect
the empire’s special abilities.
The decision to begin a social revolution is
Integrated Example: Social Revolutions
made during the CG 3.2 Turn Orders phase. The The Bicomoran Empire is a 2 design point
social revolution will then begin in the CG 3.8.2 custom race that has the Subterranean (+2)
Morale and System Loyalty step of the CG 3.8 physical trait and the social traits Spiritual (+1),
Update Asset Phase of the turn on which it was Gifted Explorers (+2) and three levels of Poor
ordered. Tacticians – Command (–1 each). Spurred by
The social revolution order must include the recent military losses against the rival R’ican
proposed changes to the empire’s social traits, Stronghold, the Bicomoran Senate has ordered
as selected during the race design process. its people to retool their society’s focus to produce
Existing social traits can be removed and new more viable military leaders. The Senate believes
social traits added, but balance between design that it is their empire’s military leadership that is
points invested in advantages and disadvantages losing them the war.
must be maintained. For example, if a power In order to change their nation’s social focus,
wishes to add Poor Crews, a social trait costing – the Bicomorans decide to launch a social
2 design points to purchase, they must also add revolution. The Subterranean trait is a physical
one or more advantages that total +2 design trait so cannot be changed by a social revolution.
points. The power could not add Poor Crews and However the rest of the Bicomoran’s traits can be
then only add a level of Mercantile, as there would altered because they are social traits.
still be 1 design point remaining to be spent on an The Senate decides to work on eliminating
advantage. their Poor Tacticians – Command negative social
It takes twelve turns to complete a social trait. Removing their Gifted Explorers trait will allow
revolution. During this period, all Morale check them to remove two levels of the Poor Tacticians
target numbers are increased by one, representing – Command trait, since that will return their custom
the volatile state of the changing social fabric. The race to an end balance of +2 design points. A total

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
2.3 Government
of 4 design points will be added/removed as a
result of this social revolution.
Twelve turns after declaring the social
revolution, we determine the success of the
revolution. Over the past twelve turns the
Bicomorans have invested 113 Intel points towards
In addition to the physical and social traits
the revolution. These Intel points were used to
inherent to your custom race, you must select their
fund propaganda campaigns and pro-change
empire’s government type. This will not only control
movements. The base chance of success is 20%.
how you manage your own empire, but how you
4 design points are being modified (as noted
deal with other governmental entities. All of these
previously), so we multiply this number times –
decisions will shape your empire’s place in the
20% for a modifier of –80% penalty to the attempt.
Their chance of success is now –60%.
The 113 Intel points improve this chance by
1% each, for a total of +113%. The chance is now 2.3.1 Standard Government
Finally, the total Morale for all planets in the
The way a power is governed can greatly affect
Bicomoran Empire is 37. This adds a further –
its production abilities, scientific processes, and
37% modifier to the revolution’s chance of
how it interacts with other powers. The rules below
success, for a final modified chance of success
detail four main government types. Some of these
of 16%. The Bicomorans must roll ‘16’ or less on
types have specific sub-types. Each of these
a percentile die for their social revolution to
types/sub-types has specific advantages and
disadvantages in the VBAM campaign.
If the social revolution does succeed, then their
custom race design statistics will be modified as
indicated by the terms of the social revolution. If Anarchical Governments
the roll fails no changes will be made, all Intel An Anarchical government is something of a
applied towards the revolution is lost, and the misnomer. Anarchy is marked by the absence of
Bicomorans will have to decide whether they want a structured political or social system. It is highly
to try again to modify their racial traits via another unlikely that any empire would choose Anarchy
social revolution or simply live with their as a form of government. It is typically the result
inadequacies. of a collapse of a previous government (see 2.3.5
In the above example, the Bicomorans may Governmental Collapse). Anarchical governments
have been better off attempting to make a less have no subtypes.
drastic change to their social dynamic. Trading
their Spiritual trait for the removal of one level of Anarchical Government Advantages
Poor Tacticians – Command would have halved Not unsurprisingly, Anarchical governments
the number of design points being altered and receive no advantages.
increased the revolution’s chance of success by
40%! Anarchical Government Disadvantages
Of all of the possible forms of government, an
Anarchical government is the worst of all:
• The empire’s total maintenance costs are
increased by 15% (round up).
• Tech investment requirements are 100% of the
empire’s total domestic product.

40 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
• The empire can maintain 50% fewer Intel points missions launched by the power is reduced by 1
per 1 economic point of maintenance. Under the (to a minimum of 1).
standard VBAM Intel maintenance costs, this is
a rate of 1 per 5 (instead of 1 per 10). Totalitarian Government Disadvantages
• Commerce income is reduced by 50% (round All Totalitarian governments regardless of sub-
down). type suffer the following disadvantages:
• The effects of all Morale penalties are doubled. • Tech requirement for advancement is 60% of total
• Espionage, Sabotage, and Insurgency Intel domestic product rather than 50%.
missions have their difficulty reduced by 2 • Trade income is reduced by 10% (round down).
(minimum difficulty 1).
• The effects of negative Morale results are
doubled. For example, if a system were cut of Totalitarian Governments from the homeworld it would have its Morale
In a Totalitarian government a central authority reduced by 2 instead of 1. This Morale penalty
controls all decisions within the power. This central also applies to the effects of Insurgency Intel
authority may be a group of individuals but is mission.
usually a single individual. The hallmarks of the
totalitarian government are that individual citizens Meritocracy Governments
have no hope of social advancement (e.g., no Meritocracies are governments ruled by
chance of becoming part of the central authority), individuals that have demonstrated some merit in
there are few (if any) personal freedoms, and that their field, such as the strongest warriors, best
the central authority has no checks on their merchants, smartest scientists, etc. They are also
decisions. governments that may have been Totalitarian at
Examples of Totalitarian governments could some point but have since become “enlightened.”
include a despotic dictator or a divine “god-king”. The markings of a Meritocracy are that individuals
Some governments may have had totalitarian do have some chance of social advancement
roots but may in fact be meritocracies (see section (although it may be extremely difficult), there are Meritocracy Governments for details and some personal freedoms, and the central authority
important differences). The possible sub-types must rationalize its decisions to the people
for Totalitarian governments are: military, (although it does not necessarily listen to the people).
religious, and social. Examples of a Meritocracy could include a
power run by a powerful merchants’ guild, a power
Totalitarian Government Advantages that holds a yearly contest to determine the
When breaking a treaty, the Totalitarian strongest warrior who will rule for the next year,
government increases its chance of success by or an enlightened monarchy. The sub-types of a
20%. Also it has an additional advantage based Meritocracy are: military, religious, scientific,
on its sub-type: social, and trade.
• Military governments have their total
maintenance cost reduced by 10% (round down). Meritocracy Government Advantages
Each Meritocracy has an advantage based on
• Religious governments increase the difficulty of
Intel missions run against them increased by 1. its sub-type:

• Social governments can maintain 50% more Intel • Military governments are more prone to produce
points per 1 economic point of maintenance. elite officers. Military Meritocracies may purchase
Under the standard VBAM Intel maintenance elite Fleet, Flight, and Ground Officer or crew
costs, this is a rate of 1 per 15 (instead of 1 per grade levels at 2/3 the normal experience cost
10). Also, the difficulty for all Espionage Intel (rounding up). They also reduce their total
maintenance cost by 5% (round down).

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
• Religious governments can inspire a religious fewer Intel points per 1 economic point of
fervor in their citizenry. On any turn, a religious maintenance. Under the standard VBAM Intel
meritocracy may declare that it is whipping its maintenance costs, this is a rate of 1 per 5
population into a religious fervor. On the following (instead of 1 per 10). They are also less likely to
turn the meritocracy receives a 5% bonus to produce expert administrators or diplomats, with
planetary income and is immune to negative training costs increased by 50% (round up).
Morale effects. The fervor lasts for a total of 2d6
• Negative Trade governments receive a 20%
turns. During the fervor the power cannot form
penalty to their commerce income each turn
new treaties and cannot break any treaties unless
(round up).
attacked by another power, in which case all
treaties with that power are automatically broken.
• Scientific governments have their tech Representative Governments
advancement requirement reduced to 40% of Representative governments are those where
their total domestic product. elected officials are periodically chosen by the
people to run the government. The markings of a
• Social governments can maintain 50% more Intel
points per 1 economic point of maintenance. Representative government are a great deal of
Under the standard VBAM Intel maintenance social advancement, there are many personal
costs, this is a rate of 1 per 15 (instead of 1 per freedoms, and the central authority is beholden
10). Additionally, social meritocracies are more to the will of the citizens with a series of checks
likely to produce expert administrators or and balances to curtail abuse of the system.
diplomats. The cost of training for administrators Examples of Representative governments
and diplomats is decreased to 2/3 of normal include any power where citizens are elected to
(round down). make decisions, whether it is the election of a
• Trade governments receive a 20% bonus to their single individual, an elected council, or both. The
trade income each turn (round up). sub-types for a Representative government are:
military, religious, scientific, social, and trade.
Meritocracy Government Disadvantages
By focusing on one particular aspect of Representative Government Advantages
governance, all Meritocracy governments suffer The advantage (and possible disadvantage)
penalties in other areas. When choosing a sub- of the Representative government is the fluid
type above, choose a different sub-type for the nature of the leadership that changes at the behest
government to suffer a penalty in. For example, a of the citizens. When the game begins the
Scientific Meritocracy may elect to receive a government should choose one of the available
penalty to its military capabilities. Apply the sub-types. Once per twelve turns the government
following penalties based on negative sub-type: can attempt to change its sub-type without the
• Negative Military governments are less likely to necessity of initiating a 2.3.4 Political Reform. This
produce elite officers. Elite Fleet, Flight and potential sub-type modification attempt represents
Ground Officers or crew grade levels cost the a change in elected leadership. If the player opts
meritocracy 50% more experience points to to do so, a sub-type change is attempted on a roll
purchase. They also receive a 5% increase to of 2d6. On a result of ‘7’ or greater, the change is
their total maintenance cost (round up).
successful and the player may select which sub-
• Negative Religious governments double the type his or her government should adopt. In some
effects of all Morale penalties. circumstances, the CM may rule that unpopular
• Negative Scientific government’s tech decisions or low morale my force a change in sub-
advancement cost is equal to 60% of its total type.
domestic product. Finally, each Representative government has
• Negative Social governments can maintain 50% an advantage based on its sub-type:

42 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
• Military governments reduce their total Examples of Collective governments are
maintenance cost by 5% (round down). hivemind species and robotic races controlled by
• Religious governments gain a +1 bonus to all a central command center.
their Morale checks.
• Scientific governments’ tech advancement Collective Government Advantages
requirement is only 45% of its total domestic Collective governments do not possess a sub-
product. type. They do however have the following
• Social governments can maintain 50% more Intel advantages:
points per 1 economic point of maintenance. • Collective governments are immune to morale
Under the standard VBAM Intel maintenance effects. System Morale is always equal to the
costs, this is a rate of 1 per 15 (instead of 1 per number of Census in the system.
• Intel missions run against collective governments
• Trade governments receive a 15% bonus to their have their difficulty increased by 2.
commerce income each turn (round up).
Collective Government Disadvantages
Representative Government The disadvantages of Collective governments are:
• Tech advancement requirements are increased
All Representative governments share the to 60% of the empire’s total domestic product.
same disadvantage in that they cannot spend
more than 50% of their per-turn system income • Elite officers, crew grade levels, administrators,
and diplomats all cost twice their normal amount
on military units or Intel during peacetime. For
to purchase or train.
example, an empire with a per-turn system income
of 64 economic points could only spend 32 of them
on military purchases if not in a state of war. If Confederate Governments
using the CG 4.1 Wartime Economies rules, the Confederacies are alliances composed of
empire’s per-turn system income is based on the independent sovereign states that have joined
empire’s current economic level (be it peacetime together under a common charter or constitution.
or gearing up). Under a Confederate government, each member
A declaration of war will temporarily remove state retains a great deal of autonomy and control.
this restriction on Representative governments, The confederation itself serves as a central body
allowing them to use their full economy to through which critical issues of mutual interest can
purchase the military equipment they need to fight be addressed. However dissension is common
the conflict. However once an armistice is signed and it is often hard for a confederate government
and the war ends the empire will once again have to rally its constituent worlds behind a common
to abide by the limitation. cause.
The possible sub-types for Confederate
governments are: military, scientific, social, and Collective Governments trade.
Collective governments are a special type of
government where the individual citizens have an
imperative that forces them to obey the will of a
Confederate Government Advantages
As with the Representative government type,
central leader without question. These citizens in
one of the Confederate government’s greatest
effect possess no will of their own and are simply
advantages is the ease with which a change of
mindless followers.
leadership can be ushered in at the insistence of
its member worlds. When the game begins the
government should choose one of the available

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Custom Race Design
sub-types. Once per twelve turns the government • Any time that a Confederate government attempts
can attempt to change its sub-type without the to change its government sub-type, a special
necessity of initiating a 2.3.4 Political Reform. This Morale check is made for each of the
potential sub-type modification attempt represents confederacy’s worlds. The target number is equal
to the system’s Census divided by 4, rounding
a change in elected leadership. If the player opts
up. If the system’s die roll is equal to or less than
to do so, a sub-type change is attempted on a roll the target number, then the world has issued a
of 2d6. On a result of ‘6’ or greater, the change is vote of no confidence and the planet’s Morale is
successful and the player may select which sub- reduced by 1. If using the CC 9.1 Rebellion rules,
type his or her government should adopt. In some any system with a Morale value of 0 after issuing
circumstances, the CM may rule that unpopular a vote of no confidence will secede from the
decisions or low morale my force a change in sub- confederate government. If a world secedes as
type. a result of the leadership change, the chance that
Finally, each Confederate government has an units in the system will join the rebellion is
increased by 10%.
advantage based on its sub-type:
• The difficulty of all Espionage Intel missions
• Military governments reduce their total
launched against a Confederate government is
maintenance cost by 10% (round down). Elite
reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
fleet, flight, and ground officers or crew grade
levels cost the confederacy 25% less experience
points to purchase (round up). Technocratic Government
• Scientific governments’ tech advancement Technocracies are ruled by the intellectual elite
requirement is only 40% of its total domestic and guided by calculated logic rather than
product. individual passions. The ultimate goal of a
• Social governments can maintain 25% more Intel Technocratic government is the development and
points per 1 economic point of maintenance integration of ever more advanced technologies.
(round down). Under the standard VBAM Intel Social welfare often suffers under the rule of a
maintenance costs, this is a rate of 1 per 12 technocracy as the ruling academic elite
(instead of 1 per 10). Additionally, social concentrates on finding efficient solutions to
confederacies are more likely to produce expert problems, largely ignoring the impact of their
administrators or diplomats. The cost of training actions on the general populace.
for administrators and diplomats is decreased to The only sub-types available to the
2/3 of normal (round down).
Technocratic government are military and
• Trade governments receive a 20% bonus to their scientific. Traditionally most Technocracies are
commerce income each turn (round up). by their very definition of the scientific sub-type;
however, extraordinary circumstances have
Confederate Government Disadvantages sometimes bred military technocracies whose
All Confederate governments share the same pursuit of knowledge is tempered by their desire
disadvantages: to apply that knowledge to another’s detriment.
• All Confederate governments find themselves
particularly subject to graft and corruption. As a Technocratic Government Advantages
result, their total domestic product is reduced by A special advantage of the Technocracy is that
10% (round down). Tech advancement the empire can potentially make up to three tech
calculations continue to use the empire’s original,
advances each campaign year. Overpayment for
unmodified total domestic product.
the third tech advance is calculated in much the
• All systems perform Morale checks at a –1 same way as the second tech advance, except
penalty to the die roll. Divisive political, economic, that the chance is halved again (e.g., divide the
and social policies lead to infighting between
tech advancement overpayment amount by the
member worlds.

44 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
tech advancement requirement, and then divide not part of the ‘core’ government types, but offer
the result by 4 and round down). Technocratic additional options for players and CMs alike.
governments also receive the following
advantages based on sub-type: Autocratic Governments
• Military governments have their tech A special form of the totalitarian government,
advancement requirement reduced to 45% of an autocracy sees total power in the hands of a
their total domestic product. The empire’s total single individual. This sole leader of the empire
maintenance cost is also reduced by 5% (round can exercise amazing power over his or her state,
bending the government to their will.
• Scientific governments have their tech The possible sub-types for autocratic
advancement requirement reduced to 35% of governments are: military, religious, and social.
their total domestic product.
Autocratic Government Advantages
Technocratic Government Disadvantages When breaking a treaty or declaring hostilities
Despite being an excellent platform for
or war, the autocratic government increases its
pursuing technological development, the
chance of success by 50%. The government also
technocracy is prone to backlashes from the
receives an additional advantage based on its sub-
disenfranchised populace. All Morale penalties
under a Technocratic government are doubled. A
lack of social emphasis also results in the • Military governments have their total
maintenance cost reduced by 10% (round down).
technocracy being capable of maintaining 20%
less Intel points per 1 economic point of • Religious governments increase the cost of Intel
maintenance. Under the standard VBAM Intel missions run against them increased by 1.
maintenance costs, this is a rate of 1 per 8 (instead • Social governments can maintain 50% more Intel
of 1 per 10). points per 1 economic point of maintenance.
In addition to these penalties, Technocratic Under the standard VBAM Intel maintenance
governments also receive the following costs, this is a rate of 1 per 15 (instead of 1 per
disadvantages by sub-type: 10). Also, the difficulty for all Espionage Intel
missions launched by the power is reduced by 1
• Military governments must make a special (to a minimum of 1).
Morale check for each of its systems at the end
of any campaign year in which the empire does
not successfully make a tech advance. The target
Autocratic Government Disadvantages
number is equal to half the system’s Census, All autocratic governments, regardless of sub-
rounded up. If a system rolls equal to or below its type, suffer from the following disadvantages:
target number, the system’s Morale is reduced • Tech requirement for advancement is 60% of total
by 1. domestic product rather than 50%.
• Scientific governments have their total • Trade income is reduced by 20% (round down).
maintenance cost increased by 5% (round up).
• The effects of negative Morale results are
doubled. For example, if a system were cut of
2.3.2 Optional or Specialty from the homeworld it would have its Morale
Government Types reduced by 2 instead of 1. This Morale penalty
also applies to the effects of Insurgency Intel
The following are additional, optional mission.
government types that you may use in your
campaign, with CM permission. These types are

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
2 Aristocratic Government to achieve this goal, governments actively avoid
A widely recognized family based aristocracy outside entanglements. This creates an insular
marks aristocratic governments. These society in which the average citizen has very little
governments frequently develop out of a contact with the world beyond the autarky’s
totalitarian or autocratic society, where one or more borders. It is because of the political repercussions
families have been recognized as the rightful of an autarky that it is considered a separate
inheritors of central authority over generations. ‘government’ type. Autarky governments often
Some meritocracies can evolve to this level, as form as a result of totalitarian regimes and are
well, as being a member of the ‘right’ family quite rare. The sub-types available to autarky
becomes the mark of distinction and success governments are military and social.
within government. Aristocratic governments are
quite similar to autocratic mode, but vary in the Autarky Government Advantages
complex family and inter-family politics that Regardless of sub-type, all Insurgency Intel
dominate rather than the sole will of one ruler. The mission attempts made against an autarky are
sub-types available to aristocratic governments performed at a difficulty 1 higher than normal.
are military, religious, and social. Autarky governments also provide the following
advantages by sub-type:
Aristocratic Government Advantages • Military governments receive a +1 surprise bonus
When breaking a treaty, the aristocratic in all encounters generated in systems they
government increases its chance of success by control. Additionally, each of the government’s
25%. Also it has an additional advantage based shipyards (both planetary and orbital) receives a
+10% construction capacity bonus.
on its sub-type:
• Social governments receive a +1 bonus to all
• Military governments have their total
Morale checks. The difficulty of Counter-
maintenance cost reduced by 5% (round down).
Insurgency Intel missions is reduced by 1.
• Religious governments increase the amount of
effective defensive Intel at all of their worlds by 1 Autarky Government Disadvantages
for purposes of enemy Intel missions.
All autarky governments share the same
• Social governments have the difficulty of disadvantages. All maintenance costs are
Counter-Insurgency Intel missions reduced by 1. increased by 5% (round up) and trade income is
reduced by 75% (round down) under an autarky.
Aristocratic Government Disadvantages
All royal governments, regardless of sub-type, Decentralized Governments
suffer from the following disadvantages:
Groups or individuals rule de-centralized
• Trade income is reduced by 10% (round down). governments in complex shared arrangements.
• The effects of negative Morale results are These governments may be made up of different
doubled. For example, if a system were cut of organizations or governors that control different
from the home world it would have its Morale specific elements of rules, or all levels within a
reduced by 2 instead of 1. This Morale penalty specific limited/defined area or region within the
also applies to the effects of Insurgency Intel authority. What differentiates a decentralized
government from a confederation is that such a
government is rarely representative. Under a Autarky Government decentralized arrangement each controlling entity
Autarky is not strictly a government type, but retains a great deal of autonomy and control.
rather an economic goal advocating closed There is generally some sort of single authority
economic systems and self-reliance. In attempting that serves as a central body through which critical

