Ete QP - Dip
Ete QP - Dip
Ete QP - Dip
Faculty of Engineering
School of Computer Science and Engineering
Department of CSE
PhD End Term Examination: 2022-23
CS8012 – Image and Video Processing (MOOC)
Instructions to Candidates
Answer any five questions.
Missing data, if any, may be assumed suitably.
Scientific Calculator is allowed.
1 (b) 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 7 7 1 4
1 1 1 5 1
1 1 1 5 1
1 1 1 1 1
Compute the compression ratio by applying the horizontal and vertical run
length coding on the following gray level image:
2 (a) 4
Explain the fundamental steps in digital image processing which can be
applied to images.
2 (b)
Apply region growing on the following image and give
the final segmented image. Take initial point at (2,2) and 0 1 2 0
threshold value as 2. Use 8 connectivity. 2 5 6 1
1 4 7 3
0 2 5 1
3 (a) Perform Histogram specification on the 8x8, eight-level grey image, the
grey level distribution of which is shown in below tables. 4
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Table 1: Pixel distribution of the image
5 (b) How to use scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) for Image Matching? 4
6 (a) Show the workflow of object detection using HOG. 4
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6 (b) Explain all types of discontinuity and similarity-based segmentation 4
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