The effect of digital accounting accounting in
systems on the decision-making the banking
quality in the banking industry
sector: a mediated-moderated
model Received 19 January 2022
Revised 19 February 2022
Accepted 19 February 2022
Manaf Al-Okaily
School of Business, Jadara University, Irbid, Jordan
Rasha Alghazzawi
Department of Accounting, Princess Sumaya University for Technology,
Amman, Jordan
Abeer F. Alkhwaldi
Department of Management Information Systems, College of Business,
Mutah University, Karak, Jordan, and
Aws Al-Okaily
Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
Purpose – Recently, the increasing development of digital accounting systems has raised their effects on the
quality of decision-making. Consequently, this research aims to evaluate the effects of digital accounting
.systems success factors on the advancement of decision-making quality in Jordanian banks
Design/methodology/approach – The questionnaires were sent to 187 decision-makers who are actual
users of digital accounting systems in Jordanian banks. A quantitative research approach was adopted to test
the proposed research model based on the partial least squares-structural equation modeling method.
Findings – The empirical results of the current research revealed that data and information quality had a
significant impact on the overall decision-making quality with the digital accounting systems, whereas system
quality had an insignificant impact on it. The results empirical also confirmed that information quality has
mediated the relationship between data and system quality and decision-making quality. Eventually, analytical
decision-making culture has moderated the relationship between information quality and decision-making quality.
Originality/value – The current research will provide attractive implications and recommendations for
practitioners, accounting managers and decision-makers about evaluating the effect of digital accounting
systems on improving the decision-making quality in Jordanian banks.
Keywords Digitalization, Jordanian banks, Digital accounting, Jordanian context, PLS-SEM,
Decision-making quality
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
All business entities must have a functional accounting department to operate correctly. Global Knowledge, Memory and
Even nonprofitable entities are operated by choices that are taken based on different © Emerald Publishing Limited
financial reports (Kapoor and Goel, 2017). As the storm of technology has hit the whole wide DOI 10.1108/GKMC-01-2022-0015
GKMC world in the past few decades, it was only a matter of time until it reached day to day
professions. Technological advancements shaped a new way of performing various tasks
within the accounting profession, resulting in a whole new revolution growing every day
(Smith, 2015). At first, automation aimed to reduce the workload on accountants by using
technology in performing redundant tasks and shifting their attention to more advanced
situations, which led to a major increase in their productivity. Accountants used to work
using papers and calculators to make the records and verify whether the ledgers were
accurate. However, nowadays, it is all about using new accounting information systems and
tools that have dramatically changed the accounting profession to be much more efficient
(Schmitz and Leoni, 2019).
Digital accounting systems is traditionally known as a system that an organization uses
to collect and process its financial data and information so that it can be used by decisions-
makers, thus enhancing organizational performance (Dagiliene and Šutiene, 2019; Huy and
Phuc, 2020). However, current digital accounting systems differ from earlier ones in several
ways, especially as software nowadays deals with Big Data, which has created new data
mining opportunities (Balios, 2021; Oatley, 2021). Further, the implication of blockchain
technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) are driving the current and next movement of
digital transformation (Sandner et al., 2020). Blockchain, for example, can increase security
and transparency by providing a joint ledger (Diedrich, 2016).
With all the previously mentioned and several other technological advancements in
several fields including accounting, the term business intelligence became more widely used
in literature (Niu et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2020; Wieder and Ossimitz, 2015; Popovic et al.,
2012). Business intelligence can be described as computerized methods of turning data into
information (Pirttimäki et al., 2006), which is ultimately used to improve organizational
decision-making (Dagiliene and Šutiene, 2019; Popovic et al., 2012). There is no doubt that
the business intelligence concept includes digital accounting systems (Rikhardsson and
Yigitbasioglu, 2018), which is the focus of the current study. Even though it is not clearly
understood how the investment in business intelligence is linked to the value of a business
(Krishnamoorthi and Mathew, 2018; Mithas et al., 2013), the business intelligence market has
presented and expected to present a significant and growing percentage of market share
(Klisarova-Belcheva, 2017).
The information generated by these systems benefits the success of organizations.
