Seguro Moto

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This is your insurance certificate. It’s evidence that you have an insurance policy with us.

Vehicle Registration VX21XUV Policy Number 0092798

Policyholder Mr Rodrigo De Sousa Texeira

Name of Insurer MCE Insurance Company Limited

Start of cover 27/09/2023 08:49 hours

End of cover 26/09/2024 23:59 hours

Persons or classes of persons entitled to drive

Mr Rodrigo De Sousa Texeira

Providing that the above hold a licence to drive the vehicle or have held and are not disqualified from holding or obtaining
such a licence.
Mr Rodrigo De Sousa Texeira cannot ride other motorcycles under this insurance cover.

Limitations as to use

What is covered Use for social, domestic and pleasure purposes and journeys between home and
normal place of business and use for the business of the Policyholder or that of the
Policyholder's employer or partner. Use for hire or reward as a courier or despatch or
food delivery.

What is not covered Use for racing, competitions, rallies or trials (other than road safety rallies or treasure
hunts), use on any motor sport circuit including the Nürburgring or the carriage of
passengers for hire or reward.

Carrying Pillion Passengers.

I hereby certify that the policy to which the Certificate relates satisfies the requirements of the relevant law applicable in
Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man, the Island of Jersey, the Island of Guernsey and the Island of Alderney.

Julian Edwards
Chief Executive, MCE Insurance Company Ltd
Advice to third parties

Nothing contained in the certificate affects your rights as a third party to make a claim.

This Certificate of Motor Insurance takes the place of an International Motor Insurance Card (Green Card). This Insurance also
applies throughout the European Union and in Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland. This gives the minimum cover
required by the law in each of the above countries.

Questo Certificato di assicurazione automobilistica sostituisce un Documento di assicurazione automobilistica internazionale.

Esso ha validit` in tutta l'Unione Europea, in Liechtenstein, Norvegia, Islanda e Svizzera e garantisce la copertura minima
richiesta per legge in ciascuno dei Paesi summenzionati.

Este Certificado de Seguro de Automsvil sustituye a la Carta Internacional de Seguro de Automsviles (Carta Verde). Este
Seguro se aplica tambiin en toda la Unisn Europea y en Liechtenstein, Noruega, Islandia y Suiza. Este Seguro da la cobertura
mmnima exigida por la ley en cada uno de los pamses antedichos.

Ce certificat d'Assurance automobile se substitue ` la Carte internationale d'assurance automobile (carte verte). Cette
assurance est igalement valable dans toute l'Union europienne et dans le Liechtenstein, en Norvhge, en Islande et en Suisse.
Elle donne le droit ` la couverture minimum exigie par la loi en vigueur dans les pays susnommis.

Dieses "Certificate of Motor Insurance" (Kfz-Versicherungsschein) ersetzt die "International Motor Insurance Card" (Green
Card). Die Versicherung gilt f|r alle Ldnder der Europdischen Union sowie f|r Liechtenstein, Norwegen, Island und die Schweiz
und gewdhrt in all diesen Ldndern den gesetzlich erforderlichen Mindest-Versicherungsschutz.

MCE Insurance Company Ltd, 1st Floor World Trade Center, Gibraltar GX11 1AA, is regulated by the Gibraltar
Financial Services Commission (registration number 18353) and also subject to limited regulation by the UK
Financial Conduct Authority

MCE Insurance Ltd, Sapphire House, Crown Way, Rushden, Northamptonshire NN10 6FB, is authorised and
regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority under registration number 307832)

MCE Insurance is a trading style of MCE Insurance Ltd. On behalf of the authorised insurer.

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