MaineCoon - SOP .Template

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Scale of Points

Head: Including general shape and proportions: shape, size and ear set; 35
shape, size, set and colour of eyes; nose length and profile; cheeks, muzzle
and chin
Body: Including shape and proportions; size, bone structure, muscularity and 30
condition, height and thickness of legs; shape and size of paws; shape and
length of tail
Coat: Including length and texture; frontal ruff; ear feathering and tufting; tail 20
furnishings; paw furnishings
Colour and pattern 15

General Type description

The Maine Coon is a semi-longhaired cat of medium Foreign type and is distinguished by its
large size, bone structure, rectangular appearance and flowing coat. The Maine Coon evolved
as a working domesticated cat in a rural environment; this role is reflected in a muscular cat of
rugged outdoor appearance with a characteristic weatherproof coat and the demeanour of an
alert capable hunter.
Head Medium in length, the nasal bridge being equidistant from the ear line
and the tip of the nose, with the width being slightly less than the
length of the head. Allowance should be made for additional breadth
or jowls in mature males. The muzzle should be square with firm chin:
chin, upper lip and nose leather should fall in a perpendicular line.
Cheeks fairly full, with high cheekbones. Bite level. Nose of uniform
width with shallow concave curve at the nasal bridge when viewed in
profile, and without a sharp break or stop.
Ears Large, tall ears, wide at base and tapering to appear pointed at the
tip; set high but well apart.
Eyes Full and round, spaced wide apart with a slightly oblique aperture and
set. Shades of green, gold or copper; coat and eye colour may be
unrelated. Odd or blue eyes are permissible in white cats.
Body and neck Body large to medium size, solid and muscular with breadth of chest.
Long body with proportionate limbs to create the characteristic
rectangular appearance; square rump. Neck moderately long;
particularly thick and muscular in mature males.
Legs and paws Substantial legs with large round paws; toes carried close, five in
front, four behind.
Tail Long, at least the length of the back, wide at the base and tapering
towards the tip.
Coat Waterproof consisting of an undercoat covered by a more substantial
glossy topcoat. Fur shorter on the head, neck and shoulders
increasing in length down the back, flanks and tail. A fluffy
appearance is undesirable. Breeches and belly fur full and shaggy.
Frontal ruff beginning at the base of the ears; heavier in males than
females. Tail fur long, profuse and flowing; not bushy. Ears feathered
and preferably tufted at the tips; the ear feathering should extend
beyond the outer edges of the ear. Paws tufted, with long tufts
emanating from under the paws, extending backwards to create a
snowshoe effect.
Coat colour and The Maine Coon is recognised in a variety of solid colours (including
pattern white in all eye colours); tortoiseshell; tabby colours (classic and
mackerel patterns) with or without silver; shaded and smoke colours;
bi-colour and parti-colour (e.g. solid/tabby/tortoiseshell/shaded/smoke
colour and white).

1. Since the Maine Coon is slow to mature (taking up to 4 years), allowance
should be made as to their size when judging younger cats. The balance of
the cat is of uppermost importance.
2. The cat loses coat during the summer months.
3. Different coat colours may have different textured coats

Withhold all awards for:

1. Wrongly registered adults, kittens or neuters. NOTE: These should be
marked as wrong colour on judge's slips and disqualified.
2. Blue or odd eyes in cats of a colour other than white
3. Van Patterned Cats
Withhold Certificates or First Prizes in Kitten Open Classes for:
1. Cobby body shape and/or fine bone structure
2. Bi-Colour or Parti-colour cats that do not exhibit some white on all four
paws, belly and chest
3. Definite nose break or stop
4. Straight profile or pronounced nose bump
5. Untuftedpaws
6. White markings (including buttons, lockets or spots) anywhere other than
those referred to in the SOP
7. Overall even coat length
8. Persian like coat texture
9. Serious colour or pattern faults
10. Any defect as listed in the preface to this SOP document

1. Unsound base coat in Solid or Tortoiseshell coloured cats
2. Tabby markings in adult Smoke coloured cats
3. Heavy tabby markings in Shaded coloured cats
4. White extending beyond the throat in Non-Silver Tabby cats registered
without white
5. Tarnishing in Silver Series cats
6. Heavily brindled coat in Tabby cats

COAT COLOURS Chocolate, Lilac and Siamese Points are not allowed.

