Resilience of Vernacular Architecture in
Resilience of Vernacular Architecture in
Resilience of Vernacular Architecture in
edited by
Mariana Correia
Letizia Dipasquale
Saverio Mecca
This scientific publication resulted from an intensive and significant teamwork research, based on the common main
aim of establishing key principles, regarding vernacular knowledge and its contribution for sustainable development.
Lessons learned from vernacular heritage are systematised through principles that define a wide number of strategies to
consider and to integrate for sustainable contemporary architecture. This was possible through the initial establishment
of operational definitions, regarding vernacular architecture and sustainable architecture. It was also critical to define a
profound reflection concerning the state of the art of environmental, socio-cultural and socio-economic sustainability,
as well as resilient vernacular heritage, and the definition of parameters for vernacular sustainability during the 20th
This publication presents the design of the VerSus research method and operative approach, which were decisive for the
systematisation of strategies and solutions identified in urban, local, architectural, technical and constructive terms.
Each area of study was represented by specific case studies from Europe and around the world, addressing vernacular
environments and contemporary contexts.
VERSUS, HERITAGE FOR TOMORROW: Vernacular Knowledge for Sustainable Architecture is the final outcome of
VerSus, an European project developed in the framework of the Culture 2007-2013 programme, funded by the European
Commission from 2012 to 2014.
Vernacular Knowledge for Sustainable Architecture
edited by
Mariana Correia, Letizia Dipasquale, Saverio Mecca
Maddalena Achenza, Mónica Alcindor, Chiara Belingardi, Marco Cadinu, Leonardo G. F. Cannas, Gilberto D. Carlos,
Alexis Castro, Mariana Correia, Inês Costa Carrapiço, Valentina Cristini, Stefania Di Benedetto, Letizia Dipasquale, Pierre Frey,
Lidia García, Soledad García, Ilaria Giovagnorio, Filipa Gomes, Hubert Guillaud, Guillermo Guimaraens, Gisle Jakhelln,
Natalia Jorquera Silva, Borut Juvanec, Pınar Kısa Ovalı, Ana Lima, Célia Macedo, Silvia Marchegiani, Ippolita Mecca,
Saverio Mecca, Jacob Merten, Camilla Mileto, Sébastien Moriset, Virginia Navalón, Juan Fco. Noguera, Dalia Omar Sidik,
Bilge Özel, Adelina Picone, José Ramón Ruiz, Sandra Rocha e Sousa, Henrique Rodrigues, Nuria Sánchez Muñoz,
Enrique Sevillano Gutiérrez, Juan María Songel, Goreti Sousa, Fernando Vegas, David Viana, Laura Zanini
Vernacular Heritage
Sustainable Architecture
Project Leader This publication is the result of the project ‘VerSus – Lessons from Vernacular Heritage to
Sustainable Architecture’ – Agreement n° 2012-2792, developed in the framework of
Culture 2007-2013 Programme of the European Union.
Escola Superior Gallaecia
PORTUGAL The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute
endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission
cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information
contained therein.
Project Leader
DIDA Dipartimento di Architettura ESG / Escola Superior Gallaecia, Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal
Università degli Studi di Firenze Project Leader and Director: Mariana Correia
ITALY Coordinator: Gilberto Duarte Carlos
Collaborators: Mónica Alcindor, Rui Correia, Teresa Correia, Filipa Gomes, Ana Lima, Jacob Merten,
Marco Mourão, Sandra Rocha e Sousa, Goreti Sousa, David Viana, José Vicente
DICAAR Dipartimento di Ingegneria
civile, Ambientale e Architettura, Project Partners
Università degli Studi di Cagliari CRAterre-Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Grenoble, France
ITALY Director: Hubert Guillaud
Coordinator: Sébastien Moriset
Collaborators: Thierry Joffroy, Nuria Sánchez Muñoz, Enrique Sevillano Gutiérrez, Zakari Bano
Universitat Politècnica de València
SPAIN Università degli Studi di Firenze, DIDA Dipartimento di Architettura, Italy
Director: Saverio Mecca
Coordinator: Letizia Dipasquale
Collaborators: Berenice Aguilar, Flaviano M. Lorusso, Dalia Omar Sidik, Bilge Özel, Adelina Picone
With the collaboration of Università degli Studi di Cagliari, DDICAAR Dipartimento di Ingegneria civile, Ambientale e
Architettura, Italy
Culture Lab, Brussels, Director: Antonello Sanna, Maddalena Achenza
BELGIUM Coordinator: Ilaria Giovagnorio, Leonardo Cannas
Collaborators: Marco Cadinu, Laura Zanini, Gianmarco Chiri, Borut Juvanec, Domen Zupančič
Universitat Politècnica de València, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Spain
