Powerpoint 2007
Powerpoint 2007
Powerpoint 2007
Table of Contents
Creating A Presentation ...................................................................................................... 1
New Presentation ........................................................................................................... 1
Add Slides ......................................................................................................................... 4
Duplicate Slide ............................................................................................................... 5
Import Slides ................................................................................................................. 6
Themes ............................................................................................................................. 7
Entering Text ..................................................................................................................... 9
Adding A Text Box .......................................................................................................... 9
Wordart ...........................................................................................................................13
Change Paragraph Alignment .........................................................................................14
Lists .............................................................................................................................16
Adding Video ....................................................................................................................17
Adding Audio ....................................................................................................................18
Adding Picture ..................................................................................................................19
Adding Clip Art..................................................................................................................20
Editing Pictures And Clip Art ...............................................................................................20
Adding Smartart................................................................................................................22
Adding A Photo Album .......................................................................................................23
Create A Table ..................................................................................................................24
Modifying Tables ...........................................................................................................25
Insert A Table From Word Or Excel .................................................................................26
Create A Chart ..................................................................................................................26
Modify A Chart ..............................................................................................................28
Chart Tools ...................................................................................................................29
Slide Transitions ...............................................................................................................30
Slide Animation .................................................................................................................32
Slide Show Options ...........................................................................................................33
Set Up Slide Show .........................................................................................................33
Record Narration...............................................................................................................34
Rehearse Timings ..........................................................................................................35
Create Speaker Notes ........................................................................................................36
Print A Presentation ..........................................................................................................36
Package A Presentation .....................................................................................................39
Design Tips ......................................................................................................................40
Presentation Tips ..............................................................................................................40
New Presentation
You can start a new presentation from a blank slide, a template, existing presentations,
or a Word outline. To create a new presentation from a blank slide:
Click the slide where you would like the outline to begin
Click New Slide on the Home tab
Click Slides from Outline
Browse and click the Word Document that contains the outline
When you save a presentation, you have two choices: Save or Save As.
To save a document:
There are several choices when you want to add a new slide to the presentation: Office
Themes, Duplicate Selected Slide, or Reuse Slides.
To create a new slide from Office Themes:
Select the slide immediately BEFORE where you want the new slide
Click the New Slide button on the Home tab
Click the slide choice that fits your material
Select the slide immediately BEFORE where you want the new slide
Click the New Slide button on the Home tab
Click Reuse Slides
Click Browse
Click Browse File
Locate the slide show and click on the slide to import
To enter text:
Select the slide where you want to place the text box
On the Insert tab, click Text Box
Click on the slide and drag the cursor to expand the text box
Type in the text
Spell Check
To check the spelling in a presentation:
Click the arrow next to the font name and choose a font.
Remember that you can preview how the new font will look by highlighting the
text, and hovering over the new font typeface.
Click the arrow next to the font size and choose the appropriate size, or
Click the increase or decrease font size buttons.
Select the text and click the Font Styles included on the Font group of the
Home tab or
Select the text and right click to display the font tools
Select the text and click the Colors button included on the Font Group of the
Ribbon, or
Highlight the text and right click and choose the colors tool.
Select the color by clicking the down arrow next to the font color button.
WordArt are styles that can be applied to text to create a visual effect. To apply Word
The paragraph alignment allows you to set how you want text to appear. To change
the alignment:
Indent Paragraphs
To indent paragraphs, you can do the following:
Text Direction
To change the text direction:
To resize a textbox:
Place your cursor where you want the list in the document
Click the Bulleted or Numbered Lists button
Begin typing
Nested Lists
A nested list is list with several levels of indented text. To create a nested list:
To add a picture:
When you add a graphic to the presentation, an additional Tab appears on the Ribbon.
The Format Tab allows you to format the pictures and graphics. This tab has four
SmartArt is a feature in Office 2007 that allows you to choose from a variety of
graphics, including flow charts, lists, cycles, and processes. To add SmartArt:
The photo album feature is new in PowerPoint 2007 and allows you to easily create a
photo album to share pictures. To create a photo album:
To create a table:
Place the cursor on the page where you want the new table
Click the Insert Tab of the Ribbon
Click the Tables Button on the Tables Group. You can create a table one of four
Highlight the number of row and columns
Click Insert Table and enter the number of rows and columns
Click the Draw Table, create your table by clicking and entering the rows
and columns
Click Excel Spreadsheet and enter data
Click the table and notice that you have two new tabs on the Ribbon: Design
and Layout. These pertain to the table design and layout.
To format a table, click the table and then click the Layout Tab on the Ribbon. This
Layout tab allows you to:
Charts allow you to present information contained in the worksheet in a graphic format.
PowerPoint offers many types of charts including: Column, Line, Pie, Bar, Area, Scatter
and more. To view the charts available click the Insert Tab on the Ribbon.
To create a chart:
Once you have created a chart you can do several things to modify the chart.
Click the Chart and Drag it another location on the same slide, or
Copy it to another slide
Choose the desired location and click Paste
Chart Tools
The Chart Tools appear on the Ribbon when you click on the chart. The tools are
located on three tabs: Design, Layout, and Format.
Within the Design tab you can control the chart type, layout, styles, and location.
Within the Layout tab you can control the insertion of pictures, textboxes, and shapes,
labels, backgrounds, and data analysis.
Within the Format tab you can adjust the Fill Colors and Word Styles.
Transitions are effects that are in place when you switch from one slide to the next. To
add slide transitions:
Slide animation effects are predefined special effects that you can add to objects on a
slide. To apply an animation effect:
The Slide Show tab of the ribbon contains many options for the slide show. These
options include:
This option allows you to set preferences for how the slide show will be presented. The
options include:
Speaker Notes can be added to allow you to create notes for each slide. To add
speaker notes:
Slides: These are slides that you would see if you were showing the
presentation, one slide per page
Handouts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 or 9 per page, this option allows for more slides per
Notes Page: This includes the slides and the speaker notes
Outline View: This will print the outline of the presentation
To print preview:
There are times when you want to package a presentation with all of the additional files
attached as well. To package a presentation for CD:
If you would like to use the pen to draw on a blank screen during a presentation,
press the B or W keys, or select Screen/Black Screen from the popup menu
and the screen will turn black. Press B or W again or choose Next from the
popup menu to return to the presentation when you are finished drawing.
To hide the pointer and button from the screen press the A key.
Be sure to preview the slide show using a projector if one will be used during the
presentation. Words or graphics that are close to the edge of the screen may be
cut off by the projector.