However, if it is not really put to use in the decision-making, this information will have little
influence on an organization’s ultimate performance (Al-Okaily, 2021). Researchers in the
field of information systems, inclusive of accounting software, have a gap to fill related to
the relationship between digital accounting systems and business success, which remains
unclear until now (Schryen, 2013). Further, organizations today require evaluating the
benefits and costs of digital accounting systems to justify the expenditure and document its
contribution to the organization’s value (Petter et al., 2008, 2012). Thus, the entity’s value can
be easily linked to the quality of the decision-making process. For instance, LaValle et al.
(2011) document that top-performing organizations use rigorous analysis to make decisions
at twice the rate of lower-performing ones. These analyses are used to shape strategies and
support daily decisions-making processes.
On the other hand, the expected benefits of digital systems could not always be achieved
if the organizations ignore factors affecting how to use the information provided by these
systems (Al-Okaily, 2021; Sharma and Yetton, 2003). For successful information systems,
organizations must excel not only in establishing the technological part of the systems, but
also in promoting a positive environment of use of information, especially in the attitude of
using the information in decision-making processes (Popovic et al., 2012). Moreover, the use
of these systems in some cases is optional, so we can expect a more substantial impact of Digital
analytical culture in these voluntary settings. Analytical culture may have significant accounting in
implications on the quality of decision-making. Many studies (Puspitawati, 2021; Ahmed,
2021; Jasim and Raewf, 2020) neglect factors affecting how the information provided by
the banking
these systems is used, which produce a gap the researchers try to fill in this study. The topic industry
of success of digital accounting systems has only gradually evolved in recent literature and
there have been a few attempts to research the impact of digital accounting systems on
organizational decision quality. However, there is still a large gap to be filled, particularly
regarding the culture of the analytical decision-making that contributes to the system’s
success. The analytical decision-making dimension is added to the model of this study and
its moderation effect on the association between information quality and decision-making
quality is examined to contribute to the open question in the literature in this regard.
ık et al. (2013) suggest that the benefits of business intelligence have not been sufficiently
researched and thus need further attention, especially as the implementation of these systems
is complex and requires considerable resources that need to be justified (Yeoh and Popovic,
2016). However, none of the earlier studies has provided an in-depth analysis of digital
accounting success in Jordan. Mainly as the success of these systems depends on the quality of
many factors, including data, information and the systems quality, as documented by several
studies in other contexts (Al-Okaily and Al-Okaily, 2022; Ouiddad et al., 2020; Wieder and
Ossimitz, 2015; Popovic et al., 2012). Consequently, our study aims to provide a comprehensive
understanding in a Jordanian context of the relationships among success dimensions. This
paper carries original insights regarding digital accounting success through the inclusion of
diverse segments of digital accounting systems and an analytical decision-making culture in
the model. It can be predicted that the evaluation of the relationships between the dimensions
of such a model will permit the understanding of its factors of success.
Considering all the developments in the digital accounting systems, which are claimed to
be advancements of the previous settings (Gonzales, 2011), this research examines if the
current digital accounting systems succeeded in enabling better organizational decision-
making quality? The key contribution of this research is to propose a theoretical model to
measure the digital accounting effect on decision-making quality using the DeLone and
McLean modified success model in developing countries (i.e. Jordan). As a theoretical
development, this research also extended and altered the model by integrating the cultural
factor as a critical factor of digital accounting contribution to decision-making quality. In
addition to this context-specific contribution and the theoretical expansion, our study also
reduces the knowledge gap regarding the success of digital accounting systems by
particularly operationalizing the dimensions on an organizational level among Jordanian
banks listed in Amman Stock Exchange.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a literature
review. Then, hypotheses are developed in Section 3, along with a brief illustration of the
theoretical underpinning. The research model is then conceptualized in Section 4. Sections 5
and 6 presented and discussed the study results. The last two sections are dedicated to
implications, limitations and directions for future work.
2. Literature review
Toward the end of the 20th century, wireless networking technology began to emerge, the
intranet and extranet began to change the way accountants’ access and share information
between them and their outside surroundings. Moreover, social media established a new
way of communication between accountants and their clients. Nowadays, technological
GKMC inventions aim to dramatically change the accounting profession more than ever (Belfo and
Trigo, 2013; Dimitriu and Matei, 2014).
