The pump units specified in this leaflet are lu- These pump units may also be used for hy- The permissible pressure and delivery rates
bricant delivery pumps without pressure relief draulic tasks to the extent permitted by the vary with the viscosity. Pay attention to the re-
fixtures and are designed for continuous op- pressure and viscosity ranges stated in the ta- spectively permissible viscosity!
eration in circulating and hydrostatic lubrica- bles on the following pages. When using oils with viscosities outside the
tion systems. The drive is provided by a three-phase mo- indicated permissible ranges (spindle oils and
Units with one to twenty lubrication circuits tor designed for arated voltage of 230/400 V highlyviscous oils), please ask for further in-
are available. to DIN IEC 38. Specify special voltages, if re- formation. Please note that even standard oils
Multicircuit gear pumps ensure a uniform quired, when ordering. may become extremely thin-bodied or highly
delivery rate to individual feed lines and lubri- The indicated delivery rate refers to an op- viscous due to changes in temperature.
cation points against varying resistances. erating viscosity of 140 mm2/s at a back pres- Ambient temperature max. +40 °C
sure of p = 5 bars. Lubricant temperature 0 °C to +80 °C
Single- and Multicircuit Pumps
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
2 1-1204-2-EN
Single- and Multicircuit Pumps
Fig. 6
See important product usage information
MF5-2000 on the back cover.
< #¾ $
#¾ ?
ß$ S(
< #¾ $
? '&
R^]]TRcX^]U^a S = suction port
ß ß#r RPQ[T
P = pressure port
R1 = oil return with type M
R2 = oil return with type MF
A?! ?
Ports tapped for solderlesstube connection, for 8 mm diam. tube.
Output based on an operating viscosity of 140 mm2/s
at a back pressure of p = 5 bars.
Also see leaflet 1-1202-EN page 6: Multirange voltage motors.
For mounting For flange- Permissible Suction head Three-phase motor 3) Suction
separate from mounting on Max. back operating (with open Rated Rated Rated curent port S
oil reservoir oil reservoir Output pressure viscosity range pressure line) output speed at 50 Hz. 230/400 V
Order No. Order No. [l/min] [bar] [mm2/s] [mm] [kW] [rpm] [A] thread d1
M1-2000 MF1-2000 0.12 27 20 - 2000 500 0.075 2700 0.5 /0.29 M14 ×1.5
MF1-2006 0.12 6 20 - 2000 500 0.075 2700 0.5 /0.29 M14 ×1.5
M2-2000 MF2-2000 0.2 27 20 - 2000 500 0.075 2700 0.5 /0.29 M14 ×1.5
M2-S14 0.2 1…65 20 - 1000 500 0.18 2700 0.87/0.5 M14 ×1.5
MF2-S12 0.2 1…65 20 - 1000 500 0.12 2700 0.79/0.46 M14 ×1.5
M2-2127 MF2-2127 0.2 60 140 - 1000 500 0.075 2700 0.5 /0.29 M14 ×1.5
M5-2000 MF5-2000 0.5 27 20 - 1000 500 0.075 2700 0.5 /0.29 M14 ×1.5
M5-2013 0.5 16 5 - 500 500 0.075 2700 0.5 /0.29 M14 ×1.5
MF5-2014 0.5 1…12 5 - 500 500 0.075 2700 0.5 /0.29 M14 ×1.5
M5-S12 MF5-S12 0.5 60 140 - 1000 500 0.12 2600 0.68/0.39 M14 ×1.5
124-012-211 0.75 100 20 - 750 700 0.18 1400 M10 ×1
124-012-210 1.0 150 20 - 750 700 0.37 1400 M10 ×1
1-1204-2-EN 3
Single- and Multicircuit Pumps
Fig. 7
Type UC
A 232 13 15
Suction port 13
16 G3/8 Pressure prt
13 190 100±0.2
Port for pressure limi- 108
ting valve
Fig. 8
Type UD M10×1
Port for pressure limi- 108
A 232 ting valve
15 13
Suction port
Pressure port G3/8
4 1-1204-2-EN
Single- and Multicircuit Pumps
When a third gear is added to the pump, these units have asecond
delivery circuit (see P2).
1-1204-2-EN 5
Single- and Multicircuit Pumps
Fig. 11
Fig. 12
3 97.5 M6
ø72 h11
73 36 ø7 30
106 100
Ports tapped for solderless
160 80 120 tube connection
283 1) for 8 mm diam. tube
2) for 10 mm diam. tube
6 1-1204-2-EN
Single- and Multicircuit Pumps
Fig. 14
Two-circuit units
Foot-mounted units Flange-mounted units
for separately for flange- Output Permissible Suction head Three-phase motor
mounted from mounting on at Max. back operating (with open Rated Rated Rated current
oil reservoir oil reservoir Va Vb pressure viscosity range pressure line) output speed at 50 Hz, 230/400 V
Order No. Order No. [l/min] [l/min] [bar] [mm2/s] [mm] [kW] [rpm] [A]
Fig. 15
1) ø9
Port tapped for solderless tube
connection, for 12 mm tube diam.
