The Physical and Mechanical Properties of Treated and Untreated Gigantochloa Scortechinii Bamboo
The Physical and Mechanical Properties of Treated and Untreated Gigantochloa Scortechinii Bamboo
The Physical and Mechanical Properties of Treated and Untreated Gigantochloa Scortechinii Bamboo
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Mechanical properties of bamboo coated with surface treatment under static loading
AIP Conference Proceedings (May 2023)
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia, Sungai Besi
Camp, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Corresponding author: [email protected]
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Abstract. Bamboo’s advantages such as fast growing, renewable and easily available raw material meets the demand of
Bamboo has been widely known as sustainable building materials to replace the use of conventional materials such
as wood, brick, concrete and steel. But, before bamboo is accepted as one of the construction material, its basic
properties need to be studied. In Malaysia, most common bamboo species available and most widely utilized is
Gigantochloa Scortechinii [1]. Bamboo is described as low cost, easy availability in local and high in strength as
strong as steel. Besides, bamboo is known as environmental friendly, fast-growing and renewable resource material,
it only takes within 3-5 years to be collected readily and matured [2-4].
Bamboo not only can prevent erosion, it even revitalize devastated rain and forest soil. Moreover, for the supply
chain of bamboo, it will help to promote the local economy. With its high tensile strength, bamboo can replace steel
in reinforced concrete [5]. Bamboo’s engineering aspect being neglected and not used in modern construction. More
engineering design, practical examples and dissemination of information using bamboo technology is required [6].
This study was aimed to determine the physical and mechanical properties of untreated and treated Gigantochloa
Scortechinii (Buluh Semantan). The test includes the moisture content, density, compression strength, shear strength
and flexural bending strength.
Preparation of Materials
The 3-4 years old Gigantochloa Scortechinii bamboo (Buluh Semantan) were used in this study because of this
type of bamboo widely used in local bamboo industries in Malaysia. This bamboo species were collected from Hulu
Langat, Selangor, Malaysia with diameters ranging from 45 to 60 mm. the height of the bamboo culm is about 3m
approximately. The untreated bamboo was air dried under the shed and the treated bamboo was treated by using borax
and boric acid then dried under shed.
Determination of Density
The samples used in the determination of moisture content were the same used for density determination. The
oven-dry density of each sample were calculated using Equation (2)
where m: mass after oven dying (g) and V: volume of the sample (mm³)
Compression Strength
The Gigantochloa Scortechinii bamboo were cut into three sections of each culm for both untreated and treated
from the bottom, middle and top part. The height of each test specimen was cut into twice of the external diameter of
the bamboo culms. Compression strength were tested by using digital compression test machine as shown in Fig. 1.
The maximum compressive stress then were calculated by using the Equation (3).
FIGURE 1. Setup for compression test
where σult: compressive stress (MPa), Fult: maximum load (N) and A: bamboo wall cross-sectional area (mm²).
Shear Strength
Internodes and nodes were cut from each sections of untreated and treated bamboo culm (bottom, middle, top).
The length of the specimen were twice from the external diameter. The test were carried out by using the Digital
Compression Test Machine with the specimen were supported at the lower end over two quarters. Load were at the
upper end over the two quarters which are not supported. Figure 2 shows the general set-up of the shear test. The
where Ʈult: shear strength (MPa), Fult: maximum load (N) and As: four products t and L.
MOR = (F × L / 6) (D / 2) / IB (5)
where F: maximum load (N), L: free span (mm), D: outer diameter (mm) and IB: second moment of area (mm⁴).
Compression Strength
The results for compression strength of the untreated and treated Gigantochloa Scortechinii bamboo are shown in
Table 2 and 3. Top section for both untreated and treated bamboo indicated the highest compression strength. This is
due to the large thickness of bamboo wall and high cross-sectional area compared to the middle and bottom section.
For untreated bamboo, the compressive strength is recorded to be 19.96 MPa at the bottom section and increased
slightly to 23.80 MPa at the top. The compressive strength of the treated bamboo is found to be at its largest at the top
section about 36.60 MPa which is slightly reduced to 31.74 MPa at the bottom.
Fig. 4 showed the two failure mode called End bearing and Splitting. From the crack pattern, top section with
high thickness of wall only failed in end bearing. As the wall thickness decreased, it caused splitting (bottom and
middle section).
TABLE 2. Results of compression strength for untreated bamboo
Untreated Bamboo
Wall Thickness (mm) Cross-Sectional Area (mm²) Compression Strength (MPa)
Bottom 11.10 1583.38 19.96
Middle 17.40 2000.95 23.24
Top 27.30 2290.24 23.80
Mean 22.33
FIGURE 4. Compression strength test (a) End bearing failure mode (b) Splitting failure mode
Shear Strength
Table 4 and 5 are the results for shear strength for untreated and treated bamboo. Highest shear strength at the top
section for both node and internode. Bamboo with node showed the high shear strength compared to internode. The
highest shear strength recorded was at top section of the node part which is 5.69 MPa and slightly reduced to 4.28
MPa at the bottom section for the untreated bamboo. Treated bamboo showed the same pattern, which high shear
strength at the top for the bamboo with node (5.21 MPa) and bottom section are the lowest (3.67 MPa). The shear
strength of samples with node was higher than internode. Figure 5 presents the failure mode of shear strength
conducted on bamboo with node and internode. Bamboo with node showed the high strength and did not split as the
FIGURE 5. Shear strength test: Internode and node
1.80 1.56
1.20 1.06
Load (kN)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Displacement (mm)
Un. Bamboo 3
1.60 1.39
1.40 1.20
Load (kN)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Displacement (mm)
Tr. Bamboo 1 Tr. Bamboo 2
Tr. Bamboo 3
(a) (b)
FIGURE 8. Flexural bending test (a) Flexural bending set up (b) Failure mode
The physical and mechanical properties test was carried out on Gigantochloa Scortechinii bamboo with diameter
ranging 45-60 mm. From the results obtained, the moisture content of bamboo was high at the bottom section. The
density is increases from the bottom to the top section of the bamboo culm. It was found that the thickness of wall of
the bamboo culm affected the strength. The more the thickness of the wall, the more strengthen the bamboo. Nodes
presents along the bamboo culm generally have higher strength compared to the internodes. Flexural bending test
showed that bamboo can turn into its original form after the load removal. This is a good information to suit bamboo
as one of the structural construction material. It can prevent a huge damage to structural member in case of natural
disaster, earthquake and hurricane happened. Bamboo is recognized as the alternative to replace the conventional
building materials. By popularizing the bamboo for building materials, we will able to answer the call of contributing
toward sustainability and reducing cost in construction because of using readily available raw material.
The authors would like to extend the utmost gratitude to the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia and the
Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia for sponsoring this studies.
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