Directors: Fernando Vegas, Camilla Mileto
Coordinator: Valentina Cristini, Lidia García Soriano
Under the Aegis of Collaborators: Juan Francisco Noguera Giménez, Guillermo Guimaraens Igual,
José Ramón Ruiz Checa
International Scientific Committee VerSus logo design: Teresa Correia, CI-ESG, Escola Superior Gallaecia
on Earthen Architectural Heritage
ICOMOS-ISCEAH VerSus website:
Vernacular Knowledge for Sustainable Architecture
edited by Mariana Correia, Letizia Dipasquale, Saverio Mecca
graphic design
e Immagine
dida labs
Dipartimento di Architettura
Università degli Studi di Firenze
Corbelled Domes dwelling near Aleppo, Syria,
Understanding our built vernacular heritage 10 STRATEGIES AND SOLUTIONS FROM VERNACULAR
New vernacular architecture vs sustainable development? 12 Urban and local strategies and solutions
Pierre Frey
Settlements morphology 90
The idea for VerSus project 14 Gilberto D. Carlos, Mariana Correia, David Viana, Jacob Merten
Mariana Correia
V1 | Village of Anta Henrique Rodrigues, Goreti Sousa 96
V2 | Montaria Gilberto D. Carlos 97
Lessons learned and VerSus outcomes 16
V3 | Gavieira Filipa Gomes 98
Mariana Correia, Gilberto D. Carlos, Saverio Mecca,
C1 | Ecolonia Gilberto D. Carlos, Filipa Gomes 99
Letizia Dipasquale, Hubert Guillaud, Fernando Vegas,
Camilla Mileto, Maddalena Achenza, Alexis Castro
Productive settlements 100
VERNACULAR HERITAGE CONTRIBUTION Letizia Dipasquale, Saverio Mecca, Bilge Özel
TO SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE V1 | The medina of Marrakesh Bilge Özel 111
V2 | The Sardinian courtyard house Maddalena Achenza 112
Research method and operative approach 22 C1 | Urban gardens in Rome Chiara Belingardi 113
Gilberto D. Carlos, Mariana Correia, Letizia Dipasquale,
Hubert Guillaud, Saverio Mecca, Camilla Mileto, Fernando Vegas,
Maddalena Achenza, David Viana, Leonardo Cannas Underground cities 114
Fernando Vegas, Camilla Mileto, Valentina Cristini,
Defining vernacular architecture 32 José Ramón Ruiz Checa
Hubert Guillaud V1 | The Sassi of Matera Ippolita Mecca 124
V2 | Underground city of Derinkuyu Bilge Özel 125
Defining sustainable architecture 34 V3 | Troglodyte housing at Montsoreau 126
Fernando Vegas, Camilla Mileto, Guillermo Guimaraens, Virginia Navalón Nuria Sánchez, Enrique Sevillano
C1 | Underground house-studio Fernando Vegas, Camilla Mileto 127
Environmental sustainability in vernacular architecture 40
Ilaria Giovagnorio, Maddalena Achenza Collective and shared spaces 128
Gilberto D. Carlos, David Viana, Laura Zanini, Marco Cadinu.
Socio-cultural sustainability in vernacular architecture 48 V1 | Granaries and threshing-floors 135
Hubert Guillaud Filipa Gomes, Sandra Rocha, Mariana Correia
V2 | Loro-Bá Gilberto D. Carlos, Sandra Rocha 136
Socio-economic sustainability in vernacular architecture 56 C1 | Magoanine David Viana, Sandra Rocha 137
Mariana Correia, Borut Juvanec, Camilla Mileto, Fernando Vegas,
Filipa Gomes, Monica Alcindor, Ana Lima Landscape, water and natural resources management 138
Hubert Guillaud
Resilience of vernacular architecture 64
V1 | Water management in L'isle-Sur-La-Sorgue 145
Letizia Dipasquale, Pınar Kısa Ovalı, Saverio Mecca, Bilge Özel
Nuria Sánchez, Enrique Sevillano
V2 | The water mine systems of Riudoms Silvia Marchegiani 146
Parameters of vernacular sustainability throughout 74
C1 | Nansen Park Bilge Özel 147
the 20th Century architecture
Fernando Vegas, Camilla Mileto, Guillermo Guimaraens Virginia Navalón
Socio-cultural resilience; lakou layout in
post-disaster tent encampments, Haiti
Letizia Dipasquale, Saverio Mecca, Bilge Özel DIDA University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Pınar Kısa Ovalı Trakya University, Institute of Science and Technology, Edirne, Turkey
“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can 65
best manage change”. Charles Darwin (The Origin of Species, 1859)
In recent years the evidence of human-initiated climate change has proaches to human ecology and taxonomy to studies on develop-
already began to transform human habitats. The most pronounced ing countries. The resilience of an ecosystem has firstly defined by
changes occur in cities under the negative outcomes of rapid urbani- Hollings (1973) as “the capacity of an ecosystem to tolerate distur-
sation, consumption of natural resources and demographic changes. bance without collapsing into a qualitatively different state that is
Mitigating the impacts of changing environmental conditions is one controlled by a different set of processes” (Van et al., 2012, p. 310).
