Labor Law - Faqsnuas 2023 2
Labor Law - Faqsnuas 2023 2
Labor Law - Faqsnuas 2023 2
o 1. Definition of Recruitment and Placement
o 2. Regulation of Recruitment and Placement
■ Regulatory Authorities
■ Types
■ Solidary Liability
#HernanDoltBar2023 #ParaSaBARyan
■ Hours of work
• Normal hours of work; hours worked
• Compressed work week
• Meal periods
• Night-shift differential
• Overtime work
• Computation of additional Compensation (Rates only)
■ Rest Period
■ Holidays
■ Service charge [Article 96 of the Labor Code, as amended by RA
■ Occupational Safety and Health Standards LAw (RA 11058)
• No Work, No Pay
• Equal Pay for Equal Work
• Fair Wage for Fair Work
• Non-Diminution of Benefits
#HernanDoltBar2023 #ParaSaBARyan
■ Payment of Wages
■ Prohibitions Regarding Wages
■ Wage Distortion
• Concept
■ Minimum Wage Law
■ Holiday Pay
■ 13th Month Pay
o 3. Leaves
■ Service incentive leave
• Discrimination
• Stipulation against marriage
• Prohibited acts
■ Minors
■ Kasambahays
■ Homeworkers
■ Night workers
■ Apprentices and Learners
■ Safe Spaces Act (Article IV of R.A. No. 11313 only; Exclude: Liability of
• C. Social Welfare Legislation
o 1. SSS Law (R.A. No. 8282, as amended by RA 11199)
■ Coverage
■ Dependents and beneficiaries
■ Benefits
#HernanDoltBar2023 #ParaSaBARyan
Bargaining Unit
o 2. Bargaining Unit
o 3. Bargaining Representative
o 4. Rights of Labor Organizations
■ Check-Off, Assessment, and Agency Fees
■ Collective Bargaining
• Economic Terms and Conditions
• Non-Economic Terms and Conditions
• Duty to Bargain Collectively
• Mandatory Provisions in the Collective Bargaining Agreement
o 5. Unfair Labor Practices
■ Nature and Aspect
■ By Employers
■ By Organizations
0 6. Peaceful Concerted Activities
■ Strikes (Valid vs. Illegal)
■ Picketing
■ Lockouts
#HernanDoltBar2023 #ParaSaBARyan
• A. Employer-Employee Relationship
o 1. Tests to Determine Employer-Employee Relationship
o 2. Kinds of Employment
■ Regular
■ Casual
■ Probationary
■ Project
■ Seasonal
■ Fixed-term
■ Floating Status
o 3. Legitimate Subcontracting vs. Labor-Only Contracting
■ Elements
■ Trilateral Relationship
■ Solidary Liability
• B. Termination of Employment by Employer
o 1. Just Causes
o 2. Authorized Causes
o 3. Due Process
■ Twin Notice Requirement
■ Hearing
o 4. Termination of Contract of Migrant Workers under RA 8042 as
amended by RA 10022
• C. Termination of Employment by Employee
o 1. Resignation vs. Constructive Dismissal
• D. Preventive Suspension
• E. Reliefs from Illegal Dismissal
• F. Retirement
• A. Labor Arbiter
0 1. Jurisdiction of Labor Arbiter vs. Jurisdiction of Regional Director
0 3. Reinstatement and/or Execution Pending Appeal
#HernanDoltBar2023 #ParaSaBARyan
#HernanDoltBar2023 #ParaSaBARyan
employees engaged in company operations.
Nini and Nono are required to ensure that
such employees obey company rules and
regulations, and recommend to the
company's Human Resources Department any
required disciplinary action against erring
employees. In Nextum Corporation, there are
two independent unions, representing
1. 1987 Constitution rank-and-file and supervisory employees,
employees of another corporation whose
assets and rights it had acquired.
The Supreme Court, in the case of BPI (1) Philippine Overseas Employment
Employees Union-Davao City-FUBU v. Bank of Administration
the Philippines Islands G.R. No. 174912, July
24, 2013, ruled that the union security clause
does not differentiate between regular (2) Regulatory and Visitorial Powers of the
employees and how they acquire the status of a Department
"new employee" for coverage under the clause. of Labor and Employment Secretary
As a result of a merger or acquisition of assets
and rights between two corporations, absorbed
employees should be regarded as new b) Ban on Direct Hiring
employees of the surviving corporation.
QUESTION: As a rule, direct hiring of migrant
(b) May a newly-regularized employee of workers is not allowed. What are the
Nagrab Corporation (who is not part of the exceptions? Explain your answer. (2017 Bar
absorbed employees) refuse to join Nagrab Exam)
Union? How would you advise the human
resources manager of Nagrab Corporation to SUGGESTED ANSWER: The ban on direct hiring
proceed? (2.5%) (2018 Bar Exam) does not apply to:
1. Members of the diplomatic corps;
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No, they may not refuse 2. International organization;
to join the union because all employees 3. Heads of State;
covered by the bargaining unit are subject to 4. Government officials with the rank of
the terms of a union security agreement. Thus, at least deputy minister;
if Nagrab Union recommends the dismissal of a 5. Government officials with lesser rank,
newly-regularized employee who refuses to join if endorsed by the Philippine Overseas
the union, I would advise the human resources Labor Office (POLO), or Head of Mission
manager of Nagrab Corporation to approve the in the absence of the POLO;
recommendation after complying with the 6. Relatives who are permanent residents
procedural requirements of due process, which of the host country (Revised POEA
means that the employee concerned should be Rules Governing the Recruitment and
required to explain before effecting the Employment of Land-based Overseas
dismissal. Workers of 2016);
7. Employers of professionals and skilled
5. Construction in Favor of Labor workers with duly
executed/authenticated contracts
containing terms and conditions over
6. Burden of Proof and Quantum of and above the standards set by the
Evidence Philippine Overseas Employment
Administration (POEA); and
8. Those that may be allowed by the (A) The recruiter demands and gets
Secretary of Labor and Employment money from the recruit but issues no
(Article 18, Labor Code). receipt.
9. Name hires or workers who are able to (B) The recruiter gives the impression
secure overseas employment that he is able to send the recruit
opportunities with an employer abroad.
without the assistance or participation (C) The recruiter has insufficient capital
of any agency. [Labor Code, POEA and has no fixed address.
Rules] (D) The recruiter has no authority to
recruit. (2011 Bar Exam)
c) Entities Prohibited from Recruiting
SUGGESTED ANSWER: (B) The recruiter gives
the impression that he is able to send the
recruit abroad.
d) Suspension or Cancellation of License or
b) Types
even if AMA and Invictus had already
c) Illegal Recruitment vs. Estafa
terminated their contract.
1995 are exempted from securing an Alien result in Din Din being removed from the
Employment Permit. supermarket. Din Din approaches you, as
counsel, for legal advice. What would you
advise her? (4%) (2015 Bar Exam)
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Din Din may file a
complaint against her boss for illegal dismissal.
1. Age (RA 10911 or the Anti-Age
An employee is not bound to accept a
Discrimination in Employment Act)
promotion, which is in the nature of a gift or
reward. Refusal to be promoted is a valid
exercise of a right. Such exercise cannot be
2. Gender and/or Marital Status (RA 9710
considered in law as insubordination, or willful
or the Magna Carta of
disobedience of a lawful order of the employer,
thus, it cannot be the basis of an employee's
dismissal from service (Echo 2000 Commercial
Corporation v. Obrero Filipino-Echo 2000
3. Health Condition (RA 7277 or the Magna Chapter-CLO, G.R. No. 214092, Jan. 11, 2016).
Carta for Disabled
In Pfizer Inc. v. Velasco (645 SCRA
135 [2011]), the Supreme Court held that the
management prerogative to transfer personnel
4. Solo Parents (Sec. 7, RA 8972, as must be exercised without grave abuse of
amended by RA 11861) discretion and putting to mind the basic
elements of justice and fair play. Hence, Din
QUESTION. Of the four definitions below, Din’s dismissal is illegal.
which one does NOT fit the definition of
“solo parent” under the Solo Parents Furthermore, R.A. 1161 prohibits discrimination
Welfare Act? against any solo parent employee with respect
(A) Solo parenthood while the other to terms and conditions of employment on
parent serves a sentence for at least account of his/her status.
one year.
(B) A woman who gives birth as a result
of rape.
(C) Solo parenthood due to the death of
a spouse.
(D) Solo parenthood where the spouse
left for abroad and fails to give
support for more than a year. (2011
1. Discipline
Bar Exam)
(B) Yes since the rule is that benefits
a) Coverage
already granted in a CBA cannot be
withdrawn or reduced.
(C) No, since the law does not prohibit a QUESTION. LKG Garments Inc. makes baby
negotiated discontinuance of a CBA clothes for export. As part of its measures to
benefit. meet its orders, LKG requires its employees
(D) Yes, since such discontinuance will to work beyond eight (8) hours everyday,
cancel the enjoyment of existing from Monday to Saturday. It pays its
benefits. (2011 Bar Exam) employees an additional 35% of their regular
hourly wage for work rendered in excess of
SUGGESTED ANSWER: (C) No, since the law eight (8) hours per day. Because of
does not prohibit a negotiated discontinuance additional orders, LKG now requires two (2)
of a CBA benefit. shifts of workers with both shifts working
beyond eight (8) hours but only up to a
maximum of four (4) hours. Carding is an
employee who used to render up to six (6)
5. Change of Working Hours
hours of overtime work before the change in
schedule. He complains that the change
QUESTION. The meal time (lunch break) for adversely affected him because now he can
the dining crew in Glorious Restaurant is only earn up to a maximum of four (4) hours'
either from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. or from 1:30 worth of overtime pay. Does Carding have a
p.m. to 2:30 p.m., with pay. But the cause of action against the company? (4%)
management wants to change the mealtime (2015 Bar Exam)
to 11: a.m. to 12 noon or 12:30 p.m. to 1:30
p.m., without pay. Will the change be legal? SUGGESTED ANSWER: No, Carding does not
(A) Yes, absent an agreement to the have a cause of action against the company.
contrary, the management Enforcing a limit on overtime work is a
determines work hours and, by law, management prerogative exercised in good
meal break is without pay. faith by LKG Garments. It is not demandable as
(B) No, because lunch break regardless a matter of right nor is it a diminution of
of time should be with pay. benefits. It is only the employer who can
(C) Yes, the management has control of require employees to render overtime work
its operations. under exceptional situations. Likewise, Article
(D) No, because existing practice cannot 87 of the Labor Code does not guarantee an
be discontinued unilaterally. (2011 employee of overtime work.