The fur should be sound to the roots in colour and free from any shadings,
markings and patches of white hairs, except that red series solid cats may
well show tabby markings. Nose leather, Paw pads and eye rims to tone
with the body colour.

(MCO w 61) White - Blue Eye

(MCO w 62) White - Orange Eye
(MCO w 63) White - Odd Eye
(MCO w 64) White - Green Eye
(MCO n) Black
(MCO d) Red
(MCO a) Blue
(MCO e) Cream

The patterning should extend throughout the coat including the limbs, tail
and face; blaze desirable. Base colour should be sound to the roots.
(MCO f) Tortoiseshell - Black and shades of red. Nose leather, paw pads
and eye rims pink and/or black, depending on the distribution of the red.
(MCO g) Blue Tortie - Blue and shades of cream. Nose leather, paw pads
and eye rims pink and/or blue depending on the distribution of the cream.

Any solid or tortoiseshell colour accepted. The undercoat should be silvery
white with deep tips shading to the basic colour. The cat appears darkest
on the back, head and feet. In a smoke cat the silvery white undercoat,
which is next to the skin, should not be clearly visible when the cat is in
repose. However, this can be seen when fur is parted or when the cat is
moving. This is a genetically silver non-tabby variety of Maine Coon. The
appearance of clear tabby markings in the coat is undesirable. However, it
is accepted that Red Series Smoke colours may exhibit some faint
markings which should not be unduly penalised in an otherwise good
example of the breed. It should also be noted that kittens of all Smoke
colours may well show ghost tabby markings on the body for which they
should not be too heavily penalised. The presence of tabby markings in
adults is undesirable.

(MCO ns) Black Smoke

Silvery white undercoat deeply tipped with black, and free from tabby
markings. In motion, the silvery white undercoat is apparent; cat in repose
appears black with no other markings. Extremities and face black, narrow
band of silvery white at base of hair, next to skin, which may only be seen
when the fur is parted. Nose leather and paw pads black.
(MCO as) Blue Smoke
The above is also the Standard for blue smoke except that, where the word
'black' occurs, "blue' should be substituted. Nose leather and paw pads
(MCO ds) Red Smoke
The above is also the Standard for red smoke except that, where the word
'black' occurs, 'red' should be substituted. Nose leather and paw pads pink.
(MCO fs)Tortie Smoke
Silvery white undercoat, deeply tipped with black and shades of red, which
are clearly visible on both body and extremities. Cat in repose appears
tortoiseshell. Extremities and face black and shades of red with narrow
band of silvery white at base of hair next to skin, which may only be seen
when the fur is parted. Red markings on the face are desirable. Nose
leather and paw pads to conform to requirements for coat colour.
(MCO es) Cream Smoke
The Standard for Black Smoke is also the standard for cream smoke
except that, where the word 'black' occurs, ‘cream' should be substituted.
Nose leather and paw pads pink.
(MCO gs) Blue Tortie Smoke
The Standard for Tortie Smoke is also the Standard for Blue Tortie Smoke
except that, where the words 'black and shades of red' occur, 'blue and
cream' should be substituted and, where the word 'red' appears, 'cream'
should be substituted. Nose leather and paw pads blue or pink to conform
to requirements for coat colour.

Allowances to be made for diffusion of tabby markings in cats showing long
or full flowing coats.

Recognised coat patterns are Classic and Mackerel pattern.

There is a tendency for tabbies to show white around the immediate area of
the lips and lower jaw area. It is a serious fault if this extends beyond the
throat in non-silver tabbies or tabbies registered without white. Silver- white
colour on the throat and muzzle of silver tabbies/silver tortie tabbies is not a
fault and the base colour may be diluted by the gene producing silver.

