Student Enrollment Form in PDF

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Student Enrollment Form

Child’s Name: Sex: M F

Birthdate: Birth Place: Ethnicity:
Child’s Home Address:
Home Phone:

1st Parent’s Name:

Occupation: Employer:
Work Phone: Cell Phone:
Address: (if different from child)

2nd Parent’s Name:

Occupation: Employer:
Work Phone: Cell Phone:
Address: (if different from child)

Child lives with: Both Parents Mother Father other:

Emergency Contact(Other than parents)

1. Phone #:
2. Phone #:

Pediatrician: Preferred Hospital:

Parent Signature: Date:

Registration Fee: $75 Cash or Check #

Office Staff Signature: Date:
Student Enrollment Form
Child’s Name:

School Year Programs

Full Day School (9am-3pm) Half Day School (9am - 12:30pm)

T/TH $80/wk T/TH $225/mo
M/W/F $110/wk M/W/F $250/mo
5 Days $165/wk 5 Days $305/mo

Before Care Program

8:00 am Drop-Off 7:00 am-8:00 am Drop-Off

5 Days $40/wk T/TH $30/wk

M/W/F $35/wk
5 Days $55/wk

After Care Program

4:00 pm Pickup 4:00 pm-5:30 am Pickup

5 Days $55/wk T/TH $40/wk

M/W/F $50/wk
5 Days $70/wk

Child care hours needed: to

**Any additional hours must be Pre-approved by Director & Pre-Paid**
Additional Hours are billed by the hour at a $15/hr. (This fee is not divided in halves or quarters)
Sibling Discount: 10% Off on Lower cost tuition
 Parent Contract MUST be read and signed by parent(s)/guardian(s) before child begins school
Personal Data : Family & Social History Form
Child’s Name: DOB:

Parent Info
Legal guardian 1: Mother Father other:
Name: Age :
Legal guardian 2: Mother Father other:
Name: Age:
Marital Status: Married Living Together Separated Divorced Step-parent
Custody/Visiting arrangements:

Brothers & Sisters

Name: Age: Grade in School:
Name: Age: Grade in School:
Name: Age: Grade in School:

Child Experiences
Has child had group play experience? Where?
Does child have playmates?
What are your child’s favorite indoor/outdoor activities?

Does your child have fears that you are aware of?

Development History
At what age did your child:
Crawl: Name simple objects: Sit up on own:
Repeat short sentences: Begin toilet training:
Sleep through night: Complete toilet training:
What word does your child use for Urination : Bowel Movement:
Does child dress self? Y N Undress self? Y N
Personal Data : Family & Social History Form Cont.
Infants*:I agree to have my child nap in/on a mat, crib, pack & play placed in the infant room.
Toddlers: I agree to have my child nap in/on a mat or cot placed in the classroom.
Preschool/Pre-K/UPK : I agree to have my child nap in/on a mat or cot placed in the classroom.

*Sleeping arrangements for infants require that the infant be placed on his or her back to sleep, unless medical information is
presented by the parent that shows that this arrangement is inappropriate for that child.

Sleep Schedule: Regular bed time : to Does your child have interrupted sleep? Y N

Do you have concerns about your child’s development?

Speech Fine Motor Gross Motor Behavior Social/emotional
How would you best describe your child’s personality?

What are your daycare expectations?

Please explain any special family traditions or celebrations that you would like to share with us:

Home Language Questionnaire

1. What language(s) is spoken in student’s home or residence?
English Other:
2. What language(s) are spoken most of the time to the student, in the home or residence?
English Other:
3. What language(s) does the student Understand?
English Other:
4. What language(s) does the student speak?
English Other:
5. In your opinion, how well does the student understand and speak English?
Very Well Only a Little Not at all
Understands English
Speaks English
Emergency Authorization Form for Medical
Emergency Treatment

Child’s Name: DOB

As parent or legal guardian of , a minor, I hereby give my

consent to Rosa Venerini ECC or Schenectady UPK to seek medical treatment in the event of an
emergency. I hereby give my consent to ELLIS HOSPITAL to provide any treatment and conduct any
tests which are required necessary treatment to the above named minor in my absence.

Pediatrician Name: Phone:

Dentist Name: Phone:
Last Tetanus: Religion:

In the event of any emergency in which the above named physicians are not available, I give my
consent to provide treatment by ELLIS HOSPITAL Medical/Dental staff member on duty.

Other Pertinent Medical Information:

Insurance Information:
ID Number: Group Number:
Subscriber Name:
Billing Address:
Parent/Legal Guardian Employer:
Employer Address:
Parent/Legal Guardian Phone: Address:

Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian: Date:

Health History
Child’s Name: DOB

Does your child have a history of:

High Fevers Ear Infections Colds Chicken Pox Scarlet Fever
Diabetes Hepatitis Mumps Measles
Is your child on any medication? Please list medications and dosage:

Has your child ever been hospitalized? When and for what?

Has your child had any serious accidents? Describe.

Does your child have any allergies? Y N Unknown
List child’s allergies:
Signs of allergic reaction:
Asthma Difficulty Breathing Swelling Hay Fever Hives
Do you know what the allergy is caused by?

Has your child been to the dentist? Y N Dentist:

Has your child had: Vision Screening: Y N Hearing Screening: Y N
Is there anything you would like to share about your child’s health?

Medical Release
I hereby give consent to the following healthcare agency

to release medical information on

(Child’s Name)
Signature: Date:
Authorized Release Form
I, , give the following people permission to pick up my
child, , from Rosa Venerini ECC. I, & the people listed
below, understand that if someone other than myself, the parent, pick up my child, he / she will be
required to present photo identification. The child will not be able to leave the center with an adult who
1. Is not listed on the registration form as a parent or 2. Is not listed on this authorization form or 3.
Does not have a photo identification.

1. Name:

2. Name:

3. Name:

4. Name:

Parent Signature: Date:

I grant permission to Rosa Venerini ECC to use my child’s picture for the following purposes:
Newspaper Center Website Grant Proposals Displays Video TV Social Media
I do NOT want my child’s pictures used for anything other than Bloomz

Parent Signature: Date

Infant Enrollment Form
Child’s Name: Sex: M F
Birthdate: Birth Place: Ethnicity:
Child’s Home Address:
Home Phone:

1st Parent’s Name:

Occupation: Employer:
Work Phone: Cell Phone:
Address: (if different from child)

2nd Parent’s Name:

Occupation: Employer:
Work Phone: Cell Phone:
Address: (if different from child)

Child lives with: Both Parents Mother Father other:

Emergency Contact(Other than parents)

1. Phone #:
2. Phone #:

Pediatrician: Preferred Hospital:

Parent Signature: Date:

Registration Fee: $75 Cash or Check #

Office Staff Signature: Date:
Infant Enrollment Form

Child’s Name:

2019 – 2020
Hours: 7:00 am - 5:30 pm

T/TH $130/wk

M/W/F $180/wk

M-F $265/wk

**As per the OCFS requirement infants are allowed to stay in child care for a maximum of 9 hours

Child care hours needed: to

**Any additional hours must be Pre-approved by Director & Pre-Paid**

Sibling Discount: 10% Off on lower cost tuition

 Parent Contract MUST be read and signed by parent(s)/guardian(s) before child begins the daycare

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