Employee Application Form Vol 3.2

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Company Confidential Application Form-Offshore RMG-TAG-V.

Application for Employment

Personal Information

Neha Singh
Name (as per Adhar Card): ____________________________________________________________________________
(First Name) (Middle Name) (Last Name)

Father’s (Full name): ________________________________Mother’s (Full Name):________________________________

DOB (DD/MM/YYYY): ___________________Place & State of Birth: ________________________ Nationality: ___________

Male/Female/Transgender: _____________________ Aadhaar No: ______________________________________________

Marital Status: Single Married Separated, Widowed Spouse Name: ______________________________

PAN NO: ___________________________________ UAN Account NO: _________________________________________

Passport Details-
Passport No Pace of Issue Date of Issue (DD/MM/YY) Date of Expiry (DD/MM/YY)

If you don’t have valid Passport and have applied for passport application: -
Application No: ___________________________________ Date of Application: ________________________________

Present Address (PIN code Mandatory):

Landline: _______________________________________Mobile No: ___________________________________________
Email: Primary___________________________________Secondary: ___________________________________________

Permanent Address (PIN code Mandatory):

Landline: _______________________________________Mobile No: ___________________________________________
Email: Primary___________________________________Secondary: ___________________________________________

Emergency Contact Detail:

Name: ____________________________________________Relationship: _______________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Landline: __________________________________________Mobile No: _______________________________________

Do you have any relative(s) working with any of the Mahindra Group companies including Tech Mahindra? YES NO
If yes Please give details below:-
Name of Relative/s Relationship Mahindra Gp Company Emp ID Department

Signature of the Applicant: _______________________Date: _______________________________

Education Details: (Only those done through Govt recognized Institute/Universities)

College/University Duration (MM/YY)

Name of
Education fro Specialization Percentage
(With Location) Degree /Level To
Post -Graduation/

Employment History:

Present /Current Employment

Name of the Employer Industry Type:
Email and Ph No of Employer :
Period of Services : Current Designation:
Start Date (DD/MM/YY): Name of Reporting Manager:
End Date (DD/MM/YY): Designation of Reporting Manager:
Current CTC: Current Monthly In hand:
Variable/Incentive If any: Variable Payout frequency :

Previous Employment/ Jobs:

Period (DD/MM/YYYY)
Name and Address of Employer Last Salary Drawn
Sr No Emp Id (Must fill) Designation

(Please also give Telephone Nos.) From To (Per Annum)

Signature of the Applicant: _______________________ Date: _______________________________

Gap Details- Gap Reasons in Education & Employments:

(Need to cover gaps of more than 1 month in employments & education)

Period (MM/YYYY)
Sr No Reason
From To

Professional References :( Please provide detail of three professional references who are known to you)

Details Reference No 1 Reference No 2 Reference No 3

Full Name
Email ID
Contact No
Nature Of Association

Have you ever applied for a job with any of the Mahindra Group Cos. in the last 6 months? YES NO

If yes, give details:

Name of Company Position Applied For Date of Application Reason for Not Joining

KYC Details: - Please provide bank KYC details in mentioned format.

A/C Number IFSC Code Bank Name Bank Branch Name

Any additional information you feel relevant to your candidature:


Expected CTC :
Joining Time required :

I certify that:
1. The information furnished above is factually correct and subject to verification by Tech Mahindra Ltd.
2. All my education qualifications have been acquired from institutes duly recognized by Govt. established statutory
3. I accept that an appointment given to me can be revoked; if any of above, information has been misstated or unstated.

Signature of the Applicant: _______________________Date: __________________________

General Declaration
Have you ever discharged, dismissed or terminated from your previous employment? YES NO

If yes, kindly furnish details ________________________________________________________________________


Are you willing to work in shift timings as suggested by Management? YES NO

Have you signed an employment bond with previous employer (s)? YES NO

If yes, kindly furnish details ________________________________________________________________________


Are you suffering from any handicap/s, ailments or are you under long-term medication? YES NO

If yes, kindly furnish details ________________________________________________________________________


Are you under any service agreement or Bond? YES NO

If yes, kindly furnish details ________________________________________________________________________


Do you have history of drug, alcohol abuse, depression, and /or any other psychological disorder? YES NO

If yes, kindly furnish details ________________________________________________________________________


Have you ever been convicted by any court of law on grounds including civil, criminal, and socio-economic or
cybercrimes or other acts punishable under the Information Technology Act? YES NO

If yes, kindly furnish details ________________________________________________________________________


Please details out if any Court order has been passed by the Court

I certify that

The information furnished above is factually correct and subject to verification by Tech Mahindra Ltd.

Signature of the Applicant: _______________________Date: _______________________________

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