Classic Pattern:
All markings to be clearly defined and dense. On the forehead there should
be a letter 'M' giving the impression of a frown. There should be an
unbroken stripe running back from the outer comer of the eye and narrow
lines on the cheeks. On the neck and upper chest there should be
unbroken necklaces, the more the better. The edges of the ears to be the
same colour as the markings with a central patch of ground colour
resembling a thumb print. A series of lines run from above the 'M' marking,
over the top of the head and extend to the shoulder markings. The shoulder
markings form the outline of a butterfly, when viewed from above. On the
back there should be an unbroken line running down the spine from the
butterfly to the tail, and there should be a stripe on either side of this
running parallel to it. These stripes should be separated from each other by
stripes of ground colour. On each flank there should be an 'oyster" shaped
patch which should have complete rings, as numerous as possible. The tip
of the tail should be the same colour as the markings. The legs should be
barred evenly with bracelets from the body markings to the toes which
should be spotted. The back of the leg from the sole to the hock should be
solid colour. The abdominal area should be spotted.

Mackerel Pattern:
All markings to be clearly defined and dense. On the forehead, there
should be a letter 'M' giving the impression of a frown. There should be an
unbroken stripe running from the outer comer of the eye and narrow lines
on the cheeks. On the neck and upper chest there should be unbroken
necklaces, the more the better. The edges of the ears to be the same
colour as the markings with a central patch of colour resembling a thumb
print. A series of lines run from above the 'M' marking, over the top of the
head and extend to the shoulder markings. There should be one narrow,
unbroken central spine line on either side of which is a broken spine line
from which the narrow lines which form the Mackerel pattern run vertically
down the body. These lines should be unbroken and as narrow and
numerous as possible. The tip of the tail should be the same colour as the

(MCO n 22) Brown Classic Tabby Black markings on a warm copper

agouti ground colour
(MCO n 23) Brown Mackerel Tabby Nose leather brick red, paw pads
and eye rims black or brown.

(MCO a 22) Blue Classic Tabby Blue markings on a cool beige

agouti ground colour.
(MCO a 23) Blue Mackerel Tabby Nose leather solid blue or pink
edged with blue, paw pads and eye rims

(MCO d 22) Red Classic Tabby Rich red markings on a bright

apricot agouti ground colour.
(MCO d 23) Red Mackerel Tabby Nose leather, paw pads and eye
rims deep pink.

(MCO e 22) Cream Classic Tabby Rich cream markings on a cooler

cream agouti ground
(MCO e 23) Cream Mackerel Tabby colour. Nose leather, paw pads
and eye rims pink.

(MCO f 22) Tortie Classic Tabby Black markings on a warm copper

agouti ground which has
(MCO f 23) Tortie Mackerel Tabby been overlaid with shades of red.
Nose leather brick red
and/or pink depending on the
distribution of the red.

(MCO g 22) Blue Tortie Classic Tabby Blue markings on a cool beige
agouti ground which has
(MCO g 23) Blue Tortie Mackerel Tabby been overlaid with shades of
cream. Nose leather blue and/or pink
depending on the distribution of
the cream.
(MCO ns 22) Silver Classic Tabby Colour and markings as above on
a silver agouti ground.
(MCO ns 23) Silver Mackerel Tabby Nose leather, paw pads and eye
rims as above.

(MCO as 22) Blue Silver Classic Tabby

(MCO as 23) Blue Silver Mackerel Tabby
(MCO ds 22) Red Silver Classic Tabby
(MCO ds 23) Red Silver Mackerel Tabby
(MCO es 22) Cream Silver Classic Tabby
(MCO es 23) Cream Silver Mackerel Tabby
(MCO fs 22) Tortie Silver Classic Tabby
(MCO fs 23) Tortie Silver Mackerel Tabby
(MCO gs 22) Blue Tortie Silver Classic Tabby
(MCO gs 23) Blue Tortie Silver Mackerel Tabby

Silver-white colour on the throat and muzzle of silver tabbies/silver tortie

tabbies is not a fault and the base colour may be diluted by the gene
producing silver. Tarnishing is undesirable.


(MCO n 11) Black shaded

(MCO ns 11) Silver Shaded
(MCO a 11) Blue Shaded
(MCO as 11) Blue Silver Shaded
(MCO d 11) Red Shaded
(MCO ds 11) Red Silver Shaded
(MCO f 11) Tortie Shaded
(MCO fs 11) Tortie Silver Shaded
(MCO e 11) Cream Shaded
(MCO es 11) Cream Silver Shaded
(MCO g 11) Blue Tortie Shaded
(MCO gs 11) Blue Tortie Silver Shaded

