Course Design Basic Competencies 21st Cen Skills

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A. Course Design


Nominal Duration: 1,015 hours
Qualification Level: NC II
Course Description: This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills
and attitudes of Institutional Health Care (Health Care
Assistant) NC II in accordance with industry
standards. It covers core competencies in preparing
and maintaining beds, collecting and maintaining linen
stocks at end- user locations, assisting with patient
mobility, transport and bio- psychosocial support care
of patients and handling waste in a health care

Trainee Entry
Requirements: Trainees or students should possess the following:
 16 years old and above
 Must pass the trainability/aptitude test
 can communicate both orally and in written form;
 physically, emotionally and mentally fit
 can perform basic mathematical computation

Course Structure
Basic Competencies
No. of Hours: (37 hrs)
Unit of Competency Module Title Learning Nominal
Outcomes Duration
1. Participate in 1.1. Participating in 1.1.1. Obtain and convey 6 hrs
workplace workplace workplace
communication communication information
1.1.2. Perform duties
following workplace
1.1.3. Complete relevant
work- related
2. Work in a team 2.1. Working in a 2.1.1. Describe team role 3 hrs
environment team and scope
environment 2.1.2. Identify one’s role
and responsibility
within a team
2.1.3. Work as a team
3. Solve/address 3.1. Solving/ 3.1.1. Identify routine 3 hrs
general addressing problems
workplace general 3.1.2. Look for solutions
problems workplace to routine problems
problems 3.1.3. Recommend
solutions to
4. Develop career 4.1. Developing 4.1.1. Manage one’s 3 hrs
and life career and life emotion
decisions decisions 4.1.2. Develop reflective
4.1.3. Boost self-
confidence and
develop self-
5. Contribute To 5.1. Contributing To 5.1.1. Identify 3 hrs
Workplace Workplace opportunities to do
Innovation Innovation things better
5.1.2. Discuss and
develop ideas with
5.1.3. Integrate ideas for
change in the
6. Present relevant 6.1. Presenting 6.1.1. Gather data/ 8 hrs
information relevant information
information 6.1.2. Assess gathered
data/ information
6.1.3. Record and
present information
7. Practice 7.1. Practicing 7.1.1. Identify OSH 4 hrs
occupational occupational compliance
safety and safety and health requirements
health policies policies and 7.1.2. Prepare OSH
and procedures procedures requirements for
7.1.3. Prepare OSH
requirements for
8. Exercise 8.1. Exercising 8.1.1. Identify the 3 hrs
efficient and efficient and efficiency and
effective effective effectiveness of
sustainable sustainable resource utilization
practices in the practices in the 8.1.2. Determine causes
workplace workplace of inefficiency and/or
ineffectiveness of
resource utilization
8.1.3. Convey inefficient
and ineffective
9. Practice 9.1. Practicing 9.1.1. Apply 4 hrs
entrepreneurial entrepreneurial entrepreneurial
skills in the skills in the workplace best
workplace workplace practices
9.1.2. Communicate
workplace best
9.1.3. Implement cost-
effective operations

Common Competencies
No. of Hours: ()
Unit of Module Title Learning Nominal
Competency Outcomes Duration

Core Competencies
No. of Hours: (_____)
Unit of Competency Module Title Learning Nominal
Outcomes Duration

Elective Competencies (if any)

No. of Hours: (_____)
Unit of Competency Module Title Learning Nominal
Outcomes Duration

Assessment Methods: __________________________________________


Course Delivery: ___________________________________________



(List of recommended tools, equipment and materials for the training of

(no. of trainees) trainees for (title of program/qualification).
Qty. Tools Qty. Equipment Qty. Materials

Facilities: _____________________________________________
Qualification of _____________________________________________
Instructors/Trainers: _____________________________________________

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