Poultry Processing: Small-Scale
Poultry Processing: Small-Scale
Poultry Processing: Small-Scale
poultry processing
pounry 'il rocess in g
D. Silverside
M. Jones
The designations employed and the presentation of material in this
publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on
the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or
area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers
or boundaries.
ISBN 92-5-103145-2
© FAO 1992
Poultry production is big business throughout the world. It has become a standard form of
cheap protein. It is also a highly competitive industry and feed suppliers, producers,
processors, manufacturers of equipment etc have all appreciated the economies of scale and
gone on to develop bigger and more automated systems of operation than ever before to supply
an insatiable market.
The production of poultry on a small scale is very important in less developed countries,
particularly in places some way from the main commercial and industrial centres. There
continues to be a need for small scale processing facilities. Unfortunately many manufacturers
of small scale equipment have not survived with the march of time and commercial
developments. This book has been written however, to show that it is still possible to establish
a small operation with the appropriate equipment and facilities.
Slaughter of· poultry in suitable surroundings by hygienic methods is essential for the
production of wholesome meat, extension of the shelf life of the product, reduction of post
harvest losses and protection of public health. This book addresses these issues and hopes to
persuade the producer of poultry on a small scale that it is worthwhile to establish the proper
The book is divided into five parts. The first puts poultry into context by giving a general
background and description of poultry production and processing throughout the world. The
second chapter outlines the general principles of planning, economics, design and construction
of small scale poultry processing plants. The concept of the three models is developed and
plant layout and construction details, including that of effluent treatment are given. The third
chapter describes how it is intended that these models are to be operated. It covers most
aspects of poultry production from transport of the live bird to the factory, to the dispatch of
packed poultry to the market. Chapter four is devoted to health, hygiene and routine
maintenance. These three subjects are put together to emphasise the routine nature of these
important aspects of food production. It gives some emphasis to the microbiology of
production systems but leaves the veterinary aspects of poultry health to the veterinarian. A
schedule of activities is given in the hope that the production of clean, wholesome poultry in
a clean factory will be assured with minimal delay in operation. The final chapter discusses
the theory of marketing and offers some advice on the importance of planning a proper
strategy. It should give an introduction to market development.
The reader is advised to seek comprehensive advice if he wishes to build new facilities or
redesign existing buildings. The book is but a guide-line to poultry processing and cannot be
written with every circumstance in mind. Nevertheless it has a tropical flavour and attempts
to be realistic in its approach to the tropical situation.
Some of the information presented in this book stems from the publications listed in the
Further Reading section to which the reader is directed.
The authors also acknowledge gratefully the contributions made by the companies, Poultryman
Machines, Botley (Southampton/UK) for drawings on pages 16, 40, 41, 44-49, 51, 53-57 and
100-104, Cope and Cope, Reading/UK for the drawings on page 43, and the British Chicken
Information Service, London, for photographs 1-10 in Annex 6 "Poultry Portioning", as well
as Ernest West & Benyon, Bromley (Kent/UK) and Environmental Engineering, Spalding
(Lincolnshire/UK) for their contributions on refrigeration and effluent treatment equipment.
Poultry Production 1
Poultry Consumption 2
Poultry Rearing Systems 4
Poultry Hygiene 6
Poultry rearing hygiene 6
Preslaughter inspection 6
Vehicle and transport hygiene (including cages) 6
Personal cleanliness and habits 6
Planning 11
Economics 11
Management 12
Location of Plant 13
Facilities Required 14
Flow Diagram 14
Equipment and Machinery 14
Hygienic Principles of Design 15
Clean and dirty areas 15
Product flow 15
Equipment 15
Drains 16
Floors, walls and ceilings 17
Doors and windows 17
Service runs 17
Lighting 18
Ventilation 18
General Building 18
The building 18
Roof 18
Walls 18
Insects 19
Wood 19
Water and steam 19
Drainage 19
Outside Areas 20
Livestock Reception Area 20
Reception Loading Area 21
The Slaughterhall 21
Evisceration and Chilling Room 22
Packing Room 23
Chilling Rooms 24
Freezing Rooms 24
Dispatch 25
Dry Stores 26
Offal Room 26
Staff Facilities 26
Hand and Boot Wash 27
Laundry 27
Offices 28
Introduction 32
Development of the Models 33
Model 1 Very Small Scale Abattoir - 50 birds/day 33
Model 2 Very Small Scale Abattoir/Processing Room - 200 33
Model 3 Small Scale Abattoir - 350 birds/hour 34
Stunning and slaughter 40
Defeathering 42
Refrigeration 45
Poultry Production
Because poultry has a very short life cycle and poultry products are traded
internationally, data on regional flock sizes are difficult to interpret. Estimates of
world poultry meat production in metric tonnes are detailed in Table 2.
The largest increase in poultry meat production took place in S America, particularly
in the mid 1980's. The increase in developing countries has generally been higher
than in developed countries but the impact is reduced because the increase in human
population has been greater. Poultry production is three times population growth m
developed countries but only double population growth in less developed countries.
Poultry Consumption
The recommended average daily intake of protein is 0.6g/kg body weight or 12-60g
per day depending on age and weight. Poultry products such as chicken have a high
protein content.
Table 4 shows the % protein content of some common foods and their consumption.
The table shows that the less developed countries appear to consume sufficient
protein. A better interpretation would be that there is sufficient protein available
for all to eat. In practice, protein distribution is skewed in ldc's so that some areas
have plenty whereas others have very little.
Chicken 19
Duck 11 3.70 U.65 1.38
Turkey 21
Beef 21 5.68 0.83 2.00
Pork 25 8.14 l.87 3.36
Sheep 23 0.26 0.18 0.29
Fish 17 3.14 1.14 1.62
Milk 3.5 10.70 0.90 3.25
Egg 12.8 1.96 0.51 0.86
Rice 7.6 1.54 9.23 7.39
Wheat 8.4 26.1 9.68 1.3.70
Pulses 6 1.01 0.56 0.67
Groundnuts 25 0.49 1.27 1.09
Soya Beans 40 19.33 4.76 8.22
Potatoes 2.1 3.39 0.40 1.11
Source: from The Report of the Scientific Review Committee, 1990, Health <1nd Welfare, Canada
Although this document concerns slaughter and processing for meat production,
poultry are also kept for their eggs. Eggs are a highly versatile food containing
many essential nutrients. They are classified in the same protein food group as meat,
poultry and fish (see Table 4). In developed countries per capita consumption of
eggs has remained almost static over the last ten years but in less developed countries
has risen by 37%, about 1.5 times faster than population growth. This has been
achieved through improvements in local production rather than increased importation.
This indicates a sharp increase in poultry husbandry skills and readiness to undertake
intensive production. The flocks used for both table and hatchery egg production are
found in significant numbers and eventually end up at poultry processing plants.
The outlook for world poultry production is for continued strong growth. Poultry
production is projected to continue to expand in N&C America and the EC. Further
growth in Asia, particularly Thailand, is expected as a result of strong demand from
Japan and the development of the EC market. Growing domestic demand in Brazil
& China should result in higher production levels. In the old Soviet Bloc and eastern
Europe, production is projected to fall as a result of reorganisation following market
liberalisation. Demand in less developed countries will continue to grow at least
apace with population.
World consumption o f hen eggs in shell (kg per head o f human population)
There are many species and breeds o f poultry which are used by man. Some are o f
more importance than others. The domestic chicken (Gallus domesticus) has assumed
World-wide importance and accounts for more than 90% o f the world's poultry
flocks. Ducks account for about 5% of the world's poultry flocks and turkeys for
about 2%. Table 6 details % world distribution of the three most important poultry
species during 1989.
Other poultry species o f lesser world importance are geese, guinea fowl, doves,
pigeons, pheasants, quail and ostriches. It is estimated that together these species
account for less than 3% o f the world's poultry flocks.
Africa 8 3 2
N&CAmerica 19 3 37
S America 9 2 4
Asia 40 87 5
Europe 12 5 31
Oceania 1 1
USSR 11 20
Developed Countries 43 7 89
Developing Countries 57 93 11
World 100 100 100
Poultry ra1smg is classified into intensive or extensive systems. Where movement is
restricted and birds are kept close together at elevated temperatures, broilers grow
rapidly to market weight. In these intensive rearing conditions chickens (broilers) are
ready for slaughter in 8-12 weeks and weigh 1.6-1.8 kg. Ducks or ducklings are
ready in 8-12 weeks and weigh 1.7-4 kg. Turkeys are ready in 12-30 weeks and
weigh 4.5 -15 kg.
Intensive rearing systems are usually constructed on hen houses of 8 x 25m which
contain 1000 birds per unit. Each producer has many units and contracts to sell his
birds at a given weight on a given day. His day-old chicks, feed supplier,
veterinarian, transport of birds to the abattoir etc are all programmed to meet a
predefined production schedule. These intensive systems are highly programmable,
predictable and cost effective.
Where extensive systems are practised, the birds are left to scratch for food. This
appears cheaper than intensive systems but slaughter weight/time is much more
difficult to predict and the system generally can not be used as a basis of contract
between producer and meat packer.
In the developed world it is estimated that in excess of 95% of the worlds poultry
flocks are reared under intensive conditions. In the developing world the extensive
systems are the most usual practices. While this may be due, in some instances, to a
lack of poultry management skills, knowledge, infrastructure, capital etc, it may be a
natural reaction to the tropical climate.
Poultry have an internal body temperature between 41.2 and 42.2 ° C, which is about
2-3 ° C higher than that of mammals. Chicks have a body temperature about 2-3 ° C
lower than that of an adult bird but the adult temperature is reached within about a
week of hatching. The major problem poultry have when exposed to temperature
extremes is to maintain efficient functioning of their metabolic processes. The
relatively high body temperature maintained by poultry means that they are
significantly more vulnerable to extremes of heat. This is because they maintain a
body temperature only 3-5 ° C below the temperature at which protein inactivation
starts. In poultry production, birds kept within the range 21-26 ° C at humidities
within the range 50-90% will give the highest levels of food conversion into growth.
However, at higher temperatures (about 30 ° C) humidities within the range 30- 70%
have been shown to reduce growth rate.
Under intensive rearing conditions poultry can suffer extreme levels of stress due to
the environment in which they arc reared. The close proximity of birds raised in an
intensive system inevitably affects their social organisation. Poultry can suffer
damage in various ways including disease, attack by predator, cannibalism and
feather pecking all of which can lead to a reduction in productivity and income.
Under extensive conditions social organisation generally remains well structured and
much of the damage and stress associated with intensive rearing is absent.
While there is a strong market demand and a continuing increase in production skills,
further expansion of the industry is dependent on continued and improved
availability of capital (for infrastructure, marketing and working), poultry feedstuff
of the appropriate quality, integration of all systems from egg fertilization to
consumption of product, management and business acumen, skilled labour, marketing
(in terms of quality, consistency and continuity of product) ad vice and provision of
quality, disease- free chicks.
Poultry Hygiene
Disease is a major hazard in poultry rearing, particularly with the growth in numbers
of large scale processing enterprises. Hygiene is a most important factor in disease
prevention. Efficient cleaning can eliminate over 90% of all diseases and there are
other measures which can be taken to prevent disease and its spread among the flock.
These are given in Chapter 4.
Preslaughter inspection
Whereas it is not practical to expect a veterinarian to examine each bird on the farm
before it leaves for the poultry processing plant, it is the producers responsibility to
ensure that the birds are healthy as far as the producer can tell. Sick birds should
not be sent for slaughter. They should be disposed of at the farm under veterinary
supervision if possible. The circumstances of the sickness should always be reported
to the veterinarian.
Good personal cleanliness and habits are of the utmost importance in maintaining
high standards of hygiene in a poultry processing operation. Staff are involved at all
stages of processing and the provision of cleaning facilities and materials together
with a policy of staff training in hygienic practices will form the basis for achieving
high standards of hygiene.
There are many systems for poultry harvesting. The most common method for small
scale operations is for broilers to be caught by hand and then carried to the transport
by one or both legs. This procedure requires great care as it can cause dislocation of
the hip-joint, internal bleeding and even death.
In larger scale operations, herding, sweeping and vacuum systems of harvesting have
been developed. In the first, birds are herded into a mechanical handling system by
catchers onto a conveyor belt The birds are then blown into a crate. The sweeping
system uses a machine fitted with a central boom and sweeper arms fitted with
rotating, foam rubber paddles, which gently sweep the birds onto an inclined
conveyor. The vacuum system relies on gentle suction from the floor. Crates are
then filled by a mechanical device.
Some birds are marketed as individuals but others are contained in crates which are
either loose or fixed to the truck or as a module of 4-16 crates carried by fork lift
truck to the vehicle.
Transport to market
Poultry are transported to market in various ways. In rural areas live birds are taken
to market by individuals, using any form of available transport. Farmers or small
cooperatives may organise transport on a more formal scale using trucks and pick-
ups. Large scale poultry processing companies generally have their own transport as
part of their intensive rearing operation or outside haulage contractors may deal with
this aspect of their processing operation.
Display methods
At the general market, birds are usually displayed tethered, hung by their legs or in
their crates. Live poultry is bought by the consumer who may take it home to be
slaughtered, it may be slaughtered at the market stall or in a specially designated
place nearby. These slaughter methods have hygiene and health implications which
this document seeks to address.
Sales methods
On a small scale level at market, birds may be sold by the producer to individuals or
butchers. Farmers or small cooperatives may sell their produce at market by auction
or direct to slaughterhouses or meat processing companies under contract
arrangements. Poultry processing companies involved in rearing, processing and
marketing poultry are generally not involved in the sale of live birds at market.
Large scale poultry enterprises contract farmers to produce birds for them. They
contract or own transport to get the poultry to their processing plant. The large scale
processor operates his own abattoir where he slaughters, processes, grades, packages,
stores and distributes poultry either for his own use or under contract to other large
organisations, such as supermarkets. The large scale operator employs his own staff,
is responsible for procurement, (or contracts this to a specialist) and is responsible
for waste disposal. The whole operation is highly efficient and integrated with all
parts of the poultry production, processing and sales industry.
Medium scale operators use similar facilities and staff to slaughter for several
organisations who have responsibility for procurement and transport. They may
prepare a product to a customers specification.
Small scale poultry processing enterprises, the subject of this document, may use
their facilities and staff as described for the medium scale operators. However, the
operators may allow the producer or butcher to slaughter his own livestock or
contract labour to do so on his behalf. It is best for the small scale operator to
employ his own labour or contract this to a well respected contractee and charge the
customer a slaughter fee. The customer takes away his poultry and is able to sell it
as he wishes, either through direct sales to the consumer or by wholesale to retail
outlets or to other poultry users, such as fast food establishments or poultry product
Ownership of birds
Birds are usually raised as the property of the poultry producer such as an individual
farmer, farmer cooperative, meat processing company or poultry processing company.
Legal ownership rights usually change when birds or carcases are bought or sold.
When birds are sold by contract or auction the producer usually relinquishes all rights
of ownership. Small scale producers are sometimes integrated into large poultry
processing enterprises by contract, which may result in birds being the property of
the large enterprise throughout ie the producer is contracted to grow the birds
without actually owning them. However, if poultry producers hire abattoir facilities
and/ or staff to slaughter their own birds, rights of ownership may be retained. The
birds are then marketed as a completely processed product or they are sold to a food
marketing company. Large scale poultry processing companies usually retain all legal
ownership rights until the product is sold to a food distributor or shop. In some
cases company ownership rights are relinquished only when the product is sold to the
Ownership is important because the system of payment to the producer at the point
of change of ownership can act as an incentive to grow better poultry. Live birds
can be sold by the head (no added incentive) weight (a fair system with minimal
incentive) by carcase weight (fair, providing an incentive if a weight/price scale is
introduced) or carcase weight cqmbined with a grade to which a price is attached
(providing maximum incentive).
Production methods
Modern abattoir poultry processing is generally almost fully automatic. In large and
medium scale operations, staff hang birds upside down by their legs from an
overhead conveyor which then carries them through a highly organised processing
system. They are electrically stunned and killed, scaled and defeathered by machine.
In larger scale operations automatic evisceration machinery is used. In medium scale
operations of up to about 1000 birds/hour, evisceration, neck and gizzard removal is
manually carried out with the aid of labour saving tools and equipment. Automatic
weighing and grading systems are also available and packing is semi-automatic with a
packing machine controlled by an operator.
In small scale poultry processing operations, slaughter is carried out manually using
simple processing equipment. Stunned poultry are held in a bleeding cone, with the
head & neck pulled downwards through the opening in the cone. With a typical
turnover of up to 500 chickens per hour, plucking is effected dry, most often by
hand on a special machine. In operations over about 50 birds per hour, a wet scald
system may be used. Pin feathers may be removed by hand or hand held to a simple
machine and evisceration is carried out on an overhead rail, carousel or table unless
the poultry is to be sold New York Dressed ie defeathered only.
In all operations, carcases are spray washed and chilled rapidly before dispatch or
further processing. Carcases and their giblets are reunited in some plants before they
are packed, chilled or frozen. Some carcases are processed further into portions or
poultry products.
Type of product
Poultry packaging protects the product from contamination, damage and moisture
loss. It can also extend the shelf-life of the product, improve product presentation
and consumer appeal. Packaging methods, are discussed in more detail in Chapter 3.
Transport to market
Poultry products are displayed in several different ways. Whole carcasses are often
displayed unrefrigerated at market in the open hung by their legs or on a stall or
shop display, particularly in the developing world. This is not to be recommended.