46 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
issues of mutual interest can be addressed, but • When a decentralized system goes into rebellion,
power ultimately lies with the individual elements. all of the power’s military units in the system have
The possible sub-types for decentralized a +10% chance per Census of joining the
governments are: military, scientific, social, and rebellion.
trade. • The difficulty for all Espionage Intel missions
Examples of decentralized governments may against a decentralized power is 1 less than
include tightly knit alliances of independent normal (a minimum of 1).
sovereign states that have joined together under
a common charter or constitution, ultimate 2.3.3 Government Sub-Types
bureaucratic organizations/institutes governing All forms of governments, except the
specific areas of regulatory control, and clans or Collective, have one or more sub-types available.
tribes cooperatively governing a species. Government sub-types indicate the government’s
primary emphasis. It is to be assumed that a
Decentralized Government Advantages Religious Totalitarian regime is still interested in
Each De-Centralized government has an military and social matters, but because the
advantage based on its sub-type: religious nature of the government is the most
• Military governments are more prone to produce important it becomes that government’s sub-type.
elite officers. Decentralized Military governments The five available government sub-types are
may purchase elite fleet and flight officer or crew military, scientific, social, trade, and religious.
grade levels at 3/4 the normal experience cost
(rounding up). Military
• Scientific decentralized governments have their The Military government sub-type
tech advancement requirement reduced to 45% demonstrates a focus on the military operations
of their total domestic product.
of the empire. Military governments receive
• Social decentralized governments are more likely bonuses to military operations. Players should not
to produce expert administrators. The cost of mistake Military sub-type as representing a military
training for administrators and diplomats are dictatorship, though under a totalitarian
decreased to 2/3 of normal (round down).
government that is assumed to be the case.
• Trade governments receive a 15% bonus to their Rather, governments of the Military sub-type
trade income each turn (round up). simply have an above-average focus on ensuring
their empire’s military strength.
Decentralized Government
Disadvantages Scientific
All decentralized governments, regardless of sub- The Scientific government sub-type
type, suffer from the following disadvantages: demonstrates a focus on learning and
• All decentralized governments find themselves technological advancement. In most cases,
particularly subject to risks of graft and corruption. Scientific governments receive bonuses to their
Decentralized governments suffer a -10% penalty tech advancement requirements. The most
to their calculated total domestic product (round extreme example of a Scientific government is the
down). Tech advancement calculations continue Technocracy.
to use the empire’s original, unmodified total
domestic product.
• Decentralized governments tend to infighting and Social
divisive barriers between the controlling groups, The Social government sub-type
so their systems perform all Morale checks at a demonstrates a focus on populist ideals and/or
–2 penalty to the die roll. domestic welfare. Social governments often

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
provide benefits to the use of Intel points, may not be the one that your politicians and
particularly where it concerns the control Morale. generals would like to see come to pass.
This “focus on the people” associated with Social Political reforms take twelve turns to complete.
governments runs the gamut from the pandering If during that period of time the government
of representative governments to totalitarian collapses, all of the efforts invested in the current
socialism. political reform are lost, including any Intel points
spent to improve the reform’s chance of success. Trade The success of political reforms is not
The Trade government sub-type demonstrates guaranteed. Attempts to reform a government can
a focus on interstellar commerce. Trade (and often do) end in abject failure. A success roll
governments typically provide benefits to trade is made on the Intel Phase of the twelfth turn after
income production. Little more need be said about the political reform is initiated. The base chance
these mercantile-oriented governments. of success for a political reform is 50%, modified
as listed in the Political Reform Modifiers Chart.
If the reform succeeds, the empire will Religious transition to the new government stipulated in the
The Religious government sub-type is reform.
controlled by the leaders of the empire’s popular
religion(s). Religious governments provide
different advantages depending on which
government they are a part, but are best Political Reform Modifiers Chart
exemplified by the zealotry practiced under (Base Chance 50%)
Religious meritocracies.
+1% per Intel point

2.3.4 Political Reform +40% Anarchical government currently

The growth of empires oftentimes leads to
–20% new government sub-type selected
changes in the political, social, or economic
landscape. These changes can in turn necessitate –50% new government type selected
the reformation of a government’s political
structure. In some cases these reforms represent
an evolution of the original government’s ideals.
In others the political reform is the result of Integrated Example: Political Reform
revolution! The military leadership believes that
The decision to begin a political reform is made representative civilian rule is getting in the way of
during the CG 3.2 Turn Orders phase, with the their nation’s greater destiny. As a result, they
reform beginning in the CG 3.4 Intel Phase of the begin preparations to stage a political reform to
turn in which it is ordered. The governmental oust the elected leadership and institute a
reform order should include the government type totalitarian regime. The government is currently a
and any philosophies the government will adopt Representative government of the social sub-type.
upon successful ratification. Please note that each It will be changed to a Totalitarian government of
philosophy added to your governmental reform the military sub-type.
order will make it harder for the reform to be ratified Because both the government type and sub-
by your empire’s political leadership. As a rule, type are being selected, the total modifier to the
political factions despise change. The reform’s base chance of success (50%) is –70%,
undiscovered country you envision for your people for a modified chance of –20%.

48 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
After twelve turns an attempt is made to see if used towards the production of a new imperial
the political reform will succeed. The empire has capital.
spent 74 Intel points towards the reform, providing Remedying the second collapse trigger is
a +74% modifier. The political reform’s chance of much more difficult. An empire has two options
success is now –20% + 74% = 54%. On a for dealing with its systems that are in a state of
percentile die roll of ‘54’ or less the reform will rebellion. The empire can either deploy troops to
succeed. suppress the rebels (see CG 3.8.8 Using Troops
to Control a Population), or they can use Intel
2.3.5 Governmental Collapse Counter-Insurgency missions to quell the unrest.
During a governmental collapse, players may run
It is possible for an empire’s government to
into difficulty when they attempt to purchase and
completely collapse due to a combination of
use Intel to perform Counter-Insurgency missions.
external or internal pressures. There are two
The intense negative effects of the Anarchy form
conditions under which a government can
of government means that the empire’s coffers
experience a total collapse. The first is if the
will be threadbare and may not be able to suffer
empire’s capital system is captured or destroyed.
the economic burden of purchasing and
The second is if two-thirds or more of an empire’s
maintaining Intel. For this reason, the easiest way
systems with a Census of 3 or more are in a state
to deal with rebellious colonies is by declaring
of rebellion (Morale of 0 or less). If either of these
martial law and using ground forces to keep their
two conditions is met, then the empire’s
populations in check.
government will collapse during the CG 3.8.2
A governmental collapse will end once the
Morale and System Loyalty step of the CG 3.8
empire has successfully completed a political
Update Asset Phase of the turn on which the
reform to create a new government.
condition is met.
When a governmental collapse occurs, the
empire immediately transitions into an Anarchy
form of government (see 2.3.1 Standard 2.4 Finalizing Your
Custom Race
Government Types). On the turn following the
governmental collapse, the empire can initiate a
2.3.4 Political Reform in an attempt to from a new
government. If at the end of the twelve-turn reform Once all traits have been purchased and an
process either of the collapse-triggering conditions optional government type selected, the custom
still exists, then the reform attempt will race is ready to be finalized. The player should
automatically fail and the empire will be returned create a card or other reference listing all of the
to a state of Anarchy and be forced to start the power’s current traits and government information.
governmental reform process from scratch. Included on this reference should be all bonuses
Of the governmental collapse triggers, a or penalties the power is subject to as a result of
destroyed or captured capital system is by far the their selections.
easiest to remedy. Unless otherwise stipulated in
your source materials, the cost of building a new 2.4.1 Effects of Multiple Trait/
capital is equal to the total domestic product of
your empire. The construction rate of a new capital Government Modifiers
is limited by the available construction capacity in Some traits and/or government types provide
the system in which it is purchased. Construction bonuses or penalties to the same game statistic
capacity from planetary or orbital shipyards cannot or statistics. In all cases, these modifiers are
be used to hasten the construction of a capital. cumulative. To determine the net effect of the
Only local system construction capacity can be modifiers, add together each of the bonuses or

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
penalties to the statistic. The final value is the results. Because this race has two levels, these
bonus/penalty applied to the statistic. bonuses stack. The race will receive a –2 bonus
Unless noted otherwise in the trait description, to Morale checks with positive results.
the effects of cumulative traits (i.e., those traits The second benefit of the trait is that, in a
whose cost is followed by an asterisk) are added state of hostilities or war, the race receives a
to one another for each level purchased. For +1 bonus to negative Morale checks and a –1
example, if a cumulative trait provides a 10% bonus to positive Morale checks. As before,
modifier to some area of play, purchasing two these benefits are fully cumulative, so this race
levels of the trait will increase this modifier to 20%. will have a +2 bonus to negative Morale checks
This applies to Morale bonuses, tech investment and a –2 bonus to positive Morale checks.
goals, and all other types of bonuses offered by
cumulative traits. Example 2: A custom race is designed as a
Some traits specify a different means of Scientific Technocracy with three levels of the
additional benefit or penalty when multiple levels Expert Scientist trait (!). The Scientific
are purchased. For example, one particular Technocracy government type sets our tech
element of the Repulsive physical trait begins at a advancement goal at 35% of the race’s total
–10% penalty, but each additional level only domestic product. Each level of the Expert
modifies this penalty by –1%. Scientist trait reduces this by 5%. This is a
It is important to stress that unless the trait’s straight subtraction. We do not multiply 35%
description directly contradicts the standard rules, by .95 three times; rather, we subtract 35% by
all bonuses and penalties should be added 15% (5% times 3). This produces a result of
together to determine their net effect. 20%. To apply this, if the empire had a starting
In the case of traits that demonstrate the TDP of 60 points, its tech advancement goal
effects of corruption within the race’s government would be 12.
by lowering the total domestic product (TDP) of
an empire. It is important to clarify that tech Example 3: A custom race is both Adaptable
advancement is still based on the original, and a Lithovore. The campaign the race is being
unmodified TDP of the empire – not the value played in is using the CC 2.1 Advanced System
modified by the effects of corruption. Generation Rules, including the rules for climate
The following section includes a series of On the surface, combining these two traits’
examples that demonstrate how different traits climate-related abilities seems daunting. But if
interact and how to interpret their results. Most we look a bit closer, they interact much like the
trait combinations are self-explanatory as they other rules in the book. The Adaptable trait
modify the same statistic. reduces climate variance numbers by 10%. The
Lithovore trait halves them. Both round
Example 1: A custom race purchases two levels fractional climate values down. The Lithovore’s
of the Social Solidarity social trait. The text for halving effect is really just a “reduce by 50%”
this trait explains that the custom race will mandate, so we have a 50% reduction and a
receive a series of modifiers to its Morale 10% reduction from the two traits. We can
checks. Nowhere in the text does it indicate combine these effects and end up with a total
any special instructions for how these abilities climate variance reduction of 60%, rounding
stack. We can therefore assume they stack as fractional climate variances down.
normal. Given a planet with a climate variance of 23,
The first benefit of Social Solidarity is that it this race would consider the variance to instead
gives a –1 bonus to Morale checks with positive be 9. That is a fairly massive difference, but

50 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Custom Race Design
the cost of having both of these abilities is also and several of the combat traits seem cool. Master
fairly high, too. Tacticians – Cunning and Veteran Crews especially
look inviting. Unfortunately, Bob asks his CM and is
Example 4: The TDP of an empire is 100 told that the campaign won’t be using either of the
economic points, and the empire’s government Personnel Grade Level options from the Campaign
is of the Confederate type (10% penalty to Moderator’s Companion, though the Elite Officer
TDP). When calculating the tech advancement rules will be used.
requirement for this empire, use the initial, With a first pass of the available traits completed,
unmodified TDP value (100), not the modified Bob starts narrowing down the field to just the traits
value (90) when calculating the empire’s tech that he absolutely knows that he will want.
requirement. In this example, the empire would Warmonger is a shoe-in, so he writes that down on
have a tech advancement requirement of 50 his scratch paper and circles it to remind himself
(not 45). that it is one he will pick no matter what. The
Warmonger trait costs “+1”, or one design point, so
2.4.2 Custom Race Modifiers and he has one point left to spend unless he wants to
take some disadvantages.
System Control He then chooses High-Gravity Species, which
By default, an empire applies all of its special confers a +1 Attack to his ground units when invading
traits and modifiers to any system under its control, and a +1 Defense when defending. He decides to
even those systems originally belonging to other take this instead of Aggressive because he plans to
alien powers. Therefore, as soon as an empire be on the offensive most of the time and really would
invades or is ceded control of a system, that rather have a Defense bonus when defending his
system will inherit all of the bonuses or penalties own planets from sneak invasions than the Attack
associated with the empire’s custom race. bonus from Aggressive. High-Gravity Species also
If you or your players would like to track has a cost of +1, so the IDM now have spent both of
individual Census and their special advantages, the allotted design points.
please refer to the 3.1 Tracking Census in a Bob flips forward and stares at Master Tacticians
Campaign Using Custom Races optional rule. – Cunning a bit longer. A +1 surprise roll bonus... he
has to have that trait! Taking his pen, he adds it below
Integrated Examples: the entries for Warmonger and High-Gravity Species.
The cost of Master Tacticians – Cunning is one
Designing Custom Races design point, so the IDM are now over their two
Bob wants to create a new custom race to play design point total by one point. Bob will need to select
in an upcoming campaign. He is really into the one or more disadvantages to get his design point
wargaming aspect of the campaign and would like total back down to two.
to tailor his custom race, which he will call the Imperial Thumbing through the pages Bob finds the
Death Mashers (or IDM for short), to be a militant Intelligence social traits section. “I never liked how
race tailored towards his particular playing style. The this game handles Intel anyway,” he mutters as he
CM in Bob’s campaign has set the design point total starts skimming through the list looking for a
for each custom race at two design points. disadvantage that he can live with. Ineffectual
First, Bob looks through all of the racial trait Intelligence Network would has a cost of –2 design
options to get an idea for what would fit his idea for points, which means that it would reduce his design
the IDM. He looks at the physical traits and notices point total back down to one from three. However, it
that High-Gravity Species would give his forces a makes it so using Intel would be much harder since
bonus to ground combat, which appeals to him. the first point of Intel spent on a mission would be
Aggressive also looks interesting. For social traits, lost! But it would give him two points back...
he decides he definitely wants to be a Warmonger,

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Custom Race Design
For Bob this decision isn’t a very difficult one. organized under a Military Autocracy with the High-
He scribbles Ineffectual Intelligence Network down Gravity Species, Warmonger, Master Tacticians –
on his sheet and changes the running design point Cunning, and Supply Master traits.
total off in the margin of his scratch pad. By selecting
this disadvantageous trait, Bob’s IDM’s now have Unlike Bob, Liza wants a simpler, more
one more design point to spend on a positive trait. straightforward custom race to use her a
In searching through the social cultural traits, Bob campaign. She really doesn’t want to have to
finds another disadvantage that seems right up the juggle that many custom traits and wants to focus
IDM’s alley. The Combat Respect trait has a –1 cost, more on campaign play and less on remembering
meaning it would give him one more design point to arcane rules.
use in addition to the one he already has to spend. Liza is designing a two design point custom
Figuring the IDM (Bob) won’t want to negotiate with race, just like Bob did. Her custom race, the
another player until after he has tried to kill them Pacifican Union, will be a humanoid race. She
first, he adds this negative trait to his list. imagines them as a beautiful race of friendly aliens,
At this point Bob checks the rules to make sure as that is the manner she wishes to play them in
he is not over the limit for negative traits. Luckily, he the campaign.
isn’t over that limit yet. The limit is equal to the number Liza has a very good idea of what type of power
of starting design points plus one, which would three she would like to play, so she chooses her race’s
in this case. The IDM currently only have two negative traits accordingly. She chooses to purchase two
traits, so they could actually have a third if Bob levels of the Attractive physical trait, which brings
wanted them to. her to a design point total of two. She also wishes
With that in order, Bob has two design points to purchase two levels of the Expert Scientists trait,
left to spend on some final goodies for his custom but she will have to take a penalty in some other
race. He ultimately decides that the Supply Master area to make that possible. She decides that the
trait, which extends an empire’s basic supply range Pacifican Union will also have the Open Society
by one jump, is the best choice. negative social trait. This combination will cancel
Now that all traits are purchased, it is time for each other out and leave the Union at a total of
Bob to pick a government type for the IDM. He wants two design points.
one that is as militaristic as he can get, and one that As a final trait, Liza also selects the Honorable
will give him the most power over his empire. He trait. Because Honorable is a ±0 trait, it can be
really doesn’t fancy the game system interfering with purchased without cost or penalty.
his ability to break treaties or make declarations For a government type, Liza selects to operate
against his neighbors. the Pacificans as a Trade Representative
The best fit for Bob is the Military Autocracy. The government. Her goal is to run the Pacificans as a
Autocratic form of government is a special peaceful empire with trade connections with
government type, though, so he checks with his CM multiple empires, so the trade bonus will be a major
to make sure that it is acceptable. The CM has no boon for her.
objections, so Bob uses it. If the CM hadn’t agreed The custom race design process is over! The
to allow the government type Bob would have used Pacifican Union is a humanoid power organized
a Military Totalitarian government instead. under a Trade Representative government with
One last thing that we have to determine is two levels each of the Attractive and Expert
whether or not the IDM are humanoids or non- Scientists traits, and the Honorable trait.
humanoids. Bob decides to make them non-
The custom race design process is over! The
IDM are designed as a non-humanoid power

52 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Optional Rules
3.0 Additional and
multiple Census types. The majority Census type
will always apply any and all racial modifiers to
their system. However minority Census can still

Optional Rules have an impact. If a minority Census type has a

Census value of 3 or higher at a mixed population
planet their racial modifiers will also affect the
This section covers additional notes and rules
for using custom races in your campaigns. The
Racial modifiers at systems affected by the
3.1 Tracking Census in a Campaign Using Custom
racial traits of multiple Census types are
Races provides rules for independently tracking
cumulative. However only those racial traits that
racial Census in your campaign, which can make
directly impact the system are considered. Those
a campaign much more interesting. Meanwhile,
that operate at an empire-wide level are ignored.
the 3.2 Extra-Dimensional Aliens in a VBAM
Campaign provides hints and tips for including
Example 1: The planet Sira is inhabited by 11
bizarre extra-dimensional lifeforms into a VBAM
Census. 4 belong to Race A, 3 belong to Race
campaign. This latter section is not
B, 3 belong to Race C, and 1 belongs to Race
comprehensive, but is instead intended to provide
D. Because they are the majority Census type,
ideas for crafty CMs to use when adding such
Race A’s racial abilities (including all bonuses
powers to their campaigns.
as well as penalties) apply to Sira. Race B and
Race C similarly affect the system, as their

3.1 Tracking Census values are equal to or greater than 3.

Race D meanwhile has too little representation

Census in a
on the planet (1 Census) and its racial modifiers
are ignored.

Campaign Using Example 2: Building from the example above,

Race A is a Stalwart Defender, Race B has two
levels of Mercantile and the Hivemind trait, and

Custom Races Race C has both the Efficient Industry and

Master Shipwrights traits.
Race A’s Stalwart Defender bonus affects a
In campaigns using the custom race design
system’s ground defense, so Sira will receive
rules, the Census of one power will possess
the effects of this trait.
different abilities than the Census of another
Race B’s Mercantile bonuses are an empire-
power. In order to preserve the individual
wide ability and so are ignored. However,
uniqueness of each power’s Census, players can
elements of its Hivemind trait will affect the
track the heritage of their Census. Players should
system. Governmental limitations and
make a note for each of their systems as to which
diplomacy modifiers are ignored because they
custom race the Census belongs. The effective
too are empire-wide effects, but the +20%
racial benefits at each system are that of majority
construction capacity bonus will affect Sira.
Census type.
Race C’s Efficient Industry bonus increases
the system’s construction capacity by an
3.1.1 Effects of Multiple Census additional +10% (total +30% now, combined
Types with Race B’s Hivemind trait) and the effects
of the Master Shipwrights trait is also applied
A special case exists when it comes to applying
to the planet.
racial bonuses/penalties to systems inhabited by

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Optional Rules
For all races determined to be eligible,
CM’s Note: Cosmopolitan systems calculate their growth bonus (+1 per Census for
often offer the best of both worlds, most races, +2 per Census for Fast Growth, +1
but they can be a pain to manage in per 2 Census for Slow Growth), add the current
the long run. Realistically, few star bonus for previous failed growth rolls, and add
systems will ever develop multiple the result to 1d10.
Census type populations. Redistribution of Census If the result is 14 or lower, there is no growth.
in wartime and repeated conquest of a single Increase the systems bonus for failed growth rolls
system are the most likely situations under which and move on to the next system.
such a state could come to exist. If the result is 15+, reset the failed growth
bonus to zero (0) and move on to determining
3.1.2 Multiple Census Types and which race gets the population.

Population Growth 3) Determine the racial type of the new Census.

When determining if population growth will Which racial population grows? If only one
occur in a system with multiple races, only those race was eligible, they are the one who gains the
races that would be eligible for growth if all current new Census. If two or more races were eligible,
Census points in the system were composed of then assign percentage ranges in proportion to
that race. When population growth occurs in such the races growth bonuses and then roll to
a system, the CM should assign each Census type determine which races grows.
a proportional percentile chance of the new
Census being of that Census type. To do this, Integrated Example: Population Growth
divide each races Census Growth Bonus type total with Multiple Types of Census
by the total Census Growth Bonus in the system The planet Capra, thanks to its strategic
(rounding up). Starting with the race with the location and the fact that it is a wonderful planet
largest bonus and working down, assign roll with a Capacity of 10, has a rather diverse
ranges. The first race gets the range from 1– (size population. In fact four separate alien races inhabit
of range), subsequent races get ranges from (top Capra. These races are as follows:
of previous range +1) – (top of previous range + Race A has 3 Census points and standard
size of range). Once the percentile chances are growth traits
determined, roll d100 to determine the new Race B has 2 Census points, is Gigantic, and
Census’ type. has Slow Gestation
Race C has 2 Census points, is Diminutive,
1) Determine which races on the world are and has Fast Gestation
eligible for growth. Race D has 2 Census points, and Fast Growth
a) Normal Races are only eligible in the 12th
month of each year; Fast Gestation races It is month 12 of year 3 and time to check for
are eligible on the 6th and 12th months; growth.
and Slow Gestation races only on the 12th
month of even numbered years. Step 1) Determine which races on the world
b) Total system population must be below the are eligible for growth.
system Capacity as modified by the race’s Race A is eligible as the total population (9), is
traits. lower than the Capacity of 10 and the turn number
is correct.
2) Determine modifier(s) to population growth Race B is NOT eligible, as they see the world’s
roll and make the attempt. Capacity as only 8 due to the race’s size. Even if

54 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Optional Rules
the world’s capacity was large enough, they would can be difficult to maintain, and as a result all
not be eligible due to the year number. negative Morale checks made in systems with
Race C is eligible; the current population 9 is lower mixed populations receive a –1 penalty to the roll.
than the perceived Capacity of 12. Race D is In addition to this Morale penalty, the mission
eligible as well. difficulty for Insurgency missions in these systems
is reduced by 1 (minimum difficulty 1).
Step 2) Determine modifier(s) to population The implications of these modifiers is that it
growth roll and make the attempt. will be much easier to disrupt a multi-Census
Race A bonus = 3 planet. Oftentimes racial tensions are brewing just
Race C bonus = 2 below the surface of an otherwise civilized planet
Race D bonus = 4 and it only take a single spark to light a fire of
Total racial bonuses = 9 discontent and suspicion among the population.

