Activity in Professional Associations: The Positive Difference in A Librarian's Career

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Activity in Professional Associations: The Positive

Difference in a Librarian’s Career


PARTICIPATING ACTIVELY IN PROFESSIONAL associations can make a positive dif-
ference in a librarian’s job and career. Associations are relevant sources
of current information. Effective communication and leadership skills
are learned or enhanced. Librarians can become familiar with the pro-
cesses of research and publication. A sense of professional community is
nurtured. This article discusses the impact of active participation in pro-
fessional associations on the librarian’sjob and career development.

When a graduate student completes the formal coursework and re-
quirements for the master’s degree in library and information studies, he
or she is simply not aware of the value of professional associations. The
student has listened to comments about professional associations, but the
comments are more theoretical than meaningful. Context and perspec-
tive are missing.
When the librarian assumes the responsibilities of his or her first
professional position, the realities of professional associations are still
somewhat mysterious. What is a professional association? Is it necessary
to become involved? If so, in what associations and at what levels since
there are local, state, regional, national, and international associations?
These are some of the questions entry-level librarians ask. The author of
this article started in an academic library in which participation was op-
tional. Soon, he realized that the degree and necessity of participation

Donald G. Frank, Library & Information Center, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
GA 30332-0900
LIBRARY TRENDS, Vol. 46, No. 2, Fall 1997, pp. 307-319
0 1997 The Board of Trustees, University of Illinois

varied from one library to another. Like other entry-level librarians, he

was confused.
Participating in the activities of professional associations can con-
tribute positively to a librarian’s professional development. Active par-
ticipation is likely to facilitate professional success in one’s job and ca-
reer. This article discusses the impact of participation. As the literature
of professional associations is not extensive, several focus groups were
also conducted by this author to provide additional information and per-
spective .

Information professionals need relevant information to be effective
in their positions. In her article on the role of professional associations,
Virgo (1991) states that associations are a “body of people who collec-
tively have a tremendous wealth of experiences to draw upon in a com-
mon field” (p. 189). This collection of experiences underscores the value
of professional associations for the librarian.
The librarian’s expertise and experiences are initially influenced by
the professional associations that participate in the accreditation of gradu-
ate schools. The curricula and core competencies of the various schools
of library and information studies are influenced and monitored by pro-
fessional associations, most obviously the American Library Association
(ALA). Academic courses studied by graduate students are shaped by a
professional association. Before librarians assume their first professional
position, they have been influenced significantly by associations such as
ALA (Curry, 1992).
Practical up-to-date information is readily available and openly shared
at conferences conducted or sponsored by professional associations.
Formal programs, for example, provide numerous opportunities to ob-
tain information. Participants or speakers with special expertise are re-
cruited to discuss issues and provide various perspectives. A speaker or
panel of experts will not only provide information but also stimulate the
creation of ideas. Good speakers challenge the audience, providing op-
portunities for positive discussions in which information is shared and
ideas are generated.
In addition to formal programs at conferences, discussion groups
and other less formal options, such as interest groups, are ideal forums
for information sharing. At the American Library Association confer-
ences, for example, the discussion group has become an essential vehicle
for the stimulation of ideas on current topics. Examples of discussion
groups include the Middle Management Discussion Group and the Inter-
library Loan Discussion Group. Interest group examples include the Geo-
graphic Information Systems Interest Group and the Internet Resources
Interest Group. These are special opportunities to learn and to keep up

