Cv4 Retake Test 1 L Earning Outcome 2 Module 2 2023

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INSTRUMENTO DE REAVALIACAO N0. O1 ____________________________
NOME DO FORMANDO꞉ ____________________________________________ Data: 29.06.2023

Titulo do Código do
Communicate job-related information English MOHG024002
Modulo Modulo
Nível do QNQP 4 Créditos 02 Semestre 1

Instrumento de Reavaliação no. 1- Resultado de aprendizagem 2

Resultado de aprendizagem associado: 1. Use appropriate strategies to make oral discussions
Tipo de Instrumento de avaliação: Evidência escrita
I. Complete the text with a correct verb from the box in the present perfect
Instruções para o estudante: II. Company ownership: fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the box
III. Reported speech: past perfect. Make sentences from the chart
Instruções para o avaliador: Leia atentamente o enunciado e respondas as questões que se seguem, com clareza e sem borrões.
Conteúdo da avaliação
de Criterio de
Enunciado OBS.
aprendizag desempenho
I. Complete the text with a correct verb from the box in the Present Perfect.
Travel meet hunt have ride see live be(x4) do
02 My grandfather is 96 years old, and he (1) ________________ a long and interesting life. He (2)
appropriate ______________ a lot, especially in the Far East. He (3) _________________ the Taj Mahal in India, and
strategies to
Candidates the Pyramids in Egypt. He (4) _________________ lions in Africa, and (5) ______________ a camel
make oral
presentation must use across the Sahara Desert. He says that the most beautiful place he (6) ____________ to is
objects, Kathmandu in Nepal. He (7) _____________ the Queen on several occasions. In 1959 he was a Alcança se
acertar no
drawings, to soldier in New Zealand when she came to visit, and in 1972 he went to a garden party at mínimo 8
promote a questões
comprehensio Buckingham Palace.
n during He (8) _______________ married twice. His first wife died when she was 32. He met his second
n process that wife while he was travelling round France by bike. He and his wife, Eleanor, (9)
are __________________ married for 50 years, and they (10) ____________________ in the same cottage in
appropriate to
the topic, the country since they got married. He says that he (11) __________never _____________ ill in his
audience and life. The secret of good health, according to my grandfather is exercise. He (12) _____________
this since he was a boy. He also has a glass of whisky every night! Perhaps that is his secret!

II. Company ownership: fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from
the box

Family company nationalized principal stakeholder Hostile takeover

2.2 parent company privatized Joint venture partnership
Candidates stakeholders State-owned subsidiaries takeover
must organize
the speech in
order to 1. Blenkinsop and Blekinsop was started by Ernest and Charlotte Blenkinsop 100 years
become the
ago. It was a _____________________________.
meaning and
purpose 2. Forty years ago, it was taken over by the government. It was _________.
accessible to
the listeners. 3. For twenty years, B & B was managed by a government department. It was Alcança se
_______________. acertar no
mínimo 11
4. Then the Conservative Party won the election. They immediately sold B & B. It was questões
5. But the Blenkinsop were all dead. The main owners were banks and pension funds.
They were the ____________________________.
6. However, many more people – owners, managers, employees and their families and
clients – had an interest in the success of the company. These were the
7. The new management decided to turn some of the business units into separate
companies. They became __________________.
8. B & B kept a majority shareholding in all of them. It was the _________.
9. Then the American giant, Monsterbuck, suggested that the two companies work
together on a new product. They proposed a _________.
10. Monsterbuck said it wanted to work as an equal with B & B on the project. It would be
a ______________________.
11. But everyone knew that Monsterbuck really wanted to buy B & B. They wanted a
12. The B & B management did not want Monsterbuck to buy B & B. But Monsterbuck
offered the B & B shareholders lots of money and won control. It was a
13. Now there is news that Monasterbuck and another American giant, Megadollar will
join together soon. It will be a mega-__________________.

Nome do Formadora/avaliador : Joel Osvaldo Machava Nome do verificador interno: Igna Delfa Massingue

Assinatura do Avaliador: Data da verificação:

Data da avaliação final: 29.06.2023 Assinatura do verificador interno:

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