The last population growth roll was a failure,

so the system receives a failed growth bonus of
3.1.4 Census Exchanges
Generally speaking, it is not acceptable for
+1 to this attempt. If the d10 roll is 4 or lower,
players to freely exchange Census between their
there would be no growth and the bonus would
respective empires. In fact, such a practice should
be increased to +2. However, the roll was 7 (giving
be frowned on when using these optional rules as
a total of 9 + 1 + 7 = 17) so there is growth. The
it can lead to rampant abuse wherein two players
failed growth bonus drops back down to 0 and we
exchange Census so as to provide both players
move on to determining whom it is that actually
with the other’s racial advantages.
There are some situations where it is
acceptable for Census to change hands. If an
Step 3) Determine the racial type of the new
empire is making territorial concessions to a rival,
it is logical to assume that some or all of the
Race D has the largest bonus, so they get the
Census in the affected system(s) will be transferred
first range. Their bonus of 4 is divided by the total
to the opposing empire as a result of the exchange.
bonus 9, giving them a range of 45 (4/9 = 44.44%,
Situations like the one detailed above are
rounded to 45%), giving them the range from 1 –
allowed because they do not break the spirit of
the rules. Other, similar situations likely exist where
Race A is next with a bonus of 3. Range = 3/9
the transfer of Census from empire to empire
= 33.33% (rounded to 34), giving them a roll range
would have a rational explanation and be
of 46 - 79.
thematically correct. However it is up to the CM to
Race C is last with a 2, giving them 2/9 =
ensure that the ability to maintain colonies with
22.22% (rounded to 23), and a roll range of 80-
multiple Census types is not abused. If playing in
102. As the results of 101 and 102 are impossible,
a CM-less campaign players will likely find it easier
they get a bit of a shaft but such is life.
to outlaw the practice completely.
Roll d100, and apply the new Census point to
the relevant race.

3.1.3 Multiple Census Colonies

and Morale/Insurgency
The cosmopolitan nature of multi-Census
colonies can conver many advantages, but these
planets are not without stife. Interspecies relations

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

Optional Rules
3.2 Extra-
In addition to the exploitable star systems in
each pocket universe, the CM should also be sure
to include one or more travel nodes. Travel nodes

Dimensional are the portals that allow fleets to move from the
pocket universe to the proper campaign universe
and back again. These travel nodes should be

Aliens in a VBAM considered two way doors between the two

realms, allowing units to move from the pocket

universe to the campaign universe or vice versa
during the course of the campaign. It is
encouraged that travel nodes be recorded on the
Players might notice the inclusion of an Extra- map as empty systems (e.g., systems with no
Dimensional physical trait in the 2.0 Custom Race Carrying Capacity or other statistics) for purposes
Design rules. Frequently, extra-dimensional aliens of movement and fleet tracking.
are used as an enemy (or ally) in science fiction
settings. These aliens typically hail from strange Pocket Universes and
parallel or pocket universes, but the trait could as
easily apply to those species from far off galaxies. Movement
One potential problem for CMs is deciding how How movement and the stability of these
to handle extra-dimensional empires in their nodes are handled rests largely in the hands of
campaigns. This section includes a few possible the CM. This section contains possible options for
ways to include these empires in a more dealing with movement between pocket universe
substantive or thematic form. and the “real” campaign universe.
Regardless of the option used, there are some
factors that remain the same when dealing with
3.2.1 Pocket Universe travel nodes and pocket universes. Once a fleet
CMs may choose to have all extra-dimensional enters a travel node “system,” they are considered
powers start in their own “pocket universes.” These to be straddling dimensions. Movement between
pocket universes exist as a subset of the other the travel node and one of the possible extra-
players’ reality, but exist in a separate space. For dimensional transit routes connecting the node to
campaign purposes these pocket universes are real space is simultaneous and does not count
tracked as a separate map populated with a finite towards the fleet’s movement allowance. However,
number of star systems and travel nodes (more this works both ways; fleets at a real space location
on these later). The power’s pocket universe that contains a portal to a travel node located in a
should have just enough systems to give the extra- pocket universe may move into that travel node
dimensional alien some friendly real estate on their at no cost to its movement allowance.
side of the looking glass, but not enough to allow
them to be too comfortable (or formidable) without Static Travel Nodes
interacting with the rest of the campaign universe.
One option (and the easiest) is to have these
It is important that the CM encourage these
travel nodes statically mapped so that they always
extra-dimensional empires to leave their safety
connect to the same system or systems
zone, otherwise players who prefer a “stay at
throughout the course of the campaign. In other
home” sandbox mentality might opt to play as
words, a static connection could be set linking
extra-dimensional aliens simply so they can avoid
System A’ in the pocket universe to System G in
interference from the other players in the
the normal campaign universe. Travel between

56 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Optional Rules
the two systems will always be available under For the other, non- extra-dimensional players,
this system. this creates an environment where attacks from
The advantage to the static travel node option beyond their reality are temporary. Their
lies in its simplicity. Because the routes will never immediate goal becomes containing the extra-
change, the CM will not have to worry about dimensional threat and preventing them from
updating their condition and players won’t have gaining a foothold in the players’ universe.
to adjust their strategies to take into account the
formation/collapse of these portals. The latter can
also be a disadvantage, as players will know that
3.2.2 Sufficiently Far Away
If you want to give your resident extra-
these portals won’t change and will adopt
dimensional alien some extra benefit, but don’t
strategies that reflect this knowledge.
want them inhabiting their own little universe, you
may opt instead to allow the extra-dimensional Transitory Travel Nodes empire’s fleets to journey to a destination
Another option, and one that might be more “sufficiently far away.” It is unknown where the
fun, is to have all extra-dimensional movement fleets are going, but they are going far enough
be tenuous and connections temporary. To do this, away so as to make pursuit impossible by
rate your travel nodes as to the maximum number conventional means.
of connections they can accept. For example, a It takes one campaign turn’s worth of
travel node with a node capacity of 3 would be movement for an extra-dimensional fleet to move
able to support 3 connections to the normal to a location sufficiently far away, and it will take
universe at any given time. Each time that a unit that fleet another turn to journey back to the
enters a travel node with unused node capacity campaign map. However, when returning to the
would be allowed to attempt to create a new campaign map, the extra-dimensional travelers
connection between that travel node and a can elect to transit back to any previously explored
randomly determined system on the normal system. Under this option, extra-dimensional
campaign map. This new lane is created when travelers gain the weighty strategic advantage of
the player’s unit that orders the dimensional travel being able to move virtually anywhere in the
performs its movement orders. At the end of each universe in only two turns, so long as their empire
campaign turn, the CM should roll a d10 for each has knowledge of the system they are moving to.
of these extra-dimensional portals. On a result of Please note that the extra-dimensional force does
10, the lane has grown unstable and collapsed. not have to have explored the system themselves,
The travel node’s available node capacity but might have procured the information from
increases by 1 and the collapsed lane is destroyed. another source, such as from an ally or some CM-
The advantage of this movement option is that initiated event.
the extra-dimensional player will always have to
be careful not to over or under extend himself CM’s Note: This option can be easily
during play. Because the serendipitous portals that abused by players and should be
his empire finds have a good chance of vanishing used with caution. It simulates the
as fast as they appeared, the player will have to effects of extra-dimensional or extra-
decide just how much effort to put into attempting galactic movement within some
to form a beachhead at their destination. Too few milieus, but all it will take is one player willing to
units and the resources devoted to the trans- abuse the ability for their own empire’s gain to
dimensional expansion will be wasted. Too much, ruin the fun for the other players. Being able to
and other opportunities may be lost due to a lack bypass fixed defense points and strike at random
of investment capital. is however appropriate in some settings.

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

The Aliens
4.0 The Aliens
The following section includes a series of
custom races for use in your VBAM campaigns. A
short background description and picture
accompanies each entry. These custom races use
the race design rules included in this book and
are fully compatible with same. Each of these
custom races has its own strengths and
weaknesses. Players will find that, in actual play,
these benefits and penalties will weigh heavily on
their decisions and help to guide their strategy.
In addition to providing pre-generated alien
statistics, force lists for all of these powers are
included in the back of this book. This means that
players can use these powers as pickup races in
any VBAM campaign! These forces are designed
to be compatible with those found in the VBAM
Campaign Guide, so they can be used in addition
to or instead of the generic species included there.
When compared to the generic force lists in
the VBAM Campaign Guide, the units included
here may seem overpowered. However, their
higher cost should suitably balance this fact.

Note: An asterisk ( * ) after a trait indicates that

the custom race has purchased more than one
level in that particular trait.

CM’s Note: A random custom race

generator is included in Appendix B
of this book that will allow CMs or
players to create their own custom
races on the fly. All of the racial traits
and government types presented in this book are
included in the generation charts. Suitable space
has also been left on the physical and social trait
charts to add your own trait entries, should you
Being able to create new custom races in a
random can be especially useful for players in solo
VBAM campaigns. It allows new alien species to
be generated largely without player direction, so
that each new species the player encounters can
be strange, interesting, and new.

58 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

The Aliens
Aam Conclave
Submission by Charlie Lewis & Tyrel Lohr

The crystalline Aam are the proverbial enigma
wrapped in a conundrum and surrounded by
mystery. Not only are they physically different from
the vast majority of the races of the galaxy, but
they are completely absorbed in their various
research projects to really care.
The entire culture of the Aam is focused on
supporting science, in all its forms. The
government exists primarily to facilitate funding
of projects and the building of infrastructure to
support those projects. The military exists to
protect the scientists and to escort them when a
project requires data from offworld. As such, it is
difficult for the Aam to relate to the wants and
needs of other races.
The Aam government is a meritocracy, as is
only proper for a race with such a scientific Government
mindset. However, it is also very bureaucratic, Meritocracy
making change very slow to accomplish, and (Positive Scientific, Negative Military)
diplomacy with other races is just one more
agenda item for the week’s meeting. The Physical Traits
Diplomatic Corps of most races consider a posting Non-Humanoid
to Aamanthorat the end of their career. Once their Lithovore (+3)
government wants something from the Aam, the Subterranean (+2)
diplomat’s inability to surmount the bureaucratic Completely Alien (-3)
inertia eventually results in their recall and
dismissal. Social Traits
Fortunately for the rest of the galaxy, the Aam Bureaucratic Diplomacy (-2)
focus their attention on such a diverse range of Expert Scientists* (+2)
scientific endeavors. If the Aam were forced to
direct all of their research into military projects,
the results would be quite fearsome. Wise leaders
Starting Resources
acknowledge this potential and focus their 60 economic points
diplomacy towards a trade concession or two, and
leave well enough alone.

38 74 32

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

The Aliens
of Gykryl
Submission by Noel Johnson,
based on a race by Tyrel Lohr

The Cykryyl are a race of large
squid-like creatures. Weighing nearly a ton
each, these eleven armed aquatic sentients are
among the more biologically extreme of the
sentients conquered by the Terran Imperium. The Homeworld
Cykryyl spent much of their early history engaging Gykryl
in violent wars of genocidal dominance against
the unusual multitudes of sentients cohabiting Government
Gikryl. After reaching the top of the food chain
Confederate (Military)
the Cykryyl genetics rapidly diversified to fill many
of the now empty ecological niches.
Due to the extremely individualistic nature of Physical Traits
the Cykryyl subspecies, technological Non-Humanoid
development languished as circulation of ideas Aquatic (+2)
was isolated to small groups. The difficulty of Incomprehensible Language (-2)
accessing the heavy metals and fuels of Gikryl
hampered industrial development until large Social Traits
amounts of capital was invested in deep mining Tense Alliance (-2)
operations, though even then it remained low by Stalwart Defender (+2)
Terran standards. Veteran Armies (+2)
The original twenty-three subspecies were
dominated by the most numerous and militant, the Starting Resources
Gykryl, who in Terran Reckoning 1782 maintained 60 economic points
an uneasy dominion over the population of Gikryl.
Through an unstable system of alliances, threats
and military actions the Gykryl miraculously held
on to their position of power until the Terran arrival
in 2325 TR. AG IN XE

The Cykryyl in 2325 TR had only recently

achieved space travel, colonizing the interior of 85 41 63
their solar system with a string of mining posts
spread across the mineral rich asteroid belts of
their home system. Sublight solar sail craft had
only recently pushed the boundaries of the Cykryyl

60 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

The Aliens
sphere outward into their outer solar system. There reinforcements in the face of an increasingly
was almost no organization to the small backward hostile planetary population. By the end of 2678
Cykryyl space navy when the militant Terrans the Cykryyl had mercilessly slaughtered all the
arrived. Though fighting valiant in the defense of Terrans on Gikryl and strewn their remains across
Gikryl, the invading Terran forces easily the seas of their world.
dispatched the forces defending the homeworld. The Gykryl subspecies initially dominated the
The remaining colonial forces lucky enough to new Cykryyl government, and the other Cykryyl
escape would harass Terran convoys for the next subspecies once again found themselves forced
six months until the out of supply heroic fighters into the service of another master. Still resentful
succumbed to attrition. of any form of oppression, a coalition of the other
Even with their space forces crushed, the twelve surviving subspecies fought a brief civil war
conquest of the Cykryyl presented the Terrans with against the Gykryl after which a government
a serious dilemma. The aquatic nature, ferocity, representing the thirteen species was created
and numbers of the Cykryyl defenders stretched giving all Cykryyl an equal voice. The newly
the Terran subjugation of this lesser race on for created Federation of Gykryl is almost always on
nearly ten months. Resistance remained solid until the brink of anarchy, with constant bickering
massive scale bombardment by the Terrans and hampering even the most basic functions of
the deaths of a billion of Gikryl’s inhabitants government. Only fear of the return and retaliation
stunned the Cykryyl into submission and they of their former Terran oppressors keeps the
surrendered early in 2326 TR. individualistic Cykryyl from fracturing once more.
Under the tyrannical Terran yoke the Cykryyl
population dwindled from a pre-conquest number Language
of nearly four billion to only a fourth of that original
Of some note in the Cykryyl language is that
number within the first hundred years of the Terran
‘y’ is one of the few ‘vowels’ in their spoken
occupation. Regardless of race all Cykryyl were
language, and in fact one of the only sounds they
heavily oppressed and exploited to fuel the war
can make without much effort. Uncouth or mentally
machines and decadence of Imperial Earth.
handicapped Cykryyl are noted for simply
Large-scale agricultural development was
swimming in circles crying “yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!”
expanded and its bounty shipped off world at the
for days on end.
expense of the native populous, causing
widespread famine. The Terrans eliminated ten
of the original twenty-three Cykryyl subspecies as
they were seen as not being productive enough
to warrant their continued existence. Forced to
coexist regardless of racial or cultural boundaries,
the remaining Cykryyl subspecies found a
common hatred in their Terran oppressors,
creating a before unseen unity among the
After nearly three and a half centuries of
subjugation by their Terran overlords, the
culmination of long years of secret rebellion
coinciding with the Great Hyperspace Collapse
allowed the Cykryyl to throw off their shackles of
oppression. The long neglected Terran garrison
found itself overwhelmed and without

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

The Aliens
Submission by Jason Stadnyk

The Degli are the descendents from a horse-
like ancestor. Instead of taking a humanoid stance,
the Degli grew a pair of arms to complement their
four legs. With speed and the ability to manipulate
their environment, they took their society into a
scientific revolution with constant discoveries at
every turn.
The Degli relied on fossil fuels less than normal
societies as their horse-like physiology allowed
them to travel great distances quite quickly.
Competition for other resources was also not a
pressing need to Degli, and it was a great surprise
when they began to become a space faring race
and came into conflict for the first time.
The Degli are not a warlike race and actually
the distaste for it has led to the high-speed designs
of their ships. They would prefer to flee than risk Government
the lives of their people and only attack if combat Technocratic (Scientific)
will be quick and decisive. Additionally, fighter
elements lack dedicated missions, this is more Physical Traits
because Degli pilots are valued too highly to send Non-Humanoid
on specific missions and additionally most pilots
try their best to transfer to safer fleet elements. Social Traits
When attacked, the Degli will retreat if they
Fast Drive System (+3)
do not have a chance of success. Only over core
Mercantile (+1)
systems may they choose to hold the line. But
Repair Specialist (+1)
again the nature of the Degli to retreat when
Abject Cowards (-3)
damaged has proved a hindrance to a good
Poor Pilots (-2)
defense. Luckily the Degli try not to stomp on too
many toes when conducting diplomacy.
Starting Resources
60 economic points
AG IN XE +1 RAW (Homeworld)

12 48 40

62 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

The Aliens
Huillym Alliance
Submission by Noel Weer

The Huillym are a warm-blooded, herbivorous
species. They are commonly between 2.75 and
3.25 meters in height, and are covered in short,
coarse fur ranging through several shades of
brown and tan. They have short necks, with narrow
flat heads. Their mouths are filled with dozens
of flat teeth. Their arms are long, useful
for reaching high into the trees, or deep
into thick shrubs for food.

The Supreme Council holds all decision
making control within Huillym society. A citizen
gains entry to the council by achieving the rank of
a Fifth Tier Scholar of Insight, the highest honor
that can be achieved within the society. There are
rarely more than 3% of the Huillym that are at the
Fifth Tier of Scholar of Insight at any one time.

Historical Summary
Huillym were peaceful grazing, herd animals
on the plains and in the forests of their homeworld
when the first of their kind learned that it could
stand on its hind legs to reach higher into the trees
for food. More of its kind quickly learned the trick…
Then others learned to reach deep into the sharply
thorned Paolyn bushes to reach the best fruit.
Slowly the front legs evolved into long grasping
arms. wealth – came to those settlements as leaders of
And then the Huillym learned to communicate knowledge and skill.
together, cooperating within their herds to learn The greatest structures and proudest
more, and to share with other herds to learn what accomplishments of the Huillym are the great
they had discovered. Studies quickly grew up academies and learning institutions. For example,
around the best way to arrange and grow orchids, The Sublime Academy of Wisdom, located at the
raise crops, effective methods to restrain city of Tuizzyl would be considered a wonder in
predators, and ultimately various skilled trades. any civilization. The single structure provides a
The more success any settlement gained in these location for over 30,000 novices, professors,
areas the more renown and acclaim – power and students, and other supplicants at the altar of
knowledge to live, study, and work. The Elemental

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

The Aliens
knowledge. An orderly system of advancement
and standing within the Huillym has arisen, with
Homeworld stages of learning noted for publication of
Reewloen knowledge, discoveries, testing, peer acclaim, and
rigorous courses of study. Within each stage are
Government 2 or more tiers that represent developmental
Meritocracy advancement within the stage. Time spent within
(Positive Scientific, Negative Social) each stage and tier varies greatly at an individual
Physical Traits Pupil: 1-2
Student: 1-2
Attractive (+1)
Empathic (+2) Novice: 1-2-3
Passive (–1) Supplicant to Knowledge: 1-2-3
Apprentice to Understanding: 1-2-3-4
Social Traits Scholar of Knowledge: 1-2-3-4-5
Expert Scientists (+1) Scholar of Understanding: 1-2-3-4-5
Pacifist (–1) Scholar of Insight: 1-2-3-4-5

Starting Resources Of course, while the Huillym are peaceful, their

60 economic points politics and factions are still quite active and can
be fractious. Advancement through the stages
requires success, and they cannot let others
obstruct their advancement.

