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Battalion support still primarily relied on both the

Machine Gun Company   and   the   ‘accompanying  

weapons’  platoon,  the  later  was  initially  reinforced  by  
an additional infantry gun, giving one section of two
81mm medium mortars and another of two infantry
guns. The guns were later withdrawn to be replaced
by an additional 81mm mortar section, creating a
‘Mortar  Platoon’.

Brigade level support was now more varied and

Ejército Popular de la República besides the usual artillery types; tanks, armoured
(EPR) cars, anti-tank and anti-aircraft units were added to
these formations as supply allowed.
The EPR platoon (Sección) structure was formalised It is clear that many units did not always have their
across all of the mixed brigades (Brigadas Mixtas) full authorised levels of support weapons initially. The
from late 1936. Fundamentally it was still the same as platoon is therefore presented with its full
the pre-Civil War organisational structure, with small complement of personnel, but light machine guns and
differences. mortars are to be added as support choices.

Rifle Platoon command was now a single 1st or 2nd Mortar Squads lacking a mortar may be distributed
Lieutenant, accompanied by a Runner (Enlace), who across the two rifle sections if desired. If used as a
commanded three Sections (Pelotones), two of which ‘third   rifle   section’   however,   they   may   not   be   issued  
were designated as Rifle-Grenadier Sections an LMG.
(Pelotones de Fusileros Granaderos) and the third as
the Mortar Section (Pelotón de Morteros). PLATOON FORCE RATING
Regular: +0
Command Dice: 5
Each Section was led by a Sergeant (Sargento) and
each of their component Squads (Escuadras) by
Corporals (Cabos). The Rifle-Grenadier Sections had
three Squads, the first of which included a single light Teniente, Senior Leader, armed with pistol and a
Fusilero armed with a rifle.
machine gun. The Mortar Section had two Squads,
each serving a single 50mm light mortar. Each of the There are two Sections per Platoon, each
rifle Squads had four Riflemen (Fusileros), but mortar
Squads had only three each. RIFLE-GRENADIER SECTIONS 1 & 2
Sargento, Junior Leader armed with Rifle or SMG
The   Machine   Gun   Company’s   two   Platoons   (Sección There are three Squads per Platoon, each
de Ametralladoras), were again based on the previous
model, but were now streamlined to produce two SQUADS 1 – 3, EACH;
Machine Gun Sections (Grupos Fuego), each of two Cabo & 4 Fusileros, all armed with rifles.
Machine Gun Squads (Escuadras de Ametralladoras).
Platoon HQ consisted of a 1st or 2nd Lieutenant, MORTAR SECTION
accompanied by a Telephone Operator (Telemetrista),
Sargento, Junior Leader armed with Rifle or SMG
an Orderly (Ordenanza) and either a driver or mule
handler (Conductor), depending on how the unit was MORTAR SQUADS 1 & 2, EACH:
carried. Cabo & 3 Fusileros all armed with rifles.
Fusileros in a non-Mortar or LMG equipped
Each Section was led by a Sergeant and each of the
Squads have hand grenades.
Squads was led by a Corporal. Each Squad had three
Fusileros to serve the weapon itself and two Fusileros Mortar squads use a support list choice to equip
to either handle the Squad’s   mules,   or   to   drive   its   each squad with their 50mm mortar
transport vehicle(s). Squads equate to Teams in this organisation.
Initial shortages of automatic weapons meant that
many units did not always have their full complement
Most Basque companies had their own Priest, who
of machine guns. In some cases this was overcome by
went into battle with them. A unit with an attached
substituting light machine guns, thus denying them to
Priest are considered DieHard troops. The instant the
the Rifle Platoons, in others by doing without until
Priest is no longer attached apply all rules relating to
they became available. The Platoon is therefore
Shock to effected units. Priests are treated as officers
presented with its full personnel complement, but its
when determining loss in play.
weapons are selected from the support list.


