OMEJE FAITH O. 19302122
UGWUANYI JOY C. 19302144
AGBO AGATHA E. 19302055
MATCH, 2023
This project has been read, corrected and approved for meeting the requirement of the
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Dr. E. I. Nnamonu Date
(Project Supervisor)
…………………………………. ……………………………….
Mrs. C. I. Okenyi Date
(Head of Department)
External Examiner
Date: …………………………
This project work is dedicated to Almighty God for His intervention throughout this N.C.E.
Words may not be enough to express our profound gratitude to our LORD Jesus Christ for His
Thanks to our parents, who sponsored this study and our siblings and loved ones for their
supports. Unreserved thanks to our project supervisor – Dr Emmanuel Ikechukwu Nnamonu for
Thanks to our HoD – Mrs. C. I. Okenyi and all lecturers in the Department of Biology, FCE,
The present study is designed to investigate the nephron-toxic effects of artemether lumefantrine
and chloroquine in albino rats. Sixty adult male albino rats, 12–13 weeks of age, weighing 156 –
179 g were procured and used for this study. The study adopted the experimental design. It was a
randomized complete block design with each group replicated 3 times (4 rats per replicate). The
rats were assigned into five groups of twelve rats per group (1. CONTROL GROUP (CONTL
GRP), 2. HIGH DOSE Artemether Lumefantrine (HD ARTEM LUMF. 4/24 mg/ml), 3. LOW
DOSE Artemether Lumefantrine (LD ARTEM LUMF. 2/12 mg/ml), 4. HIGH DOSE
Chloroquine (HD CHLQN. 20 mg/ml) and 5. LOW DOSE Chloroquine (LD CHLQN. 10
mg/ml)). Rats in the Control group were administered equivalent volume of placebo (distilled
water) according to body weight. Treatment was done daily, lasted for 3 days. Administration
was orally using plastic syringes attached to metal oropharyngeal cannula. A similar trend was
observed on the effects of artemether lumefantrine and chloroquine on nephrotoxicity after a 3-
day treatment in normal albino tars. Both high (4/24 mg/ml) and low (2/12 mg/ml) doses of
artemether lumefantrine caused no significant effect (p > 0.05) on urea and creatinine as
compared with the control.
Similarly, the two doses (20 mg/ml & 10 mg/ml) of chloroquine administered showed no
significant effect (p > 0.05) on urea and creatinine as compared with the control. Conclusively,
the 3-Day treatment conducted with artemether lumefantrine and chloroquine on nephrotoxicity
in albino rats caused no significant effect on the nephrotoxicity indices investigated. Both high
and low doses of artemether lumefantrine chloroquine caused no significant effect (p > 0.05) on
urea and creatinine as compared with the control.
Keywords: Artemether-Lumefantrine, Chloroquine, Nephrotoxicity, Effects, Rats
Nigeria bears more than a quarter of the global burden of malaria (WHO, 2017). Nationally, 97%
of the population are at risk of the disease (NPC & ICF International, 2014). The result is that
malaria accounts for an estimated 60% of out-patient hospital visits, 30% of hospital admissions
and 11% of maternal mortalities in the country (Noland et al., 2014). Malaria also has a
deteriorating effect on the economy as an estimated 132 billion Naira (700 million dollars) is lost
due to treatment costs, prevention and other indirect costs (WHO, 2012).
To reduce the malaria burden, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends use of
artemisinin combination therapy (ACT), for uncomplicated malaria that is confirmed with either
microscopy or rapid diagnostic test (RDT), in a bid to reduce the misuse of ACT. Chloroquine is
also among the frontline treatment for malaria (Awoleye & Thron, 2016). Researches have
Muheet et al. (2014) reported that the use of chloroquine for longer periods requires strict
monitoring as chronic usage may lead to the development of the many detrimental effects in the
host. Ofem et al. (2013) reported that administration of chloroquine and coartem for 3 days did
not significantly altered the levels of RBC, Hb, PCV, total & differential WBC, platelet count
and platelet indices, but led to significant reductions in MCV and MCH in chloroquine recipient
(60.80 ±0.98fL and 19.14 ±0.31pg) compared with control (68.64 ±2.12fL and 20.80 ±0.60pg;
p<0.05) and coartem (68.16 ±1.73fL and 20.36 ±0.14pg; p<0.01) groups respectively. However,
administration of these drugs for 7 days caused significant reduction in RBC, Hb and PCV in
coartem recipients compared with control (p<0.05) and chloroquine (p<0.01) groups. RDW was
also significantly reduced in chloroquine recipients. In conclusion, administration of coartem and
chloroquine at their recommended doses and durations would not pose any deleterious effect on
Ijeomah et al. (2016) reported that Artemether Lumefantrine and Artesunate Amodiaquine
significantly (p<0.05) decreased white blood cell count in all treated groups, but a decrease in
haemoglobin concentration which was only significant (p<0.05) with the group treated 5.71 mg /
15.14 mg/kg AA. Red blood cell count decreased in groups treated with 1.43 mg / 3.86 mg AA,
0.57 mg / 3.43 mg AL, 1.14 mg/ 6.86 mg AL and 2.28 mg / 13.72 mg AL and this decrease was
significant (p<0.05) only for the group treated with 2.28 mg / 13.72 mg AL. There was a non-
significant (p>0.05) increase in hematocrit for groups III and IV but a non-significant (p>0.05)
decrease was observed for groups VI and VII. Red cell indices were observed to decrease but
non-significantly except red cell distribution width which was observed to increase significantly.
