The Impact of CPEC On The Economy of Pakistan
The Impact of CPEC On The Economy of Pakistan
The Impact of CPEC On The Economy of Pakistan
2022, Vol. 6, No. 10, 4214-4223
Lecturer in History, Govt. Degree College, Daggar Bunner, KPK. E-mail address:
[email protected]
Ph.D. Scholar, School of Economics and International Relations, Liaoning University, Liaoning, 110000, China.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Sociology. Kohat University of Science and Technology, Kohat, Pakistan.
Department of Social Work & Sociology. [email protected]
Ph.D Scholar, School of International Economics and International Relations, Liaoning University, Liaoning,
110000, China. E-mail address: [email protected] (Corresponding Author)
Shanghai International Studies University, China. Email: [email protected]
This study examines the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a megaproject between China and
Pakistan. CPEC is vital for both China and Pakistan. Pakistan views CPEC as a significant potential for the
country's growth. This article explores the effects of CPEC on the economy of Pakistan. It covers the effects
of CPEC projects on Pakistan's economy, including infrastructure, Gwadar port, energy, and Special
Economic Zones (SEZ). Using a qualitative research approach, this research paper indicates that CPEC has
more beneficial than negative effects on Pakistan's economy. To derive benefits from CPEC, its efficient
implementation and operation are essential.
beginning of construction on the CPEC marked the Strait of Malacca, which is about 14,000
the beginning of a new era of goodwill between kilometres away. The distance travelled by China
China and Pakistan, which resulted in improved to buy oil from the Middle East is cut down to
military, political, and economic ties between the 3000 kilometres as a result of the opening of the
two countries. This project facilitates regional Gwadar port (Afridi and Khalid 2016). Both
connectivity and has the potential to strengthen China and Pakistan recognise the significance of
bilateral cooperation and Pakistan's infrastructure CPEC. It is a successful initiative that will bring
and energy projects. In addition, the project about positive results for both countries. The goal
enables regional connectivity. After many of the CPEC is to connect China with the Middle
decades of struggle, Pakistan finally saw a East, Africa, and Central Asia. The CPEC would
glimmer of optimism in the form of the mega- serve as a connection point for a New Maritime
initiative known as CPEC. It is anticipated that Silk Route, which would forge connections
this initiative will have a more significant between the continents of Africa, Asia, and
influence on the economy of Pakistan. Europe (Mudunuri 2020). The goal of the CPEC
is to raise living standards for people in both
The influence of the CPEC on Pakistan's
Pakistan and China. According to Pakistan's
economy is analysed in this study. Despite the
Ministry of Planning, this initiative has the ability
fact that CPEC is currently in the middle stage
to assist in the nation’s overall growth and
and that it is currently unable to demonstrate the
development. Some members of Pakistani society,
actual impact of the projects, this research will be
despite the fact that it is envisaged that CPEC will
undertaken with the assistance of facts, reports,
usher in an economic revolution in Pakistan, have
and other material that is currently accessible. In
voiced concerns over the effective
this approach, this study will assess the impact
implementation of CPEC projects.
that CPEC projects have had on Pakistan's
economy. The CPEC is a massive project that Pakistan is
undertaking with the assistance of China to
Characteristics of the CPEC:
accomplish a variety of goals. The CPEC network
The CPEC is a 3,000-kilometer-long network of has four different routes: eastern, central, western
roads, railroads, and pipelines meant to transport and northern route. An article written by Alam
oil and gas from the Gwadar port of Pakistan to (2016) and published in Dawn suggests that the
Kashgar, northwestern China (Khurshid and eastern route of CPEC will travel via the
Rashid 2018). CPEC is comprised of four major provinces of Punjab and Sindh. Cities includes
projects in total. Examples include Gwadar port, Khunjarab, Raikot, Thakot, Mansehra, Islamabad,
energy, special economic zones, and Lahore, Multan, Sukkur, Hyderabad, Karachi, to
infrastructure development. The CPEC intends to Makran coastal highway. Islamabad, Peshawar,
boost Pakistan's economy, modernise the Kohat, Bannu, Dera Ismail Khan, Zhob, Quetta,
country's infrastructure, and improve Qalat, Surab, Bismah, Turbat, and Gwadar are all
communication throughout the country. CPEC on the itinerary for the western route. Baluchistan,
also has the goal of establishing a connection Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and western Punjab are
between the port of Gwadar in Pakistan and going to be traversed by the portion of CPEC that
Xinjiang (China). By establishing a connection goes in a westerly direction. The northern route
between Gwadar port and Xinjiang, China will be travels through Kunjareb, Karakorum highway,
able to cut down on the amount of distance Railkot, and Thakot before arriving at
travelled and the expense of doing so. For Abbottabad. Abbottabad, Hassan Abdal,
example, China imports 80 percent of its oil from Peshawar, Kohat, Banu, Dera-Ismail Khan, Dera
Dr. Ayesha Khan 4216
However, many government officials are of the findings published in Employment Outlook of
opinion that CPEC would have a favourable CPEC: A Meta-Analysis by Dr. Shahid Rashid
influence on the economy of Pakistan. CPEC (2018), the Karakoram Highway (KKH) has been
would lead to a rise in both industry and responsible for the creation of 7,800 direct jobs,
urbanisation, as stated in Pakistan's Ministry of 6,000 of which have been attributed to the
Planning, Development, and Reform's (2017) country of Pakistan and 1800 to the country of
Long Term Plan (2017-2030) document, which China (Zaidi 2019). For more efficient travel
was published in 2017. According to the between Peshawar and Karachi, the Multan-
document, the growth of industrialisation would Sukkur segment of the Peshawar-Karachi
also contribute to Pakistan's transformation into a highway infrastructure project calls for the
country that is extremely inclusive, globally construction of six lanes along the 1,100-
competitive, and affluent (Qadeer 2020). Despite kilometer road. It will include 107 underpasses,
the fact that Pakistan is confronted with problems 188 subways, and 100 bridges.