Bar Exam)
(D) Yes, a domestic helper may be (D) domestic helper. (2011 Bar Exam)
required to work twelve hours a day
or beyond. (2011 Bar Exam) SUGGESTED ANSWER: (B) A regular company
SUGGESTED ANSWER: (A) No, since a domestic
helper cannot be required to work more than
d) Holidays
ten hours a day.
openly assails the wage order as blatantly wage, the employees' effective daily rate
unjust, initiate the review of the wage would be way above the minimum pay
increases under the wage order without required by law. The company counsel
waiting for the end of the 12-month period? further points out that the employees are
explain your answer. (3%) (2017 Bar Exam) aware that their food and lodging form part
of their salary, and have long accepted the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: (a) No, wage orders arrangement.
issued by the RTWPB are not subject to
approval of the National Wages and Is the company's position legally
Productivity Commission before they take correct?(8%) (2013 Bar Exam)
effect. The rules merely require the RTWPB to
furnish the National Wages and Productivity
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. Under the law, only
Commission with a copy of the Wage Order.
the value of the facilities may be deducted
Approval by the National Wages and
from the employees but not the value of
Productivity Commission is not necessary
supplements. Supplements granted voluntarily,
because wage orders issued by the RTWPB are
regularly and unconditionally cannot be
appealable to the National Wages and
reduced or withdrawn under the principle of
Productivity Commission. Article 99 of the
non-diminution of benefits (Atok Big Wedge
Labor Code is clear - the minimum wage rates
Mutual Benefit Association v. Atok Big Wedge
in each region of the country shall be those
Mining Co., G.R. No. L-7349, July 19, 1955).
prescribed by the RTWPB without mentioning
The difference lies in the purpose why it was
approval by the National Wages and
given by the employer. If it is primarily for the
Productivity Commission. The jurisdiction of
employees gain, then the benefit is a facility.
the National Wages and Productivity
However, if its provision is mainly for the
Commission is appellate.
employer’s advantage, then it is a supplement
(Our House Realty vs. Parian, G.R. No. 204651,
(b) The Kilusang Walang Takot can initiate the
Aug. 6, 2014). In the present case, the board
review of the wage increases under the wage
and lodging provided for by Gamma Company
order without waiting for the end of the
falls under supplements because it is for the
12-month period in case of supervening events,
employer’s advantage. Thus, it is not part of
such as extraordinary increase in prices of
the employee’s wages.
petroleum products and basic goods/services
(Sec. 3, Rule IV, Revised Rules of Procedure on
Minimum Wage Fixing). b) Principles
In the course of a routine inspection, a QUESTION. Far East Bank (FEB) is one of the
Department of Labor and Employment leading banks in the country. Its
(DOLE) Inspector noted that the workers' compensation and bonus packages are top of
pay is below the prescribed minimum wage the industry. For the last 6 years, FEB had
of P426.00 plus P30.00 allowance, and thus been providing the following bonuses
required Gamma Company to pay wage across-the-board to all its employees: (a)
differentials. 13th month pay; (b) 14th to 18th month pay;
(c) Christmas basket worth P6,000; (d) Gift
Gamma Company denies any liability, check worth P4,000; and (e)
explaining that after the market value of Productivity-based incentive ranging from a
the company provided board and lodging are 20% to 40% increase in gross monthly salary
added to the employees' P350 cash daily
for all employees who would receive an withdrawn without the consent of its affected
evaluation of "Excellent" for 3 straight employees.
quarters in the same year. Because of its
poor performance over-all, FEB decided to
c) Payment of Wages
cut back on the bonuses this year and
limited itself to the following: (a) 13th
month pay; (b) 14th month pay; (c) QUESTION. Nelda worked as a chambermaid
Christmas basket worth P4,000; and (d) Gift in Hotel Neverland with a basic wage of
check worth P2,000 PhP560.00 for an eight-hour workday. On
Good Friday, she worked for one (1) hour
Katrina, an employee of FEB, who had from 10:00 PM to 11:00 PM. Her employer
gotten a rating of "Excellent" for the last 3 paid her only PhP480.00 for each 8-hour
quarters was looking forward to the bonuses workday, and PhP70.00 for the work done on
plus the productivity incentive bonus. After Good Friday. She sued for underpayment of
learning that FEB had modified the bonus wages and non-payment of holiday pay and
scheme, she objected. Is Katrina's objection night shift differential pay for working on a
justified? Explain. (3%) (2015 Bar Exam) Good Friday. Hotel Neverland denied the
alleged underpayment, arguing that based
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. Katrina’s objection on long-standing unwritten tradition, food
is not justified. Bonus cannot be demanded as a and lodging costs were partially shouldered
matter of right because the granting of bonus is by the employer and partially paid for by
a pure act of liberality and is entirely the employee through salary deduction.
dependent on the profits. The granting of a According to the employer, such a valid
bonus is a management prerogative, something deduction caused the payment of Nelda's
given in addition to what is ordinarily received wage to be below the prescribed minimum.
by or strictly due the recipient (Producers Bank The hotel also claimed that she was not
of the Philippines vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 100701, entitled to holiday pay and night shift
March 28, 2001). In the present case, FEB differential pay because hotel workers have
decided to cut back on the bonuses because of to work on holidays and may be assigned to
its poor performance. Thus, the reduction of work at night.
bonuses, as a management prerogative, is
justified. (a) Does the hotel have valid legal grounds
to deduct food and lodging costs from
OTHER SUGGESTED ANSWER: Katrina’s Nelda's basic salary? (2.5%)
objection is justified. Having enjoyed the
across-the-board bonuses, Katrina has earned a SUGGESTED ANSWER: No, there was no legal
vested right. Hence, none of them can be ground to make such deductions. Jurisprudence
withheld or reduced. In the problem, the provides that there are three requirements
company has not proven its alleged losses to be before the value of facilities may be deducted
substantial. Permitting reduction of pay at the from an employee’s wage. First, there must be
slightest indication of losses is contrary to the proof which shows that the facilities are
policy of the State to afford full protection to customarily furnished by the trade. Second, the
labor and promote full employment (Linton provision of deductible facilities must be
Commercial Co. v. Hellera, G.R. No. 163147, voluntarily accepted in writing by the
October 10,2007,535 SCRA 434). As to the employee. Lastly, the facilities must be charged
withheld productivity-based bonuses, Katrina is at a fair and reasonable value (Mabeza v. NLRC,
deemed to have earned them because of her G.R. No.118506, Apr. 18, 1997). In the present
excellent performance ratings for three case, the second and third requirements were
quarters. On this basis, they cannot be not met.
withheld without violating the Principle of
Non-Diminution of Benefits. (b) Applying labor standards law, how much
should Nelda be paid for work done on Good
Moreover, it is evident from the facts of the Friday? Show the computation in your test
case that what was withdrawn by FEB was a booklet and encircle your final answer.
productivity bonus. Protected by RA No. 6791 (2.5%) (2018 Bar Exam)
which mandates that the monetary value of the
productivity improvement be shared with the SUGGESTED ANSWER: Nelda’s take home pay
employees, the “productivity-based for working on Good Friday is as follows:
incentive”scheme of FEB cannot just be 1. Php 70.00 (Salary for 1 hour work)
2. Php 560.00 (100% of hourly work on to effectively obliterate the distinctions
Good Friday which is a Regular Holiday) embodied in such wage structure based on
3. Php 56.00 (10% of the regular wage as skills, length of service, or other logical bases of
night shift differential following Art. differentiation (P.I. Manufacturing, Inc. v. P.I.
86, Labor Code) Manufacturing Supervisors and Foremen
Association, G.R. No. 167217, Feb. 4, 2008).
TOTAL: Php 686.00
(b) Did a wage distortion arise under the
circumstances which legally obligated K
d) Prohibitions Regarding Wages
Corporation to rectify the wages of its old
employees? Explain. (3%) (2019 Bar Exam)
QUESTION. Benito is the owner of an
eponymous clothing brand that is a top SUGGESTED ANSWER: No, wage distortion did
seller. He employs a number of male and not arise under the present circumstances
female models who wear Benito's clothes in because the increase in the hiring rates did not
promotional shoots and videos. His deal with come from a law or wage order. Wage distortion
the models is that Benito will pay them with can exist only when the wage increase was
3 sets of free clothes per week. Is this brought about by law or wage order.
arrangement allowed? (2%) (2015 Bar Exam)
(1) Concept
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No, the models are
Benito’s employees. Article 102 of the Labor
Code prohibits payment of wages by means of
f) Minimum Wage Law
promissory notes, vouchers, coupons, tokens,
tickets, chits, or any object other than legal
tender. Therefore, the payment of 3 sets of
g) Holiday Pay
free clothes is not a valid form of
h) 13th Month Pay
e) Wage Distortion
3. Leaves
QUESTION. Upon a review of the wage rate
and structure pertaining to its regular rank
and file employees, K Corporation found it
a) Service Incentive Leave
necessary to increase its hiring rates for
employees belonging to the different job
classification levels to make their salary QUESTION. Which of the following grounds
rates more competitive in the labor market. exempts an enterprise from the service
After the implementation of the new hiring incentive leave law?
salary, Union X, the exclusive bargaining (A) The employees already enjoy 15 days
agent of the rank and file employees, vacation leave with pay.
demanded a similar salary adjustment for the (B) The employer's business has been
old employees. It argued that the increase in suffering losses in the past three
hiring rates resulted in wage distortion since years.
it erased the wage gap between the new and (C) The employer regularly employs
old employees. In other words, new seven employees or less.
employees would enjoy almost the same (D) The company is located in a special
salary rates as K Corporation’s old economic zone. (2011 Bar Exam)
SUGGESTED ANSWER: (A) The employees
(a) What is wage distortion? (2%) already enjoy 15 days vacation leave with pay.
───※ ·❆· ※───
d) Solo Parent Leave (RA 8972, as amended
by RA 11861)
QUESTION. Your favorite relative, Tita
Nilda, approaches you and seeks your advice
on her treatment of her kasambahay, Noray.
e) Leave Benefits for Women Workers
Tita Nilda shows you a document called a
Under Magna Carta of
"Contract of Engagement" for your review.
