one Trailer Header: (emp,sysdate) Trailer: count(records), sum(salary) How will be the approach in Informatica Ans: For implementing the scenario, you can use the following strategy: Create 3 instances of the source table. With first source, use the aggregator and just extract one record for emp and sy sdate. With the second source, extract all the records. With the third source, use an aggregator and calculate count and sum(salary). Now, define Target load order in the sequence given above. Check the "append if exist" property for second and third targets in session. Scenario 2: Hi all, My source, Table 1 null 11 null 11 Table 2 66 1 67 2 The output I need is null 11 66 1 null 11 67 2 so for the above requirement i have tried with full outer join.But that is not w orked for me. Ans: we can implement the saem as bellow SRc1----SQ------->SRT(DISTINCT)--->EXP1------> JOINER--->TGT SRC2--->SQ------>SRT(DISTINCT)--->EXP2-----> In EXP1 and EXP2, please create a dummy output port and hard code value to 1. an d in joiner mention this 2 ports as condition which does cross join. Scenario 3: Source Row is Column A Column B ...................... ABC 3 XYZ 2 Target should come as Column A Column B ........................ ABC 3 ABC 3 ABC 3 XYZ 2 XYZ 2 Ans: create or replace procedure p_stom IS BEGIN FOR rec IN (SELECT name,num FROM stom) LOOP FOR i IN 1 .. rec.num
LOOP INSERT INTO mtos VALUES(,rec.num); END LOOP; END LOOP; END; Scenario 4: I have a source table as below a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 Need an output as a1,a2,a3 a4,a5,a6 a7,a8,a9 Ans: SRC----SQ---->SEQ---->EXP---->AGG---->TGT Scenario 5; Without using aggregator transformation calculate sum and average of sal by dept wise. Ans: SRC----SQ---->SRT---->EXP---->RANK---->TGT Scenario 6: We have a target source table containing 3 columns : Col1, Col2 and Col3. There is only 1 row in the table as follows: Col1 Col2 Col3 ----------------a b c There is target table containg only 1 column Col. Design a mapping so that the t arget table contains 3 rows as follows: Col ----a b c Scenario 7: There is a source table that contains duplicate rows.Design a mapping to load al l the unique rows in 1 target while all the duplicate rows (only 1 occurence) in another target. Scenario 8: There is a source table containing 2 columns Col1 and Col2 with data as follows: Col1 Col2
a b a a b x
l p m n q y
Design a mapping to load a target table with following values from the above men tioned source: Col1 a b x Col2 l,m,n p,q y
Scenario 9: Design an Informatica mapping to load first half records to 1 target while other half records to a separate target. Scenario 10: How to generate sequence numbers using expression transformation? Scenario 11: Design a mapping to load the first 3 rows from a flat file into a target? Scenario 12: Design a mapping to load the last 3 rows from a flat file into a target? Scenario 13: Design a mapping to load the first record from a flat file into one table A, the last record from a flat file into table B and the remaining records into table C? Ans: SRC--->SQ--->EXP--->AGG --->JNR--->RTR--->TGT SRC--->SQ--->EXP---> Scenario 14: Consider the following products data which contain duplicate rows. A B C C B D B Q1. Design a mapping to load all unique products in one table and the duplicate rows in another table. The first table should contain the following output A D
The second target should contain the following output B B B C C Q2. Design a mapping to load each product once into one table and the remaining products which are duplicated into another table. The first table should contain the following output A B C D The second table should contain the following output B B C Scenario 15: Consider the following employees data as source employee_id, salary 10, 1000 20, 2000 30, 3000 40, 5000 Q1. Design a mapping to load the cumulative sum of salaries of employees into ta rget table? The target table data should look like as employee_id, salary, cumulative_sum 10, 1000, 1000 20, 2000, 3000 30, 3000, 6000 40, 5000, 11000 Q2. Design a mapping to get the pervious row salary for the current row. If ther e is no pervious row exists for the current row, then the pervious row salary sh ould be displayed as null. The output should look like as employee_id, salary, pre_row_salary 10, 1000, Null 20, 2000, 1000 30, 3000, 2000 40, 5000, 3000 Q3. Design a mapping to get the next row salary for the current row. If there is no next row for the current row, then the next row salary should be displayed a s null. The output should look like as employee_id, salary, next_row_salary 10, 1000, 2000 20, 2000, 3000 30, 3000, 5000 40, 5000, Null Q4. Design a mapping to find the sum of salaries of all employees and this sum s