Digital revolutions have affected the business world tremendously by changing and
developing immensely. Entities have been forced to familiarize themselves and cope with
new and upcoming trends due to increased technological growth and the need to operate
emerging technologies. Automation has been in progress to cultivate in connected business,
such as the auditing sector, where four key concepts, as documented by experts, have been
exposed to be important to the automation; cloud accounting, IoT, blockchain and big data.
These approaches were opening to be known in the accounting sector and researchers are
also highlighting their potentials to create automation in accounting. Accountants now have
the time to spend on more sophisticated analysis and achieve statistical accounting with
better competence to forecast the firm’s financial state (Zhang et al., 2020).
When the four previously mentioned concepts are introduced in the accounting field in
various amounts, they generate the opportunity for electronic reading, analysis and
transmission of the necessary information for accounting procedures (Zhang et al., 2020;
Qasim and Kharbat, 2020; Moll and Yigitbasioglu, 2019). When they are correctly
collaborating, there is a considerable chance to decrease the manual records by individuals
and a single individual can disclose exclusively in the technology to prepare all of the
accounting records (Uwadiae, 2015). For example, blockchain technology helped in several
aspects of the accounting field. First, because almost all the documents are automated, it is
easy to direct them for numerous other applications. Second, all the members have
admission on all the transactions on the blockchain; therefore, it raises the audit capability
and reliance. Finally, it reduces fraud since the changes on the blocks are extremely hard; as
a result, it might occur very rarely and even if it occurred, all the participants could realize
such an alteration happened. The other benefit of using blockchain in this manner is that
two parties contributing to a deal can exchange the invoice through the blockchain, which
marks the transaction procedure faster, paperless and also avoid any misused (Fanning and
Centers, 2016). Applying this technology, as the application of all other new technologies,
has its difficulties, weaknesses and harmful effects. There is a debate that there are not
enough tools to make sure that the system works as it is supposed to, which leads to the
little dependability of the system (Qasim and Kharbat, 2020)
With all these technological innovations, the term business intelligence became more
common in literature (Niu et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2020; Wieder and Ossimitz, 2015; Popovic
et al., 2012). Business intelligence can be defined as the various computerized methods of
converting data into information (Pirttimäki et al., 2006), which is eventually used to
enhance the process of decision-making (Dagiliene and Šutiene, 2019; Popovic et al., 2012).
Digital accounting systems are an essential part of business intelligence tools (Rikhardsson
and Yigitbasioglu, 2018), which is the focus of the current study.
On the other hand, decision quality measures the extent to which the outcomes of a
decision match the expectations within an organization (Visinescu et al., 2017). Previous
studies showed that decision quality is influenced by several factors, including the
information quality of the decision-making process. However, practitioners and academic
research suggest that, in many entities, users do not necessarily make the connection
between the decision-making process and their business intelligence capabilities (Visinescu
ık et al., 2013).
et al., 2017; Is
Figure 1.
Research model
GKMC Furthermore, because providing high-quality information for decision-making includes
processing data in a way that is useful for users, this implies that data quality is an
antecedent of information quality. Hence, it is logical to anticipate that high-quality data
contribute to better information. Accordingly, we also hypothesis the following:
H4. Information quality mediates the relationship between data quality and decision-
making quality.
H5. Information quality mediates the relationship between system quality and decision-
making quality.
4. Research methodology
4.1 Instrument measurement
The questionnaire used constructs and measures that have been validated in the prior
literature. The measures were selected based on related literature to ensure validity and
reliability. For example, four items were derived from the work of Lin et al. (2006) and Gable
et al. (2008) to assess system quality that covered the technical characteristics of the digital
accounting system. Four measures also were taken from prior literature to measure
information quality (Lin et al., 2006; Gable et al., 2008), which assessed the features of
information provided by the digital accounting system. For data quality, four items were
derived from Torres and Sidorova (2019) study that was used in this research to assess the
data underlying digital accounting system solutions in terms of accuracy, comprehensive,
correct and consistent. To gauge analytical decision-making culture, we used three indicator
acquired from Popovic et al. (2012) study. Decision-making quality was evaluated using four
items adapted from a study by Alalwan et al. (2014) and Ouiddad et al. (2020) that assessed
the impact of digital accounting systems on decision-making quality. All measurement
GKMC items were displayed in Appendix 1 and were assessed using a five-point Likert scale of 1
(strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).
