The Menagerie - Printerfriendly
The Menagerie - Printerfriendly
The Menagerie - Printerfriendly
Table of Contents Humanoid and
Non-Humanoid Aliens .................... 15 Social Traits ............................. 15
Social Traits: Physical Modifications ... 15
1.0 Introduction ............................. 4 Atrophied Form (-2) .................................... 15
1.1 Referencing Rules from Different Cybernetic (+2) ........................................... 16
Supplements ...................................... 4 Physical Endurance (+1) ............................. 16
Social Traits:
2.0 Custom Race Design .............. 5 Economy, Construction, & Supply . 16
Corrupt (-1)* ................................................ 16
2.1 Design Points .......................... 5 Efficient Industry (+1)* ................................ 17
Design Point Conversion Table ..................... 5 Expansionist (+2)* ....................................... 17
Field Repair Specialist (+1) ......................... 17
2.2 Racial Traits ............................. 5 Inefficient Industry (-1)* ............................... 18
2.2.1 Trait Classifications ........................ 6 Logistical Experts (+1)* ............................... 18
Master Shipwrights (+1)* ............................ 18 Physical Traits ............................ 6
Mercantile (+1)* .......................................... 18
Physical Traits: Environmental .............. 6 Poor Shipwrights (-1)* ................................. 18
Adaptable (+1) .............................................. 7 Repair Specialist (+1) .................................. 19
Aquatic (+2) .................................................. 7 Scavenger (+1) ........................................... 19
Extra-Dimensional (+4) ................................. 7 Supply Master (+2) ..................................... 19
High-Gravity Species (+1) ............................. 8 Supply Novice (-3) ...................................... 19
Lithovore (+3) ................................................ 8 Trade Barriers (-1)* ..................................... 19
Low-Gravity Species (-1) ............................... 8
Social Traits: Diplomatic ...................... 19
Subterranean (+2) ......................................... 8
Bureaucratic Diplomacy (-2) ....................... 19
Physical Traits: Evolutionary ................. 9 Cultural Adopters (+1) ................................. 20
Aggressive (+1) ............................................ 9 Diplomatically Subservient (-1) ................... 20
Attractive (+1)* .............................................. 9 Elite Diplomatic Corps (+3) ......................... 20
Completely Alien (-3) .................................... 9 Erratic (-1)* ................................................. 21
Difficult Language (-1) .................................. 9 Gifted Negotiators (+1)* .............................. 21
Diminutive (-1)* ........................................... 10 Ineffective Negotiators (-1)* ........................ 21
Empathic (+2) ............................................. 10 Naïve (-1) .................................................... 21
Fearsome (+1)* ........................................... 10 Outgoing (±0) .............................................. 21
Gigantic (+1)* .............................................. 10 Pacifist (-1) ................................................. 21
Hivemind (±0) ............................................. 11 Prejudiced: Humanoids (-1) ........................ 22
Incomprehensible Language (-2) ................ 11 Prejudiced: Non-Humanoids (-1) ................ 22
Passive (-1) ................................................. 11 Prejudiced – Specific Race (±0) .................. 23
Non-Corporeal (+2) ..................................... 12 Warmonger (+1) ......................................... 23
Repulsive (-1)* ............................................ 12 Xenophobic (-2)* ......................................... 23
Robotic (+3) ................................................ 12
Social Traits: Intelligence .................... 24
Shapeshifters (+2) ...................................... 13
Efficient Operatives (+1)* ............................ 24
Symbiotic Relationship (+1) ........................ 13
Xenophobic Treaty Acceptance Chart ......... 24
Telepathic (+3) ............................................ 13
Espionage Experts (+1)* ............................. 24
Telepathic Immunity (+1) ............................. 13
Expert Intelligence Network (+2) ................. 24
Physical Traits: Population Growth ..... 14 Ineffectual Intelligence Network (-2) ........... 24
Fast Gestation (+2)* .................................... 14 Inefficient Operatives (-1)* .......................... 24
Fast Population Growth (+2)* ..................... 14 Insurgency Experts (+1)* ............................ 25
Slow Gestation (-2)* .................................... 14 Mission Specialist (+1)* ............................... 25
Slow Population Growth (-2)* ...................... 15 Sabotage Expert (+1)* ................................ 25
Example 1: A custom race purchases three CM’s Note: It could be argued that
levels of the Expert Scientists (+1)* trait. Each mechanical civilizations should be
level of the trait provides a –5% modifier to the allowed to reassign physical traits,
power’s tech advancement requirement, so but for the purposes of uniformity of
three levels would provide a total –15% rules this is not allowed. For
modifier. manufactured, machine intelligences, their basic
flexibility and ability to adapt are reflected in their
Example 2: A custom race purchases three base capabilities.
levels of the Incompetent Scientists (–1)* trait. If a CM wishes to allow Robotic powers to alter
Each level of the trait provides a +5% modifier physical traits (other than their Robotic trait, which
to the power’s tech advancement requirement, cannot be changed under any circumstances) it
so three levels would provide a total +15% is advised that the CM allow the Robotic powers
modifier. in his or her campaign to perform a special social
revolution at ten times the normal penalty to
In the case of cumulative negative traits, each change one or more physical traits. All other rules
level of the negative trait counts towards the race’s relating to social revolutions must be adhered to
negative racial trait maximum. for Robotic powers attempting to change their
physical trait(s).
2.2.1 Trait Classifications
Abilities are broken down into two categories:
physical traits and social traits. Physical traits are Physical Traits: Environmental
those that are intrinsic to the power’s biology and Environmental physical traits are those that
cannot be changed during the course of the are a direct result of environmental variables the
campaign. Social traits represent the preexisting species encountered during the course of its
social and psychological predisposition of the evolution. In order to survive (and, later, thrive) a
power’s population and/or leadership. Social traits species would have had to adapt to adverse and
can be changed during the course of a campaign changing physical conditions on its homeworld.
by way of Social Revolutions.
Aquatic (+2)
Aquatic species prefer to colonize worlds with
wetter climates. True “water worlds” provide
Aquatics with a truly magnificent environment in
which to live. Conversely, barren, hostile worlds
provide special challenges to Aquatic species, as
extensive life support equipment is necessary to
sustain even the barest operations.
Aquatic has the following effects:
• Aquatic species consider all systems of Colony
or Major Colony importance to have 25% greater
Carrying Capacity than normal (rounding up).
This extra Capacity exists at all systems, and it
is possible for an Aquatic to colonize this excess
Capacity on planets controlled by other powers
(upon CM approval).
However, all Unimportant systems are
considered to have only half their normal
Capacity (rounding down) for purposes of Aquatic
colonization. Like the colonization of other world’s
oceans, the remaining Capacity in these
Unimportant systems is not lost and can be
colonized by members of other, non-Aquatic
Gigantic (+1)*
Some aliens are big. No, I mean really big.
Gigantic species find extra elbow (or tentacle?)
room is always at a premium on their worlds, but
they have more than made up for this with their
behemoth starships. The fleets operated by
gigantic species are, needless to say, quite large
• Powers with Telepathic Immunity completely Example: A race purchases three levels of Fast
ignore, and in fact negate, the advantages of Generation. The first level decreases the
Telepathic and Empathic species. population increase time from 12 turns to 6 turns,
and the second and third levels of this trait each
Telepathic or Empathic and Telepathic Immunity are reduce this by 1 more turn each to 4 turns. As a
mutually exclusive traits. result, every 4 turns the race will roll for population
increases at all of its colonies.
Fast Gestation is mutually exclusive
Physical Traits: Population Growth with the Slow Gestation trait.
Biological imperatives drive reproductive rates.
Some species reproduce at rapid rates, while Fast Population Growth (+2)*
others experience very few births in each For one reason or another, this empire tends
generation. The speed at which a population can to experience Fast Population Growth. The power
grow has a major impact on an empire’s ability to is far more likely to experience population growth
expand into and colonize new territories. than other species, especially at its smaller colony
Fast Gestation (+2)* Fast Population Growth has the following effects:
It doesn’t take very long for this species to • When performing population increases, each
multiply! A Fast Gestation period means that system’s Census counts as double its listed value
population increases will occur more rapidly. for purposes of the population growth roll.