Refrigerated products are displayed in shops and other retail units unpackaged or
over-wrapped on plastic trays. In some areas meat is sometimes sold from mobile
refrigerated shops. Products are usually exchanged for cash at the point of sale.
However, poultry producers may have contracts with poultry processing enterprises,
local hotels or restaurants where a lump sum payment is made. In developing
countries small scale producers may sell by bartering for other consumable items.
Customer use
Poultry is one of the most widely accepted meat foods in the world and is not
subject to any religious restriction. Consumers recognise poultry as a relatively cheap
protein source. In developing regions, poultry meat may be seen as food for a
special occasion, but figures indicate poultry meat consumption is increasing in these
regions. Poultry may be reared and killed in time for a celebration or special event.
In some regions turkeys and geese are reared for thanksgiving and Christmas
celebrations, although successful marketing has made it a popular choice at other
times of the year. Chilled and frozen carcases or parts can be stored for longer
periods and use becomes more convenient and regular. Some regions of the world
have a preference to particular type of poultry; for example, in Asia, ducks are most
popular. The type and use of food products made from poultry meat is also
increasing throughout the world. These include roasts & rolls, turkey ham, smoked
turkey and stuffed breast portions such as chicken Kiev. Changing lifestyles have
brought about an increase in the number and type of poultry fast food products. In
the developed world the number of women in the workforce has increased and home
cooking from basics has been greatly reduced. Products such as fried chicken and
chicken nuggets are sold by fast food franchises, particularly in N. America, Europe
and Asia. In Japan yaki-tori is a very popular fast food product consisting of grilled
chicken cubes on a skewer with yaki-tori sauce. A visit to the large towns and cities
of the developing world will demonstrate that these products are transferring quickly.
The reasons for planning a small scale poultry processing plant in the tropics usually
come about as a consequence of a desire to make improvements on an existing
system. The first stage of planning therefore, is to collect information regarding the
exact nature of the project in terms of numbers of slaughterstock to be processed,
management system required, costs of materials, services and labour, attitudes of the
local population, markets to be served, type of product to be prepared, methods of
waste disposal, availability of building materials, equipment and spare parts,
specialised labour requirements, indeed everything required to complete a feasibility
study. The feasibility study is usually conducted by technical and financial
personnel. The expertise may be available locally but if not, can be commissioned
The economics of establishment and operation of the venture are usually among the
first considerations when designing poultry plant. Small scale plants set up to the
highest standards may not be financially viable operations. If this is so, some
attempts should be made to quantify the social, hygiene and environmental benefits
of the project to make an economic case for its establishment.
The following is a summary of the more important capital and operating costs of a
poultry processing plant which should be taken into account when consideration is
given to such a project:
Capital costs:
■ Land
■ Buildings
■ Plant and equipment
■ Installation
■ Contingencies
■ Working capital
Operating costs:
■ Personnel
■ Maintenance and spares
■ Water and sewage
■ Electricity
■ Fuel oil
■ Short life operating equipment (2 - 3 years)
II Packaging materials
II Insurance
■ Sundries (stationery, detergents etc)
The size and equipment to be used in the factory will depend not only on the scale
of operation to be undertaken but also on the degree of productivity and nature of
the end product. Consider the two examples which are given for operations of
similar scale:
Although the capital costs in the first example may be lower than those in the second
(due to lower technology of the equipment), the recurrent costs, particularly those of
labour) may be higher. Also, the buildings may need to be proportionally bigger lo
accommodate staff.
Because more people are employed, the first example has a requirement for a higher
training input of production line workers than the second but the second has a
greater requirement for highly skilled engineers to keep the factory working.
Because of the increased use of human resources, the first example introduces the
possibility of greater variations and inconsistencies of product than the second,
especially with respect to wholesomeness of the end product, its appearance and shelf
life. The high technology example should produce material of consistent commercial
quality. However, the need for maintenance and hygiene of the equipment
introduces the need for maintenance and cleaning schedules of particular detail to
ensure that complicated machinery is made ready for the next day's production.
To assist with the design of the facilities, management information should include:
11 The number of birds to be slaughtered, their type and weight and over what
time period
11 The ownership o f the birds al each stage eg will the abattoir buy the birds
from producers, will it slaughter for producers or wholesalers, will it sell the
birds to wholesalers or through its own outlets. These factors influence the
carcase identification systems and office requirements
11 The nature of the product to be prepared (New York Dressed, whole hot
poultry carcases, whole chilled carcases, whole frozen carcases, chilled or
frozen joints etc)
11 What parts of the carcase are considered as edible and inedible. eg chicken
feet, unused in many parts of the world are considered a delicacy in others.
This will assist with by-products and effluent plant design
111 The slaughter system to be considered appropriate cg will the birds move
along an overhead railway system to the processing machines or will the staff
carry the birds to the machines
All the above factors will influence the technology and economics of the systems
finally employed.
Location of Plant
The site for a poultry processing plant should be chosen with care. Primarily,
consideration should be given to the provision of services. Adequate water,
electricity, gas, oil and telephone should be to hand. Labour to manage, operate and
maintain the plant is also essential. These staff need not necessarily be drawn from
an existing labour pool of experienced slaughter staff since training in production
methods must be given on modern equipment. Maintenance staff will need access to
tools, materials and spare parts. The site should have good vehicle access, for road
communications and, if appropriate, rail and river connection. Access by emergency
services should also be considered.
The space requirements of the poultry processing plant is important. Ample areas
should be available for parking, turning, waste disposal systems, and ancillary
buildings and functions is required. As a general rule, the buildings should occupy
about 20% of the total ground area. An eye should be given to future expansion of
the building and its facilities.
The best sites are those situated on a gentle slope which, if this is not to be a
completely rural site, should be to the lee of any built-up areas. Care must be taken
if the poultry processing plant is to be built on an industrial "estate". Contamination
of the poultry may occur from the odours, fumes, smoke, steam or particulate matter
eg flour millings, sawdust etc from other manufacturing processes as could
contamination by the poultry of other industrial processes eg dairy or confectionery
industries. Proximity to other abattoirs or meat processing factories is best avoided.
However, the potential for sharing the poultry and other meat processing facilities cg
by-products processing, effluent disposal etc, may be a factor in the economics of
establishment of the poultry plant. In this case, especial care should be taken to
prevent cross contamination of one product by the other.
The ground of the chosen site should have good load- bearing characteristics to
support the building itself and adequate drainage. The drainage is necessary for
rainwater to run off. It is not to be used as a substitute for a proper effluent
disposal system. The effluent disposal system should be designed so that the ground
water or other water source used for residential, industrial or, indeed, the poultry
processing plant itself is not contaminated. Nevertheless, one of the most important
services to the plant is effluent disposal and its effective handling is facilitated
through an adequate gradient and soil type. This is discussed later in this chapter.
Whatever site is chosen, the proposal to build a poultry processing plant, no matter
how small, should be discussed with the local dignitaries and population to seek their
approval. Some obvious sites may have to be rejected as it may be consecrated, used
for local recreation etc.
Facilities Required
Consideration should next be given to the type and number of facilities required.
This may include reception area, slaughterhall, dressing rooms, chilling and freezing
facilities, processing rooms, chill, frozen and dry storage rooms, dispatch areas, by-
product processing rooms, laundry, ice production rooms, offices, changing rooms
and toilets, messing facilities, first aid rooms, crate and vehicle wash areas, effluent
treatment, workshop, boiler and refrigeration rooms. Depending on the system of
operation, not all will be required but more than one will be needed in others. The
system of management may also include facilities to operate a shop, wholesale market
Flow Diagram
Using this information, a flow diagram should be drawn up, bearing in mind the
management system to be employed. A typical system is given in Annex 1. Some of
the services have been included to illustrate the growing complexity of the system.
To each of the processes, the number and sizes of the rooms should be added.
The machinery to be used in the plant should be decided on the level of technology
best suited to the management system chosen and the estimated maximum
throughputs envisaged for the foreseeable future. Equipment is usually bought to
last for ten years after which time it is worn out, obsolete or redundant but this will
depend on:
11 the history of the poultry production and processing industries. The time
frame can be adjusted to address the confidence shown in these industries, its
continuing economic viability and the economies brought about by the
purchase of new equipment
■ the space requirements to operate the equipment
• that the equipment meets the legal and safety requirements laid down m law
or, in its absence, that of straightforward common sense
The architectural drawings should give attention to the hygienic principles in design.
Points to watch are that "clean" and "dirty" operations are kept separate and carried
out in dedicated facilities. This means that separate rooms are required for:
■ reception of birds,
■ chilling
■ dispatch
■ by-product processing
Product flow
The plans should show a smooth flow of product along the processing line, with
minimum distances between all operations including those which require other
materials to be used in the process eg the ice harvester should be near to the chiller
tank, the packaging materials should be close to the packaging machine. There
should be minimum interference between other operations and cross flows of
operations and operators should be kept to the absolute minimum.
The general guide- lines for equipment design, manufacture, installation and
operation are long and detailed. The equipment generally available is usually of
sufficient standard if obtained from a reputable manufacturer. The following
description outlines the general principles to be followed, particularly where local
manufacture or fabrication is planned.
The equipment to be used in a small scale poultry processing plant in the tropics
must be strong and effective enough to last for at least 5 years. Replacement is
often difficult (usually through lack of funds) so it should be obtained with a view
to longevity easy maintenance and repair. The equipment must be maintained to a
schedule, which should be established before installation and based on the
manufacturers information. In the tropics, it will almost certainly be used on birds
of different sizes and weights, i f not different species from that chosen for the
original project, so equipment should be selected with a view to adaptability as far as
possible. The equipment must conform to local standards of construction and safety.
It should have proper safety guards, maintained in full working order. The
equipment must be designed to be cleaned properly after use. It must have smooth
surfaces, clean welds, an absence of bolts and irregular protuberances, made
preferably in stainless steel or at least galvanised steel which has been hot-dipped
after manufacture. The use of paint and mild steel is not recommended as it will
easily flake in the atmosphere and contaminate the carcases.
In the interests of hygiene, stairways, overhead gangways, platforms, steps etc should
be made of aluminium alloy checkerplate which can be cleaned much more easily
than iron grills. Wash hand basins, which should be made in stainless steel rather
than china, should be provided with cold and hot water at 82 ° C and operated by
foot, knee or arm. Sterilizers for knives and hand tools and equipment should be
used. They may be attached to the wash hand basin and these also should run at
s2° c.
Sterilizer unit
Mobile equipment or that used part- time or irregularly should be stored m proper
facilities out of the way when not in use.
All equipment should be installed at a sufficient distance away from walls to permit
installation, operation, cleaning and maintenance. If not sealed to the floor, it should
be raised 200mm to facilitate cleaning underneath.
Floors should have falls in the region of 1:60 so that waste water flows away rapidly
but not so steeply that it causes difficulty in walking, movement of other traffic or
positioning of static equipment. Drains, which may be open channels covered with a
well fitted grill, should flow from clean to dirty areas. Drainage pipes should be at
least 150mm in diameter so that they will run freely and not block with the large
weights of feather, fat and faeces which pass over the floor. Drains should be
screened at the exit to the building. Effluent disposal systems should be designed to
suit the nature of the waste and its volume. This will depend on the system of
operation and management chosen above.
There is a temptation to economise on the quality of wall and floor structure and
finishes. This is false economy. Poultry blood, fat and other tissues are very
corrosive. The work involved is heavy and intensive. Any economies made will
rapidly show and constant maintenance will be required if good hygienic standards
are to be maintained. The floors and walls must be easy to clean, smooth,
impermeable and acid resistant. The floors must be non-slip to prevent accidents
and should be coved with the walls. The walls should be coved and rounded to each
other to prevent accumulation of dirt and water. The walls and floors may be
finished in tile but this should be completed in materials of very high quality and
laid with excellent standards of workmanship. A simple granolithic screed, spread
across the floor and up the walls is relatively cheap, durable and hygienic but lacks
visual appeal. The temptation to finish walls in domestic paint should be avoided as
this discolours and flakes, thereby contaminating the poultry product. There are
suitable epoxy resin finishes in white which may be applied if appearance is
important. These are sometimes referred to as a "liquid tile". Walls should be
finished to a height of three metres. Where product or equipment comes into regular
contact with the walls or floors, reinforcement will be needed. This should be
established bef9re operation commences since it may be difficult to fix hygienically
after production has been underway for several weeks.
Ceilings should cover the undersides of the roof structure, exposed pipework,
electricity cabling and other service runs. They should be smooth and impermeable
to water, free from condensate and unpainted so that they will not flake. True,
suspended or false ceilings should be at least 500mm above the highest piece of
equipment to allow for installation, maintenance and cleaning. Care must be taken to
inspect the space above the ceiling for accumulation (and removal) of dirt, insects,
birds etc and their nests.
Windows should be encased in non•corrosive material eg metal alloys, not wood, and
should have sloping sills so that items of clothing, knives, bottles etc cannot be
stored. Doors should have alloy frames and impermeable surfaces. The whole
building should be proofed against insects, rodents and birds.
Service runs
Service runs and ducting need special attention. Pipework runs should be simple and
straight, preferably buried in the walls or floors, or run down an outside wall before
it passes into the room in which it is required. Pipes buried in the wall should be in
stainless steel where they emerge into the room as they tend to corrode at this point
making repair very difficult and expensive. Pipes which run inside a production
room should be stainless or galvanised and mounted in wall spacers so that they are
50mm from the wall. Suspended pipework should not be located over product lines.
Should they attract condensation, leak, need repair etc, production and product
quality will be affected. If necessary, pipework and ducting should be suspended
from trapeze hangers. Electrical runs should also be buried or run in conduit.
Switches, lighting fixtures and other electrical fittings and fixtures should be of
waterproof standard, able to withstand the unintentional play of a hose pipe or steam
lance if they cannot be situated outside production areas.
This has to be of a standard for both general work and for meat inspection purposes.
Daylight is the cheapest form of lighting but it is sometimes difficult to provide
sufficient in all areas. In Europe, windows are not favoured as they let in dirt and
insects, and let out heat. In the tropics it would be churlish not to use the light
which is so amply available. Lighting should be about 220 lux in working areas and
540 lux in inspection areas at a height of 1.2m from the floor. Note the advice
regarding the need for waterproofing electrical fittings given above.
General Building
The building
The building and its roof should be an adaptation of local architecture so that it fits
in with its surroundings and causes no visual offence. The adaptation should
consider the climate and other environmental characteristics of the region while
addressing the hygiene concepts of its operation. For example, in earthquake zones,
the building should be strengthened to locally recommended levels with reinforced
concrete ring beams and no tiling to the walls. Desert areas will need special
dustproofing. In areas subject to very wide variations of temperature and humidity,
the buildings will have to be suitably adapted, perhaps with heating and ventilation.
In humid equatorial zones, the building should be adapted to the problems of sharp
cloud- bursts, with sloping roofs, wide eaves, deep gutters and downpipes, and
substantial storm drains to take away rainwater rapidly. High apex roofs are
considered best for hot areas. Flat roofs are unsuitable generally, even though they
may be cheaper than the alternatives. Thatched roofs are also not suitable since they
house birds and insects and are a fire risk. By the same token, an asbestos roof is
considered a health risk and cannot be used either.
The nature of the materials used in construction of the outside wall should reflect the
climate and environment. In the humid tropics, a damp proof course may be
necessary. The outside walls may need to be made in a low absorbent material like
highly fired brick, marble or other local stone rather than soft blockwork with a
cement render which will stain and decay rapidly.
Insect levels are high in many tropical countries and particularly so around abattoirs
where there is often an abundance of static water and nourishment for their survival.
Buildings must incorporate suitable screening, remembering that insects, having
gained entry should not find difficulty in finding a way out. The screens used must
be hygienic, and cleaned frequently if necessary. Inside the building, particularly in
production areas, electrical insect attractants with an electrified grid to kill flying
insects are particularly useful.
Some insects live on wood which soon decays and is therefore unsuitable for outside
use. Wood and other absorbent materials are not to be used anywhere inside the
building for any purposes.
All water entering the abattoir should be of potable quality. Ideally, water should
meet the guide-lines set by the World Health Organisation. These are long and
involved. For practical purposes, it sets a bacteriological quality (of zero faecal and
other coliforms/lO0ml sample), a chemical quality for nine inorganic and 18 organic
substances and a recommendation about aesthetic and organoleptic qualities. The
water supply should be chlorinated so that there is a residual concentration of 0.5ppm
free chlorine after 20 minutes contact time. It should be supplied at a minimum
pressure of 15psi (1 Bar). There should be sufficient water stored for one normal
days production, should there be an interruption of normal water supply. Water
consumption may be calculated at 25-35 litres/bird slaughtered.
In small plants, it is possible to heat water for scalding and cleaning by electricity,
gas or by solar heaters at the place where it is to be used. Savings in water and
energy can be effected by provision of low volume, high water pressure systems
(LVHP) for product cleaning and plant sterilization. A high pressure system of
suspended hose lines at strategic points in the factory will assist high product
standards and minimal water consumption provided they do not touch the floor and
do not leak. A mobile steam cleaner is very effective in cleaning small plants,
particularly where cleaning agents can be added to the water flow. In larger plants
this may not be economical and operation of a boiler house to generate steam is
desirable. For this, a separate boiler house should be built and provision for fuel,
water and steam storage will be necessary. An adequate number of steam hose points
and steam lances should be provided at appropriate points in the factory so that
flexible hosepipe runs are no more than 15m long.