Women (RA 9710) and Anti-Violence
Under the Contract of Engagement, Noray
Against Women and
shall be entitled to a rest day every week,
their Children of 2004 (RA 9262)
provided that she may be requested to work
on a rest day if Tita Nilda should need her
services that day. Tita Nilda also claims that
f) Compassionate Leaves this Contract of Engagement should embody
all terms and conditions of Noray's work as
the engagement of a kasambahay is a
4. Special Groups of Employees private matter and should not be regulated
by the State.
a) Women a) Is Tita Nilda correct in saying that this is
a private matter and should not be
regulated by the State? (2.5%)
b) Minors
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No, Tita Nilda is not
correct in saying that the engagement of a
c) Kasambahays Kasambahay is a private matter and should not
be regulated by the State. Under R.A 10361,
QUESTION: Are there differences between a the State recognizes this employment
househelper and a homeworker? Explain your relationship and establishes minimum labor
answer. (4%) (2017 Bar Exam) standards for domestic workers, toward decent
employment and income, enhanced coverage of
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes. The differences social protection and respect for human rights.
between a house helper and a homeworker are Engagement of an employee for work is
as follows: impressed with public interest to the end that
1) As to regulatory law, househelpers stipulations in employment contracts are
(Kasambahay) are protected by R.A. subject to the protection and regulation under
10361; whereas, industrial the law. Domestic workers need to be
homeworkers are protected by P.D. 442 protected by the State because they are most
as renumbered; prone to abuse, harassment, violence, or
2) As to nature of work, a kasambahay economic exploitation.
ministers to the personal comfort and
convenience of a household; whereas, a b) Is the stipulation that she may be
homeworker processes or fabricates requested to work on a rest day legal? (2.5%)
raw materials;
3) As to the place of work, a kasambahay SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes, the stipulation is
works at his employer’s house; legal. While domestic workers are entitled to a
whereas, a homeworker works at home weekly rest period, Section 21 of the
or about the premise of his home; Kasambahay Law allows both the employer and
4) As to tenure, a kasambahay is a domestic worker to agree on certain
contractual worker, a homeworker has arrangements to offset, waive or accumulate
security of tenure (D.O. 5, s. 1995); rest days, subject to payment of appropriate
5) As to jurisdiction, the issues of a wages and benefits.
kasambahay against his/her employer
are for the DOLE Regional Director to c) Are stay-in family drivers included under
hear and resolve (Sec. 31, R.A. 10361); the Kasambahay Law? (2.5%) (2018 Bar
whereas, the issues of a homeworker Exam)
against his employer are not exclusively
for the DOLE Regional Director to SUGGESTED ANSWER: No, stay-in family
resolve. drivers are not covered by the provisions of the
Kasambahay Law because they are not
classified as domestic workers. Instead, they
are considered individuals providing personal
(a) Magna Carta for Disabled Persons (RA
services to another person. The Rules and
Regulations implementing the Kasambahay Law
explicitly state in Section 2 that family drivers
are excluded from the coverage of the law. The
(b) Mental Health Act (RA 11036)
term "Kasambahay" refers to individuals
engaged in domestic work within an
employment relationship, such as general
househelp, nursemaids or "yayas," cooks, (2) Incentives for Employers
gardeners, or laundry personnel. However,
individuals who perform domestic work only
occasionally or sporadically and not on a 5. Sexual Harassment in the Work
regular occupational basis are not included Environment
under this definition.
a) Sexual Harassment Act (RA 7877)
d) Homeworkers
QUESTION. In a work-related environment,
e) Night Workers sexual harassment is committed when:
(A) the offender has authority, influence,
or moral ascendancy over his
f) Apprentices and Learners subordinate victim.
(B) the victim’s continued employment is
conditioned on sexual favor from her.
QUESTION. Distinguish a learner from an (C) the female victim grants the demand
apprentice. (4%) (2017 Bar Exam) for sexual favor against her will.
(D) the victim is not hired because she
SUGGESTED ANSWER: A learner differs from an turned down the demand for sexual
apprentice as follows: favor. (2011 Bar Exam)
1) A learner is engaged for not more than
3 months; whereas, an apprentice is SUGGESTED ANSWER: (B) The victim’s
engaged for not more than 6 months; continued employment is conditioned on sexual
2) A learner performs a semi-skilled work, favor from her.
whereas, an apprentice performs a
highly technical work; ───※ ·❆· ※───
3) A learner is regularized by the
completion of his learnership, whereas, QUESTION: Nena worked as an Executive
the completion of the apprenticeship Assistant for Nesting, CEO of Nordic
does not regularize an apprentice; Corporation. One day, Nesting called Nena
4) The illegal dismissal of a learner on the into his office and showed her lewd pictures
third month of his employment of women in seductive poses which Nena
regularizes him; whereas, the illegal found offensive. Nena complained before the
dismissal of an apprentice anytime General Manager who, in turn, investigated
during the period of his apprentice the matter and recommended the dismissal
does not have the same legal effect; of Nesting to the Board of Directors. Before
and the Board of Directors, Nesting argued, that
5) In the event of disputes, a learner shall since the Anti-Sexual Harassment Law
file his complaint with the Labor requires the existence of "sexual favors," he
Arbiter; whereas, subject to exhaustion should not be dismissed from the service
of administrative remedies, an since he did not ask for any sexual favor from
apprentice shall file his complaint with Nena. Is Nesting correct? (2.5%) (2018 Bar
the DOLE Regional Director. Exam)
results in an intimidating hostile or offensive non-discriminatory. Likewise, the Expanded
environment for the employee. In the present Maternity Leave Law states that the benefit
case, the sexual harassment committed by covered all female workers in government and
Nesting, the employer, by showing Nena nude the private sector, including those in the
pictures of women in seductive poses resulted informal economy, regardless of civil status or
in an intimidating, hostile or offensive the legitimacy of her child.
environment on the part of the employee.
b) Dependents and Beneficiaries
argument regarding the absence of a "sexual
favor" is incorrect. While further evidence may
be needed to establish criminal liability under c) Benefits
RA 7877 (the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act), he
can still be held accountable under the valid QUESTION. Gene is a married regular
grounds for termination stated in Article 297 of employee of Matibay Corporation. The
the Labor Code. In the case of Villarama v. employees and Matibay Corporation had an
NLRC and Golden Donuts (G.R. No. 106341, existing CBA that provided for funeral or
September 2, 1994), the Supreme Court ruled bereavement aid of ₱15,000.00 in case of
that managerial employees are held to higher the death of a legal dependent of a regular
work ethics and a greater level of employee. His widowed mother, who had
responsibility. Engaging in sexual harassment been living with him and his family for many
towards a subordinate is considered a form of years, died; hence, he claimed the funeral
"moral perversity," which justifies dismissal due aid. Matibay Corporation denied the claim
to the loss of trust and confidence. on the basis that she had not been his legal
dependent as the term legal dependent was
b) Safe Spaces Act (Article IV of RA 11313 defined by the Social Security Law.
only; Exclude:
Liability of Employers) (a) Who may be the legal dependents of Gene
under the Social Security Law? (2.5%)
monthly contributions. His mother, M, who community (GSIS vs. Court of Appeals, G.R.
had previously been receiving regular No. 128524, April 20, 1999).
support from X, filed a claim for the latter’s
death benefits. He is deemed on round-the-clock duty unless on
official leave, in which case his death outside
(a) Is M entitled to claim death benefits the performance of an official peace-keeping
from the SSS? Explain. (2.5%) mission will bar any death claim. In this case,
Luis was not on official leave and he died in the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes, M is entitled to the performance of a peace-keeping mission.
death benefits. Under R.A. 8282, she became Hence, his death is compensable.
the sole beneficiary of X considering that X is
single and without children.
3. Disability and Death Benefits
(b) Assuming that X got married to his
girlfriend a few days before his death, is M
entitled to claim death benefits from the a) Labor Code
SSS? Explain. (2.5%) (2019 Bar Exam)
QUESTION. Rosa was granted vacation leave
SUGGESTED ANSWER: M is restored to her by her employer to spend three weeks in
secondary beneficiary status. Under R.A. Africa with her family. Prior to her
8282, The wife of X is now the primary departure, the General Manager of the
beneficiary until she remarries; provided that company requested her to visit the plant of
she was living with him at the time of his a client of the company in Zimbabwe in
death (Yolanda Signey v. SSS, G.R. No. 173582, order to derive best manufacturing practices
January 28, 2008) useful to the company. She accepted the
request because the errand would be
2. GSIS Law (RA 8291) important to the company and Zimbabwe
was anyway in her itinerary. It appears that
she contracted a serious disease during the
a) Coverage trip. Upon her return, she filed a claim for
compensation, insisting that she had
contracted the disease while serving the
interest of her employer.
b) Dependents and Beneficiaries
Under the Labor Code, the sickness or death
of an employee, to be compensable, must
c) Benefits
have resulted from an illness either
definitely accepted as an occupational
QUESTION. Luis, a PNP officer, was off duty disease by the Employees' Compensation
and resting at home when he heard a scuffle Commission, or caused by employment
outside his house. He saw two of his subject to proof that the risk of contracting
neighbors fighting and he rushed out to the same is increased by working conditions.
pacify them. One of the neighbors shot Luis
by mistake, which resulted in Luis's death. Is the serious disease Rosa contracted during
Marian, Luis's widow, filed a claim with the her trip to Africa compensable? explain your
GSIS seeking death benefits. The GSIS denied answer. (2.5%) (2017 Bar Exam)
the claim on the ground that the death of
Luis was not service-related as he was off SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes, the serious disease
duty when the incident happened. Is the contracted by Rosa is compensable. Under the
GSIS correct? (3%) (2015 Bar Exam) Amended Rules on Employee Compensation
(AREC), disability or death arising from disease
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No, GSIS is not correct. is compensable if the disease is an occupational
Members of the national police are by the one, i.e., it is listed under Annex “A” of the
nature of their functions technically on duty AREC as such. If unlisted, it is still an
24 hours a day because policemen are subject occupational disease if covered by the
to call at any time and may be asked by their Proximate Cause Theory or the Increased Risk
superiors or by any distressed citizen to assist Theory.
in maintaining the peace and security of the
In the case at bar, she contracted the disease Nemesis arose out and in the course of his
as a result of her performance of a employment as a soldier on active day in the
work-related task. Hence, there being no AFF, thus it is compensable. Only the primary
efficient intervening cause breaking the chain and secondary dependents of Sgt. Nemesis are
of causes connecting that performance to her entitled to compensation provided that they
disease, the occupational character of her meet the prescribed qualification. As to Nelda,
medical condition is beyond doubt (Proximate she must be the legal wife and living with Sgt.
Cause Theory). Nemesis. While as to his children, legitimate or
illegitimate, they must be below 21 years old,
───※ ·❆· ※─── unmarried and not gainfully employed.