Fast Gestation has the following effects: Each level of this trait after the first increases
• Powers with Fast Gestation roll for population this bonus by half the system’s Census (round
increases every 6 turns instead of every 12. down).
Example: A Census 7 system owned by a power
with two levels of the Fast Population Growth
trait would be considered to have a population
of 7 x 2 + 7 x 1/2 (RD) = 14 + 3 = 17 for purposes
of its population increase check.
Fast Population Growth is mutually exclusive
with the Slow Population Growth trait.
Expansionist (+2)*
Lebensraum: living space; it is the ideal of any
expansionist power. The pursuit of domination of
new foreign territories requires the maintenance
of a large and able-bodied civilian fleet to maintain
lines of supply and communication across an
empire’s territories. The Expansionist understands
this, fostering a healthy, privately held transport
• The prejudiced power gains a +10% bonus to all • Any attempt by the prejudiced power to sign a
attempts to break treaties with or declare treaty with a non-humanoid power has a chance
hostilities/war against humanoid powers. of failing equal to 25%, or the prejudiced power’s
Xenophobia statistic if the power is a NPE.
• The prejudiced power considers systems
controlled by humanoid powers to have half their • The prejudiced power gains a +10% bonus to all
normal system output (round down) for purposes attempts to break treaties with or declare
of trade routes and commerce income. hostilities/war against non-humanoid powers.
• (NPE Only) The prejudiced power’s offering • The prejudiced power considers systems
chance is halved when dealing with humanoid controlled by non-humanoid powers to have half
powers. The prejudiced power ’s treaty their normal system output (round down) for
acceptance chance for treaties offered by purposes of trade routes and commerce income.
humanoid powers is also halved. • (NPE Only) The power’s offering chance is
halved when dealing with non-humanoid powers.
The treaty acceptance chance for treaties offered
by non-humanoid powers is also halved.
• Social governments can maintain 50% more Intel • Military governments are more prone to produce
points per 1 economic point of maintenance. elite officers. Military Meritocracies may purchase
Under the standard VBAM Intel maintenance elite Fleet, Flight, and Ground Officer or crew
costs, this is a rate of 1 per 15 (instead of 1 per grade levels at 2/3 the normal experience cost
10). Also, the difficulty for all Espionage Intel (rounding up). They also reduce their total
maintenance cost by 5% (round down).
Census in a
on the planet (1 Census) and its racial modifiers
are ignored.
Dimensional are the portals that allow fleets to move from the
pocket universe to the proper campaign universe
and back again. These travel nodes should be
universe to the campaign universe or vice versa
during the course of the campaign. It is
encouraged that travel nodes be recorded on the
Players might notice the inclusion of an Extra- map as empty systems (e.g., systems with no
Dimensional physical trait in the 2.0 Custom Race Carrying Capacity or other statistics) for purposes
Design rules. Frequently, extra-dimensional aliens of movement and fleet tracking.
are used as an enemy (or ally) in science fiction
settings. These aliens typically hail from strange Pocket Universes and
parallel or pocket universes, but the trait could as
easily apply to those species from far off galaxies. Movement
One potential problem for CMs is deciding how How movement and the stability of these
to handle extra-dimensional empires in their nodes are handled rests largely in the hands of
campaigns. This section includes a few possible the CM. This section contains possible options for
ways to include these empires in a more dealing with movement between pocket universe
substantive or thematic form. and the “real” campaign universe.
Regardless of the option used, there are some
factors that remain the same when dealing with
3.2.1 Pocket Universe travel nodes and pocket universes. Once a fleet
CMs may choose to have all extra-dimensional enters a travel node “system,” they are considered
powers start in their own “pocket universes.” These to be straddling dimensions. Movement between
pocket universes exist as a subset of the other the travel node and one of the possible extra-
players’ reality, but exist in a separate space. For dimensional transit routes connecting the node to
campaign purposes these pocket universes are real space is simultaneous and does not count
tracked as a separate map populated with a finite towards the fleet’s movement allowance. However,
number of star systems and travel nodes (more this works both ways; fleets at a real space location
on these later). The power’s pocket universe that contains a portal to a travel node located in a
should have just enough systems to give the extra- pocket universe may move into that travel node
dimensional alien some friendly real estate on their at no cost to its movement allowance.
side of the looking glass, but not enough to allow
them to be too comfortable (or formidable) without Static Travel Nodes
interacting with the rest of the campaign universe.
One option (and the easiest) is to have these
It is important that the CM encourage these
travel nodes statically mapped so that they always
extra-dimensional empires to leave their safety
connect to the same system or systems
zone, otherwise players who prefer a “stay at
throughout the course of the campaign. In other
home” sandbox mentality might opt to play as
words, a static connection could be set linking
extra-dimensional aliens simply so they can avoid
System A’ in the pocket universe to System G in
interference from the other players in the
the normal campaign universe. Travel between
The crystalline Aam are the proverbial enigma
wrapped in a conundrum and surrounded by
mystery. Not only are they physically different from
the vast majority of the races of the galaxy, but
they are completely absorbed in their various
research projects to really care.
The entire culture of the Aam is focused on
supporting science, in all its forms. The
government exists primarily to facilitate funding
of projects and the building of infrastructure to
support those projects. The military exists to
protect the scientists and to escort them when a
project requires data from offworld. As such, it is
difficult for the Aam to relate to the wants and
needs of other races.
The Aam government is a meritocracy, as is
only proper for a race with such a scientific Government
mindset. However, it is also very bureaucratic, Meritocracy
making change very slow to accomplish, and (Positive Scientific, Negative Military)
diplomacy with other races is just one more
agenda item for the week’s meeting. The Physical Traits
Diplomatic Corps of most races consider a posting Non-Humanoid
to Aamanthorat the end of their career. Once their Lithovore (+3)
government wants something from the Aam, the Subterranean (+2)
diplomat’s inability to surmount the bureaucratic Completely Alien (-3)
inertia eventually results in their recall and
dismissal. Social Traits
Fortunately for the rest of the galaxy, the Aam Bureaucratic Diplomacy (-2)
focus their attention on such a diverse range of Expert Scientists* (+2)
scientific endeavors. If the Aam were forced to
direct all of their research into military projects,
the results would be quite fearsome. Wise leaders
Starting Resources
acknowledge this potential and focus their 60 economic points
diplomacy towards a trade concession or two, and
leave well enough alone.
38 74 32
The Cykryyl are a race of large
squid-like creatures. Weighing nearly a ton
each, these eleven armed aquatic sentients are
among the more biologically extreme of the
sentients conquered by the Terran Imperium. The Homeworld
Cykryyl spent much of their early history engaging Gykryl
in violent wars of genocidal dominance against
the unusual multitudes of sentients cohabiting Government
Gikryl. After reaching the top of the food chain
Confederate (Military)
the Cykryyl genetics rapidly diversified to fill many
of the now empty ecological niches.
Due to the extremely individualistic nature of Physical Traits
the Cykryyl subspecies, technological Non-Humanoid
development languished as circulation of ideas Aquatic (+2)
was isolated to small groups. The difficulty of Incomprehensible Language (-2)
accessing the heavy metals and fuels of Gikryl
hampered industrial development until large Social Traits
amounts of capital was invested in deep mining Tense Alliance (-2)
operations, though even then it remained low by Stalwart Defender (+2)
Terran standards. Veteran Armies (+2)
The original twenty-three subspecies were
dominated by the most numerous and militant, the Starting Resources
Gykryl, who in Terran Reckoning 1782 maintained 60 economic points
an uneasy dominion over the population of Gikryl.
Through an unstable system of alliances, threats
and military actions the Gykryl miraculously held
on to their position of power until the Terran arrival
in 2325 TR. AG IN XE
The Degli are the descendents from a horse-
like ancestor. Instead of taking a humanoid stance,
the Degli grew a pair of arms to complement their
four legs. With speed and the ability to manipulate
their environment, they took their society into a
scientific revolution with constant discoveries at
every turn.
