Proposal For Construction of A School

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1) Background

Makina Community Development Project (MACODEP) is a socio – economic agent of

transformation at the grassroots levels. It focuses on strengthening the capacity of the
disadvantaged members of the Kibera slums and its environs to respond their socio-economic

MACODEP was initiated in 1999 with a membership of 16 members consisting of professionals

and small scale entrepreneurs. It is registered with the Ministry of Social Services as a
Community Based Organization. MACODEP provides both health facility and community based
services. At its Makina clinic, MACODEP provides curative services as well as preventive
services. MACODEP also provides home based care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS
including orphans and vulnerable children. In collaboration with other stakeholders, MACODEP
also facilitates environmental sanitation and other development activities.

MACODEP has a board of directors. One of the directors is responsible for the day running of
the organization. The clinic based activities are run by a group of dedicated health workers
consisting of clinical Officer who is also the project manager, three nurses, and two laboratory
technologists, one sonographer and four support staff. Since its registration over 15 years ago,
MACODEP has acquired Service Delivery Point (SDP) number that has enabled the clinic to
receive equipment and regular vaccine supplies from KEPI, register births and deaths, and get
contraceptives as well as HIV testing kits from the Ministry of Health. MACODEP collaborates
with several stakeholders in Kibera. These include Save The Children, Plan International,
Mbagathi Hospital, Langata Health Center, the local administration including the County
Commissioner, Area Chief Kibera, Children’s Department, religious organizations, private health
facilities and various development groups in Kibera. Also MACODEP collaborates with Medical
Mission World Wide (MMWW) based in US; we conduct annual medical camp that targets
orphans and vulnerable children in Kibera slums and its environs. We treated over 5,000
orphans and vulnerable children. Imani Care International and People In Motion also support
our projects.

The activities of MACODEP are funded through subscriptions from the members, fee collected
from the project services and donations from well-wishers.

The main goals of MACODEP are to offer health care and other related services to the less
fortunate members of society. The organization focuses on improving the capacity of
disadvantaged members of the Kibera slums via the provision of health care services, HIV/Aids
intervention, Environmental sanitation and above all economic empowerment. Current
MACODEP programs include a Health Clinic, a Laboratory for testing services, a home-based
HIV/Aids care program, a Home for orphaned and vulnerable children and a football club for
local teens.

To better provide for the orphaned and vulnerable children living in the MACODEP Children’s
home, a new project is proposed at Got Osimbo in Northern Ugenya, Siaya County that is
proposed to cater for 400 orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs). The Got Osimbo project
aims to provide comprehensive services for the children in a safer area. The location was
chosen because many of the children at the current home originally come from Western Kenya
especially Siaya County.

2) Purpose
This project aims to be comprehensive, providing for the education, housing, food, water, and
health needs of the orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) currently living in the home, as well
as children in the Got Osimbo area.

3) Scope
It is envisaged that the facility, when fully built, will provide residence for 80 OVCs and
schooling up to Grade 8 and for additional 320 local children as non-residents and a basic
outpatient medical clinic for the project and local community.

The project will be implemented in 2 phases:

Phase 1
Involves delivery of a small school and an initial 4 unit, attached, family residence which will
have the capacity to relocate the 47 children living Kibera and a guest house which will serve as
residence for people visiting or working at the site from Nairobi and abroad.

Phase 2
Involves the expansion of the school to Grade 8 and the construction of an additional 4 unit,
attached, family residence.

Phase 3
Involves the construction of separate stand-alone outpatient medical clinic.

4) Masterplan
A preliminary masterplan will be prepared comprised of all 3 Phases of the Project. A separate
plan, including preliminary designed and costing, including related infrastructure, will be
developed for each of the 3 Phases of the Project. Once the design and cost of each phase and
the total cost of the project is understood and is agreed amongst the parties, the viability of the
project will be assessed by the sponsors.

Phase 1
Kindergarten; 2 rooms with 20 children per room capacity. 40 students total capacity. The
facility will have its own bathrooms and play area set separately from the primary school as per
statutory regulations. Expected cost: US$28,000

Primary School (Grade 1 to Grade 8); A full primary school with 8 classrooms each with a
capacity of up to 40 students for a total capacity of 320 students. Support facilities will include
Bathrooms separate from the ones in the Kindergarten, a staff room and administration offices.
Expected cost: US$210,000.

