Handbook LUBExpert Implementation Master Class BLOCK 1
Handbook LUBExpert Implementation Master Class BLOCK 1
Handbook LUBExpert Implementation Master Class BLOCK 1
LUBExpert Advocate
SDT International sa-nv • Bd de l’Humanité 415 • B-1190 Brussels (Belgium) • Tel: +32(0)2 332 32 25 • [email protected]
SDT North America • 7677 County Road 2, Cobourg, ON K9A 0X4 (Canada) • Phone: 1-800-667-5325 | 1-905-377-1313 • [email protected]
LUBExpert Implementation Master Class Handbook – BLOCK 1
This training is a result of years of field work, problems solving, failing, succeeding … in one-word,
collective knowledge of extremely passionate and dedicated people that proudly call themselves SDT
family. Benefit we want to deliver to you through this training is to gain knowledge and experience
without need of making all the mistakes that someone already done for you. Benefit WE want to get from
this training is to learn from your success in near future. And there is also a pleasure, pleasure of
transferring our passion to you.
LUBExpert Solution, both strategy and execution will be discussed through Why, What and How elements
of LUBExpert’s role in lubrication excellence and it will help you improve no matter what your position is;
Lubrication technician, Lubrication engineer or Reliability engineer or leader.
Your task, after successful completion of entire training and exam, will be to implement LUBExpert
strategy in your organization and deliver benefit. It is a complex task, but highly rewarding.
As LUBExpert Strategist you will be closely involved with Lubrication technicians, you will lead them, so
you need to know their job and difficulties they face. You will be closely involved with your top
management, you will report to them, so you need to know what benefits you are expected to deliver.
As LUBExpert Strategist, you will choose, train, and motivate your team, so you need to know what
questions to ask. You alone will take full responsibility for failures, but you will share credit for success
with all involved. Now you can properly read your title “Strategist” as - Leader
As LUBExpert Strategist, you will recognize the day when your program is fully and properly implemented.
That will be the day when nobody even notices the program, it becomes “the way we do things here”,
natural behavior.
As LUBExpert Specialist, you are the heart of the program, you make program alive. You hold the
technology in your hands, you deliver lubricant to bearings.
As LUBExpert Specialist, you have a privilege and responsibility of having a closest possible contact and
impact on critical assets; your work makes assets perform or fail. Success of the program is in your hands,
literally. Both Strategist and Advocate are there to clear the path for you to deliver benefit and success
As LUBExpert Advocate, you need to know why this program is important, what does it deliver, what does
it improve, and where are the benefits. And you need to deliver the message.
As LUBExpert Advocate, you can secure necessary support and open doors for change. You are a
godfather of the program.
This training will be concluded with exam. If you pay attention during training, you will be able to answer
all of them correctly. Upon successful completion of this training, we will take a pleasure and pride of
calling you a LUBExpert Advocate, Specialist or Strategist.
Our cooperation, support and friendship does not stop there, it begins in full meaning of that word.
You become a member of our family.
Your SDT team
LUBExpert Implementation Master Class Handbook – BLOCK 1
Table of Contents
1. Block 1 - LUBExpert Advocate ............................................................................ 3
1.1 Why do we need LUBExpert strategy? ..................................................... 3
1.1.1. What might be the problem with current practice? .......................................................... 3
1.1.2. Significance of LUBExpert strategy ..................................................................................... 9
1.1.3. Condition based lubrication mindset ............................................................................... 11
1.1.4. Benefits of LUBExpert strategy ........................................................................................ 13
1.2 What does success look like? ................................................................. 15
LUBExpert Implementation Master Class Handbook – BLOCK 1
But even at this stage, if you are being asked: “Why do we lubricate”, you do not belong to group of
people that will say ... because work order says so. You belong to group of people that will say: “We
lubricate to reduce friction and wear, to control temperature, to protect from corrosion”, and so on.
Those are correct answers.
But, at this point we need to go beyond that and introduce most correct and most complete answer
explaining why we lubricate, and probably the only answer that your management understands and
wants to hear:
“To achieve our business targets.”