Despite the fact that toxicity of anti-malaria drugs has been reported, there is a dearth of
albono rats. Therefore, the present study is designed to investigate the nephron-toxic effects of
It has been documented that Nigeria bears more than a quarter of the global burden of malaria.
Nationally, 97% of the population Nigerians are at risk of the disease. The result is that malaria
accounts for an estimated 60% of out-patient hospital visits, 30% of hospital admissions and
11% of maternal mortalities in the country. Malaria also has a deteriorating effect on the
economy as an estimated 132 billion Naira (700 million dollars) is lost due to treatment costs,
prevention and other indirect costs. This high-profile disease burden depicts that there are factors
Consequent to this high prevalence of malaria in our region, most persons often take anti-malaria
drugs with/without doctors’ prescription. Majority they do this are ignorant of the possible toxic
More so, there a dearth of literature on the evaluation of short-term nephro-toxic effects of
General Objective
albino rats.
Specific Objectives
The purpose of this research is to investigate the short-term nephro-toxic effects of artemether
lumefantrine and chloroquine in albino rat. To do this, this study will determine short-term
nephro-toxic effects of artemether lumefantrine and chloroquine in albino rats and the short-term
workers especially those serving in the rural settlements, researchers, teachers and students of
Families, couples especially those still at the stage of child bearing and pregnant women will be
Practically, the findings of this research would also enrich the knowledge and understanding of
the health ministries, NGOs and policy makers by serving as a guide to them in their efforts in
Empirical review
With the combination of artemether and lumefantrine, no evidence of mutagenicity was detected.
In the micronucleus test myelotoxicity was seen at the dose levels of 500, 1000 and 2000 mg/kg
(as to be expected), but recovery was almost complete within 48 hours. In rat reproductive
studies, no teratogenicity was observed, but materno- and embryotoxicity occurred at 60 mg/kg.
The same was seen in rabbits with a dose of 175 mg/kg, but not at 105 mg/kg. With lumefantrine
observed in rats and rabbits. The same applies to artemether in rabbits at doses up to and
inclusive of 25 mg/kg, but at 30 mg/kg materno-, embryo- and foetotoxicty were observed. In
rats 10 mg/kg showed the same effect. There was no teratogenicity at any dose level.
Carcinogenicity studies were not conducted. Data from the manufacturer (WHO, 2002) reported
that though no animal carcinogenicity studies were carried out, animal studies of coartem®
showed no evidence of mutagenicity but at very high doses, coartem, caused impairment of
fertility by reducing pregnancy rates, increasing the number of dead fetuses, early resorptions
as causing decrease in sperm motility and 100 % abnormal sperm cells. Other artemisinins are
incidence of cardiovascular and skeletal malformations) in rats and rabbits. Similar findings were
not seen in animal reproductive studies using artemether (WHO, 2002). Studies in dogs and rat
have shown that intramuscular injections of artemether resulted in brain lesions. Changes
granulation, spheroids, apoptosis, and dark neurons. Lesions were observed in rats dosed with
Artemether at 25 mg/kg for 7 or 14 days and dogs dosed at 20 mg/kg for 8 days or longer, but
lesions were not observed after shorter courses of drug or after oral dosing (Novartis
Pharmaceuticals Corporation, 2009). Lumefantrine has a very low acute and subacute toxicity in
all animal models investigated. No death was observed at the maximum applicable dose of 2000
Drug induced nephrotoxicity is the poisonous effect of drugs and other chemical substances on
the kidneys. There are various forms of toxicity (Galley, 2000), which should not be confused
with the fact that some medications have a predominantly renal excretion and need their dose
adjusted for the decreased renal function (e.g., heparin). The nephrotoxic effect of most drugs is
induced renal disease remain uncertain. However, there are suggestions that between 5 to 20
percent of cases of acute renal failure can be directly attributed to drugs and chemicals, although
minor damage may pass undetected (Ashley, 2004). Some drugs may affect renal function in
more than one way and as such cause different types of drugs induced nephrotoxicity.
