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The simplest solution for water

pollution prevention is to be responsible with

any chemical use:
 Read and explicitly follow the directions
for mixing and use.
 Use organic options whenever possible.

Check your local stormwater division for

 Prevent spills. As spills are generally

accidental, prepare in advance to

contain and absorb the solution if there
is a spill.
 Don’t leave the unused chemicals

exposed to weather. Dispose of the

leftover chemicals and container
properly per the product instructions, or
check with your local municipality.
 Do not apply near water systems such

as wells, streams, lakes, or curb

2. Never dispose of cooking fats and oils
by pouring them down the sink.
Not only can this seriously clog up your
drains, but it can also cause disease and
illness to spread in your local water supply.
This is a big problem with groundwater
contamination in yards, so if you have a well
you should be doubly concerned with properly
disposing of fat, grease, and oil. If these
substances get stuck in pipes, they can leach
into the surrounding soil easily. They attract
bacteria almost right away, and those bacteria
contribute to the spread of disease in water
3. Plant trees or any plants near bodies of
So that when it rains, the topsoil with personal
chemicals will not get washed away. Big trees
will help prevent soil erosion. When the soil is
eroded, the pesticides and chemicals on the
land will be washed away and carried on the
sea. But if there are big trees to stop the
eroding of the soil, the Oceans will be
protected !
4. Do not make your toilet as your
Do not flush unnecessary things in the toilet
because this will only clog up your drains.
Most tissues, wrappers, dust cloths, and other
paper goods should be properly discarded in
a wastebasket. Throwing them in your toilet is
unsustainable, and it will only lead to massive
pollution in the end…

5. Avoid using plastics if possible

especially when dining
Say no to straws, plastic cups, and plastic
utensils when you dine and get out in the
Around the world, one million plastic drinking
bottles are purchased every minute, while up
to 5 trillion single-use plastic bags are used
worldwide every year. In total, half of all
plastic produced is designed to be used only
once — and then thrown away ! Here a 4
simple ways to reduce your plastic
consumption :
REFUSE disposable plastic whenever and
wherever possible. Choose items that are not
packaged in plastic, and carry your own bags,
containers and utensils. Say ‘no straw,
REDUCE your plastic footprint. Cut down on
your consumption of goods that contain
excessive plastic packaging and parts. If it will
leave behind plastic trash, don’t buy it.
REUSE durable, non-toxic straws, utensils, to-
go containers, bottles, bags, and other
everyday items. Choose glass,
paper, Stainless steel Straws, wood, ceramic
and bamboo over plastic.
RECYCLE what you can’t refuse, reduce or
reuse. Pay attention to the entire life cycle of
items you bring into your life, from source to
manufacturing to distribution to disposal.
6. Do your part by picking up some litter
that you see in the environment.
Especially near rivers, rivers carry plastic
waste from deep inland to the sea, making
them major contributors to Ocean pollution. A
staggering 8 million tonnes of plastic end up in
the world’s oceans every year.
How does it get there? A lot of it comes from
the world’s rivers, which serve as direct
conduits of trash from the world’s cities to the
marine environment. 90% of plastic polluting
our oceans comes from just 10 rivers…
Kids collect and recycle garbage below the
Old Iron Bridge, on the polluted Yamuna river.
7. Ensure minimal use of bleach or
Water pollution by chemicals (such as
detergents) is a big concern in the global
context. Many laundry detergents contain
approximately 35 percent to 75 percent
phosphate salts. Phosphates can cause a
variety of water pollution problems. For
example, phosphate tends to inhibit the
biodegradation of organic substances.
During cleaning of laundry or cutleries, it is
vital to minimize the use of bleach and
detergents. Instead, you can persist on only
using phosphate-free detergents and soaps.
8. Practice tree planting
Trees are the unsung heroes of urban life. It’s
hard to overstate their benefits: They filter
pollution out of the air, lower our energy bills,
undercut the misery of summer heat, raise
property values…
Planting trees reduce the speed of surface
water runoff and as such, lessens erosion and
prevents toxic substances and chemicals from
washing into water systems. Trees are
excellent at managing stormwater. In
essence, they act like mini-reservoirs,
capturing and storing rainfall and melting
snow. This helps reduce the volume of
stormwater runoff that enters our
So if you live next to a water body, please
take this initiative today and plant trees and
vegetation covers such as flowers, grass, and
The Nature Conservancy
9. Watch how much water you use
You might be surprised to find out just how
much water you use in a day and how much
you can save on water and on your water bill.
For example, when brushing your teeth, make
sure to turn off the tap while you do so
10. Eat More Organic Food
While chemicals can be used on organic
foods, they tend to be produced with few
synthetic chemicals. Eating organic reduces
the amount of chemical pollution that ends up
in the water.
The food we choose to eat has a huge impact
on environmental quality, between the
chemicals used to grow food, the fuel used to
transport the crops, and the fuel used to
power farm equipment on industrial farms.
11. Keep Your Vehicles from Leaking
Spilt oil can pollute streams, rivers and, if it
soaks through the soil and rock, groundwater.
Oil pollution can have a devastating effect on
the water environment, it spreads over the
surface in a thin layer that stops oxygen
getting to the plants and animals that live in
the water.
Just 1 litre of oil can contaminate 1 million
litres of water.
This runoff problem is easy to treat, just be
diligent about maintaining and repairing your

12. Buy Sustainable Meats

While we all enjoy a hamburger from time to
time, it is important to think about the impact
of factory farms on our water supply. These
farms produce huge amounts of waste, which
ends up harming the nearby water supplies.
Whenever possible, buy sustainable meats
instead of those produced at factory farms.
13. Support Environmental Charities
No matter where you live in the country, there
are going to be charities working on
watershed protection, water pollution cleanup,
and similar causes. Find an organization
that’s active in your area and make a donation
every year. Your support may even lead to
expanded anti-pollution work.
14. Laws and Regulations
Laws and regulations can also help to prevent
and mitigate pollution, if they are effectively
designed and enforced. Local, state and
federal laws, as well as international efforts,
set limits on pollution and create
accountability for those who might otherwise
dump contaminants.
For these regulations to work well, they
should be based on science and designed in
a way that prevents loopholes and makes
them easy to understand. They also need to
be enforced honestly without improper
15. Shop with Water Pollution in Mind
You can avoid issues with household
chemicals and pesticides by not buying
products that contain persistent and
dangerous chemicals in the first place. Many
companies now sell non-toxic cleaners and
biodegradable cleaners and pesticides.
Spending a little extra money on those
products automatically cuts down on water

In sum, water pollution is caused by all
citizens, whether those are small-scale unto
huge oil spills and waste disposals by big
factories. Everything that we do will ultimately
cause the destruction of the bodies of water,
from disposing plastics in the sea, flushing of
drugs in the toilet, or using pesticides for the
plants in our garden.
However, we still have time to prove our worth
in this planet and save mother earth from
destruction. We must change our lifestyle and
live simple. Go green, save the water and
Spread this solutions to water pollution around
you 💧
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