The Degli relied on fossil fuels less than normal
societies as their horse-like physiology allowed
them to travel great distances quite quickly.
Competition for other resources was also not a
pressing need to Degli, and it was a great surprise
when they began to become a space faring race
and came into conflict for the first time.
The Degli are not a warlike race and actually
the distaste for it has led to the high-speed designs
of their ships. They would prefer to flee than risk Government
the lives of their people and only attack if combat Technocratic (Scientific)
will be quick and decisive. Additionally, fighter
elements lack dedicated missions, this is more Physical Traits
because Degli pilots are valued too highly to send Non-Humanoid
on specific missions and additionally most pilots
try their best to transfer to safer fleet elements. Social Traits
When attacked, the Degli will retreat if they
Fast Drive System (+3)
do not have a chance of success. Only over core
Mercantile (+1)
systems may they choose to hold the line. But
Repair Specialist (+1)
again the nature of the Degli to retreat when
Abject Cowards (-3)
damaged has proved a hindrance to a good
Poor Pilots (-2)
defense. Luckily the Degli try not to stomp on too
many toes when conducting diplomacy.
Starting Resources
60 economic points
AG IN XE +1 RAW (Homeworld)
12 48 40
The Huillym are a warm-blooded, herbivorous
species. They are commonly between 2.75 and
3.25 meters in height, and are covered in short,
coarse fur ranging through several shades of
brown and tan. They have short necks, with narrow
flat heads. Their mouths are filled with dozens
of flat teeth. Their arms are long, useful
for reaching high into the trees, or deep
into thick shrubs for food.
The Supreme Council holds all decision
making control within Huillym society. A citizen
gains entry to the council by achieving the rank of
a Fifth Tier Scholar of Insight, the highest honor
that can be achieved within the society. There are
rarely more than 3% of the Huillym that are at the
Fifth Tier of Scholar of Insight at any one time.
Historical Summary
Huillym were peaceful grazing, herd animals
on the plains and in the forests of their homeworld
when the first of their kind learned that it could
stand on its hind legs to reach higher into the trees
for food. More of its kind quickly learned the trick…
Then others learned to reach deep into the sharply
thorned Paolyn bushes to reach the best fruit.
Slowly the front legs evolved into long grasping
arms. wealth – came to those settlements as leaders of
And then the Huillym learned to communicate knowledge and skill.
together, cooperating within their herds to learn The greatest structures and proudest
more, and to share with other herds to learn what accomplishments of the Huillym are the great
they had discovered. Studies quickly grew up academies and learning institutions. For example,
around the best way to arrange and grow orchids, The Sublime Academy of Wisdom, located at the
raise crops, effective methods to restrain city of Tuizzyl would be considered a wonder in
predators, and ultimately various skilled trades. any civilization. The single structure provides a
The more success any settlement gained in these location for over 30,000 novices, professors,
areas the more renown and acclaim – power and students, and other supplicants at the altar of
knowledge to live, study, and work. The Elemental
29 78 42
Humans are a species of mammalian bipeds
native to the planet Earth (sometimes called Terra)
in the Sol star system. Humans are an
uninteresting lifeform and exhibit few exceptional
qualities compared to other alien creatures. They
have average weight, height, strength, and
intelligence, just to name a few.
Being a jack of all trades genetically has bred
extreme versatility into the human race. This
versatility has allowed them to thrive in situations
other species would consider adverse. Using this
to their advantage, humanity is poised to begin a
major interstellar expansion.
Government Earth
The Solar Federation was formed as a supra-
national committee that could attend to the needs Government
of Earth and the colonies while being controlled
Representative (Social)
by neither. In theory it provided both sides an equal
voice in and control over solar matters. In practice
neither side was willing to give the other equal
Physical Traits
control. Which side holds the most influence has Humanoid
constantly wrestled back and forth since.
The Solar Federation is a unicameral system, Social Traits
meaning that it has a single legislative body. This Expansionist (+2)
body, the Federation Assembly (or Assembly for
short) controls all major international affairs in the Starting Resources
Terran sphere of influence. Representation in the 60 economic points
Assembly is based on both a nation’s population
and its economic output. All colonies over a certain
minimum population requirement are guaranteed AG IN XE
The N’lyk’Tyra are water breathing,
with a hard exo-skeleton, similar to a
terrestrial crustacean. They have nine
limbs, six of which are “legs” for
gripping and moving along the seabed, or for
swimming propulsion. They have three limbs
that end in fine motor claws and function as arms.
They are about 230cm tall, and an average adult
measures 3 meters across the widest part of its
carapace. They commonly weigh between 65-90
They are omnivorous, with plants and small
sea creatures forming the bulk of their diet – fish
and other meat sources account for only 25% of
a normal N’lyk’Tyran’s annual consumption.
The average life span of an N’lyk’Tyran is 75 Homeworld
years. They reach physical maturity at around 9- L’rj’hul’kh’Tyra
10 and enter full adult societal status in a formal
ceremony at 12. Government
N’lyk’Tyra are generally shades of dark green
Representative (Military)
or brown in color, often with blended bands of
color. They have no hair. Their eyes are black or
sharp brown. Shells are often decorated with Physical Traits
colorful patterns and designs. Non-Humanoid
There are 4 sexes – 2 male and 2 female. Aquatic (+2)
Suffice to say that social relationships are difficult Incomprehensible Language (-2)
to explain. In short both male sexes are required
to prepare to fertilize an egg, but only the dominant Social Traits
male sex (M’trar) delivers to the egg. Both female Master Tacticians - Maneuvers (+1)
sexes are required to prepare an egg to be Spiritual (+1)
fertilized. The female that then carries and
gestates the egg is considered the dominant Starting Resources
female (F’trar). This complex social pattern and 60 economic points
competition for mating position has produced an
evolutionary/social pressure that makes
N’lyk’Tyrans aggressive in striving for goals and
66 37 54
Federation Government
Submission by Tyrel Lohr Representative (Trade)
The Nulos Trade Federation is a
plutocracy ruled by the economic elite
of Nulos Prime. Numerous
corporate interests banded
together several hundred
years ago and fought a
brutal civil conflict against
the traditional political
organizations that previously
governed their world.
The victorious corporations
formed the federation for
Historical Summary
The Nulosians were a primitive
society until they made contact with
a species called the Emridi. The
Emridi befriended the Nulosians,
taking them under their wing (literally)
and teaching them about technology and
science. The friendship between the
Nulosians and Emridi lasted for a time but
came to an end once the Emridi finally began
The Obscari native form is that of a pig-sized
quadruped vaguely resembling a dog – if the dog
had a pig snout and looked vaguely fungal or
spongiform. However, few outside their autocratic
nation have ever seen one in its native form and,
of those who have, most are dead. The Obscari
are shapeshifters, but fear to be seen in their
native form. Their general xenophobia is thought
to be largely based on this one simple instinctive
urge. The Obscari are able to almost effortlessly
mimic any relatively same-sized life form quite
History Homeworld
The Enigma is a vast organization headed by
the Enigmatic – a single, all-powerful Obscari who
invariably rises to power by sabotage and betrayal, Government
and stays there by the same means. This social Autocratic (Social)
climbing mechanism is instinctive and is, quite
unfortunately, applied to those other powers they Physical Traits
may encounter. Non-Humanoid
Obscari society is entirely based on caste, Shapeshifters (+2)
although the lower castes allow for rapid social
mobility (both climbing and falling). The upper Social Traits
castes are similar, but it is almost unheard of to
Espionage Experts (+2)*
fall from the upper castes to the lower. Death is
Sabotage Experts (+2)*
far more common a penalty for failure in the
Xenophobic (-4)*
Obscari power games that are the focus of all adult
Obscari are quiet and difficult to read. Though
Starting Resources
their society is not closed, per se, those who seek 60 economic points
to infiltrate them from the outside have a difficult
time due to their complicated social structure and
morphable physical form. They ooze an almost AG IN XE
Traditionally, the Craxi have always
been very spiritual. Finding guidance in the
higher mysteries, the Craxi pursued their
dreams with great reverence and devotion:
even if those dreams involved wholesale
slaughter of their fellor Craxi. As a result, their
history is full of wars of religion. Even the rise
of Nitais, with its message of unification and
brotherhood, couldn’t stop the bloodshed; in
time the different sects of Nitaisism fought over
minor theological differences.