29 78 42

Institute of the Erudite Mind at Raell rivals the

Sublime Academy. Some of the greatest minds in
Huillym history have come from these institutions.
Except for fighting natural predators, the
history of the Huillym has not known war. They
understand self defense, they understand the
martial properties of many of their discoveries, but
they see no point to violent conflict. Anything that
is violent is a predator, and to be feared and
controlled. As such, the Huillym recognize that they
are not a warlike species, and strive to use Intel
and technology to gain any advantage that they
can. They favor high scouting values, and ships
with high stealth abilities. Intel is a favored tool to
disrupt and by pass predator defenses.
It is the life’s wish of all Huillym to be
recognized for their contributions to the herd’s

64 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

The Aliens
Solar Federation
Submission by Tyrel Lohr

Humans are a species of mammalian bipeds
native to the planet Earth (sometimes called Terra)
in the Sol star system. Humans are an
uninteresting lifeform and exhibit few exceptional
qualities compared to other alien creatures. They
have average weight, height, strength, and
intelligence, just to name a few.
Being a jack of all trades genetically has bred
extreme versatility into the human race. This
versatility has allowed them to thrive in situations
other species would consider adverse. Using this
to their advantage, humanity is poised to begin a
major interstellar expansion.
Government Earth
The Solar Federation was formed as a supra-
national committee that could attend to the needs Government
of Earth and the colonies while being controlled
Representative (Social)
by neither. In theory it provided both sides an equal
voice in and control over solar matters. In practice
neither side was willing to give the other equal
Physical Traits
control. Which side holds the most influence has Humanoid
constantly wrestled back and forth since.
The Solar Federation is a unicameral system, Social Traits
meaning that it has a single legislative body. This Expansionist (+2)
body, the Federation Assembly (or Assembly for
short) controls all major international affairs in the Starting Resources
Terran sphere of influence. Representation in the 60 economic points
Assembly is based on both a nation’s population
and its economic output. All colonies over a certain
minimum population requirement are guaranteed AG IN XE

representation in the Assembly, but larger, more

influential states always hold the true power. Some 50 50 50
of the old terrestrial nations hold more seats than
would be generally afforded to new members, a
concession that the colonies had to make in order

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

The Aliens
for these powers to agree to the Federation Rebellion. Terran military forces quickly put down
Charter. the freedom movement on Mars, but it provided
Of the colonies to win freedom, Mars is by far the morale effect necessary to get the outer
the most influential and powerful. The Free Mars colonies to step in line and join the rebellion as
Association is one of the leading proponents of brothers and sisters of Mars.
pro-Colonial policies in the Federation and were The war lasted only two more years before
instrumental in drafting the Federation Charter and the Earth-based governments, weary from war
bringing Terran interests onboard to support the and with colonies that no longer supported them,
formation of such a compromise. Besides Mars, agreed to parlay. The Olympus Treaty ended the
the Jovian Union is also a major political entity in rebellion and granted the colonies the right to
the solar system. choose by popular vote whether to remain free or
Despite their elevated political position, the else seek annexation by another government.
colonies are still forced to play second fiddle to The Old Guard on Earth believed the latter
the power brokers on Earth. The American clause would send many of their former
Confederacy, including much of North and South possessions back into their hands. It was not to
America; the British Commonwealth, including be. Instead, the colonies banded together forming
Great Britain, Canada, Australia, and other; minor nations in their own right, nations that held
European Union, Russian Federation, and China the vital natural resources that Earth demanded
are the most powerful, though Japan, Iran, and to maintain the status quo.
South Africa have also maintained a significant It has now been 27 years since the formation
political presence. of the Solar Federation, 32 years since the end of
the Intra-Solar War. The nations of Earth and her
Historical Summary former colonies have rebuilt and both have largely
The Solar Federation was formed in 2973 outgrown the animosity from that conflict.
following the brief Intra-Solar War that pitted the Three years ago, the Federation Assembly
major space powers of the era against one ratified legislation that has formed the first unified
another. Federation star fleet. This decision came fast on
Fought principally in the outer star system over the heels of an announcement by a group of
national colonial assets at Mars, Jupiter, and scientists from the Russian Federation’s
Saturn, the war was humanity’s first major space Kovalevskaya Institute of Mathematics that they
conflict. The brutality of the conflict would not soon had discovered a method by which to open a portal
be lost on the people of Earth or her colonies. to a parallel dimension that could allow ships to
The war ended with Terran imperialism dead. move quickly between the stars. They had
The small Japanese, Korean, and Iranian discovered the secrets of hyperspace travel. With
settlements at Uranus were destroyed in the this knowledge in hand, humanity could at long
fighting, but the majority of the remaining solar last leave its celestial cradle and journey outwards
colonies survived. in the unknown.
At the climax of the conflict, the colonies Though the secret of interstellar travel was a
banded together, meeting clandestinely at godsend for humanity, it also brought with it some
Ganymede and Titan to devise a strategy for very real problems. None of the nations could hope
dealing with the Earth-based conflict that to individually undertake the burden of building
threatened their lives and livelihood. Backed by their own jump-capable starships. The cost of the
wealthy Martian financiers, the colonies began equipment involved was simply too much. Thus
discussing insurrection. the burden fell on the shoulders of the Solar
It was the declaration of Martian independence Federation to organize and fund the design and
in 2968 that provided the catalyst for the Colonial construction of Earth’s first interstellar craft.

66 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

The Aliens
Submission by Noel Weer

The N’lyk’Tyra are water breathing,
with a hard exo-skeleton, similar to a
terrestrial crustacean. They have nine
limbs, six of which are “legs” for
gripping and moving along the seabed, or for
swimming propulsion. They have three limbs
that end in fine motor claws and function as arms.
They are about 230cm tall, and an average adult
measures 3 meters across the widest part of its
carapace. They commonly weigh between 65-90
They are omnivorous, with plants and small
sea creatures forming the bulk of their diet – fish
and other meat sources account for only 25% of
a normal N’lyk’Tyran’s annual consumption.
The average life span of an N’lyk’Tyran is 75 Homeworld
years. They reach physical maturity at around 9- L’rj’hul’kh’Tyra
10 and enter full adult societal status in a formal
ceremony at 12. Government
N’lyk’Tyra are generally shades of dark green
Representative (Military)
or brown in color, often with blended bands of
color. They have no hair. Their eyes are black or
sharp brown. Shells are often decorated with Physical Traits
colorful patterns and designs. Non-Humanoid
There are 4 sexes – 2 male and 2 female. Aquatic (+2)
Suffice to say that social relationships are difficult Incomprehensible Language (-2)
to explain. In short both male sexes are required
to prepare to fertilize an egg, but only the dominant Social Traits
male sex (M’trar) delivers to the egg. Both female Master Tacticians - Maneuvers (+1)
sexes are required to prepare an egg to be Spiritual (+1)
fertilized. The female that then carries and
gestates the egg is considered the dominant Starting Resources
female (F’trar). This complex social pattern and 60 economic points
competition for mating position has produced an
evolutionary/social pressure that makes
N’lyk’Tyrans aggressive in striving for goals and

66 37 54

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

The Aliens
individual achievement. On a cultural scale this struggles were resolved by K’ryl’bu’cka
has produced a “colorful” history. (champion’s combat), which was also the common
Adapted for underwater life, the N’lyk’Tyra find solution to mating problems. But, on the whole,
that communicating with sentient creatures that violent pressures were generally restrained until
dwell on the surface of land is incredibly difficult. a great volcano erupted. The resulting clouds of
Not only are the physical needs of making the ash in the air above the seas reduced sunlight to
proper sounds and movements completely such a dangerously low level that kelp everywhere
dissimilar, but there is also an enhanced cultural began to die off and wars between the clans
barrier in a lack of shared reference points for became commonplace, as clans struggled to hold
effective communication. N’lyk’Tyran diplomats the best reefs, and individuals struggled to survive.
often despair of ever establishing peaceful Several daring clans tried to escape above
relations with land dwellers. ground. N’lyk’Tyra can breath atmosphere for
Due to the nature of the watery environment short durations, but most of these clans receded
that they are raised in, N’lyk’Tyran pilots and navy to the waters again. One did not. The Y’lyk Clan
personnel are well adapted to 3D combat in space. managed to find a defendable lagoon and nearby
The N’lyk’Tyrans are excellent tacticians, skilled lake on a large island to shelter their people.
in maneuver and combat. Exploring above ground they found suitable plant
life to harvest… and they came to discover
Government metalworking and other wonders. The Y’lyk
became the scientific and cultural leaders of a new
An elected Senate leads the N’lyk’Tyra. 1
dynasty after the volcanic clouds left and the kelp
Senator is elected for every 100,000 m’trar and
beds recovered.
f’trar within the population. These Senators are
Within a hundred years the Y’lyk dominated
assigned to represent the bed (or district – derived
most of the planet and held fief over clans large
from the population supportable by a large kelp
and small. Resentment grew, and there was
bed) from which they were elected.
constant threat to the established peace. The Y’lyk
A committee of the top five military leaders
found themselves in a position were all the clans
(the Ky’ltr) then holds executive authority. Most
were uniting against them, and champion’s
civilian institutions are able to function quasi-
combat was not going to suffice to contain the
independently – providing regular reporting to the
Senate and the Ky’ltr, which both can then exercise
The Y’lyk called a conclave to avoid the
their rights to redirect or control efforts.
bloodshed and voluntarily ceded much of their
direct control over the clans. They proposed a
Historical Summary Senate to rule the entire race, with a committee
The N’lyk’Tyra (N’lyk’Tyra means people of the of Y’lyk to act as the executive branch. The
sea) originally lived in small family clans clustered compromise was accepted.
along the great reefs and island bases of their Within a generation the Y’lyk on the committee
watery home world L’rj’hul’kh’Tyra (or, roughly, the were all military officers, and they worked to
great ocean of life). These clans worked together change the constitution so the committee
to manage the needs of food gathering and child permanently became a military executive rather
rearing. Occasionally various clans would “trade” than clan-based. The Council is now comprised
non-dominant genders to keep relations peaceful of the highest-ranking military officers. This has
and provide genetic variety. produced a lot of tension within their society.
Conflict occurred, in struggles for superior
fishing grounds and kelp beds, and as other
valuable resources began to be identified. Most

68 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

The Aliens
Nulos Trade Homeworld
Nulos Prime

Federation Government
Submission by Tyrel Lohr Representative (Trade)

Physiology Physical Traits

The Nulosians are a race of reptilian bipeds, Humanoid
standing approximately 1.85 meters in height.
They are covered in yellowish-blue scales in a Social Traits
camouflaged patterning. This allowed the primitive Corrupt (-1)
Nulosians to blend into the dense jungle Mercantile (+4)*
environment of their homeworld. Poor Tacticians – Command (-1)
The Nulosians are omnivorous, eating a mixed Warmonger (+1)
diet of plants and insects. Their primary food Open Society (-2)
source is the imlaci, a domesticated form of insect.
This docile creature looks like a giant beetle/ Starting Resources
grasshopper hybrid. These creatures grow to 3 80 economic points
meters in length when mature.
There are two Nulosian sexes: male and
female. Sexual dimorphism exists in this species,
but it hard to discern. Females can be AG IN XE

differentiated from males by the shape of their

jaws, which tend to be slightly broader than that
91 20 45
of the male. Each female will lay a clutch of roughly
six hard-shelled eggs per gestation cycle, but only
one or two hatchlings survive their first week of
life. Surviving young cannibalize their dead or
dying siblings, a traditional “coming of age” custom
for newborn Nulosians.

The Nulos Trade Federation is a
plutocracy ruled by the economic elite
of Nulos Prime. Numerous
corporate interests banded
together several hundred
years ago and fought a
brutal civil conflict against
the traditional political
organizations that previously
governed their world.
The victorious corporations
formed the federation for

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

The Aliens
several reasons. Chiefly among these was the doing a thorough review of Nulosian history.
desire to provide a unified front, both diplomatically Cruelty and violence peppered page after page.
and militarily, against encroaching alien cultures. What sickened the Emridi the most is that classical
The Nulosians feared that neighboring alien Nulosian historians glorified the acts of violence,
powers would take advantage of their weakness turning despicable men into legendary heroes. Not
during the early history of the Federation and long after these facts came to life, the Emridi had
attempt an armed invasion of Nulosian space. This a change of heart and abruptly left Nulos. They
invasion never came, and since then the Nulos have not been seen or heard from since.
Trade Federation has developed a large, well- After being abandoned by their patrons, the
developed star fleet to defend itself from any Nulosians began carefully crawling out into space,
possible future attacks. exploring nearby stars using the technologies
Another consideration in the formation of the gained from their brief association with the Emridi.
Trade Federation was as a centralized adjudicative Colonial expansion was slow at first, but the
agency where legal matters could be tried. A true development of more advanced starship
judiciary does not exist within the Federation; construction techniques allowed the Nulosians to
rather, a system of advocates and Federation- begin a major period of interstellar expansion.
appointed ombudsmen argue legal cases at The Nulos Trade Federation now spans
hearings as a part of binding arbitration. Both dozens of worlds. The Nulosians are known for
criminal and civil suits follow the same format. their pension for finance, however their tempers
Refusal to abide by the Federation’s ruling in a and violent nature have not been entirely forgotten.
case can lead to the forced sale and liquidation of Of the races in the galaxy, the Nulosians are one
an individual’s or corporation’s assets. of the most violent. What they cannot subvert
A board of directors appointed by popular vote economically they will willingly take by force. For
by the “shareholders” oversees the Trade this reason foreign powers deal with the Nulosians
Federation’s governance. Each natural-born with a smile on their face and a knife hidden behind
Nulosian citizen is issued one share of common their back. Sooner or later they know that Nulos
stock in the Trade Federation, making him or her will turn their eye towards conquest, but until that
a part owner of the “company.” As such time there is money to be made and the smell of
corporate voting blocs have replaced credits is truly intoxicating. As the humans say,
political parties. Corporations “Never get between a Nulosian and his money.”
routinely purchase privately held
shares to bolster their own
importance with the grand
economic structure of the

Historical Summary
The Nulosians were a primitive
society until they made contact with
a species called the Emridi. The
Emridi befriended the Nulosians,
taking them under their wing (literally)
and teaching them about technology and
science. The friendship between the
Nulosians and Emridi lasted for a time but
came to an end once the Emridi finally began

70 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

The Aliens
Obscari Enigma
Submission by Jeremy Menefee

The Obscari native form is that of a pig-sized
quadruped vaguely resembling a dog – if the dog
had a pig snout and looked vaguely fungal or
spongiform. However, few outside their autocratic
nation have ever seen one in its native form and,
of those who have, most are dead. The Obscari
are shapeshifters, but fear to be seen in their
native form. Their general xenophobia is thought
to be largely based on this one simple instinctive
urge. The Obscari are able to almost effortlessly
mimic any relatively same-sized life form quite

History Homeworld
The Enigma is a vast organization headed by
the Enigmatic – a single, all-powerful Obscari who
invariably rises to power by sabotage and betrayal, Government
and stays there by the same means. This social Autocratic (Social)
climbing mechanism is instinctive and is, quite
unfortunately, applied to those other powers they Physical Traits
may encounter. Non-Humanoid
Obscari society is entirely based on caste, Shapeshifters (+2)
although the lower castes allow for rapid social
mobility (both climbing and falling). The upper Social Traits
castes are similar, but it is almost unheard of to
Espionage Experts (+2)*
fall from the upper castes to the lower. Death is
Sabotage Experts (+2)*
far more common a penalty for failure in the
Xenophobic (-4)*
Obscari power games that are the focus of all adult
Obscari are quiet and difficult to read. Though
Starting Resources
their society is not closed, per se, those who seek 60 economic points
to infiltrate them from the outside have a difficult
time due to their complicated social structure and
morphable physical form. They ooze an almost AG IN XE

palpable menace to outsiders and fellow Obscari

alike, unless they have assumed a momentary
52 40 83
guise as part of some new infiltration scheme.

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

The Aliens
Pan-Galactic Craxi
Church (PGCC)
Submission by Charlie Lewis

Traditionally, the Craxi have always
been very spiritual. Finding guidance in the
higher mysteries, the Craxi pursued their
dreams with great reverence and devotion:
even if those dreams involved wholesale
slaughter of their fellor Craxi. As a result, their
history is full of wars of religion. Even the rise
of Nitais, with its message of unification and
brotherhood, couldn’t stop the bloodshed; in
time the different sects of Nitaisism fought over
minor theological differences.
It was during the intra-Nitais wars, that
various fighting religious orders came to the
fore. Some were the martial champions of their
sect, while others did their best to avoid the
fighting and protect the common Craxi from the
predations of the warring factions. As
technology was developed and fewer warm
bodies were required to fight, most of the orders
disbanded, or turned to more contemplative
pursuits. In time, many were forgotten.
The Pan-Galactic Craxi Church arose
from the ashes of the religious wars of the mid-
21st Century on Kutuxi. Unifying many of the
Nitais sects into one Church, the PGCC helped
Craxi-kind rebuild with a message of unity and
the brotherhood of Craxi. As the Craxi re-
entered space and beyond, the PGCC sent
along priests and missionaries.
After finding out that not all aliens are
as peaceful as hoped for, several of the
Church’s old Orders again took up arms to
protect the faithful. PGCC squadrons can be
found throughout Craxi space, regardless of the
local government. Merchant consortiums often
make donations to the Church on an order of
one to five percent of the value of a convoy to

72 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

The Aliens
Homeworld Prejudiced – Non-Humanoids (-1): Even
Craxi though a vocal minority in the Church believe
that the teachings of Nitai embrace all
Government intelligent beings since God created
everything in the universe, the current
stance of the Church is that it must protect
(Positive Religious, Negative Trade)
Craxi against the predations of aliens.

Physical Traits Stalwart Defender (+2): Charged with the

Humanoid protection of the faithful against all who
would prey on them, the Orders of the
Social Traits Church often fight with great fanaticism, and
Prejudiced – Non-Humanoid (-1) their leaders are usually successful in
Stalwart Defender (+2) rallying the people to join the fight.
Supply Master (+2)
Spiritual (+1) Spiritual (+1): Faced with the enormity of
Tense Alliance (-2) space, and the very real threats hiding
among the stars, many seek refuge in the
Starting Resources teachings of the Church.
60 economic points
Tense Alliance (-2): The discovery of
intelligent life among the stars led to a great
theological debate within the Church that

continues to this day. While the Craxi First

54 82 36 Above All faction is currently dominant, their
opponents, the God’s Love Embraces All
faction, are a very powerful minority. Their
have Church units escort it, particularly out on the power games and scheming that goes on
frontier. Having acquired a number of systems of behind the scenes often hinders the
its own, the PGCC is both a moral, military, and Church’s overall work. Fortunately for the
political force in the affairs of Craxi. colonists on the frontier, the Orders leave
such debate to the Pope and Cardinals, and
The Craxi’s Traits focus on protecting the innocent.
Each of the PGCC’s traits exist because
of the influences of its society and history. The
following is an explanation of each of these traits.

Supply Master (+2): Hearkening back to

their early days, the fighting Orders of the
Church are adept at scrounging up
resources and supplies out of seemingly thin
air. This continues as Brothers and Sisters
not comfortable with actually taking up arms
serve in the logistical units that support the
ships and troops of the Orders.

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

The Aliens
Suran Free
Submission by Charlie Lewis & Tyrel Lohr

When someone first meets a Suran, they
usually focus on their intimidating physique and
make the usual assumption about their mental
abilities. This is a big mistake. The Surans are
descended from a bear-like creature, and they
have inherited its large size and strength.
However, the Surans are also telepathic.
Their telepathy makes them very difficult to
deal with diplomatically. Their native language is
telepathic, without a verbal component, and many
diplomats have a hard time dealing with an alien
presence communicating with them directly in their
mind. As such, the Surans have few friends.
Their government is totalitarian, with individual
freedoms unheard of. What use is privacy when
your every thought is open to your neighbors? In
what seems to be a universal truth, the Suran Free
Republic is neither free nor a republic. Governed
by a ruling elite composed of a few families, the
average Suran trudges through life doing his or Homeworld
her assigned duty. Sura Major
Always worried that other races will overreact
to the Surans’ telepathic abilities, the Suran
leaders and the military are always anxious to
expand and build a buffer zone. This results in a Totalitarian (Social)
never-ending cycle of paranoia as the Surans
expand, while their neighbors worry about Suran Physical Traits
expansion and respond with larger military Humanoid
budgets, which causes the Surans to worry about Incomprehensible Language (-2)
their security, and so forth. Telepathic (+3)

Social Traits
AG IN XE Expansionist (+2)

Ineffective Negotiators (-1)

65 15 70
Starting Resources
60 economic points

74 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

The Aliens
Tawasi Empire
Submission by Tyrel Lohr

The Tawasi are large felinids, standing nearly
2 meters tall. They are covered in thick, bright
orange hair. This furry exterior is an adaptation
against the chilling cold of their homeworld’s cool
climate. The Tawasi are almost exclusively
carnivores. Only a few choice forms of plant life
are acceptable to their palettes. Even then, most
of these serve as garnish for the Tawasi’s meal of
The heavy gravity of Thalkayr has bred the
Tawasi for physical strength. Cultural emphasis
on physical performance has helped to refine them
into fearsome melee opponents. Very few can
stand against the might of an assembled Tawasi
army, especially those suffering from kand’e Thalkayr
sta’rgo – the blood lust. When whipped into just
such a frenzy, the Tawasi’s ancient hunting Government
instincts kick in and they experience an intense Aristocracy (Military)
yearning for blood upon his or her teeth. The blood
lust will not subside until they have tasted of the Physical Traits
flesh of an opponent. Humanoid
Fearsome (+1)
Government High Gravity Species (+1)
The Tawasi are ruled by a series of rival
aristocratic houses, each with its own agenda. Social Traits
These houses individually operate their own Combat Respect (-1)
military forces and are almost constantly at odds Honorable (0)
with their rivals. Open conflict between houses is Incompetent Scientists (-1)
dissuaded as it seen as being uncivilized. Political Physical Endurance (+1)
and economic warfare instead used to gain power Rival Houses (-1)
and crush the opposition. Sacrificial Resolve (+2)
A loose council of the most powerful houses
governs the whole of the Tawasi Empire. Political Starting Resources
alliances back particular houses, creating powerful 60 economic points
voting blocs that can sway governance of the
empire and representation on the council.
The ever-changing nature of the Tawasi

government can make dealing with them difficult,

but luckily the Tawasi are honor bound to respect 57 83 44

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

The Aliens
Ze’U’Lok Empire
the treaties that previous administrations have
entered into. “To break one’s word is to invite
death,” the wise scholar Karetecha Von wrote one
thousand years ago in his Tavalam. Submission by Jason Stadnyk

Historical Summary Background

The Tawasi evolved in the grassy mountain The Ze’U’Loks achieved sentience through a
valleys of Thalkayr’s southern continent. Cave- symbiotic relationship with a dying race that relied
dwelling predators, the Tawasi hunted the on metal constructs to survive. The Originators
medium-sized prey that could often be found had hoped to download their consciousness into
At some point in the Tawasi past, an event robotic shells and achieve an immortality of some
forced these primitive Tawasi out of the mountain sorts. Sadly, they had built their robots too well
valleys and into the low-lying slopes at their feet. and a faulty antiviral program purged the
Scientists postulate that the event that triggered Originator’s consciousness as soon as implanting
this sudden exodus was an extended period of occurred. This failed transcendence gave birth to
cold that led to runaway glaciation in these a new sentient race: the Ze’U’Loks.
mountain valleys. The Ze’U’Loks lived in peace for countless
Forced to adapt to an alien environment, the generations until a humanoid invader landed on
Tawasi found that they had no natural predators their homeworld. At first they were curious about
and that the prey here was unready for the these new visitors, but their curiosity was
emergence of a predator of their stature. The stage answered with violence. The brutal alien attack
was set for the Tawasi to become the predominant shocked the Ze’U’Loks and it took considerable
species on Thalkayr. time for them to muster an adequate resistance.
Early Tawasi civilizations rose and fell over the After only about four months, over one-third of
millennia, achieving great feats only to be their population was killed. The extermination of
destroyed. This systematic rise and fall of their civilization would have continued if not for
civilizations led to extended dark ages interrupted the emergence of a faction of combat-model
by periods of enlightenment and rapid Ze’U’Loks. These military robots rose up and
advancement. After eighteen centuries of this assumed command of their world’s defense. They
brutal cycle it was finally broken, and the modern drove off the invaders and restored order to their
Tawasi age was allowed to begin. homeworld. These military robots were the
Under the tutelage of the elder leaders of the progenitors of the warrior robots that maintain
Bakawasi league, the high Tawasi cultures were order in the Ze’U’Lok sphere to this day.
able to quickly expand and conquer the various Unlike normal robotic races, the Ze’U’Loks all
tribal kingdoms that surrounded them. The possess an adaptive transformation ability. The
conquest of these new lands brought new slaves majority of Combat Ze’U’Loks are capable of
and money to the Bakawasi and its allies. In return, transforming into space superiority craft such as
the conquered lands were given the secrets of fighters and shuttles. This allows for garrison units
science, medicine, and various other technologies. to quickly join a battle over a colony, or even assist
Stability brought peace, and peace led to a in the ground assault against hostile neighbors.
golden age before unheard of in Tawasi history. Some of the larger combat models are monstrous
They have since developed space travel and taken in size and actually form the backbone of the
to the stars. In the stars they hope they can find Ze’U’Lok space fleet! These models rarely land
their species best destiny, whatever that may end on a planet’s surface, and only convert to robotic
up being. form during the heat of battle to exploit an enemy’s

76 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

The Aliens
The Ze’U’Loks are untrusting of the other
lifeforms they encounter. They view these lesser
beings as spineless and worthy of subjugation.
Even races that become allies are discarded when
no longer useful.
Luckily, Ze’U’Loks are not a marauding band
of warriors. These robots are dependent on a
refined polaron power source only produced
at their major colonies, so they rarely venture
too far away without an adequate supply of the
vital resource.