(Hinoguin v. ECC, G.R. No. 8430, April 17,
QUESTION. Sgt. Nemesis was a detachment 1989)
non-commissioned officer of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines in Nueva Ecija. He (b) As between Nelda and Narda, who should
and some other members of his detachment be entitled to the benefits? (2.5%)
sought permission from their Company
Commander for an overnight pass to Nueva SUGGESTED ANSWER: Neither Nelda nor Narda
Vizcaya to settle some important matters. is entitled to the benefit. As to Nelda, she is
The Company Commander orally approved not living with Sgt. Nemesis, hence the second
their request and allowed them to carry requisite is absent. As to Narda, she is not the
their firearms as the place they were going legal spouse, hence the first requisite is
to was classified as a "critical place." They lacking. Hence, none of Nelda and Narda is the
arrived at the place past midnight; and as primary dependent of Sgt. Nemesis.
they were alighting from a tricycle, one of
his companions accidentally dropped his ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: For a spouse to qualify
rifle, which fired a single shot, and in the as a beneficiary, they must be the legal spouse
process hit Sgt. Nemesis fatally. The and residing with the employee at the time of
shooting was purely accidental. At the time the employee's death. In the case of Nelda,
of his death, he was still legally married to who was separated from the deceased
Nelda, but had been separated de facto from employee, she may still be eligible for benefits
her for 17 years. For the last 15 years of his if the separation was a result of the employee
life, he was living in with Narda, with whom abandoning her without valid reason or for
he has two minor children. Since Narda other justifiable grounds. On the other hand,
works as a kasambahay, the two children Narda, who is not the legal spouse, is not
lived with their grandparents, who provided entitled to the benefits. However, the
their daily support. Sgt. Nemesis and Narda Employees' Compensation Commission (ECC)
only sent money to them every year to pay can act as a mediator between the two
for their school tuition. claimants, helping them reach a mutually
agreeable compromise in allocating the
Nelda and Narda, both for themselves and compensation among themselves and their
the latter, also on behalf of her minor dependent children (Samar Mining Co. Inc. v.
children, separately filed claims for WCC, G.R. No. L-29938-39, March 31, 1971).
compensation as a result of the death of Sgt.
Nemesis. The Line of Duty Board of the AFP (c) Are the minor children entitled to the
declared Sgt. Nemesis' death to have been benefits considering that they were not fully
"in line of duty", and recommended that all dependent on Sgt. Nemesis for support?
benefits due to Sgt. Nemesis be given to his (2.5%) (2018 Bar Exam)
dependents. However, the claims were
denied by GSIS because Sgt. Nemesis was not SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes, the minor children
in his workplace nor performing his duty as a are entitled to the benefits. The minor
soldier of the Philippine Army when he died. children, even though they are not dependent
on Sgt. Nemesis are entitled to the benefits
(a) Are the dependents of Sgt. Nemesis because all the requirements are met such that
entitled to compensation as a result of his they are all below 21 years old, unmarried and
death? (2.5%) not gainfully employed. The fact that they are
fully dependent is not a requirement.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes, the dependents of
Sgt. Nemesis are entitled to compensation as a
b) POEA-Standard Employment Contract
result of the latter’s death. The death of Sgt.
repatriated for further examination and
QUESTION. Celia, an OFW that Moonshine treatment in the Philippines. This obligation
Agency recruited and deployed, died in was entirely omitted in bad faith by the
Syria, her place of work. Her death was not company when it waited for his contract to
work-related, it appearing that she had been expire on him before signing him off. On this
murdered. Insisting that she committed basis, Victor is entitled to medical
suicide, the employer and the agency took reimbursement, damages and attorney’s fees.
no action to ascertain the cause of death
and treated the matter as a “closed case.” (b) Due to his prolonged illness, Victor was
The worker's family sued both the employer unable to work for more than 120 days. Will
and the agency for moral and exemplary this entitle him to claim total permanent
damages. May such damages be awarded? disability benefits? (2%) (2015 Bar Exam)
(A) Yes, the agency and the employer’s
uncaring attitude makes them liable SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. For a disability to be
for such damages. compensable under Sec. 20(A) of the POEA-SEC,
(B) Yes, but only the principal is liable two elements must concur: (a) the injury or
for such damages since the agency illness must be work related, and (b) it must
had nothing to do with Celia’s death. have existed during the term of the seafarer's
(C) No, since her death is not at all employment (Malicdem v. Asia Bulk Transport
work-related. Phils., Inc., G.R. No. 224753, June 19, 2019).
(D) No, since her death is not Both requisites are present in this case.
attributable to any act of the agency However, POEA-SEC further commands that the
or the employer. (2011 Bar Exam) employee seeking disability benefits submit
himself to a post-employment medical
SUGGESTED ANSWER: (A) Yes, the agency and examination by a company-designated
the employer’s uncaring attitude makes them physician within three (3) working days. As a
liable for such damages. consequence to his failure to submit himself to
post-employment medical examination, he
───※ ·❆· ※─── effectively forfeited his right to claim disability
benefits (Coastal Safeway Marine Services, Inc.
QUESTION. Victor was hired by a local v. Esguerra, G.R. No. 185352, Aug. 10, 2011).
manning agency as a seafarer cook on board
a luxury vessel for an eight-month cruise.
While on board, Victor complained of chronic
coughing, intermittent fever, and joint
pains. He was advised by the ship's doctor to
take complete bed rest but was not given 1. Right to Self-Organization
any other medication. His condition
persisted but the degree varied from day to
day. At the end of the cruise, Victor went a) Coverage
home to Iloilo and there had himself
examined. The examination revealed that he
had tuberculosis. b) Eligibility for Membership
(a) Victor sued for medical reimbursement, QUESTION. Juicy Bar and Night Club allowed
damages and attorney's fees, claiming that by tolerance fifty (50) Guest Relations
tuberculosis was a compensable illness. Do Officers (GROs) to work without
you agree with Victor? Why or why not? (2%) compensation in its establishment under the
direct supervision of its Manager from 8:00
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes, I agree with Victor. P.M. To 4:00 A.M. everyday, including
POEA-SEC defines “work-related illness” as any Sundays and holidays. The GROs, however,
sickness as a result of an occupational disease were free to ply their trade elsewhere at
listed under Sec. 32-A of the contract and any time, but once they entered the
Pulmonary TB is among the listed occupational premises of the night club, they Were
diseases. The same provision of law stated that required to stay up to closing time. The
for an occupational disease to be compensable, GROs earned their keep exclusively from
it must be contracted as a result of his commissions for food and drinks, and tips
exposure to the risk involved in his work. from generous customers. In time, the GROs
Therefore, Victor should have been medically formed the Solar Ugnayan ng mga
Kababaihang lnaapi (SUKI), a labor union (B) No, “confidential employees” are
duly registered with DOLE. Subsequently, those who assist persons who
SUKI filed a petition for Certification formulate, determine, or enforce
Election in order to be recognized as the management policies in the field of
exclusive bargaining agent of its members. labor relations.
Juicy Bar and Night Club opposed the (C) Yes, secretaries and clerks of
petition for Certification Election on the company executives are extensions of
singular ground of absence of the management and, therefore,
employer-employee relationship between the should not join the union.
GROs on one hand and the night club on the (D) No, “confidential” employees are
other hand. May the GROs form SUKI as a those who handle executive records
labor organization for purposes of collective and payroll or serve as executive
bargaining? Explain briefly. (5%) (2012 Bar secretaries of top-level managers.
Exam) (2011 Bar Exam)
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes, the GROs may form SUGGESTED ANSWER: (B) No, “confidential
a labor organization for purposes of collective employees” are those who assist persons who
bargaining. In the present case, the GROs formulate, determine, or enforce management
worked under the direct supervision of the policies in the field of labor relations.
Night Club Manager for a substantial period of
time. Under Article 138 of the Labor Code, with ───※ ·❆· ※───
or without compensation, the GROs are
deemed as employees of the night club. Hence, QUESTION. A certification election was
being employees, they are entitled to all the conducted in Nation Manufacturing
rights and benefits granted to employees under Corporation, whereby 55% of eligible voters
the Constitution and the labor laws including in the bargaining unit cast their votes. The
the right to form labor organizations for results were as follows:
purposes of collective bargaining (Article 243, ● Union Nana : 45 votes
Labor Code). ● Union Nada: 40 votes
● Union Nara : 30 votes
● No Union : 80 votes
c) Doctrine of Necessary Implication
Union Nana moved to be declared as the
winner of the certification election.
d) Commingling or Mixed Membership
(a) Can Union Nana be declared as the
winner? (2.5%)
e) Effect of Inclusion as Members of SUGGESTED ANSWER: (a) No, Union Nana
Employees Outside of cannot be immediately declared as winner.
the Bargaining Unit Under Article 268 of the Labor Code, run-off
elections must be first conducted. A run-off
election is required since the present case
2. Bargaining Unit involves an election which provided for three or
more choices, with no choice receiving a
QUESTION. The existing collective bargaining majority of the valid votes cast, and the total
unit in Company X includes some fifty number of votes for all contending unions at
“secretaries” and “clerks” who routinely least 50% of the number of votes cast. In the
record and monitor reports required by their present case, the majority vote is 97.5 and
department heads. Believing that these Union Nana gathered only 45 votes, hence it
secretaries and clerks should not be union cannot be certified.
members because of the confidential nature
of their work, the management discontinued (b) Assume that the eligibility of 30 voters
deducting union dues from their salaries. Is was challenged during the pre-election
the management’s action legal? conference. The ballots of the 30 challenged
(A) No, only managers are prohibited voters were placed inside an envelope sealed
from joining unions; the law does not by the DOLE Election Officer. Considering the
bar “confidential employees” from said envelope remains sealed, what should
joining unions. be the next course of action with respect to
the said challenged votes? (2.5%) (2018 Bar (b) When is the earliest time that another
Exam) union can file for a petition for certification
election? Explain. (2.5%) (2019 Bar Exam)
Section 11 of the Rules Implementing Book V of SUGGESTED ANSWER: Article 265 of the Labor
the Labor Code, the envelope with challenged Code provides that another union can file a
votes shall be opened and the question of petition for certification election during the
eligibility shall be passed upon by the DOLE freedom period of the CBA which is the last 60
med-arbiter. In the case at bar, since the days before its date of expiry.
challenged votes may materially affect the
results of the election, and may in fact even
4. Rights of Labor Organizations
give Union Nada or Union Nara an absolute
majority, then the said challenged votes should
be opened.
a) Check Off, Assessment, and Agency Fees
3. Bargaining Representative
b) Collective Bargaining
QUESTION. Government employees may elect
a union as their exclusive representative but
this right is not available to (1) Economic Terms and Conditions
(A) regular employees in government
instrumentalities and agencies. QUESTION. Llanas Corporation and Union X,
(B) employees of government-owned and the certified bargaining agent of its
controlled corporations without employees, concluded a CBA for the period
original charters. January 1, 2000 to December 31, 2004. But,
(C) employees of government-owned or long before the CBA expired, members of
controlled corporations with original Union Y, the minority union, showed
charters. dissatisfaction with the CBA under the belief
(D) employees of provincial and local that Union X was a company union. Agitated
government units. (2011 Bar Exam) by its members, Union Y filed a petition for
a Certification Election on December 1,
SUGGESTED ANSWER: (B) Employees of 2002. Will the petition prosper?
government-owned and -controlled (A) No, such a petition can only be filed
corporations without original charters. within the freedom period of the
───※ ·❆· ※─── (B) No, since a petition for certification
can be filed only upon the expiration
QUESTION. On December 1, 2018, GHI Co., of the CBA.
an organized establishment, and Union J, (C) Yes, a certification is the right
the exclusive bargaining agent therein remedy for ousting a company union.
executed a five (5)-year collective (D) Yes, employees should be allowed to
bargaining agreement (CBA) which, after cancel at the earliest opportunity a
ratification, was registered with the Bureau CBA that they believed was obtained
of Labor Relations. by a company union. (2011 Bar
(a) When can the union ask, at the earliest,
for the renegotiation of all terms of the SUGGESTED ANSWER: (A) No, such a petition
CBA, except its representation aspect? can only be filed within the freedom period of
Explain. (2.5%) the CBA.