It was during the intra-Nitais wars, that
various fighting religious orders came to the
fore. Some were the martial champions of their
sect, while others did their best to avoid the
fighting and protect the common Craxi from the
predations of the warring factions. As
technology was developed and fewer warm
bodies were required to fight, most of the orders
disbanded, or turned to more contemplative
pursuits. In time, many were forgotten.
The Pan-Galactic Craxi Church arose
from the ashes of the religious wars of the mid-
21st Century on Kutuxi. Unifying many of the
Nitais sects into one Church, the PGCC helped
Craxi-kind rebuild with a message of unity and
the brotherhood of Craxi. As the Craxi re-
entered space and beyond, the PGCC sent
along priests and missionaries.
After finding out that not all aliens are
as peaceful as hoped for, several of the
Church’s old Orders again took up arms to
protect the faithful. PGCC squadrons can be
found throughout Craxi space, regardless of the
local government. Merchant consortiums often
make donations to the Church on an order of
one to five percent of the value of a convoy to
When someone first meets a Suran, they
usually focus on their intimidating physique and
make the usual assumption about their mental
abilities. This is a big mistake. The Surans are
descended from a bear-like creature, and they
have inherited its large size and strength.
However, the Surans are also telepathic.
Their telepathy makes them very difficult to
deal with diplomatically. Their native language is
telepathic, without a verbal component, and many
diplomats have a hard time dealing with an alien
presence communicating with them directly in their
mind. As such, the Surans have few friends.
Their government is totalitarian, with individual
freedoms unheard of. What use is privacy when
your every thought is open to your neighbors? In
what seems to be a universal truth, the Suran Free
Republic is neither free nor a republic. Governed
by a ruling elite composed of a few families, the
average Suran trudges through life doing his or Homeworld
her assigned duty. Sura Major
Always worried that other races will overreact
to the Surans’ telepathic abilities, the Suran
leaders and the military are always anxious to
expand and build a buffer zone. This results in a Totalitarian (Social)
never-ending cycle of paranoia as the Surans
expand, while their neighbors worry about Suran Physical Traits
expansion and respond with larger military Humanoid
budgets, which causes the Surans to worry about Incomprehensible Language (-2)
their security, and so forth. Telepathic (+3)
Social Traits
AG IN XE Expansionist (+2)
The Tawasi are large felinids, standing nearly
2 meters tall. They are covered in thick, bright
orange hair. This furry exterior is an adaptation
against the chilling cold of their homeworld’s cool
climate. The Tawasi are almost exclusively
carnivores. Only a few choice forms of plant life
are acceptable to their palettes. Even then, most
of these serve as garnish for the Tawasi’s meal of
The heavy gravity of Thalkayr has bred the
Tawasi for physical strength. Cultural emphasis
on physical performance has helped to refine them
into fearsome melee opponents. Very few can
stand against the might of an assembled Tawasi
army, especially those suffering from kand’e Thalkayr
sta’rgo – the blood lust. When whipped into just
such a frenzy, the Tawasi’s ancient hunting Government
instincts kick in and they experience an intense Aristocracy (Military)
yearning for blood upon his or her teeth. The blood
lust will not subside until they have tasted of the Physical Traits
flesh of an opponent. Humanoid
Fearsome (+1)
Government High Gravity Species (+1)
The Tawasi are ruled by a series of rival
aristocratic houses, each with its own agenda. Social Traits
These houses individually operate their own Combat Respect (-1)
military forces and are almost constantly at odds Honorable (0)
with their rivals. Open conflict between houses is Incompetent Scientists (-1)
dissuaded as it seen as being uncivilized. Political Physical Endurance (+1)
and economic warfare instead used to gain power Rival Houses (-1)
and crush the opposition. Sacrificial Resolve (+2)
A loose council of the most powerful houses
governs the whole of the Tawasi Empire. Political Starting Resources
alliances back particular houses, creating powerful 60 economic points
voting blocs that can sway governance of the
empire and representation on the council.
The ever-changing nature of the Tawasi
(Positive Military, Negative Trade)
Physical Traits
Robotic (+3)
Gigantic (+1)
Completely Alien (-3)
Social Traits
Logistical Experts (+1)
Transformative Expert (+1)
Chemical Addiction (-1)
Starting Resources
60 economic points
36 75 67
Generic Units
Note: All of these generic units are available to players in addition to their own race-specific force lists.
Generic Starships
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Diplomatic Courier-II 3010 CT 1 1/8 2 0 1 1 1 - Y N Diplomatic
Heavy Tug 3000 FF 3 1/6 3 0 0 1 1 - N N Towing (2)
Hospital Ship-II 3010 FF 4 1/6 5 0 1 3 1 - N Y Hospital
Minelayer-II 3010 DD 4 2/6 4 1 1 4 2 - N N Mine Controller (2)
Minesweeper-II 3010 FF 3 1/6 2 1 1 2 1 - N N Minesweeper (2)
Troop Transport-II 3010 DD 4 2/6 4 1 1 3 1 - N Y Assault
Diplomatic Courier-I 3000 CT 1 1/8 1 0 0 1 1 - Y N Diplomatic
Hospital Ship-I 3000 FF 2 1/6 3 0 0 2 1 - N Y Hospital
Minelayer-I 3000 FF 2 1/6 3 0 0 2 1 - N N Mine Controller (1)
Minesweeper-I 3000 CT 1 1/8 1 1 1 2 1 - N N Minesweeper (1)
Troop Transport-I 3000 FF 2 1/6 2 0 1 2 1 - N Y Assault
Tug 3000 CT 2 1/8 2 0 0 1 1 - N N Towing (1)
© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie
Aam Conclave
Battleships & Dreadnoughts
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Magma Super-Battleship 3025 BB 19 4/2 14 16 4 13 5 - Y N Command, Gunship
Diamond Battleship 3015 BB 16 3/2 12 14 3 12 5 - Y N Command, Gunship