(Positive Military, Negative Trade)

Physical Traits
Robotic (+3)
Gigantic (+1)
Completely Alien (-3)

Social Traits
Logistical Experts (+1)
Transformative Expert (+1)
Chemical Addiction (-1)

Starting Resources
60 economic points


36 75 67

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

The Aliens
Zhujin Clans
Politically, the society is divided as everyone
seeks to promote their clan and give themselves
greater glory and power. There are five Major
Submission by Noel Weer Zhujin Clans (Niaj, Juzh, Muwwaar, Aarj, & Hojlin),
about a dozen Minor Clans, and a hundred or more
Physiology Lesser Clans and septs. Decisions that are
Zhujin have wide, relatively flat heads, with required to be made collectively or affect many
short ears that stretch back alongside their skull, clans are made at the Luzhuin – an annual
and narrow eyes on either side of their skull. The gathering of the clan leaders at the home world
most notable Zhujin feature is their large mouth, that roughly translates as a moot or conclave.
with three rows of teeth above and below, with Outsiders find that agreements reached “with
fierce canines particularly prominent across the the Zhujin” can suddenly turn out to be binding
top. They are lean and powerfully muscled at 150- only with one clan or overturned by the Luzhuin. It
170kg, but with the ability to react with blazing can make the Zhujin confusing, and difficult, to
speed in hand to hand combat, as well as a deal with. This is exacerbated by the fact that the
hunter’s patience. Zhujin are bipedal, but fully Zhujin are carnivores, in fact they are fierce
comfortable dropping to all fours for bursts of predators. The Zhujin have a habit of considering
speed. any life form to be food, even if sentient. In
They have two arms, with hands that end in 4 particular, it is important that a defeated foe be
fingers each, 1 of which is opposable. consumed – to do them honor. This habit has
Zhujin are warm blooded, with a thin layer of made them rather feared by their neighbors.
fur over their hides that run to soft grays and tans Diplomatic discussions with the Zhujin can be…
with mottled patterns of brown or black. Their eyes stressful.
are a deep green or brown. The fur on elder Zhujin
becomes more and more white. A true elder and Historical Summary
revered member of a clan may be all white at a The Zhujin clans arose from prides of hunters
sufficient age. The average Zhujin can be roaming the vast plains of their arid home world
expected to live to an age of 50-60, with whitening (Zhuj). These related family groups hunted
fur beginning commonly around 40. together and defended themselves against other
There are two sexes, male and female. Young predators and other Zhujin.
are born live, in broods of 4-10. Births are events Oral tradition says it was the prominent Niaj
of great celebration for the parents and the entire Clan that first started to settle and defend one
clan. The young are raised collectively; children location and herd some animals for regular
of the clan, but Zhujin always know who their birth consumption. This led to imitators and clusters of
parents were. static villages. Trade and craftsman followed, as
males turned their energies to victory in crafting
Government arms and other advantages for their prides and
Clan law governs the Zhujin. Every member clans.
of the race belongs to one of the clans; every act As the clans became larger, wars were fought
and behavior is for the clan or reflects on the clan. for resources and good lands. The ancient period
The honor of the clan ranks above everything else. still lives on in the oral traditions of the clans. Some
The society is completely bound within clan law, active blood feuds date back to this period of
and outsiders to that structure find it very difficult history.
to work within Zhujin society. Wars and conflicts continued unabated
throughout Zhujin history. No clan could rise to a
position of clear dominance. As any one clan rose

78 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

The Aliens
to far either other combined to contain or destroy
it, or internal politics would divide the clan into
multiple competing clans.
It was this very violence that fueled
science and technology, as each clan
sought to develop the next great
breakthrough or weapon for
their clan. Some areas of Zhuj
are still wasteland from
wars that embraced
chemical, biological,
and nuclear weapons.
Thankfully their use did not
become too widespread as they were
seen as dishonorable acts used by Zhujin
unwilling to close with their foe in personal
It was the Juzh Clan that first took the weapons
race into space, developing orbital weapons Homeworld
platforms to force their will over many other clans. Zhuj
These early stationary orbital platforms quickly
became moving war ships in space, as other clans Government
followed. The struggles of the Zhujin moved into Decentralized (Social)
battles over the space lanes and resources within
the system. The Zhujin are partial to fighters, as
they find the clash of individual pilots to be
Physical Traits
honorable and suitably thrilling (lacking only the
Fearsome (+2)*
opportunity for ritual feast in victory).
Aggressive (+1)
The Zhujin have learned, from horrible
experience, to restrain their clan warfare and
remember the greater racial good – the Clan of Social Traits
the Zhujin, of which they are all members. The Erratic (-1)
modern era of clan warfare is marked by ritual Controlled Society (+1)
combat and skirmishing. But some practices have Honorable (±0)
not changed. Cannibalism has always been a Rival Houses (-1)
common trait for the clans. Warfare and honor
battle was often followed by a feast and Starting Resources
celebration. This was seen as proper honor for 60 economic points
the fallen, to feed the strength of the race. This
trait continues, with ritual combat or political
triumphs still ending in feasts – or honor meals
called Luwaruj. To others this gives them an air of

barbarism, a fact that the Zhujin exploit at any

opportunity to take advantage of the limited 60 4 60
imaginations of less honorable races.

© 2005, VBAM Games The Menagerie

5.0 Credits and
and postal mail. Previously copyrighted material
will be automatically rejected. You may however
submit a conceptual summary or outline of your

Acknowledgements work (but not the work itself) to facilitate future

discussions on terms of inclusion. This is to pro-
tect us from being accused of “stealing” your
Written By: Any submission that infringes on an existing
Tyrel Lohr work or works will also be rejected. This includes
all existing science fiction settings. Such “cross-
over” material cannot be published for legal rea-
Contributors: sons, and VBAM cannot officially sponsor any de-
Steve Brindle rivative products that break these copyrights.
Rainer Graber New rules submissions will be evaluated to
Noel Johnson gauge their usefulness and modified as neces-
Charlie Lewis sary to suitably meet the needs of the VBAM cam-
Bren Mayhugh paign system. New rules may appear in either
Jeremy Menefee online, electronic rules updates or in actual VBAM
Chris Ronnfeldt campaign guides or source books.
Jason Stadnyk
Jay Waschak 5.2 Contact Victory by Any
Noel Weer
Means Games
Internet: Visit the VBAM Games website at
Original Art: for more information on
Tyrel Lohr this and other products, including new rules, maps,
Dale McKee and materials to extend your gaming experience.
Travis Watson E-Mail: You can contact the VBAM Games
developers by sending an e-mail to
Cover graphic (“PIA03520: Land of Three Suns [email protected].
(Artist's Concept)”) courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech, Phone: For up-to-date phone contact
from the JPL Planetary Photojournal. information, please visit our web site.
Post Mail: Send all physical mail to: VBAM
Some artwork taken from Sci- Fi Clip- Art Games, Inc., P.O. Box 329, Lusk, WY 82225.
Collection One, Two, and Three, copyright © Philip
Reed and Christopher Shy. Used with permission.
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5.1 Submission Guidelines VICTORY BY ANY MEANS, the VICTORY BY
As you or your gaming group develops their ANY MEANS CAMPAIGN GUIDE and all related
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80 The Menagerie © 2005, VBAM Games

Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie

Appendix A: Force Lists

Abbreviated Terms
Class Class Name AF Anti-Fighter Factor
ISD In-Service Date CR Command Rating
Type Unit Classification CC Command Cost
Cost Construction Cost BC Basing Capacity
Maint Maintenance Cost Jump? Jump Capably (Yes or No)
DV Defense Value Atmo? Atmospheric Capable (Yes or No)
AS Anti-Ship Factor Abilities Special CSCR/VBAM Unit Abilities

Generic Units

Note: All of these generic units are available to players in addition to their own race-specific force lists.
Generic Starships
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Diplomatic Courier-II 3010 CT 1 1/8 2 0 1 1 1 - Y N Diplomatic
Heavy Tug 3000 FF 3 1/6 3 0 0 1 1 - N N Towing (2)
Hospital Ship-II 3010 FF 4 1/6 5 0 1 3 1 - N Y Hospital
Minelayer-II 3010 DD 4 2/6 4 1 1 4 2 - N N Mine Controller (2)
Minesweeper-II 3010 FF 3 1/6 2 1 1 2 1 - N N Minesweeper (2)
Troop Transport-II 3010 DD 4 2/6 4 1 1 3 1 - N Y Assault
Diplomatic Courier-I 3000 CT 1 1/8 1 0 0 1 1 - Y N Diplomatic
Hospital Ship-I 3000 FF 2 1/6 3 0 0 2 1 - N Y Hospital
Minelayer-I 3000 FF 2 1/6 3 0 0 2 1 - N N Mine Controller (1)
Minesweeper-I 3000 CT 1 1/8 1 1 1 2 1 - N N Minesweeper (1)
Troop Transport-I 3000 FF 2 1/6 2 0 1 2 1 - N Y Assault
Tug 3000 CT 2 1/8 2 0 0 1 1 - N N Towing (1)

Generic Mine Fields

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Mark-I Anti-Fighter Mine Field 3000 Mine 1/6 1/30 1 0 1 - - - - -
Mark-I Anti-Ship Mine Field 3000 Mine 1/6 1/30 1 1 0 - - - - -
Mark-I Standard Mine Field 3000 Mine 1/10 1/50 1 0 0 - - - - -
Mark-I Multipurpose Mine Field 3000 Mine 1/4 1/20 1 1 1 - - - - -

Generic Fighters & Shuttles

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Breaching Pod 3000 BP 1/2 1/8 2 0 0 - - - - - Direct Assault (1)
Assault Shuttle 3000 AST 1/3 1/9 2 0 0 - - - - - Assault
Shuttle 3000 ST 1/6 1/24 1 0* 0* - - - - -
Cargo Shuttle 3000 ST 1/2 1/10 1 0* 0* - - - - - Supply (1/10)

Ballistic Packages (Optional)

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Anti-Ship Missile 3000 n/a n/a +1 - +1 - - - - - -
Anti-Fighter Missile 3000 n/a n/a +1 - - +1 - - - - -
Long-Range Missile 3000 n/a n/a +1 +1 - - - - - - -
Adv. Long-Range Missile 3005 n/a n/a +1 +2 -1 - - - - - -
Communication Drones 3005 n/a n/a +1 - - - +1 - - - -
Electronics Pods (Scouts Only) 3005 n/a n/a +1 - - - - - - - - +1 Scout Function
Anti-Electronics (Non-Flights Only) 3010 n/a n/a +1 - - - - - - - - Jammer (+1)
Boarding Sled Pods 3010 n/a n/a +1 - - - - - - - - Direct Assault (1)
Plasma Torpedo 3010 n/a n/a +1 - +2 -1 - - - - -
High-Yield Torpedo 3012 n/a n/a +1 +1 +1 - - - - - -
Hard Radiation Missile 3015 n/a n/a +1 - - - - - - - - Guardian (+1)
Heavy Plasma Torpedo 3015 n/a n/a +1 -1 +3 -2 - - - - -
MIRV Missile 3015 n/a n/a +1 - - - - - - - - Disruptor (+1)
Antimatter Capital Ship Missile 3020 n/a n/a +1 - +2 - - - - - -
Improved Anti-Fighter Missile 3020 n/a n/a +1 - - +2 - - - - -
Super Long-Range Missile 3020 n/a n/a +1 +2 - - - - - - -

© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie

Aam Conclave
Battleships & Dreadnoughts
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Magma Super-Battleship 3025 BB 19 4/2 14 16 4 13 5 - Y N Command, Gunship
Diamond Battleship 3015 BB 16 3/2 12 14 3 12 5 - Y N Command, Gunship
Granite Battleship 3006 BB 14 3/2 11 10 4 10 5 2 Y N Command, Gunship
Silicate Small Battleship 3000 BB 12 3/2 9 10 3 9 4 - Y N Gunship

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Obsidian-II Heavy Cruiser 3025 CA 8 2/3 8 7 3 7 3 - Y N
Jade-II Light Cruiser 3023 CL 6 2/4 5 4 4 6 2 - Y N
Emerald Guardian Cruiser 3018 CA 10 3/3 8 3 5 6 3 - Y N Guardian (2)
Obsidian Heavy Cruiser 3016 CA 8 2/3 8 6 3 7 3 - Y N
Zircon Battlecruiser 3011 BC 10 3/3 8 9 2 7 3 - Y N
Quartz-II Heavy Cruiser 3008 CA 7 2/3 7 6 2 7 3 - Y N
Jade Light Cruiser 3004 CL 6 2/4 5 4 3 5 2 - Y N
Shale-II Light Cruiser 3002 CL 5 2/4 5 4 3 5 2 - N N
Sapphire Command Cruiser 3001 CC 9 2/2 7 7 1 8 3 - Y N Command
Quartz Heavy Cruiser 3000 CA 7 2/3 7 5 2 6 3 - Y N
Shale Light Cruiser 3000 CL 5 2/4 5 3 3 5 2 - N N
Limestone Cruiser 3000 CA 6 2/3 6 4 1 6 2 - Y N

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Ruby Fleet Carrier 3012 CVF 11 3/2 7 2 4 6 3 8 Y N Carrier, Assault
Opal Heavy Carrier 3004 CVA 8 2/2 6 1 4 5 3 5 Y N Carrier, Assault
Topaz Light Carrier 3000 CVL 4 2/4 4 1 2 4 2 2 N N Assault

Destroyers & Frigates

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Pyrite Heavy Escort 3023 DDE 6 3/6 5 1 5 4 2 - N N Guardian (1)
Hematite Strike Frigate 3019 FF 3 1/6 2 3 0 3 1 - N Y Disruptor (1)
Feldspar Small Destroyer 3014 DD 4 2/6 3 2 3 3 1 - N Y
Spinel Corvette 3010 CT 2 1/8 2 1 2 2 1 - N Y
Turquoise Escort Destroyer 3007 DDE 4 2/6 4 0 4 4 2 - N Y
Agate-II Attack Frigate 3001 FF 3 1/6 2 3 1 3 1 - N Y
Amethyst Destroyer 3000 DD 4 2/6 4 2 2 4 2 - N Y
Talc Light Destroyer 3000 DD 3 2/6 3 2 2 4 2 - N Y
Agate Attack Frigate 3000 FF 2 1/6 2 2 1 3 1 - N Y

Scouts & Auxiliaries

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Amber Battle Scout 3019 ECL 10 3/2 6 7 2 5 2 - Y N Scout (1), Disruptor (1)
Malachite Heavy Fleet Collier 3013 AOE 7 2/2 7 1 2 6 3 - Y N Supply (2), Field Repair (1)
Aquamarine Scout Cruiser 3005 ECA 8 3/2 7 3 2 6 3 2 Y N Scout (2)
Jasper Fleet Collier 3000 AOE 5 2/3 5 1 1 5 3 - N N Supply (1), Field Repair (1)
Beryl Scout Cruiser 2950 ECA 6 3/2 6 2 2 5 3 1 Y Y Scout (1)

Bases & Defenses

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Corundum-II Heavy Mine Field 3020 Mine 1/2 1/10 3 1 1 - - - - -
Tourmaline Starbase 3014 Base 32 4/2 16 24 6 - - 12 - - Supply (2)
Corundum-I Heavy Mine Field 3010 Mine 1/3 1/15 2 1 1 - - - - -
Bedrock Starbase 3000 Base 16 2/2 10 12 4 - - 6 - - Supply (1)
Stone Defense Satellite 3000 SAT 1 1/12 1 2 1 - - - - -
Olivine Heavy Mine Field 3000 Mine 1/6 1/30 2 0 0 - - - - -

Fighters & Shuttles

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Facet Heavy Assault Fighter 3015 HF 1/2 1/6 4 3 2* - - - N Y
Shard Medium Fighter 3000 MF 1/3 1/12 2 1 2 - - - N Y

Ground Units
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 1 1 0 1 +1 Dug-In Bonus
Regulars-II 3013 1 1/3 1 3 d2 2 +1 Dug-In Bonus
Regulars-I 3000 1 1/3 1 2 d2 2 +1 Dug-In Bonus
Marines 3000 2 1/2 2 3 d3 2 Marines, +1 Dug-In Bonus

© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie

Federation of Gykryl (Cykryyl)

Battleships & Dreadnoughts
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Cyrkryz Super Dreadnought 3020 DN 18 4/2 13 17 2 12 6 - Y N Gunship, Stealth (1)
Vyrsyry-S Stealth Dreadnought 3013 DN 14 3/2 10 12 1 10 4 - Y N Gunship, Stealth (2)
Vyrsyry Dreadnought 3009 DN 12 2/2 10 13 1 10 4 - Y N Gunship
Uranus Dreadnought 3000 DN 8 2/2 6 8 0 7 4 - Y N Gunship

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Kyyvdn Advanced Cruiser 3019 CA 14 3/3 7 9 5 7 3 3 Y N Stealth (2), Command
Syritwy Light Escort Cruiser 3015 CL 7 2/4 5 2 4 5 2 2 Y N
Grythn-J Jammer Cruiser 3012 CA 9 2/3 6 5 3 5 3 2 Y N Jammer (1)
Grythn Heavy Cruiser 3010 CA 9 2/3 6 7 3 6 3 2 Y N
Symtr Kyr Adv. Missile Cruiser 3009 CA 8 3/3 6 7 2 5 3 1 N N Ballistic
Nhrtn War Cruiser 3007 BC 9 3/3 7 8 3 6 3 - Y N
Ghyz-S Stealth Cruiser 3004 CA 9 3/3 6 5 3 5 2 3 Y N Stealth (1)
Kym Warship 3002 CL 6 2/4 4 4 3 4 2 2 Y N
Symtr Missile Cruiser 3001 CA 7 2/3 5 5 2 5 2 1 N N Ballistic
Ghyz Star Cruiser 3000 CA 8 2/3 6 5 3 5 2 3 Y N
Fhysk Light Cruiser 3000 CL 6 2/4 5 3 3 4 2 2 N N
Priam Heavy Cruiser 3000 CA 6 2/3 4 4 2 6 2 1 Y N

Destroyers & Frigates

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Cyyrdyn Heavy Destroyer 3019 DD 6 2/5 4 4 3 4 2 2 N N
Hyyryk-II War Destroyer 3016 DD 5 2/5 4 5 1 3 2 - N N Gunship
Bysh Frigate 3012 FF 3 1/6 2 3 1 2 1 - N Y
Hyyryk War Destroyer 3009 DD 5 2/6 3 5 0 3 2 - N N Gunship
Fynn Frigate 3005 FF 2 1/6 2 2 1 2 1 - N Y
Trynyyr Destroyer 3004 DD 4 2/6 3 3 3 4 2 - N N
Ghyrgyl Swift Destroyer 3000 DD 5 2/6 4 2 4 4 2 - N N Fast Ship
Yyr Corvette 3000 CT 1 1/8 1 1 2 2 1 - N Y
Ylysh Corvette 3000 CT 1 1/8 1 2 1 2 1 - N Y

Scouts & Auxiliaries

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Jykil Light Void Stalker 3013 ECL 8 2/3 4 4 3 5 2 1 Y N Scout (1), Stealth (1)
Hyyrimyr Military Freighter 3006 AOE 7 3/2 6 1 5 5 2 - Y N Supply (1)
Vyktyyl Void Stalker 3002 ECA 12 3/2 7 8 3 7 4 3 Y N Scout (1), Stealth (1)
Cassandra Survey Scout 3000 EDD 4 2/5 4 1 1 4 2 - Y Y Explorer (1)
Hermes Transport 3000 AOE 3 2/4 3 0 2 3 1 - N Y Supply (1/2)