to date on issues, patterns, and trends in librarianship. Members of the

focus groups emphasized the importance of the informality in discussion
and interest groups, indicating that informal conditions facilitate learn-
ing and idea stimulation (Frank, 1997).
Active participation on committees in professional associations is a
particularly effective option for obtaining relevant information. Librar-
ians occasionally de-emphasize or deride the value of committees in li-
braries and in professional associations. It is popular to do so, especially
in the relatively large associations such as ALA or the Special Libraries
Association (SLA). Most professionals realize, nonetheless, that commit-
tees are important, and that effectively run committees are fundamental
to the success of the associations. Committees and task forces have spe-
cific charges or responsibilities. Those who participate become familiar
with the committee’s responsibilities as well as the rationale for the exist-
ence of the committee. They also become involved in the collection and
synthesis of data or information, in various planning processes, and in
the implementation of recommendations. These are valuable experi-
ences. Becoming familiar and experienced with collegial processes in
professional associations contributes to success “at home” in libraries.
Working effectively in groups to examine issues critically and to attain a
positive consensus in decisions is a collegial skill that is valued in librar-
ies. Members of the focus groups reiterated the utility of these skills
(Frank, 1997).
Vendors or exhibitors that populate the various professional confer-
ences constitute another source of information. Indeed, it is occasion-
ally difficult to navigate in the sea of exhibitors that are available and
organized at ALA or SLA conferences. Exhibitors may include represen-
tatives from private companies, colleges and universities, organizational
units of the association, and governmental organizations. For example,
at the ALA Annual Conference, one is likely to interact with publishers as
well as other information producers from the private and public sectors,
representatives of the various divisions such as the Association of College
and Research Libraries or the Public Library Association, and represen-
tatives from local, state, and national governments. While the informa-
tion available from these exhibitors tends to be biased toward specific
points of view or, in some instances, toward specific companies, the infor-
mation is relevant to the librarian who is able to listen actively and con-
sider the various points of view from a critical perspective. It is important
to look at the overall picture as the patterns and trends are as relevant as
the specifics.
A librarian’s network of contacts can be cultivated and refined at the
conferences sponsored by professional associations. Informal discussions
with colleagues at conferences are particularly important. Opportunities
to collaborate or network with colleagues over coffee, for example, con-

tribute significantly to one’s ability to be effective. The information ob-

tained via these informal contacts is very current and usually practical or
to the point. Problem solving is facilitated by the information obtained
from colleagues from other institutions. The focus group participants
asserted that the information obtained from these contacts is especially
applicable and helpful (Frank, 1997).
Another benefit of participating actively in professional associations
is that it exposes one to a variety of perspectives and viewpoints. As a
result of organizational values as well as the realities and consequences of
accepted routines, librarians tend to do the same things in the same ways.
The resulting routines and associated inertia must be continually chal-
lenged in order to move ahead. Formal programs and informal discus-
sions at conferences provide opportunities to be challenged. Librarians
at other institutions look at issues and problems differently. If one is
actively involved, he or she learns, becomes familiar with new or differ-
ent options, arid is challenged to consider other approaches, solutions,
or perspectives. Creativity and innovation are stimulated. As the librarian’s
routines and values are challenged, he or she becomes more effective.
Professional associations are producers and disseminators of relevant
information. “A primary mark of a profession is the development of a
scholarly body of knowledge which continues to grow and be furthered”
(Virgo, 1991, p. 195). Associations disseminate information via books,
refereed journals, presentations at conferences, and by other formal and
informal means. Librarians who are members of professional associa-
tions have opportunities to contribute to this “body of knowledge.” As
information professionals participate and contribute, they learn and be-
come more familiar with the processes of scholarly communication.

Professional associations contribute significantly to the development
of effective leadership. Librarians who are active in professional associa-
tions have realistic opportunities to improve or enhance their leadership
skills. Leadership is a relatively complex concept. One scholar argues
that “leadership is largely an intuitive concept for which there can never
be a single, agreed-upon definition” (Conger, 1992, p. 18). In their re-
search on leadership, Bennis and Nanus (1985) recorded 350 different
definitions of leadership (p. 4). For this article, leaders are “individuals
who establish direction for a working group of individuals, who gain com-
mitment from these group members to this direction, and who then mo-
tivate these members to achieve the direction’s outcomes” (Conger, 1992,
p. 18).
Leadership, administration, management, and supervision are inter-
dependent concepts and practices. All are concerned with behaviors and
interaction patterns, role relationships, influence, motivation, and goals

