Human Health and Disease
Human Health and Disease
Human Health and Disease
Human Health and Disease
LevelI: Multiple Choice Questions 11, A person with sickle-cell anemia is:
AIDS is caused by (a) More prone tomalaria
hich one is not a modeHIV.
of Among the following, (b) More prone to typhoid
io) Transfusion of transmission
contaminated blood
of HIV? (c) Less prone to malaria
(d) Less prone to typhoid
(b) Sharing infected needles
ic) Shaking hands with infected persons 12. Which of the following factors affect human health?
ia) Sexual contact with (i) Infections
infected persons (ii) Silent mutation
2 Smack is a drug obtained from the: (ii) Lifestyle
(a) Latex of Papaver somniferum (iv) Genetic disorders
(b) Leaves of Cannabis sativa (a) (), (ii)and(iv) (b) (i) and (ii)
(c) Flowers of Datura (c) (), (iii) and (iv) (d) (i), (ii), (ii) and (iv)
(d) Fruits of Erythroxylum coca 13. Which one of the following diseases is non
3. The substance produced by a cell in a viral infection communicable?
that can protect other cells from further (a) Diphtheria (b) Flu
(a) Serotonin infection is: (c) Cancer (d) Malaria
(b) Colostrum
(c) Interferon (d) Histamine 14. Which of the following pairs contains an infectious
and a non-infectious disease, respectively?
4. The antibody present in the colostrum that protects (a) Typhoid and AIDS
the newborn from certain iseases is of: (b) AIDS and cancer
a) IgG type (b) IgA type (c) Pneumonia and malaria
(c) IgD type (d) IgE type (d) Cancer and malaria
5. Tobacco consumption is known to stimulate the 15. Typhoid fever in human beings is caused by:
secretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline. The (a) Plasmodium vivax (b) Trichophyton
component causing this could be: (c) Salmonella typhi (d) Rhinoviruses
(a) Nicotine (b) Tannic acid Which of the following is a bacterial disease in
(c) Curamin (d) Catechin humans?
6 Antivenom against snake poison contains: (a) Dysentery (b) Malaria
(c) Plague (d) Both (a) and (c)
(a) Antigens
(6) Antigen-antibody complexes 17. Which of the following pathogens causes whooping
(c) Antibodies cough?
(d) Enzymes (a) Legionella sp. (b) Bordetella pertussis
(c) Vibrio cholerae (d) Burcella melitensis
7. Which of the following is not a lymphoid tissue?
(a) Spleen (b) Tonsils 18. Which one of the following sets includes bacterial
(c) Pancreas (d) Thymus diseases?
but (a) Tetanus, tuberculosis, measles
8. Which of the following glands is large at birth (b) Diphtheria, leprosy, plague
reduces with age? (c) Cholera, typhoid, mumps
(a) Pineal (b) Pituitary
(d) Malaria, mumps, poliomyelitis
(c) Thymus (d) Thyroid
19. The common cold is caused by:
9 Hemozoin is a: (a) Rhinoviruses
(a) Precursor of hemoglobinStreptococcus-infected (b) Streptococcus pneumoniae
(b) Toxin released from (c) Salmonella typhimurium
cells Plasmodium-infected cells (d) Plasmodium vivax
(C) Toxin released from
Haemophilus-infected 20. Hepatitis B is transmitted through:
(d) Toxin released from (a) Sneezing (b) Female Anopheles
cells (d) Blood transfusion
the causal organism for
(c) Coughing
10. One of the following is not 21. A toxic substance responsible for chills and hígh
ringworm: (b) Trichophyton fever recurring every three to four days in malarial
a) Microsporumn (d) Macrosporum fever is:
() Epidermophyton book. To buy an original book
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8.14 Biology for NEET