Bases & Defenses

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Cykryk Stealth Base 3014 Base 12 3/2 6 10 5 - - - - - Stealth (2), Recon Unit
Mark-II Anti-Fighter Mine Field 3012 Mine 1/4 1/20 1 0 2 - - - - -
Mark-II Anti-Ship Mine Field 3009 Mine 1/4 1/20 1 2 0 - - - - -
Nyyrth Arms Depot 3010 Base 18 3/2 10 4 4 - - 4 - - Supply Depot, Supply (3)
Mark-II Standard Mine Field 3005 Mine 1/6 1/30 2 0 0 - - - - -
Sylgi Battle Station 3000 Base 20 4/2 12 17 8 - - 4 - - Supply (1)
Mjolnir Defense Platform 3000 Base 4 2/6 3 3 3 - - 1 - -

Fighters & Shuttles

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Myrr Stealth Fighter 3018 MF 1/2 1/10 2 2 2 - - - N Y Stealth (1)
Grythyk Bomber 3015 HF 1/1 1/8 3 4 0 - - - N Y
Rythyyr Light Fighter 3008 LF 1/4 1/16 1 0 2 - - - N Y
Styghr Heavy Fighter 3000 HF 1/2 1/8 3 2 2 - - - N Y
Arrow Light Fighter 3000 LF 1/4 1/16 1 1 1 - - - N Y

Ground Units
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 2 1 0 1
Regulars-III 3024 1 1/3 2 2 d3 2
Regulars-II 3012 1 1/3 2 2 d2 2
Heavy Marines 3007 3 2/2 3 3 d3 3 Marines
Regulars-I 3000 1 1/3 2 1 d2 2
Marines 3000 2 1/2 2 2 d2 2 Marines

© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie

Degli Technocracy
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Gorgon Monitor 3022 CA 16 2/2 14 9 5 8 5 1 Y N Fast Ship, Ballistic, Shields (2)
Destrier Command Cruiser 3018 CC 13 2/2 10 8 5 10 3 1 Y N Fast Ship, Command, Gunship
Chimera Monitor 3016 CA 14 2/2 14 9 5 8 5 1 Y N Fast Ship, Ballistic
Dragoon Heavy-II Cruiser 3014 CA 9 2/3 9 6 4 7 3 - Y N Fast Ship
Mustang Fast Cruiser 3012 CA 8 2/3 6 4 3 6 2 1 Y N Fast Ship (x2)
Charger Light Cruiser 3010 CL 6 2/4 4 5 3 5 2 - N N Fast Ship
Minotaur Monitor 3009 CA 14 2/2 12 7 5 7 4 2 Y N Fast Ship, Ballistic
Dragoon Heavy Cruiser 3006 CA 8 2/3 7 6 3 7 3 - Y N Fast Ship
Hun Armored Assault Cruiser 3004 CA 9 2/3 9 4 2 6 3 - Y N Fast Ship, Assault
Centaur Monitor 3003 CA 11 2/2 10 6 4 6 4 1 Y N Fast Ship, Ballistic
Mameluke Fast Cruiser 3001 CA 7 2/3 5 3 3 6 2 - Y N Fast Ship (x2)
Cavalry Heavy Cruiser 3000 CA 7 2/3 6 5 3 7 3 - Y N Fast Ship
Chariot Light Cruiser 3000 CL 5 2/4 4 4 2 5 2 - N N Fast Ship
Mongol Light Assault Cruiser 3000 CL 6 2/4 4 2 3 5 2 - N N Fast Ship, Assault
Unicorn Military Q-Ship 3000 CL 5 2/3 6 3 3 4 2 - Y N Fast Ship, Q-Ship

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Pegasus Battle Carrier 3018 CVA 19 4/2 15 5 7 10 7 12 Y N Fast Ship, Carrier, Command
Garron Auxiliary Carrier 3005 ACV 4 2/6 3 1 2 4 2 2 N N Fast Ship, Carrier

Destroyers & Frigates

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Shoshoni Frigate 3015 FF 3 1/6 2 3 3 3 1 - N Y Fast Ship
Hopi Armored Destroyer 3012 DD 5 2/6 6 2 2 4 2 - N Y Fast Ship
Apache Frigate 3007 FF 3 1/6 2 2 3 3 1 - N Y Fast Ship
Dakota Destroyer 3006 DD 4 2/6 4 3 2 3 1 - N Y Fast Ship
Pawnee Destroyer 3001 DD 3 2/6 3 2 2 3 1 - N Y Fast Ship
Sioux Frigate 3000 FF 2 1/6 2 2 2 2 1 - N Y Fast Ship
Arapahoe Police Cutter 3000 CT 1 1/8 1 1 2 2 1 - N Y Fast Ship

Scouts & Auxiliaries

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Clydesdale Super Freighter 3015 AOE 11 3/2 10 1 6 6 3 - Y N Fast Ship, Supply (2)
Mule Field Repair Ship 3008 AOE 5 2/5 4 0 2 3 2 - N N Fast Ship, Field Repair (2)
Plough Bulk Freighter 3000 AOE 6 2/3 6 1 3 4 2 - Y N Fast Ship, Supply (1)
Pegasus Peaceful Explorer 3000 ECL 5 2/5 5 0 2 5 2 1 Y N Fast Ship, Scout (1)
Steed Diplomatic Courier 3000 CT 2 1/8 2 1 1 2 1 - Y Y Fast Ship, Diplomatic

Bases & Defenses

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Roan Defense Starbase 3022 Base 36 5/2 30 15 8 - - 12 - - Supply (2), Field Repair (2)
Mark-II Anti-Fighter Mine Field 3015 Mine 1/4 1/20 1 0 2 - - - - -
Mark-II Anti-Ship Mine Field 3014 Mine 1/4 1/20 1 2 0 - - - - -
Mark-II Multipurpose Mine Field 3011 Mine 1/4 1/20 2 1 1 - - - - -
Appaloosa Starbase 3007 Base 24 3/2 18 11 5 - - 5 - - Supply (2), Field Repair (2)
Mark-II Heavy Mine Field 3005 Mine 1/6 1/30 2 0 0 - - - - -
Palomino Starpost 3000 Base 15 2/2 12 6 4 - - 3 - - Supply (1), Scout (1)

Fighters & Shuttles

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Fireflight Shielded Fighter 3020 MF 1/3 1/12 2 1* 2 - - - N Y Shields (1)
Nightwind Light Fighter 3016 LF 1/4 1/16 1 1 2 - - - N Y
Freerunner Recon Shuttle 3012 ST 1/3 1/12 2 1* 1* - - - N N Recon Unit
Cliffjumper Medium Fighter 3009 MF 1/3 1/12 2 1* 2 - - - N Y
Moonrider Light Fighter 3000 LF 1/4 1/16 1 1 1 - - - N Y

Ground Units
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 1 1 0 1
Regulars-III 3017 1 1/3 2 2 d2 2
Marines-II 3014 2 1/2 2 2 d2 2 Marines
Regulars-II 3009 1 1/3 1 2 d2 2
Marines-I 3002 2 1/2 1 2 d2 2 Marines
Regulars-I 3000 1 1/3 1 2 d2 1
Conscripts 3000 1 1/4 1 1 d2 1

© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie

Huillym Alliance
Battleships & Dreadnoughts
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Crown of Thorns Peace Cruiser 3023 BB 22 3/2 15 11 7 12 5 2 Y N Guardian (4), Command
Olive Branch Peace Cruiser 3011 BB 18 3/2 12 10 6 10 5 4 Y N Guardian (2)

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Justice Patrol Cruiser 3020 CA 11 2/3 7 5 5 9 3 3 Y N Command
Foundation Defense Cruiser 3018 CA 9 2/3 6 7 4 7 3 - Y N
Prosperity Patrol Cruiser 3013 CA 9 2/3 7 4 4 6 3 3 Y N
Buttress Defense Cruiser 3010 CA 7 2/3 5 5 4 7 3 - Y N
Enforcer Police Cruiser 3008 CL 7 2/4 4 1 4 4 2 2 Y N Direct Assault (1)
Pacifist Patrol Cruiser 3005 CA 7 2/3 6 3 4 5 2 2 Y N
Bastion Defense Cruiser 3002 CA 6 2/3 4 4 4 6 3 - Y N
Peace Patrol Cruiser 3000 CA 6 2/3 5 3 3 5 2 2 Y N

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Still Heavy Carrier 3015 CVA 10 2/2 7 3 4 6 3 7 Y N Carrier
Placid Patrol Carrier 3012 CVL 8 2/4 6 2 3 5 2 5 Y N Carrier
Calm Patrol Carrier 3007 CVL 7 2/4 5 2 3 5 2 4 Y N Carrier
Quiet Escort Carrier 3000 CVE 2 1/6 2 1 1 2 1 2 N N Carrier

Destroyers & Frigates

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Tranquility Minesweeper 3014 FF 5 2/6 4 1 3 3 1 - N N Minesweeper (2)
Virtue Frigate 3006 FF 3 1/6 2 2 2 3 1 - N N
Democracy Destroyer 3000 DD 4 2/6 3 3 2 4 2 - N N
Arbiter Patrol Cutter 3000 CT 2 1/8 1 0 2 2 1 - N Y Direct Assault (1)

Scouts & Auxiliaries

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Negotiator Mine Cruiser 3020 CA 8 2/3 6 2 3 6 3 - Y N Mine Controller (3)
Envoy Heavy Scout 3016 ECA 10 3/2 8 2 4 6 3 1 Y N Scout (2)
Harmony Deep Range Explorer 3012 EX 12 3/2 12 3 5 6 5 2 Y N Scout (1), Explorer (2)
Attaché Fast Scout 3009 ECL 7 2/2 5 2 3 5 2 - Y N Scout (1), Fast Ship
Peacekeeper Landing Vessel 3002 FF 3 1/6 3 0 2 2 1 - N Y Assault
Nightingale Hospital Ship 3000 FT 4 2/6 5 0 0 4 2 - N N Hospital, Blockade Runner
Liaison Scout 3000 ECL 4 2/3 4 1 1 5 2 - Y N Scout (1), Diplomatic

Bases & Defenses

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Hope Starbase 3021 Base 34 4/2 27 16 12 - - 6 - - Supply (3)
Utopia Starbase 3016 Base 24 3/2 18 10 8 - - 4 - - Supply (3)
Satyagraha-III Orbital Satellite 3015 SAT 2 1/12 3 2 2 - - - - -
Heavy Mine Field 3013 Mine 1/6 1/30 2 0 0 - - - - -
Parlay Starbase 3011 Base 15 2/2 11 6 6 - - 3 - - Supply (2)
Improved Mine Field 3007 Mine 1/9 1/45 1 0 0 - - - - - IFF Enhancement
Satyagraha-II Orbital Satellite 3006 SAT 2 1/12 2 2 2 - - - - -
Conference Starbase 3000 Base 9 2/3 7 3 4 - - 2 - - Supply (1)
Satyagraha-I Orbital Satellite 3000 SAT 1 1/12 1 1 1 - - - - -

Fighters & Shuttles

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Companion Medium Fighter 3014 MF 1/3 1/12 2 2* 2 - - - N Y
Emissary Heavy Fighter 3008 MF 1/2 1/8 3 2 2* - - - N N
Visitor Boarding Shuttle 3003 ST 1/3 1/6 2 0* 1 - - - N N Direct Assault (1)
Dove Medium Fighter 3000 MF 1/4 1/12 2 1 1 - - - N Y

Ground Units
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 1 1 0 1
Marines 3012 2 1/2 2 3 d2 2 Marines
Heavy Infantry 3006 1 1/2 1 2 d3 2
Peacekeepers-II 3004 1 1/4 1 2 d3 2 Peacekeeper
Light Marines 3000 2 1/3 1 2 d2 1 Marines
Light Infantry 3000 1 1/4 1 2 d2 1
Peacekeepers-I 3000 1 1/4 1 1 d3 1 Peacekeeper

© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie

Solar Federation
Battleships & Dreadnoughts
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Leonis Battleship 3020 BB 17 3/2 11 15 5 12 5 4 Y N
Orion Battleship 3013 BB 15 3/2 11 12 5 11 5 2 Y N
Hercules Battleship 3004 BB 12 3/2 10 10 4 10 5 2 Y N

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Gilgamesh Battlecruiser 3016 BC 11 2/2 8 9 3 8 3 2 Y N Ballistic, Gunship
Achilles Heavy Cruiser 3013 CA 9 2/3 7 6 3 7 3 2 Y N Guardian (1), Ballistic
Apollo Light Cruiser 3008 CL 7 2/4 5 5 3 5 2 1 Y N
Ajax Heavy Cruiser 3002 CA 8 2/3 6 5 2 6 3 2 Y N Guardian (1), Ballistic
Helios Light Cruiser 3000 CL 6 2/4 5 4 2 5 2 1 N N

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Nova Battle Carrier 3021 CVF 20 5/2 12 13 5 12 6 8 Y N Carrier, Gunship
Nimitz Supercarrier 3016 CVF 17 4/2 10 4 6 12 5 14 Y N Carrier, Command
Hornet Light Carrier 3010 CVL 7 2/4 5 1 3 5 2 5 Y N Carrier
Long Island Escort Carrier 3007 CVL 4 2/6 3 1 2 4 2 3 N N Carrier
Ark Royal Heavy Carrier 3005 CVA 10 2/2 6 3 4 7 4 8 Y N Carrier
Kitty Hawk Light Carrier 3000 CVL 5 2/4 4 2 2 4 2 3 N N Carrier
Audacity Escort Carrier 3000 CVE 3 2/6 3 1 1 3 1 2 N N Carrier

Destroyers & Frigates

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Mediterranean Destroyer 3012 DD 5 2/6 4 3 3 5 2 - N N
Zanzibar-M Missile Destroyer 3008 DD 5 2/5 4 4 2 4 2 - N N Ballistic
Zanzibar Destroyer 3007 DD 5 2/6 4 3 3 4 2 - N N
Tribal-E Escort Destroyer 3005 DD 3 2/6 3 0 4 3 1 - N N
Falkland Destroyer 3002 DD 4 2/6 3 3 3 4 2 - N N
Tribal Destroyer 3000 DD 3 2/6 3 2 2 3 1 - N N

Scouts & Auxiliaries

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Delphi Scout Cruiser 3016 ECA 8 3/2 6 3 4 6 3 - Y Y Scout (2)
Oracle Scout Cruiser 3008 ECA 6 2/2 5 3 2 5 3 - Y Y Scout (1)
Mercury Heavy Transport 3003 AOE 5 2/3 5 1 3 4 2 - N Y Supply (1)
Cassandra Survey Scout 3000 ECL 4 2/5 4 1 1 4 2 - Y Y Explorer (1)
Hermes Transport 3000 AOE 3 2/4 3 0 2 3 1 - N Y Supply (1/2)

Bases & Defenses

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Olympus Starbase 3012 BS 34 4/2 22 25 5 - - 12 - - Command Post, Supply (2)
Castor Anti-Fighter Mine 3010 Mine 1/4 1/20 1 0 2 - - - - -
Pollux Anti-Ship Mine 3010 Mine 1/4 1/20 1 2 0 - - - - -
Sagittarius Defense Platform 3007 SAT 1 1/12 1 2 1 - - - - - Ballistic
Gibraltar Guardpost 3002 BS 12 1/1 8 7 3 - - 6 - - Supply (1)
Freedom Space Station 3000 BS 20 2/1 13 16 3 - - 6 - - Supply (1)

Fighters & Shuttles

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Falcion Light Interceptor 3014 LF 1/4 1/20 1 0* 3 - - - N Y
Gladius Heavy Fighter 3009 HF 1/2 1/8 3 3 1 - - - N N
Hades Breaching Pod 3005 BP 1/2 1/8 3 0 0 - - - N N Direct Assault (1)
Stilleto Medium Fighter 3002 MF 1/3 1/12 2 2* 2 - - - N Y Ballistic
Arrow Light Fighter 3000 LF 1/4 1/16 1 1 1 - - - N Y

Ground Units
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 1 1 0 1
Heavy Infantry-II 3020 1 1/3 2 2 d2 2
Heavy Marines 3012 3 2/3 3 3 d3 2 Marines
Light Infantry-II 3007 1 1/4 1 2 d2 2
Mechanized Infantry 3004 2 1/3 1 2 d3 3
Heavy Infantry-I 3001 1 1/3 1 2 d2 2
Light Infantry-I 3000 1 1/4 1 1 d2 2
Marines 3000 2 1/2 2 2 d2 2 Marines

© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie

N’lyk’Tyra Republic
Battleships & Dreadnoughts
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Great White Shark Battleship 3021 BB 17 4/2 13 17 3 12 5 - Y N Ballistic
Mako Shark Battleship 3013 BB 15 3/2 10 15 3 10 4 - Y N
Bull Shark Battleship 3008 BB 12 3/2 9 12 3 9 4 1 Y N

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Hammerhead Battlecruiser 3019 BC 13 3/3 9 14 2 8 4 - Y N
Tiger Shark Battlecruiser 3015 BC 11 3/3 8 10 3 8 3 - Y N
Hermit Crab-II Cloak Cruiser 3013 CA 10 3/3 7 7 2 6 2 - Y N Cloak (2)
Crayfish-III Light Cruiser 3010 CL 7 2/4 4 7 2 5 2 - Y N
Hermit Crab Cloak Cruiser 3009 CA 9 2/3 7 6 2 6 2 - Y N Cloak (1)
King Crab Heavy Cruiser 3004 CA 8 2/3 6 7 3 6 3 - Y N
Crayfish-II Light Cruiser 3002 CL 6 2/4 4 6 2 5 2 - Y N
Crab Cruiser 3000 CA 7 2/3 5 6 2 6 2 - Y N
Crayfish Light Cruiser 3000 CL 6 2/4 4 5 2 5 2 - Y N

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Manta Ray Heavy Scout Carrier 3018 CVA 17 4/2 11 7 4 7 3 8 Y N Carrier, Scout (2)
Electric Ray Disruption Carrier 3011 CVL 7 2/3 5 2 3 5 2 3 Y N Carrier, Disruptor (1)
Eagle Ray Minesweeper Carrier 3009 CVE 5 2/5 4 3 1 4 2 2 N N Carrier, Minesweeper (2)
Stingray Scout Carrier 3007 CV 9 2/2 5 5 3 5 2 4 Y N Carrier, Scout (1)

Destroyers & Frigates

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Dogfish-II Destroyer 3017 DD 5 2/6 4 4 3 4 2 - N N
Sawfish-II Frigate 3014 FF 4 1/6 3 3 3 3 1 - N Y
Dogfish Destroyer 3013 DD 5 2/6 4 4 2 4 2 - N N
Remora Boarding Frigate 3010 FF 4 2/6 3 2 2 3 1 - N N Direct Assault (1)
Sawfish Frigate 3006 FF 4 1/6 3 3 2 3 1 - N Y
Spiny Lobster Heavy Destroyer 3005 DDH 5 2/5 5 3 3 4 2 - N N
Lobster Destroyer 3000 DD 4 2/6 4 2 3 4 2 - N N
Prawn Escort Corvette 3000 CT 2 1/8 1 1 2 2 1 - N Y

Scouts & Auxiliaries

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Humpback Troop Transport 3011 CL 5 2/4 6 1 1 4 2 - N N Assault
Reef Lobster Support Vessel 3006 DD 4 2/6 4 1 2 3 2 - N N Towing (2), Field Repair (1)
Dolphin Troop Transport 3003 FF 3 1/6 4 0 1 3 1 - N N Assault
Krill Supply Ship 3000 AOE 5 2/3 4 2 2 4 2 - Y N Supply (1)
Wobbegong Scout Ship 3000 ECA 7 3/2 8 3 3 5 3 - Y Y Scout (1)

Bases & Defenses

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Abalone Super Battle Satellite 3022 SAT 6 1/3 4 10 1 - - - - -
Great Barrier Reef Star Fortress 3016 Base 54 6/2 36 48 10 - - 4 - - Supply (4)
Clam Heavy Battle Satellite 3000 SAT 4 1/6 3 4 1 - - - - -
Coral Starbase 3008 Base 24 3/2 14 21 5 - - 3 - - Supply (2)
Reef Outpost 3002 Base 9 2/2 6 10 2 - - - - - Supply (1)
Mollusk Battle Satellite 3000 SAT 2 1/12 2 2 0 - - - - -

Fighters & Shuttles

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Minnow Medium Fighter 3014 MF 1/3 1/12 2 2 2 - - - N Y
Skate Torpedo Bomber 3010 HF 1/2 1/8 3 3 0* - - - N N Ballistic
Shrimp Light Fighter 3007 LF 1/4 1/16 1 0 2 - - - N Y

Ground Units
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 1 1 0 1
Heavy Regulars 3016 2 2/3 2 3 d2 2
Marines-III 3014 2 1/2 2 3 d3 2 Marines
Regulars-II 3007 1 1/3 2 2 d2 2
Marines-II 3005 2 1/2 2 3 d2 2 Marines
Regulars-I 3000 1 1/3 1 2 d2 2
Marines-I 3000 2 1/2 2 2 d2 2 Marines

© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie

Nulos Trade Federation

Battleships & Dreadnoughts
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Battleship-III 3024 BB 20 3/2 13 16 6 14 6 4 Y N Command
Battleship-II 3016 BB 16 3/2 11 12 5 12 5 3 Y N
Battleship-I 3007 BB 13 3/2 10 9 4 10 5 2 Y N