Regular: -5 Basque units, like the Requetés, often went into
Command Dice: 5 battle with a Religious Icon, often a holy banner
carried by a respected senior non-commissioned
PLATOON HEADQUARTERS officer. If chosen they may ignore one point of shock
Teniente, Senior Leader, armed with pistol. received per phase of play. The banner bearer can act
3 Fusileros, each armed with rifles. as a Senior Leader if he is not in the command
distance of another Senior Leader and can activate
There are two Sections per Platoon, each
units in the same way. If he is killed another soldier
MACHINE-GUN SECTIONS 1 & 2 may carry the icon but may not act as a Leader.
Sargento, Junior Leader armed with rifle or SMG
There are two Squads per Section, each BASQUE CHARACTERISTICS
Hear the Irrintzi: The Basque Irrintzi was the
equivalent of a cross between the Confederate
Cabo & 5 Fusileros, all armed with rifles. ‘Rebel  Yell’  and  the  ululating  battle  cries  of  some  
Fusileros in rifle only Squads have hand grenades. North African peoples. Besides signaling joy and
Squads equate to Teams in this organisation. happiness, it was also used to psych-up the
Basques after the priests had blessed them and
*** before they went into battle – with this, Basques
are always treated as Aggressive.
While the Popular Militias in the North had formed Machada: hiding behind defences was often seen
Mixed Brigades and divisions, the Basques had not as particularly unmanly until the realities of war
and attempted to form a separate Basque Army, finally set in. When fired upon in cover by small
containing various support services, an artillery arms weapons, re-roll  any  1’s  that  miss.
regiment, cavalry and over thirty battalions. From
April 1937 however, these were formed into mixed
brigades and are included in the totals above.
The Basques shared many similarities with the
Traditionalist Militias and if it had not been for the
insistence on a separate Basque Nation, they and the
Traditionalists could very well have formed the core
of   a   ‘third   faction’   during   the   Spanish   Civil   War,  
against both the Nationalists and the Republic.

To represent the different qualities of the Basques

while they were still fighting for their homeland with a
belief in victory, the following rules and characteristics


Green or Regular: -1 or +2
Command Dice: 5
Note: deduct -5 from the Platoon Force Rating if taking a
MG platoon before  Nov  ’37.
The most famous units that can be created from this LIST ONE
list are of course those of the International Brigades. Adjutant
They are an ever-popular force, whose impact has Medical Orderly
suffered some exaggeration. They were without Car or Truck
doubt very brave men and as volunteers, as well as Minefield
almost entirely committed socialists and communists, Roadblock
their  commitment  to  the  fight  against  the  ‘fascists’  is   Barbed Wire
without doubt. This commitment is what sets them Entrenchments for one Squad
apart from those Spanish units which contained ever
Molotov Cocktails
increasing numbers of conscripts during early 1937.
Engineer Mine Clearance Squad, 3 men
Engineer Wire Cutting Squad, 3 men
Much of that bravery and commitment went with
Engineer Demolition Squad, 3 men
them to the grave after the horrendous losses
suffered by the Brigaders in their early battles 50mm Mortar to equip a single (Mortar) Squad
however. The initial flood of foreign volunteers also Machine Rifles to equip a Squad(s)*
virtually dried up at around the same time as they Light Machine Gun to equip a single Squad
were really needed to replace losses and instead Top Mounted MMG fitted to T-26B/BT-5/BA-3/6***
Spanish troops were used to fill the gaps. LIST TWO
Priest (Basque only)
All of the battalions became increasingly Spanish, until Religious Icon (Basque only)
the point that the brigades were disbanded and the Commissar
foreign volunteers left Spain in September 1938. Pre-Game artillery barrage**
20mm SEMAG AA/AT Gun with Junior Leader & 2 Crew
To acknowledge the contribution made by these men Small Tiznao vehicle
the following rules and characteristics apply to FA-I/UNL-35
International Brigade units: Hispano-Suiza MC-36 (MG)
Regular: +6 (1937); +2 (1938) Pre-Game artillery barrage (Heavy)** (1938+)
Command Dice: 6 (1937), 5 (1938) Medium Machine Gun to equip a single Squad
Note: deduct -5 from the Platoon Force Rating if taking a 70/16 Infantry Gun with Junior Leader & 5 crew
MG platoon before  Nov  ’37. 37/45 AT gun with Junior Leader & 5 crew
Off-table Machine Gun Fire Support
Vets & Volunteers: Reflecting the motivation and BA-3/6 or M37
morale  of  the  ‘Internationals’  add  one  (+1)  to  a   Medium Tiznao vehicle
unit’s  Force  Morale  die  roll  (p11). Random Air Support
Reflecting their shock troop status throughout Anti-Fascisti (entire platoon) - I’ntls  until  mid  ‘37
the war, Internationals are treated as Aggressive 45/44 AT gun with Junior Leader & 5 crew
troops. 76.2 mm Putilov Field Gun with Junior Leader & 5 crew
81mm Mortar Section with observer
Large Tiznao vehicle
ANTI FASCISTI BT-5 (only after Sep ’37)
Being captured, especially if wounded, while wearing LIST FIVE
the red triangular star of the Internacionales could 75/28 Field Gun Battery with observer
mean almost certain death, or if really unlucky, being LIST SIX
a present to the local German or Italian commander if 81mm Mortar Platoon with observer
you came from those countries. Even in non-fascist LIST SEVEN
countries having served in a foreign army could mean Medium Machine Gun Section with Junior Leader
loss of citizenship and/or prison.
*This selection gains two weapons.