Five-circuit units *)
Foot-mounted units Flange-mounted units
for separately for flange- Permissible Suction head Three-phase motor
mounted from mounting on Output Max. back operating (with open Rated Rated Rated current
oil reservoir oil reservoir at Va pressure viscosity range pressure line) output speed at 50 Hz, 400 V
Order No. Order No. [l/min] [bar] [mm2/s] [mm] [kW] [rpm] [A]
1-1204-2-EN 7
Single- and Multicircuit Pumps
Fig. 16
Ten-circuit units
Foot-mounted units Flange-mounted units
for separately for flange- Output Permissible Suction head Three-phase motor
mounted from mounting on at Max. back operating (with open Rated Rated Rated current
oil reservoir oil reservoir Va Vb pressure viscosity range pressure line) output speed at 50 Hz, 230/400 V
Order No. Order No. [l/min] [l/min] [bar] [mm2/s] [mm] [kW] [rpm] [A]
S = suction port Please pay attention to further notes on page 6. Any delivery ports not required must not be
P = pressure port blanked off. The oil delivered through these ports
Type of enclosure IP 54, DIN 40050 must be returned to the oil reservoir.
Hydrostatic lubrication
In the case of hydrostatic bearings, the oil pressure appropriate to With bearings that are subject to great pressure fluctuations, a pro-
the bearing‘s load-carrying capacity is generated in pumps outside portioning pressure valve can be used to adapt the priming pressure
the bearing, the oil being delivered at this pressure to the bearing to the particular pressure of a characteristic recess.
recesses. From there, the oil escapes through the bearing gaps.
When a priming pump is used, a suitable filter can be installed in the
The smaller the output per circuit, the lower the oil viscosity and the priming pump‘s pressure line.
greater the pump pressure, and the more the flow rates of the circuit
will differ from each other.
The pressure difference within a multicircuit pump can be kept very One pump delivery circuit per recess Fig. 17
small by utilizing a priming pump, which also helps to provide for
uniform delivery rates.
The total capacity of the multicircuit pump and the recess pressure
required per delivery circuit, with due consideration given to the
permissible difference in pressures, is decisive when it comes to the
choice of this priming pump.
8 1-1204-2-EN
Single- and Multicircuit Pumps
Four-circuit units
for operation with separate priming pump
Fig. 18
leakage oil
Four-circuit units
Foot-mounted units
for separately Pump Pressure Permissible Three-phase motor Single-circuit units
mounted from Output inlet port operating Rated Rated Rated current suitable here as
oil reservoir at V max. p1 max. p2 viscosity range output speed at 50 Hz, 400 V priming pumps 1)
Order No. [l/min] [bar] [bar] [mm2/s] [kW] [rpm] [A] Order No. Order No.
1-1204-2-EN 9
Single- and Multicircuit Pumps
Fig. 19
leakage oil
Five-circuit units
Foot-mounted units
for separately Pump Pressure Permissible Three-phase motor Single-circuit units
mounted from Output inlet port operating Rated Rated Rated current suitable here as
oil reservoir at V max. p1 max. p2 viscosity range output speed at 50 Hz, 400 V priming pumps 1)
Order No. [l/min] [bar] [bar] [mm2/s] [kW] [rpm] [A] Order No. Order No.
Fig. 20
leakage oil
Eight-circuit units
Foot-mounted units
for separately Pump Pressure Permissible Three-phase motor Single-circuit units
mounted from Output inlet port operating Rated Rated Rated current suitable here as
oil reservoir at Va at Vb max. p1 max. p2 viscosity range output speed at 50 Hz, 400 V priming pumps 1)
Order No. [l/min] [bar] [bar] [mm2/s] [kW] [rpm] [A] Order No. Order No.
10 1-1204-2-EN
Single- and Multicircuit Pumps
Fig. 21
P2 P2
144.5 7 32 33.5
100 125
125 153
Ten-circuit units
Foot-mounted units
for separately Pump Pressure Permissible Three-phase motor Single-circuit units
mounted from Output inlet port operating Rated Rated Rated current suitable here as
oil reservoir at Va at Vb max. p1 max. p2 viscosity range output speed at 50 Hz, 400 V priming pumps 1)
Order No. [l/min] [l/min] [bar] [bar] [mm2/s] [kW] [rpm] [A] Order No. Order No.