Drug-induced renal disease is common and responsible for a variety of pathological effects on
the kidney, many of which are potentially recoverable. The main types of renal injury
predominantly involve the tubules and interstitium, leading to acute tubular injury and necrosis,
common offenders. Other types of renal injury are related to vascular damage and more rarely
glomerular injury. Thrombotic microangiopathy is one of the most common types of acute
vascular injury, whereas more chronic vascular changes leading to ischemic fibrosis occur with
long-term therapy with calcineurin inhibitors and analgesics (McWilliam, 2007). Knowledge of
the drug history and possible nephrotoxic effects is crucial in renal biopsy interpretation for
identifying drug-related renal disease. Medications cause renal failure through a variety of
mechanisms. Hemodynamic renal failure may result from drugs that reduce renal prostaglandins
and hence renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate. A relatively new group of drugs with
Direct renal tubular toxicity has also been described with a number of new medications with
unique effects on the epithelial cells of the kidney. These include the antiviral agents: cidofovir,
deposition in the kidney may promote the development of renal failure. Several different drugs
have been described to induce crystal nephropathy, including the antiparasitic drug sulfadiazine,
the antiviral agent acyclovir, and the protease inhibitor indinavir (Perazella, 2003).
Finally, an unusual form of renal failure characterized by swollen, vacuolated proximal tubular
cells can develop from hyperosmolar substances. Agents recently described to induce an osmotic
nephrosis include intravenous immunoglobulin and the plasma expander hydroxyethyl starch
(Perazella, 2003).
The kidneys provide the common pathway for the excretion of many drugs and their metabolites,
and hence are frequently subjected to high concentrations of potentially toxic substances. Drugs
and their metabolites are taken up selectively and concentrated by the renal tubular cells before
excretion into urine, so high intracellular concentrations are attained, particularly in the renal
medulla, which has relatively little vasculature compared with the cortex. As a result, direct toxic
damage occurs, generally affecting the renal, tubular cells and renal papillae. Nephrotoxicity of
this type tends to be dose dependent. Many groups of drugs can cause renal damage, and these
effects are accentuated in patients with preexisting renal impairment (Ashley, 2004).
Chloroquine effects
The results obtained showed a significant increase in protein levels of the gastrocnemius muscle
(P < 0.001), brain (P <0.001) and spleen (P < 0.05). The total lipid content of both muscle and
brain showed a highly significant increase (P < 0.001) while the cholesterol level was increased
significantly (P < 0.05) only in the spleen. Ascorbic acid also exhibited a significant increase (P
< 0.001) in muscle. Thus, the use of chloroquine for longer periods requires strict monitoring as
chronic usage may lead to the development of the many detrimental effects in the host (Saifi et
al., 2014). In the brain of treated mice, a significant (P < 0.001) increase in protein level was
registered after 45 days of exposure to chloroquine as compared with the control group.
However, the cholesterol level did not increase in the treated group. The most markedly affected
parameter was the total lipid content where a highly significant increase (P < 0.001) was
recorded after 45 days of exposure when compared with the control group. Chloroquine
treatment significantly increased protein content (P < 0.05) compared with the control group.
The spleen cholesterol level was also affected and it increased significantly (P < 0.05) compared
with the control group after 45 days of treatment. Oral administration of chloroquine for 45 days
produced a significant increase (P < 0.001) in the protein content, total lipid and total ascorbic
acid levels and an insignificant increase (P < 0.05) in cholesterol in the muscle of treated mice
compared with the control group (Saifi et al., 2014). Chloroquine is a potent autophagic drug that
may lead to cellular degradation of hepatocytes in the liver with the concurrent production of
vacuoles 11. Observed increases in the number of lysosomes suggest further cellular degradation.
This is accompanied by fusion of lysosomes with autophagic vacuoles resulting in the biogenesis
of new lysosomes 12. The reported accumulation of Chloroquine in lysosomes has an apparent
hours after ingestion 13. Thus, information is needed about its effects on organs where the drug
accumulates so as to gain insight into the impact of the long-term administration of this drug
2.1 Materials
Rat cages equipped with drinking and feeding facilities, artemether lumefantrine and chloroquine
tablets, digital weighing balance (Metler H3O, Switzerland) and plastic syringes attached to metal
oropharyngeal cannula.