111 Storm water drains, used for that purpose only, may be open in places and
should flow into the appropriate outlet. They should be designed to
withstand the maximum expected precipitation. The meteorological office or
local architectural offices will usually be able to provide details. The drains
should be designed to be kept clear and they should be cleaned regularly. In
areas where rainfall is frequent, heavy and relatively non-seasonal, this
usually presents no problems. Where there are distinct wet and dry seasons,
storm drains should be specially managed to ensure that they function
efficiently before the first rain is expected.
Drains carrying human waste, again used only for that purpose, should pass
by closed 150mm pipe, through a series of gullies and manholes where
necessary, into the town sewerage system, where it should be properly treated.
If no town sewers exist, the waste is probably best treated by means of a
septic tank and soakaway along the lines of domestic waste treatment. In
small abattoirs, elaborate treatment systems are probably not necessary.
Outside Areas
The area outside the building should be sealed to a distance of at least 3m from the
building. Beyond this, a clear, non-dusting finish should be used to 10m.
Overhanging trees and vegetation should be cleared to 10m. Potential bird and
animal habitats and resting places should be avoided such as trees, wires and the
eaves of buildings. Any plantations made to provide a function, service or landscape
should be of a type unattractive to local wildlife. For example, bats and monkeys
are attracted to fruit and this type of tree should not be chosen. Trees which are
particularly unattractive to hawks, crows, vultures and other carrion feeders are
Like all areas in the poultry processing room, the design of the reception area must
reflect its function and management. Livestock is considered dirty. Poultry has a
mixture of dirt, faeces, mites and insects embedded in its feathers. The poultry
itself may have a microbiological infection. The vehicle and the containers are
usually dirty from travel and previous use. The person bringing the stock may be
unclean from travel and he/she may have brought his/her family, including the dog
from home to the abattoir. It is good practice, therefore, to provide a separate
entrance for livestock. Access to the rest of the building by the persons bringing the
birds should be prevented. Washing facilities for vehicles and other livestock carriers
should be provided. Hot water under pressure and drainage should be supplied. The
area should have the geography and space to allow vehicles to manoeuvre and store
both full and empty crates or livestock containers. The birds must be stored under
cover to await slaughter.
Reception Loading Area
The reception area may also double as the loading area; in small processing plants
this is most suitable. Space must be allowed to label and sort stock, man-handle
livestock containers and store them when empty. Access to the equipment to hang
birds immediately before slaughter should be provided. Livestock handlers should be
provided with wash hand basins in the reception area.
The Slaughterhall
The slaughterhall has the potential for being among the dirtiest of rooms in the
abattoir. It may contain flapping birds (they do not all settle), steaming scald tanks,
flails or whirling rubber fingers removing feathers, dirt, faeces and insects from the
newly dead carcases. This situation forms an effective, contaminating aerosol which
settles on all the structures, equipment and personnel. When viewed in this light, its
design and management principles become apparent. The room must be separated
from the rest of the processing rooms as must the staff who work in it.
The room must be big enough to accommodate all the equipment and personnel with
adequate circulation space. The layout, using the principles set out above, should
allow 12 or more seconds for the birds to settle before low voltage stunning and
sticking, two and a half minutes bleeding and up to three minutes scalding at 53 ° C
before defeathering.
Blood released from the birds must be properly handled. It has a high Biological
Oxidation Demand and should not pass into the effluent disposal system. If the
quantity of blood is small, it can be scooped up and disposed of directly. Other
systems involve the use of pumps or vacuum to a tank in the offal room.
The arrangement of the defeathering area must relate to the management system and
number and type of equipment in use. If the defeathering machinery is based on a
series of pluckers operating on birds suspended from an overhead rail, the length of
rail involved will relate to the number of birds to be plucked in a given time, the
speed of the rail and the efficiency of the plucker. Such detail is usually worked out
by the manufacturer. In systems where scalded carcases are held against a rubber
drum with fingers, the position of these will depend on the system to be operated
and the number of machines to be used. This relates to the capacity of the machines
and the number of birds to be plucked in a unit time. For example, to defeather 200
birds/hour can be achieved by using two pluckers each with an operational capacity
of 110/hour or four with a capacity of 60/hour. (These are maximum capacities and
allow for some production and unexpected shortfalls). There are advantages to using
more machinery of lower capacity in the tropics where throughput may vary
considerably from day to day and the number used and staffing levels can match the
day's throughput. Also, should one machine be out of service, there are three others
(in this case) to help achieve three quarters of the daily throughput as opposed to
half with the higher capacity system. Of course four operators will be required to
use the lower capacity system and a larger building will be required to accommodate
the equipment. The risks and economics of the situation must be assessed when the
system is chosen.
The floor in this area must be smooth and well drained. Feathers which have been
removed from the birds and fall to the floor must be screened from the drains to
prevent blockage. This is best achieved by fitting a grill over the channel drain.
Wet feathers are particularly difficult to manage but it is essential that they are
confined and placed in drained containers on a regular basis in the interests of
hygiene and safety.
The defeathering area should leave space for an operative to remove the pin and
other remaining feathers by hand and singe the carcase to remove the last feathers
and hair.
If chilled, the carcases are now known as New York Dressed and may be marketed as
such. There is much to be said for marketing poultry in this condition at the start of
any processing venture. The product is more hygienic than a badly produced
eviscerated carcase, will keep for a day or so if kept cool or may appeal as a product
only a little removed from that sold by other marketing methods (live or fresh killed
but not plucked).
The room will require full ventilation to prevent condensation build-up. A complete
change of air each minute is required.
This must be a separate room. Clean carcases are opened to expose their viscera
which contain spoilage and, perhaps, pathogenic bacteria. Great care must be taken
not to contaminate the carcase when they are removed. Special facilities are
The offal should be dropped into a trough of about 1 metre wide which slopes
backwards to the beginning of the line. Offal flow is assisted by the end of line
carcase washer.
of the range in the tropics. For estimating purposes, 2kg ice/bird slaughtered should
be allowed. Use of an insulated slush ice tank will reduce ice consumption.
There are several designs of chiller for hot carcases. These include the continuous
drag chiller, slush ice chiller, concurrent tumble system, counterflow tumble system
and rocker vat system. Although of differing designs, principles remain broadly
similar. The chill system is designed so that ice or ice cold water is fed into the end
of the tank or system that the carcases leave. The cooling medium is set to flow
towards the carcase entry so that it is in counterflow to the product. There may be a
series of tanks through which the birds pass rather than one tank. Often there is
some mechanism, eg an auger or the overhead railway system itself which propels
the bird from its entry into the coolant to its exit. The ice melts and overflows into
the drain at the carcase entry point. The water must be completely changed at least
every four hours as it becomes contaminated with blood and carcase material.
Chlorine must be added regularly to maintain a total residual level of S0ppm.
The evisceration room should have sufficient space to allow workers and equipment
to move around. Personal hygiene facilities are required eg wash hand basins and
paper towels or hot air blowers. As the carcases are in a cleaned state, all metal
work in the room should be in stainless steel with a specification as set out in the
paragraph describing equipment above. The room will be hot and humid, so
adequate ventilation is important. A complete change of air each minute is
In the diagrams in the annexes, the chilled birds emerge m or immediately adjacent
to the packing area; this is in the "clean" area.
Packing Room
Poultry which has been chilled by a wet process must be packed rapidly and either
dispatched rapidly or frozen. Chilled poultry leaving the ice tank must be hung and
allowed to drain for several minutes, preferably into a suspended trough to prevent
unnecessary moisture on the floor. The room should be air-conditioned, constructed
and finished to full hygienic standards.
Poultry may be graded by class, weight and appearance. They may be packed whole
(with or without giblets) or cut into halves, quarters, pieces or deboned partially or
completely before packing or processing further. The process employed will depend
on the market to be satisfied. Account must be taken of regional preferences eg feet
and/or heads may be left on (not recommended) or wings and feet packed separately.
Cutting and further processing may be carried out either by simple hand tools or
machinery within a full range of sophistication. All machinery must be hygienically
constructed and capable of being properly cleaned.
The packing room must have sufficient space to stand packing tables and equipment,
immediate storage of packing materials and trolleys for moving material into the
chillers or freezing system. Its size will depend on throughput and the nature of the
operations to be performed. The room should be light, quiet, well organised so that
grading, weighing, cutting, wrapping, marking, packing into secondary containers (eg
cardboard cartons) are easily achieved. Passage to the cold storage should be rapid,
thereby preventing the carcase from warming unduly. The room should contain
hygiene facilities for staff (eg wash hand basins and towels) and adequate drainage
for washing down.
Chilling Rooms
Packed poultry may be stored m chill rooms for early dispatch or frozen and stored
for dispatch as required.
Poultry which has been eviscerated and chilled in slush ice, followed by chill storage
above freezing has the shortest shelf life of all methods of production. Chilled
poultry can be stored at 2-4 ° C for one or two days at maximum before dispatch to
retail outlets. Poultry may be kept a day or so longer if stored at -1 ° C. Poultry
kept in frozen storage (-20 ° C) may be kept for up to 6 months. Sufficient storage
space must be provided for the system of operation to be used. It must include
adequate circulation space for staff and vehicles.
As turn-round is fairly rapid in chill storage, single height stores are adequate. The
ceiling height need bi little more than 3.5m. Consideration must be given to the
foundations of the building which must bear great weights, stresses and strains. The
installation must have adequate insulation to withstand high external temperatures an
adequate vapour barrier and protection from physical damage by equipment. A curb
between the inside walls and pallets of 150mm should be provided to facilitate air
movement and to prevent damage by materials handling equipment and the packaged
products. Air curtains should be provided at the doors to help contain the cool air
within the chill room.
The product should be stored with adequate dunnage to take advantage of an air
flow of about lm/s. There should be adequate light to read labels and boxes but not
so much that it causes significant heat generation. The room should have facilities
for easy storage of the product on pallets or shelves. Stock control should be very
well organised. There should be floor drainage so that the room may be frequently,
regularly and adequately washed down.
The cold stores should be arranged so that the product may pass easily to the
dispatch bay or freezer rooms.
Freezing Rooms
Poultry may be frozen by one of several ways. The usual system is to place the
wrapped carcases or portions into metal trays and place them in a blast freezer for
2-3 hours at -40 ° C. The air flow is maintained at about 2-4m/s. The process is
followed by storage in a freezer store at -20 ° C or below for a period up to six
There are alternative methods of freezing. Regular packages lend themselves to plate
freezing. In this system, "bricks" of meat packages are sandwiched between two
plates. There are several plates and each will sandwich several packs of poultry.
The plates are brought down into direct contact with the pack and refrigerant is run
through so that the packs reach -18 ° C in about 1½ hours. The packs are then
removed, placed in boxes and stored at -20 ° C.
Other freezing methods include adding refrigerant directly to the pack. The two best
known examples are liquid nitrogen and solid carbon dioxide. They are not used
frequently in the tropics because of their poor availability, irregularity of supply and
high recurrent costs, which may be up to three times as expensive as conventional
refrigeration. Nevertheless, it is mentioned as there are circumstances which suit this
freezing method and the capital outlay is much less than conventional systems.
Loaded pallets should have adequate dunnage to take advantage of a light air flow.
As the room is kept well below freezing temperatures, there will be the inevitable
build-up of ice throughout the store, and around and just inside the door,
particularly in humid climates. The fabric of the store should be such that this ice
can be removed easily and without damage, so that doors can be closed completely to
maintain a constant temperature. There should be adequate light to read labels and
boxes but not so much that it causes significant heat generation. The room should
have facilities for easy storage of the product on pallets or shelves. Stock control
should be very well organised. Freeze stores are emptied most infrequently so there
is no need to provide a formal drainage system. However, when the stores are
emptied, the opportunity should be taken to clean them. A considerable volume of
melt will be produced, which may contain drip from product, rubber from wheeled
and human traffic, dirt from packaging and pallets etc. The design of the stores
should ensure that this melt is hygienically removed.
The freeze stores should be arranged so that the product may pass easily to the
dispatch bay.
The dispatch bay should be located near to the storage area and arranged so that
loading is conducted speedily. This will prevent unnecessary rise in temperature of
the product. Refrigerated dispatch bays are unnecessary in small scale plants. The
system of dispatch of product needs careful consideration at the design stage. Should
dispatch be planned by means of pick-up, large vehicle, private vehicle or as
individual packs from a retail shop, the facilities should be designed accordingly.
Considerations should include the slope of the site, height of floor pan of vehicle,
use of fork lift vehicle or pallet truck, hand loading, gravity, conveyor etc. Numbers
of vehicles collecting poultry at any given time will affect its size eg a bay to
accommodate one vehicle twice each day to remove the whole days production for
dispatch to a wholesale market will be smaller than a bay used by 20 small pick-up
trucks, one from each supermarket in the town, all wanting to collect poultry at 0800
each morning in time to open shop at 0900. Consideration should also be given to
par king and manoeu vreing of collection vehicles.
Dry Stores
Bulk supplies of wrapping materials should not be stored in poultry processing rooms.
They should have separate facilities in a room off the packing room, and preferably
with a door to the outside for deliveries.
The size of dry stores will depend on the type of product prepared, type, size and
number of boxes/materials to be stored and their delivery schedules. This is
important in the tropics where cartons may. be produced in batch operations by a
factory dependant on the availability of raw materials or where packaging materials
are imported in large quantities on an infrequent or irregular basis. Space must be
provided in the store for personnel to identify, sort, collate and collect the materials
needed for the occasion.
Provision must be made to manage the dust associated with storage of dry materials.
Extractor fans and airlocks are suggested for some areas of the world where dry dust
may become airborne easily. In humid climates, the nature of the packaging
materials to be used, box designs, adhesives etc must be carefully considered. A
soggy box which is poorly glued will not hold the product. Much damage may result
from poor storage conditions and, under certain circumstances, the provision of an
air conditioned room or one with a modified atmosphere should be considered. The
room should be proofed against entry of insects. Packaging materials make excellent
breeding grounds and homes for insects if the stores are not well managed.
Adequate lighting and stock control are necessary.
Offal Room
The offal room is probably the dirtiest room in the factory and must be designed to
address the problems. Inedible offals, in the form of feathers, heads, feet, viscera
etc and condemned carcases must be disposed of in facilities especially designed for
the purpose. The room should be located next to the defeathering and evisceration
areas. Waste products should pass into the offal room from these clean rooms and
pass directly out of the building without passing through any other. Offal usually
arrives in the room along trenches and chutes with considerable quantities of water.
Water and offal are separated before the offal is placed into some form of container
before its disposal. The water drains to the floor before it passes to the effluent
treatment plant.
The room must be properly isolated from the rest of the building, properly finished,
impervious to water to 3m or more from the floor and adequately drained. The floor
must be maintained to a high standard and not be slippery. The doors must have
bulwarks to prevent waste water from leaving the room. It should be adequately lit
and ventilated.
Staff employed in this room should not be permitted to enter any other processing
Staff Facilities
Staff facilities comprise changing areas, toilets, showers, washing facilities, lockers
and bins for dirty laundry. Separate dining facilities for the consumption of food
may be necessary in some locations but probably not in small processing plants.
The design of staff facilities needs much consideration. Separate facilities are
required for men and women. Live bird and by-products handlers should also have
separate facilities. This is not always possible in small processing plants. In either
case, the factory should be designed so that these personnel have direct access
between their changing facilities and work areas without passing through the clean
areas of production.
The layout of facilities should comply with local legislation. This should include
conditions regarding access to operational rooms. Staff arriving for work and· leaving
at the end of the shift should be able to enter the changing facilities directly and not
pass through production areas. Although the rooms should be sited near to the area
of greatest number of working personnel (usually the evisceration room), staff not
permitted to pass through the nearby room should be able to get to work by a short,
logical route. The staff facilities should not open directly onto a production area.
There should be some form of air lock.
Changing facilities should comprise a locker for each member of staff and sufficient
toilets, showers and wash hand basins for the number of staff employed. The toilets
and changing rooms should be separated by a partition from floor to ceiling. The
use of paper towels is to be encouraged and proper dispensers should be provided.
Benches and storage for footwear must be provided.
The room should be light, well ventilated, insect proofed and fitted with an extractor
fan to exhaust air to the outside. Sufficient hot and cold water should be provided
for staff to wash their hands and face frequently and shower once each shift. Litter
bins should be provided.
Factory workers must neither eat nor smoke in meat production areas. There should
be provision made for these activities which do not contravene the spirit of hygienic
principles. An area, perhaps designated a recreation area, could be provided outside
but under cover, with wash hand basin, tables, chairs, ashtrays, litter bins etc so that
eating and smoking is contained.
Before entry into the processing rooms, and usually just outside the staff facilities
often in a corridor, a boot wash facility should be provided. This need be little more
than a tap to which short hose with a car-wash-type brush is attached hanging over a
stainless bar, itself over a drained trough. The worker lifts and places his foot on
the bar, which is about 300mm from the floor, to clean his boot. It is customary to
provide a wash hand basin next to the boot wash with hot and cold water, paper
towels and a litter bin.
