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Procedia Computer Science 00 (2018) 000–000
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The 2nd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Natural Language Processing
The 2nd International Workshop on Artificial
(IA&NLP Intelligence
2021) for Natural Language Processing
(IA&NLP 2021)
November 1-4, 2021, Leuven, Belgium
November 1-4, 2021, Leuven, Belgium
Towards highly
highly adaptive
adaptive Edu-Chatbot
Tarek AIT BAHAa,∗, Mohamed EL HAJJIa,b a
a,b , Youssef ES-SAADYa , Hammou FADILIc
Tarek AIT BAHAa,∗, Mohamed
IRF-SIC Laboratory , Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco
b Centre a IRF-SIC Laboratory , Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco
régional des Métiers de l’éducation et de la formation - Souss Massa, Morocco
b Centre régional des Métiers de l’éducation
c Conservatoire National des Arts etetMétiers
de la formation
(CNAM),- Paris,
Souss France
Massa, Morocco
c Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), Paris, France

Conversational Agents are widely used in different domains to automate tasks and help to improve user experience. In recent
Conversational Agentsthanks
decades, AI systems, are widely used
to deep in different
learning domains
methods to automate
and Natural Languagetasks Processing
and help to(NLP)
improve user experience.
approaches, In recent
can interact with
decades, AI systems,
users, understand theirthanks
needs, to
mapdeep learning
their methods
preferences and Natural an
and recommend Language
appropriateProcessing (NLP)
action with approaches,
no human can interact
intervention. with
users, understand
chatbots their needs,
in the education map received
field have their preferences and recommend
limited attention. an appropriate
In this work, action
we use Xatkit, with nodevelopment
a chatbot human intervention.
framework, However,
for the
definitioninofthe education
our Chatbot field have received
and propose limited attention.
an Encoder-Decoder In this work,
framework we userecognition.
for intent Xatkit, a chatbot
For thedevelopment
encoder, weframework, for the
encode utterances
definition of our Chatbot and propose an Encoder-Decoder framework for intent recognition. For the encoder, we
as context representations using bidirectional transformer (CamemBERT). For the decoder, we use an intent classification decoder encode utterances
as contextthe
to detect representations using
student’s intent. Ourbidirectional
chatbot willtransformer
be tested in(CamemBERT). For thetodecoder,
the field of education improveweand
an intentteaching
classification decoder
for professors
anddetect the for
learning student’s intent.
students Ouraschatbot
as well reducingwill be tested
faculty in the
burnout andfield of education
raising the speedtoofimprove and simplify teaching for professors
and learning for students as well as reducing faculty burnout and raising the speed of comprehension.
© 2018 The
© 2021 The Authors.
Authors. Published
Published by
by Elsevier
Elsevier B.V.
© 2018
This is The
is an
an Authors.
open accessPublished
access article by Elsevier
article under
under the
the CC B.V.
BY-NC-ND license
license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
This is an open
Peer-review access
under article under
responsibility the
ofofthe CC BY-NC-ND
Conference license
Program (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program Chairs.
Keywords: Chatbot; Machine Learning; NLP; Transformers; Education
Keywords: Chatbot; Machine Learning; NLP; Transformers; Education

1. Introduction
1. Introduction
Conversational AI bots are one of the many great promises of information technology. They were designed as a new
interface to replaceAIapplications
bots are oneandof the many great
supplement promises
website of information
visits technology.
by simplifying They were
the interaction designed
between as a new
services and
interface to replace applications and supplement website visits by simplifying the interaction
end-users via chat. Usually, these bots are able to process Natural Language Processing (NLP) and provide answersbetween services and
end-users via chat. Usually, these bots are able to process Natural Language Processing (NLP) and
to user questions. However, these responses do not always come in the form of text, but sometimes constitute actions, provide answers
to userasquestions.
such booking aHowever, these responses
flight, checking emails. do not always
Hence, certaincome in the form
industries, suchofastext, but sometimes
customer services constitute actions,
and banking, are
such as booking a flight, checking emails. Hence, certain industries, such as customer services and
adopting this technology, allowing its users to use their systems so easily. There is another area where chatbots could banking, are
adopting this technology, allowing
have huge potential and that is education.its users to use their systems so easily. There is another area where chatbots could
have huge potential and that is education.

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +212 654509345.