8 Units Multi-family Residence; each unit having 3 bedrooms with the capacity to house 10
children and a mother, for a total capacity of 80 children. Each residence will have a kitchen
with running water, gas stove and refrigerator, bathroom facilities with running water and
sewage, with separate water closet and shower area, separate dining and lounge/home study
Expected cost: US$120,000 ($15,000 per unit)

Guest House; A 4 bedroom guest house will serve as residence for the people working at the
project or visiting from Nairobi or abroad. Expected Cost: US$40,000.

Phase 1 – Total Expected Cost: – US$398,000 + US$82,000 for septic and water service
infrastructure = US$480,000

Phase 2

Outpatient Medical Clinic; will include a reception and a triage nurse station all accessible from
a waiting area. The patients will then be directed to one of 2 examination rooms. There will be
two small additional rooms for a laboratory and a pharmacy. Expected Cost: US$132,000 +
US$10,000 for the equipment.

Phase 2 – Total Expected Cost: – US$142,000

Total Project Expected Cost: US$622,000.



Kindergarten 28,000 0 28,000

Primary School (Grade 1 to Grade 8) 210,000 0 210,000

8 Units Multi-family Residence 120,000 0 120,000

Guest House 40,000 0 40,000

Outpatient Medical Clinic 0 132,000 132,000

Equipment 0 10,000 10,000

Septic Services 0 82,000 82,000

Sub-Total in US $ 398,000 224,000 622,000

Operating Costs 60,000 95,600 155,600

TOTAL in US $ 458,000 319,600 777,600

Problem Analysis

Orphans remain a burden to extended families as most care givers live hand to mouth. Families
who are stretched to care for their own children naturally find it almost impossible to take in an
extra child or two. Orphans undergo severe difficulties such as lack of parenting, poor or no
housing, no opportunity for education, insecurity, lack of guidance and counseling, moral decay
and lack of awareness of the importance of God's mercy and grace. Orphans who miss
opportunities for improving themselves today will bring a large burden to society and to
themselves in the future. The problem calls for every compassionate heart to lend a helping
hand. MACOPEP, in cooperation with Global Giving wants to initiate an orphanage project to
address the said problems.

Project Objective

The main objective of the project is to raise reliable, responsible, resourceful and productive
citizens through providing and facilitating the care, education, training and religious education
of these vulnerable children.

The objectives will be achieved by:
• Teaching, counseling and upbringing of children so they become responsible and
productive citizens of Kenya.
• Providing and facilitating the education of these children in order to equip them with life
• Providing adequate accommodation.
• Providing /facilitating health care /medical care.
• Providing clothing and personal needs.
• Providing balanced, healthy and adequate nutrition.
• Providing recreational activities.
• Establishing fish farming and other income generating activities for future sustainable

Analysis of Participants in the Project

It is proposed that this project be a partnership between MACODEP (who will be the
implementing partner); Global Giving (funding partner) and other local collaborating
organizations. MACODEP will be responsible for initiation of the project, disbursements of the
support and upkeep of the orphans.

The funding partner organization will bring in helping hand by financially supporting the work of
MCODEP Got Osimbo Project. They will also determine the support to give.

MACODEP will be accountable for all finances given for individual projects. Each group will
therefore take decisions in the line of their responsibility.


 Ethnic polarization currently witnessed in Kenya may act as a hindrance to reach the
very needy orphans.
 Lack of contact centers in remote areas.
 Funds for carrying out various activities and facilitating volunteers.

Project Organization and Implementation

The proposed project will be implemented within the project parameters set between the two
organizations but will generally contain the following elements:

 For a good outcome the two organizations must keep in close communication with
openness and transparency in all areas of operation and cooperation. Therefore, there
shall be a memorandum of understanding/Funding Agreement between MACODEP and
Global Giving where the responsibilities of each are spelled out.

 MACODEP will keep the implementing organization continuously informed on the
project progress and submit monthly and annual reports.

 The implementing organization will analyze the project proposal and make informed
decisions on the same.

 MACODEP will be accountable to the implementing organization for any financial

assistance remitted for orphans support.

 MACODEP is soliciting for support to be enabled to continue expansive support of

orphans. Timely response would help alleviate some of the desperate cases.

 80% of the donation will go directly to the construction of classrooms, medical clinic,
and multiple family homes for orphans and vulnerable children support; while 20% will
be for operating expenses.

The total project costs, is estimated to be USD 777,600 (KES 77,760,000) for the two phases of
the project.


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