All workers should change their protective clothing at least once each day. In small
processing plants, staff are often expected to launder their own clothes. Managers
face difficulties if staff have no clean protective clothing. Provision should be made,
therefore, for all laundry to be washed by paid staff or under contract to ensure total
cleanliness. In the tropics it would not be unusual for a relative of one of the
production staff to undertake the task. This should be carried out on site hut away
from the main building. A small room or lean-to should be provided with a sink,
hot and cold water, clothes line etc. Requisites such as soap powder and sc.rubbing
brushes should be provided. It is not unusual to see the family laundry on the line
with working clothes and, provided this is not to excess, can be part of a
management arrangement to attract suitable staff.
Offices and their furniture should be provided for the manager, office staff,
veterinarians and so on, according to the local custom and legislation. The number,
type, style and size of office accommodation will depend on the nature of the
business, the numbers of birds slaughtered, the number of clients, both supplying
and being supplied and the culture of the region. It is important to provide
accommodation which is comfortable for the office staff so that personnel of the
right calibre will work in what is a relatively unattractive industry.
Solid by-products
It should be noted that in the first model, the birds will be New York Dressed, so
that only blood and feathers will be available. This will amount to about 10% of
body weight or 7.5kg/day.
Inedible material is divided into two classes; that which is condemned as unfit for
consumption in any form and that which is otherwise healthy. Inedible material
should arrive at a disposal point in separate containers. Condemned material should
be kept in special containers, appropriately marked. It should be incinerated, if such
equipment exists locally, or buried with lime and/or disinfectant to a depth of at
least 2m, at some distance from the abattoir but within the compound. Under no
circumstances should it be left open and disposed of in such a way that it remains
available to humans, dogs, animals or birds.
For the first two models, the total weight of solid by-products is too small to justify,
either physically or economically, serious capital in vestment to process this material
further. Its disposal, nevertheless, presents a problem which needs proper
management. There are three main methods of disposal:
Before any of these methods is used however, the cost of the intended process should
be examined closely as they are very inefficient in the use of fuel.
Poultry waste should be cooked in a purpose built room separate from the mam
building where the poultry is kept and slaughtered. It must have its own floors,
walls, roof, services and entrance and be constructed so as to keep animals, birds,
insects and vermin at bay. The rooms should have a clean rendered finish and be
capable of disinfection and cleaning. The building should have separate rooms for
the reception of the waste and another for cooking and storage of the swill
Raw offals should be handled separately from feathers. Feather meal is more
difficult to handle and use. Considering the amounts available, ie 5 & 20kg/ day for
the first two models, perhaps direct burial is the most suitable disposal method.
Swill must be prepared daily and immediately after slaughter. Raw offals should be
boiled at 100 ° C for at least one hour before allowing them to cool. Fat should be
skimmed from the surface and stored in clean drums until sufficient has accumulated
for sale. The equipment for this operation for Models 1 & 2 is very sim pie. A
properly made, thick, open pot, the size of a 44 gallon oil drum will suffice as a
cooking vessel. The volume produced daily in Model 2 would half fill the vessel.
After cooling, the swill may be fed directly to pigs, or minced and fed as a slurry,
after vitamin fortification. It is a variable product but this will be reduced if only
poultry offal from the processing plant is used. In some countries, offal may be
treated off the compound, although this is not an advisable practice. In these
circumstances, other materials may be used in the swill but its composition will be
In dry climates, the minced product may be sun dried on open concrete beds and
used as a fertilizer. Care must be taken to ensure that the product is not
contaminated by insects, birds and mammals. The dried product should be broken
up or ground before bagging, marketing and final use.
There is no reason why swill cannot be prepared at the throughput generated from
Model 3 but it is very expensive on fuel and, like the product above, has a very
short shelf life. The offal produced is equivalent to filling completely seven, 44
gallon oil drums. The equipment needed for this operation could be a series of 14
drums as described for use in the first two models. It may be necessary to in vest in
a proper cooking vessel from the manufacturers of such equipment. There are three
varieties to chose from. The first is a steam jacketed vessel which cooks the material
in its own moisture. It is a "dry" cooking method. The second system injects steam
into product and is a "wet" cooking method. The third combines the two processes.
None of the systems will raise the temperature above about 97 ° C so the cooking
period will have to be extended beyond one hour. The process requires a steam
generator. As the equipment has taps and valves to run off generated water and fat
a whole range of vessels, pipework and other equipment will be required to service
the main cooker. The volumes produced call for an organised distribution and sales
The alternative is to cook the offal in an industrial offal rendering plant (melter) to
sterility (about 2.5 - 3 hours). The system is vented to remove moisture, the fat
drained off and the product centrifuged or pressed by screw to remove the remaining
fat. The dry product is then milled and bagged. Energy is used more efficiently
than open cooking but the capital cost of the equipment is very high both to
purchase, maintain and keep in spare parts. The smallest conventional melter has a
charge capacity of 3.5 tonnes but smaller ones can be made to specification, at a cost.
A throughput of 10 000 birds/ day should generate sufficient waste to charge fully
the smallest plant. The equipment requires skilled operation staff.
There are other methods of commercial by-product manufacture (eg continuous and
recycling systems, each claiming savings on energy and resource inputs) but all have
the same drawbacks in terms of capital outlay, maintenance and staffing
requirements. At the throughputs mentioned, some producers find burial the most
cost effective solution to offal disposal problems. A novel system proposed in the
early l980's is to mince the offal through a 4mm plate, acidify with 3% formic acid
and store at tropical temperatures mixing daily for about seven days. The resultant
viscous liquid may be fed to pigs after formulation with other nutrients. The
acidified material will store almost indefinitely.
Effluent treatment
Waste water treatment is a study in itself and beyond the scope of this document. It
is mentioned here to give some idea of the range of systems used for environmental
The effluent produced by the three processing factories in this document will vary
with the nature of the product. The first plant will produce effluent mainly from
bird droppings, blood, washdown of the dry-plucked bird, washdown of the plant
and staff facilities. The second and third examples of processing plant will produce
effluent from the defeathering operations, evisceration, cooling, carcase wash, factory
washdown, refrigeration plant, staff facilities etc. Each plant will have its own type
of effluent quantity and quality. Table 7 gives an idea of the quantity and quality
which might be expected from each of the plants chosen for this document:
The volume of the first two plants is such that the effluent should be screened
through a comb to remove gross particles and subjected to settlement/ flotation in a
baffled tank (see Annex 7). This should remove about 40% of the BOD5 from the
liquor by producing floating and sedimentary matter. The resultant liquid can then
pass into either sewage discharge (if available) or a septic tank system followed by a
ground soakaway, provided that the soil is able to accept such quantities of water.
Effluent from the largest plant presents a problem which requires much more
processing than the other plants, mainly because such a volume would be difficult to
dispose of other than in a sewer, water course or irrigation system. Effluent should
be screened using a stationary, rotary cylindrical, brushed or vibrating screen to
remove gross solids. The fats should then be removed in a fat trap or
settlement/flotation tank as described above. It may be desirable to install a system
using dissolved air flotation (DAF) with or without chemical flocculation where there
is a shortage of land**. The fats are separated from other suspended matter by
floating to the surface of the liquor attached to fine air bubbles. This forms a scum
which can be separated later. The use of flocculants, for example, iron salts, alum,
sodium carbonate, calcium carbonate, lignin sulphonic acid, sodium lignosulphonate
etc is that the process is easier to control than DAF on its own. The effluent is now
ready for discharge into a sewer or agricultural land as part of an irrigation scheme.
Aerobic treatment is also conducted in a reactor but air containing oxygen is either
forcibly administered by pump or the effluent passes down a trickling filter so that it
comes into contact with atmospheric oxygen. The system encourages the growth of
micro-organisms and the carbohydrates are oxidised to carbon dioxide and water.
The nitrogenous wastes are converted to nitrates and sulphates. The incoming
effluent displaces treated material which flows over a weir to settling tanks. Some of
the solids are returned to the oxygenation vessel to maintain the microbial culture in
peak condition while the sludge is disposed of after further treatment, if necessary.
The effluent should then be of a quality to be discharged into a water course. This
may be done providing permission is first sought from the appropriate local
authorities. They may wish to conduct regular analyses of the treated effluent to
maintain quality standards. The sludge may then be disposed of in land fill sites,
dried and incinerated or spread on agricultural land. Land disposal carries the risk
of infection of grazing stock. Grazing should be avoided for 3 months from
Where there is space and a warm climate, secondary treatment is sometimes carried
out in an aerobic or oxidation pond system. These ponds can be used for both
secondary and tertiary effluent treatment for "polishing" to a level where it may
reach drinking water standards. Ponds are generally long and narrow. Effluent
enters quietly at one end and leaves from the other. The flow is such that there are
no dead areas. The ponds are lined with an impervious layer and about 1.Sm deep.
Algae are encouraged to grow by removal of scum, debris and overgrowth. The
algae produce oxygen which oxidises the solid materials rather like the aerobic
processes mentioned above. A quality gradient is set up along the length of the pond
and fish are introduced at the outflow end. The system is delicate and not open to
serious abuse. Inflow quality should be reasonably constant and the loading should
be less than 450 kg BOD5/ha/day. The pond size should allow for a residence time
of at least seven days. Tertiary ponds for "polishing" should be loaded at no more
than 70 kg BOD5/ha/day.
Finally other forms of waste effluent should be treated separately. Storm water
should be directed to surface drainage, water courses or whatever is appropriate for
the locality. Human effluent wastes should be treated as domestic waste, since the
volumes are likely to be small. This may involve disposal to a mains sewer or septic
tank before disposal by soakaway.
The poultry industry is very highly integrated in many countries. The date on which
the next batch of day-old chicks are required is conveyed to the hatchery. Broiler
production has almost standardised on the number of birds/broiler house so the
number of day olds for the order is known. Feed manufacturers provide exactly the
right amount of the right type of feed for the venture on time. The growth time for
the chicks is known so the date of slaughter is contracted automatically. The clear
out/clean up time for the broiler house is programmed for the next batch of day-olds
to be delivered and in production with no idle time. At the poultry packing house,
standard sized birds are delivered according to a contract date and time. They are
suspended almost immediately on arrival and slaughtered and processed without
delay. Processing speeds are variable but 2500 to 4000 birds/hour are not out of the
ordinary. There is evisceration machinery which works at over 6000 birds/hour, and
slaughter lines which work at 12 000/hour.
Considering the scale mentioned above, the throughput which forms the basis of this
document takes on a new significance. Manufacturers of equipment for poultry
processing on a very small scale are few and far between since poultry producers are
very much aware of the economies of scale (and are involved in a fiercely
competitive industry) and the manufacturers have more interest in the very large
scale of operations.
Development of the Models
Three scales of operation have been chosen to describe the construction and operation
of small scale poultry processing plants. The first, 50 birds/ day, is intended to be an
improvement on backyard slaughter. It presents a plan to improve hygiene and
product quality on existing systems of small scale production. It can be equipped to
process up to 100 birds/hour. The second, 200 birds/day, assumes that the system of
operation of the first has led to an increase in demand for the product and there is a
need for expansion of operations. It also presents an opportunity to d scribe other
types of equipment and operational systems which can be scaled up to 500
birds/hour. Model 3 is the smallest practical on- line system and offers an alternative
to the "manual" production methods described in the first two models. The three
models are based on buildings which exist today in developing countries. They show
full operational facilities. Other plans, found in Annex 8, show standard layouts of
the slaughter facilities only but serve to demonstrate the wide range of facilities
which may be required to fit most circumstances overseas where small scale poultry
processing factories are required.
It is the intention that all poultry produced within the plant will be slaughtered, sold
and eaten the same day. It is assumed that the area has no history of processed
poultry, so the plant is designed to produce New York Dressed birds using a dry
plucker. Expensive ice production or refrigeration capacity are neither required nor
installed. Dry plucking has several advantages over wet methods. The birds may by
plucked "hot" or cold and the microbiological problems associated with scalding and
increased surface moisture are not encountered. In New York Dressed birds,
contamination and spoilage by visceral microflora is greatly reduced and the shelf
life of the carcase is greater than it would be had it been eviscerated and not
refrigerated. Dry plucked birds can be kept at tropical ambient temperatures for a
few hours only but a couple of hours longer than eviscerated carcases.
As the viscera are left intact, waste materials comprise feathers and waste water only.
In this model, it is assumed that the locality has a marketing history of processed
poultry and is now ready for eviscerated carcases. Reference to Drawing Nos 1 & 2
shows Model 2 to be an expansion of Model 1. Economic viability is not assured.
As the throughput and type of operation has expanded the machinery is changed to
include a soft scald system with a bowl plucker, although dry plucking could have
continued. Evisceration is carried out and the carcases cooled in either a tank of
water cooled by a refrigerated unit attached to the tank or a static tank containing
slush ice.
The model is drawn up to show how whole poultry carcases may be packed into bags
and chilled. At a later stage of development, chicken portions may be prepared and
all the products frozen prior to dispatch.
Details of the abattoir are given in Drawing 2. The equipment required, their
specifications and the staffing levels needed to operate it are given in Annex 4. The
plan is for the birds to be brought from one large and several small producers and
each producer choses to sell his own poultry. In this case, there is a need to label
each bird individually and to charge each producer a slaughter fee. This is a
difficult operation and needs a larger office and more administration staff than the
system where the abattoir management buys the birds from the producer, or the birds
belong to a few producers in large numbers.
In this model, the feathers, heads, feet and viscera are to be removed. These
materials make up about 25% of the weight of the bird as solid waste which needs
disposal. In the drawing, the materials are taken away in a skip for further
The third example of small scale poultry abattoir chosen for this document will
slaughter 350 birds each hour. This scale may approach economic viability in some
areas of the world but if not, environmental, social and public health considerations
should again be assessed at the feasibility stage.
Slaughter throughputs of between 350 and 500 birds/hour can be processed on simple
"static" lines as described for models 1 & 2. Drawings of the equipment and layout
required have been included in Annex 6. At about 350 birds/hour, the overhead
conveyor system may be appropriate as it allows for greater expansion of the
throughput should this be desired at a later stage. Details of the design of the
abattoir are given in Drawing 3. Model 3 has been drawn up to show a system of
slaughter using an overhead conveyor. The equipment required, their specifications
and the staffing levels needed to operate it are given in Annex 5.
The processing plant will slaughter poultry, chill carcases prior to cutting them into
portions for freezing. Daily dispatch is planned, as installed freezer capacity is
sufficient for only 1½ days production. There is some scope for the preparation of
chilled poultry. The birds will be bought by the factory and sold either to
wholesalers or buyers of at least 20% of the days production. This reduces the
administrative load to manageable levels.
Three carcase chilling systems are proposed. The first is to chill in cooled
(refrigerated) water, the second in slush ice followed by drainage on a rack. The
third system involves cooling the birds on a ack in an air chiller. The systems are
fundamentally different and will require economic analysis before the best system
can be advised. Factors to be considered include the capital and recurrent costs of
the equipment, its maintenance and spares, the regularity of use, the size of the load
regularly slaughtered, microbiological status of the carcase and the weight changes
which take place during the two different methods of processing.
There are some points to note about all sets of drawings. The number of doors to
the outside have been reduced to the minimum in the interests of security. In Model
2, a door could be constructed to the outside in the evisceration room in those
regions where security is not of great concern.
The dirty and clean operations are separated. "Clean" and "Dirty" workers are
separated and there are "windows" through which product passes but personnel
cannot. The staff facilities are separated by a corridor and processing rooms do not
open directly to the outside. Staff facilities share plumbing runs with others, the
laundry in one case and the crate wash in the other. The dry stores are accessible
both to deliveries and for the packing room. The machine room is separated from
product rooms. Maintenance and service engineers do not need to enter clean
production rooms unnecessarily.
The product flows smoothly through the rooms which are separated into reception;
slaughter, scalding and de feathering; evisceration, washing and giblet processing;
chilling; cutting and packing; chilling and freezing; dispatch.
The equipment, given in the lists in Annexes 3, 4 and 5, is mainly from a specialist
equipment supplier but some items are of local fabrication. The general
manufacturing principles to follow are given earlier.
Note that the drains flow from clean areas to dirty. Note also the position of service
points, particularly wash hand basins, water, steam, electricity, lighting, fans for
ventilation and ice.
Bird species
The equipment described here is for broilers, chicken, turkey and geese. Other
species may have special requirements. For example, stunning time may need to be
increased for larger birds, quail, guinea fowl and game generally should be dry
plucked. There are special plucking machines for duck.
Assuming that a consumer wishes to buy poultry, the choice of a particular product
is based on its price and appearance; its convenience, shelf life, nutritive and
culinary characteristics are usually based on purchasing experience. The appearance
of a particular pack may also attract an undecided customer shopping for a meat
product for the family.
The appearance of the product shows its size, shape and the amount of meat in
relation to its fat and bone; these factors are controlled by breeding and selection of
the bird and selection of the carcase at the processing plant. Product presentation ie
packaging, is discussed as part of processing later in this chapter. Product
appearance also shows meat colour and this, curiously, indicates to the consumer a
degree of freshness and wholesomeness*. Consumers will accept poultry which is
white or of a colour which is generally accepted as "right". Consumers do not like
excessive reddening and darkening of the meat, bruising, blood clots, broken bones,
remains of organs and feathers, and blood drip in the pack and will reject it. These
factors are affected by both pre- and post-slaughter handling which are discussed
Assuming that the colour, shape, size and price are acceptable, the consumer takes
home the product and prepares a meal with it. At tasting, the qualities of texture,
flavour and juiciness are judged. These three characteristics and that of colour are
influenced by both pre- and post-slaughter handling of the bird and its carcase. As
general rules, pre- slaughter handling should be carried out to cause minim um stress
to properly fed but fasted birds; post-slaughter handling should emphasize clean,
speedy production with rapid chilling and prompt dispatch of product.