∗ Corresponding
E-mail address:author. Tel.: +212 654509345.
[email protected]
E-mail address: [email protected]
1877-0509 © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This © 2018
is an open Thearticle
access Authors. Published
under by Elsevier B.V.
the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
Peer-review ©under
This is an open Thearticle
access Authors. Published
responsibility of by Elsevier
the Conference
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This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0)
Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program Chairs.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Conference Program Chairs
398 Tarek AIT BAHA et al. / Procedia Computer Science 198 (2022) 397–403
2 Tarek AIT BAHA / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2018) 000–000

In a classroom, each student has different learning needs and interests. Therefore, everyone needs the help of
a specialist tutor. Unfortunately, this type of service is not available even in the most developed schools around
the world. Nowadays, it has become common that students use messaging services, which are standard features in
platforms such as Google classrooms, and other class management systems, to communicate with each other and,
occasionally, with their teachers. This kind of feature aims fundamentally to ask questions and obtain answers that
allow students to build a better understanding and support the learning process outside the classroom. Using chatbots,
this process could be replicated on a large scale, generating channels where students could discuss any topic with
an ”expert”, ask questions, and reach conclusions that would improve their understanding of different topics. This
process will ease tracking each student’s improvement in real time.
In this paper, we used Xatkit [1], a development framework which provides a set of Domain Specific Languages to
define chatbots. Xatkit proposes connections to different cloud-based Intent Recognition Providers such as Google’s
DialogFlow engine and IBM’s Watson Assistant. In this work, we propose an in-house NLP Engine for Intent Recog-
nition task. Our proposed model uses a learning approach based on the CamemBERT [2], and detects the intention
behind the utterance through an Intent Classification decoder.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 analyzes the existing models used to build a chatbot, and
explores different architectures of Deep Learning and NLP approaches for intent classification task. Section 3 presents
the proposed system architecture and finally, Section 4 concludes the paper.

2. Related Work

2.1. Chatbot types

In recent decades, there has been an increase in the development of conversational agent systems in different sectors
such as E-commerce, banking, and education. In order to improve accuracy and make the user-bot conversations more
realistic, chatbot development models have been developed from the traditional rule-based models to the retrieval-
based models, then, to the generative models.
The traditional Rule-based models answer questions based on rules used in the training stage. These bots are created
through a rule-based approach. However, These are not efficient in answering questions that do not match with the
predefined rules.
The Retrieval-based models use predefined question/answer pairs. Then, they match user’s queries against the
predefined questions through simple algorithms like keyword matching or using more complex processing like in-
formation retrieval models. Next, they return the most suitable answers to the matched question as a response to the
user’s query. Since these models use a predefined pair of question/answer, they return responses with no grammatical
errors. However, they have some shortcomings in that bot’s responses are limited to the predefined set and are not
sensitive to changes of queries.
To deal with these deficiencies, Generative models have been proposed. These models use Natural Language Pro-
cessing (NLP) techniques and Deep learning techniques to model and train the Chatbot system. Most of these proposed
models use the sequence-to-sequence approach that emerged in the Machine Translation, Speech Recognition, and
Text Summarisation fields. Generally, Seq2Seq models consist of two recurrent neural networks (RNNs) called En-
coder and Decoder. The encoder encodes the input sentences into a semantic representation by consuming the words
from left to right, one by one. Then, the decoder decodes this fixed-length representation to generate the target se-
quence. The original Encoder-Decoder uses Vanilla RNN by default and has several drawbacks when long sequences
are fed to the model. Since NLP depends on the order of words, it is useful to have a memory of the previous elements
when processing new ones. Thus, it is beneficial to use the variation in RNN such as bidirectional RNN (BRNN),
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), or Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU).

2.2. Chatbot frameworks

Nowadays, many development frameworks provide bot services where we can develop the bot and deploy it to
any cloud. There are some cloud platforms that provide different services apart from the bot service such as built-in
Tarek AIT BAHA et al. / Procedia Computer Science 198 (2022) 397–403 399
Tarek AIT BAHA / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2018) 000–000 3

artificial intelligence, cognitive services, and so on. All these platforms are powered by machine learning algorithms.
Table 1 presents some of them.

Table 1. Chatbot Frameworks.

Chatbot Frameworks Services

IBM Watson[3] Offers to build conversational interfaces into any application. It is built on a neural
network, understands intents, interprets entities and dialogs.
It supports English and Japanese languages, and provides different development
tools such as Node SDK, Python SDK, and IOS SDK.