on the national, regional, and international levels,
Additionally, it will have five rest areas, six
the nation continues to work toward the
public service areas, 22 toll plazas with the most
completion of CPEC projects in order to further
recent intelligent technology, and 11 interchanges.
its own self-interests. The following are the
Since it began, the project has been responsible
effects that CPEC projects would have on the
for the payment of taxes of USD 39,920,405
economy of Pakistan.
(Iftikhar and Hossain 2020). This indicates that
The Effect of Special Economic Zones and the Peshawar-Karachi highway has the potential
Other Infrastructure on the Economy to make a contribution to the economy of
of Pakistan: Pakistan as a whole. The cash collected from the
toll levy will contribute to the economic benefits
Pakistan is going through a severe economic
brought about by CPEC. Pakistan's tax income
crisis right now. The pace of economic growth in
was estimated to be 22.782 billion dollars in
Pakistan has dropped from 6.2% to 3.3% in 2019,
March of 2019, however by June of same year, it
indicating the severity of the current crisis
had climbed to 30.355 billion dollars (Iftikhar and
(Makhdoom and Shah 2018). Typically, the
Hossain 2020). The Pakistani economy will
creation of new jobs, advancements in the
benefit from the collection of taxes from highway
industrial and manufacturing sector, investments,
tolls. Under the auspices of CPEC, the upgrading
the updating of ageing infrastructure, and a boost
of the Dera Ismail Khan (Yarik) - Zhob, N-50
in gross domestic product are the next natural
Phase-I (210 kilometres) road is now under
steps after economic development (GDP). The
process. It is anticipated that China's investment
projects that make up CPEC will have a
of more than $60 billion in Pakistan's
favourable influence on Pakistan's economy. "A
infrastructure and electricity projects as part of
total investment of $13.58 billion is to be put in
the China Economic Corridor (CPEC) will lead
the building of infrastructures," according to
to an increase of around 3.5% in economic
Pakistan's Ministry of Planning, Development
growth in Pakistan. This indicates that
and Reform. The following is an important
infrastructure projects such as roads, trains, and
project regarding the infrastructure: Karakoram
motorways would have a favourable influence on
(the Thakot-Havelian stretch), which provides a
the economy of Pakistan by creating job
connection between the province of Gilgit
possibilities, sources for the national economy,
Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the
business opportunities, and increased comfort for
capital city of Islamabad. According to the
Dr. Ayesha Khan 4218
commuting and travelling (Iftikhar and Hossain being made in Pakistan. The total amount of
2020). FDI in Pakistan increased by $179 million for the
month of July 2019, according to the latest figures
In addition to the infrastructural developments,
available. It is not an exaggeration to say that the
the Special Economic Zone, or SEZ, will play a
expansion of the industrial base and the attraction
very important role in favourably improving
of FDI will result from the timely achievement of
Pakistan's economy. The creation of special
these projects. The CPEC will usher in a
economic zones, or SEZs, is one of the most
multitude of lucrative opportunities, the
important aspects of CPEC projects. People who
outcomes of which will have a positive impact on
reside along the western route will have the
the economy of Pakistan.
chance to sell a variety of products to a much
broader group of customers, including cattle, The Effects of Energy Projects on the
poultry, horticulture, and fisheries. These people Economy of Pakistan:
will have access to a bigger market. An increase
Energy is one of the components that contributes
in exports almost certainly will result in a rise in
to the overall economic growth of a nation. The
the number of new possibilities available to
manufacturing and industrial sectors make use of
members of the community. The fresh fruit that is
many different kinds of energy sources, including
exported from northern regions of Pakistan such
but not limited to natural gas, petroleum,
as Baltistan, such as cherries, apricots, and apples,
hydrocarbon gas liquids, electricity, and pulping
is well-known worldwide (Rehman and Hakim
liquids. To summarise, the availability of energy
2018). The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
is a factor that significantly affects the growth of
(CPEC) is advantageous for local businesses
the economy. A severe lack of electricity and
since it makes exporting simpler. Within CPEC,
power is plaguing Pakistan at the moment.
there are nine different Special Economic Zones.