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Shielded Battlecruiser-II 3018 BC 10 3/3 7 8 2 8 4 - Y N Shields (2)
Trade Cruiser-II 3016 CA 8 2/2 6 6 3 6 2 - Y N Supply (1/2)
Shielded Battlecruiser-I 3012 BC 9 3/3 7 8 2 7 4 - Y N Shields (1)
Trade Cruiser-I 3009 CA 7 2/3 5 5 3 6 2 - Y N Supply (1/3)
Heavy Cruiser 3007 CA 6 2/3 6 6 2 5 3 - Y N
Light Trade Cruiser 3005 CL 5 2/4 4 4 3 5 2 - Y N Supply (1/4)
Pacification Cruiser 3003 CA 8 2/3 6 5 3 5 3 - Y N Assault, Mass Driver (1)
Battlecruiser 3000 BC 7 3/3 7 7 2 6 4 - Y N

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Pacification Carrier 3015 CVA 11 2/2 8 6 4 7 4 5 Y N Carrier, Mass Driver (1)
Assault Carrier 3011 CV 8 2/3 7 3 3 5 2 3 Y N Carrier, Assault
War Carrier 3006 CV 8 2/3 7 4 3 5 2 4 Y N Carrier, Gunship
Patrol Carrier 3000 CVE 4 2/6 3 2 2 3 1 2 N N Carrier

Destroyers & Frigates

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Heavy Gunship-II 3014 FF 5 1/5 3 5 2 4 1 - N N Gunship
Police Ship-II 3012 CT 2 1/8 1 2 2 2 1 - N Y
Shielded Frigate 3010 FF 5 1/6 3 3 2 3 1 - N N Shields (1)
Heavy Gunship-I 3008 FF 4 1/5 2 4 2 4 1 - N N Gunship
Patrol Gunship 3004 FF 3 1/6 2 2 2 3 1 - N N Gunship
Gunship 3000 FF 3 1/6 2 3 1 4 1 - N N Gunship
Police Ship-I 3000 CT 1 1/8 1 1 2 2 1 - N Y

Scouts & Auxiliaries

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
War Scout 3014 ECA 11 3/2 7 9 2 6 3 - Y N Scout (2), Gunship
Battle Freighter 3011 CL 6 2/3 6 3 3 4 2 - N N Supply (1)
Armed Merchantman-II 3008 DD 5 2/6 4 2 3 4 2 - N N Supply (1/3)
Blockade Runner 3003 FF 3 1/6 2 2 2 3 1 - N Y Blockade Runner
Armed Merchantman-I 3001 DD 3 2/6 3 1 2 4 2 - N N Supply (1/3)
Corporate Surveyor 3000 ECL 5 2/3 4 2 2 4 2 - Y Y Scout (1)

Bases & Defenses

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Star Fortress 3020 Base 46 5/2 36 28 7 - - 8 - - Supply (2), Shields (3)
Battle Station 3014 Base 28 3/2 22 18 6 - - 6 - - Supply (2), Shields (1)
Commerce Station 3012 Base 20 3/2 18 8 5 - - 3 - - Trade (5), Supply Depot
Starbase 3005 Base 16 2/2 15 10 3 - - 4 - - Supply (1)
Gunfort 3000 Base 5 1/3 5 4 2 - - - - -
Trading Post 3000 Base 6 1/2 8 2 2 - - - - - Trade (2)

Fighters & Shuttles

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Heavy Assault Fighter 3009 HF 1/2 1/8 3 3 1 - - - N Y
Assault Fighter 3009 MF 1/2 1/12 2 3 1* - - - N Y
Missile Fighter 3002 MF 1/3 1/12 2 1 2 - - - N Y Ballistic
Medium Fighter 3000 MF 1/3 1/12 2 1 2 - - - N Y

Ground Units
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 1 1 0 1
Regulars-III 3019 2 2/3 1 2 d2 4
Marines-III 3016 2 1/2 3 3 d3 2 Marines
Regulars-II 3009 1 1/3 1 2 d2 3
Marines-II 3005 2 1/2 2 3 d3 2 Marines
Regulars-I 3000 1 1/3 1 2 d2 2
Marines-I 3000 2 1/2 2 2 d3 2 Marines

© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie

Obscari Enigma
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Cloak Assault Mothership 3020 CA 14 3/2 9 5 5 6 3 4 Y N Assault, Cloak (2)
Heavy Cloak Cruiser 3016 CA 11 2/2 7 8 4 8 3 - Y N Cloak (2), Command
Heavy Missile Cruiser-II 3015 CA 10 2/3 7 9 1 6 3 - Y N Ballistic, Gunship
Cloak Cruiser 3013 CA 9 2/3 7 6 4 7 3 - Y N Cloak (1)
Assault Cruiser-II 3012 CA 7 2/4 6 4 2 5 3 2 Y N Assault
Light Stealth Cruiser-II 3010 CL 6 2/4 5 5 3 5 2 - N N Stealth (1)
Heavy Missile Cruiser-I 3009 CA 8 2/3 6 7 2 6 3 - Y N Ballistic
Light Stealth Cruiser-I 3007 CL 6 2/4 5 4 3 5 2 - N N Stealth (1)
Stealth Cruiser-II 3006 CA 8 2/2 6 6 4 7 3 - Y N Stealth (2)
Missile Cruiser-I 3004 CA 7 2/3 5 6 2 5 2 - Y N Ballistic
Stealth Cruiser-I 3000 CA 7 2/3 6 5 3 6 3 - Y N Stealth (1)
Light Cruiser 3000 CL 5 2/4 5 3 3 5 2 - N N
Assault Cruiser-I 3000 CL 5 2/4 5 2 2 4 2 1 N Y Assault

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Cloak Fleet Carrier 3019 CV 15 3/2 10 3 5 8 5 10 Y N Cloak (2)
Cloak Carrier 3015 CV 10 2/2 7 3 4 6 3 6 Y N Cloak (1)
Carrier 3012 CV 9 2/3 6 1 2 6 4 9 N N
Stealth Carrier-II 3010 CV 9 2/2 6 3 3 6 3 6 Y N Stealth (2)
Light Carrier-II 3006 CVL 7 2/4 5 1 3 5 2 5 N N
Stealth Carrier-I 3005 CV 8 2/2 6 3 3 6 3 5 Y N Stealth (1)
Light Carrier-I 3001 CVL 6 2/4 5 1 3 5 2 3 N N

Destroyers & Frigates

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Missile Corvette-II 3011 CT 3 1/6 2 3 0 2 1 - N N Ballistic, Stealth (1)
Missile Corvette-I 3003 CT 2 1/8 2 2 0 2 1 - N N Ballistic
Missile Destroyer 3000 DD 4 2/5 4 3 0 4 1 - N N Ballistic, Gunship

Scouts & Auxiliaries

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Cloak Scout-II 3023 ECA 10 4/2 7 4 3 6 4 2 Y N Scout (2), Cloak (2)
Cloaked Cargo Ship-II 2018 AOE 4 2/6 3 1 2 3 1 - Y Y Cloak (2), Supply (1/3)
Cloaked Cargo Ship-I 2014 AOE 3 2/6 3 1 1 2 1 - Y Y Cloak (1), Supply (1/3)
Cloak Scout-I 3012 ECL 6 3/2 6 2 2 5 3 1 Y N Scout (1), Cloak (1)
Stealth Scout-II 3009 ECA 8 3/2 6 3 2 5 2 1 Y N Scout (2), Stealth (2)
Ore Hauler 3006 AOE 6 2/3 8 0 0 6 4 - Y N Supply (2)
Bulk Freighter 3000 AOE 4 2/3 6 0 0 4 3 - Y N Supply (1)
Stealth Scout-I 3000 ECL 5 2/2 5 2 1 4 2 - Y N Scout (1), Stealth (1)

Bases & Defenses

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Heavy Cloaked Minefield 3017 Mine 1/4 1/20 2 0 0 - - - - - Cloak (2), IFF Enhancement
Resupply Base-II 3011 Base 22 3/2 20 5 8 - - 3 - - Supply (2), Cloak (1)
Cloaked Minefield 3010 Mine 1/6 1/30 1 0 0 - - - - - Cloak (1)
Stealth Minefield 3002 Mine 1/6 1/30 1 0 0 - - - - - Stealth (1)
Resupply Base-I 3000 Base 11 2/2 14 2 3 - - 2 - - Supply (1), Stealth (1)

Fighters & Shuttles

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Stealth Torpedo Fighter 3014 MF 1/2 1/10 3 2 1 - - - N N Cloak (1), Ballistic
Suicide Drone 3010 HF 1/2 1/8 2 9 1 - - - N N Suicide Unit
Stealth Fighter 3006 MF 1/3 1/12 2 2* 2 - - - N N Stealth (1)
Light Fighter 3001 LF 1/4 1/16 1 1 2* - - - N Y

Ground Units
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 0 1 d3 1
Heavy Infantry-II 3020 2 1/2 2 3 d3 3
Light Infantry-II 3016 1 1/3 1 3 d4 2
Heavy Infantry-I 3014 2 1/2 2 3 d3 2
Light Infantry-II 3008 1 1/3 1 2 d4 2
Marines 3004 3 1/2 2 2 d4 2 Marines
Light Infantry-I 3000 1 1/3 1 2 d3 2
Guerillas 3000 2 1/2 1 3 d3 1

© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie

Pan-Galactic Craxi Church (PGCC)

Battleships & Dreadnoughts
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Pope Command Ship 3017 BB 26 4/2 16 12 7 15 5 10 Y N Assault, Gunship, Command
Saint Battleship 3013 BB 17 3/2 12 14 4 11 5 - Y N Gunship
Prophet Command Ship 3008 BB 15 3/2 11 8 4 10 5 6 Y N Assault, Command

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Archbishop Heavy Cruiser 3017 CA 12 2/3 7 9 4 8 3 2 Y N
Lionheart Command Cruiser 3015 CC 13 2/2 8 9 4 10 3 1 Y N Command
Cardinal Light Cruiser 3014 CL 6 2/4 6 6 2 5 2 - Y N
Bishop Heavy Cruiser 3012 CA 10 2/3 6 7 3 8 3 2 Y N
Schism Disruption Cruiser 3011 CA 9 2/3 6 5 2 6 3 2 N N Disruptor (2)
Deacon Light Cruiser 3010 CL 6 2/4 5 6 2 5 2 - Y N
Crusader Command Cruiser 3009 CC 9 2/2 6 8 2 9 3 1 Y N Gunship, Command
Inquisition Assault Ship 3007 CA 7 2/3 7 4 1 6 2 4 N Y Assault
Archangel Battlecruiser 3006 BC 10 2/2 7 9 3 7 4 - Y N
Angel-II Heavy Cruiser 3004 CA 7 2/3 6 6 2 7 3 1 Y N
Commandment Assault Cruiser 3002 CL 5 2/4 5 2 1 5 2 2 N Y Assault
Priest Missile Cruiser 3001 CA 6 2/3 5 4 2 6 2 - N Y Ballistic, Gunship
Angel Heavy Cruiser 3000 CA 7 2/3 6 5 2 6 3 1 Y N

Destroyers & Frigates

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Salvation Frigate 3016 FF 4 1/6 3 2 3 4 1 - N N
Grace Frigate 3009 FF 3 1/6 2 2 2 4 1 - N Y
Edict Missile Destroyer 3008 DDH 6 2/4 5 5 2 4 2 - N N Ballistic, Gunship
Acolyte-II Destroyer 3005 DD 3 2/6 3 2 2 4 2 - N N
Acolyte Destroyer 3000 DD 3 2/6 3 2 1 4 2 - N N
Faith Police Frigate 3000 FF 2 1/6 2 1 1 3 1 - N Y

Scouts & Auxiliaries

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Armageddon Exterminator 3018 CA 10 3/2 8 6 3 5 3 - Y N Mass Driver (2), Gunship
Exodus Super Freighter 3012 AOE 9 3/2 9 2 4 5 4 - Y N Supply (2), Passengers (2)
Revelation Scout Cruiser 3009 ECA 10 3/2 7 4 4 6 3 2 Y Y Scout (2), Diplomatic
Apocalypse Exterminator 3006 CA 6 2/2 6 3 2 4 2 - Y N Mass Driver (1), Gunship
Sermon Field Repair Ship 3004 DD 5 2/5 5 1 3 3 2 - N N Field Repair (2)
Ark Transport Vessel 3001 AOE 5 2/4 5 1 2 4 2 - Y N Supply (1), Passengers (1)
Gospel Missionary Cruiser 3000 ECL 6 2/2 5 2 3 4 2 2 Y Y Scout (1), Diplomatic

Bases & Defenses

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Heaven Starbase 3016 Base 44 5/2 25 30 8 - - 12 - - Supply (3), Field Repair (3)
Eden Spiritual Base 3007 Base 13 2/2 12 8 4 - - 2 - - Command Post
Paradise Light Starbase 3002 Base 18 2/2 14 12 5 - - 4 - - Supply (1), Field Repair (1)
Diocese Star Post 3000 Base 8 1/1 7 7 4 - - 2 - -
Orthodox Missile Satellite 3000 SAT 1 1/12 1 2 1 - - - - - Ballistic

Fighters & Shuttles

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Solemn Vow Interceptor 3015 MF 1/3 1/12 2 1 3 - - - N N
Voice of Justice Strike Fighter 3009 HF 1/2 1/10 2 3 2 - - - N N
Fanatic Suicide Frigate 3003 AST 1/2 1/6 5 0* 0* - - - N Y Direct Assault (1), Suicide Unit
Wings of Fire Strike Fighter 3001 MF 1/3 1/12 1 2 2 - - - N N
Spirit’s Whisper Light Fighter 3000 LF 1/4 1/16 1 1* 1 - - - N Y

Ground Units
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 1 1 0 2
Chosen Regulars 3018 2 2/3 2 2 d3 3
Holy Warriors of Craxi 3014 2 2/2 3 3 d3 2 Marine
Regulars-III 3011 2 1/3 1 2 d3 3
Champions of Craxi 3007 2 1/3 2 3 d3 1 Marine
Regulars-II 3005 1 1/3 1 1 d3 3
Regulars-I 3000 1 1/3 1 1 d2 3
Zealots 3000 1 1/3 1 2 d3 1 Marine
Armed Missionaries 3000 1 1/4 0 1 d2 1 Peacekeeper

© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie

Suran Free Republic

Battleships & Dreadnoughts
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Polar System Monitor 3019 MT 20 4/2 15 18 4 8 4 2 Y N Ballistic, Gunship
Panda System Monitor 3010 MT 13 3/2 10 11 3 7 4 2 Y N Ballistic, Gunship

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Kodiak Heavy Cruiser 3016 CA 11 2/2 9 9 4 8 4 2 Y N Gunship
Grizzly Heavy Cruiser 3013 CA 10 2/2 7 8 4 8 4 2 Y N Gunship
Atlas Heavy Cruiser 3007 CA 8 2/3 7 6 3 6 4 1 Y N Gunship
Cave Bear Heavy Cruiser 3000 CA 7 2/3 6 6 3 6 4 1 Y N Gunship
Sloth Escort Cruiser 3000 CL 4 2/4 4 0 5 5 2 - N N

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Walrus Supercarrier 3017 CVF 22 5/2 16 12 5 12 6 4 Y N Tender (6), Gunship
Manatee Heavy Tender 3013 CV 9 2/2 9 3 2 6 3 2 Y N Tender (3)
Seal Fighter Carrier 3012 CV 8 2/3 5 3 3 5 2 5 Y N Carrier
Sea Lion Tender 3009 CV 8 2/3 6 3 2 5 2 2 Y N Tender (3)
Pinniped Tender 3004 CVL 7 2/4 5 2 3 5 2 2 Y N Tender (2)
Nerpa Escort Tender 3000 CVE 5 2/6 3 2 3 4 2 1 N N Tender (1)

Destroyers & Frigates

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Howl Frigate 3010 FF 3 1/5 3 2 2 4 1 - N N
Cry Frigate 3000 FF 3 1/6 2 2 2 3 1 - N N

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Hide Armored Gunboat 3017 AB 3 1/8 3 2 2 1 1/2 - N Y Attack Boat
Cub-III Heavy Gunboat 3014 AB 2 1/8 2 2 2 1 1/2 - N Y Attack Boat
Honeycomb Boarding Craft 3011 AB 2 1/10 2 1 1 1 1/2 - N Y Attack Boat, Direct Assault (1)
Cub-II Gunboat 3008 AB 1 1/10 2 1 1 1 1/2 - N Y Attack Boat
Cave Assault Gunboat 3006 AB 1 1/12 2 0 1 1 1/2 - N Y Attack Boat, Assault
Claw Missile Gunboat 3005 AB 1 1/12 1 2 0 1 1/2 - N N Attack Boat, Ballistic
Paw Escort Gunboat 3001 AB 1 1/12 1 0 2 1 1/2 - N Y Attack Boat
Cub-I Light Gunboat 3000 AB 1 1/12 1 1 1 1 1/2 - N Y Attack Boat

Scouts & Auxiliaries

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Nandi Heavy Scout 3016 ECA 11 4/2 7 5 4 7 4 2 Y N Gunship, Scout (2)
Arcturus Assault Runner 3010 CA 9 2/2 9 3 3 5 3 2 Y Y Blockade Runner, Assault
Andean Supply Tender 3003 AOE 7 2/2 6 2 2 5 3 - Y N Supply (1), Tender (2)
Sun Light Scout 3000 ECL 5 2/3 5 2 2 4 2 - Y Y Scout (1)

Bases & Defenses

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Ursa Starbase 3016 Base 26 3/2 17 14 7 - - 6 - - Supply (2), Tender (6)
Den Starbase 3009 Base 20 2/2 13 11 6 - - 4 - - Supply (1), Tender (4)
Rookery Ion Satellite 3004 SAT 3 1/6 2 4 0 - - - - - Disruptor (1)
Bruin Starbase 3000 Base 17 2/2 12 9 6 - - 3 - - Supply (1), Tender (3)

Fighters & Shuttles

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Lunge Bomber 3014 HF 1/1 1/8 4 4 1 - - - Y Y
Eye Electronics Fighter 3012 HF 1/2 1/8 4 1 1 - - - Y Y Recon Unit, Scout (1/8)
Sole Interceptor Fighter 3009 LF 1/4 1/16 2 0 2 - - - N Y
Muzzle Medium Fighter 3000 MF 1/3 1/12 2 2* 1 - - - N Y

Ground Units
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 1 1 0 1
Marines-IV 3022 3 1/2 4 3 d3 2 Marines
Regulars-III 3016 1 1/3 2 3 d3 2
Marines-III 3014 2 1/2 3 3 d3 2 Marines
Regulars-II 3011 1 1/3 2 2 d3 2
Marines-II 3004 2 1/2 2 3 d3 2 Marines
Regulars-I 3000 1 1/3 2 2 d2 2
Marines-I 3000 2 1/2 2 3 d2 2 Marine
© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie

Tawasi Empire
Battleships & Dreadnoughts
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Smilodon Super Dreadnought 3022 SD 24 5/2 18 26 4 14 6 - Y N Gunship
Machairodus Dreadnought 3014 DN 16 3/2 13 16 2 10 4 - Y N Gunship
Lion Dreadnought 3007 DN 11 2/2 10 10 2 9 4 - Y N Gunship

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Scimitar Heavy Cruiser 3019 CA 12 2/2 9 9 4 8 3 3 Y N
Cheetah Heavy Cruiser 3016 CA 10 2/2 8 7 4 6 3 2 Y N Fast Ship
Ocelot Light Cruiser 3013 CL 6 2/4 5 5 4 5 2 - Y N
Leopard Light Cruiser 3010 CL 8 2/4 5 6 1 6 2 - Y N
Jaguar Light Cruiser 3006 CL 7 2/4 6 6 2 6 2 - N N
Hyena Assault Cruiser 3003 CA 5 2/3 5 6 0 5 2 - N N Assault
Tiger Heavy Cruiser 3002 CA 8 2/3 7 5 3 6 3 2 Y N Gunship
Puma Light Cruiser 3000 CL 6 2/4 5 5 2 5 2 - N N
Aardwolf Assault Cruiser 3000 CL 4 2/4 3 5 0 5 2 - N N Assault

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Dinofelis Battle Carrier 3018 CVA 17 3/2 12 11 3 9 4 7 Y N Carrier, Gunship
Bengal Carrier 3010 CV 8 2/3 6 4 2 5 2 5 Y N Carrier
Qora Assault Carrier 3005 CVL 5 2/3 5 2 0 5 2 4 N N Carrier, Assault
Jaguarundi Escort Carrier 3000 CVE 3 2/6 2 2 1 3 1 2 N N Carrier

Destroyers & Frigates

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Caracal Heavy Destroyer 3017 DDH 6 2/6 5 4 3 5 2 - N N
Serval Escort Frigate 3015 FF 4 1/6 3 1 3 3 2 - N Y Guardian (1)
Lynx Destroyer 3012 DD 5 2/6 4 3 3 4 2 - N N
Mongoose Minesweeper 3008 FF 4 1/6 2 2 2 3 1 - N Y Minesweeper (3)
Bobcat Frigate 3005 FF 3 1/6 2 2 2 3 1 - N Y
Manx Destroyer 3000 DD 4 2/6 3 3 2 4 2 - N N
Tabby Corvette 3000 CT 2 1/8 1 1 2 2 1 - N Y

Scouts & Auxiliaries

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Margay Stealth Scout Cruiser 3017 ECL 8 2/3 5 5 4 5 2 - Y N Stealth (1), Scout (1)
Clouded Leopard EW Cruiser 3015 CL 7 2/3 5 3 2 6 2 - Y N Jammer (2)
Snow Leopard Scout 3014 CL 10 2/2 5 6 1 6 2 - Y N Scout (2)
Pride War Freighter 3009 AOE 7 2/3 5 4 2 5 2 2 Y N Supply (1)
Siberian Tiger Scout Cruiser 3004 ECA 8 3/2 7 5 3 6 3 - Y N Scout (1)
Civet Tug 3004 CT 2 1/8 3 0 0 2 1 - N N Towing (1)
Meerkat Fleet Collier 3000 AOE 8 3/2 8 3 3 4 3 1 Y N Supply (2)
Panther Scout 3000 ECL 7 2/2 5 3 3 5 2 - Y N Scout (1)

