Camera+Raw Why
Camera+Raw Why
Camera+Raw Why
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This image is a perfect example of a situation where the camera raw format is far superior to the more standard JPEG
format. The scene depicts high contrast with blown-out highlights and dense shadows that cannot be ‘fixed’ without
degradation. A camera raw file allows you to dial back the highlights and open up the shadows in post-processing.
· Exposure
· White Balance
· Color Saturation
· Contrast
· Sharpening
· Dynamic Bias
The best way to explain this is to consider the camera raw file
the same as an old-school film negative.
The film negative was never the final step. You had to make a
print from it.
After taking the camera raw file into a camera raw processing
engine, it is the equivalent of making the print in film
photography. A darkroom technician would lighten areas
or darken other areas or adjust the contrast to provide the
Photograph by Leonard von Bibra
best print possible. Then the negative was returned to the
negative storage area and would not see the light of day
until it was again printed.
The great news is that the camera raw file format has with it. The easiest way to do this is via the Filter
been around long enough that virtually every photo menu in Photoshop (Filter > Camera Raw filter).
editing software can open a camera raw file, even
smartphone editing apps. Important: You won’t get the same tonal
depth and color fidelity as with an actual raw
But here is an important little addendum to the story: file, but if you’ve mastered the editing controls
in ACR, it provides an easy and more
Recently, the processing engine for camera raw has sophisticated way to make image adjustments.
been altered to allow a photographer to open and
process a JPEG. Recommended Reading: Want a step-by-
step guide on photography skills with your
Even if you haven’t captured the photo as a raw DSLR? Grab a copy of our best-selling guide:
file, you can still use the ACR interface and suite of the DSLR Crash Course.
controls. A regular file like a JPEG can also be edited
Look at the image on page 11. It is a JPEG file with color balance and contrast issues. Now study the above image. I imported the JPEG into Adobe
ACR and color-corrected the original. I also made minor contrast changes. It still has the appearance of a JPEG original that can’t be altered easily,
but I now have a shot that is better than what the camera initially produced and that matches the original scene better.
In most situations, the benefits of shooting the detriment being a slight slowing down of the
camera raw format far exceed the pitfalls. A camera processing time. A camera raw file remains
photographer can choose to create both raw and unchanged and offers infinite editing options that are
JPEG files in the camera settings, with the only stored and can later be reversed.
3) Name two other camera raw software processors that are not Adobe.
4) True or False: A downside to camera raw is that a JPEG file holds more color information.
7) Name three photo file attributes that are fixed in-camera when a JPEG is created but are fully adjustable when a camera raw
file is created.
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