Because of a lack of power, Pakistan's economy
One of these is the Rashakai Economic Zone,
suffered a loss of $250 billion in the year 2013
which is located in the M-1 district of Nowshera.
(Khan and Khan 2020). However, research
It is anticipated that industrial investment, job
conducted by the World Bank found that
creation, and economic growth would result from
Pakistan's power industry is projected to suffer a
the establishment of this zone. For the building of
loss equal to 6.5% of GDP in 2015 and that
this project, you will need to hire specialists and
Pakistan is home to 50 million people who do not
engineers. Other economic zones provide
have access to the nation's electrical grid. It is
opportunities for industrial initiatives in the fields
estimated that Pakistan's annual power
of food processing, agricultural machinery, oil,
consumption will drop from 4,000 MW to 7,000
ceramics, textiles, steel, chemistry, printing,
MW on average (Iftikhar and Hossain 2020). A
packaging, and the leather industry, amongst
lack of energy in Pakistan has had a negative
others. "O.6 million employment are predicted to
impact on several facets of the country's
be produced by the development of SEZ in
economic strategy. This has led to sluggish
Faisalabad," says the research that was conducted
industrial growth, a lack of Foreign Direct
by Dr. Shahid Rashid (2018) and published in
Investment (FDI), an absence of infrastructure
Employment Outlook of CPEC: A Meta-Analysis
development, a low volume of exports, and high
(Iftikhar and Hossain 2020). In addition to that, it
levels of imports. In addition, there was a scarcity
is anticipated that these Special Economic Zones
of electricity and energy, which resulted in
would draw international investment into
regular disruptions of the power supply (known
Pakistan. It is feasible to draw this conclusion
as load shedding in the area), which had a
from the rapidly increasing amount of FDI that is
4219 Journal of Positive School Psychology
detrimental influence on society. When there is a to 5.5% in 2016, while the IMF anticipated that
scarcity of power, both commerce and business investments in CPEC will contribute between $3
are negatively impacted. As a result, Pakistan and $13 billion in production to Pakistan's GDP
embarked on a number of initiatives in the field by the year 2024 (Iftikhar and Hossain 2020).
of energy, including the construction of coal-fired
Therefore, it is anticipated that the energy
power plants in Sindh and Punjab, the
projects that are part of CPEC would help to the
establishment of a hydro-wind farm in Thatta,
expansion of the economy in Pakistan by adding
and the development of a solar park project in
to the country's GDP. The expansion of Pakistan's
Bahawalpur. The development of 10,400 MW of
GDP would have a beneficial effect on the
energy producing capacity is scheduled to take
country's economy. When Pakistan finally
place in Pakistan between the years 2018 and
satisfies all of its energy needs, there will be a
2020 (Iftikhar and Hossain 2020). According to
plethora of chances for foreign investment in the
Jabri (2019), the Comprehensive and Progressive
country's manufacturing sectors, in addition to
Agreement for Energy Cooperation (CPEC)
commercial and retail enterprises (Munir and
includes twenty energy projects that will together
Khayyam 2020). The successful operation of the
require an investment of twenty-five billion
Thar Coal-Power Plant is one indication of the
beneficial effects of CPEC. The national grid had
There have already been seven of these projects already benefited from this power plant's
finished, and they have collectively added 3,340 contribution of 330 megawatts of energy (Iqbal
megawatts of power to the national system. Three and Chu 2019). After they are finished and have
Gorges-third Wind Power Project, Three Gorges- been demonstrated to perform effectively, energy
second Wind Power Project, Coal-fired Power projects will attract FDI.