of the major urban challenges of today’s cities. In this context resil- Hollings also underlined the fact that a resilient ecosystem can with-
ience has been introduced in the field of urban planning and archi- stand shocks and rebuild itself when necessary. The Resilience Alli-
tecture as an integral concept for increasing the ability of adaptation ance (2002) further define the characteristics of resilience in natural
of human settlements in the face of changes. environment, which can also be used as a measuring system of the
The notion of ‘resilience’ in urban science, describes the capacity of resilience of an ecosystem. These characteristics refer mainly to the
human habitats to absorb shocks and perturbations without under- amount of change that the system can endure under crisis, the lev-
going major alterations in its functional, physical, social and eco- el of self-organization capacity of the system and the ability of a sys-
nomic systems. A crucial feature of a resilient urban system is having tem to adapt itself to the new conditions and learn from the experi-
the ability to survive the potential risks and threats as well as tak- enced disturbances.
ing advantage of the positive outcomes that the disturbances bring. In 2007, Ward described resilience stating: “change is constant and
Vernacular architecture, which is in continuous evolution, consti- unpredictable in a complex and dynamic world” (Ward, 2007). After-
tutes a substantial research field with its immense adapting capaci- wards, two definitions which specifically relate to urban resilience
ty to the changing external circumstances. The understanding of re- have been formulated: the first one belongs to Walker (2004) who
silience sees the environment in constant transformation; therefore defines resilience in these words: “resilience is a capacity of a sys-
resilient architecture presupposes a dynamic architecture, which is tem to absorb disturbance and reorganize itself while undergoing
primarily characterised by flexibility and adaptability. In this case, change, so as to still remain essentially the same function, struc-
vernacular architecture, which includes in its origins a series of re- ture, identity and feedbacks”. A second, similar definition, in terms
sponses to the changing dynamic factors such as micro-climate, lo- of urban resilience, was given by the ‘Resilience Alliance’ (2002)
cal materials and local living cultures, can meet the requirements of who defined it as “the ability to absorb disturbances to be changed
resilience. and then to re-organise and still have the same identity (retain the
same basic structure and ways of functioning)”1. This definition fur-
What is resilience? ther emphasizes the ability of a resilient system to learn from distur-
The word resilience was first used as a term in psychology in the bances and crisis.
1950s to describe the tolerance abilities of children. The term was al- In the framework of ‘sustainability’, which deals with the scarci-
so used within a conglomerate of qualities that allow people to re- ty of natural resources and economic crisis, ‘resilience’ emerges as
main psychologically balanced and mentally healthy in the presence a ‘complementary’ key approach in urban planning and architec-
of negative life circumstances and crises (Petzold et al., 2002).
Subsequently the term ‘resilience’ has gained significance in dif- 1
The notion of resilience is defined here by the ‘Resilience Alliance’ as a series
ferent disciplines and scientific contexts (Burkner, 2010): from ap- of key concepts, available at
Fig. 1 Resilience through local construction systems. Traditional timber
framed houses of Nias Island, Sumatra, Indonesia (photo: Ouicoude).
Fig. 2
Initially, mizuya was built as a storage room to protect household assets.
When a severe flood disaster occurred in 1896, the mizuya's plinth
height was only 2 m. After the flood destroyed mizuya, the householders
reconstructed it by raising the plinth level 1.3 m higher than the previous
level. Gifu, Japan (photo: NIED-KU, 2007 after Shaw et al. 2008).