At the end of the day, that is why we lubricate. Nothing romantic, nothing heroic there, it is all about
business targets – bottom line, money. Once you understand it, you will have no problem getting
support from your management
Viscosity index, friction coefficient or particle counting will never help you get support from your
management. But if your business target is to increase beer production by 10.000.000 bottles this
year, and your improved lubrication program is responsible for half of that - now you speak same
language as people responsible for economic survival of your company. Now your Lubrication makes
sense. Now everyone knows what you are doing - you are increasing our production by 5.000.000
bottles per year. That is your role in entire mission. That is the part of our profit that you create. Add
improved safety and positive environmental impact to your purpose and – you made your case.
What do we need LUBExpert to change? To be very simple and straightforward: “What makes
problems?” Defining a problem is surely first, and biggest, step towards solution.
To explain it the way I would like to explain it, it would probably take me a week, but that we can do
on some other occasion. Still, there are some very clear reasons, and they are so well exposed that
everyone who wants to see - will see
LUBExpert Implementation Master Class Handbook – BLOCK 1
Step 1
Just looking at the fact that between 40 and 80 % (depending on industry, region, company...)
bearing failures are rooted in Lubrication should be enough. Those number are available for years,
they are everywhere, but seems that some people accept it as “normal”.
Just to be clear … it is not about 40-80 % of the bearings themselves, their price in this entire story is
irrelevant. It is 40-80% of the downtime, work hours in repair, overtime, middle of the night phone
calls, collateral damage, lost product, lost clients, poor quality, urgent work, urgent spares shipping,
poor safety during urgent work – consequences.
Each consequence has a $ value. Still, value is never assigned to all consequences.
Sometimes to none of them, sometimes to some of them, but it seems that it is overlooked, or just
too scary to show the magnitude of the damage.
That value is huge, and cost of the bearing itself is actually - negligible.
Consider this as:
Step 1; Diagnosis No 1: No $ value assigned to the problem. No price – no problem
We can be even more pedantic and take a look at how much energy we waste to overcome friction,
and all those kW invested in fight with increased friction, and we will end up with quite interesting
additional amount. But let us look further.
Step 2
There is a question I asked hundreds of times and I will again ask it here:
How important is Lubrication, on scale 1 – 100 %?
Usually, I get answer that averages entire audience somewhere between 98- 100 %.
Excellent! So, we may assume that it is absolutely clear to everyone that Lubrication is strategic top
priority, no matter from what angle you observe it.
But, let us lift this up to a next level:
How many of you dream that their son will become a grease guy one day?
Average answer: ZERO!
Because it is a “dirty, poorly paid job that requires no education and everyone can do it”.
See the problem? Seems strange, right?
A noble and highly important profession degraded - for years.
Considering answer to my first question, one would assume that best of the best of the highly
trained and specialized engineers in each organization would be the only people authorized to walk
around with a grease gun. But it is not so. And that is quite a paradox.
Ask very simple question; Who can destroy my Reliability fastest? (probably, that is the person who
can also improve it, simply by not destroying it)
When you think about the answer, keep in mind that your Lubrication technician (grease guy) is the
one who has the most intimate, closest possible relationship with you rotating assets. He is the only
one to put something inside. Following statement comes from me, and I am not proud of it.
Honestly, it scares me. It should scare you as well.
“Give me 10 minutes and a grease gun, and I will destroy 10 electrical motors”
Your Lube tech can do it. Or not.
Consider this as:
Step 2: Diagnosis No2: Lubrication as highly important activity – DECLARATIVELY only
LUBExpert Implementation Master Class Handbook – BLOCK 1
Step 3
We still have many corners to look at.
Opposite to widely spread opinion that Lubrication is one of the activities that function as isolated
islands - one of the cubicles … it is not so.
Wherever the chain brakes, result is the same - bearings pay the price
Grease gun becomes a machine gun, and task designed to help bearings suddenly becomes their
worst nightmare.
Bearings do fail - they die by natural death, so to speak, and we accept that after certain number of
operating hours. But most of the bearing do not just simply fail – they get executed.
Remember what we said before about percentage of Lubrication related failures.
That is the same percentage of cold-blooded, planned executions.
Lubrication chain can fail in many ways, mostly when fine fibers within it are missing. Those fine
fibers are awareness, ownership, communication, discipline, control, responsibility, recognition.
If only one of the fibers is missing, no lubrication excellence can be achieved. It disintegrates.
