Study Contract 1851810
Study Contract 1851810
Study Contract 1851810
ID: 1851810
Personal data
Salutation First name Last name
Mr. Nibir Ahmed
Address Country
Adarsha Balika School Road Bd001 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Please be sure to enter a valid e-mail address so that we can send you your login details for the virtual campus.
Tuition fees
6 Your last tuition fee payment for your course may differ from your standard monthly/annual payment rate to ensure you are charged the correct total amount.
Payment is made by:
Credit card
I/We will make payment by credit/debit card via the link that will be sent to me with my first invoice. Payments must be made via one of our
approved payment methods. A link to these payment services will be provided with the invoice and a range of payment methods will be available
including credit/debit card and bank transfer.
Yes No
General terms and conditions
The information below sets out the terms and conditions of your offer of a place to study at The
London Institute of Banking & Finance. By accepting your offer you are agreeing to these terms 10.5 If we make material changes to your programme for reasons other than circumstances
and conditions that form part of the agreement between you and The London Institute of which are outside LIBF’s reasonable control and you do not want to continue on your programme
Banking & Finance (LIBF). then LIBF will try to transfer you to a suitable alternative programme of study. If you are
dissatisfied with the alternative programme of study proposed and consider that the material
LIBF offers programmes using different modes of study with additional terms and conditions changes to your programme have prejudicially affected you, you will be entitled to withdraw
specific to each mode of study annexed to this document. In addition, the final annex contains a from your programme without any further liability for programme fees.
list of definitions for some of the words / terms used throughout this document which you may 10.6 Please also refer to our Student Protection Plan for further information on the risks that could
find useful to refer to. impact students’ ability to successfully complete their studies and the plans we have in place to
eliminate, mitigate or manage these risks.
If you have any queries relating to these ‘Terms and Conditions of Offer’ and/or your offer of a
place to study with LIBF, please contact the appropriate team by email:
11. Dat a Prot ect ion
Undergraduate on campus programme: [email protected] 11.1 We will process your personal data in accordance with UK legislation including the Data
Postgraduate MENA programmes: [email protected] Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR. as well as other laws depending on the country in which you
MSc Banking & Finance online programme: [email protected] are based. Where there is any conflict between different laws, LIBF will comply with the law
All other online and blended programmes: [email protected] requiring the higher standard.
1. Your offer 11.2 The information you have provided to LIBF or our approved agent on application will be used
by LIBF and the IU Group companies for administrative purposes. It will also be used for research
1.1 The offer you have received is only guaranteed if you meet the exact terms of the offer, this and compilation of statistics to provide statutory returns. From a legal perspective, we may have
includes grades, programme entry, and English language requirements unless advised to provide information to outside organisations such as the Police, Home Office and Local
otherwise by LIBF in official correspondence. Authorities including the Department of Work and Pensions and its Agencies. If you are employed
or being sponsored by a third party, we may provide information relating to your attendance and
1.2 A request to change to a different programme of study during the application stage or on performance to your employer or sponsor.
registration at LIBF is not guaranteed and is subject to you meeting the entry requirements for the
specific programme and availability. 11.3 LIBF may share your personal data with a placement or internship provider to facilitate this.
1.3 The offer we make is valid for acceptance by you until the start date of your programme, 11.4 We may share your personal data with third parties necessary for us to fulfil our contract with
unless we agree otherwise. you. This may include other institutions if you are studying for a dual award, partners we work
with for the delivery of examinations, our approved agents and those who work closely with us to
2. Right t o st udy deliver practical workshops that form part of your modules. We will ensure appropriate
arrangements are in place to protect your personal data and individual rights.
2.1 If you are studying within the UK or on-campus, it is your responsibility to ensure that you have
the correct ‘right to study’ / UK visa in place before you commence your study with LIBF and that 11.5 If you have a disability and have been assessed to receive reasonable adjustments, LIBF will
it is valid for the entire duration of your study programme. make all reasonable efforts to implement those adjustments. Information about your disability
will only be shared confidentially with staff that have a need to know in order to facilitate the
adjustments and provide the relevant support.
3. Accuracy of inf ormat ion provided by an applicant
11.6 Further details on how we use your information can be found within our Data Protection
3.1 In accepting the offer of a place to study at LIBF, you are confirming that the information you Policies.
have provided, or information that has been provided on your behalf, is accurate to the best of
your knowledge.