Fig. 3 General view of Kayaköy village, province of Mugla, Turkey (photo: P. Kısa Ovalı).
Fig. 4 Section of the settlement morphology of Kayaköy village, province of Mugla,
Turkey (credits: P. Kısa Ovalı).
Fig. 5 Streets of Kayaköy village as a drainage system, province of Mugla, Turkey (photo:
P. Kısa Ovalı).
Fig. 6 Interior views of the courtyards in Tissergat and in
Chefchaouen, Morocco (photo: L. Dipasquale).
Fig. 7 Patio with its reduced dimensions work as a filter during
sand storms. The Ksar of Tissergat, Draa Valley, Morocco
(photo: B. Aguilar).
Fig 8-9 Internal view of a patio in Tissergat, Draa Valley,
Morocco (photos: L. Dipasquale).
Fig. 10 Organization scheme of traditional dwellings according to ‘Lakou’ culture
(credits: J. Miller).
Fig. 11 Proximity of cultivation terraces to the dwellings. The vineyards in Corniglia,
region of Liguria, Italy (photo: B. Özel).
Fig. 12 Close relationship between the living and production areas. Traditional dwellings
in Greve in Chianti, Tuscany, Italy (photo: B. Özel).
gen. gen.
2 2
Socio-cultural resilience is acquired through three stages of strate-
70 gies that regard pre-crisis and post-crisis phases.
1 • Socio-cultural strategies for crisis prevention, which aim to avoid
risks and reduce social vulnerabilities by using local living cultures
and traditions, consist of understanding the value of the place and
its dynamics and disseminating local knowledge regarding prac-
tices and actions to cope with disruptions.
• Socio-cultural resistance is achieved through various strategies
such as: community preparation for emergency, knowledge of
alerting systems, strengthening the network of relationships and
trust, facilitating the participation of local communities in deci-
sion-making and constructive processes, transmitting cultural
values and history, ascribing value to the development of collec-
tive welfare, building common infrastructures and shared spaces,
as well as integrating new technologies to indigenous cultures.
• Socio-cultural adaptation to post-crisis conditions is concerned
with strategies based on sharing activities such as: swapping
know-how on change management, maintaining the psycholog-
ical health of communities, activating mutual reciprocal actions
and sharing of wealth, food, labour and knowledge, sharing ear-
ly warning systems, planning and activating mobility of people or
goods according to climatic changes, and incorporating strategies
for fast post-disaster recovery including temporary structures.
There are many practices for the oral transmission of knowledge re-
garding change adaptation: tales, songs and proverbs were used to
store the collective memory of communities (Gómez-Baggethun,
2012). The transmission of living cultures from generation to gener-
ation and an increase in the acknowledgement of basic needs such
as agriculture, or construction cultures (the so-called ‘know-how‘)
makes communities capable of recovering their living systems in
Socio-cultural dimensions of resilience in vernacular communities case of perturbations.
The socio-cultural dimensions of vernacular heritage include intan- The identity inherent in the cultural heritage also helps survivors to
gible values such as beliefs, social behaviours, knowledge, building recover from the negative psychological impacts of disasters. The
cultures and social cohesion that give the communities their iden- evidence of the power of socio-cultural values on post disaster re-
tities. Consequently socio-cultural identities play a crucial role in covery has been seen in Haiti after the devastating earthquake in
terms of reducing vulnerabilities and strengthening the resilience of 2010. The lakou, which historically means a large extended family,
the communities: indigenous culture is important since it includes headed by the oldest male and grouped spatially in a cluster of hous-
the knowledge of management of the territory in an appropriate es, represents the space where a family grows and socializes by cre-
way, which is indispensable to prevent natural disasters. ating nucleus of urban texture (fig. 10). More than a pattern of set-
Vernacular Heritage contribution to Sustainable Architecture • Resilience and Intangible Heritage of Vernacular Architecture
Fig. 13 Traditional hórreo in Galicia, Spain (photo: B. Juvanec). Fig. 14 Typical nort-west Asturian hórreo, Spain Fig. 15 The ‘serender’, typical granaries in the Black Sea
(photo: R. Piñeiro). Region of Turkey (photo: R. Jackson).
