Basic Accounting Notes-3

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Basic Accounting

First Semester | Unit -1

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@jaiswal_utkarsh99 / Utkarsh Jaiswal

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Jaiswal Design 99
Basic Accounting
Unit-1 BBA First Semester

Accounting can be defined as a process of reporting, recording, interpreting
financial transactions/activities.
The introduction of accounting helps the decision-makers of a company to
make effective choices, by providing information on the financial status of the
Accountancy act as a language of finance/business.

Basic Terms in Accounting

Terms Meaning Example

A company purchases
Economic The events that consist of transactions
furniture from a company
Events etc. can be meaured in monetary terms.
in 20000 INR
Any Economic unit like a corporation,
Entity business enterprise, etc. is called BlinkIt is an Entity
A company purchases
Monetary activity between two or more
Transaction furniture from a company
entity or individuals.
in 20000 INR
Economic resources owned by A Company has 12
business entities. Machines
Obligations/debts that an enterprise A Company took loan of
has to pay at some time in future. 12 Lakhs from ABC Bank
Founder invest 2 Lacs in
Amount invested by owner/investor in
Capital a company, so 2 Lacs is
the firm
Ola Generated 350
Total amount generated from goods or
Sales Crores INR from its
services sold
electric scooter sale
Revenue Commission, interest,
Amount of Profit Earned
(Income) royalties, rent etc.
Expenses Rent, wages, salary, bills etc.
Discount Deduction in price of goods sold 30% discount on shoes
Withdrawal of money by owner from
the business for personal use

@jaiswal_utkarsh99 Utkarsh Jaiswal Utkarsh Jaiswal

Stock Amazon has 300 iPhones
In-hand Goods
(Inventory) in its stock

Amazon has 30 iPhones

Amount of goods left unsold at the end
Closing Stock left in its stock in 31st
of accounting period
march 2022

Objectives of Accounting
It is the means by which necessary financial information about the business is
Accounting provides useful Information for business-related decision-making.
Accounting is used to maintain a systematic record of all the financial
transactions in a book of accounts.
Maintains calculation of all the Profit & Loss of an entity.
Helps in the prediction of a financial position of a company in terms of assets &
By analysing financial data and providing interpretations in the form of reports,
accounting assists management in handling business operations effectively.

Process of Accounting
1. Identification : Determining & analyzing which transactions are financial and to
be recorded.
2. Recording : Once, the economic events are identified & measured, these are
recorded in books of account (Journal or Subsidiary Books) in monetary terms.
3. Classifying the transactions : Transactions recorded in the books of original
entry – Journal or Subsidiary books are classified and grouped according to
nature and posted in separate accounts known as ‘Ledger Accounts’.
4. Analysis & Interpretation: It includes an assessment of the financial reports
and making some meaningful conclusions.
5. Communicating information to the users: It includes sharing the financial
reports and interprets results to the users of financial statements.

Book Keeping

Book Keeping is a part of Accounting and it is the process of identifying,

measuring, recording and classifying the financial transactions.


Accounting is a wider concept and actually, it begins where Book Keeping ends.
It includes summarizing, interpreting and communicating the financial data to
the users of financial statements.

@jaiswal_utkarsh99 Utkarsh Jaiswal Utkarsh Jaiswal

Difference Between Book-keeping & Accounting

Parameters Book-keeping Accounting

In addition to bookkeeping,
Bookkeeping involves identifying,
Accounting also includes
measuring, recording &
Scope summarizing, interpreting and
classifying financial transactions
communicating the financial data to
in the ledger accounts.
the users of financial statements.
The main aim is to maintain The main aim is to ascertain the
Objective systematic records of financial profitability and financial position of
transactions. the business.

It is a primary stage of It is a second stage and begins

accounting where bookkeeping ends.

Bookkeeping does not require It requires specialized skill to

Level of
special skills. It is performed by analyze, so it is performed by senior
Junior Staff. staff.

Advantages of Accounting

Accounting provides factual information about financial performance during a

given period of time. Like, profit earned or loss incurred over a period and
financial position at a particular point of time.
Accounting helps management in business planning, decision making and in
exercising control.
By keeping systematic records and preparation of reports at regular intervals,
accounting helps in making a comparison between two or more entities.
Systematic accounting records help in settlement of various tax liabilities such
as – Income Tax, GST, etc.
Accounting provides useful information to the management for taking decisions.

Limitations of Accounting

Accounting is not precise: Accounting is not completely free from personal

bias or judgment.
Accounting is done on historic values of assets: Accounting records assets at
their historical cost less depreciation. It does not reflect their current market
Ignore the effect of price level changes: Accounting statements are prepared
at historical cost. So changes in the value of money are ignored.
Ignore the qualitative information: Accounting records only monetary
transactions. It ignores the qualitative aspects.
Affected by window dressing: Window dressing means manipulation in
accounting to present a more favorable position of the business than the actual

@jaiswal_utkarsh99 Utkarsh Jaiswal Utkarsh Jaiswal

Users of Accounting Information

Users may be categorised into internal users and external users.

Internal Users -
Owners: Owners contribute capital in the business and thus they are exposed
to maximum risk. So, they are always interested in the safety of their capital.
Management: Accounting information is used by management for taking
various decisions.
Employees: Employees are interested in the financial statements to assess the
ability of the business to pay higher wages and bonuses.

External Users -
Banks and financial institutions: Banks and Financial Institutions provide loans
to businesses. So, they are interested in financial information to ensure the
safety and recovery of the loan.
Investors: Investors are interested to know the earning capacity of business
and the safety of the investment.
Creditors: Creditors provide the goods on credit. So they need accounting
information to ascertain the financial soundness of the firm.
Government: The government needs accounting information to assess the tax
liability of the business entity.
Researchers: Researchers use accounting information in their research work.
Consumers: They require accounting information for establishing good
accounting control, which will reduce the cost of production.

Accounting Equation -

Assets = Liabilities + Capital

Dual Aspect of Accounting -

It states that "Each transaction made by a business impacts the business in two
different aspects which are equal and opposite in nature."
Dual Aspect of Accounting forms the basis of Double-entry accounting method.

Types of Accounts

Personal Account Impersonal Account

Natural Personal Account Real Account

Artificial Personal Account Nominal Account
Representative Personal Account

@jaiswal_utkarsh99 Utkarsh Jaiswal Utkarsh Jaiswal

Rules of Debit & Credit

Account Type Debit Credit

Personal Account Debit the reciever Credit the giver
Real Account Debit what comes in Credit what goes out
Nominal Account Debit all expenses & Losses Credit all Income & Gains

Rules of Accounting Equation

Debit if increase in assets, credit if decrease in assets.

Credit if increase in capital, debit if decrease in capital.
Credit if increase in liabilities, debit if decrease in liabilities.
Credit if increase in Income, debit if decrease in Income.

Journal is the book for recording transactions in chronological order.
Journal is also called the book of original or prime entries.
The accounting cycle starts with the recording of transactions in a book called
Then these entries are finally posted into ledger.

Basic Format of a Journal

Date Particulars L.F Dr. Cr.

Created & Designed by

Utkarsh Jaiswal

@jaiswal_utkarsh99 Utkarsh Jaiswal Utkarsh Jaiswal

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