12. Liabilit y
3.2 LIBF reserves the right to withdraw an offer of a place to study or terminate your registration if
false or misleading information has been provided. LIBF would also have the right to withdraw 12.1 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions will limit or exclude LIBF’s liability to you for fraud or
your visa sponsorship. wilful default, or for death or personal injury caused by LIBF’s negligence or fraudulent
misrepresentation or in any other circumstances where liability may not be limited under any
applicable law.
4. Behaviour of applicant
12.2 LIBF (including its staff and/or representatives) shall have no liability to you for any loss,
4.1 LIBF is committed to promoting a supportive environment for all staff, students and visitors damage, costs or expenses arising under or in connection with these Terms and Conditions
and expects reasonable standards of behaviour, honesty, and integrity. Should you display except where such loss or damage is directly caused by LIBF (or its staff or representatives).
behaviour(s) that are not in accordance with our Equality & Diversity Policy, Information
Technology Acceptable Use Policy, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy, Student 12.3 LIBF will not be liable for any losses that were not reasonably foreseeable to both parties when
Disciplinary Policy or any conduct policies referred to on our Safeguarding and Respect at LIBF the Contract was formed. These are often referred to as indirect or consequential losses. LIBF does
webpage, we reserve the right to withdraw an offer of a place to study or terminate your not accept liability for loss of opportunity or loss of profit.
12.4 LIBF does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage to your personal property. You are
advised to arrange appropriate insurance against risk of loss or damage.
5. Payment of f ees
12.5 Where LIBF’s model of delivery is online, we will use reasonable endeavours to make any
5.1 Payment of fees may vary depending on the programme that you are registered for, please see online course, module or content (‘Online Material’) available; while we are unable to guarantee
the annexes below for information that is specific to your programme. consistent and uninterrupted error-free availability, we will ensure that defects are corrected in a
5.2 You have an obligation to make appropriate arrangements for the payment of fees before you timely manner once identified.
commence your programme of study. 12.6 LIBF reserves the right to suspend access to its Virtual Learning Environment (‘VLE’) and
5.3 Non-payment of outstanding programme fees may have serious consequences including Online Material for the purpose of scheduled or emergency maintenance, repairs or upgrades to
affecting continued progression with your studies. LIBF reserves the right to withhold the improve the performance or functionality of the VLE. LIBF will use reasonable endeavours to give
issuance of any certificates and or transcripts if there are any outstanding programme fees. you reasonable notice in the event of any suspension or withdrawal of the VLE of which LIBF is
aware. You accept and acknowledge that provided that LIBF has complied with the provisions of
5.4 We reserve the right to increase the programme fees annually, capped at the RPIX (Retail Price this clause, LIBF will not be held responsible for any technical problems you encounter and
Index excluding mortgage interest) in the UK. accepts no liability to the extent there are errors, defects, interruptions and periods of suspension
relating to the VLE.
5.5 Maximum fee limits for UK undergraduate students are set by the UK Government. Future
increases will therefore be governed by any changes on those limits. 12.7 LIBF takes no responsibility with regards to restrictions on access to VLE or other online
materials and/or resources by overseas governments, jurisdictions or territorial limitations.
6. Technology and Equipment Where such limitations exist, LIBF will take reasonable steps to facilitate access to resources
within the legislative boundaries of the jurisdiction concerned.
6.1 You are responsible for ensuring that you have the appropriate technology and equipment to
access your learning and assessments. Providing the necessary technical equipment is not 12.8 Subject at all times to clause 12.1, our liability to you under the Contract will under no
included in the course fees. circumstances be greater than the total programme fees due payable by you to LIBF in respect of
your programme.
6.2 Core content will be delivered within a digital password protected environment. Your online
entry details will be provided to you at the beginning of your study programme and you must 13. Cancellat ion Right s
ensure that these are kept secure and not shared with anyone else.
13.1 You may cancel for any reason within the later of either;
7. Int ellect ual Propert y Right s 13.1.1 One calendar month from the date you enter into a contract with us, or;
13.1.2 One calendar month from the date your programme commences.
7.1 All study content and media are protected by copyright. Any use for purposes other than
contractually permitted is prohibited and requires the prior written consent of the copyright 13.2 The date that you enter into a contract with us will depend on your mode of study. Please
owner. This applies in particular to making these available via the internet, duplication and refer to ‘Contract Start Date’ within the appropriate annex of these Terms and Conditions to
disclosure to third parties. Saving and printing the study content and media for personal purposes determine the date from which your contract starts.
is permitted. 13.3 If you are a UK Student and cancel the contract within one calendar month you will not
7.2 You shall own any intellectual property you generate and provide to us during your incur any further fees and any fees paid to date will be refunded.
programme. 13.4 If you are an International Student (non-UK resident) and cancel the contract within one
calendar month you will not incur any further fees and any fees paid to date will be refunded less
8. Int ellect ual Propert y Right s any Non-Refundable Application Fee.
8.1 By accepting the offer of a place to study at LIBF you are agreeing to comply with LIBF’s 13.5 Refunds will be processed within fourteen days from the day we receive notice of your
General & Academic Regulations, Policies, and the Student Charter. You should familiarise cancellation of this agreement. We will use the same means of payment for this refund as you
yourself with the requirements contained within these: used for the original transaction, unless otherwise expressly agreed with you; in no event will you
be charged any fees for this refund.
