Alfa ResultSubServices
Alfa ResultSubServices
Alfa ResultSubServices
Ref. Range
Serum Cholesterol 189 mg/dl Up to 200 Desirable
Over 240 Higher Risk
HDL-Cholesterol 46 mg/dL Up to 40 High Risk
Over 60 Low Risk
LDL 119 mg/dL Up To 100
Non-HDL-C 143 mg/dL up to 130 optimal
Serum Triglycerides 119 mg/dL Up to 150 Normal
150 - 199 Borderline
200 - 499 High
Serum VLDL Cholesterol 24 mg/dl Up To 30
T.Cholesterol / HDL Cholesterol 4.11 Less Than 4.44
LDL/HDL Cholesterol 2.59 Less Than 3.22
Comments : -According to; the 2019 European Society of Cardiology / European Atherosclerosis Society
Guidelines for Dyslipidemia management;Therapeutic regimens target goals for LDL-C are <
55,70 &100 for very high , high & moderate risk patients.
-Non HDL-C is an estimation of atherogenic lipoproteins ( VLDL, VLDL remnants, IDL, LDL,
Lpa) and according to recent guidelines is a better risk indicator for CVD
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