tlement, the clustering symbolizes the family’s unity and solidari- ficient’ ecosystem has the capacity to maintain itself by independ-
ty against the challenges of maintaining the property (Miller, 2012). ent effort without external support in case of crisis. In terms of ur-
The lakou culture also develops a social structure through recipro- banism, ‘self-sufficiency’ refers to the productive dimension of the
cal food sharing and helping each other in difficult times and dur- cities which have the capacity of producing sufficient food, energy,
ing work. It is really interesting that the Haitians created a lakou lay- building materials and services (Özel et al. 2014). The ‘proximity’ of
out in post-disaster tent encampments, which were supposed to be productive areas to the dwellings, as well as shared cultivation and
temporary settlements. According to the observation of research- construction cultures, promotes the ‘self-sufficiency’ of vernacu-
ers, most people do not want to leave their temporary settlements lar settlements. Even when the land presents difficult morpholog-
and have established a sense of community in their current envi- ical conditions, the ‘proximity’ of cultivated fields is ensured in cre-
ronment (Miller, 2012). As mentioned previously, the notion of ‘re- ative ways, as can be seen in the Cinqueterre (Italy). The localities in
silience’ means not only surviving crises and perturbations but also this region are situated on top of hills, at a high of about 100 meters,
re-establishing equilibrium through adaptation to the post-disaster and they are all surrounded by vineyards on terraces. The agricultur-
conditions. Therefore in the terms of resilience, the culture of lakou al activities are managed thanks to the typical Ligurian terrace sys-
works and helps to maintain the psychological health and vibrancy of tem (fig. 11).
the community. The preconditions for socio-economic resilience regard three stages
of strategies related to pre-crisis and post-crisis periods.
Socio-economic dimensions of resilience in vernacular settlements • Strategies for the prevention of socio-economic crises, which aim
The economy of vernacular settlements is closely linked to the en- to avoid and reduce economic crisis and scarcity threats, consist
vironment, or else to the locally available physical and human re- of: using local and accessible resources, optimising the use of ma-
sources. Being based on natural conditions, the traditional produc- terials and promoting indigenous workmanship, selecting produc-
tivity is closely influenced by the climatic and biological character- tions adapted to the local conditions, reinforcing local production
istics. Therefore the loss of a global economy makes the traditional of food, and including spaces for productive activities at housing
productive activities strongly dependent on local changes. The link- scale.
age of economic and social welfare in local dimensions requires, for a • Strategies for building socio-economic resistance to crises based
good coexistence, a deep knowledge of seasonal cycles, natural dis- on sharing goods, integrating production, recognising the value of
asters and social crisis management. Regarding building production, local products, transmitting production knowledge, enhancing lo-
the participation of local communities in decision-making and in the cal economy empowerment, promoting collective use of spaces,
productive process can reduce costs. and transportation efforts.
‘Self-sufficiency’ is the most essential precondition for a communi- • Strategies for developing socio-economic adaptation to the
ty to be socio-economically resilient. A ‘self-sustaining’ or ‘self-suf- post-crisis economic conditions focuses on the storing and pooling
VERSUS HERITAGE FOR TOMORROW Vernacular Knowledge for Sustainable Architecture
Fig. 16 Ice house in Monte Arcibessi, province of Ragusa,
Sicily, Italy. (photo: S. Cultrera)
Tab. 1 Resilience approaches from vernacular heritage.
(L. Dipasquale, S. Mecca, B. Özel)
• Assuring appropriate choice of site materials • Sharing of building cultures
• Considering the hydrography of the place • Appropriate architectural and structural • Development of self-construction
• Comprehension of meteorological and conformation systems in order to facilitate fast recovery
biological systems • Natural hazard management
• Use of locally available materials
• Considering the specific characteristics of
local risks
• Recognising local living cultures and • Knowledge of alerting systems • Swapping know-how on change
traditions • Strengthening the network of management
• Understanding the value of the place and relationships and trust • Maintaining the psychological health of
its dynamics • Transmitting cultural values and history communities
• Disseminating local knowledge regarding • Ascribing value to the development of • Activating mutual reciprocal actions and
practices and actions to cope with collective welfare sharing of food, labour and knowledge
disruptions • Building common infrastructures and • Incorporating strategies for fast post-
shared spaces disaster recovery including temporary
• Using local and accessible resources • Sharing goods • Storing and pooling of resources
• Optimising the use of materials and • Integrated production • Sharing infrastructures and facilities
promoting indigenous workmanship • Recognising the value of local products • Planning mobility according to human and
• Selecting productions adapted to the local • Enhancing local economy empowerment physical resources availability
conditions • Promoting collective use of spaces • Enhancing technical simplicity and self-
• Reinforcing local production of food building activities in building process
• including spaces for productive activities • Optimizing construction efforts
at domestic scale
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