Transport and reception o f live birds
Feed should be withheld from poultry for at least four hours before birds arrive at
the abattoir for slaughter. Depending on distance from the slaughterhouse, poultry
should be taken off their feed and water one to four hours before they are loaded
and taken for slaughter. This ensures that the birds are significantly empty and their
faeces are dry. If the period is extended to, say, 10 hours, the faeces becomes more
fluid and the chances of cross contamination between birds during transport is
Birds should be picked up gently by hand and carefully loaded into their crates.
This is to avoid bruising of the flesh and breakage of bones. An excited bird may
overheat which may lead to meat quality and keeping problems later. A crate of 0.8
x 0.6 x 0.3m, will hold about 1.0 - 12 birds. In the tropics, it is essential that the
birds are not overcrowded and liable to overheat. Larger birds should be allowed
more space than smaller birds.
The transport vehicle should be situated in the shade. The type of transport used
will depend on the number of birds to be carried and the distance. Whether the
crate is loaded on to the carrier of a bicycle, the tray of a pick- up truck, small
general purpose vehicle, low loader or huge dedicated transport system, the same
principles apply. The crates should be loaded onto the transport with care and
properly secured. This means placing them gently on top of each other and tied to
the structure of the vehicle. The crates should be stacked to allow each bird plenty
of air. Adequate ventilation will reduce transport stress of the livestock. Closed
sided vehicles are therefore unsuitable. The crates should be kept in the shade
during transportation which should be carried out in the cool of the day. For this
reason, early morning carriage is recommended.
The actual movement of the vehicle is important to reduce transport stress of the
young birds. The best poultry will be produced if the vehicle is driven with skill.
This means that the birds will not be subject to excessive vibration, acceleration,
breaking, swerving and cornering at speed. In some countries, a "careful driver
bonus" is offered if the vehicle is driven carefully.
On arrival at the abattoir, the crates should be carefully unloaded from the transport
in the reception area. To keep the birds quiet, the lighting in this area and the
hanging area should be subdued. After unloading, poultry should be kept for the
minim um time before slaughter. It should be le ft in the crate, under cover, until
The empty crates should be returned to a wash area where they and the transport
should be cleaned and disinfected before leaving the compound.
The system of operation used in the production of poultry depends very much on the
nature of the market and what it requires. This varies very much throughout the
world. The systems described here are for a completely cleaned out bird with head,
neck and feet removed. The heart, liver, neck and gizzard are wrapped and returned
to the bird as giblets and placed inside the carcase. Variations on this theme must be
left to the individual operator.
customers will wish to buy. The package must look good in itself, so not only must
it be potentially suitable and attractive but also must be applied with care. Good
packaging is expensive so it must be wholly appropriate for the market. The choice
is very wide. Experience shows, however, that simple, cheap packaging is all that is
required in the tropics and for the sake of this document is all that will be
mentioned here.
There are three types of packaging of interest to the poultry producer at these levels
of throughput:
In some markets, the addition of a special absorbent pad of tissue 1s required to take
up extra moisture.
Dispatch should be carried out quickly and efficiently. The vehicle collecting
products from the poultry processing plant should be refrigerated or insulated. If the
latter, it should be cool on arrival at the plant. This usually means it should arrive
and depart early in the morning, convenient also for the subsequent retail trade.
Once the formalities, paperwork etc have been settled, the last thing to do is load the
vehicle. The vehicle doors should be opened, the chilled or frozen cartons taken
directly to the vehicle, stowed, and the doors closed immediately after. The vehicle
should then drive without delay to the shop, market etc where formalities should be
completed before the doors are opened or after efficient removal of the cartons into
a prepared cold or freezer store.
Specific Operational Procedures
In some systems, birds are removed from the crates and hung on an overhead shackle
where they are stunned by a low voltage system before placing in the bleeding cones.
Bleeding cones
Once it has stopped struggling, the bird is stunned with electrodes which may be
either free standing or attached to a knife.
Stunning knife
In other systems, birds are placed in the cones of the killing stand one by one and
allowed to rest briefly before stunning. The head of the bird is held in one hand
and the electrodes are applied. The switch is operated and the current allowed to
pass through the head for about ten seconds. This induces a form of tranquillization.
The bird rests perfectly still. This ensures that the feathers do not tighten and are
therefore easy to remove. A knife is then used to cut the blood vessels in the neck.
Practice is required to develop the technique.
The head of the bird is held in the left hand so that the left side of the neck is
uppermost. The cut is started by placing the blade of the knife just behind and
below the ear lobe. With the slightest down ward pressure of the right hand, the
knife is pulled forward for a short distance just behind the jaw bone, at the same
time rolling the head slightly with the left hand to the left and inserting a little
upward pressure. As soon as the cut is completed, the head is twisted slightly to see
that blood is gushing out from the cut. The trachea, (wind pipe) must not be severed
or the neck bone cut into as this leads to incomplete bleeding and makes plucking
more difficult.
If the bird is to be used for the New York Dressed method of preparation, the cut is
made inside the mouth so that there is no visible wound. The anastomosis between
the two jugular veins at the base of the skull is cut.
There are other ways of stunning a bird before slaughter but they do not produce the
best quality carcase. The- usual way is to break the neck. Both legs are held in the
. left hand and the neck is held just below the head between the first and second
fingers of the right. The bird is "stretched" and the head bent backwards until the
neck is dislocated. The bird is then placed in the cone and the blood vessels cut with
a knife.
Another stunning method is to place the bird in the cone and apply a sharp blow to
the head with an iron bar or similar. There is a chance of missing however, or
incompletely stunning the bird. The technique should not be used by unsupervised,
inexperienced slaughtermen.
A fourth way is to place the bird in the cone and then decapitate it swiftly and
completely. Although this would appear to be a quick and most effective way of
slaughter, the oesophagus is left in the neck to contaminate the carcase and the head
is removed, rendering a true New York Dressed carcase open to more rapid spoilage.
After the bleeding period, the carcase is removed from the cone without delay and
passed through the hatch, on to a holding table. A second operator takes the carcase
and pulls the flight and tail feathers by hand. In turkeys and larger birds, a special
machine may be necessary to remove these feathers (see photograph). The body is
then applied to the dry plucking machine.
This machine comprises a 1.1 kw (1½ hp) motor driving a shaft supported by a
bearing assembly. The shaft drives a plucking head by a belt. The plucking head
consists of a series of rotating plates held at an angle by a thrust plate at each end of
the plate bearing. As the discs rotate they close, drag in the feathers, grip them and
pull them from the bird. As they continue to rotate, they separate, and release the
feathers into a collection bag to the rear of the machine. Many dry pluckers,
particularly those used in higher throughput factories, are connected to a large- bore
tube connected to a fan. This draws the feathers away from the plucking head and
into a suitable receptacle.
The plucking action is gentle and, provided the skin is stretched tightly no damage
should occur. It is important to work methodically and speedily.
The back of the bird is presented to the plucking head. Holding a wing in each
hand and supporting the neck, the back is plucked completely. Holding the legs in
the right hand and the neck in the left, the skin is stretched tightly across the breast
before presentation to the plucking head. The complete underside of the carcase is
plucked. Next, the back of each wing is presented to the plucking head. After
plucking, the bird is allowed to drop to pluck the inside of the wing. The bird is
held by one leg and allowed to swing so that this leg can freely rotate against the
plucking head until the feathers are removed. This is repeated for the other leg.
The area around the vent is plucked by holding the carcase in the left hand, breast
uppermost and, with the right. hand pulling both legs back towards the operator. The
lower part of the carcase and the vent is thus presented to the plucking head.
Finally, unwanted stubs are presented to the plucking head to finish the operation
completely. Please see the following pictorial sequence:
The bird is then considered as New York Dressed. It should then be hung on a
mobile rack, washed thoroughly in cold, chlorinated water, allowed to drain fully and
air cooled for 15 minutes or so. If a refrigerator or cold store is available, the
carcases should be placed in it immediately after draining. Carcases should be
dispatched as soon as possible after plucking.
At the end of each working period the feathers should be taken through the door to
reception and disposed of in a manner described in Chapter 2.
Ducks, quail, turkeys, geese or game may be wax finished. After dry plucking, the
carcase is steeped in a tank of wax at a temperature of 54 ° C (130 ° F) and suspended
from a rail until cool. The wax is removed by hand or by a wax stripper, which is
like a drum plucker. The wax ma:y be collected and reclaimed in special equipment.
About 60% of the original wax will be recovered.
Wax tank
No refrigeration facilities have been installed in the smallest packing plant. Facilities
for this scale are expensive to commission, operate and maintain. Experience has
shown that there is consumer resistance to refrigerated meat in some areas of the
world, particularly where it is produced on a small scale. Experience has also shown
that the faith shown by some managers in the capability of refrigeration goes beyond
reasonable limits; the meat is kept there too long with subsequent product
Having said this, the smallest plant has accommodation for refrigeration if this is
seen as essential. The room before the loading bay is meant to be light, cool and
well ventilated but there is no reason why it should not be refrigerated. It is
believed that all birds should and will be taken away from the factory as soon as
possible after slaughter.
De feathering
After the bleeding period, the carcase is removed from the cone without delay and
passed through the hatch, on to a holding table. The flight and tail feathers may be
removed by the machine described for Model 1. The operator will then scald and
defeather the carcase.
The bird is lowered into a tank of water heated to a temperature of 51.5 ° C (124 ° F).
This temperature is critical and must not exceed 53.5 ° C (128 ° F) under any
circumstances. This may cause irreversible discolouration of the carcase. At a
temperature of 60 ° C (140 ° F) the epidermis may be removed and considerable
discolouration may be seen if the bird is allowed to dry out. The bird may be
agitated now and again and feather release should be tested by occasionally pulling at
a few feathers. The feathers may be released fully between 15 seconds and 2½
Carcase scalder
There is a small-scale scalding machine available which automatically agitates the
carcase in the water. After bleeding, the bird is placed in a cage or basket attached
to a horizontal shaft located over the scald water. Several birds may be placed in the
same cage. The door of the cage is closed and the machine switched on. The axle
rotates and the cage is drawn through the scald water. The machine may be
governed by a timer. After scalding the carcases are removed and plucked.
There are three ways in which feathers may be removed completely. The first, for
broilers only, is by hand. The feathers are simply pulled from the carcase and
placed in a feather bin. The method takes a lot of time, requires a large number of
operators and is very messy. Hand plucking is generally not recommended.
The second method is by holding the carcase against rubber fingers protruding from
a continuously rotating horizontal drum. The drum rotates away from the operator
and the feathers follow until they are thrown clear towards the back of the machine.
Drum plucker
The bird is held with a leg in each hand and laid firmly on its le ft breast on the
rotating rubber fingers. It is agitated backwards and forwards to pluck the left
breast and thigh. The bird is turned over to pluck the right breast and thigh. Both
legs are taken in the left hand and the tail feathers gripped in the right hand be fore
pulling them out with a twisting movement. The legs are held well apart in both
hands. The bird is placed on its back on the drum and the pelvis and the back
plucked. This action is continued by placing both legs in the right hand and
applying a slight pressure using the left hand to the breast. The head in the left
hand is placed with the legs in the right. Using the left hand to pull out the left
wing into a fan, it is pushed down and inwards to strip the feathers. Change hands
to pluck the right wing. The operators hands must be kept well clear of the rotating
drums. Please see the following pictorial sequence:
The third method uses a bowl plucker and is depicted here and in Drawing 2 in the
Annexes. Scalded birds, to a weight specified by the manufacturer, are placed in the
bowl plucker chute which passes into the body of the machine.
After about 35 seconds, the machine is stopped (a timer can be fitted) and a door to
the bottom of the machine is opened. The plucked carcases emerge ready for further
processing. The time taken in the bowl plucker will depend on the nature of the
bird, its age, condition etc. It is not absolutely necessary to scald birds before they
enter the bowl plucker. Cold water may be introduced into the machine instead.
The finish of the bird may not be as good, however, as that from scalded carcases.
After removal from the bowl plucker, some flight and tail feathers may remain on
the carcase. These are removed by hand by an operator who then hangs them on a
mobile rack and washes each immediately and thoroughly in cold chlorinated water.
After draining, they are pushed through to the evisceration room.
Birds may be processed by another machine, called a finisher, which stubs wings and
hocks. It comprises long rubber beaters attached to two horizontal shafts which
rotate at a brisk pace. This machine can save the tedious work of three or four staff
in larger scale operations.
Carcase finisher
The feathers from both the drum and bowl pluckers are usually thrown to the floor
and require frequent removal. They are wet and most of them are relatively easy to
pick up and place in the feather bin. It is the relatively few which collect in corners
and around the legs of the standing equipment which cause most problems. Feathers
are removed from the plucking area through the door to the reception area for
disposal by one of the methods described in Chapter 2.
The bowl plucking machine is under-used at this scale of operation but produces a
superior product to that of the drum plucking method for only little extra cost.
Evisceration •..
Birds arrive in the evisceration room on a mobile rack. Each rack holds about 40
carcases. There are two methods of evisceration. The first method described takes
place on a table.
The carcases are removed from the rack one by one and placed on the evisceration
table. The bird is placed on its back with the head hanging over the edge of the
table towards the operator. A pictorial sequence of evisceration, trussing and
portioning is given in Annex 6.
Carcase evisceration table
The head is removed with a knife and placed in the offal bin. The neck skin is cut
from body to head. The neck is cut away from the carcase, trachea (windpipe) and
crop. It is placed on a tray on the table away from the work area. The crop is
placed in the offal bin.
The bird is then turned round and a sharp knife used to cut round the vent. The
incision must be made carefully so that the intestines are not cut. The opening must
be big enough to place a hand inside the carcase. The carcase is held firmly with the
left hand (assuming the operator is right handed) and a drawing tool is placed
through the cut. It is held against the breastbone of the bird and, when the end is
reached, pulled down and back towards the operator so that the offal is drawn
The liver, heart and gizzard are then cut away and placed in the appropriate trays on
the table. The inedible offal is placed in the offal bin. The inside is then inspected
for any remaining, unwanted tissue. The birds are then washed in cold chlorinated
water and chilled in cooled water or slush ice.
Every so often, the edible offal (heart, liver, neck and gizzard) should be moved
across to the giblet station and processed in a manner described below.
The carcases should be hung with their backs towards the operators. At the carousel,
the first operator cuts the skin down the back of the neck, pulls it out and detaches
it from the crop and trachea (windpipe). The crop is removed and dropped into the
evisceration tray. A cut is then made round the vent with a sharp knife, taking care
not to cut the intestine and making sure the cut is large enough to insert a hand
inside the carcase. The next operator inserts a drawing tool through the incision
keeping it pressed against the breastbone (which is away from the operator) until it
reaches as far as it will go. Holding the carcase horizontally and firmly with the left
hand (assuming right-handedness) the tool is pulled down and out so that the offal is
drawn outside the bird. The offal is allowed to hang down the back of the bird
ready for inspection.
After inspection, the third operator should cut off the liver, heart and gizzard and
place them in the appropriate gizzard trays. The inedible offal is then detached
allowing it to fall into the evisceration tray. The tray has a waterspray to wash the
inedible offal into the offal truck situated underneath. The fourth operator should
inspect the carcases and remove any lungs and other unwanted material using the
serrated lung removal or other appropriate tool. The head is then cut off and
dropped into the evisceration trough and the neck removed with the secateurs. It is
then placed in a giblet tray.
The giblet trays holding the edible offal should be moved to the giblet station where
the livers, hearts and necks are washed. The gizzards are opened with a sharp knife
and then washed. The inside "skin" is removed by knife. This is not easy and,
depending on the bird, it may be necessary to scald the gizzard in boiling water first.
After the offal has been cleaned and washed, it is then sorted and placed into small
plastic bags and placed on trays in the chill room.
At the end of a production session, the inedible offal is wheeled away from the room
through the plucking area to the outside to be disposed of in a manner described in
Chapter 2. If an outside door is constructed into this room, it may be removed
through this route.
If necessary, the birds are removed from the carousel. The feet may be cut off and
placed in a suitable receptacle.
Empty carcases are placed into a cooling bath at the end nearest the evisceration
room. The bath contains water, chlorinated to a minimum level of 50ppm, which is
either cooled by a refrigeration unit attached to the bath or slush ice. As more
carcases arc placed in the bath they move each other along and warm the water. As
the water warms or the ice melts, more is placed in the bath at the packing room
end. This comes from the refrigeration machinery which runs continuously or from
the nearby icemaker. The bath should be set so that it overflows at the evisceration
room end. If ice is used, approximately 2kg will be required to cool each bird. The
occasional assistance with movement of the carcases through the cooling medium by
hand will ensure that some do not get left in the tank for an excessive period. Note
also that the tank should be emptied and refilled every four hours as it becomes
contaminated with blood and carcase materials (see Chapter 2).
Spiral chiller
The carcases will take about 20 - 30 minutes to cool. At the end of this time they
should be removed and hung on a rack to drain completely. The time for the birds
to drain will depend on the microclimate and circumstances in the poultry packing
plant but, once established, should not be exceeded under any circumstances. An air
conditioned room in most tropical areas may operate at about 25-27 ° C and as the
carcases are relatively thin will soon reach this temperature if left hanging for an
excessive period. The cost and effort expended in cooling the bird will then have
been wasted.