hould repeat for all the rows. The output should look like as employee_id, salary, salary_sum 10, 1000, 11000 20, 2000, 11000 30, 3000, 11000 40, 5000, 11000 Scenario 16: Consider the following employees table as source department_no, employee_name 20, R 10, A 10, D 20, P 10, B 10, C 20, Q 20, S Q1. Design a mapping to load a target table with the following values from the a bove source? department_no, employee_list 10, A 10, A,B 10, A,B,C 10, A,B,C,D 20, A,B,C,D,P 20, A,B,C,D,P,Q 20, A,B,C,D,P,Q,R 20, A,B,C,D,P,Q,R,S Q2. Design a mapping to load a target table with the following values from the a bove source? department_no, employee_list 10, A 10, A,B 10, A,B,C 10, A,B,C,D 20, P 20, P,Q 20, P,Q,R 20, P,Q,R,S Q3. Design a mapping to load a target table with the following values from the a bove source? department_no, employee_names 10, A,B,C,D 20, P,Q,R,S Scenario 17: Consider the following product types data as the source. Product_id, product_type
10, video 10, Audio 20, Audio 30, Audio 40, Audio 50, Audio 10, Movie 20, Movie 30, Movie 40, Movie 50, Movie 60, Movie Assume that there are only 3 product types are available in the source. The sour ce contains 12 records and you dont know how many products are available in each product type. Q1. Design a mapping to select 9 products in such a way that 3 products should b e selected from video, 3 products should be selected from Audio and the remainin g 3 products should be selected from Movie. Q2. In the above problem Q1, if the number of products in a particular product t ype are less than 3, then you wont get the total 9 records in the target table. For example, see the videos type in the source data. Now design a mapping in suc h way that even if the number of products in a particular product type are less than 3, then you have to get those less number of records from another porduc ty pes. For example: If the number of products in videos are 1, then the reamaining 2 records should come from audios or movies. So, the total number of records in the target table should always be 9. Scenario 18: Design a mapping to convert column data into row data without using the normaliz er transformation. The source data looks like col1, col2, col3 a, b, c d, e, f The target table data should look like Col a b c d e f Scenario 19: Design a mapping to convert row data into column data. The source data looks like id, value 10, a 10, b 10, c 20, d 20, e 20, f
Scenario 20: c1, c2, c3, c4 A, B, D, H A, B, D, I A, B, E, NULL A, C, F, NULL A, C, G, NULL Here in this table, column C1 is parent of column C2, column C2 is parent of col umn C3, column C3 is parent of column C4. Q1. Design a mapping to load the target table with the below data. Here you need to generate sequence numbers for each element and then you have to get the pare nt id. As the element "A" is at root, it does not have any parent and its parent _id is NULL. id, element, parent_id 1, A, NULL 2, B, 1 3, C, 1 4, D, 2 5, E, 2 6, F, 3 7, G, 3 8, H, 4 9, I, 4 Q2. This is an extension to the problem Q1. Let say column C2 has null for all t he rows, then C1 becomes the parent of C3 and c3 is parent of C4. Let say both c olumns c2 and c3 has null for all the rows. Then c1 becomes the parent of c4. De sign a mapping to accommodate these type of null conditions. Scenario 21: Input: 1,a1,null,null 1,null,a2,null 1,null,null,a3 output: 1,a1,a2,a3 1,a1,a2,a3 1,a1,a2,a3 Scenario 22: Five sources from different client location and load the data into respective ta rget.Design a mapping for this. Scenario 23: Source table 1,a1,a2,a3 1,a4,a5,a6
1,a7,a8,a9 Target Table 1 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 Scenario 24: Source 4 5 2 3 1 5 Target 1 2 3 4 5 5 Scenario 25: Source: Table1 has some records 1 2 3 4 5 Table2 has some records 2 5 4 Target: Need output that records that present in table1 that should not present in table 2. 1 3