While Nad, Ned, and Nod were distributing
(4) Mandatory Provisions in the Collective
the flyers at the company assembly plant, a
company supervisor barged in and demanded
Agreement (CBA)
that they cease from distributing the flyers,
stating that the assembly line employees
were trying to beat a production deadline
5. Unfair Labor Practices
and were thoroughly distracted. Norlyn tried
to show the HR manager's text message
authorizing flyer distribution during work
a) Nature and Aspect hours, but the supervisor brushed it aside.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. The argument of There can be no such type of dispute between
Northern Lights Corporation is incorrect. The the parties not related as employer and
award of moral and exemplary damages should employee.
be given to Nad, Ned, and Nod, as they are the
individuals who suffered damages. In Digitel ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: No. Under the Labor
Telecommunications Philippines, Inc. v. Digitel Code, a strike may be declared only in the
Employees Union (DEU), G.R. No. 184903-04, following cases:
October 10, 2012, the Supreme Court clarified a. Bargaining deadlocks; and
that the award of moral and exemplary b. Unfair labor practices
damages in cases of illegal dismissal resulting In the case of a sympathetic strike, neither of
from unfair labor practices can be made the above grounds is present. Thus, a
individually or in aggregate amounts. Since the sympathetic strike is not valid.
affected individuals can be identified, damages
can be awarded individually, as is the case ───※ ·❆· ※───
QUESTION. Due to business recession,
Ballistic Company retrenched a part of its
workforce. Opposing the retrenchment, some
c) By Organizations of the affected employees staged a strike.
Eventually, the retrenchment was found to
be justified, and the strike was declared
6. Peaceful Concerted Activities illegal; hence, the leaders of the strike,
including the retrenched employees, were
declared to have lost their employment
a) Strikes (Valid vs. Illegal) status.
QUESTION. Given that the liability for an Are the striking retrenched employees still
illegal strike is individual, not collective, entitled to separation pay under Sec. 298
state when the participating union officers (283) of the Labor Code despite the illegality
and members may be terminated from of their strike? Explain your answer. (2%)
employment because of the illegal strike. (2017 Bar Exam)
Explain your answer. (4%) (2017 Bar Exam)
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes, the striking
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The individual liabilities retrenched employees are still entitled to
of the participants in an illegal strike are as separation pay. Since the retrenchment
follows: preceded the strike, the liability of the
company to pay separation pay under the
As to the union officers, they shall lose their Article 298 of the Labor Code has attached
employment when they knowingly participate already. Therefore, regardless of the outcome
in an illegal strike. of its complaint for illegal strike, it must
discharge said duty. An illegal strike staged by
As to union members, they shall lose their retrenched employees will not extinguish said
employment based on their participation and obligation.
act of committing illegalities in the course of
the illegal strike. b) Picketing
availing themselves of the clinic’s services.
The clinic employed nurses and allied staff,
whose salaries, SSS contributions and other
benefits he undertook to pay. AB Hotel and
Resort issued directives giving instructions
1. Tests to Determine Employer-Employee
to him on the replenishment of emergency
kits and forbidding the clinic staff from
receiving cash payments from the guests.
QUESTION. What are the accepted tests to
determine the existence of an In time, the nurses and the clinic staff
employer-employee relationship? (5%) (2017 claimed entitlement to rights as regular
Bar Exam) employees of AB Hotel and Resort, but the
latter refused on the ground that Dr.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The acceptable tests for Crisostomo, who was their employer, was an
determining employer-employee relationship independent contractor. Rule, with reasons.
are as follows: (4%) (2017 Bar Exam)
- The Fourfold Test. Its component are: SUGGESTED ANSWER: Dr. Crisostomo is an
- Selection and engagement of independent contractor. Therefore, no
the employee; employer-employee relationship exists between
- Payment of wages; the clinic personnel and AB Hotel and Resort.
- Power of dismissal; and The claimants are the employees of Dr.
- Power to control the Crisostomo.
employees’ conduct.
This fact may be gleaned from the following
- Two-tier test. It is the combination of manifestations:
- The Economic Reality Test; and 1. The selection and engagement of the
- The Control Test. nurses and clinic staff were made by
Dr. Crisostomo;
───※ ·❆· ※─── 2. Their wages were paid by Dr.
Crisostomo; and
QUESTION: Applying the tests to determine 3. Dr. Crisostomo does not receive salary
the existence of an employer-employee from AB Hotel and Resort as his
relationship, is a jeepney driver operating compensation is only in the form of a
under the boundary system an employee of retainer.
his jeepney operator or a mere lessee of the
jeepney? explain your answer. (3%) (2017 Moreover, the hotel is not contractually given
Bar Exam) the right to dissociate them for just or
authorized causes.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: A jeepney driver is an
employee. The same State-imposed restrictions Finally, the hotel does not exercise control over
which are for the operator to observe in the means by which they deliver medical
running his business affair are also imposed by services. On top of these, they are not
him on his driver. Therefore, pursuant to the economically dependent on the hotel but on
Control Test, the latter is an employee under Dr. Crisostomo.
the boundary system (National Labor Union v.
Dinglasan, G.R. No. L-14183, Nov. 28, 1959). The fact that AB Hotel and Resort gave
instructions to him regarding replenishment of
───※ ·❆· ※─── emergency kits and forbidding his staff from
receiving cash payments from guests is not
QUESTION: Dr. Crisostomo entered into a material. They are nothing more than
retainer agreement with AB Hotel and Resort guidelines which will not create an
whereby he would provide medical services employer-employee relationship (Insular Life
to the guests and employees of AB Hotel and Co., Ltd. v. NLRC, G.R. No. 84484, Nov. 15,
Resort, which, in turn, would provide the 1989).
clinic premises and medical supplies. He
received a monthly retainer fee of ───※ ·❆· ※───
P60,000.00, plus a 70% share in the service
charges from AB Hotel and Resort’s guests
QUESTION. A, B, and C were hired as
a) Regular
resident-doctors by MM Medical Center, Inc.
In the course of their engagement, A, B, and C
maintained specific work schedules as QUESTION. Marciano was hired as Chief
determined by the Medical Director. The Engineer on board the vessel MN Australia.
hospital also monitored their work through His contract of employment was for nine
supervisors who gave them specific months. After nine months, he was re-hired.
instructions on how they should perform their He was hired a third time after another nine
respective tasks, including diagnosis, months. He now claims entitlement to the
treatment, and management of their benefits of a regular employee based on his
patients. One day A, B, and C approached the having performed tasks usually necessary
Medical Director and inquired about the and desirable to the employer’s business for
nonpayment of their employment benefits. In a continuous period of more than one year. Is
response, the Medical Director told them that Marciano’s claim tenable? (3%) (2017 Bar
they are not entitled to any because they are Exam)
mere "independent contractors" as expressly
stipulated in the contracts which they SUGGESTED ANSWER: No, Marciano’s claim is
admittedly signed. As such, no bereft of merit. In Millares v. NLRC (G.R. No.
employer-employee relationship exists 110524, July 29, 2002), the Supreme Court
between them and the hospital. ruled that seafarers are contractual employees
for a fixed term and cannot attain regular
(a) What is the control test in determining status. In the case at bar, Marciano is
the existence of an employer-employee? (2%) considered a seafarer since he is hired as Chief
Engineer on board a vessel. Therefore,
SUGGESTED ANSWER: “Control” as used in the Marciano’s claim that he is a regular employee
Control Test refers to the authority of the does not hold water.
employer to manage the employee on both the
result of the work to be done and the means by ───※ ·❆· ※───
which the work is to be accomplished (Lakas sa
Industriya ng Kapatirang Haligi ng QUESTION. Section 255 (245) of the Labor
Alyansa-Pinagbuklod ng Manggagawang Promo Code recognizes three categories of
ng Burlingame v. Burlingame Corp., G.R. No. employees, namely: managerial, supervisory,
162833, June 15, 2007). and rank-and-file.
(b) Is the Medical Director’s reliance on the (a) Give the characteristics of each category
contracts signed by A, B, and C to refute the of employees, and state whether the
existence of an employer-employee employees in each category may organize
relationship correct? If not, are A, B, and C and form unions. Explain your answer. (5%)
employees of MM Medical Center, Inc.?
explain. (3%) (2019 Bar Exam) (b) May confidential employees who assist
managerial employees, and who act in a
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No, the Medical Director confidential capacity or have access to
is not correct. The employer and employee confidential matters being handled by
relationship is both a question of law and fact. persons exercising managerial functions in
It requires the presentation of evidence to prove the field of labor relations form, or assist,
this relationship. It cannot be subject to or join labor unions? Explain your answer.
contractual stipulation. In the case at bar, the (2.5%) (2017 Bar Exam)
element of control is present as the Medical
Director determines the specific work schedule SUGGESTED ANSWER: (a) The characteristics
of A, B, and C. The hospital also monitored their of these employee categories as as follows:
work through supervisors who give them specific 1. Managerial Employees - They execute
instructions on how they should perform their management policies in the areas of
respective tasks. Thus, there is control over the hiring, firing, transferring, recalling,
means of achieving the desired result. suspending, laying off and disciplining
subordinate employees. As
distinguished from top managers who
2. Kinds of Employment
are corporate officers, they are
referred to as middle managers who
have supervision of the plant or a employee regardless of the employer’s intent
division thereof. to hire him as a probationary employee
2. Supervisory Employees - Also referred (Abbott Laboratories v. Alcaraz, G.R. No.
to as Line Managers, they recommend 192571, July 23, 2013).
managerial actions. In their discharge
of this function, they have discretion,
b) Casual
independence and their
recommendations are effective; and
they do not perform their work in a
c) Probationary
clerical or routinary manner only.
