PHP c144
PHP c144
PHP c144
© 2014, 2007 PACER Center, Inc. | ACTion Sheet: PHP-c144
8161 Normandale Blvd. Minneapolis, MN 55437 | Phone (952) 838-9000 | MN Toll-Free (800) 537-2237
program, your responsibility is to support the teacher and the program and to monitor the effectiveness of services
in meeting your child’s needs. If you do not see progress in your child’s behavior challenges, inform your child’s
educational team of your concerns.
Come prepared
Find out who will be attending the meeting and what roles they fill. Ask for an agenda and that it includes
time for you to discuss your concerns. Bring your concerns and ideas to the meeting in writing. Behavior and
discipline are often emotionally charged topics and it is easy to get off track. Ask for an action plan in writing
at the end of the meeting.
Work together
As the parent of a child with a disability or mental health diagnosis and a behavior concern, your role is important.
By working together with your child and the school, you can increase your child’s chance for behavioral success.