Granite Battleship 3006 BB 14 3/2 11 10 4 10 5 2 Y N Command, Gunship
Silicate Small Battleship 3000 BB 12 3/2 9 10 3 9 4 - Y N Gunship
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Obsidian-II Heavy Cruiser 3025 CA 8 2/3 8 7 3 7 3 - Y N
Jade-II Light Cruiser 3023 CL 6 2/4 5 4 4 6 2 - Y N
Emerald Guardian Cruiser 3018 CA 10 3/3 8 3 5 6 3 - Y N Guardian (2)
Obsidian Heavy Cruiser 3016 CA 8 2/3 8 6 3 7 3 - Y N
Zircon Battlecruiser 3011 BC 10 3/3 8 9 2 7 3 - Y N
Quartz-II Heavy Cruiser 3008 CA 7 2/3 7 6 2 7 3 - Y N
Jade Light Cruiser 3004 CL 6 2/4 5 4 3 5 2 - Y N
Shale-II Light Cruiser 3002 CL 5 2/4 5 4 3 5 2 - N N
Sapphire Command Cruiser 3001 CC 9 2/2 7 7 1 8 3 - Y N Command
Quartz Heavy Cruiser 3000 CA 7 2/3 7 5 2 6 3 - Y N
Shale Light Cruiser 3000 CL 5 2/4 5 3 3 5 2 - N N
Limestone Cruiser 3000 CA 6 2/3 6 4 1 6 2 - Y N
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Ruby Fleet Carrier 3012 CVF 11 3/2 7 2 4 6 3 8 Y N Carrier, Assault
Opal Heavy Carrier 3004 CVA 8 2/2 6 1 4 5 3 5 Y N Carrier, Assault
Topaz Light Carrier 3000 CVL 4 2/4 4 1 2 4 2 2 N N Assault
Ground Units
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 1 1 0 1 +1 Dug-In Bonus
Regulars-II 3013 1 1/3 1 3 d2 2 +1 Dug-In Bonus
Regulars-I 3000 1 1/3 1 2 d2 2 +1 Dug-In Bonus
Marines 3000 2 1/2 2 3 d3 2 Marines, +1 Dug-In Bonus
© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Kyyvdn Advanced Cruiser 3019 CA 14 3/3 7 9 5 7 3 3 Y N Stealth (2), Command
Syritwy Light Escort Cruiser 3015 CL 7 2/4 5 2 4 5 2 2 Y N
Grythn-J Jammer Cruiser 3012 CA 9 2/3 6 5 3 5 3 2 Y N Jammer (1)
Grythn Heavy Cruiser 3010 CA 9 2/3 6 7 3 6 3 2 Y N
Symtr Kyr Adv. Missile Cruiser 3009 CA 8 3/3 6 7 2 5 3 1 N N Ballistic
Nhrtn War Cruiser 3007 BC 9 3/3 7 8 3 6 3 - Y N
Ghyz-S Stealth Cruiser 3004 CA 9 3/3 6 5 3 5 2 3 Y N Stealth (1)
Kym Warship 3002 CL 6 2/4 4 4 3 4 2 2 Y N
Symtr Missile Cruiser 3001 CA 7 2/3 5 5 2 5 2 1 N N Ballistic
Ghyz Star Cruiser 3000 CA 8 2/3 6 5 3 5 2 3 Y N
Fhysk Light Cruiser 3000 CL 6 2/4 5 3 3 4 2 2 N N
Priam Heavy Cruiser 3000 CA 6 2/3 4 4 2 6 2 1 Y N
Ground Units
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 2 1 0 1
Regulars-III 3024 1 1/3 2 2 d3 2
Regulars-II 3012 1 1/3 2 2 d2 2
Heavy Marines 3007 3 2/2 3 3 d3 3 Marines
Regulars-I 3000 1 1/3 2 1 d2 2
Marines 3000 2 1/2 2 2 d2 2 Marines
© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie
Degli Technocracy
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Gorgon Monitor 3022 CA 16 2/2 14 9 5 8 5 1 Y N Fast Ship, Ballistic, Shields (2)
Destrier Command Cruiser 3018 CC 13 2/2 10 8 5 10 3 1 Y N Fast Ship, Command, Gunship
Chimera Monitor 3016 CA 14 2/2 14 9 5 8 5 1 Y N Fast Ship, Ballistic
Dragoon Heavy-II Cruiser 3014 CA 9 2/3 9 6 4 7 3 - Y N Fast Ship
Mustang Fast Cruiser 3012 CA 8 2/3 6 4 3 6 2 1 Y N Fast Ship (x2)
Charger Light Cruiser 3010 CL 6 2/4 4 5 3 5 2 - N N Fast Ship
Minotaur Monitor 3009 CA 14 2/2 12 7 5 7 4 2 Y N Fast Ship, Ballistic
Dragoon Heavy Cruiser 3006 CA 8 2/3 7 6 3 7 3 - Y N Fast Ship
Hun Armored Assault Cruiser 3004 CA 9 2/3 9 4 2 6 3 - Y N Fast Ship, Assault
Centaur Monitor 3003 CA 11 2/2 10 6 4 6 4 1 Y N Fast Ship, Ballistic
Mameluke Fast Cruiser 3001 CA 7 2/3 5 3 3 6 2 - Y N Fast Ship (x2)
Cavalry Heavy Cruiser 3000 CA 7 2/3 6 5 3 7 3 - Y N Fast Ship
Chariot Light Cruiser 3000 CL 5 2/4 4 4 2 5 2 - N N Fast Ship
Mongol Light Assault Cruiser 3000 CL 6 2/4 4 2 3 5 2 - N N Fast Ship, Assault
Unicorn Military Q-Ship 3000 CL 5 2/3 6 3 3 4 2 - Y N Fast Ship, Q-Ship
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Pegasus Battle Carrier 3018 CVA 19 4/2 15 5 7 10 7 12 Y N Fast Ship, Carrier, Command
Garron Auxiliary Carrier 3005 ACV 4 2/6 3 1 2 4 2 2 N N Fast Ship, Carrier
Ground Units
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 1 1 0 1
Regulars-III 3017 1 1/3 2 2 d2 2
Marines-II 3014 2 1/2 2 2 d2 2 Marines
Regulars-II 3009 1 1/3 1 2 d2 2
Marines-I 3002 2 1/2 1 2 d2 2 Marines
Regulars-I 3000 1 1/3 1 2 d2 1
Conscripts 3000 1 1/4 1 1 d2 1
© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie
Huillym Alliance
Battleships & Dreadnoughts
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Crown of Thorns Peace Cruiser 3023 BB 22 3/2 15 11 7 12 5 2 Y N Guardian (4), Command
Olive Branch Peace Cruiser 3011 BB 18 3/2 12 10 6 10 5 4 Y N Guardian (2)
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Justice Patrol Cruiser 3020 CA 11 2/3 7 5 5 9 3 3 Y N Command
Foundation Defense Cruiser 3018 CA 9 2/3 6 7 4 7 3 - Y N
Prosperity Patrol Cruiser 3013 CA 9 2/3 7 4 4 6 3 3 Y N
Buttress Defense Cruiser 3010 CA 7 2/3 5 5 4 7 3 - Y N
Enforcer Police Cruiser 3008 CL 7 2/4 4 1 4 4 2 2 Y N Direct Assault (1)
Pacifist Patrol Cruiser 3005 CA 7 2/3 6 3 4 5 2 2 Y N
Bastion Defense Cruiser 3002 CA 6 2/3 4 4 4 6 3 - Y N
Peace Patrol Cruiser 3000 CA 6 2/3 5 3 3 5 2 2 Y N
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Still Heavy Carrier 3015 CVA 10 2/2 7 3 4 6 3 7 Y N Carrier
Placid Patrol Carrier 3012 CVL 8 2/4 6 2 3 5 2 5 Y N Carrier
Calm Patrol Carrier 3007 CVL 7 2/4 5 2 3 5 2 4 Y N Carrier
Quiet Escort Carrier 3000 CVE 2 1/6 2 1 1 2 1 2 N N Carrier
Ground Units
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 1 1 0 1
Marines 3012 2 1/2 2 3 d2 2 Marines
Heavy Infantry 3006 1 1/2 1 2 d3 2
Peacekeepers-II 3004 1 1/4 1 2 d3 2 Peacekeeper
Light Marines 3000 2 1/3 1 2 d2 1 Marines
Light Infantry 3000 1 1/4 1 2 d2 1
Peacekeepers-I 3000 1 1/4 1 1 d3 1 Peacekeeper
© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie
Solar Federation
Battleships & Dreadnoughts
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Leonis Battleship 3020 BB 17 3/2 11 15 5 12 5 4 Y N
Orion Battleship 3013 BB 15 3/2 11 12 5 11 5 2 Y N
Hercules Battleship 3004 BB 12 3/2 10 10 4 10 5 2 Y N
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Gilgamesh Battlecruiser 3016 BC 11 2/2 8 9 3 8 3 2 Y N Ballistic, Gunship
Achilles Heavy Cruiser 3013 CA 9 2/3 7 6 3 7 3 2 Y N Guardian (1), Ballistic
Apollo Light Cruiser 3008 CL 7 2/4 5 5 3 5 2 1 Y N