3. Rank-and-File Employees - If neither
managerial nor supervisory, an
employee falls under this last category d) Project
through the Principle of Elimination.
QUESTIONS. W Gas Corp. is engaged in the (a) the Contractor (Newmark) agrees to
manufacture and distribution to the general perform and provide the Client (Nutrition
public of various petroleum products. On City), on a non-exclusive basis, such tasks or
January 1, 2010, W Gas Corp. entered into a activities that are considered contractible
Service 2019 - assigned to JM Agreement under existing laws, as may be needed by
with Q Manpower Co., whereby the latter the Client from time to time;
undertook to provide utility workers for the
maintenance of the former’s manufacturing (b) the Contractor shall employ the
plant. Although the workers were hired by Q necessary personnel like helpers, salesmen,
Manpower Co., they used the equipment and drivers who are determined by the
owed by W gas Corp. in performing their Contractor to be efficiently trained;
tasks, and were likewise subject to constant
checking based on W gas Corp.’s procedures. (c) the Client may request replacement of
On February 1, 2010, Mr. R, one of the the Contractor's personnel if quality of the
utility workers, was dismissed from desired result is not achieved;
employment in line with the termination of
the Service Agreement between W Gas Corp. (d) the Contractor's personnel will comply
and Q Manpower Co. Thus, Mr. R filed a with the Client's policies, rules, and
complaint for illegal dismissal against W Gas regulations; and
Corp., claiming that Q Manpower Co. is only
a labor-only contractor. In the course of the (e) the Contractor's two service vehicles and
proceedings, W Gas Corp. presented no necessary equipment will be utilized in
evidence to prove Q manpower Co.’s carrying out the provisions of this
capitalization. Agreement.
QUESTION. A foreign guest in a luxury hotel by the employee of the lawful orders of his
complained that he lost certain valuable employer or his representatives in connection
items in his hotel room. An investigation by with his work. Misconduct involves the
the hotel pointed to two roomboys as the transgression of some established and definite
most probable thieves. May the management rule of action, forbidden act, a dereliction of
invoke “loss of confidence” as a just cause duty, willful in character, and implies wrongful
for dismissing the roomboys? intent and not mere error in judgment. For
(A) No, “loss of confidence” as reason for misconduct to be serious and therefore a valid
dismissal does not apply to rank and ground for dismissal, it must be:
file employees.
(B) No, “loss of confidence” applies only 1. Of grave and aggravated character and not
to confidential positions. merely trivial or unimportant; and
(C) Yes, “loss of confidence” is broad 2. Connected with the work of the employee.
enough to cover all dishonest acts of
employee. (b) Assuming this time that Magna dismissed
(D) Yes, “loss of confidence” applies to Jose from employment for cause and you
employees who are charged with the are the lawyer of Jose, how would you argue
care and custody of the employer's the position that Jose's dismissal was
property. (2011 Bar Exam) illegal? (4%) (2013 Bar Exam)
SUGGESTED ANSWER: (D) Yes, “loss of SUGGESTED ANSWER: I would argue that the
confidence” applies to employees who are offense committed by Jose did not relate to
charged with the care and custody of the the performance of his duties. For misconduct
employer's property. or improper behavior to be a just cause for
dismissal, it (a) must be serious; (b) must
───※ ·❆· ※─── relate to the performance of the employee’s
duties; and (c) must show that the employee
QUESTION. Jose and Erica, former has become unfit to continue working for the
sweethearts, both worked as sales employer.
representatives for Magna, a multinational
firm engaged in the manufacture and sale of On the basis of the foregoing, it can be
pharmaceutical products. Although the concluded that Jose was not guilty of serious
couple had already broken off their misconduct and that he was not performing
relationship, Jose continued to have special official work at the time of the incident
feelings for Erica. (Lagrosas v. Bristol Myers Squibb, G.R. No.
168637/170684, Sept. 12, 2008).
One afternoon, Jose chanced upon Erica
riding in the car of Paolo, a co-employee and
2. Authorized Causes
Erica's ardent suitor; the two were on their
way back to the office from a sales call on
Silver Drug, a major drug retailer. In a fit of QUESTION. Sampaguita Company wants to
extreme jealousy, Jose rammed Paolo's car, embark on a retrenchment program in view
causing severe injuries to Paolo and Erica. of declining sales. It identified five
Jose's flare up also caused heavy damage to employees that it needed to separate. The
the two company owned cars they were human resource manager seems to recall
driving. that she has to give the five employees and
the DOLE a 30-day notice but she feels that
(a) As lawyer for Magna, advise the company she can give a shorter notice. What will you
on whether just and valid grounds exist to advise her?
dismiss Jose. (4%) (A) Instead of giving a 30-day notice, she
can just give a 30-day advance salary
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Jose can be dismissed and make the separation effective
for serious misconduct, violation of company immediately.
rules and regulations, and commission of a (B) So long as she gave DOLE a 30-day
crime against the employer‘s representatives. prior notice, she can give the
employees a shorter notice.
Article 282 of the Labor Code provides that an (C) The 30-day advance notice to the
employer may terminate an employment for employee and the DOLE cannot be
any serious misconduct or willful disobedience
shortened even with a 30-day wrong or protect fraud (Complex Electronics
advance salary. Association v. NLRC, G.R. No. 121315 & 122136,
(D) She can give a shorter notice if the July 19, 1999). Therefore, they can be held
retrenchment is due to severe and jointly and severally liable for the money
substantial losses. (2011 Bar Exam) claims of workers who are not their employees.
benefits for the additional service he Labor Arbiter declared as illegal the dismissal
rendered after age 65? (4%) (2013 Bar of those whose commission of unlawful acts
Exam) had not been proved. They were ordered
immediately reinstated. The employer
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No, as a matter of refused, however, to reinstate them on the
equity and fair play, Albert cannot be ground that the rule on immediate
compulsorily retired twice in the same reinstatement applies only to terminations
company. due to just or authorized causes. Is the
employer’s refusal justified?
(A) No, every employee found to have
3. Due Process
been illegally dismissed is entitled to
immediate reinstatement even
pending appeal.
a) Twin Notice Requirement
(B) Yes. The employer’s refusal is legal
and justified as a penalty for defying
QUESTION: The employer must observe both the secretary’s lawful order.
substantive and procedural due process (C) Yes, the rule on immediate
when dismissing an employee. If procedural reinstatement does not apply to
due process is not observed, the dismissal employees who have defied a
will be regarded as: return-to-work order.
(A) defective; the dismissal process has (D) No. The dismissal of the employees
to be repeated. was valid; reinstatement is
(B) an abuse of employer's discretion, unwarranted. (2011 Bar Exam)
rendering the dismissal void.
(C) ineffectual; the dismissal will be held SUGGESTED ANSWER: (A) No, every employee
in abeyance. found to have been illegally dismissed is
(D) legal and valid but the employer will entitled to immediate reinstatement even
be liable for indemnity. (2011 Bar pending appeal.
───※ ·❆· ※───
SUGGESTED ANSWER: (D) Legal and valid but
the employer will be liable for indemnity. QUESTION. In the Collective Bargaining
Agreement (CBA) between Dana Films and its
rank-and-file Union (which is directly
b) Hearing affiliated with MMFF, a national federation),
a provision on the maintenance of
membership expressly provides that the
4. Termination of Contract of Migrant Union can demand the dismissal of any
Workers Under RA 8042 as amended by RA member employee who commits acts of
10022 disloyalty to the Union as provided for in its
Constitution and By-Laws. The same
provision contains an undertaking by the
C. TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT BY Union (MMFF) to hold Dana Films free from
EMPLOYEE any and all claims of any employee
dismissed. During the term of the CBA, MMFF
discovered that certain employee-members
1. Resignation vs. Constructive Dismissal were initiating a move to disaffiliate from
MMFF and join a rival federation, FAMAS.
Forthwith, MMFF sought the dismissal of its
D. PREVENTIVE SUSPENSION employee-members initiating the
disaffiliation movement from MMFF to
FAMAS. Dana Films, relying on the provision
E. RELIEFS FROM ILLEGAL DISMISSAL of the aforementioned CBA, complied with
MMFF's request and dismissed the employees
QUESTION. The employees’ union in San identified by MMFF as disloyal to it.
Joaquin Enterprise continued their strike
despite a return to work order from the (a) Will an action for illegal dismissal
Secretary of Labor. Because of this defiance, against Dana Films and MMFF prosper or
the employer dismissed the strikers. But the not? Why? (5%)
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes, an action for illegal (1) It was its exclusive prerogative to
dismissal will prosper. Although, under the CBA, choose the kind of reinstatement to
Dana Films is bound to dismiss any employee give Juanito who would have chosen
who is expelled by MMFF for disloyalty upon its actual reinstatement if he had his way;
written request, it cannot be done hastily and hence, he cannot be punished for
summarily. Due process is required before a helplessly submitting to the payroll
member can be dropped from the list of union reinstatement imposed on him; and
members of good standing. The company’s
dismissal of its workers without the benefit of a (2) No employee would ever agree to a
hearing, and without inquiring from the payroll reinstatement if, at the end of
workers on the cause of their expulsion the day, he would be compelled to
constituted bad faith on its part (Liberty reimburse as to be driven to penury
Cotton Mills Workers Union, et. al vs. Liberty (PAL v. Garcia, et. al., G.R. No. 164856,
Cotton Mills, Inc. et. al., G.R. No. L-33987, Jan. 20, 2009).
May 31, 1979).
(b) What are the liabilities of Dana Films
and MMFF to the dismissed employees, if
any? (5%) (2012 Bar Exam) QUESTION. The Labor Code on retirement
pay expands the term “one-half (½) month
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Dana Films and MMFF’s salary” because it means:
liabilities are: (1) to reinstate the illegally (A) 15 days' pay plus 1/12th of the 13th
dismissed employees to their former positions month pay and 1/12th of the cash
without reduction in rank, seniority and salary; value of service incentive leave.
and (2) to jointly and severally pay the (B) 15 days' pay plus 1/12th of the 13th
dismissed employees backwages, without any month pay and the cash equivalent of
reduction in pay or qualification (Amada Rice v. five days service incentive leave.