Fig. 22
P2 P2
75 7 25
90 112
132 111
Twenty-circuit units
Foot-mounted units
for separately Pump Pressure Permissible Three-phase motor Single-circuit units
mounted from inlet port operating Rated Rated Rated current suitable here as
oil reservoir Output max. p1 max. p2 viscosity range output speed at 50 Hz, 400 V priming pumps 1)
Order No. [l/min] [bar] [bar] [mm2/s] [kW] [rpm] [A] Order No.
1-1204-2-EN 11
Single- and Multicircuit Pumps
Fig. 23
leakage oil
Ten-circuit units
Foot-mounted units
for separately Pump Pressure Permissible Suction head Three-phase motor
mounted from Output inlet port operating (with open Rated Rated Rated current
oil reservoir at V max. p1 max. p2 viscosity range pressure line) output speed at 50 Hz, 400 V
Order No. [l/min] [bar] [bar] [mm2/s] [mm] [kW] [rpm] [A]
Fig. 24
Twenty-circuit units
Foot-mounted units
for separately Pump Pressure Permissible Suction head Three-phase motor
mounted from Output inlet port operating (with open Rated Rated Rated current
oil reservoir at V max. p1 max. p2 viscosity range pressure line) output speed at 50 Hz, 400 V
Order No. [l/min] [bar] [bar] [mm2/s] [mm] [kW] [rpm] [A]
Type of enclosure IP 54, DIN 40050 The dimensions and data indicated for the Any delivery ports not required must not be
Pay attention to direction of rotation, marked electric motors are recommended values blanked off. The oil delivered through these
by arrow. and can be different in the case of individual ports must be returned to the oil reservoir.
12 1-1204-2-EN
Single- and Multicircuit Pumps
Capacities of reservoirs: 3, 6, 15, 50, 100, 200, 400 liters. ) Port P tapped for solderless
tube connection,
M14×1,5 for 8 mm diam. tube.
Pump units complete with reservoir may be comprised ) Connection for cable 7 to 9 mm diam.
of the following:
• float switch (WS)
• cooling units
• pressure switches
• thermometers
• flow monitors
• pressure gauges
• pressure gauge protection valves ß(#¾
• pressure gauge selector valves (5 or 10 connections)
#¾ !#
• heating elements #!%
ATcda]6 !
...BW3-2 3 metal
...BW7 6 metal
...BW16 15 metal
...KW3-2 3 plastic
...KW6 6 plastic
Fig. 25
1) The order number must be completed with the selected single- or two-circuit Examples of a standard unit with 15 liter metal reservoir …BW16
unit as detailed on pages 3 and 5.
Order examples:
1-1204-2-EN 13
Single- and Multicircuit Pumps
Fig. 26
Reservoir dimensions [mm]
Reservoir Hight Width Depth Center 50 liter reservoir
capacity distances Hole
[liters] h h2 h3 b1 d1 b2 d2 ø Return line R
30 375 245 237 510 320 430 240 14 before delivery
50 480 310 300 570 350 490 270 14
100 510 340 326 710 500 630 420 14
200 650 480 460 880 590 740 460 18
400 850 650 626 995 711 900 620 18
30 and 50 liter reservoirs available, also without legs, for wall-mounting.
The complete order number for “completion according to customer’s re-
quest” (in accordance with the information on page 14) must be specified
when the order is placed.
➀ = oil filler cap
➁ = oil strainer
➂ = float switch
➃ = gear or gerotor pump unit
➅ = oil level indicator
➆ = oil drain plug
Reservoir and cover: hammered enamel finish
The complete reservoir units are also available in conformity with the
regulations of the automobile industry.
DIN and special reservoirs can be provided on request.
3-fold reservoir unit serving as a The geroto pump (delivery 12.5 l/min) sucks Another MFE5 unit is used to supply the
supply unit for a printing machine the hot oil off again and feeds it back into the cams with corresponding amounts of oil
supply unit’s reservoir via a cooler. That makes at specified intervals by way of piston
The gerotor pump (delivery rate 9 l/min) is sure that appropriately cooled oil is always distributors.
used to supply the gears in a circulating lubri- available for the gear circuit.
cation system and to provide for dissipation of
heat at the same time.
14 1-1204-2-EN
Single- and Multicircuit Pumps
1-1204-2-EN 15
The Power of Knowledge Engineering
Bearings Lubrication Drawing on five areas of competence and application-specific expertise amassed over more than 100
and units systems years, SKF brings innovative solutions to OEMs and production facilities in every major industry world-
wide. These five competence areas include bearings and units, seals, lubrication systems, mechatronics
(combining mechanics and electronics into intelligent systems), and a wide range of services, from 3-D
Mechatronics Services
computer modelling to advanced condition monitoring and reliability and asset management systems.
A global presence provides SKF customers uniform quality standards and worldwide product availability.
Leaflet information:
SKF Lubrication Systems Germany GmbH This brochure was presented to you by:
Plant Berlin
Motzener Str. 35/37 · 12277 Berlin
PO Box 970444 · 12704 Berlin