Scheme, KM 1, Sagamu Benin Expressway, Makun-Sagamu, Ogun State, Nigeria was bought
Sixty adult male albino rats, 12–13 weeks of age, weighing 156 – 179 g were procured from the
Genetics and Experimental Animal Breeding Laboratory of Zoology and Environmental Biology
Department, University of Nigeria, Nsukka were used for this investigation. The rats had no
history of drug consumption (i.e., they have not been used for any investigation). They were kept
in stainless wire rat cages equipped with drinkers and fecal collecting trays, in a clean and fly
proof experimental animal house. The rats were fed with commercial grower’s chick mash made
by Vital Feeds, Nigeria Limited and clean drinking water. They were allowed to acclimatize for
fourteen days before the start of the experiment. The rats were allowed unhindered access to food
and water. The fecal droppings in the tray were removed daily.
HD AL (4/24
CONT. LD AL (2/12
(n=12) (n=12) (n=12)
The study adopted the experimental design. It was a randomized complete block design with
each group replicated 3 times (4 rats per replicate). The rats were assigned into five groups of
twelve rats per group (1. CONTROL GROUP (CONTL GRP), 2. HIGH DOSE Artemether
Lumefantrine (HD ARTEM LUMF. 4/24 mg/ml), 3. LOW DOSE Artemether Lumefantrine (LD
ARTEM LUMF. 2/12 mg/ml), 4. HIGH DOSE Chloroquine (HD CHLQN. 20 mg/ml) and 5.
LOW DOSE Chloroquine (LD CHLQN. 10 mg/ml)). Rats in the Control group were
administered equivalent volume of placebo (distilled water) according to body weight. Treatment
was done daily, lasted for 3 days. Administration was orally using plastic syringes attached to
About 5 ml of the blood samples was collected from each of the anaesthetized rats using the
Biochemical parameters
Serum samples collected from both control and treated rats were used for the estimation of
Serum creatinine
Serum Creatinine was determined using the alkaline picrate method (Jaffe’s Method) (Toora &
Rajagopal, 2002) where creatinine reacts with picric acid in an alkaline medium to give an
orange-coloured complex which shows maximum absorbance at 520 nm. The intensity of the
color is proportional to the concentration of the creatinine present in the serum sample and the
NaOH creatininepicrate
Creatinine+ picricacid= →
alkaline medium orangecolourdcomplex
In brief, to 0.5 ml of serum sample taken in a centrifuge tube, 1.5 ml of water, 1 ml of 10%
sodium tungstate and 1 ml of 2/3 N sulfuric acid were added, mixed and centrifuged at 2500 rpm
for 10 min to obtain a clear supernatant. This process precipitates the proteins from the sample. 1
ml of the supernatant was transferred into another set of labeled test tubes containing equal
quantity of (0.75 N) sodium hydroxide and 1% picric acid. The contents were mixed well and
incubated at room temperature for 15 minutes for the development of color. The intensity of the
orange colour developed was measured at 520 nm using the Hitachi spectrophotometer against
the reagent blank prepared by adding 3 ml of distilled water to 1 ml of sodium hydroxide and 1
ml of picric acid. The concentration of creatinine in the samples was determined using the
standard curve prepared by taking known concentrations of creatinine solution ranging from
0.01-2 mg/dl and processed simultaneously in the same way as for the serum sample.
Serum urea
Serum urea was determined using the diacetyl monoxime method ( Rahmatullah & Boyde,
1980), wherein urea reacts with hot acidic diacetyl monoxime in the presence of
thiosemicarbazide to produce red colored complex with maxima at 525 nm. The intensity of the
colour is proportional to the concentration of urea in the sample and the results were expressed as
❑ 100 ° C
Urea+ Diacetylmonoxime redcolouredcomplex
In brief, to 0.2 ml of serum sample taken in a centrifuge tube, 0.8 ml of water and 1 ml of 10%
trichloroacetic acid (TCA) were added, mixed and centrifuged at 2500 rpm for 10 min to obtain a
clear supernatant. This process precipitates the proteins from the sample. 0.1 ml of the
supernatant was transferred into another set of labeled test tubes containing 3 ml of chromogenic
reagent prepared by mixing two parts of reagent I and one part of reagent II immediately before
use. [Reagent I is acid ferric solution containing 100 ml of 85% conc. phosphoric acid, 300 ml of
95% conc. sulphuric acid, 100 mg of ferric chloride and 600 ml of distilled water. Reagent II is
and 10 mg of TSC in 100 ml of distilled water). The contents were mixed well and boiled in a
water bath for 5 minutes. After boiling the contents were cooled to room temperature and the
intensity of the colour developed was measured at 525 nm against a reagent blank composed of
distilled water and chromogenic reagent using a Hitachi spectrophotometer. The concentration of
urea in the samples was determined using the standard curve prepared by taking known
concentrations of urea solution ranging from 0-150 mg/dl and processed simultaneously in the
Data analysis was carried out with statistical package for social sciences SPSS, IBM Statistics
UK version 16.0 one–way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The means were separated using
Duncan’s new multiple range test while differences in the means were considered significant at
probability values less than 5 % (p < 0.05). The results were presented as mean ± SEM.