Plant at Port Qasim, Sachal Wind Farm, Jhimpir
In addition, these energy initiatives create more
UEP wind power project, Dawood Wind Farm,
prospects for employment. According to Kausar,
and Solar Park are the seven additional projects
Pakistani employees and engineers to the tune of
that have been finished. More than 11% of
30,000 were hired in the month of June 2017. The
Pakistan's total installed capacity of 29,000 MW
creation of new work possibilities is mostly
was added to the national grid as a result of these
facilitated by various energy-related initiatives.
projects, which contributed a total of 3,240 MW
As an illustration, in the year 2017, CPEC energy
to the grid (Iftikhar and Hossain 2020). When
projects engaged 16,000 Pakistanis to work as
these projects finally get up and running, it is
labourers and engineers in various capacities
anticipated that Pakistan's economy would see
(Hao and Shah 2020). The energy project at Port
explosive growth. "Once energy and
Qasim, Karachi, had resulted in the creation of
infrastructure bottlenecks are addressed, it is
5000 new work possibilities for individuals in
estimated that GDP will at least increase by more
Pakistan. The completion of two more energy
than 2 percent from its current trend," states the
projects in Pakistan, located at Sukki Kinari and
document CPEC Quarterly of Centre of
Karot, has the potential to provide an additional
Excellence (2017). This information comes from
6,000 employment opportunities in the country
Pakistan's Ministry of Planning, Development
(Iftikhar and Hossain 2020). The CPEC solar
and Reform. In addition to generating new
power project and the Sahiwal coal power plant
employment opportunities, the successful
each gave three thousand employment
completion of CPEC energy projects would have
opportunities. As a result, CPEC has a significant
a favourable effect on Pakistan’s GDP. The
bearing on the rate of economic expansion in a
yearly growth rate in Pakistan increased from 4%
Dr. Ayesha Khan 4220
nation. Following the launch of CPEC's energy of Pakistan's economy may benefit from the
projects, Pakistan will become less reliant on the construction of this port in the future. The fact
supply of energy provided by other nations. that Gwadar Port is situated in deep, warm water
enables it to remain operational throughout the
How the Gwadar Port affects the
whole year. By the end of 2019, the port of
economy of Pakistan:
Gwadar will be able to manage around one
The strategic location of the port of Gwadar, million tonnes of yearly cargo, and by the end of
which provides China with access to the Arabian the 2030, it will be able to manage 400 million
Sea and, in the longer term, the Indian Ocean, is tonnes of annual cargo (Gholizadeh and Madani
one of the reasons why the CPEC is so important. 2020). This suggests that the Gwadar port would
"Gwadar Port as a project aimed at boosting be the showpiece project of the CPEC, which will
regional and economic cooperation and it will be make a significant contribution to the economy of
a hub connecting the region's land and sea Pakistan. The Technical and Vocational Institute
channels," said Mr. Sun Weidong, Chinese in Gwadar will provide individuals with the
Ambassador to Pakistan. "Gwadar Port as a education and experience necessary to compete
project aimed at promoting regional and for career opportunities inside the Gwadar port
economic cooperation." His comments pointed to infrastructure. The establishment of Gwadar
the fact that the port will make it easier for China University is another significant step in the
to have access to the Middle East and will connect direction of the nation's socioeconomic progress
Pakistan to the Central Asia Republics and (Hussain 2018). In addition, it is projected that
Middle East (Takrim 2016). Through the the construction of the Gwadar International
establishment of this port, an energy and Airport would result in an increase in the number
commercial corridor would be created that will of people travelling between Pakistan and
stretch from the Arabian Gulf to western China neighboring countries. This prediction is based
via Pakistan. Because of this, the port of Gwadar on the fact that the airport will be able to
is beneficial not only to China but also to Pakistan. accommodate more passengers. Other projects,
The development of the Gwadar port will have an such as the provision of water, purification of
immediate impact on Pakistan's overall economic freshwater, and the distribution of water, as well
expansion. For instance, the Gwadar port offers as the creation of disposal systems, have also
an alternate route to China through which oil may been initiated. These systems include: This will
be imported from the Middle East in a secure help in the management of waste products
manner. The majority of the oil that China uses is produced by a variety of industry sectors as well
brought in through the Strait of Malacca. In as the extension of the port itself. It will also aid
comparison, the distance between China and in the recycling of water. In addition to this, the
Gwadar is only 2700 kilometres, which means functioning of the Gwadar port would result in an
that oil can be transported to China far more increase in the number of work possibilities
quickly from Gwadar than through the Strait of available to the local population, which will lead
Malacca (Salim and Sultana 2019). Therefore, the to a decrease in the rate of unemployment in the
Gwadar port is advantageous to China since it region. Gwadar is a port on warm water and is
will reduce the amount of time needed to ideal for business and commercial endeavours
transport oil and will save money. The strategic due to its location. It is envisaged that isolated
value of Gwadar port will expand further as a places like Baluchistan would profit from the
result of China's ability to utilise the port for the construction of the Gwadar port. The inhabitants
importation of oil. Additionally, the development of Baluchistan will gain from increased trade,
4221 Journal of Positive School Psychology
business, and investment, and Pakistan's GDP bringing Pakistan's economic expansion to its
will also rise as a result (Kaleem 2014). highest possible level.
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