Research Methods
Research Methods
Research Methods
➢ Introduction.
➢ What is research.
➢ Key aspects of research in electrical/electronics eng.
➢ Types Of Research.
➢ Research Methods versus Methodology.
➢ Research process
➢ Research process in the field of electrical engineering
Meaning Of Research
❖ in common parlance refers to a ❖ Research in electrical engineering
search for knowledge. involves the systematic
❖ a scientific and systematic investigation and exploration of
search for pertinent information various aspects related to electrical
on a specific topic. systems, devices, and technologies.
❖ is an art of scientific ❖ It aims to advance the field by
investigation. developing new knowledge, solving
complex problems, and improving
existing systems.
Some key aspects of research in electrical engineering
❖ Energy Systems: Research in electrical engineering often explores
sustainable and efficient energy systems, such as renewable energy
sources (solar, wind, etc.), energy storage, and smart grid
Some key aspects of research in electrical engineering
❖ Control Systems: Research may focus on developing control
algorithms and systems to regulate electrical processes, such as
robotics, automation, and mechatronics.
Some key aspects of research in electrical engineering
❖ Safety and Reliability: Ensuring the safety and reliability of
electrical systems is a critical aspect of research, especially in
applications like aerospace, medical devices, and critical
Some key aspects of research in electrical engineering
Types Of Research
Quantitative Research: Qualitative Research:
Methodology: Involves the Methodology: Focuses on
collection and analysis of exploring and understanding the
numerical data through structured underlying motivations, beliefs,
and standardized methods. and behaviors of individuals or
Examples: Surveys, experiments, groups. It typically involves non-
content analysis, and statistical numerical data.
analysis. Examples: In-depth interviews,
focus groups, content analysis,
and ethnography.
Types Of Research
Descriptive Research: Explanatory Research:
Purpose: To provide an Purpose: To determine the reasons
accurate and detailed account or or causes behind a particular
description of a particular phenomenon.
phenomenon or subject. Focus: Investigating the
Focus: Documenting what relationships between variables and
exists, without manipulating explaining why something occurs.
variables. Examples: Causal research,
Examples: Case studies, experimental studies.
observational studies, surveys.
Types Of Research
Cross-Sectional Research: Longitudinal Research:
Time Frame: Data is Time Frame: Data is collected
collected from a single point over an extended period, often
in time. involving multiple data collection
Purpose: Examining a points.
population or phenomenon at Purpose: Studying changes and
a specific moment. trends over time.
Examples: Opinion polls, Examples: Cohort studies, panel
one-time surveys. surveys, tracking the development
of a technology.
Types Of Research
Action Research: Interdisciplinary Research:
Purpose: To address practical Purpose: Combining knowledge and
issues or problems in a real- methodologies from multiple fields to
world setting and bring about address complex problems.
change. Focus: Collaboration between
Focus: Collaboration between researchers with diverse expertise.
researchers and practitioners to Examples: Studying the
solve specific issues. environmental impact of a new
Examples: Improving teaching technology, like nanotechnology,
methods in a classroom, which involves expertise from
enhancing customer service in engineering, environmental science,
a business. and social sciences.
Types Of Research
Experimental Research: Non-Experimental Research:
Methodology: Involves Methodology: Does not
manipulating variables and involve manipulation of
measuring their effects in variables; it observes and
controlled settings. measures naturally occurring
Purpose: To establish phenomena.
cause-and-effect Purpose: Often descriptive or
relationships. exploratory in nature.
Examples: Clinical trials Examples: Observational
for a new drug, laboratory studies, surveys, content
experiments in psychology. analysis.
Choice Of Research Type
Research Methods versus Methodology
❖"Research method" and "research methodology" are related but
distinct concepts in the context of conducting research.
Research Methods versus Methodology
Research Method
❖Definition: A research method refers to the specific techniques,
procedures, or processes that researchers use to collect and analyze data
during a research study.
❖Focus: Research methods are concerned with the practical aspects of how
data is gathered, measured, and analyzed. They answer the question, "How
will the research be conducted?"
❖Examples: Common research methods include surveys, experiments, case
studies, interviews, content analysis, observations, and statistical analysis.
❖Variety: There are numerous research methods available, and researchers
choose the method that best suits their research questions and goals.