Figure 2.
Measurement model
DMQ 0.838
Table 3. DQ 0.760 0.684
Heterotrait-monotrait IQ 0.702 0.704 0.845
(HTMT) ratio SQ 0.821 0.610 0.555 0.524
validity is well-established when the AVE of a single factor is greater than the squared
multiple correlations of that factor with other factors (Hair et al., 2014; Hair et al., 2011).
Therefore, in agreement with that, discriminant validity in the Fornell and Larcker principle
exists if the diagonal items are greater than other off-diagonal items in the rows and
columns. As shown in Table 4, the values in a bold font represent the square root of AVE of
all factors. In this regard, it is found that the square root of the AVE of each of the 12 latent
factors is higher than its correlation with any other factor in the path model.
The cross-loadings is the third way used to evaluate discriminant validity which focuses
on the items’ cross-loadings where an item expected to load more on its proposed factor than
the other factors (Hair et al., 2014). As displayed in Table 5, the outcomes showed that all
factors load higher on their corresponding factors than other factors in the path model.
Therefore, the analysis indicates that most factors and signals in the track model show
ADMC 0.874
DMQ 0.759 0.927
Table 4. DQ 0.614 0.584 0.769
Fornell–Larcker IQ 0.623 0.657 0.738 0.898
correlation matrix SQ 0.729 0.568 0.464 0.479 0.890
accounting in
ADMK1 0.908 0.757 0.584 0.594 0.713 the banking
ADMK2 0.892 0.650 0.505 0.539 0.660
ADMK3 0.820 0.561 0.518 0.490 0.518 industry
DMQ1 0.666 0.929 0.493 0.564 0.498
DMQ2 0.706 0.955 0.542 0.613 0.527
DMQ3 0.700 0.917 0.557 0.643 0.521
DMQ4 0.735 0.905 0.567 0.613 0.554
DQ1 0.498 0.467 0.834 0.652 0.394
DQ2 0.454 0.448 0.766 0.563 0.329
DQ3 0.463 0.415 0.738 0.529 0.356
DQ4 0.474 0.464 0.733 0.515 0.347
IQ1 0.564 0.621 0.649 0.903 0.441
IQ2 0.573 0.568 0.651 0.882 0.420
IQ3 0.560 0.571 0.689 0.930 0.430
IQ4 0.540 0.601 0.660 0.876 0.430
SQ1 0.593 0.489 0.400 0.421 0.860
SQ2 0.650 0.524 0.410 0.426 0.905 Table 5.
SQ3 0.677 0.533 0.438 0.443 0.938 Cross-loadings
SQ4 0.675 0.471 0.405 0.415 0.854 correlation matrix
acceptable discriminant validity. Therefore, as a conclusion, the proposed path model has an
adequate level of validity and reliability.
After verifying the measurement model, the subsequent stage in the PLS analysis is
assessing the structural model and hypotheses testing. Table 6 below shows the sum-
up of results after examining the hypotheses of this study (path coefficients- b ). First,
results mainly show that decision-making quality is significantly and positively
affected by IQ and DQ that have the highest influential role among other drivers of
decision-making quality, which means that all of these hypotheses were supported. In
contrast, an insignificant relationship between SQ and DMQ has been found, which
does not agree with the relevant hypothesis and was not supported. On the other hand,
data quality and SQ have a significant and positive influence on IQ, which agrees with
the current hypotheses. As shown in Figure 3, results supported the postulated
hypotheses by examining the mediating effect of trust. This point out that IQ has
partially mediated the association between both data quality and system quality with
decision-making quality. Finally, ADMK has moderated the association between IQ
and DMQ, as displayed in Figure 4.
Figure 3.
Result of hypotheses
Decision-Making Quality
3.5 Moderator
3 Low Analytical Decision-
Making Culture
2 High Analytical Decision-
Figure 4. Making Culture
Moderating role of 1.5
analytical decision-
making culture
Low Information Quality High Information Quality
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Further reading
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technology (IT) on modern accounting systems”, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences,
Vol. 28, pp. 112-116.
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