or desired outcomes. Additionally, all are concerned with the ability or

capacity to provide focus and direction for individuals and groups. Op-
portunities to develop these skills are numerous via active participation
in professional associations. Service on committees, for example, exposes
the librarian to various planning and implementation processes. As the
librarian is working with information professionals from other states or
regions, he or she is also exposed to differences in methodologies. As-
suming responsibility for a committee is a particularly valuable experi-
ence as committee chairs work with a group of colleagues to define and
refine goals, develop strategies to attain these goals, and follow up as
needed. Roles and responsibilities are delineated. Specific tasks are del-
egated. The chair of the committee articulates the rationale for the
committee’s activities, relating the work of the committee to other com-
mittees or organizational units in the association. He or she becomes
more familiar with the dynamics of conducting meetings, including the
ability to attain a positive consensus on important decisions.
The members of the focus groups stated emphatically that participat-
ing as a chair of a committee in a professional association facilitates the
development of leadership skills. Several stated that the skills learned
and developed as chairs of association committees enabled them to work
more effectively with groups to attain desired outcomes. They also be-
came more interested in management. Another librarian noted that she
was motivated positively by Patricia Breivik’s “Every Librarian a Leader”
theme during Breivik’s term as President of the Association of College
and Research Libraries (Frank, 1997).
In addition to committees in professional associations, it is possible
to become the elected chair or president of the association’s sections or
divisions. The responsibilities associated with such positions are signifi-
cant, and the opportunities to learn and to enhance one’s administrative
skills are plentiful.


Participating in professional associations provides opportunities to
become familiar with the processes of research and publication. These
important processes contribute to the librarian’s professional develop-
ment. Creativity and innovation are expressed as ideas, concepts are con-
sidered and integrated, and new information is generated.
Several options for research and publication are available via partici-
pation in professional associations. Poster sessions are popular examples.
ALA‘s conferences provide opportunities to prepare and present poster
sessions. These are not formal presentations or publications but necessi-
tate preparation and the ability to communicate ideas or concepts to oth-
ers. Additionally, editors of journals occasionally examine the various
poster sessions at national conferences looking for ideas or presentations

that might be eventually transformed into published articles. One of the

librarians in the focus groups stated that the editor of RQ asked her to
write an article on the topic of her poster session (Frank, 1997).
Calls for papers are ideal opportunities to become involved in schol-
arly processes. Sponsored by professional associations at local, state, re-
gional, national, and international levels, calls for papers are opportuni-
ties to do research and to discuss the results with a forum of colleagues.
As with poster sessions, these scholarly papers and presentations are po-
tential candidates for articles in refereed journals. Also, presenting a
paper to a group of peers, listening to their comments and suggestions,
and responding to their questions constitute several of the key elements
of critical dialogue. These skills are essential to success in libraries. In-
formation professionals are instructors, mediators and facilitators, and
advocates for ideas as well as strategic positions or directions. They must
communicate effectively with groups. Scholarly presentations at profes-
sional conferences provide realistic options to develop these skills.
On occasion, committees in professional associations produce docu-
ments that are eventually published. The author of this article partici-
pated on such a committee in ALA’s Reference and User Services Divi-
sion. The committee’s activities focused on the importance of collection
development policies. As we collected data on policies, we realized that
the information was particularly relevant to the work of librarians who
have managerial responsibilities related to the development of collec-
tions. As a result, we sought options to disseminate the information. The
chair of the committee contacted several editors, including the editor of
RQ who provided support and practical recommendations. In six months,
the members of’ the committee completed an article that was published
in RQ. It was a valuable experience for all committee members. We
participated in a collegial process within the context of a professional
association and produced an article that was published in an important
journal. Such activities and results are not uncommon in professional
associations (American Library Association, 1993).
Professional associations are concerned with the creation, organiza-
tion, and dissemination of information. They are also concerned with
the activities related to research and publication. One dictionary defines
a profession as a “calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long
and intensive preparation including instruction in skills and methods as
well as in the scientific, historical, or scholarly principles underlying such
skills and methods” (Webster’s Third New International Dictionary, 1968, p.
1811). The skills and methods referred to are essential to the success of
By supporting and providing opportunities for research and publica-
tion, professional associations of librarians or information professionals

become, in a sense, more professional. In reality, it is also advantageous

for professional associations to provide such support:
associations gain value for both themselves as organizations and espe-
cially for their members;
associations and their members gain visibility by publicizing research
by collaborating on activities that one institution cannot do as readily
(for example, gathering profession-wide statistics), associations gain
in effectiveness;
associations can add to their image of having more clout than any one
individual institution;
associations can draw on the tremendous range of talents of their mem-
bers; and
associations can increase their impact on the educational process (Virgo,
1991, pp. 192-93).
The librarian who participates actively in professional associations
and who is interested in contributing to the scholarly processes will dis-
cover that there are opportunities to do so. The professional associations
are motivated to provide these opportunities.