LUBExpert Implementation Master Class Handbook – BLOCK 1
Step 4
Even in broken system, somebody is doing something, bearings are being greased (or have
something done to them). So, there is a system, and we can call it a strategy. Bad one, but it is there.
There are many strategies out there; from real nightmare to relatively disciplined but not precise
ones. Since they do not really qualify as a strategy, approach might be a better word. Some of them
LUBExpert Implementation Master Class Handbook – BLOCK 1
Step 5
Now, it is time to look deeper into the path that one lubrication task goes through.
Simplified, someone in charge of the job does some calculations (or simply look at the OEM
recommendations), generates work order and gives it to grease guy. Grease guy than goes out and
execute it. Same afternoon, grease guy comes back with same piece of paper, but now with all boxes
checked. Job done!
Is it?
Is job done, or orders executed?
Those are very different.
In details:
• You design the strategy;
• You make calculation;
• You generate work order;
• You give them to the grease guy;
• He goes out and execute those orders;
• He gives work order back to you with - all of the boxes checked.
That is all there is to support your responsibility!
But what can go wrong?
Nothing really, you are completely covered (sarcastically, of course).
One day someone will ask about 14 days of downtime and 3 million USD worth of lost production,
caused by Lubrication related failures, key client lost because of missed delivery dead line, …
because that is what really matters, and it is your responsibility.
“But, don’t worry, you are covered, you have a checkmark”.
LUBExpert Implementation Master Class Handbook – BLOCK 1
Step 6
Now, it is time to take a walk. Simple walk, with eyes wide open. Just walk around your facility, think
of it as a Gemba walk (as Mr. Jim Womack says), look how value is created and look at what is
stopping you to create value. There is one condition, one forbidden sentence: you may never think
or say … “That is normal”. This sentence will stop you from getting any benefit from this walk.
If you look good, you will see at least several horror details, as we all see every day (as it was shown
during the training)
What you have seen has nothing to do with technology. It is about culture.
Changing culture is probably the most difficult task organizations face. Think of culture as fertile
ground where your technology and knowledge can blossom.
While technology needs to answer What is done and How, culture is built on making it clear Why is it
done and Why that way. No matter how hard you try, improved culture is rarely achieved when
rules and procedures are used as a main tool
Rituals are procedures, rules. They occur as a result of first three elements. Keep that in mind. You
need to build values, beliefs … by teaching, explaining Why. Behavior and rituals come as a natural
Culture can only be built top down, but it can be destroyed both ways.
Make it easy and simple - it will sustain. It will be easy and simple only if everyone understands Why.
LUBExpert Implementation Master Class Handbook – BLOCK 1
We started this chapter with question “Why we need LUBExpert strategy?” and now we pretty much
have a clear answer. Reason to implement LUBExpert strategy lies in mentioned problems. Its task is
to remove them, and it was created to remove those problems in a very specific and unique way.
What is so unique about it?
Entire SDT team is deeply involved in Reliability improvement with all elements needed for that
process. Most of family members are implementing those improvements hand in hand with our
users, on daily basis. So, no sales talk, no empty promises, no magic wands, no cheap tricks. We are
responsible for the success. Working this way puts our team in a position that we actually need a
solution for our self, to use it, implement it, train our users and support them. It is as much for us as
it is for you. None of us is focused on anything else but – delivered benefit.
You, as LUBExpert strategist in your organization, are in the same position. All that matters are
benefits and everything you will read here are tools. Having this view from the inside, from the
center of warzone, creates a need for constant improvement and change.
As Heraclitus said, “Everything changes except change itself”, our mindset should not accept status
quo. Translated to present time industry terms; If you are doing it the same way you did it last year -
it is probably wrong.
Understanding LUBExpert strategy as an instrument is wrong and in conflict to entire philosophy
behind it. If you accept it as instrument, you will end up with tool, not a strategy. That is the reason
why we have this wide discussion that talks more about Reliability than about solution itself.
LUBExpert is a solution, and instrument is one of its elements, keep that in mind.
When we say LUBExpert from now on, we refer to LUBExpert strategy, and we actually mean:
• Instrument;
• Software;
• Training/how to;
• Support/Guidance.
Each of the elements was built with one thing in mind; Move problems away and keep them away.
