Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Terms
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Terms
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Terms
Fluid Mechanics
Specific Volume – volume occupied by a unit mass of
- is a physical science that deals with the actions of
fluids at rest
Unit Weight - the weight of a unit volume of a
Fluid Mechanics can be subdivided into two major
Specific Gravity – dimensionless ratio of a fluid’s
Fluid Statics – deals with fluids at rest
density to some standard reference density
Fluid Dynamics – concerned with fluid in
motions Viscosity – the property of a fluid which determines
the amount of its resistance to shearing forces
Hydrodynamics – applied to the flow of liquids or to
low velocity gas flows where the gas can be Kinematic Viscosity – ratio of the dynamic viscosity
considered as being essentially incompressible of the fluid, to its mass density
Hydraulics – deals with the application of fluid
mechanics to engineering devices involving liquids, Surface Tension - a force within the surface layer
usually water or oil. of a liquid that causes the layer to behave as an
elastic sheet
Fluid - Any substance that flows or deforms -the membrane of skin that
continuously when subjected to shearing forces. seems to form on the free surface of a fluid is due
Two categories of fluids to the intermolecular cohesive forces
directions resist water pressure
Embankment Dam - gravity dam formed out of
Pascal - the pressure exerted onto a liquid a
loose rock, earth, or a combination of these
transmitted undiminished to all portions of the
Buttress Dam - consist of wall, or face,
Absolute Pressure – pressure above absolute
supported by several buttresses on the
downstream side
Gage Pressure – pressure above or below the
atmosphere and can be measured by pressure Buoyancy
gauges or manometers Archimedes Principle- Anybody immersed in a
fluid is subjected to an upward force called
Atmospheric pressure – pressure at any one point buoyant force equal to the weight of the displaced
on the earth surface from the weight of the air fluid.
above it.
Buoyant Force – the net upward force acting on
Vacuum - space that has all matter removed from
the body
Stability of Floating Bodies
Relative Pressure – pressure above or below the Metacenter – the point of intersection between
atmosphere and can be measure by pressure the axis of the body and the line of action of the
gauges or manometers buoyant force
inclined. -Uninterrupted flow in a fluid near
a solid boundary in which the direction of flow at
Fundamentals of Fluid Flow
every point remains constant.
Discharge or Flow Rate - amount of fluid passing
through a section per unit of time Turbulent Flow - when the path of individual
particles are irregular and continuously cross each
Discharge – the volume of liquid passing a cross
section of a stream
One-Dimensional Flow -This occurs when in an
Fluid may be: Steady or unsteady, uniform or non incompressible fluid, the direction and magnitude
uniform; continuous; laminar or turbulent; one of the velocity at all points are identical
dimensional, two dimensional or three dimensional;
Two-Dimensional Flow -This occurs when the fluid
and rotational irrotational
particles move in planes or parallel planes and the
streamline patterns are identical in each plane.
Steady Flow - the discharge Q passing a given cross
Rotational Flow -A type of flow in which the fluid
section is constant with time
particles rotate about their own axis while flowing
-Type of flow where the flow rate does along the streamlines is called a rotational flow.
not change over time.
Irrotational flow - If the fluid particles while
flowing along the streamline do not rotate about
Unsteady Flow - If the flow Q at the cross section
their own axis
varies with time
-Type of flow where the mean velocity Streamlines -These are imaginary curves drawn
of flow for a given length or reach is the same at every through a fluid to indicate the direction of motion
cross section. in various sections of the flow of the fluid system.
- Type of flow where at any time, Head -the amount of energy per pound or Newton
the discharge or flow rate at every section of of fluid.
the stream is the same. Kinetic Energy - the ability of fluid mass to do
work by virtue of its velocity.
Critical Flow -Type of flow in which, for a fixed rate
of flow, the specific energy is minimum. Elevation Energy -energy possessed by virtue of
its position with respect to the datum line.
Incompressible Flow -Type of flow in which the
Pressure energy -energy possessed by virtue of
density of the fluid is constant from
its pressure.
one point to another.
Total Flow Energy -sum of kinetic and the
potential energies
Laminar Flow – when the path of individual fluid
particles do not cross or intersect Power and Efficiency - the rate at which work
Bernoulli’s Energy Theorem Torriceli’s Theorem - The speed of efflux is equal
Bernoulli - in any stream flowing steadily without to the speed of free fall from the surface of the
friction the total energy contained is the same at reservoir
every point in its path of flow
Fluid Flow in Pipes
Bernoulli’s Principle - states that, " As the speed
Pipes - are closed conduits through which fluid or
of a moving fluid (liquid or gas) increases, the
gases flow
pressure within that fluid decreases, and vice
versa Laminar Flow – when the path of individual fluid
particles do not cross or intersect
Pump - used basically to increase head
Turbine – extract flow energy to do mechanical Turbulent Flow - when the path of individual
particles are irregular and continuously cross each
work which in turn converted into electrical energy
for turbines
Critical Velocity -the velocity below which all
Energy and Hydraulic Grade Lines
turbulence are damped out by the viscosity of the
Hydraulic Grade line -known as pressure gradient fluid.
hydraulic grade line
Reynolds Number – defines as the ration of inertia
- The graphical representation force to viscous force and interpreted as the ratio
of the total potential energy of flow. dynamic pressure to shearing stress
Hydraulic Gradient – a line joining the points of Head Losses in Pipe Flow
highest elevation of water of a series of vertical
open pipes rising from a pipeline in which water Head Losses in Pipe classified into
flows under pressure Major head loss - caused by pipe friction along
Energy Grade Line -Graphical representation of straight sections of pipe of uniform diameter
the total energy (the sum of kinetic and potential and uniform roughness
energies) Minor head loss – caused by changes in velocity
Fluid Flow Measurement or directions of flow an are commonly express in
terms of kinetic energy
Orifice – an opening with a closed perimeter
through which fluid flows -These changes may be due to
sudden contraction, sudden enlargement, valves,
Venturi Meter – an instrument used in bends, and any other pipe fittings
measuring the discharge through pipes
Open channel
Nozzle – a converging tube installed at the end of
a pipe or hose for the purpose of increasing the Specific Energy – defined as the energy per unit
velocity of the issuing jet weight relative to the bottom of the channel
Pitot Tube – used to measure the velocity of fluid Boundary Shear Stress – the average boundary
flow or velocity of air flow as used in airplane shear stress acting over the wetted surface of the
speedometer channel
Gates – an opening in a dam or other hydraulic Normal Depth - depth at which uniform flow will
structure to control the passage of water occur in an open channel
Weir – overflow structures which are built across Most efficient cross section – known as economical
are open channel for the purpose of measuring or sections, these are sections which for a given slope
controlling the flow of liquids S, channel cross sectional area A, and roughness n,
the rate of discharge is a maximum
Froude Number – It is a dimensionless value that 2. Friction Drag -the resultant of the shear
describes different flow regimes of open channel stress along the surface of the body in the
flow direction of motion.
Critical Depth - defined as the depth at which for Lift - component of the resultant force exerted
a given total head, the discharge is maximum, or by a fluid on a body PERPENDICULAR to the
conversely, the depth at which for a given flow, the relative motion of the body.
specific energy is minimum
Water hammer - a pressure surge or wave
Critical slope – slope required to give uniform flow caused when a fluid in motion is forced to stop
at critical depth is known as the critical slope Sb or change direction suddenly
2 Types of drags