Ajax Heavy Cruiser 3002 CA 8 2/3 6 5 2 6 3 2 Y N Guardian (1), Ballistic
Helios Light Cruiser 3000 CL 6 2/4 5 4 2 5 2 1 N N
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Nova Battle Carrier 3021 CVF 20 5/2 12 13 5 12 6 8 Y N Carrier, Gunship
Nimitz Supercarrier 3016 CVF 17 4/2 10 4 6 12 5 14 Y N Carrier, Command
Hornet Light Carrier 3010 CVL 7 2/4 5 1 3 5 2 5 Y N Carrier
Long Island Escort Carrier 3007 CVL 4 2/6 3 1 2 4 2 3 N N Carrier
Ark Royal Heavy Carrier 3005 CVA 10 2/2 6 3 4 7 4 8 Y N Carrier
Kitty Hawk Light Carrier 3000 CVL 5 2/4 4 2 2 4 2 3 N N Carrier
Audacity Escort Carrier 3000 CVE 3 2/6 3 1 1 3 1 2 N N Carrier
Ground Units
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 1 1 0 1
Heavy Infantry-II 3020 1 1/3 2 2 d2 2
Heavy Marines 3012 3 2/3 3 3 d3 2 Marines
Light Infantry-II 3007 1 1/4 1 2 d2 2
Mechanized Infantry 3004 2 1/3 1 2 d3 3
Heavy Infantry-I 3001 1 1/3 1 2 d2 2
Light Infantry-I 3000 1 1/4 1 1 d2 2
Marines 3000 2 1/2 2 2 d2 2 Marines
© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie
N’lyk’Tyra Republic
Battleships & Dreadnoughts
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Great White Shark Battleship 3021 BB 17 4/2 13 17 3 12 5 - Y N Ballistic
Mako Shark Battleship 3013 BB 15 3/2 10 15 3 10 4 - Y N
Bull Shark Battleship 3008 BB 12 3/2 9 12 3 9 4 1 Y N
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Hammerhead Battlecruiser 3019 BC 13 3/3 9 14 2 8 4 - Y N
Tiger Shark Battlecruiser 3015 BC 11 3/3 8 10 3 8 3 - Y N
Hermit Crab-II Cloak Cruiser 3013 CA 10 3/3 7 7 2 6 2 - Y N Cloak (2)
Crayfish-III Light Cruiser 3010 CL 7 2/4 4 7 2 5 2 - Y N
Hermit Crab Cloak Cruiser 3009 CA 9 2/3 7 6 2 6 2 - Y N Cloak (1)
King Crab Heavy Cruiser 3004 CA 8 2/3 6 7 3 6 3 - Y N
Crayfish-II Light Cruiser 3002 CL 6 2/4 4 6 2 5 2 - Y N
Crab Cruiser 3000 CA 7 2/3 5 6 2 6 2 - Y N
Crayfish Light Cruiser 3000 CL 6 2/4 4 5 2 5 2 - Y N
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Manta Ray Heavy Scout Carrier 3018 CVA 17 4/2 11 7 4 7 3 8 Y N Carrier, Scout (2)
Electric Ray Disruption Carrier 3011 CVL 7 2/3 5 2 3 5 2 3 Y N Carrier, Disruptor (1)
Eagle Ray Minesweeper Carrier 3009 CVE 5 2/5 4 3 1 4 2 2 N N Carrier, Minesweeper (2)
Stingray Scout Carrier 3007 CV 9 2/2 5 5 3 5 2 4 Y N Carrier, Scout (1)
Ground Units
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 1 1 0 1
Heavy Regulars 3016 2 2/3 2 3 d2 2
Marines-III 3014 2 1/2 2 3 d3 2 Marines
Regulars-II 3007 1 1/3 2 2 d2 2
Marines-II 3005 2 1/2 2 3 d2 2 Marines
Regulars-I 3000 1 1/3 1 2 d2 2
Marines-I 3000 2 1/2 2 2 d2 2 Marines
© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Shielded Battlecruiser-II 3018 BC 10 3/3 7 8 2 8 4 - Y N Shields (2)
Trade Cruiser-II 3016 CA 8 2/2 6 6 3 6 2 - Y N Supply (1/2)
Shielded Battlecruiser-I 3012 BC 9 3/3 7 8 2 7 4 - Y N Shields (1)
Trade Cruiser-I 3009 CA 7 2/3 5 5 3 6 2 - Y N Supply (1/3)
Heavy Cruiser 3007 CA 6 2/3 6 6 2 5 3 - Y N
Light Trade Cruiser 3005 CL 5 2/4 4 4 3 5 2 - Y N Supply (1/4)
Pacification Cruiser 3003 CA 8 2/3 6 5 3 5 3 - Y N Assault, Mass Driver (1)
Battlecruiser 3000 BC 7 3/3 7 7 2 6 4 - Y N
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Pacification Carrier 3015 CVA 11 2/2 8 6 4 7 4 5 Y N Carrier, Mass Driver (1)
Assault Carrier 3011 CV 8 2/3 7 3 3 5 2 3 Y N Carrier, Assault
War Carrier 3006 CV 8 2/3 7 4 3 5 2 4 Y N Carrier, Gunship
Patrol Carrier 3000 CVE 4 2/6 3 2 2 3 1 2 N N Carrier
Ground Units
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 1 1 0 1
Regulars-III 3019 2 2/3 1 2 d2 4
Marines-III 3016 2 1/2 3 3 d3 2 Marines
Regulars-II 3009 1 1/3 1 2 d2 3
Marines-II 3005 2 1/2 2 3 d3 2 Marines
Regulars-I 3000 1 1/3 1 2 d2 2
Marines-I 3000 2 1/2 2 2 d3 2 Marines
© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie
Obscari Enigma
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Cloak Assault Mothership 3020 CA 14 3/2 9 5 5 6 3 4 Y N Assault, Cloak (2)
Heavy Cloak Cruiser 3016 CA 11 2/2 7 8 4 8 3 - Y N Cloak (2), Command
Heavy Missile Cruiser-II 3015 CA 10 2/3 7 9 1 6 3 - Y N Ballistic, Gunship
Cloak Cruiser 3013 CA 9 2/3 7 6 4 7 3 - Y N Cloak (1)
Assault Cruiser-II 3012 CA 7 2/4 6 4 2 5 3 2 Y N Assault
Light Stealth Cruiser-II 3010 CL 6 2/4 5 5 3 5 2 - N N Stealth (1)
Heavy Missile Cruiser-I 3009 CA 8 2/3 6 7 2 6 3 - Y N Ballistic
Light Stealth Cruiser-I 3007 CL 6 2/4 5 4 3 5 2 - N N Stealth (1)
Stealth Cruiser-II 3006 CA 8 2/2 6 6 4 7 3 - Y N Stealth (2)
Missile Cruiser-I 3004 CA 7 2/3 5 6 2 5 2 - Y N Ballistic
Stealth Cruiser-I 3000 CA 7 2/3 6 5 3 6 3 - Y N Stealth (1)
Light Cruiser 3000 CL 5 2/4 5 3 3 5 2 - N N
Assault Cruiser-I 3000 CL 5 2/4 5 2 2 4 2 1 N Y Assault
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Cloak Fleet Carrier 3019 CV 15 3/2 10 3 5 8 5 10 Y N Cloak (2)
Cloak Carrier 3015 CV 10 2/2 7 3 4 6 3 6 Y N Cloak (1)
Carrier 3012 CV 9 2/3 6 1 2 6 4 9 N N
Stealth Carrier-II 3010 CV 9 2/2 6 3 3 6 3 6 Y N Stealth (2)
Light Carrier-II 3006 CVL 7 2/4 5 1 3 5 2 5 N N
Stealth Carrier-I 3005 CV 8 2/2 6 3 3 6 3 5 Y N Stealth (1)
Light Carrier-I 3001 CVL 6 2/4 5 1 3 5 2 3 N N
Ground Units
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 0 1 d3 1
Heavy Infantry-II 3020 2 1/2 2 3 d3 3
Light Infantry-II 3016 1 1/3 1 3 d4 2
Heavy Infantry-I 3014 2 1/2 2 3 d3 2
Light Infantry-II 3008 1 1/3 1 2 d4 2
Marines 3004 3 1/2 2 2 d4 2 Marines
Light Infantry-I 3000 1 1/3 1 2 d3 2
Guerillas 3000 2 1/2 1 3 d3 1
© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Archbishop Heavy Cruiser 3017 CA 12 2/3 7 9 4 8 3 2 Y N
Lionheart Command Cruiser 3015 CC 13 2/2 8 9 4 10 3 1 Y N Command
Cardinal Light Cruiser 3014 CL 6 2/4 6 6 2 5 2 - Y N
Bishop Heavy Cruiser 3012 CA 10 2/3 6 7 3 8 3 2 Y N
Schism Disruption Cruiser 3011 CA 9 2/3 6 5 2 6 3 2 N N Disruptor (2)
Deacon Light Cruiser 3010 CL 6 2/4 5 6 2 5 2 - Y N
Crusader Command Cruiser 3009 CC 9 2/2 6 8 2 9 3 1 Y N Gunship, Command
Inquisition Assault Ship 3007 CA 7 2/3 7 4 1 6 2 4 N Y Assault
Archangel Battlecruiser 3006 BC 10 2/2 7 9 3 7 4 - Y N
Angel-II Heavy Cruiser 3004 CA 7 2/3 6 6 2 7 3 1 Y N