❖Application: Researchers may use one or more research methods within a
single study, depending on the complexity of the research project.
Research Methods versus Methodology
Research Methodology
❖ Definition: Research methodology, is a broader framework that outlines the
philosophy, approach, and principles that guide the entire research process. It
encompasses the overall strategy for conducting research.
❖ Focus: Research methodology deals with the theoretical and philosophical aspects
of research, including the rationale for using specific methods, the theoretical
underpinnings, and the logic behind research design.
❖ Components: Research methodology includes elements such as the research
design, data collection techniques, data analysis methods, ethical considerations,
and the overall approach to knowledge generation.
❖ Application: Researchers define their research methodology at the outset of a
study to provide a systematic and structured plan for conducting research.
❖ Example: A researcher might choose a qualitative research methodology,
indicating an approach that prioritizes understanding human behavior and
experiences through in-depth interviews, participant observations, and content
analysis. This methodology provides the overarching framework for how17 the
research will be conducted.
Research Methods versus Methodology
Research Process
❖ The research process is a systematic, organized, and
structured sequence of steps or activities that
researchers follow to investigate a topic, answer
research questions, or test hypotheses.
❖ This process is designed to ensure the quality, rigor, and
credibility of research findings.
Research Process
Specifics of the research process may vary depending on
the field of study and the nature of the research.
The general outline of the research process is as follows:
Research Process
Choose a Research Methodology:
Select the research methodology that best suits your
research objectives. This involves deciding whether you
will use quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods, and
outlining your research design.
Research Process
Obtain Ethical Approvals:
If your research involves human subjects, animals, or sensitive data, seek
ethical approvals from relevant review boards or committees to ensure the
ethical treatment of research participants.
Data Collection:
Collect data according to your research plan. This may involve conducting
surveys, interviews, experiments, observations, or other data collection
Data Analysis:
Analyze the collected data using appropriate statistical, qualitative, or
analytical techniques. Interpret the results to draw meaningful conclusions.
Research Process
Draw Conclusions:
Based on your data analysis, draw conclusions that address your research
questions or hypotheses. Discuss the implications of your findings and their
relevance to the research problem.
Report Findings:
Prepare a research report or paper that communicates your research findings,
methodology, and conclusions. Adhere to the appropriate format and style
guidelines for your field.
Research Process
Share and Disseminate Results:
Present your research findings at conferences, seminars, or other academic
events. Share your work with the academic community and the public
through appropriate channels.
Research Process
❖ The research process is iterative, and researchers
often revisit and refine earlier steps as they
❖ It requires careful planning, rigorous data
collection and analysis, and adherence to ethical
and academic standards.
❖ The process may vary based on the specific field,
research objectives, and the complexity of the
research project.
Research process in the field of electrical engineering
Identify Research Area and Problem:
Start by identifying a specific area within electrical engineering that interests you.
Define a research problem or objective within that area. It could be related to power
systems, electronics, communications, control systems, or any other subfield.
Literature Review:
Conduct a thorough literature review to understand the current state of knowledge in
your chosen research area. Identify existing research, relevant theories, and gaps in
the field.
Research process in the field of electrical engineering
Research Methodology:
Choose the research methodology that suits your objectives. Electrical engineering
research often involves experimental work, simulations, modeling, or analytical
approaches. Define the research design and methodology.
Data Analysis:
Analyze the collected data using appropriate techniques. This may involve
mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, or software simulations to test your
Research process in the field of electrical engineering
Prototyping and Development:
If your research involves designing new electrical devices or systems, develop
prototypes or proof-of-concept models. Ensure that you have the necessary
skills and resources for prototyping.
Ethical Considerations:
If your research involves human subjects, ethical considerations, such as
informed consent and participant safety, must be addressed. Similarly, consider
safety protocols for laboratory experiments.
Research process in the field of electrical engineering
Results and Conclusions:
Interpret the results of your research and draw meaningful conclusions.
Discuss how your findings address the research problem and contribute to the
field of electrical engineering.
Research process in the field of electrical engineering
Presentation and Dissemination:
Present your research at conferences or seminars to share your
findings with the academic and professional community. Consider
publishing your work in relevant journals and collaborating with
Research process in the field of electrical engineering