NLRC, G.R. No. 68147, June 30, 1988). (C) 15 days pay plus a full 13th month
───※ ·❆· ※─── (D) 15 calendar days' pay per year of
service plus allowances received
QUESTION. Juanito initiated a case for during the retirement year. (2011 Bar
illegal dismissal against Mandarin Company. Exam)
The Labor Arbiter decided in his favor, and
ordered his immediate reinstatement with SUGGESTED ANSWER: (D) 15 calendar days'
full backwages and without loss of seniority pay per year of service plus allowances
and other benefits. Mandarin Company did received during the retirement year.
not like to allow him back in its premises to
prevent him from influencing his co-workers ───※ ·❆· ※───
to move against the interest of the company;
hence, it directed his payroll reinstatement QUESTION. Discuss the differences between
and paid his full backwages and other compulsory and voluntary/optional retirement
benefits even as it appealed to the NLRC. as well as the minimum benefits provided under
the Labor Code for retiring employees of private
A few months later, the NLRC reversed the establishments. (2.5%) (2019 Bar Exam)
ruling of the Labor Arbiter and declared that
Juanito's dismissal was valid. The reversal SUGGESTED ANSWER: A voluntary/optional
ultimately became final. retirement is a termination of employment on the
ground of bilateral agreement to terminate the
May Mandarin Company recover the employment regardless of years of service.
backwages and other benefits paid to Compulsory retirement, on the other hand, is a
Juanito pursuant to the decision of the Labor retirement as required by law.
Arbiter in view of the reversal by the NLRC?
Rule with reasons. (2.5%) (2017 Bar Exam) Article 302 of the Labor Code provides that the
retiring employee will be paid as follows: (22.5
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. Mandarin Company days x Daily Rate) x Length of service.
cannot recover the wages it paid Juanito under
payroll reinstatement for these reasons:
reinstatement to his former position without
loss of seniority rights and other privileges,
but without payment of backwages. In this
regard, ABC, Inc. pointed out that the LA’s
ruling did not contain any finding of strained
relations or that reinstatement was no
longer feasible. In any case, it appears that
1. Jurisdiction of Labor Arbiter vs. no evidence was presented on this score.
Jurisdiction of Regional Director
(a) Is ABC, Inc.’s contention to delete the
QUESTION. Jose Lovina had been a member separation pay, and instead, order
of the board of directors and Executive Vice reinstatement without backwages correct?
President of San Jose Corporation for 12 Explain. (3%)
years. In 2008, the San Jose stockholders did
not elect him to the board of directors nor SUGGESTED ANSWER: The Labor Arbiter fails
did the board reappoint him as Executive to state that there is a bar to reinstatement.
Vice President. He filed an illegal dismissal Therefore, under Article 294 of the Labor Code,
complaint with a Labor Arbiter. Contending the LA should have ordered reinstatement
that the Labor Arbiter had no jurisdiction pursuant to the general rule.
over the case since Lovina was not an
employee, the company filed a motion to (b) Assuming than on appeal, the National
dismiss. Should the motion be granted? Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) upholds
(A) No, the Labor Arbiter has jurisdiction the decision of the LA, where, how, and
over all termination disputes. within what time frame should ABC, Inc.
(B) Yes, it is the NLRC that has assail the NLRC ruling? (2%) (2019 Bar Exam)
jurisdiction over disputes involving
corporate officers. SUGGESTED ANSWER: After the denial of the
(C) No, a motion to dismiss is a appellant’s motion for reconsideration, the
prohibited pleading under the NLRC NLRC’s decision and order of denial can be
Rules of Procedure. assailed under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court
(D) Yes, jurisdiction lies with the regular through the filing a petition for certiorari
courts since the complainant was a within 60 days from receipt of said denial
corporate officer. (2011 Bar Exam) order. Correction of error of jurisdiction,
resulting in the nullification of the assailed
SUGGESTED ANSWER: (D) Yes, jurisdiction lies dispositions, should be sought based on the
with the regular courts since the complainant NLRC’s grave abuse of its appellate power
was a corporate officer. amounting to lack of or excess of jurisdiction.
Hence, he was reinstated in ABC Co.’s
payroll pending its appeal to the NLRC. SUGGESTED ANSWER: The contention of Cris is
bereft of merit. Sec. 4(d) of the 2005 Revised
Assuming the LA’s ruling of illegal dismissal Rules of Procedure of the NLRC provides that
with finality, may ABC Co. claim the Commission shall limit itself to reviewing
reimbursement for the amounts it paid to and deciding specific issues that were elevated
Mr. X during the time that he was on payroll on appeal. In the case at bar, the NLRC
reinstatement pending appeal? Explain. evidently went against its own rules of
(2.5%) (2019 Bar Exam) procedure when it passed upon the issue of
illegal dismissal although the question raised by
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The ABC Co. cannot the respondent in their appeal was concerned
claim reimbursement because Mr. X has solely with the legality of the Labor Arbiter’s
nothing to do with the reinstatement given award and financial assistance despite the
him. The principle of unjust enrichment has no finding that the petitioner was lawfully
application in the present scenario (Garcia v. terminated (Luna vs. Allado construction Co.,
PAL G. R. No. 164856, January 20, 2009). G.R. No. 175251, May 30, 2011).
Moreover, a reinstatement order by the LA is ───※ ·❆· ※───
immediately executory and no reimbursement
is due even if it is reversed on appeal. In this QUESTION. Bobby, who was assigned as
case, the Principle of Unjust Enrichment has company branch accountant in Tarlac where
no application; hence, he can keep the his family also lives, was dismissed by
salaries he received. Theta Company after anomalies in the
company's accounts were discovered in the
branch Bobby filed a complaint and was
ordered reinstated with full backwages after
the Labor Arbiter found that he had been
denied due process because no investigation
QUESTION. Cris filed a complaint for illegal actually took place.
dismissal against Baker Company. The
Labor Arbiter dismissed the complaint but Theta Company appealed to the National
awarded Cris financial assistance. Only the Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) and at
company appealed from the Labor Arbiter's the same time wrote Bobby, advising him to
ruling. It confined its appeal solely to the report to the main company office in Makati
question of whether financial assistance where he would be reinstated pending
could be awarded. The NLRC, instead of appeal Bobby refused to comply with his new
ruling solely on the appealed issue, fully assignment because Makati is very far from
reversed the Labor Arbiter's decision; it Tarlac and he cannot bring his family to live
found Baker Company liable for illegal with him due to the higher cost of living in
dismissal and ordered the payment of Makati.
separation pay and full backwages.
(A) Is Bobby's reinstatement pending appeal
Through a petition for certiorari under Rule legally correct? (4%)
65 of the Rules of Court, Baker Company
challenged the validity of the NLRC ruling. SUGGESTED ANSWER: No, Bobby’s
It argued that the NLRC acted with grave reinstatement pending appeal is not legally
abuse of discretion when it ruled on the correct. The transfer of an employee ordinarily
illegal dismissal issue, when the only issue lies within the ambit of management
brought on appeal was the legal propriety prerogative. But like other rights, there are
of the financial assistance award. limitations thereto. This managerial
prerogative to transfer personnel must be
Cris countered that under Article 218(c) of exercised without grave abuse of discretion,
the Labor Code, the NLRC has the authority bearing in mind the basic element of justice
to "correct, amend, or waive any error, and fair play. Hence, the transfer of Bobby
defect or irregularity whether in substance from Tarlac to Makati must be done in good
or in form" in the exercise of its appellate faith, and it must not be unreasonable,
jurisdiction. inconvenient or prejudicial to the employee.
For another, the reinstatement of Bobby ought
Decide the case. (8%) (2013 Bar Exam) to be to his former position, much akin to
return to work order, i.e., to restore the status
quo in the workplace (Composite Enterprises v. employment shall be subject to mandatory
Capamaroso, G.R. No. 159919, Aug. 8, 2007). conciliation-mediation. The Labor Arbiter or
appropriate DOLE agency or office that has
(B) Advise Bobby on the best course of action jurisdiction over the dispute shall entertain
to take under the circumstances. (4%) (2013 only endorsed or referred cases by the duly
Bar Exam) authorized officer.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The best course of (b) Should the Regional Director sustain
action for Bobby to take under the Needy Corporation's argument? (2.5%) (2018
circumstances is to allege constructive Bar Exam)
dismissal in the same case, and pray for
separation pay in lieu of reinstatement. SUGGESTED ANSWER: No, the Regional
Director should not sustain Needy Corporation’s
contention. Article 239 of the Labor Code
C. COURT OF APPEALS provides that the information and statements
given in confidence at the
conciliation-mediation proceedings shall be
D. SUPREME COURT treated as privileged communication and shall
not be used as evidence in any arbitration
proceeding, except when there is a waiver of
E. BUREAU OF LABOR RELATIONS confidentiality. In the case at bar, Nelson’s
willingness to settle for 75% of his money claim
may not be used against him in the money
F. NATIONAL CONCILIATION AND MEDIATION claims case before the Regional Director due to
BOARD the confidentiality rule.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes. Article 234 of the Because of the continued impasse, the union
Labor Code in relation to R.A. 10396 or the went on strike. The Secretary of Labor and
Mandatory Conciliation-Mediation Law provides Employment immediately assumed
that all issues arising from labor and jurisdiction over the dispute to avert
widespread electric power interruption in return to work? explain your answer. (2.5%)
the country. After extensive discussions and (2017 Bar Exam)
the filing of position papers (before the
National Conciliation and Mediation Board SUGGESTED ANSWER: (b) The Assumption of
and before the Secretary himself) on the Jurisdiction Order (AJO) issued by the Secretary
validity of the union's strike and on the of Labor, whether or not it includes an explicit
wage and other economic issues (including "return to work" instruction, carries an
the retirement issue), the DOLE Secretary injunctive effect. Therefore, once the AJO is
ruled on the validity of the strike and on the duly served, the union is obligated to promptly
disputed CBA issues, and ordered the resume work. Failure to comply with the AJO
parties to execute a CBA based on his renders the strike illegal due to violation of an
rulings. injunction. The AJO serves two purposes: first,
it prevents an impending strike or lockout, or
Did the Secretary of Labor exceed his lifts an ongoing strike or lockout, and second, it
jurisdiction when he proceeded to rule on orders both the workers to return to work
the parties' CBA positions even though the immediately and the employer to re-admit all
parties did not fully negotiate on their own? workers under the same terms and conditions
(8%) (2013 Bar Exam) that existed prior to the strike or lockout.
(b) What are the consequences of the SUGGESTED ANSWER: Under Article 128 of
assumption of jurisdiction by the Secretary the Labor Code, the Labor Secretary has
of Labor, and of the disobedience to the Visitorial and Enforcement Power. It also has
assumption power under Article 278 and
4. Remedies
suspension power under Article 292 of the
Labor Code.