For the sake of convenience, it will be assumed that whole birds only will be
prepared at this throughput and the carcase will undergo further preparation at
higher throughputs. Further preparation, however, may be made at any level of
Giblets, wrapped as sets in plastic packets, are brought to the dressing table one tray
at a time. The chilled washed carcases are removed from the rack and placed on the
packing table. They are inspected for damage, poor dressing and possibly graded.
The grading at this stage will be concerned with defects. These will include colour
faults, bruising, blood clots, broken bones, remains of organs or feathers. I f they are
not to standard, corrections are made (eg removal of the odd feather, piece of lung
tissue etc) or the carcases are returned to the chiller for other remedial action.
Packing table
A packet of giblets is placed inside the abdominal cavity. String is used to truss the
bird so that its legs, wings and breast are held in position and shown to best
advantage. There are many ways to do this, one example is shown in the
Whole birds are neatly placed into a plastic bag so that the wings fit into the corners.
A bag is placed over the guides of the bagging chute which serves to keep the bag
open. The bird is slid down the guides and the packed carcase automatically slides
off. The neck of the bag is twisted and the twist is forced through a slot in the
sealer. A plastic tie is attached to the bag. Bags should not be secured with
stationery staples.
Some customers require that the poultry is graded further. This might be confined to
weight and perhaps some idea of meat to bone ratio. Poultry may also be priced or
labelled with information which meets the local legislation plus that which the owner
requests. In this instance, the owner should supply the label or agree to its
appearance with the packer who will purchase and charge.
The packages are then placed into a cardboard carton or in a stainless steel mould on
a trolley ready for the chill or freezing cycle. The metal tray must be of a
dimension which will fit the inside of the cardboard carton. This is particulary
important if the product is to be frozen. Once frozen, the meat is removed from the
tray and placed directly into its cardboard carton. This will be impossible if the
block is of the incorrect size. The advantage of freezing inside a metal tray is that
when filled, the cardboard box itself will be in good shape, attractive, stack well and
resistant to damage in subsequent handling.
The cardboard carton should have a polythene laminate inside to protect the
cardboard from taking up moisture from the product. This will leave the box soggy,
particularly in chilled poultry, or the product may stick to the box leaving brown
cardboard on the pack. This looks bad on displayed products. Freezing meat inside
its cardboard box is that it reduces subsequent handling and continues to insulate the
meat between removal from the blast freezer and subsequent storage.
The facilities instailed for the poultry processing plant include a chill room, blast
freezer and freezer. This allows maximum flexibility for product preservation.
Poultry should leave the packing room in a thoroughly chilled condition and this
should be maintained until it reaches the consumer.
Packaged poultry can be taken into the chill room and stored overnight before
dispatch the following day. The dimensions of the room allow for a full days
production with some excess to hold stock if transport is delayed a little. Care
should be taken to ensure that the store is managed according to the general
principles laid down in the appropriate section in Chapter 2. Some of the poultry
may be preserved frozen. The intention is that trolleys of packaged birds will be
held in chill to await completion of the earlier blast freezer cycle. The trays will
then be loaded into the freezer according to the manufacturers instruction and the
machine switched on. The blast freezer operates at a temperature of about -40 ° C
and the air speed is of the order of 2-4 m/s. Freezing will take about 2-3 hours.
After this period, the machine is switched off, the freezer unloaded and the products
quickly placed into cardboard cartons (where appropriate) and stored in the freezer
room. This room operates at a temperature of about -20 ° C. The product will enter
at a temperature of -40 ° C on the outside of the pack and -10 ° C on the inside. The
freezer room allows the pack to equilibrate. The boxes should rest for about 24
hours before dispatch.
Birds are removed carefully from their crates by holding both legs and placed
carefully on the overhead rail. The operator briefly holds the legs or runs his hands
down the body to help quieten the bird. The overhead rail is moving at between 0.6
to 1.4m/minute. As the shackles are at 0.2m intervals, it is necessary to fill every
shackle to ensure maximum production of 350 birds/hour and be able to control all
subsequent operations. eg detail staff, use constant quantities of ice etc.
The birds are allowed to settle, and may be stunned using a method described earlier.
There are other forms of stunning apparatus but their use can be limited in the
tropics. The most frequently found system is the brine bath which acts as one
electrode and a metal bar in contact with the shackle which acts as the other. The
bird is automatically lowered to the bath by a fall in the overhead rail and is stunned
as soon as the head touches the brine. A guide ensures that the head comes into
contact with the brine. The system works best where all the birds are of the same
dimensions. This is not always found in small scale operations in the tropics and in
multi-species abattoirs. Another system uses an electrified plate which is placed
across the line of travel and set to come into contact with the head of the suspended
bird as it passes. Sometimes a flow of water passes over the plate to improve its
conductivity. The problems rest with the dimensions of the bird and the possibility
of the bird receiving a shock and pulling its head away from the electrode. In these
circumstances, it fails to stun the bird.
Birds are bled by a method described earlier. They should be allowed to bleed for
1½ to 2 minutes before dressing starts.
The overhead rail moves the birds from the stunning/bleeding area and lowers them
into a scalding tank. The speed of the rail ensures the birds are scalded for the right
length of time and are sufficiently agitated in the scald water. A thermostat ensures
that the temperature of the water is maintained at 52 ° C.
After the birds have passed through the scalding tank they are removed from the
overhead conveyors for plucking. The tail and flight feathers may be removed by
the machine described above in Model 1. At a rate of 350 birds/hour hand plucking
is totally impractical and machinery must be used. Two methods of plucking are
The first, using a drum plucker, requires a team of four operators and a drum of
1.5m in length. It comprises a horizontally mounted stainless drum from which many
long rubber fingers extend. The drum rotates briskly away from the operator. This
drum should have a second rotating drum with rubber fingers positioned above the
other so that it is oriented rather like an old fashioned mangle. The drums should be
set to leave about 10mm clearance between rubber fingers with both drums
revolving. The carcase is simply introduced and turned and agitated until all soft
feathers are removed. The operators hands must be kept well clear.
The second method of removing feathers is that of bowl plucker described earlier
and used in Model 2. Whereas the machine was under-used in the previous example,
the operation at 350 birds/ hour is close to maxim um operational capacity.
The cost variation between the large double drum and bowl plucking machines 1s
marginal but the product from the bowl plucker may be better.
After removal from the bowl plucker, some flight and tail feathers may remain on
the carcase. The carcase is placed on a pinning table where two staff remove any
unwanted feathers. Alternatively, a finisher (see Model 2) may be used. The
carcases are then hung onto another overhead conveyor which carries them on into
the evisceration room. They are placed with the back towards the operators who will
eviscerate them.
The feathers are collected frequently and periodically and placed in a feather bin.
They are removed from the plucking area through the door near the bowl plucker for
disposal by a method described in Chapter 2.
Birds arrive into the evisceration room through a hole in the dividing wall which
separates it from the plucking room. They should then be eviscerated in the manner
described for the carousel used in Model 2.
The evisceration table in this model has a trough rather than a circular tray. The
trough has a waterspray to wash the inedible offal into the offal truck situated at the
end of the evisceration trough.
Evisceration trough
The birds, which are still hanging from the overhead conveyor, then pass through the
quick-clean bird washer or a washing cabinet. The first comprises two roller brushes
mounted horizontally in line with the conveyor. The outside is shielded so that the
wash water is contained within the cabinet. Chlorinated water is introduced through
built in spray nozzles and, as the brushes rotate, they scrub and wash the carcase.
Passage takes about one minute. The washing cabinet is similar except that it has a
series of water spray heads instead of the brushes. After they have emerged, one
operator takes the carcases off the rail, cuts off the feet, (placing them in a suitable
receptacle) and either hangs the carcases onto a rack for air cooling or places them
into the cooled water or slush ice tank.
The giblets and gizzards are handled in the same way as for model 2 except that an
automatic gizzard skinner is used. The gizzard is held down over the serrated rollers
which then removes the skin. The operator must take care that his hands do not
come into contact with these rollers.
Gizzard skinner
After the offal has been cleaned and washed, it is then sorted and placed into small
plastic bags and placed on trays in the chill room.
Three systems of cooling are shown for this scale of operation. The first two, those
of cooled water and slush ice cooling, follow much the same principle as that for
Model 2 except that the cooling tank should have some form of device to direct the
carcases through the tank. (Such devices were previously called "spin chillers").
Also, if used, ice should be added automatically from the icemaker to the cooling
The birds should be hung with their legs removed, onto a marked cooling rack. Each
rack holds about 150 birds and should take about half an hour to fill. They should
be allowed to hang in the air for about 15 minutes to dry and then placed directly in
a cold store. It is important that the birds are dry before they enter as this will not
happen in the cold room where the relative humidity is high.
The chill store will require special management to ensure that the racks already
inside are removed in the order in which they entered. In this way each bird will
get a constant amount of cooling.
The chill store should be designed to cool four racks, each of 150 birds (say 300 kg)
ie a total of 1200kg, from 35 ° C to 5 ° C in two hours.
Once cool, the birds must be processed speedily as they will soon nse rn temperature
(see Model 2).
Carcases may be prepared as whole birds as described for Model 2. Other methods
of preparation may be undertaken according to customer requirements. This may
include cutting into halves, quarters, legs, thighs, wings, breasts, drumsticks or
complete deboning. Photographs of a potential cutting method is given in Annex 6.
Portioning machine
Poultry portions are treated in much the same manner as the whole birds but the use
of trays is much more prevalent. Drumsticks, chilled or frozen in a loose plastic bag
have little visual appeal whereas the same product neatly arranged on a tray with a
clear overwrap has a much better chance of sale.
Again, The packages are placed on a stainless steel tray on a trolley, or into a
cardboard carton ready for the chill or freezing cycle.
At this scale of operations, chill storage facilities are not provided as it is assumed
that all birds will be frozen. I f there is a requirement for chill storage, the building
can be redesigned easily to accommodate such facilities. The system o f operation
will be similar to that described for Model 2.
There are some differences in operation at the increased scale, however. Instead of
storage at chill temperatures before loading the poultry into the blast freezer, marked
trolleys of packaged meat are taken straight from the packing room into the blast
freezer room. Here they are held until frozen before removal and storage in the
freezer. There is an area where the metal trays can be emptied and the product
placed in cardboard outer covers. A high degree of management of product is
necessary to ensure that each trolley receives the appropriate time .of blast freezing.
Too little time will lead to deterioration of the product. Too much is a waste of
The production of healthy poultry depends on the maintenance of health and hygiene
throughout the entire production system. This includes the maintenance of health at
the point of production of the live birds. The following are examples of measures
which can be taken to ensure good hygiene and to prevent disease at the farm:
11 The processing operation should be located as far away as possible from other
similar operations
11 Poultry houses and all equipment should be scrubbed clean with a high
pressure hot water cleaner, detergents and disinfectants such as chlorine based
chemicals, formaldehyde, 2% caustic soda solution or 1% quaternary
ammonium compounds solution between raising batches of poultry
■ Birds of one age only should be reared in each house. Birds of different ages
can infect each other and young chicks are particularly vulnerable to adult
■ The diet should be well balanced in sufficient quantities and obtained from a
well known source
■ Dirty litter & droppings should be removed from the poultry house
■ Veterinary advice should be sought at the first sign of disease in the flock. If
this is not available, the producer may be obliged to slaughter in order to
prevent serious recurrence of the disease in subsequent flocks
■ Dead birds should be removed as soon as possible from the rearing houses and
disposed of by incineration or deep burial
■ Although the poultry sheds are designed to prevent their entry, rats, mice and
insects are difficult to keep at bay. They should be destroyed if they infest
the poultry house and feed store as they are carriers of disease
111 Cats, dogs and other animals should be prevented from entering the poultry
house. Children should be discouraged from entry also unless they are
attending to the birds or under instruction
External contamination
111 Visiting vehicles which could carry infection causing, microbes and spores. A
delivery point should be located away from the poultry house and feed store
to reduce contamination levels
111 Poultry crates or modules which are used constantly for transporting birds
outside the poultry farm. These should be properly cleaned using disinfectant
111 Visitors must wash their hands and use the overalls & footwear provided
Poultry intended for slaughter should undergo ante-mortem health inspection within
24 hours of slaughter and this should be repeated if the birds are subject to delay.
Ante-mortem health inspection at the poultry processing plant may be restricted to
detecting injuries received in transport if the poultry have been inspected fully at the
farm of origin within the 24 hours immediately preceding the ante-mortem health
inspection and found to be healthy.
111 whether the poultry shows symptoms indicative of a disease which can be
transmitted to humans or animals. These diseases or conditions include some
forms of Newcastle disease, Fowl Plague, Rabies, Salmonellosis, Pasturellosis,
Ornithosis and others
Microbial Implications of Slaughter And Processing
Although domestic poultry have social habits which include preening of feathers and
attention to personal cleanliness, these are not well developed. Poultry normally co-
exist with considerable numbers of micro-organisms, insects, parasites, dirt, dust,
faeces, all manner of filth and feedstuff among their feathers and on their skin. The
skin protects the main body from microbial invasion but if this is damaged, it may
lead to infection of the underlying tissues, organs and body as whole reducing the
value of the carcase. Similarly, the alimentary tract contains a very large number of
organisms usually held in a sensitive balance which, if upset, can lead to digestive
problems resulting in a change of faecal consistency. This may assist in the spread
of alimentary infection to other birds in the flock and, as will be described below, to
human beings.
Many precautions can be taken to assist with the microbiological condition of poultry
and the poultry meat they produce. These precautions should start at the producers
premises where young birds are raised. The producer should take note of the ad vice
offered by the veterinarian or extension officer about design, operation,
management, cleanliness and general health of the flock and its housing. Great
attention should be given to seeking veterinary advice should the flock become sick.
Poultry housing should be properly separated from other animal housing, human
habitation and their animals. It should be kept clean while the birds are growing and
thoroughly disinfected once the birds have gone for sale and slaughter. The
containers for the birds should have been disinfected before birds are placed in them
and the vehicle should have been similarly treated. Attention should be given to the
cleanliness of the livestock handlers, their clothing and footwear. They should be
discouraged from keeping their own poultry at home (see Chapter 1).
Live birds should be handled quietly, kept off the ground and slaughtered using
properly designed, maintained and cleaned equipment in a properly designed,
maintained, cleaned and managed building. Attention is drawn below to the concept
of cross contamination of poultry carcases by micro-organisms. The most important
areas to monitor are the reception areas for the live birds, the scalding tank area, the
defeathering machine (which can harbour undetected micro-organisms for years) and
the chilling tank.
Given the nature of the bird as described in the first paragraph, it is not difficult to
see the consequences of birds flapping, touching and struggling in confined spaces in
the likes of the reception and slaughter areas of the processing plants. Wash water
from scalding and plucking contains many micro-organisms which can be distributed
by aerosol as well as in flowing water. Poultry are processed rapidly and eviscerated
through a small opening in the body cavity. The alimentary tract can split easily,
spilling its contents over the carcase on both the outside and inside. Process water,
such as used in washing, chilling and further processing can become contaminated
easily. From the whole process, surfaces in the building and on machinery can
become contaminated as can the hands of processing operators and their processing
implements. Each has the potential to contaminate the poultry carcases further.
There are many forms of spoilage organisms but Pseudomonads are the most
important. They are found in large numbers on feathers but rarely in the alimentary
tract. In the living bird, their activity is kept under control by the physical barrier
of the skin, competition for suitable nutrients from other micro-organisms and the
temperature of the skin which is too warm for their optimal growth. After slaughter
of the bird, they are destroyed in large numbers by the scalding tank as most do not
grow or survive above 28 ° C. Those that do however, can re-contaminate other
carcases in subsequent processing operations. Unless carcases are washed thoroughly
in super-chlorinated water and chilled promptly, the Pseudomonads may be present
in sufficient numbers to overcome competition from other micro-organisms, and
grow at their optimum temperature. Spoilage of the carcase may result.
Salmonella spp attract the most publicity but are not the only organisms responsible
for food poisoning. Clostridia spp, particularly Clostridium perfring ens are also
found in poultry arriving at the processing plant. They, too, are found in the caeca
and colon of live birds. Although they infect live birds and cross contaminate at the
processing plant like Salmonellae they are found, fortunately, in small numbers at
the end of a processing operation provided operations are carried out efficiently.
They do not grow well below 15 ° C and provided the bird is kept properly chilled
and is well cooked at home, no real danger of food poisoning exists. However, some
micro-organisms can withstand normal cooking temperatures and, if cooked poultry
is left in warm conditions, can multiply quickly to cause food poisoning.
Regrettably it is not possible to hope that a thorough final wash will be sufficient to
clean poultry to a safe level of contamination. While many bacteria are washed away
during processing, sufficient remain to cause problems if carcases are not properly
handled. Washing is not a very effective way of removing bacteria. They are found
in the bottom of feather follicles and many creases within the skin which hold water,
positions which are difficult to clean and conditions conducive to microbial growth.
Simple washing is insufficient to remove all these organisms. Bacteria also attach
themselves to the skin by a mechanism which is not fully understood. They form a
film which is not removed by scalding or chlorination.