Activity in professional associations promotes the skills needed for
effective communication. One communicates with individuals as well as
groups. Also, one is exposed to a variety of methods and styles of com-
munication. In particular, the librarian is exposed to different perspec-
tives and questions. As the librarian becomes more informed and looks
at issues from different perspectives, he or she is more likely to be lis-
tened to “at home.”
Professional associations also provide opportunities by which librar-
ians can be mentored by experienced colleagues. Formal mentoring
programs exist in national associations and occasionally in regional orga-
nizations. Issues of communication are frequently discussed by the men-
tor and the one being mentored. Communicating with one’s supervisor
or with other colleagues is a particularly relevant topic of discussion. Ar-
ticulation of ideas and the techniques of assertive communication are
also relevant. Listening to the comments and suggestions of an experi-
enced colleague from another institution makes a positive difference.
Several members of the focus groups had worked with mentors via pro-
fessional associations. Two of the librarians had participated in mentor-
ing programs organized by ALA’s New Members Round Table (Frank,

By participating actively in professional associations, one learns what
it means to be a professional. One contributes to the overall profession
by participating and, as a result, feels “professionally empowered.” This
is especially important for the individual librarian and for the profession
of librarianship. “The significance of having members equipped to cope
with new challenges has far-reaching effects on any profession and shows
the direction towards which the profession is moving” (Osman,
1987, p. 33).
The sense of professional community is nurtured via participation in
professional associations. Conferring with professionals from other in-
stitutions not only provides additional perspective on issues but also en-
hances one’s status as a professional. The values and ethics of profession-
alism rise to the surface and are very evident in the activities of profes-
sional associations. Issues of professional values and ethics were viewed
as very important by all members of the focus groups (Frank, 1997).
Professional associations usually have codes of ethics. ALA’s Code of
Ethics is representative and underscores the sense of professional com-
munity The principles of the code essentially encompass the work of
professional librarians:
We provide the highest level of service to all library users through
appropriate and usefully organized resources; equitable service
policies; equitable access; and accurate, unbiased, and courteous
responses to all requests.
We uphold the principles of intellectual freedom and resist all
efforts to censor library resources.
We protect each library’s user’s right to privacy and confidentiality
with respect to information sought or received and resources con-
sulted, borrowed, acquired, or transmitted.
We recognize and respect intellectual property rights.
We treat co-workers and other colleagues with respect, fairness, and
good faith, and advocate conditions of employment that safeguard
the rights and welfare of all employees‘of our institutions.
We distinguish between our personal convictions and professional
duties and do not allow our personal beliefs to interfere with fair
representation of the aims of our institutions or the provision of
access to their information resources.
We strive for excellence in the profession by maintaining and en-
hancing our own knowledge and skills, by encouraging the profes-
sional development of co-workers, and by fostering the aspirations
of potential members of the profession. (American Library Associa-
tion, 1995, p. 673)
The above statements go to the core of the profession. These state-
ments are not unlike the principles in the codes of ethics for the legal or
medical professions. The issues covered in the code are particularly rel-
evant to the work of librarians. Information resources are organized to
be accessible to all users; equitable services are critically important. In-

tellectual freedom is a concept that must be protected. Information trans-

actions are private and confidential. Intellectual property needs to be
recognized and protected. Colleagues must be respected; fairness in the
workplace is essential. Private interests are not advanced at the expense
of others. Important differences exist between one’s personal convic-
tions and professional responsibilities. Professional excellence is an on-
going and encompassing goal and must be supported.
Becoming aware of the sense of professional community provides
perspective and insight on the culture of the profession of librarianship.
A culture is a “pattern of basic assumptions-invented, discovered, or
developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of exter-
nal adaptation and internal integration-that has worked well enough to
be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the
correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems”
(Schein, 1988, pp. 8-9). Librarians deal or work with the issues of exter-
nal adaptation and internal integration on a day-to-day basis. On an-
other level, the pattern of basic assumptions is transferred from one indi-
vidual or group to other individuals or groups and essentially underscores
the sense of professionalism. Codes of ethics, accepted and unaccepted
patterns of behavior, organizational values, and a concern for the devel-
opment and promotion of colleagues and principles are examples of as-
sumptions that are culturally transferred.
Active participation in professional associations facilitates one’s aware-
ness of, and integration into, the culture of professional librarianship.
One gains a broader vision of one’s role and responsibilities as a profes-
sional. This vision is continually enhanced and expanded as the librar-
ian works with colleagues from other institutions to attain common goals.
Moreover, the librarian’s ability to attain goals “at home” is facilitated.
Members of the focus groups were very concerned with ethics and values
as critical elements of professionalism. Several indicated that values were
being openly discussed in their libraries and that such discussions were
uncommon five years ago. Two participants stated that assumptions re-
lated to culture, values, and ethics were being deliberated as a result of
reorganizations in their libraries. All stated that activity in professional
associations contributes significantly to one’s sense of professional com-