A similar trend was observed on the effects of artemether lumefantrine and chloroquine on
nephrotoxicity after a 3-day treatment in normal albino tars. Both high (4/24 mg/ml) and low
(2/12 mg/ml) doses of artemether lumefantrine caused no significant effect (p > 0.05) on urea
Similarly, the two doses (20 mg/ml & 10 mg/ml) of chloroquine administered showed no
significant effect (p > 0.05) on urea and creatinine as compared with the control.
Study of biochemical profile of blood are commonly used as indicators to access the functional
status of the animal health and the internal environment of the organism (Rehman et al., 2006).
Urea results from the catabolism of proteins and amino acids. The biosynthesis of urea is carried
out exclusively by hepatic enzymes of urea cycle and it is majorly cleared from circulation by the
kidneys. Consequently, kidney malfunction is associated with accumulation of urea in the blood
(Lamb & Price, 2008). Creatinine is formed from spontaneous cyclization of creatine and
creatine phosphate, at a slow but constant rate and it is rapidly removed from the blood by the
kidney (Harvey & Ferrier, 2011). Measurements of serum concentrations of creatinine, urea and
uric acid are commonly used as indicators of kidney function and their conditions (Lamb &
Price, 2008).
This study evaluated the effects of artemether lumefantrine and chloroquine on level of urea and
creatinine in albino rats. A similar trend was observed on the effects of artemether lumefantrine
and chloroquine on haematological profile after a 3-day treatment in normal albino tars. Both
high (4/24 mg/ml) and low (2/12 mg/ml) doses of artemether lumefantrine caused no significant
effect (p > 0.05) on urea and creatinine as compared with the control. Similarly, the two doses
(20 mg/ml & 10 mg/ml) of chloroquine administered showed no significant effect (p > 0.05) on
urea and creatinine as compared with the control. The findings of this study tend to show that
administration of artemether-lumefantrine and chloroquine does not alter the urea and creatinine
levels suggesting that the urea cycle was not affected by the administration. This suggest that a
excretory function of the kidney. These results points to the fact that the kidneys in the testing
animals are functionally normal and that there is no renal function impairment. Creatinine and
urea are sensitive biochemical index for assessing renal functions (Abolaji et al., 2013). Our
finding is in consonant with Abolaji et al. (2013) and at variance with Omoboyowa et al., 2018.
The 3-Day treatment conducted with artemether lumefantrine and chloroquine on nephrotoxicity
in albino rats caused no significant effect on the nephrotoxicity indices investigated. Both high
and low doses of artemether lumefantrine chloroquine caused no significant effect (p > 0.05) on
We recommend that further research be conducted to reveal the long-term effects of artemether
Abolaji, A. O., Eteng, M. U., Omonua, O., & Adenrele, Y. (2013). Influence of coadministration
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Harvey, R. A., & Ferrier, D. R. (2011). Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry, 5th
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia, pp. 213-214, 250-288.
Ijeomah, A. U., Ugwu, M. N., Shuaibu, S. S. (2016). The effects Artesunate Amodiaquine and
Artemether Lumefantrine on some Hematological Parameters in Healthy Male Albino
Rats. PAT, 12(2), 160-168.
Lamb, E. J., & Price, C. P. (2008). Creatinine, urea and uric acid, In: Burtis, C.A., Ashwood,
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diversifolia and Chloroquine on Selected Organs of Chloroquine Resistant Plasmodium
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Perazella, M. A. (2003), Drug-Induced Renal Failure: Update on New Medications and Unique
Mechanisms of Nephrotoxicity, American Journal of Medical Sciences, 325(6), 349-362.
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Saifi, M. A., Alyousif, M. S., & Alanazi, A. D. (2014). Chloroquine: its Biochemical Effects on
Vital Tissue of Mice. Latin American Journal of Pharmacy, 33(9), 1487-91.
Toora, B. D., Rajagopal, G. (2002). Measurement of creatinine by Jaffe’s reaction. 2002, Indian.
Journal of Experimental Biology, 40, 352–354.
World Health Organization (2012). Progress and Impact Series: Focus on Nigeria. Geneva:
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World Health Organization (2017). World Malaria Report. Geneva: World Health Organization.