Microsoft Bot Framework[4] Has its own Bot Builder SDK that includes .NET SDK and Node.js SDK. It sup-
ports translation to more than 30 languages and uses LUIS [5] for Natural Lan-
guage Understanding and Cortona [6] for voice.
To host the bot in an application or a website, the framework provides the Direct

Wit.AI[7] Allows using entities, intents, actions, and contexts. It offers Natural Language
Processing engine and supports about 50 different languages.

Rasa[8] Provides a set of Machine Learning tools to build contextual chatbots and assis-
tants. The framework consists of two components: Rasa NLU, which is responsible
for Natural language understanding, and Rasa Core, which helps to create intelli-
gent chatbots.

DialogFlow[9] A Google AI chatbot framework that comes with Machine Learning capabilities,
and built-in NLP features. It simplifies integrations with many other popular com-
munication platforms. DialogFlow offers the ability to create highly intelligent
chatbots that can understand natural language and keep improving over time.

Amazon Lex[10] A part of Amazon Web Services (AWS) and is one of the most powerful and capa-
ble options available. It comes with built-in machine learning and NLU capabilities
which make it highly scalable.

In this paper, we have used Xatkit Development Kit [1] to build the chatbot. Xatkit provides a set of Domain-
Specific Languages to define chatbots in a platform-independent way. It comes with a Runtime engine that automates
deployment of the chatbot application and manages the conversation over the platforms of choice. Fig.1 shows an
overview of the Xatkit Framework.

2.3. Deep Learning and NLP

Currently, thanks to Deep Learning, Neural Networks have become the dominant approach for a wide variety of
domains such as Image Recognition, Natural Language Processing and so on. For Natural Language Processing, Neu-
ral networks are used for Text Classification, Machine Translation, Named Entity Recognition, and many other tasks.
In Conversational Agents systems, Neural Networks may be used for either end-to-end system training (Generative
Chatbot models), or, in specific parts in the system.

2.4. Intent Recognition

Intent Detection, the main component of conversational systems, is considered as a classification task. The aim
of this task is to classify the user utterance to a predefined class (intent), that words understand the user’s goal.
Before the spread of neural network techniques, Intent Detection was based on pattern-based recognition. Nowadays,
4400 Tarek
BAHABAHA et al. / Computer
/ Procedia Procedia Computer
Science 00Science
(2018) 198 (2022) 397–403

Fig. 1. Overview of the Xatkit Framework

neural networks have proven their effectiveness on this task. In the most recent studies, Convolution Neural Network
(CNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks have been used in intent classification [11],[12]. However,
this classification task suffers from a very small amount of data available to train the model and the utterances to be
classified are generally short. Since Deep Learning models require a large amount of data, Pre-trained word vectors
have been widely used in different NLP tasks and have proven good performance improvements. Recently, pre-trained
language models, such as ULMFiT, ELMO, GPT, and BERT, have shown to be very effective for learning different
languages by exploiting large amounts of unlabeled data. CamemBERT [2] is a state-of-the-art language model for
French based on the RoBERTa model, a version of BERT, is pre-trained on a french dataset and evaluated on different
NLP sub-tasks such as Part-Of-Speech (POS) tagging, Named Entity Recognition (NER) and others. It has shown
effective results compared to previous monolingual and multilingual approaches.

3. Proposed System

Fig. 2. Overview of our proposed system

In this paper, we propose a chatbot system that first receives the user’s utterance (text or voice), recognizes the
voice through the Speech Recognizer module, which transforms the voice input as a plain text. User input is received
by the framework through Xatkit Runtime component, which is an event-based execution engine that deploys and
manages the execution of the chatbot. The Runtime engine calls the Intent Recognition Provider module, which
Tarek AIT BAHA et al. / Procedia Computer Science 198 (2022) 397–403 401
Tarek AIT BAHA / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2018) 000–000 5

detects the user intention underlying the text input and consists of two components: CamemBERT encoder and intent
classification decoder. Then, the resulting recognized intent is returned to the runtime, which performs a lookup and
retrieves the list of actions and events associated with the recognized intent. Finally, those actions may be simple
responses, which would be turned into speech by using Speech Synthesizer module or non-messaging actions such
as showing animations, videos, starting a quiz and many more through a contents projector module. An animated
3D avatar will react with specific gestures, mimics and continues the conversation based on the given response with
a synchronisation with the audio playback. In this section, we describe an overview of the proposed system. First,
the Speech recognizer module is described. Then, the Encoder-Decoder model is detailed according to the Intent
Recognition. Finally, Speech Synthesize and Avatar Rendering engine modules are detailed, respectively.
Fig.2 represents the architecture of the system.