At this point, let us talk about philosophy behind LUBExpert in segments of Instrument and software:
LUBExpert instrument and UAS software are creating a concept of work and enabling team to build
and steer strategy through critical elements:
• Responsibility;
• Ownership;
• Communication;
• Good, easy to get data;
• Discipline;
• Control.
Each of those elements must be precisely built-in into strategy, it will be fabric of your strategy.
Software you will be using is not only an interface to display measurement.
LUBExpert Implementation Master Class Handbook – BLOCK 1
LUBExpert Implementation Master Class Handbook – BLOCK 1
LUBExpert Implementation Master Class Handbook – BLOCK 1
Mindset of Condition Monitoring people is, essentially, trained not to accept time as a rule, but to
believe in condition determined based on measurement – based on evidence.
On top of that, all CM people will unanimously say that Lubrication is critically important.
Still, most of them give their silent blessing that very same critically important job is done based on
time. Same time they do not believe in.
Quite a paradox, isn’t it?
Looking at this entire time-evidence transformation process from present time ... I would improve
both “do” and “observe” part in one unique process. Condition Monitoring and Lubrication, equally.
Entire LUBExpert strategy transforms Lubrication practice to fit in the same work frame and same
mindset that we all know from Condition Monitoring. EVIDENCE BASED. It is never too late.
You will see, at least those of you who will implement this solution, how natural and how aligned
with common sense of all stakeholders it is.
In essence, it is driven by very same questions you should ask yourself every single time you take
something as lethal as grease gun in your hands:
• Does it need grease?
• How much?
• Is it better now?
Each of those questions is Mt. Everest of complexity, but there are brains within both LUBExpert and
UAS to do it for you. Still, it essential to understand the importance of those three questions and
keep them in mind at all times.
As Lube team now works in the same way as Condition Monitoring and collecting extremely valuable
data, it becomes a first line of defense in full meaning of that word. That is now reality.
Until now, there was quite usual practice that CM team sometimes recommends lubrication. It is not
a secret that when Vibration analysis team is not completely sure what might be a problem, they
simply say to Lubrication technician to put some grease in there. “Maybe it is lubrication issue”.
Used as a Panadol, lubrication does not bring much benefit. Combining time-based lubrication with
occasional request coming from Condition Monitoring team really makes a lot of damage.
LUBExpert Solution changes that completely:
First, lubrication is done precisely, so when something strange occurs, it is not Lubrication issue.
Condition Monitoring team can be confident about that, cross it off the possible causes list and focus
on other reasons of anomaly.
Secondly, data collected by Lubrication team and bearing statuses are actually - Condition
Monitoring. If Condition Monitoring team is following that data, they surely know if they need to
visit certain asset before scheduled time, or maybe it does not need to be visited at all. It makes a
huge difference in time management and focusing resources to where it is needed.
Doctors now have nurses to make a triage. Works in medicine - works here.
Does it make Lube team and CM team practically one big team?
Formally, not necessarily, but practice will show you that they are naturally inseparable.
LUBExpert Implementation Master Class Handbook – BLOCK 1
Instead of being isolated island, LUBExpert strategy in Lubrication makes you look at the wider area.
While there is clear vertical chain connecting Management, Lubrication strategist and Lubrication
technician into previously mentioned Lubrication chain, look how many different areas and
departments interact with Lubrication in some way. Those connections were there forever but were
not used. You can see your Lubrication chain: from Lube technicians up to management level, but
you also see how many different departments Lubrication impacts or is being impacted by, and
sometimes both.
Once diagnosed problems are removed, most of those connections will be restored with three key
• Data;
• Benefit;
• Communication.
But, sustainable change works on completely different mechanisms and represents huge challenge.
This could be a huge topic for another training, although we will be mentioning it here almost in
each module
Once LUBExpert solution is implemented, it changes everything about how the work is performed,
but it also has a huge impact to the team and entire culture. Culture is sustainable only if it is clearly
understood and easily put to work.
Make it complicated, it does not work.
Make it additional burden, it does not work.
If it is natural part of the workflow, it will be done.
LUBExpert Implementation Master Class Handbook – BLOCK 1
Considering all details that LUBExpert workflow takes care about, every single step can be traced,
and nothing can be hidden. That brings us to Responsibility part mentioned before. If it can be
controlled easily, it will be controlled, and that makes everyoneﹸs responsibility clear.
LUBExpert Implementation Master Class Handbook – BLOCK 1