Applicable until mid ’37, these soldiers are considered **Only one of each type.
Die Hard troops (p64). ***  Oct  ‘37+
Most of the support options on the list will be self- Evidence suggests that there was a move towards
explanatory. All tanks, armoured cars and Tiznaos decentralising the machine gun company as the war
come with a Junior Leader. Vehicles do not have went on and individual Machine Gun Sections were
Radios. attached to support Rifle Companies at the discretion
of the battalion commander.
Transport vehicles such as a car or truck, are simply
the vehicle itself and come with no crew. Remember, A Rifle Platoon may select the Machine Gun Section as
you will need to allocate men to drive these. a support choice, but may not select a Machine Gun
Barrage or Support Fire as additional options if he
Where Sections are available they will always come does (though an artillery barrage is still possible). The
with a Junior Leader. Infantry and weapons Squads Section must be fielded as a single unit of two Squads
rarely come with a leader, whereas full Sections and under its Junior Leader and either may not be
heavier support weapons do. The lists show all Junior deployed beyond his command distance.
Leader assignments where they are present for all
troops barring vehicles as discussed above. OFF-TABLE MACHINE G UN FIRE SUPPORT
Refer to the Specific Rules for Off Table Machine Gun
Note: All weapons and vehicles within the same class Fire Support.
(i.e. AT Guns, armoured cars, tanks etc) must be of the
same type and model; i.e. T-26 and BT-5 tanks may This support option may not be selected if the player
not be used together. selects an on table Machine Gun Section, or if he is
fielding a Machine Gun Platoon as his force.
In a Squad which is equipped with a light machine PRE G AME BARRAGE
gun, the Cabo will become its gunner and a Fusilero A Heavy barrage represents the dedicated assets of
will become its loader. Other Fusileros in the same 105mm+ batteries in support. The opposing player
Squad can replace crew casualties. subtracts -1 to his score for troop deployment as per
rule 4.3.
In Rifle Platoons only one LMG may be issued per
Squad and only Squad in a Section may be so 50MM MORTAR SQUAD
equipped. In Machinegun Platoons only one weapon This option is only available to a Rifle Platoon. One
may be issued to a Squad and that Squad may not weapon   per   selection   may   be   issued   to   a   ‘Mortar  
have a Medium Machine Gun already issued to it. Squad’   and   each   Squad   may   only   have   one   of   these  
weapons.   The   Cabo   is   designated   as   the   weapon’s  
Machine Rifles are weapons like the Chauchat and gunner and two Fusileros as its loaders. Other
other inferior quality light machine guns supplied Fusileros in the same Squad can replace crew
from various sources. A support level choice gains two casualties. All are armed with rifles.
such weapons to be distributed to a squad(s).
A Senior or Junior Leader may both activate and/or
MEDIUM MACHINE G UNS (BEFORE NOV 1937) spot for the Mortar Team, at a cost of one command
A single Medium Machine Gun may be issued, per initiative point, if the Mortar Team is within their
selection, to a Squad in a Machine Gun Platoon only. command range. No other unit may spot for the
The   Cabo   becomes   the   weapon’s   gunner   and   two   Mortar Squad.
Fusileros  are  assigned  as  the  weapon’s  loaders. Other
Fusileros in the same Squad can replace crew The 50mm mortar only fires H.E. Rounds. It has a
casualties. minimum  range  of  18”,  but  closer  than  that  the  crew  
may use their rifles.
A Medium Machine Gun may not be issued in
conjunction with a Light Machine Gun in the same
Squad, but the Section or Platoon itself may contain a
mix of both weapon types.
Some significant changes took place in regards A Political Delegate (Delegado Politico) or Commissar
medium mortars, infantry guns and field guns during may be activated on a Command Dice roll of 5. If the
this period. Initially each battalion had two weapon player activates the Commissar he does not increase
sections (one each of infantry guns and medium his Chain of Command tally by one. When activated a
mortars) and each brigade had three batteries of Commissar moves as normal. If attached to a squad
75mm guns and a single 105mm or 150mm battery. he may move with that squad without being activated
This proved almost impossible to maintain within
every brigade, even when the infantry guns were He counts as two men for morale purposes when
withdrawn as more medium mortars became considering Shock levels and one man in any Close
available and artillery batteries of 70mm guns were Combat. A Commissar does not fire or crew weapons.
formed. From November 1937, all of the artillery units If the Senior Leader is hit, the presence of the
were withdrawn from the brigades, except a single Commissar reduces the effect of his loss to that of a
three-gun 70mm or 75mm battery and centralised to Junior Leader. The loss of the Commissar counts as
form divisional artillery units. that of a Senior Leader.

