1 s2.0 S104366189790284X Main
1 s2.0 S104366189790284X Main
1 s2.0 S104366189790284X Main
3, 1998
The aim of the present study was to determine the NO production by human cultured
macrophages Žm f . and to compare the NO production between healthy subjects and
patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis. The bioassay method was used for assessment
of validation. Lipopolysaccharide Ž125 ng mly1 .-activated m f from healthy and diseased
subjects released a substantial amount of NO. NO synthase inhibitor, N G-nitro-L-arginine
methyl ester, Ž0.1 mmol ly1 . suppressed NO synthesis significantly in m f of healthy
subjects. Nitrite formation measured by the diazotization method in the supernatants taken
from cultured m f of tuberculous patients were significantly lower than the healthy
subjects. The supernatants obtained in both subjects caused relaxations of guinea-pig aorta
reversed by methylene blue Ž10 m mol ly1 .. There was a significant difference between
relaxations of healthy and diseased supernatants. Nitrite formation measured by the
bioassay method in the supernatants taken from cultured m f of tuberculous patients was
significantly higher than the healthy subjects. It was concluded that NO production
appeared to be decreased in tuberculosis. The reason for decreased production of NO in
tuberculosis may be related to the interaction of several cytokines andror eicosanoids by
means of the disease related induction of immune reactions.
Q 1998 The Italian Pharmacological Society
pare the NO production between healthy subjects observed, L-NAME 0.1 mmol ly1 w15, 16x was added
and patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis by to culture media for to confirm the NO-like activity.
using the diazotization method. We also aimed to The culture plates were centrifuged at 1000 g for 5
assess the validation of the bioassay method. min before medium replacement. Viability and num-
ber of cells were ) 90% throughout the period of
Determination and measurement of nitrite
Patient selection concentration
A total of six patients with newly diagnosed active Diazotization method The accumulated concen-
¨ Chest
pulmonary tuberculosis hospitalised at Ataturk trations of nitrite which is a stable end product of
Disease and Chest Surgery Center, Ankara were NO in the supernatants were quantified by a mi-
studied. The mean age was 31.8" 4.4 years Žrange croplate assay method according to Green et al. w17x.
21]46, 6 men.. The diagnosis of tuberculosis was Samples Ž100 m l. were incubated with an equal
based on the demonstration of acid fast bacilli in volume of Griess reagent Ž1% sulphanylamider0.1%
sputum and was confirmed by a positive culture for N-1-naphtylethylene diamine dihydrochlorider2.5%
M. tuberculosis. None of the patients had clinical H 3 PO4 . at room temperature for 10 min. The absor-
evidence of the acquired immunodeficiency syn- bance at 550 nm was determined with a microplate
drome and none were on corticosteroids or other reader ŽDiagnostic Pasteur, LP 400. using a refer-
immunosuppresive agents, and antituberculous ther- ence filter of 620 nm. Sodium nitrite diluted in
apy. complete medium was used as nitrite standard. Ni-
trite concentrations in the supernatants were calcu-
Healthy subjects lated on the basis of the standard curve obtained
Five healthy persons with no respiratory symp- with known concentrations of sodium nitrite.
toms were studied as healthy subjects. The mean age Bioassay method Albino guinea-pigs of either
was 25.4" 1.0 years Žrange 23]29, 4 women and 1 sex Ž250]400 g. were killed by a sharp blow on the
men.. head and exsanguinated. The thoracic aorta was
rapidly removed, cleared of adhering periadventitial
Isolation and culture of monocytes
fat and cut into rings of 3 mm width. The rings were
Monocytes were isolated from heparinised venous
denuded of endothelium by gentle rubbing of the
blood using a discontinuous Ficoll gradient w14x.
luminal surface with ends of small forceps w18x and
After Ficoll]Hypaque centrifugation the mononu-
mounted in 10 ml organ baths filled with warmed
clear cells were washed three times by centrifugation
Ž378C., oxygenated Ž95% O 2r5% CO 2 . Krebs]
in RPMI 1640 medium containing penicillin Ž50 units
Henseleit solution ŽpH 7.4.. The changes in isomet-
mly1 ., streptomycin Ž50 m g mly1 . and L-glutamine
Ž300 m g mly1 . and finally resuspended Ž5 = 10 5 cells ric tension were measured by a Nihon Kohden force
displacement transducer ŽModel TB-611 T. and
mly1 . in RPMI 1640 medium, 20% heat-inactivated
recorded on a Nihon Kohden polygraph ŽModel
FCS and autologous serum. Samples Ž200 m l. of
RM-6000.. The tissues were equilibrated under rest-
monocyte suspension Žadjusted to 10 5 cellsrwell.
ing tension of 1.5 g for 1.5 h and the Krebs]Henseleit
were plated in U-bottom 96-well culture plates and
solution was changed every 15 min during equilibra-
incubated for 1]1.5 h at 378C in 5% CO 2r95% air
tion period. Rings were preconstricted with nore-
humidified atmosphere. The non-adherent cells were
pinephrine Ž10 m mol ly1 . prior to the experiments.
removed by washing with RPMI 1640. Monocytes
The absence of endothelium was confirmed by the
obtained in this manner were 90% pure as de-
lack of relaxation in response to 100 m mol ly1
termined by Giemsa staining and cell viability Žmea-
acetylcholine. At the end of each experiment, nitrog-
sured by Trypan blue exclusion. was more than 95%.
lycerin Ž10 m mol ly1 . was added for confirming and
RPMI 1640 medium and 10% FCS were added to
indicating the relaxing ability of the tissue.
the wells and cultured at 378C for periods of 3]4
Sodium nitrite diluted in Krebs]Henseleit solu-
days to allow cells to differentiate. During the cul-
tion was used as nitrite standard. A cumulative
ture period, the medium was changed every 48 h.
concentration-response curve to the relaxant effects
When the monocytes differentiated to macrophages
of sodium nitrite was constructed. Responses to
morphologically, 200 m l of the mixture of LPS Ž125
sodium nitrite and supernatants were calculated as
ng mly1 . and 10% FCS in RPMI 1640 medium Žtotal
the percentages of the preconstricted tissues. The
200 m l. were added to the culture every 48 h. At
amount of nitrite in the cell-free supernatants were
selected time-points during 2]18 days, cell-free su-
calculated by probit-regression analysis.
pernatants Ž100 m l. from identically treated wells
were pooled and replaced with fresh medium and Drugs
then immediately measured by the diazotization Ficoll]Hypaque ŽHistopaque-1077., RPMI 1640
method. For the bioassay studies, the remaining medium, lipopolysaccharide ŽLPS. Ž E. coli 0.11:B4.,
portion was frozen at y208C. When a difference in G
L-glutamine, penicillin-streptomycine solution, N -
nitrite levels in the absence or presence of LPS was nitro-L-arginine methyl ester ŽL-NAME., nore-
Pharmacological Research, Vol. 37, No. 3, 1998 221
Fig. 1. Nitrite concentrations measured by the diazotization method in the medium, m f culture supernatants obtained
from healthy subjects and patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis. m f were activated with LPS Ž125 ng mly1 . for 2]18
days. L-NAME Ž0.1 mmol ly1 . was added to the medium if a difference in nitrite levels was observed in the absence or
presence of LPS. Statistical comparison was made by Kruskal]Wallis non-parametric ANOVA test followed by Dunn’s
multiple comparisons test. Statistically significant difference from wmedium; q healthy subjects m f wqx; ' healthy subjects
m f wqx q LPS Ž P - 0.05..
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