Bases & Defenses

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Canyon Battlestation 3018 Base 42 5/2 34 27 6 - - 10 - - Supply (2), Guardian (1)
Savannah Starbase 3010 Base 22 3/2 15 18 5 - - 5 - - Supply (1)
Alcove Starpost 3000 Base 14 1/1 10 12 4 - - 2 - -
Abyss Orbital Satellite 3000 SAT 2 1/12 2 2 2 - - - - -

Fighters & Shuttles

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Pampas Light Fighter 3011 LF 1/4 1/16 1 2* 1 - - - N Y
Pallas Battle Fighter 3007 MF 1/3 1/12 2 2 1 - - - N Y
Kodkod Ultralight Fighter 3000 ULF 1/6 1/24 1 0 1 - - - N Y

Ground Units (All units have the effects of Physical Endurance already applied)
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 2 1 d1 1 High-Gravity
Heavy Mechanized Infantry 3014 3 1/2 3 3 d3 3 High-Gravity
Homeland Security Forces 3011 1 1/4 1 1 d2 2 High-Gravity, Peacekeeper
Imperial Guard-II 3008 3 2/2 3 3 d4 2 High-Gravity, Marines
Mechanized Infantry 3005 2 1/2 2 3 d3 2 High-Gravity
Claws of the Emperor 3002 5 3/2 3 2 d4 1 High-Gravity, Special Forces, Marines
Light Infantry 3000 1 1/3 2 2 d3 2 High-Gravity
Imperial Guard-I 3000 2 1/2 3 2 d3 2 High-Gravity, Marines
© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie

Ze’U’Lok Empire
Battleships & Dreadnoughts (All units have the effects of Gigantic already applied)
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Mainframe Dread Converter 3021 SD 32 5/2 30 31 5 12 8 - Y Y Transformative
Warning Large Converter 3011 BB 20 3/2 16 22 3 9 5 - Y Y Transformative

Cruisers (All units have the effects of Gigantic already applied)

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Mesh Super Converter 3016 CA 9 2/3 8 9 3 6 4 - Y Y Transformative
Virus Corruption Cruiser 3015 CA 10 2/2 7 7 4 5 3 - Y N Jammer (2), Cloak (1)
Ring Heavy Cruiser 3013 CA 10 2/2 9 6 4 7 3 2 Y N
Star Medium Cruiser 3008 CA 7 2/3 7 6 2 6 2 1 Y N
Bus Light Cruiser 3007 CL 6 2/4 5 5 3 5 2 1 N N
Access Cruiser 3004 CA 8 2/3 8 6 3 6 3 2 Y N
Capacitor Light Cruiser 3002 CL 6 2/4 5 4 4 5 2 - N N
Terminal Cruiser 3000 CA 7 2/3 8 5 3 6 3 1 Y N
Hard Drive Armored Cruiser 3000 CA 7 2/3 11 3 2 5 3 1 Y N

Carriers (All units have the effects of Gigantic already applied)

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Proxy Server Fleet Carrier 3013 CVF 15 3/2 10 5 6 9 4 7 Y N Carrier, Guardian (2)
Server Fleet Carrier 3010 CVF 12 3/2 10 2 4 8 4 9 Y N Carrier, Guardian (1)
Short Circuit Light Carrier 3003 CVL 5 2/4 5 1 2 5 2 3 Y N Carrier
Circuit Heavy Carrier 3000 CVA 8 2/3 8 2 3 6 3 6 Y N Carrier

Destroyers & Frigates (All units have the effects of Gigantic already applied)
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Heat Sink Destroyer 3018 DD 5 2/5 4 6 1 4 2 - N N
Port Scan Disruption Converter 3012 FF 4 1/5 4 1 2 3 2 - N Y Disruptor (1), Transformative
Telnet Infiltration Destroyer 3011 DD 6 2/5 4 5 3 5 2 - Y N Jammer (1), Stealth (1)
Denial Improved Converter 3006 CT 2 1/8 3 1 2 3 1 - N Y Transformative
Ping Missile Converter 3001 CT 1 1/8 2 1 1 2 1 - N Y Ballistic, Transformative
Packet Frigate 3000 FF 3 1/6 3 3 1 3 1 - N Y
Protocol Destroyer 3000 DD 4 2/6 4 4 2 4 2 - N N

Scouts & Auxiliaries (All units have the effects of Gigantic already applied)
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Lisp Scout Converter 3018 ECA 11 3/2 9 9 3 7 3 - Y Y Scout (1), Transformative
Microwave Heavy Scout 3013 ECA 11 3/2 10 5 3 6 4 3 Y N Scout (2)
Port Repair Converter 3010 FF 3 1/5 4 1 1 3 2 - N Y Field Repair (1),
Fiber Optic Military Freighter 3008 FT 7 2/3 8 2 4 5 3 - Y N Supply (1)
Transfer Boarding Craft 3005 CT 2 1/8 2 1 2 2 1 - N Y Direct Assault (1), Assault
Infrared Large Scout 3004 ECA 8 3/2 8 4 3 6 3 2 Y N Scout (1)
Attenuation Light Scout 3000 ECL 6 2/2 7 2 2 5 2 1 Y N Scout (1)
Coax Freighter 3000 FT 3 2/5 5 0 0 4 2 - N N Supply (1/2)

Bases & Defenses (All units have the effects of Gigantic already applied)
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Router Large Base 3014 Base 36 4/2 40 28 6 - - 6 - - Supply (2)
Disc Heavy Orbital Fort 3010 Base 7 1/2 7 7 2 - - 3 - -
Switch Medium Base 3006 Base 20 2/2 20 15 4 - - 4 - - Supply (1)
Hub Small Base 3000 Base 11 1/1 13 8 3 - - 2 - - Supply (1)
Floppy Orbital Fort 3000 Base 6 1/3 5 5 2 - - 1 - -

Fighters & Shuttles

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Steel Super-Heavy Fighter 3019 SHF 2/1 1/4 6 7 1 - - - Y Y Transformative
Aluminum Light Fighter 3013 LF 1/3 1/16 1 2 2 - - - N Y Transformative
Iron Super-Heavy Fighter 3010 SHF 1/1 1/6 5 6 0 - - - Y Y Transformative
Brass Light Fighter 3008 LF 1/4 1/16 1 1 2 - - - N Y Transformative
Copper Heavy Fighter 3003 HF 1/1 1/8 3 4 0 - - - N Y Transformative
Bronze Heavy Fighter 3000 HF 1/2 1/8 3 2 1 - - - N Y Transformative

Ground Units (All units have the effects of Gigantic already applied)
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 1 1 0 2
Defenders-III 3016 2 1/2 2 3 d3 4
Defenders-II 3008 1 1/2 1 3 d3 3
Defenders-I 3000 1 1/2 1 2 d3 3
© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie

Zhujin Clans
Battleships & Dreadnoughts
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Toth-II Assault Dreadnought 3017 DN 15 3/2 12 17 1 9 4 - Y N Gunship, Assault
Toth Dreadnought 3012 DN 14 3/2 12 15 1 10 4 - Y N Gunship
Zhar Command Dreadnought 3006 DN 13 2/2 11 11 0 12 5 - Y N Gunship, Command
Kav Dreadnought 3001 DN 12 2/2 10 12 0 9 4 - Y N Gunship

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Makar Heavy Cruiser 3022 CA 10 2/3 7 8 3 6 3 2 Y N
Bekath Heavy Cruiser 3015 CA 9 2/3 7 6 3 6 3 2 Y N
Zeffa Bulk Cruiser 3011 CL 5 2/4 3 6 2 4 2 1 Y N
Fram’har Heavy Cruiser 3008 CA 7 2/3 6 5 2 6 3 2 Y N
Mopas Bulk Cruiser 3005 CL 5 2/4 3 5 2 4 2 1 Y N
Netheon Heavy Cruiser 3002 CA 7 2/3 6 6 2 6 3 - Y N
Katha Heavy Cruiser 3000 CA 6 2/3 6 6 1 5 3 - Y N

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Holbur Heavy Carrier 3015 CVA 10 2/2 8 0 5 6 3 8 Y N Carrier
Angath Heavy Carrier 3010 CVA 8 2/3 7 0 3 6 3 6 Y N Carrier
Feldar Carrier 3001 CV 6 2/3 5 0 2 6 3 5 Y N Carrier

Destroyers & Frigates

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Zekkha Skirmish Frigate 3016 FF 3 1/6 3 3 1 3 1 - N N Fast Ship
Curtiera Frigate 3012 FF 3 1/6 2 3 2 4 1 - N N
Umbutrel Destroyer 3007 DD 4 2/6 3 3 3 4 2 - N Y
Xox Skirmish Frigate 3003 FF 3 1/6 2 3 1 3 1 - N N Fast Ship
Vorix Destroyer 3000 DD 5 2/6 3 4 2 4 2 - N N
Mika’li Frigate 3000 FF 3 1/6 2 2 2 3 1 - N N

Scouts & Auxiliaries

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Fren Battle Scout 3017 ECA 11 3/2 7 5 3 6 3 1 Y N Scout (3)
Olbil Military Transport 3013 AOE 6 2/3 6 1 3 6 3 1 Y Y Supply (1)
Dassa Battle Scout 3010 ECA 8 2/2 6 5 2 5 2 1 Y N Scout (2)
Kem’butal Battle Scout 3004 ECA 6 2/3 5 4 2 4 2 1 Y N Scout (1)
Ghath Troop Transport 3000 FT 2 1/6 3 1 1 2 1 - N Y Assault
Shem Military Transport 3000 AOE 3 1/6 3 1 1 2 1 - N Y Supply (1/3)
Talla Explorer 3000 EX 4 2/5 4 1 1 3 1 - Y Y Explorer (1)

Bases & Defenses

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Lewirs Ultra Station 3019 Base 46 5/2 30 48 5 - - 5 - - Supply (2)
Markofta Starbase 3010 Base 26 3/2 18 24 4 - - 4 - - Supply (1)
Jaguv Fighter Mine 3009 Mine 1/4 1/20 1 0 0 - - 1 - -
Hahn Fighter Satellite 3001 SAT 2 1/12 2 0 1 - - 2 - -
Krathur Starbase 3000 Base 18 2/2 12 17 4 - - 3 - - Supply (1)

Fighters & Shuttles

Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Erlath Heavy Fighter 3014 MF 1/2 1/8 3 4 0 - - - N Y
Yeel-II Improved Interceptor 3009 ULF 1/5 1/20 1 0* 2 - - - N Y
Pargo Medium Fighter 3008 MF 1/3 1/9 2 3 0 - - - N Y
Ilirfa Light Fighter 3002 LF 1/4 1/16 1 2 0 - - - N Y
Yeel Patrol Interceptor 3000 ULF 1/6 1/24 1 0* 1 - - - N Y

Ground Units (All units have the effects of Aggressive already applied)
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 2 1 0 2
Regulars-III 3016 1 1/3 3 2 d2 3
Commandos-II 3013 3 1/2 1 2 d3 1 Special Forces
Suppression Troops 3009 1 1/3 2 1 d2 2 Peacekeeper
Regulars-II 3009 1 1/3 3 2 d2 2
Heavy Marines 3008 2 1/2 4 2 d3 2 Marines
Commandos-I 3004 2 1/2 1 1 d2 1 Special Forces
Regulars-I 3000 1 1/3 2 2 d2 2
Marines 3000 2 1/2 3 2 d3 2 Marines
© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie

Appendix B: Random Race Generator

Overview 9 Attractive Physical +1 X
10 Completely Alien Physical -3 -
What follows is a random race generator that allows
players and CMs to quickly and easily generate 11 Difficult Language Physical -1 -
their own custom races using the included custom 12 Diminutive Physical +1 X
race design rules. 13 Empathic Physical 2 -
14 Fearsome Physical 1 X
Use of this random race generator is not completely
15 Gigantic Physical 1 X
automated. When generating a new race, the
player/CM might have to omit illegal results, re- 16 Hivemind Physical 0 -
rolling until a legal result comes up. Such 17 Incomprehensible Physical -2 -
circumstances include when a result puts the race Language
over its negative design point total, or is a trait 18 Passive Physical -1 -
mutually exclusive to one already attributed to the 19 Non-Corporeal Physical 2 -
race. 20 Repulsive Physical -1 X
21 Robotic Physical 3 -
Designers have the option on any illegal result to
voluntarily purchase another level in any one of the 22 Shapeshifters Physical 2 -
race’s cumulative traits (negative or positive, it 23 Symbiotic Relationship Physical 1 -
doesn’t matter) instead of re-rolling for that illegal 24 Telepathic Physical 3 -
trait result. This does not mean that the designer 25 Telepathic Immunity Physical 1 -
can just arbitrarily apply new cumulative traits.
26 Fast Gestation Physical 2 X
Complete the following in order to create your 27 Fast Population Growth Physical +2 X
custom race! The cost of each trait is given in the 28 Slow Gestation Physical -2 X
cost table, and the “ * “ column designates whether 29 Slow Population Growth Physical -2 X
a trait can be purchased multiple times for
cumulative benefit.
30-100 Roll on Social Trait Chart

Step 1: Roll for Traits

The first step in the random race generation
Social Trait Chart (Roll d100)
sequence is to roll for all of the new race’s traits.
Roll on the charts below to determine your race’s Roll Trait Type Cost *
traits. Once your race has reached its design point
1 Atrophied Form Social -2 -
total and/or has the number of traits desired, stop
rolling on this chart and move on to Step 2. 2 Cybernetic Social +2 X
3 Physical Endurance Social +1 X
Note: If your custom race continues to roll
numerous positive or negative traits and not any of 4 Corrupt Social -1 X
the other type you should keep rolling and ignore
5 Efficient Industry Social +1 X
any of the troublesome results until a trait or traits of
the desired type (positive or negative) result. 6 Expansionist Social +2 -
Remember not to go over your design point total or 7 Field Repair Specialist Social +1 -
purchase an illegal number of negative traits! 8 Inefficient Industry Social -1 X
9 Logistical Experts Social +1 X
Physical Trait Chart (Roll d100) 10 Master Shipwrights Social +1 X
Roll Trait Type Cost * 11 Mercantile Social +1 X
1 Adaptable Physical +1 - 12 Poor Shipwrights Social -1 X
2 Aquatic Physical +2 - 13 Repair Specialists Social +1 -
3 Extra-Dimensional Physical +4 - 14 Scavenger Social +1 -
4 High-Gravity Species Physical +1 - 15 Supply Master Social +2 -
5 Lithovore Physical +3 - 16 Supply Novice Social -3 -
6 Low-Gravity Species Physical -1 - 17 Trade Barriers Social -1 X
7 Subterranean Physical +2 -
18 Bureaucratic Diplomacy Social -2 -
8 Aggressive Physical +1 - 19 Cultural Adopters Social +1 -
© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie

20 Diplomatically Social -1 - 46 Poor Tacticians – Social -1 -

Subservient Maneuvers
21 Elite Diplomatic Corps Social +3 - 47 Poor Tacticians – Social -2 -
22 Erratic Social +1 X Organization
23 Gifted Negotiators Social +1 X 48 Poor Tacticians – Social -1 X
24 Ineffective Negotiators Social -1 X
49 Professional Armies Social +2 X
25 Naïve Social -1 -
50 Sneaky Social +1 -
26 Outgoing Social ±0 -
51 Stalwart Defender Social +2 -
27 Pacifist Social -1 -
52 Superior Military Social +1 X
28 Prejudiced - Humanoids Social -1 - Instruction
29 Prejudiced - Non- Social -1 - 53 Transformative Expert Social +1 -
54 Unprofessional Armies Social -2 X
30 Prejudiced - Specific Social ±0 -
Race 55 Unremarkable Military Social -3 -
31 Warmonger Social +1 - 56 Veteran Armies Social +2 -
32 Xenophobic Social -2 X 57 Veteran Crews Social +2 -
58 Weapons Specialists Social +3 -
19 Efficient Operatives Social +1 X
20 Espionage Experts Social +1 X 59 Abject Cowards Social -3 -
21 Expert Intelligence Social +2 - 60 Chemical Addiction Social -2 -
Network 61 Civil Disturbances Social -1 X
22 Ineffectual Intelligence Social -2 - 62 Combat Respect Social -1 -
Network 63 Contemplative Social +1 -
23 Inefficient Operatives Social -1 X 64 Closed Society Social +2 X
24 Insurgency Experts Social +1 X 65 Controlled Society Social +1 -
25 Mission Specialist Social +1 - 66 Fanatical Social +2 -
26 Sabotage Experts Social +1 X 67 Gifted Explorers Social +2 -
68 Gregarious Social +1 X
27 Bombardment Masters Social +2 - 69 Honorable Social ±0 -
28 Elite Armies Social +4 - 70 Open Society Social -2 X
29 Elite Crews Social +4 - 71 Population Controls Social -1 X
30 Expert Boarding Parties Social +2 - 72 Population Explosion Social +1 X
31 Expert Wing Social +2 - 73 Pranksters Social -1 X
74 Rival Houses Social -1 -
32 Green Armies Social -2 -
75 Sacrificial Resolve Social +2 -
33 Green Crews Social -2 -
76 Social Solidarity Social +1 X
34 Guerillas Social +1 -
77 Spiritual Social +1 -
35 Inferior Military Social -1 X
Instruction 78 Superiority Complex Social -1 -
36 Kamikazes Social +1 - 79 Tense Alliance Social -2 -
37 Master Tacticians – Social +1 X 80 Utopian Society Social ±0 -
38 Master Tacticians – Social +1 X 81 Artifact Aficionados Social +1 -
Cunning 82 Expert Scientists Social +1 X
39 Master Tacticians – Social +1 - 83 Fast Drive Systems Social +3 -
84 Incompetent Scientists Social -1 X
40 Master Tacticians – Social +2 -
Organization 85 Tech Reliant Social -1 X
41 Natural Pilots Social +2 -
42 Novice Armies Social -1 - 86-100 Re-Roll
43 Novice Crews Social -1 - - OR –
44 Poor Pilots Social -2 - Increase existing cumulative trait level by one (1)
- OR –
45 Poor Tacticians – Social -1 X
Command Select an item from the Design Point Conversion
Chart (see pg. 5)
© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie

Race A rolls ‘28’, which is Slow Gestation. The

Step 2: Roll for Government Type & Sub-Type race has 4 points left to spend.

The second and final step involves generating the The second trait roll is a ‘26’, Fast Gestation.
custom race’s government type and sub-type. Roll Fast Gestation and Slow Gestation are mutually
on the Government Chart below and apply the exclusive traits, so this result is currently illegal.
result to the custom race. If Race A had a cumulative trait we could elect to
purchase it another level of that trait. Since it
All government types except the Collective requires does now, we re-roll on the chart.
that you roll a d10 to determine its sub-type. For the
Meritocracy, you must roll for both the positive and The next result is ‘99’, which results in a roll on
negative government sub-types. Obviously, a the Social Traits Chart. We roll again, with a
Meritocracy cannot have the same sub-type for both result of ‘54’, Unprofessional Armies. We apply
positive and negative. this to Race A and continue generating its traits.
We currently have 6 design points left to spend.
Due to this disparity, we will ignore all future
Government Chart (Roll d100)
negative trait results until we have spent these
Roll Government Type design points.
1-12 Totalitarian (Roll d10)
Subsequent rolls give Race A Guerillas, Social
1-3: Military; 4-6: Religious; 7-9: Social; Solidarity, and Utopian Society.
10: Re-Roll
13-24 Meritocracy (Roll d10) The next roll following these results is a ‘94’ on
1-2: Military; 3-4: Religious; 5-6: Scientific; the Social Traits Chart. We are given the option
7-8: Social; 9-10: Trade of re-rolling, purchasing an additional level of a
25-36 Representative (Roll d10) previous cumulative trait, or purchasing a
(Roll d10) 1-2: Military; 3-4: Religious; starting condition item from the Design Point
5-6: Scientific; 7-8: Social; 9-10: Trade Conversion Table.
37-48 Collective - None
Social Solidarity is a cumulative trait, so we
49-58 Confederate (Roll d10)
could take another level in that. However, with
1-2: Military; 3-4: Scientific; 5-6: Social; our large number of surplus design points it
7-8: Trade; 9-10: Re-Roll
would be better to select something from the
59-68 Technocratic (Roll d10) Design Point Conversion Table. We select
1-5: Military; 6-10: Scientific Artifacts Homeworld (3 design point cost) and
69-76 Autocratic (Roll d10) apply the Ancient Ruins special trait to Race A’s
1-3: Military; 4-6: Religious; 7-9: Social; homeworld. After this purchase, Race A has 1
10: Re-Roll design point left to spend.
77-84 Aristocratic (Roll d10)
The next result is Weapons Specialist (+3).
1-3: Military; 4-6: Religious; 7-9: Social;
10: Re-Roll
Using common sense, our custom race already
has more than enough high-level traits. We don’t
85-92 Autarky (Roll d10) want to add something like that only to have to
1-5: Military; 6-10: Social purchase another major negative trait. Therefore
93-100 Decentralized (Roll d10) we re-roll.
1-2: Military; 3-4: Scientific; 5-6: Social;
7-8: Trade; 9-10: Re-Roll This process could continue for some time.
Seeking to cut time, we ultimately decide to
simply purchase another level of Social
Congratulations, your new custom race is complete! Solidarity for Race A. This uses its remaining
design point and leaves us with a 2 design point
Before play you should remember to check and custom race.
ensure that your custom race is legal and does not
violate any custom race design rules. Now we move on to Step 2 and select Race A’s
government type by rolling d100 on the
Example: Race A, a 2 design point custom race, Government Chart. We roll ‘96’, which is the
begins in Step 1 rolling for its traits. As always, Decentralized government type. Finally, we roll
when rolling for traits we start our rolling on the d10 to determine our government sub-type. The
Physical Traits Chart. roll is a ‘5’, resulting in a Social sub-type for the
Decentralized government.

© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.

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