Specifically, the DOLE Secretary has the
following powers:
QUESTION. State the jurisdiction of the
(1) Power to inspect employer’s records Voluntary Arbitrator, or Panel of Voluntary
and premises at any time of the day or Arbitrators in labor disputes? (4%) (2017 Bar
night whenever work is being Exam)
undertaken therein, and the right to
copy therefrom, to question any SUGGESTED ANSWER: The voluntary arbitrator
employee and investigate any fact, or panel of voluntary arbitrators shall have
condition or matter which may be exclusive and original jurisdiction to hear and
necessary to determine violations or decide all unresolved grievances arising from:
which may aid in the enforcement of
the Labor Code and of any labor law, 1. The implementation or interpretation of the
wage order or rules and regulations collective bargaining agreements (Article 274,
issued pursuant thereto (Art. 128, Labor Code, Section 4, Rule XIX, Book V,
Labor Code). Omnibus Rules Implementing the Labor Code);
(2) Power to issue compliance orders to
give effect to the labor standards 2. The interpretation or enforcement of
provisions of this Code and other labor company personnel policies which remain
legislation based on the findings of unresolved after exhaustion of the grievance
labor employment and enforcement procedure (Article 274, Labor Code, Section 4,
officers or industrial safety engineers Rule XIX, Book V, Omnibus Rules Implementing
made in the course of inspection (Art. the Labor Code);
128, Labor Code).
(3) Power to issue writs of execution to the 3. Wage distortion issues arising from the
appropriate authority for the application of any wage orders in organized
enforcement of their orders, except in establishments (Article 124, Labor Code,
cases where the employer contests the Section 4, Rule XIX, Book V, Omnibus Rules
findings of the labor employment and Implementing the Labor Code);
enforcement officer and raises issues
supported by documentary proofs 4. The interpretation and implementation of
which were not considered in the the productivity incentive programs under R.A.
course of inspection (Art. 128, Labor 6971;
(4) Power to order stoppage of work or 5. Upon agreement of the parties, shall also
suspension of operations of any unit or hear and decide all other labor disputes
department of an establishment when including unfair labor practices and bargaining
noncompliance with the law or deadlocks (Article 275, Labor Code, Section 4,
implementing rules and regulations Rule XIX, Book V, Omnibus Rules Implementing
poses grave and imminent danger to the Labor Code); and
the health and safety of workers in the
workplace (Art. 128, Labor Code). 6. Violations of a Collective Bargaining
(5) Assumption of Jurisdiction and/or Agreement, except those which are gross in
Certification to the NLRC for character, shall no longer be treated as unfair
Compulsory Arbitration in labor labor practice and shall be resolved as
disputes causing or likely to cause a grievances under the Collective Bargaining
strike or lockout in an industry Agreement (Article 274, Labor Code).
indispensable to the national interest
(Arts. 128 and 278, Labor Code). ───※ ·❆· ※───
QUESTION. Briefly discuss the powers and
responsibilities of the following in the
scheme of the Labor Code:
(D) the revision of laws to generate greater
employment. (2011 Bar Exam)
SUGGESTED ANSWER: (C) The humanization of
laws and equalization of economic forces.
a) Elements
1. Age (RA 10911 or the Anti-Age
Discrimination in Employment Act)
b) Types
continuation of employment that a woman
employee shall not get married or to stipulate
4. Solo Parents (Sec. 7, RA 8972, as
that upon getting married, a woman shall be
amended by RA 11861)
considered resigned or separated. Moreover,
Man-manu‘s pre-employment requirement cannot
be justified as a bona fide occupational
qualification, where the particular requirements
of the job would justify it. The said requirement
is not valid because it does not reflect an
A. MANAGEMENT PREROGATIVE inherent quality that is reasonably necessary for a
satisfactory job performance (Philippine
Telegraph and Telephone Company v. NLRC, G.R.
1. Discipline No. 118978, May 23, 1997).
3. Productivity Standard
8. Post-Employment Restrictions
4. Bonus
d) Holidays
c) Payment of Wages
e) Wage Distortion
f) Occupational Safety and Health
Standards Law (RA 11058)
(1) Concept
3. Leaves
(4) Workers' Right to Refuse Unsafe Work
[Sec. 6]
a) Service Incentive Leave
c) Paternity Leave
2. Wages
b) Principles
f) Compassionate Leaves
(a) What benefits can Tammy claim under
c) Kasambahays
existing social legislation? (4%)
b) POEA-Standard Employment Contract a) Nature and Aspect
3. Bargaining Representative
4. Rights of Labor Organizations
(B) basic salary plus the salary CBA
f) Fixed-Term
increases during the pendency of his
(C) basic salary plus the increases
g) Floating Status
mandated by wage orders issued during
the pendency of his case.
(D) basic salary at the time of dismissal.
3. Legitimate Subcontracting vs. (2011 Bar Exam)
Labor-Only Contracting
SUGGESTED ANSWER: (A) Basic salary plus the
regular allowances and the thirteenth month pay.
a) Elements
───※ ·❆· ※───
b) Trilateral Relationship QUESTION. Ms. T was caught in the act of
stealing the company property of her
employer. When Ms. T admitted to the
c) Solidary Liability commission of the said act to her manager, the
latter advised her to just tender her
resignation; otherwise, she would face an
B. TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT BY investigation which would likely lead to the
EMPLOYER termination of her employment and the filing
of criminal charges in court. Acting on her
manager’s advice, Ms. T submitted a letter of
1. Just Causes resignation. Later on, Ms. T filed a case for
constructive dismissal against her employer.
While Ms. T conceded that her manager spoke
2. Authorized Causes to her in a calm and unforceful manner, she
claimed that her resignation was not
completely voluntary because she was told
3. Due Process that should she not resign, she could be
terminated from work for just cause and worse
criminal charges could be filed against her.
a) Twin Notice Requirement
(a) What is the difference between resignation
and constructive dismissal? (2%) (2019 Bar
b) Hearing Exam)
Resources and calls the VP immediately to ask required appeal bond equivalent to the total
what was wrong. Karina is told over the phone amount of the monetary award, Filmore filed a
that one of her crew filed a complaint against Motion to Reduce the Appeal Bond to
her for verbal abuse and that management is P4,000,000.00 but submitted a surety bond in
duty-bound to investigate and give her a the amount of P4.9 million. Filmore cited
chance to air her side. Karina objects and financial difficulties as justification for its
denies that she had ever verbally assaulted inability to post the appeal bond in full owing
her crew. The VP then informed her that to the shutdown of its operations. It submitted
pending the investigation she will be placed on its audited financial statements showing a loss
a 30-day preventive suspension without pay of P40 million in the previous year. To show its
and that she will not be allowed to appear in good faith, Filmore also filed its Memorandum
the newscast during this time. of Appeal.
Is the preventive suspension of Karina valid? The NLRC dismissed the appeal for
Discuss the reasons for your answer. (4%) non-perfection on the ground that posting of
(2015 Bar Exam) an appeal bond equivalent to the monetary
award is indispensable for the perfection of
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes. Preventive suspension the appeal and the reduction of the appeal
is justified where the employee’s continued bond, absent any showing of meritorious
employment poses a serious and imminent threat grounds to justify the same, is not warranted.
to the life or property of the employer or of the Is the dismissal of the appeal correct? Explain.
employee’s co-workers. It may be imposed in the (5%) (2016 Bar Exam)
course of an investigation for a serious offense in
order to prevent him from causing harm or injury SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. In McBurnie v. Ganzon
to the company or fellow employees (Maricalum (G.R. Nos. 178034/18698485, Oct. 17, 2013),
Mining Corp. v. Decorion, G.R. No. 158673, Apr. NLRC made a serious error in denying outright the
12, 2006; Artificio v. NLRC, G.R. No. 172988, July motion to reduce the bond. Once the motion to
26, 2010). Given the physical proximity between reduce the appeal bond is accompanied by at
Karina Santos and the complaining crew, and the least 10% of the monetary awards, excluding
likelihood of a disciplinary action, the latter must damages and attorney's fees, the same shall
be protected from further verbal abuse. provisionally be deemed the reasonable amount
of the bond in the meantime that an appellant's
motion is pending resolution by the Commission.
Only after the posting of a bond in the required
percentage shall an appellant's period to perfect
an appeal under the NLRC Rules be deemed
suspended. The NLRC must resolve the motion
and determine the final amount of bond that
shail be posted by the appellant, still in
V. JURISDICTION AND REMEDIES accordance with the standards of meritorious
grounds and reasonable amount. Should the NLRC
later determine that a greater amount or the full
A. LABOR ARBITER amount of the bond needs to be posted by the
appellant, then the party shall comply
accordingly. The appellant has ten (10) days from
1. Jurisdiction of Labor Arbiter vs. notice of the NLRC order to perfect the appeal by
Jurisdiction of Regional Director posting the required appeal bond.
3. Power to Suspend Effects of Termination
4. Remedies
QUESTION. Briefly discuss the powers and
responsibilities of the following in the scheme
of the Labor Code:
(b) Bureau of Labor Relations (2%) (2019 Bar
1. Money Claims
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The BLR has original and
exclusive authority to act, at their own initiative
or upon request of either or both parties on: 2. Illegal Dismissal
1. All inter-union and intra-union conflicts,
2. All disputes, grievances or problems 3. Unfair Labor Practices
arising from or affecting
labor-management relations in all
workplaces, whether agricultural or 4. Offenses Under the Labor Code
non-agricultural, except those arising
from the implementation or
interpretation of collective bargaining 5. Illegal Recruitment
agreements which shall be the subject of
grievance procedure and/or voluntary QUESTION. For purposes of prescription,
arbitration (Article 232, Labor Code). within what periods from the time the cause of
action accrued should the following cases be
The BLR has appellate jurisdiction over: filed:
1. All cases originating from the Regional a. Money claims arising from
Director involving union registration or employer-employee relations (1%)
cancellation of certificates of union b. Illegal dismissal (1%)
registration and complaints for c. Unfair labor practice (1%)
examination of union books of accounts. d. Offenses under the Labor Code (1%)
e. Illegal recruitment (1%) (2019 Bar
a. Within 3 years from the time the cause of
1. Conciliation vs. Mediation action accrued or from the date it
becomes a legal possibility or can be
judicially brought (Art. 306, Labor Code;
F. NATIONAL CONCILIATION AND MEDIATION Art. 1150, Civil Code; Anabe v. Asian
BOARD Construction, G.R. 183233, Dec. 23,
b. Within 4 years from complete severance
H. DOLE SECRETARY of employer-employee relationship or
date of salary/positional downgrade (Art.
1146, Civil Code; Orchard Golf & Country
1. Jurisdiction Club v. Francisco, G.R. 178125, March 18,
c. Not later than 1 year from the date of
accrual or date of commission (Art. 305,
2. Visitorial and Enforcement Powers
Labor Code). As to its criminal aspect, it
shall be prosecuted within 3 years from
d. date of finality of the ULP judgment (Art.
305, Labor Code).
e. Within 3 years from date of commission
(Art. 305, Labor Code).
f. Within 5 years if it is simple illegal
recruitment, and within 20 years if
economic sabotage (Sec. 7, Rule IV, R.A.