General & Academic Regulations
Student & General Policies 13.6 If you cancel after the one month cancellation period you will be liable for fees incurred and
Student Charter should refer to our Higher Education Student Withdrawal Policy.
13.7 If you have applied t o st udy via UCAS, you should submit your cancellation within UCAS
9. Changes t o LIBF’s G eneral & Academic Regulat ions Track. Please refer to the guidance information on UCAS. If you are holding an unconditional firm
9.1 You will remain on the General & Academic Regulations that were in place at the time of your place with LIBF and you would like to withdraw or be released into Clearing you must contact
registration for your study programme. LIBF reserves the right to make reasonable changes to LIBF, email: [email protected] stating your reason. Or you can call us on +44 020 7337 6293
these regulations where we believe the changes will ensure the regulations remain fit for purpose or +44 020 7337 6294.
and reflect any external sector guidance, including legal or regulatory changes to government 13.8 If you have applied direct to LIBF, please send a clear statement confirming your
policy. Any changes to these regulations will normally take effect from the start of the next cancellation to the relevant email address below. You may prefer to use our Cancellation Form
academic year. although this is not mandatory:
9.2 Our website clearly identifies the different General & Academic Regulations according to the Undergraduate on campus programme: [email protected]
year of registration. Postgraduate MENA programmes: [email protected]
MSc Banking & Finance online programme: [email protected]
All other online and blended programmes: [email protected]
10. Variat ion
13.9 We may cancel the contract at any time if:
10.1 LIBF will make all reasonable efforts to deliver the programmes and extracurricular events 13.9.1 You provide false or misleading information in line with clause 3 above.
as described in published materials and subject to these terms and conditions. 13.9.2 Your conduct breaches our requirements as set out in clause 4 above.
10.2 We reserve the right to make reasonable changes to a programme to ensure the content and 13.9.3 You do not pay any outstanding tuition fees in line with clause 5 above.
syllabus is developed to remain current and relevant or to enhance the student learning
experience, this may include withdrawal of an option module if there is insufficient registration to 14.G overning law and jurisdict ion
support an optimal learning environment for students. Any such changes will be kept to a 14.1 This Agreement and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or its subject
minimum and will be communicated to students as soon as possible. matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be exclusively governed
by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and subject to the non-exclusive
10.3 We reserve the right to vary arrangements in exceptional circumstances which are outside jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.
LIBF’s reasonable control. Examples of such circumstances could include but are not limited to;
restrictions imposed by government and/or local authorities, industrial action, natural disasters,
pandemic/epidemic, political unrest, acts of terrorism. 15. Communicat ion
10.4 If we need to make material changes to your programme after you have commenced study LIBF will email you on occasion with updates and important information about your study
then we will make reasonable endeavours to consult with you and will notify you of the changes programme. You are expected to use the email account associated with your study programme
as soon as possible. LIBF will take reasonable steps to minimise any adverse effect of the changes. for all correspondence with LIBF and you are responsible to check the email account at least once
a week as an absolute minimum.
Complaint s
Please contact [email protected] in the first instance. If LIBF is unable to resolve a
complaint informally, students can escalate their complaint formally, in writing, to our
Complaints Officer, email: [email protected]. Information on Complaints and Appeals is part
of our Code of Practice, Chapter 10 which can be found here. If you have exhausted LIBF’s internal
complaints procedures, you may have recourse to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator
(OIA), details of which can be found on OIA’s website.
Cancellation policy
Cancellat ion Right s If the payment was made by a sponsor or employer, LIBF will reimburse the relevant party.