For the sake of simplicity off-table fire support has MOLOTOV COCKTAIL
been divided into two-weapon 81mm sections, three- Refer to the Specific Rules for Molotov Cocktails.
gun 75mm or 76.2mm batteries (but which could
actually be 70mm) and four-weapon 81mm mortar RANDOM AIR SUPPORT
platoons (which essentially have a similar effect to Refer to the Specific Rules for Random Air Support.
four gun 75mm batteries, so can be taken as
representing these too). ANTI-TANK G UNS
Each Mixed Brigade eventually had an Anti-Tank
On-table use of these weapons does impinge on off- Company attached to them. Typically each battery
table use however. A maximum of two artillery pieces was composed of the same weapon, but the weapon
(whether infantry gun or field gun) may be deployed types across the various brigades were quite eclectic.
on-table and both must be of the same type. If on- Eventually the Soviet 37mm Cañón CC 37/45 M-35R
table field or infantry guns are selected, then the only and 45mm Cañón CC 45/44 Plasencia M-32R types
off-table selections may be; 81mm mortar sections or became the most common.

A standard four gun artillery battery barrage is

14”x14”.   Where   batteries   are   reduced   in   size,   the
(length and width of the) barrage area is reduced by
2” per gun as is the support list cost by one level per
gun. Reflecting this the relevant bombardment areas

81mm Mortar Sections – 10”  x  10”

75mm or 76.2mm Batteries – 12”  x  12”
81mm Mortar Platoons – 14”  x  14”

All aiming points are at the centre of the area. For Off
Table weapons refer to the Specific Rules for Off Table
Forward Observation Teams when firing.

Pre-game barrages are not affected in any way with

the use of the heavy 105mm heavy guns being
included as a pre-game barrage choice.

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