Participating actively in professional associations is not necessarily a
simplistic process. For example, financial support is often needed to par-
ticipate at the local, regional, or national levels. Salaries of librarians are
not excessive and, as a result, the institution needs to provide some finan-
cial assistance. Levels of support vary among libraries. It is a controver-
sial issue at some libraries. Who will participate? What levels of financial

assistance are available for the participating librarians? These are practi-
cal and philosophical questions. Some academic librarians must partici-
pate in order to qualify for a continuing appointment. In some libraries,
it is difficult to participate on a regular basis as a result of staff shortages.
In these instances, association options are selected judiciously, and op-
portunities are occasionally rotated so that all interested librarians can
participate to some degree.
Becoming active on committees and other organizational units of
professional associations is occasionally challenging. It takes time and
effort to become familiar with the association’s organizational structure
as well as its relative priorities. The size and complexity of associations,
especially national associations such as ALA or SLA, can easily frustrate
interested librarians. Associations of the scope and magnitude of ALA
are frequently confusing and complicated for the “new” librarian as well
as for the experienced one. A librarian feels overwhelmed by the num-
bers of programs, committees, discussion groups, etc. Such feelings are
not conducive to active participation. Getting on a committee or becom-
ing involved in some formal capacity can be facilitated by colleagues or
mentors who are already participating in the activities of the association.
Becoming chairs of committees or getting elected to offices is an-
other challenge. A track record or some evidence of success is usually
necessary, especially for elected offices. In ALA or SLA, for example,
becoming chairs of sections or presidents of divisions usually necessitates
a positive track record in the section, division, or association. This is
especially accented in an association of ALA’s size and complexity.
Opportunities for publications and scholarly presentations are nu-
merous, but success is not automatic. Applications for poster sessions are
refereed. Calls for papers are also refereed. A significant number of the
applications for poster sessions are accepted for presentation in associa-
tions such as ALA as these have become a standard vehicle for the dem-
onstration of new or innovative initiatives.
Being able to identify with or to simply understand the realities of a
sense of professional community is also a challenge. The sense of profes-
sional community is more abstract than concrete. What is a professional?
It is not necessarily obvious to new librarians and to some librarians who
are experienced in the profession. One, it is hoped, becomes familiar
and comfortable with the concept of professionalism, including its re-
The focus group participants were concerned with issues of financial
assistance and other challenges related to getting started. Several librar-
ians stated that financial support for professional conferences was directly
related to the degree of active participation. In other words, if one was
active on a committee or another group, one received more financial
assistance. They asserted that it was more difficult for new librarians with

lower salaries to get started under these conditions. Issues of fairness

underscored their pointed comments. All participants emphasized the
importance of fair guidelines (Frank, 1997).
Members of the focus groups were also concerned with the size and
complexity of national professional associations such as ALA or SLA. All
indicated that it is difficult to get started and to become actively involved.
The academic librarians discussed the degree of duplication in the com-
mittees and sections of ALA’s Association of College and Research Li-
braries as well as the Reference and User Services Division. Such dupli-
cation can be confusing to the new or experienced librarian. The public,
school, and special librarians were less concerned with duplication but
indicated that it is very difficult to “figure out” associations such as ALA
or SLA (Frank, 1997).