Both Standard (non-silver) and Silver Shaded colours are accepted in any
solid or tortoiseshell colour. Shaded cats are genetically agouti. In the
shaded cat the coloured fur should give the overall appearance of a mantle
on the back. The body should be as free from tabby markings as possible
in adults. Kittens may well exhibit ghost tabby markings on the body for
which allowance should be made.
In Standard Shaded, the undercoat should be as pale as possible with the
shaft of each hair pale at the root and darkening to the base colour at the

In Silver Shaded, the undercoat should as pale a silver as possible with

shallow tips shading to the basic colour; the dark points being most clearly
defined on the back, head and feet and the lighter points on the flanks and
ear tufts. Any tarnishing of the coat is undesirable. Nose leather, paw pads
and eye rims in keeping with the basic colour.


(MCO n {03/02}) Black and white

(MCO a {03/02}) Blue and white
(MCO d {03/02}) Red and white
(MCO e {03/02}) Cream and white
(MCO f {03/02}) Tortoiseshell and white
(MCO g {03/02}) Blue Tortie and white

(MCO ns {03/02}) Black Smoke and white

(MCO as {03/02}) Blue Smoke and white
(MCO ds {03/02}) Red Smoke and white
(MCO es {03/02}) Cream Smoke and white
(MCO fs {03/02}) Tortie Smoke and white
(MCO gs {03/02}) Blue Tortie Smoke and white

(MCO n 22 {03/02}) Brown Classic Tabby and white

(MCO n 23 {03/02}) Brown Mackerel Tabby and white
(MCO a 22 {03/02}) Blue Classic Tabby and white
(MCO a 23 {03/02}) Blue Mackerel Tabby and white
(MCO d 22 {03/02}) Red Classic Tabby and white
(MCO d 23 {03/02}) Red Mackerel Tabby and white
(MCO e 22 {03/02}) Cream Classic Tabby and white
(MCO e 23 {03/02}) Cream Mackerel Tabby and white
(MCO f 22 {03/02}) Tortie Classic Tabby and white
(MCO f 23 {03/02}) Tortie Mackerel Tabby and White
(MCO g 22 {03/02}) Blue Tortie Classic Taby and white
(MCO g 23 {03/02}) Blue Tortie Mackerel Tabby and white

(MCO n 22 {03/02}) Silver Classic Tabby and white

(MCO ns 23 {03/02}) Silver Mackerel Tabby and white
(MCO as 22 {03/02}) Blue Silver Classic Tabby and white
(MCO as 23 {03/02}) Blue Silver Mackerel Tabby and white
(MCO ds 22 {03/02}) Red Silver Classic Tabby and white
(MCO ds 23 {03/02}) Red Silver Mackerel Tabby and white
(MCO es 22 {03/02}) Cream Silver Classic Tabby and white
(MCO es 23 {03/02}) Cream Silver Mackerel Tabby and white
(MCO fs 22 {03/02}) Tortie Silver Classic Tabby and white
(MCO fs 23 {03/02}) Tortie Silver Mackerel Tabby and white
(MCO gs 22 {03/02}) Blue Tortie Silver Classic Tabby and white
(MCO gs 23 {03/02}) Blue Tortie Silver Mackerel Tabby and white

(MCO n 11 {03/02}) Black Shaded and white

(MCO a 11 {03/02}) Blue Shaded and white
MCO d 11 {03/02}) Red Shaded and white
(MCO e 11 {03/02}) Cream Shaded and white
(MCO f 11 {03/02}) Tortie Shaded and white
(MCO g 11 {03/02}) Blue Tortie Shaded and white

(MCO ns 11 {03/02}) Black Silver Shaded and white

(MCO as 11 {03/02}) Blue Silver Shaded and white
(MCO ds 11 {03/02}) Red Silver Shaded and white
(MCO es 11 {03/02}) Cream Silver Shaded and white
(MCO fs 11 {03/02}) Tortie Silver Shaded and white
(MCO gs 11 {03/02}) Blue Tortie Silver Shaded and white

Any solid, tabby, tortoiseshell, shaded or smoke colour and white. The
base colour is to be present on head, back (extending down onto sides)
and fully coloured tail. On tabby cats, there should be sufficient base colour
to show the pattern. The minimum white permitted is some white to all four
paws, underbelly and chest, with some colour allowed to these areas.
Refer to the appropriate section for descriptions of coat markings

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