Operational procedures are introduced to overcome these problems. For example, dry
plucking, followed by washing and rapid chilling or dispatch of New York Dressed
birds is recommended in the smallest scale model of poultry processing discussed in
this report (Model 1 - 50 birds/ day). This system ensures the intestinal micro-
organisms are contained until the carcase is ready to be- cooked. Cross contamination
with other carcases is prevented during processing. Special instructions on use of
New York Dressed carcases must be given to the customer to prevent transfer of
microbiological problems elsewhere. In practice these are thought to be fewer than
might be expected. The second scale of operations discussed in this report (Model 2
- 200 birds/ day) uses a system of wet scalding, de feathering by plucking machine
and chilling in a tank of cooled or iced water after evisceration. Although
potentially the most difficult system to control, the scale is such that all operations
can be closely managed by technical staff. Cooling by ice cold spray (an alternative
to cooling by slush ice) would be uneconomical. Carcase cooling in the third scale of
operations, (Model 3 - 2500 birds/ day), is similar to the second but offers a choice
of three chilling methods after evisceration. Carcases may be spray washed followed
by air chilling in a cold room (the preferred system of operation but requirmg more
management) or chilled in a tank of cooled water or slush ice. Once again, the scale
should be such that the operation can be closely managed by technical staff using a
properly established operational code of practice.
All parts of each bird should be inspected immediately after slaughter. To do this all
parts of the carcase should remain identifiable until the inspector has declared the
carcase fit. This is best done if the viscera is left attached to the carcase.
The inspector is looking to see if the carcase is fit for human consumption. He may
find an indication of:
■ death resulting from a cause other than slaughter (eg stress, physica·l damage)
■ putrefaction (decay)
■ abnormal consistency
■ oedema (swelling)
■ infectious disease
■ avian leucosis complex. This is a viral disease responsible for:
■ Marck's disease (one symptom is swollen lymph glands) and
• Leucosis (one symptom is enlarged liver and spleen)
■ poisoning.
If any of these conditions are found, the carcase should be set to one side and
disposed of according to the nature of the condition. For example, should the bird
have suffered a breast scab, then the rest of the carcase may be salvaged. If the
carcase shows signs of jaundice, then it should be condemned and incinerated or
deeply buried with lime. Other conditions are sometimes found and the qualified
veterinarian will be able to recognise them and deal with them accordingly.
Staff Health
All staff who work in the poultry plant are handling meal which will eventually be
eaten. The opportunity exists, therefore, for transmission not only of pathogenic
organisms associated with poultry but also diseases associated with the operative.
Poor handling techniques can also lead to cross contamination of spoilage organisms
and reduce the shelf life of the product. As a consequence, there are several rules to
be followed which can help to reduce these risks.
■ keep clean. This should include a daily bath. Particular attention should be
paid to hands, fingernails, arms, face, hair and other exposed parts.
■ wear clean light-coloured working clothes and headgear which can be easily
cleaned. The clothes should have no pockets except for those staff who need
to use equipment which they need to carry such as writing implements and
thermometers. The pockets of these coats should be on the inside. Everyday
clothes should not be worn in the factory. Hair should be kept under control,
using a hair net if necessary. Impermeable boots should be worn and washed
frequently, particularly when arriving, leaving and changing between normal
working rooms. Protective and safety equipment such as wrist guards and
chain mail gloves may trap pieces of meat. They need frequent washing
while in use and special cleaning at the end of the working day. The
manufacturers instructions should be followed.
■ wash and disinfect hands every time work is started or resumed, particularly
after a visit to the lavatory, smoking, eating, coughing, sneezing (using a
handkerchief), handling money, garbage or any dirty material. Hand washing
should be carried out as a matter of routine at very frequent intervals, using
hot water (43 ° C), soap and a nylon nail brush as appropriate.
■ wash and disinfect hands and arms immediately after contact with diseased
■ smoke or use tobacco while handling poultry meat or where there is poultry
meat exposed. Tobacco should not be permitted in poultry processing areas.
■ eat, drink or use chewing gum, chewing sticks, sweets or put anything in, or
touch, the mouth, nose or ear in any room where there is poultry meat.
11 scratch the head, handle money.
■ bring glass into the processing room. This raises the issue of wearing of
spectacles and contact lenses by operative staff. Contact lenses are not
recommended for production workers since they are almost impossible to find
should they fall out. Spectacles, on the other hand are unavoidable. The
lenses should be checked for security in their frame and not worn if they
become loose. The loss of the spectacles or the lens (pebble) must be treated
seriously and the article found before production continues.
■ doing anything else which may involve a risk of contaminating poultry meat
eg handling offal, live birds or money.
Every person who is likely to handle meat should undergo an annual medical
examination and receive a certificate from a qualified medical practitioner which
states that there is no objection to that person handling poultry meat. The
certificate, which is a confidential document, should be shown to and lodged with
the manager of the poultry processing plant and may be shown to the official
veterinary officer on request.
These functions have been combined m this document to provide a regular schedule
of activities.
Plant sanitation
During production, waste materials collect on the surfaces of the building and
equipment. These are an ideal media for micro-organisms to grow. Growth will
occur if the waste is not properly removed. The micro-organisms may be transferred
from their growing place to the product through disturbance by people touching the
dirt and directly touching the product. The product may also be contained by
coming into contact with dirt and by incorrect cleaning procedures which simply
move the dirt and micro-organisms about without destroying them.
As an activity, cleaning is a complete science in itself and well beyond the scope of
this document. Nevertheless there are certain general principles followed which are
universal to most food factories. These involve the use of the following which, in
themselves, may be sanitizing agents:
II steam 110°c
II cold water up to 30 ° C
II foam
11 disinfectants
■ detergents
■ soap
It is perhaps worth recording the main classes of sanitizing agents and some of their
characteristics to give some idea of their usefulness in poultry processing plants.
Iodophor compounds: These are always blended with detergents in an acid medium.
They have a rapid action and a wide range of anti-microbial activity. They are of
intermediate cost. They are used in concentrations of 25 -40 mg/1 of available iodine
at a pH of less than 4. They give a visual indication of their effectiveness as they
lose their colour when the residual levels have dropped to ineffective levels. They
are not toxic when used at normal concentrations but since they can combine with
substances in food to cause taint, they should not come into contact with food or
their contact surfaces. They are corrosive and should be rinsed off after a suitable
contact time. Like chlorine-based compounds, they are readily inactivated by
organic materials so they should be used after the premises have been cleaned rather
than as an initial cleansing agent.
Amphoteric surfactants: These are of a comparatively new class of disinfectant
with both detergent and anti-bacterial activity. They are non-corrosive, tasteless,
odourless and of low toxicity. They are not as effective as chlorine-based or
quaternary ammonium compounds. They are expensive and require good rinsing
after use. They are effective against a wide spectrum of organisms.
The delivery of the sanitizing solutions may be achieved through the use of:
There can be no general recommendations made about use of the most appropriate
sanitizing method for each situation. Similarly, the use of particular chemicals
(brand names) cannot be recommended since they are a combination of chemicals
with the potential for synergistic activity or reaction. They should be changed
frequently. The reasons for this can be given in the following historical exam pie:
In one factory a particular brand of disinfectant was used in the high pressure
washer. The disinfectant was delivered through a fine nozzle which formed an
aerosol. On the edges of the spray, certain micro-organisms were subjected to very
weak concentrations of the chemical and formed a resistant strain. The full user
strength disinfectant was of little use and had to be changed.
In the tropics there is usually a severe shortage of sanitizing agents. The most
frequently encountered are sodium hypochlorite (chlortabs), steam and sunlight.
Severe mechanical effort in conjunction with cold water often remains the system of
last resort. For the sake of simplicity, it will be assumed that these are the only
agents for the foregoing. Poultry processing plants with access to a wider range of
sanitizing agents should use them in accordance with the manufacturers instructions,
change them when able and monitor both cost and efficiency.
Plant maintenance
In the context of the poultry processing factory, plant maintenance means that all
equipment and structures are examined frequently and carefully, and serviced or
maintained according to the manufacturer's instructions. It does not mean that
repairs are made once things have gone wrong, failed, broken etc. Plant maintenance
is necessary. A separate budget is required so that it can be carried out. It is
intended that faults are found before they become critical and stop the production of
poultry meat or affect its quality. Of course, machinery will break down
unexpectedly and need to be repaired. There are several levels of repair which can
be undertaken in the factory. For example, a broken poultry hanger can be
straightened so that it causes no mechanical problems during a production session. It
should then be repaired fully before the next day's work as there will be a
continuing loss of productivity.
Sanitation and Maintenance Schedules
The following gives some idea of the sort of schedule that could be drawn up and
followed to maintain efficiency of the poultry processing plants discussed in this
document. The operations are accumulative ie the operations recommended for one
period include those given for the previous periods. Some plants will not have some
of the equipment and facilities which require attention. It is taken as read that all
plants carry out the appropriate maintenance for that plant
■ Wash floor, walls and equipment with cold, but preferably hot, water which
show signs of excessive contamination.
■ Wash down clothes, aprons, knives etc which are covered with blood, faeces
etc with cold, but preferably hot, water. Change clothes if necessary.
■ Empty and renew cooling medium (cold water and slush ice coolers only).
■ Wash floor, walls and equipment with cold, but preferably hot, water.
■ Wash down· clothes, aprons, knives etc with hot or cold water as appropriate.
Change clothes if necessary.
■ Wash hands, arms and boots on leaving the room and re-entering.
■ Staff to leave operational rooms, confine clothes to the laundry bins, take
shower, leave the premises.
■ Check that all electrical components and connections are suitably protected
from water.
■ Drain water from the dip tank and clean interior with high pressure
(preferably steam) hose to remove loose debris and foreign matter.
■ Remove any congealed blood from the blood trough and place in a portable
container so that it does not enter the drainage system. Dispose of as
recommended in Chapter 2. Clean the blood trough with a high pressure
(preferably steam) hose.
11 Clear drains, pick up gross waste with a spade, brush and place m a bucket.
Dispose of as described in Chapter 2.
11 Generally wash and clean down plant, equipment and stainless steel surfaces.
This should start with washing with cold water from a hose to clear away
gross dirt. Surfaces of equipment should be scrubbed with nylon brushes
using hot water and soap or detergent. Care must be taken to ensure that all
the corners, welds, undersides and backs of equipment undergo this cleaning
operation. The building and equipment should then be subject to cleaning
with a pressure hose of steam or hot (82 ° C) water with detergent. The
structure should then be disinfected by washing with dilute hypochlorite
solution. After a suitable contact time (depending on time, temperature and
concentration - see manufacturers instructions) the hypochlorite should be
rinsed off thoroughly. The building should be left to dry completely as
bacteria may grow in the wet pools left behind after rinsing. (Note: the
process is called disinfection and not sterilisation, an impossible task in food
plants). Care must be taken to ensure that all rooms, including staff
facilities, and all areas of these rooms are cleaned. It is very easy to ignore
"dead" corners which are little used but collect debris as a matter of course.
■ Inspect the plucking machine and bird washer rubber flails for wear or
damage and replace as necessary.
■ Check refrigeration temperatures to see that they are within company limits
for the time of day.
■ Inspect the toilets and showers in the staff facilities and manager's rooms to
ensure that they were cleaned as part of the routine cleaning of the other
operational rooms.
■ Outside, check that the drains and sewers are running freely and clear.
■ Check that all electrical points, water and gas are switched off.
11 Check rubber drive belts and chains for wear and tension. Replace/adjust as
11 Ensure that all moving parts are free and smooth in operation.
Free/lubricate/maintain in accordance with manufacturers instructions.
11 Inspect all water, steam and boiler connections for leaks and rectify if
necessary. Check operation of high pressure water cleaner.
11 Generally inspect plant for wear and tear and mechanical damage and rectify
if necessary. This to include shackles and poultry guides which sometimes
need adjustment.
11 Check that all electrical circuits are operational, lights function, fans turn etc.
Rectify if necessary.
■ Undertake full repair of equipment and plant for which a temporary repair
was effected during operation but requires plant shut-down to complete.
Never leave temporary repairs any longer than necessary, they usually
interfere with production later.
■ Check stores for supplies of cleaning and packaging materials, and all other
11 Check building for damage to structures eg walls and floors and effect
■ Examine nesting and resting places for animals, birds, insects and remove.
Check that wildlife proofing is intact and rectify if necessary.
■ Check the storm drains for blockage, sand ingress to the building and its
services, overgrowth of vegetation, anomalies in the compound, the soundness
of the fencing and other security arrangements (lighting, gates etc).
11 Staff medical.
The construction of a new abattoir and processing room for poultry presents an
opportunity for development of an improved marketing system.
Assuming that the new abattoir was built on the basis that it was wanted rather than
imposed, it will act as a focal point for poultry processing. It is a place where
producers will meet wholesalers, middle men and customers of all sorts and discuss
progress in the marketing of the product. Whether trade in poultry is new or already
established, the participants will maintain an awareness of market opportunities.
Although the very small scale operations of 50 - 200 birds/ day probably offers little
scope for a substantial change in marketing strategy, the 350 birds/hour model has
distinct possibilities for expansion of an existing market. The following defines
marketing, explains what it is and how it can be carried out.
Put simply, marketing is finding out what customers want and supplying it at a
The process is customer oriented. The customer will not buy an unwanted product.
The product must be provided at a profit. Profit provides the incentive to continue
with the business. The potential for increased profits offers the main incentive to
develop and supply a variety of products to tempt the customer.
Marketing Activities
Poultry as a Product
• Chick hatcheries
• Feed producers
• Veterinary services
• Processing facilities
• Transport
• Efficient cold chain
■ It is not the only supplier of proteins and essential food nutrients to the
human diet. It is in competition with other meats and protein sources
including fish, eggs and dairy products.
■ Its consumption level is dependant on price, income of buyer and the price
and availability of competing alternatives.
Having understood the product, it may be as well to understand and list the
characteristics of the market. Once again, the following are examples:
■ There are many contacts to be made in the marketing structure. For example,
producers, buyers, sellers and customers. All have information indicating the
product which the customer demands.
11 The customers expect a constant throughput, not expecting serious shortfalls
or gluts. Production schedules need full control.
11 Markets can be supplied under contract. For example, a particular buyer may
want a constant order filled each week to a particular products specification
for which he will pay a premium.
11 There is a standard of quality which the market demands. Customers will not
return to buy more if the product is unwholesome. At point of purchase,
quality relates to presentation as much as anything else. Assessment of
quality by the customer may be fairly subjective if not almost unreasonable.
Customers may look at the colour of the meat. They may also look at the
colour of the wrapper.
11 Test marketing the product may or may not indicate the results of
implementation of a full marketing strategy.
There are three steps which must be undertaken before a change in marketing should
take place. These are:
11 Reaching a decision about what to do by way of making inroads into the new
market and finally
The first step is to determine exactly what market exists and the problems and
constraints on that market. Information should be gathered on the volumes traded (if
any), its type (high volume/low margins or low volume/high margins), product
traded (whole, in pieces, breaded, spiced, cooked etc) its numbers (ratio between the
various sorts), weights of portions, style of packaging, how it is transported to the
markets, how it is stored in the market before sale, if cold storage is available, if
there are refrigerators in private homes on a large scale, the number of potential
speciality markets (hotels, fast food outlets, prisons, schools, hospitals, private clubs,
restaurants etc), who is supplying what to whom. The list is seemingly endless.
The second step is to determine what the markets want. The prices should be
examined. If too high, an increase in supply may bring down prices a little but
result in a much bigger turnover. This may indicate a large income elasticity to
which an increase in production/supply is indicated to the benefit of all participants
in the marketing chain. The market may want a different grade of poultry, cut
differently (into drumsticks and thighs for example, rather than legs) improved
shelf-life, different packaging (eg a film bag rather than a wrap; the bag may be re-
used for a non-food item), changed use of the product in response to a current
fashion, advertising campaign etc. Once again, the list is seemingly endless.
The third step is to examine the service the customers require. This relates to
volumes of product, its price, its time of delivery (morning, evening), regularity
(daily, weekly) and system of delivery, (ie in bulk, retail packs, ready to cook,
returnable containers etc), its type of pack (easy to open), its type of labelling and so
For the fourth step, the potential entrant to the market needs to know where the
poultry is sold successfully and unsuccessfully, what competition there is for the
product, what margins are available, who are the main participants in the market
(wholesalers, middle men etc). This may be made easier if a diagram is drawn to
show how the market operates.
Finally, the market research seemingly completed, the information must be analysed
with a view to finding a niche which the supplier can fill. This is one of the most
difficult stages and the one on which the venture will be sustained or not. There are
no answers which can be given in a book. If there were, the niche would be filled
by someone else, making the ad vice appear dated very quickly. To make matters
more complicated, the new venture may be subjected to competition. The
entrepreneur will need to continue to keep an eye on the market and change his
practices to keep ahead of the competition. His research and analysis should never
stop. A successful market is built on information.
Decision making
The first decision is to accept the results of the analysis and chose the niche to be
filled. This may be a circular process in that the niche identified may be so
impractical to fill that it will be necessary to return to the analysis of the market
research data. For example, it may be very profitable to supply a naval vessel with
3000 tonnes of poultry every six months. If the cold storage to hold the product for
the production period while awaiting the irregular schedule of the ship was
inadequate, however, the enterprise would not be practical.
The next move is to plan and integrate all the inputs, production and supply (both to
and from), production scheduling, labour materials, services, transport etc. It may be
a good idea to write down the proposed marketing chain in a graphic form to see
where the difficulties lie.