Commandment Assault Cruiser 3002 CL 5 2/4 5 2 1 5 2 2 N Y Assault
Priest Missile Cruiser 3001 CA 6 2/3 5 4 2 6 2 - N Y Ballistic, Gunship
Angel Heavy Cruiser 3000 CA 7 2/3 6 5 2 6 3 1 Y N
Ground Units
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 1 1 0 2
Chosen Regulars 3018 2 2/3 2 2 d3 3
Holy Warriors of Craxi 3014 2 2/2 3 3 d3 2 Marine
Regulars-III 3011 2 1/3 1 2 d3 3
Champions of Craxi 3007 2 1/3 2 3 d3 1 Marine
Regulars-II 3005 1 1/3 1 1 d3 3
Regulars-I 3000 1 1/3 1 1 d2 3
Zealots 3000 1 1/3 1 2 d3 1 Marine
Armed Missionaries 3000 1 1/4 0 1 d2 1 Peacekeeper
© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Kodiak Heavy Cruiser 3016 CA 11 2/2 9 9 4 8 4 2 Y N Gunship
Grizzly Heavy Cruiser 3013 CA 10 2/2 7 8 4 8 4 2 Y N Gunship
Atlas Heavy Cruiser 3007 CA 8 2/3 7 6 3 6 4 1 Y N Gunship
Cave Bear Heavy Cruiser 3000 CA 7 2/3 6 6 3 6 4 1 Y N Gunship
Sloth Escort Cruiser 3000 CL 4 2/4 4 0 5 5 2 - N N
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Walrus Supercarrier 3017 CVF 22 5/2 16 12 5 12 6 4 Y N Tender (6), Gunship
Manatee Heavy Tender 3013 CV 9 2/2 9 3 2 6 3 2 Y N Tender (3)
Seal Fighter Carrier 3012 CV 8 2/3 5 3 3 5 2 5 Y N Carrier
Sea Lion Tender 3009 CV 8 2/3 6 3 2 5 2 2 Y N Tender (3)
Pinniped Tender 3004 CVL 7 2/4 5 2 3 5 2 2 Y N Tender (2)
Nerpa Escort Tender 3000 CVE 5 2/6 3 2 3 4 2 1 N N Tender (1)
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Hide Armored Gunboat 3017 AB 3 1/8 3 2 2 1 1/2 - N Y Attack Boat
Cub-III Heavy Gunboat 3014 AB 2 1/8 2 2 2 1 1/2 - N Y Attack Boat
Honeycomb Boarding Craft 3011 AB 2 1/10 2 1 1 1 1/2 - N Y Attack Boat, Direct Assault (1)
Cub-II Gunboat 3008 AB 1 1/10 2 1 1 1 1/2 - N Y Attack Boat
Cave Assault Gunboat 3006 AB 1 1/12 2 0 1 1 1/2 - N Y Attack Boat, Assault
Claw Missile Gunboat 3005 AB 1 1/12 1 2 0 1 1/2 - N N Attack Boat, Ballistic
Paw Escort Gunboat 3001 AB 1 1/12 1 0 2 1 1/2 - N Y Attack Boat
Cub-I Light Gunboat 3000 AB 1 1/12 1 1 1 1 1/2 - N Y Attack Boat
Ground Units
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 1 1 0 1
Marines-IV 3022 3 1/2 4 3 d3 2 Marines
Regulars-III 3016 1 1/3 2 3 d3 2
Marines-III 3014 2 1/2 3 3 d3 2 Marines
Regulars-II 3011 1 1/3 2 2 d3 2
Marines-II 3004 2 1/2 2 3 d3 2 Marines
Regulars-I 3000 1 1/3 2 2 d2 2
Marines-I 3000 2 1/2 2 3 d2 2 Marine
© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie
Tawasi Empire
Battleships & Dreadnoughts
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Smilodon Super Dreadnought 3022 SD 24 5/2 18 26 4 14 6 - Y N Gunship
Machairodus Dreadnought 3014 DN 16 3/2 13 16 2 10 4 - Y N Gunship
Lion Dreadnought 3007 DN 11 2/2 10 10 2 9 4 - Y N Gunship
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Scimitar Heavy Cruiser 3019 CA 12 2/2 9 9 4 8 3 3 Y N
Cheetah Heavy Cruiser 3016 CA 10 2/2 8 7 4 6 3 2 Y N Fast Ship
Ocelot Light Cruiser 3013 CL 6 2/4 5 5 4 5 2 - Y N
Leopard Light Cruiser 3010 CL 8 2/4 5 6 1 6 2 - Y N
Jaguar Light Cruiser 3006 CL 7 2/4 6 6 2 6 2 - N N
Hyena Assault Cruiser 3003 CA 5 2/3 5 6 0 5 2 - N N Assault
Tiger Heavy Cruiser 3002 CA 8 2/3 7 5 3 6 3 2 Y N Gunship
Puma Light Cruiser 3000 CL 6 2/4 5 5 2 5 2 - N N
Aardwolf Assault Cruiser 3000 CL 4 2/4 3 5 0 5 2 - N N Assault
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Dinofelis Battle Carrier 3018 CVA 17 3/2 12 11 3 9 4 7 Y N Carrier, Gunship
Bengal Carrier 3010 CV 8 2/3 6 4 2 5 2 5 Y N Carrier
Qora Assault Carrier 3005 CVL 5 2/3 5 2 0 5 2 4 N N Carrier, Assault
Jaguarundi Escort Carrier 3000 CVE 3 2/6 2 2 1 3 1 2 N N Carrier
Ground Units (All units have the effects of Physical Endurance already applied)
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 2 1 d1 1 High-Gravity
Heavy Mechanized Infantry 3014 3 1/2 3 3 d3 3 High-Gravity
Homeland Security Forces 3011 1 1/4 1 1 d2 2 High-Gravity, Peacekeeper
Imperial Guard-II 3008 3 2/2 3 3 d4 2 High-Gravity, Marines
Mechanized Infantry 3005 2 1/2 2 3 d3 2 High-Gravity
Claws of the Emperor 3002 5 3/2 3 2 d4 1 High-Gravity, Special Forces, Marines
Light Infantry 3000 1 1/3 2 2 d3 2 High-Gravity
Imperial Guard-I 3000 2 1/2 3 2 d3 2 High-Gravity, Marines
© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie
Ze’U’Lok Empire
Battleships & Dreadnoughts (All units have the effects of Gigantic already applied)
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Mainframe Dread Converter 3021 SD 32 5/2 30 31 5 12 8 - Y Y Transformative
Warning Large Converter 3011 BB 20 3/2 16 22 3 9 5 - Y Y Transformative
Destroyers & Frigates (All units have the effects of Gigantic already applied)
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Heat Sink Destroyer 3018 DD 5 2/5 4 6 1 4 2 - N N
Port Scan Disruption Converter 3012 FF 4 1/5 4 1 2 3 2 - N Y Disruptor (1), Transformative
Telnet Infiltration Destroyer 3011 DD 6 2/5 4 5 3 5 2 - Y N Jammer (1), Stealth (1)
Denial Improved Converter 3006 CT 2 1/8 3 1 2 3 1 - N Y Transformative
Ping Missile Converter 3001 CT 1 1/8 2 1 1 2 1 - N Y Ballistic, Transformative
Packet Frigate 3000 FF 3 1/6 3 3 1 3 1 - N Y
Protocol Destroyer 3000 DD 4 2/6 4 4 2 4 2 - N N
Scouts & Auxiliaries (All units have the effects of Gigantic already applied)
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Lisp Scout Converter 3018 ECA 11 3/2 9 9 3 7 3 - Y Y Scout (1), Transformative
Microwave Heavy Scout 3013 ECA 11 3/2 10 5 3 6 4 3 Y N Scout (2)
Port Repair Converter 3010 FF 3 1/5 4 1 1 3 2 - N Y Field Repair (1),
Fiber Optic Military Freighter 3008 FT 7 2/3 8 2 4 5 3 - Y N Supply (1)
Transfer Boarding Craft 3005 CT 2 1/8 2 1 2 2 1 - N Y Direct Assault (1), Assault
Infrared Large Scout 3004 ECA 8 3/2 8 4 3 6 3 2 Y N Scout (1)
Attenuation Light Scout 3000 ECL 6 2/2 7 2 2 5 2 1 Y N Scout (1)
Coax Freighter 3000 FT 3 2/5 5 0 0 4 2 - N N Supply (1/2)
Bases & Defenses (All units have the effects of Gigantic already applied)
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Router Large Base 3014 Base 36 4/2 40 28 6 - - 6 - - Supply (2)
Disc Heavy Orbital Fort 3010 Base 7 1/2 7 7 2 - - 3 - -