The author of this article was not able to find a specific study that
correlates activity in professional associations and success in one’s career
as a librarian. It is likely that a positive correlation exists.
Librarians who participate actively in professional associations are
likely to be more informed and, in particular, up to date on current is-
sues and trends. Opportunities to be exposed to other ideas and perspec-
tives are numerous as one participates and becomes effectively networked.
In February 1997, a program on “new learning communities” was spon-
sored by ALA’s University Libraries Section. As the concept of learning
communities in academic libraries is relatively new, the room was filled
with interested librarians who were excited as they focused on the de-
scription of the University of Washington’s UWired program (American
Library Association, 1997). It is likely that the enthusiastic attendees re-
turned to their respective libraries with practical recommendations. They
were more informed and the informed librarian will be more effective
and more likely to succeed in his or her career.
The librarian who is interested in moving into management will have
opportunities to learn and/or refine various managerial skills. Working
with the committees and other groups, sections, or divisions of a profes-
sional association provides opportunities to lead, to provide focus and
direction, and to attain important goals. These are relevant skills and are
generally perceived as very desirable in libraries. Moreover, these skills
are likely to open doors for the librarian, either in positions at his or her
library or in managerial positions at other libraries.
The librarian who is able to write and to communicate effectively
will be more “marketable.” Professional associations provide excellent
opportunities to improve these skills. Becoming familiar with the pro-
cesses of research and publication via options such as poster sessions,
calls for papers, and articles in refereed journals enhances one’s ability

to communicate effectively with colleagues. In addition, presenting a

paper to a group of colleagues from other institutions enables one to
refine his or her oratory skills. Publications and scholarly presentations
also look good on vitae. They are indications of the librarian’s ability to
organize and articulate ideas and information. Such indications are val-
ued and facilitate one’s career development.
Becoming aware of the intrinsic value of a sense of professionalism
also facilitates a librarian’s career development. It is more intrinsic than
extrinsic, so it is less obvious. Issues of values and ethics, for example, are
usually less evident in one’s day-to-day activities. Nonetheless, the sense
of professional community that is facilitated via experiences in profes-
sional associations is very important and contributes to professional ef-
Participating actively in professional associations also enhances the
librarian’s career options. A record of activity in associations indicates
that the librarian is interested in the profession. Moreover, a record of
activity is a clear indication that the individual is willing to learn and to
grow. Being exposed to different ideas and perspectives contributes sig-
nificantly to one’s expertise and ability to examine issues critically. Such
librarians are likely to be promoted. Also, they are likely to be successful
in efforts to move into positions of responsibility at other libraries.
Members of the focus groups noted the relevance of participation to
one’s career. The importance of being exposed to innovations at other
libraries was emphasized. Nearly all of the participants stated that they
returned from conferences with ideas for new activities or initiatives. They
were more informed. Additionally, creativity and innovation had been
stimulated. The librarians also underscored the value of participation to
career development and advancement. Opportunities to work in groups
of librarians from other libraries were especiallyvalued by the focus group
members. Collaborating with librarians to refine strategies and attain
goals facilitated the development of skills that werc emphasized in their
respective libraries. All of the members stated that the librarians who
participate actively are more “marketable,” more likely to be promoted,
and more likely to succeed in their careers (Frank, 1997).

The role and responsibilities of professional associations are varied
and numerous. If the associations are going to continue to provide real-
istic opportunities to learn and to participate actively, they must be re-
sponsive to their members. In particular, they must be as flexible as pos-
sible and open to the concept of change. Issues of flexibility and change
are occasionally problematic for the large professional associations. Or-
ganizational behaviors and practices are likely to be self-perpetuated. To
be relevant in the future, the associations must focus on change and re-

newal: “The professional association that wishes to be effective in chang-

ing its industry must be open to a process of continuous change within
itself. Such an association will have the credibility to carry the message of
change to the rest of its industry” (Segal, 1993, p. 242).
Professional associations are critically important. Participating ac-
tively can make a positive difference. The librarian’s ability to perform
effectively can be enhanced. Moreover, the librarian’s career progres-
sion can be influenced positively. One of the librarians in the focus groups
concluded that “the challenges and opportunities in professional associa-
tions provide valuable perspective, help me to think critically, and stimu-
late my creative abilities.” Another librarian concluded that “the activi-
ties in professional associations help me to know what others are think-
ing and doing, to see what might be possible, and to move ahead in posi-
tive directions” (Frank, 1997).

American Library Association. (1995). ALA code of ethics. American Libraries, 26(7),673.
American Library Association, Association of College and Research Libraries, University
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tion, 16(1-2), 45-54.
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lished study presented at the American Library Association’s 1997 Midwinter Meeting,
February 1997.
Osman, 2. (1987). The role of the professional association in preparing its members for
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the Singapore-Malaysia Congress of Librarians and Information Scientists, September 4
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Segal, J. S. (1993). The role of professional associations in organization change: Toward
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