If you accept your offer of a place to study with LIBF you have up to 30 days after accessing your Cancellation after the 30 day cancellation period If you change your mind and decline your offer
learning materials to change your mind without giving any reason or incurring any financial after the cancellation period has ended, LIBF will not be able to refund all payments received
penalties. from you. Please see our Student Withdrawal Policy which gives details of fee liability
Applicant s who have applied via UCAS Programmes t hat st art wit hin t he 30 day cancellat ion period
If you wish to decline your offer to study with LIBF you should do this within UCAS Track. Please If your programme of study is due to commence within the 30 days cancellation period from the
refer to the guidance information on UCAS. If you are holding an unconditional firm place with date that you accept your place with LIBF (eg. via Adjustment or Clearing) then, by accepting the
LIBF and you would like to withdraw or be released into Clearing you must contact LIBF, email: offer you are agreeing that the service should commence within the cancellation period. If,
[email protected] stating your reason. Or you can call us on +44 020 7337 6293/4. however, you subsequently decide to withdraw within the cancellation period, you will be liable
to pay fees as documented in our Student Withdrawal Policy
Cancellat ion bef ore t he end of t he 30 day cancellat ion period
If you change your mind and decline your offer of a place to study with LIBF we will reimburse you
for all payments received from you. LIBF will make the reimbursement without undue delay.
Agreement regarding the transfer of use of a mobile device
In these Terms and Conditions (the "Condit ions"), the following definitions shall have the 6. LOST, DAMAG ED, BROKEN IPADS
meaning set out opposite: 6.1 Students are recommended to enable Device tracking features to help locate their Device in
the event of loss or theft. Thefts should be reported to the Police, and a crime number obtained
and reported to the IT service desk [email protected].
Accessories means a charging cable and case compatible with the Device which may
(subject to availability) be provided. 6.2 In the event that the Device becomes lost or stolen, the Student must bear the cost of replacing
it. Students are advised to consider taking an appropriate policy of insurance to cover the risk of
Canterbury The London Institute of Banking & Finance, 4-9 Burgate Lane, Canterbury, Kent, loss.
Office CT1 2XJ, United Kingdom. 6.3 In the event that the Device becomes damaged, the Student must initiate repairs by liaising
with LIBF and sending the Device to LIBF’s Canterbury Office for inspection, by recorded delivery
means a tablet device (with the specific model and equipment provided to be with tracking at the Student’s own cost. LIBF will following receipt and inspection of the Device,
Device determined depending on availability) together with any Accessories which may provide the Student with a quote for repairs which the Student may accept or reject. In the event
be provided. of a rejection, a replacement device will not be provided.
means the LIBF Limited, (ta/s The London Institute of Banking & Finance), a 6.4 If the Student rejects LIBF’s quotation provided under Clause 6.3, the Student may seek LIBF’s
limited company with registered company number 13621269 and whose prior written consent for a third party to undertake the relevant repairs, at the Student’s own cost.
LIBF registered office is at 7th & 8th Floor, Peninsular House, Monument Street, London, If unauthorised repairs not with LIBF are carried out, LIBF reserves the right to conduct further
England, EC3R 8LJ. examination of the unauthorised repairs and charge for costs incurred in relation to the
examination and any remedial works required following the examination.
Scheme means the scheme as described under Clause 2. 7. BACKG ROUND MANAG EMENT OF T HE DEVICE
7.1 The Device will be managed by LIBF until the Student completes their studies when Clause 8
Student means the student listed in the Student Contract. will apply.
7.2 In managing the Device, LIBF will:
Student means the agreement between the Student and LIBF relating to the Student’s 7.2.1 access and maintain applications or saved data for maintenance of LIBF’s IT security as
Contract enrolment on a programme of study at LIBF. well as for processing of the return process, repair and transfer process, or in the event of the loss of
the Device;
1. SCOPE 7.2.2 install and maintain core teaching applications on the Device;
These Conditions set out the Scheme details and the obligations on the Student under the 7.2.3 install course specific applications on the Device;
Scheme. 7.2.4 ensure the Device is correctly configured to work in the LIBF environment; and
2. SCHEME DET AILS 7.2.5 disable the Device should it become lost or stolen or the Device is not returned within the
2.1 Subject to these Conditions, LIBF provides the Device to the Student. LIBF may additionally agreed time. if and after the Student withdraws from their studies – preventing others from using
provide Accessories to the Student. or accessing it.