Switch Medium Base 3006 Base 20 2/2 20 15 4 - - 4 - - Supply (1)
Hub Small Base 3000 Base 11 1/1 13 8 3 - - 2 - - Supply (1)
Floppy Orbital Fort 3000 Base 6 1/3 5 5 2 - - 1 - -
Ground Units (All units have the effects of Gigantic already applied)
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 1 1 0 2
Defenders-III 3016 2 1/2 2 3 d3 4
Defenders-II 3008 1 1/2 1 3 d3 3
Defenders-I 3000 1 1/2 1 2 d3 3
© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie
Zhujin Clans
Battleships & Dreadnoughts
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Toth-II Assault Dreadnought 3017 DN 15 3/2 12 17 1 9 4 - Y N Gunship, Assault
Toth Dreadnought 3012 DN 14 3/2 12 15 1 10 4 - Y N Gunship
Zhar Command Dreadnought 3006 DN 13 2/2 11 11 0 12 5 - Y N Gunship, Command
Kav Dreadnought 3001 DN 12 2/2 10 12 0 9 4 - Y N Gunship
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Makar Heavy Cruiser 3022 CA 10 2/3 7 8 3 6 3 2 Y N
Bekath Heavy Cruiser 3015 CA 9 2/3 7 6 3 6 3 2 Y N
Zeffa Bulk Cruiser 3011 CL 5 2/4 3 6 2 4 2 1 Y N
Fram’har Heavy Cruiser 3008 CA 7 2/3 6 5 2 6 3 2 Y N
Mopas Bulk Cruiser 3005 CL 5 2/4 3 5 2 4 2 1 Y N
Netheon Heavy Cruiser 3002 CA 7 2/3 6 6 2 6 3 - Y N
Katha Heavy Cruiser 3000 CA 6 2/3 6 6 1 5 3 - Y N
Class ISD Type Cost Maint DV AS AF CR CC BC Jump? Atmo? Abilities
Holbur Heavy Carrier 3015 CVA 10 2/2 8 0 5 6 3 8 Y N Carrier
Angath Heavy Carrier 3010 CVA 8 2/3 7 0 3 6 3 6 Y N Carrier
Feldar Carrier 3001 CV 6 2/3 5 0 2 6 3 5 Y N Carrier
Ground Units (All units have the effects of Aggressive already applied)
Class ISD Cost Maint Attack Defense D Factor Attrition Abilities
Militia - - - 2 1 0 2
Regulars-III 3016 1 1/3 3 2 d2 3
Commandos-II 3013 3 1/2 1 2 d3 1 Special Forces
Suppression Troops 3009 1 1/3 2 1 d2 2 Peacekeeper
Regulars-II 3009 1 1/3 3 2 d2 2
Heavy Marines 3008 2 1/2 4 2 d3 2 Marines
Commandos-I 3004 2 1/2 1 1 d2 1 Special Forces
Regulars-I 3000 1 1/3 2 2 d2 2
Marines 3000 2 1/2 3 2 d3 2 Marines
© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.
Victory by Any Means: The Menagerie
The second and final step involves generating the The second trait roll is a ‘26’, Fast Gestation.
custom race’s government type and sub-type. Roll Fast Gestation and Slow Gestation are mutually
on the Government Chart below and apply the exclusive traits, so this result is currently illegal.
result to the custom race. If Race A had a cumulative trait we could elect to
purchase it another level of that trait. Since it
All government types except the Collective requires does now, we re-roll on the chart.
that you roll a d10 to determine its sub-type. For the
Meritocracy, you must roll for both the positive and The next result is ‘99’, which results in a roll on
negative government sub-types. Obviously, a the Social Traits Chart. We roll again, with a
Meritocracy cannot have the same sub-type for both result of ‘54’, Unprofessional Armies. We apply
positive and negative. this to Race A and continue generating its traits.
We currently have 6 design points left to spend.
Due to this disparity, we will ignore all future
Government Chart (Roll d100)
negative trait results until we have spent these
Roll Government Type design points.
1-12 Totalitarian (Roll d10)
Subsequent rolls give Race A Guerillas, Social
1-3: Military; 4-6: Religious; 7-9: Social; Solidarity, and Utopian Society.
10: Re-Roll
13-24 Meritocracy (Roll d10) The next roll following these results is a ‘94’ on
1-2: Military; 3-4: Religious; 5-6: Scientific; the Social Traits Chart. We are given the option
7-8: Social; 9-10: Trade of re-rolling, purchasing an additional level of a
25-36 Representative (Roll d10) previous cumulative trait, or purchasing a
(Roll d10) 1-2: Military; 3-4: Religious; starting condition item from the Design Point
5-6: Scientific; 7-8: Social; 9-10: Trade Conversion Table.
37-48 Collective - None
Social Solidarity is a cumulative trait, so we
49-58 Confederate (Roll d10)
could take another level in that. However, with
1-2: Military; 3-4: Scientific; 5-6: Social; our large number of surplus design points it
7-8: Trade; 9-10: Re-Roll
would be better to select something from the
59-68 Technocratic (Roll d10) Design Point Conversion Table. We select
1-5: Military; 6-10: Scientific Artifacts Homeworld (3 design point cost) and
69-76 Autocratic (Roll d10) apply the Ancient Ruins special trait to Race A’s
1-3: Military; 4-6: Religious; 7-9: Social; homeworld. After this purchase, Race A has 1
10: Re-Roll design point left to spend.
77-84 Aristocratic (Roll d10)
The next result is Weapons Specialist (+3).
1-3: Military; 4-6: Religious; 7-9: Social;
10: Re-Roll
Using common sense, our custom race already
has more than enough high-level traits. We don’t
85-92 Autarky (Roll d10) want to add something like that only to have to
1-5: Military; 6-10: Social purchase another major negative trait. Therefore
93-100 Decentralized (Roll d10) we re-roll.
1-2: Military; 3-4: Scientific; 5-6: Social;
7-8: Trade; 9-10: Re-Roll This process could continue for some time.
Seeking to cut time, we ultimately decide to
simply purchase another level of Social
Congratulations, your new custom race is complete! Solidarity for Race A. This uses its remaining
design point and leaves us with a 2 design point
Before play you should remember to check and custom race.
ensure that your custom race is legal and does not
violate any custom race design rules. Now we move on to Step 2 and select Race A’s
government type by rolling d100 on the
Example: Race A, a 2 design point custom race, Government Chart. We roll ‘96’, which is the
begins in Step 1 rolling for its traits. As always, Decentralized government type. Finally, we roll
when rolling for traits we start our rolling on the d10 to determine our government sub-type. The
Physical Traits Chart. roll is a ‘5’, resulting in a Social sub-type for the
Decentralized government.
© 2005, VBAM Games, Inc. Permission to copy for personal use only.