Having found the niche, the venture should be costed. The costs may depend on the
route chosen for the supply or production volumes. For example, it may be cheaper
to combine forces with another supplier and contract a transport company to get the
poultry to market rather than buy and use a company vehicle. Whatever system is
chosen it should be a practical way forward, the least complicated and one to give
maximum returns or profit. It is well to remember that to halve the profit margin
(thereby reducing the cost to the buyer) and treble the supply will bring in greater
returns than not changing pricing structure. It is also well to remember that if the
supplier does not have the production capacity to meet the market requirement, the
order may go to a supplier who can. Other aspects of costings must be taken into
account. For example, the cost of special packaging, special equipment which may
need to be purchased, extra costs for processing labour (eg cutting to a different
specification). The cost of borrowing capital must also be included.
Implementation may require the services/skills and business of partners. This may be
a bank, finance company, transport company, cold storage complex, poultry supplier,
wholesaler, retailer etc. These must be chosen with care. A small transport company
with low tariffs will be of no use if the driver is consistently late for collection of
the poultry from the abattoir if it must be delivered to the shop at exactly 0800. To
co-operate with the big transporter who charges more but gives a reliable service
may be better than another concern which offers a higher margin but risks losing the
business altogether.
Every time a change in system is proposed there will almost certainly be cost
implications. The proposal will need to be recosted time and again until the best
system is found.
Finally, it may be desirable to test a market before making contracts with suppliers
and buyers with untested goods or services. This is a perfectly acceptable way
forward if handled properly.
Implementation of decision
This is the moment of truth. All the decisions are made, the way forward
determined, the contacts made and happy, perhaps the contracts cast in legal stone.
There only remains general advice:
Annex 1 Poultry Processing: Flow Diagram
Office Reception
Slaughter Blood
Steam By-product
Scalding processing
Defeathering Feathers
Washing Evisceration Intestine
Giblet processing
Ice Chilling
Office Dispatch
Annex 2 Separation of Clean and Dirty areas
Slaughter Evisceration
Lairage Scald & Rejects
Feathers Heads
Blood Feet
intestine Trim
-.l Lungs
By-products processing
Equipment summary
1 Reception/ sticker 1
2 Plucker 1
3 Manager/ dispatcher 1
4 Cleaner/ labourer 1
5 Launderer 1
Total 5
Equipment Specifications
Killing stand:
Four cones to swivel about a central pillar and suspended over a blood trough.
Total height about 1.2m, total diameter of 800mm, heavy duty hot dipped
galvanised steel throughout.
Stunner/Sticking knife:
Low voltage stunning unit in self contained splash proof box approximately
0.25 x 0.25m. Fitted with safety trips which can cut out one or both contact
pads in the event of a short circuit. The stunning prod consists of a stainless
steel blade of 150mm length in a nylon non-slip handle and electrical contact
Dry plucking machine:
Holding table:
lm x 600mm x 900mm height, heavy duty food grade stainless steel top and
frame. Top to be slightly convex, no shelves, adjustable height feet.
Feather bins:
High density polyethylene, 1001 capacity. Tight fitting lid. Approx 2.5 x 0.6
X 0.6m.
Mobile rack:
The unit is shaped as an "A'' frame mounted on four 120mm castors. The
unit is approximately 1.2m x 600mm x 1.8m high. Horizontal bars hold 140
birds suspended by their feet. Hot dipped galvanised steel after manufacture.
Heavy duty (not domestic) stainless steel with drainer. Hot and cold taps
operated by knee or arm lever. Approximately 750 x 450mm.
Electronic top pan balance. Range 5kg x 10g. Water resistant. Voltage to
local specifications.
Cleaning equipment
Insect electrocuters:
An ultra-violet light source set within a metal case to attract virtually all
flying insects. Once the insect has been attracted to the unit, it comes into
contact with an electrically charged grid where it is electrocuted and falls into
a large collection tray at the base of the unit. Approximately 250 x 250 x
610mm, UV light output 160 Watts.
Electrical Fittings:
Drainage fittings
Ceiling fans:
Office equipment:
Laundry equipment;
Industrial quality.
Boot wash:
1 Reception/ sticker 1
2 Scalder 1
3 Plucker 1
4 Eviscerator 1
5 Truss/Packer 2
6 Manager/ dispatcher 1
7 Cleaner /labourer 1
8 Launderer 1
Total 9
Equipment Specifications
Cone killing stand, Stunner /Sticking knife, Holding table, Feather bins, Mobile racks,
Wash hand basin, Scale, High Pressure Power Washer, Insect electrocutors, Electrical
fittings, Drainage fittings, Ceiling fans, Office equipment, Changing room
equipment, Laundry equipment, Boot wash, Steam cleaner: All as model 1
Poultry crates:
Commercial standard in heavy duty plastic to hold 10-12 live birds. Washable
under high pressure
A 1.22m waterfall dip tank which ensures the bird is immersed in hot water.
Powered by a 0.75kw motor and heated by LPG or electricity.
Two horizontal metal shafts of 300mm in length and 50mm diameter set at 2-
5mm gap are powered by a lkw motor. As the shafts rotate, they grip the
offered flight feathers and pull them from the wings. The action is similar to
that of a washing mangle. With safety guards/stops to prevent fingers and
wing meat being drawn into the roller jaws.
Evisceration carousel
Evisceration table:
Evisceration Tools:
A set of heavy duty stainless steel tools for the removal of most of the organs
from the cavities of the bird, the head, neck and associated tissues. A
comprehensive set of tools comprise; fork/spoon, knife, hook (for roping),
rollcut secateurs, hand singeing gun, stubbing knife, drawing tool and lung
remover (serrated loop).
Comprising: Table, 3 giblet pans and 3 pan supports. Giblet pans, chopping
blocks and cleaning screens are arranged over a large heavy gauge steel plate
basin which is mounted on four substantial legs fitted with two spray traps
for connection to mains water supply. Unwanted material is automatically
washed away leaving the working surface clean and uncluttered.
Carcase washer:
Water hose suspended from the ceiling with a gun-style water nozzle. Water
is sprayed onto the carcase by operation of the trigger.
Self contained stainless steel machine producing flaked ice at approx -25 ° C
from a mains cold water supply. Production capacity 400 kg/day. Standard
storage capacity 200 Kg. Dimensions (WxDxH) 1.08 x 0.85 x 1.58m. Extra
storage bins (0.38m 2 ) required to increase storage capacity to 500 Kg. Mains
water, electricity and a drain required.
Ice Tank
Insulated tank to contain slush ice for initial cooling of poultry carcases.
Dimensions 2.5 x 0.6 x 0.6m
Insulated stainless steel tank contarnrng water previously cooled over an in-
built refrigeration coil to 4 C. The refrigeration compressor, motor, valves
etc are integral with the machine and to a capacity specific to the production
system. A programmable timer is supplied to prechill the water in readiness
for production. May be supplied with an auger to assist passage of carcases.
Packing table:
As holding table
Offal Truck
Dry store room:
A dry, well ventilated and lit store room approximately 3 x 4m. Insect proof
air bricks for ventilation fitted with industrial heavy duty shelving. Under
extreme environmental conditions a dehumidifier or air conditioning unit may
be required.
Cold storage:
Modular construction cold storage cabinet (2 ° C). Approx 2.5 x 3m. To cool
300kg of poultry carcases from 10 ° C to 2° C in 12 hours under prevailing
environmental conditions. Power and drain required.
Blast freezer:
Freezer storage:
Bagging machine:
Air conditioning
Total 9
Total 7
Offal preparation
Total 3
Total 1
Total 5
Grand Total 29
Equipment Specifications
Pinning table:
1 x 0.6 x 0.9m height, heavy duty stainless steel top and frame with
adjustable feet. For the removal of pin feathers from poultry.
Evisceration unit compnsmg: 16m conveyor line, 80 shackles, 3.7m evisceration
trough and mobile offal truck.
Carcase washer
To wash the carcase thoroughly both externally and internally after it has
been completely eviscerated. Incorporating a water spray and two soft flail
loaded spindles. The gentle sponging action ensures a clean carcase.
Adjustable legs and an accommodation for various bird sizes. The two
cleaning drums are rotated by two independent electrical motors. Alternatives
include replacement of the flails with 12 angular adjustable spray heads. A
pump ensures water at high pressure cleans carcases.
Comprising table, 6 giblet pans and 6 pan supports. Giblet pans, chopping
blocks and cleaning screens are arranged over a large heavy gauge steel plate
basin which is mounted on four substantial legs fitted with two spray traps
for connection to mains water supply. Unwanted material is automatically
washed away leaving the working surface clean and uncluttered.
Gizzard skinner:
Boning knives:
Pinning knives:
Knife sharpener:
Heavy duty
Self contained machine producing flaked ice at approx -25 ° C from a mains
cold water supply. Production capacity 5000 kg/day. Storage capacity up to
5000 kg. Dimensions (WxDxH) 1.72 x 2.15 x 1.85m. Plug in unit requiring
only connection to water, power supply and drain.
Insulated tank to contain slush ice for initial cooling of poultry carcases. 5 x
1.4 X 1.4m
Refrigeration (optional)
Packing table:
As holding table
Blast freezer:
111 Built in blast freezer room (as shown) to hold eight racks, equivalent to about
750-900 carcases or 1500kg poultry carcases.
111 3 x standard blast freezing machines of 300 bird capacity (450kg). Mains
power supply and drain required. Each standard unit is 2045 x 5070 x
2895mm (w / d/h). This would give greater flexibility and control over the
processing operation.
Both units have an operating temperature of -40 ° C with average air speed of
2-4m/s to cool poultry from 5° C to -40 ° C in 2 hours under prevailing
environmental conditions.
Freezer storage:
Bagging machine:
Offal skip:
Air conditioning
Table Dressing
1 Remove neck
3 Carcase cut around the vent
6 Viscera
9 Trussing: Pull string tight and cross at back
Poultry Portioning
1 Half the chicken by cutting under the breast under the breast bone
4 Thighs and drumsticks
7 Split the breast down the middle, cutting through the breastbone
8 Breast quarters
9 Cut the wings from the breast through the main joint
10 Chicken breast, thigh, leg and wing portions
Annex 7 Elevation of Baffled Sedimentation/Flotation tank
Effluent in
Floating material
1· Stunner
Packing Table
6• Carousel
4• Plucker 5• Finisher
3• Scalder
A N N E X Sb
2. Bleedinp cones (12)
1. Stunner
9. Packing table
5. Carousel
Capacity: 500 Chickens/hour
Building size: 235m 2
1. Bleeding cones (14) /Stunner
6. Maxi spiral washer-chiller
12 Refrigeration
11 Holding room
8 Eviscerating
7 Singeing
6 Finishing
5 Plucking
4 Scalding
3 Bleeding
2 Stunning
A N N E X 8e
1. Overhead conveyor.
2. Stunner.
3. Bleed Trough.
4. Scald.
5. Plucker.
6. EvisceratkJn Trough.
7. Vent Plstol.
a. Lung Extract Ptstof.
9. Head1Neck Plstol.
10. Wasner.
11. Foot Cutter.
12. Ory carousel.
13. Packing Table.
14. Weighing.
15. Pontonmg.
16. Cold Store.
11. Transfer Chute.
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Further Reading
Stadelman, W.J., Olson, V.M., Shemwell, G.A. and Pasch, C. (1988) Egg and
Poultry-Meat Processing. Ellis Horwood Series in Food Science and Technology.
Oluyemi, J.A. and Roberts, F.A. (1979) Poultry Production In Warm Wet Climates.
Macmillan Tropical Agriculture, Horticulture and Applied Ecology Series.
Say, R.R. (1987) Manual Of Poultry Production In The Tropics. Published by CAB
Edwards, D., Hector, D.A., Norman, G.A., Silverside, D. (1979) Slaughter facilities
for tropical conditions: A guide to the selection and costing of appropriate systems.
Tropical products Institute (TPI), G123.
Brant, A.W., Goble, J.W., Hamann, J.A., Wabeck, C.J. and Walters, R.E. (1982)
Guidelines for Establishing and Operating Broiler Processing Plants. U.S.
Department of Agriculture Handbook No. 581.
South African Bureau of Standards (1989) Code of Practice for Food Hygiene
FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin 79 (1989) Handbook of rural technology for the
processing of animal by-products.
Stab. Tipolit. U. Quintily S.p.A. - Roma
Via di Donna Olimpia, 9 - Tel. 533.408
Finito di stampare nel mese di maggio 1992
1. Animal breeding: selected articles from World Animal Review, 1977 (C* E* F* S*)
2. Eradication of hog cholera and African swine fever, 1976 (E* F* S*)
3. Insecticides and application equipment for tsetse control, 1977 (E* F*)
4. New feed resources, 1977 (E/F/S*)
5. Bibliography of the criollo cattle of the Americas, 1977 (E/S*)
6. Mediterranean cattle and sheep in crossbreeding, 1977 (E* F*)
7. The environmental impact of tsetse control operations, 1977 (E* F*)
7 Rev. 1. The environmental impact of tsetse control operations, 1980 (E* F*)
8. Declining breeds of Mediterranean sheep, 1978 (E* F*)
9. Slaughterhouse and slaughterslab design and construction, 1978 (E* F* S*)
10. Treating straw for animal feeding, 1978 (C* E* F* S*)
11. Packaging, storage and distribution of processed milk, 1978 (E*)
12. Ruminant nutrition: selected articles from World Animal Review, 1978 (C* E* F* S*)
13. Buffalo reproduction and artificial insemination, 1979 (E**)
14. The African trypanosomiases, 1979 (E* F*)
15. Establishment of dairy training centres, 1979 (E*)
16. Open yard housing for young cattle, 1981 (E* F* S*)
17. Prolific tropical sheep, 1980 (E* F* S*)
18. Feed from animal wastes: state of knowledge, 1980 (E*)
19. East Coast fever and related tick-borne diseases, 1980 (E*)
20/1. Trypanotolerant livestock in West and Central Africa
Vol. 1 - General study, 1980 (E* F*)
20/2. Trypanotolerant livestock in West and Central Africa
Vol. 2 - Country studies, 1980 (E* F�)
20/3. Le betail trypanotolerant en Afrique occidentale et centrale -
Vol. 3 - Bilan d'une decennie, 1988 (F*)
21. Guideline for dairy accounting, 1980 (E*)
22. Recurses geneticos animales en America latina, 1981 (S*)
23. Disease control in semen and embryos, 1981 (E* F* S*)
24. Animal genetic resources - conservation and management, 1981 (E*)
25. Reproductive efficiency in cattle, 1982 (E* F* S*)
26. Camels and camel milk, 1982 (E*)
27. Deer farming, 1982 (E*)
28. Feed from animal wastes: feeding manual, 1982 (E*)
29. Echinococcosis/hydatidosis surveillance, prevention and control: FAO/UNEP/WHO guidelines, 1982 (E*)
30. Sheep and goat breeds of India, 1982 (E*)
31. Hormones in animal production, 1982 (E*)
32. Crop residues and agro-industrial by-products in animal feeding, 1982 (E/F*)
33. Haemorrhagic septicaemia, 1982 (E* F*)
34. Breeding plans for ruminant livestock in the tropics, 1982 (E* F* S*)
35. Off-tastes in raw and reconstituted milk, 1983 (E* F* S*)
36. Ticks and tick-borne diseases: selected articles from World Animal Review, 1983 (E* F* S*)
37. African animal trypanosomiasis: selected articles from World Animal Review, 1983 (E* F*)
38. Diagnosis and vaccination for the control of brucellosis in the Near East, 1982 (Ar* E*)
39. Solar energy in small-scale milk collection and processing, 1983 (E* F*)
40. Intensive sheep production in the Near East, 1983 (Ar* E*)
41. Integrating crops and livestock in West Africa, 1983 (E* F*)
42. Animal energy in agriculture in Africa and Asia, 1984 (E/F* S*)
43. Olive by-products for animal feed, 1985 (Ar* E* F* S*)
44/1. Animal genetic resources conservation by management, data banks and training, 1984 (E*)
44/2. Animal genetic resources: cryogenic storage of germplasm and molecular engineering, 1984 (E*)
45. Maintenance systems for the dairy plant, 1984 (E*)
46. Livestock breeds of China, 1984 (E* F* S*)
47. Refrigeration du lait a la ferme et organisation des transports, 1985 (F*)
48. La fromagerie et les varietes de fromages du bassin mediterraneen, 1985 (F*)
49. Manual for the slaughter of small ruminants in developing countries, 1985 (E*)
50. Better utlization of crop residues and by-products in animal feeding: research guidelines
- 1. State of knowledge, 1985 (E*)
50/2. Better utilization of crop residues and by-products in animal feeding: research guidelines
- 2. A practical manual for research workers, 1986 (E*)
51. Dried salted meats: charque and came-de-sol, 1985 (E*)
52. Small-scale sausage production, 1985 (E*)
53. Slaughterhouse cleaning and sanitation, 1985 (E*)
54. Small ruminants in the Near East:
Vol. I - Selected papers presented at Tunis Expert Consultation, 1986 (E*)
55. Small ruminants in the Near East:
Vol. II - Selected papers from World Animal Review, 1986 (E* Ar*)
56. Sheep and goats in Pakistan, 1985 (E*)
57. The Awassi sheep, 1985 (E*)
58. Small ruminant production in the developing countries, 1986 (E*)
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ISBN 92-5-103145-2
9 789251 031452