2.2 On the Student’s successful completion of their studies to LIBF’s satisfaction, the Student is 7.3 The rights of LIBF in Clause 7.2 may provide LIBF with access to personal information stored by
permitted to keep the Device. the Student on the Device itself. The Student is advised to ensure that personal information is
2.3 If the Student withdraws early from their studies, the Device must be returned to LIBF in saved separately and securely e.g., on an external hard drive. LIBF is not responsible for costs
accordance with Clause 5. incurred the in the event of irretrievable loss of data due to the exercise of LIBF’s rights under
3.1 LIBF shall reasonably endeavour to deliver the Device to the Student within four weeks of the 7.4 LIBF reserves the right to restrict and/or withdraw applications and functionality where
Student’s commencement of their programme at LIBF, subject to any delays which may be deemed necessary.
caused by the courier or the supplier of the Devices. 8. COMPLET ION OF ST UDIES
3.2 The delivery address shall be the relevant address within the UK provided by the Student to 8.1 Upon the completion of the full programme to which they enrolled at LIBF, the Student can
LIBF as stated in the Student Contract. retain their Device. However, some software and applications on the Device may stop working or
3.3 Upon receipt of the Device, it is the responsibility of the Student to manage and take care of be removed because they are licensed by LIBF for educational purposes. Students wishing to
their Device. Legal ownership of the Device is not transferred to the Student until they have continue use of some applications may need to purchase a further license directly with the
completed their studies in accordance with their Student Contract at which time Clause 8 will provider of such applications.
apply. 8.2 For the purposes of Clause 8.1, the achievement by the Student of an interim or fall back
3.4 Students shall: award at any point other than the final year assessment board shall not be considered
3.4.1 only use the Device for purposes directly related to their studies at LIBF; completion of a full programme.
3.4.2 when using the Device and / or connecting to LIBF’s network, adhere to LIBF’s IT policies 9. PERSONAL DAT A
available here: 9.1 LIBF may transfer some personal data of the Student to the provider of the managing
policy.pdf?sfvrsn=87d5408d_0; software, for the purpose of device management.
3.4.3 only use the Device in compliance with applicable manufacturer’s care and usage 9.2 LIBF may process personal data for its purposes as outlined in LIBF’s privacy policy linked here:
3.4.4 not alter, duplicate, or distribute any software pre-installed upon delivery without prior 9.3 LIBF may collect data on Device usage and characteristics for the purposes of continuous
written authorisation from LIBF; improvement of the service and Device recovery this includes application installs, operating
3.4.5 not be permitted to change or install applications that prevent the Device from being used system version, connection status and frequency.
for its intended purpose or circumvents the Device and/or software security (including but not 10. LIABILIT Y
limited to jailbreaking). 10.1 The Student acknowledges and agrees that the Device provided to them may not
3.5 It is the responsibility of the Student to ensure that core applications and software are necessarily be new or in perfect condition.
regularly updated and to do so without delay when prompted by LIBF. 10.2 The Student is responsible for any loss or damage relating to the Device except if such loss or
4. ACCESSORIES damage is directly caused by LIBF not acting in accordance with these Conditions.
LIBF provides no warranty as to the appropriateness of the Accessories and any third party 10.3 The Student is responsible for any loss or damage suffered or incurred by LIBF as a result of
accessories used by the Student with the Device. the Student’s breach or default under these Conditions.
5.1 If: 11.1 The Student shall not be entitled by reason of any alleged dispute with LIBF, to retain the
5.1.1 the Student withdraws from their studies at LIBF or is withdrawn by LIBF for any reason Device if this is a disproportionate measure or if such a measure is irrelevant to the dispute at
whatsoever; hand.
5.1.2 the Student is excluded under LIBF’s disciplinary regulations; or 12. ASSIG NMENT
5.1.3 the Student Contract is otherwise terminated, 12.1 The Student may only assign or part with any of the Student’s rights under these Conditions
the Student will be required to return the Device to LIBF at LIBF’s Canterbury Office by recorded following LIBF’s prior written approval.
delivery with tracking at the Student’s own cost, within seven days from the 13. G OVERNING LAW AND JURISDICT ION
withdrawal/exclusion. The laws of England and Wales will apply to these Conditions and the courts of England and
5.2 Any Device returned under Clause 5.1 must be reset to factory settings with all personal data Wales will have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to these Conditions.
or other data or information removed from the device, in a functional, working and undamaged 14. RIG HT S RESERVED
condition with the original packaging, the Accessories as well as any documentation and LIBF reserves the right to amend or withdraw the operation of the Scheme at any time.
5.3 LIBF reserves the right to charge £50 per month for the duration of the withholding in the event
the Student fails to return the Device (working and undamaged) within the timescale set out in
Clause 5.1 and LIBF reserves the right to charge for costs incurred as a result of the Student’s
failure to comply with the stipulations set out in Clause 5.2.
5.4 Information on how to reset the Device (if the Device is an iPad), may be found here: For all other Devices, please refer to the relevant
manufacturer / provider’s applicable documentation and guidance.