3.1. Speech Recognizer

This module is responsible for processing incoming audio from messaging platforms and turning it into a plain text.
There exist a couple of Speech Recognition providers which makes it easier for users to opt for one or another. In this
work, we used Google’s Speech-To-Text (STT) API, which is an online API that supports more than 125 languages,
delivers important accuracy, and allows speech recognition in real-time.

3.2. Intent Recognition

Fig. 3. The overview architecture of CamemBERT for Intent Recognition. hi is each token’s contextual semantic representation embedding.

CamemBERT encoder
The model is based on the CamemBERT model and represented in Fig.3. CamemBERT consists of several bidi-
rectional transformer encoder layers that use the Multi-Headed Self-Attention mechanism, which learns contextual
relations between tokens in text.
For sentence representation, CamemBERT takes the input utterance, as an input sequence. The input representation
is the sum of the word embeddings and segment embeddings. In our case, utterance is, in general, a single sentence,
making segment embeddings useless. A [CLS] token is added as the first token of the input sequence, and [SEP]
token is inserted at its end. The input sequence is then forwarded to the CamemBERT encoder, which computes the
contextual semantic representations of each token hi.
402 Tarek AIT BAHA et al. / Procedia Computer Science 198 (2022) 397–403
6 Tarek AIT BAHA / Procedia Computer Science 00 (2018) 000–000

Intent classification decoder

Recently, the Self-Attention mechanism [13] was widely used in Machine Translation and Semantic Role Labeling
tasks and achieved excellent results. Indeed, we exploit the strong modeling capacity of self-attention to learn the de-
pendencies between tokens in a sequence. In our system, we adopt a multi-head attention mechanism, which improves
the performance of the attention layer by encoding multiple relationships and nuances for each word. In fact, each
head can focus on different projections of each word. For instance, one head could calculate the preposition/location
relationships, while another head could calculate subject/verb relationships, simply by using different projections to
create the Query, Key, and Value vectors, which are calculated by multiplying each output of the encoder by a set
of different weight matrices W Q , W K and W V to produce Q, K and V respectively. The outputs from each head are
concatenated back in a large vector as follow:
MultiHead(Q, K, V) = Concat(head1 , . . . , headh )Wo .
where headi = Attention(QWiQ , KWiK , VWiV ). (1)
and Wo is trainable weight matrices
Finally, we predict the intent as follow:
Intent = so f tmax(MultiHead(Q, K, V)). (2)

3.3. Speech Synthesizer

The next module is Speech Synthesizer. Like the Speech Recognizer module, there are a set of online and offline
speech generators. Our system uses Google’s Text-To-Speech (TTS), which is an online API. It delivers voices that
are near human quality across more than 40 languages and variants.

3.4. Animated avatar

Fig. 4. Edu-Chatbot animate 3D-Avatar

The Final step is to build a digital human, which is an animated avatar that can produce a range of human body
languages (gestures, mimics, etc). To achieve this task, we create a 3D avatar using Character Creator software, which
is a character creation solution that eases creating, importing, and customizing realistic-looking character assets. The
3D avatar is animated through CrazyTalk software, which is a facial animation software that uses voice and text to
vividly animate facial images, it provides interactions using verbal and non-verbal cues and comes with smooth lip-
syncing results for any talking. All we need is to forward the speech to the CrazyTalk software and it will animate our
3D avatar to synchronize lips to the provided audio.
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4. Conclusion

In this paper, we propose a chatbot system architecture using the Xatkit development framework. First, the system
receives user’s messages via an instant messaging platform. The received message can be a plain text or an audio.
A speech recognizer module is used to transform audios to text. The recognized utterance is then forwarded to an
in-house NLP Engine, which is based on the CamemBERT architecture, for Intent Recognition tasks through Xatkit’s
runtime engine. The recognized intent is returned to the runtime, and a lookup is performed to retrieve the list of
actions and events associated with the recognized intent. Finally, the text response will be turned into speech through
the Speech Synthesizer module and non-messaging actions are projected through a contents projector module. An an-
imated 3D avatar will react with specific gestures, mimics and continues the conversation based on the given response
with a synchronisation with the audio playback.
Our model will be evaluated then applied in Student Support scenarios. Indeed, as a part of our teaching initiative
that aims to bring this model to the classroom as a tool to teach students, we plan to implement it in several institutions
that allows us to conduct an initial validation of the usefulness and benefits of Edu-Chatbot in the classroom.

This work was supported by Al-Khawarizmi program for research support in the field of Artificial Intelligence and
its applications (Morocco).


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