Iso 10062-2006
Iso 10062-2006
Iso 10062-2006
Second edition
Reference number
ISO 10062:2006(E)
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Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved
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ISO 10062:2006(E)
Contents Page
Foreword............................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ v
1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................... 2
4 Apparatus .............................................................................................................................................. 2
5 Test methods......................................................................................................................................... 2
6 Information to be given in the relevant specification ....................................................................... 6
7 Expression of results ........................................................................................................................... 7
8 Test report ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Annex A (informative) Specifications for apparatus for corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres ........... 8
Annex B (informative) Typical apparatus for polluting gas corrosion tests .............................................. 11
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 10062 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 156, Corrosion of metals and alloys.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 10062:1991), which has been technically
Copyright International Organization for Standardization © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved
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ISO 10062:2006(E)
Products with, for example, sensitive electrical functions, may, during storage or operation in indoor locations,
be affected by atmospheric corrosion dependent on climatic factors such as temperature, relative humidity, air
velocity and rate of change caused by temperature and humidity. Additionally, gaseous pollutants may
seriously affect the rate of corrosion, as well as the occurrence of different corrosion mechanisms.
Contaminants on the surface, such as salt, dust, oil and compounds liberated from plastics, may also affect
the rate and mechanism of corrosion.
⎯ sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in atmospheres influenced by combustion of fossil fuels and in traffic
⎯ hydrogen sulfide in atmospheres in the vicinity of petrochemical and steel industry, decaying organic
⎯ hydrogen sulfide and chlorine compounds in the vicinity of pulp and paper industry; if chlorine is used for
Those gaseous pollutants are known to act as single corrosion-promoting factors. However, in atmospheres
where more than one gaseous pollutant is present, synergistic effects may be initiated. As a result, a
considerable increase in the corrosion rate may occur, compared to the case when the different gaseous
pollutants act as single corrosion-promoting factors.
a) define a general method using atmospheres polluted by one or more gases at very low volume fractions
u10−6 under specified conditions of temperature and relative humidity, so as to avoid condensation
phenomena during the test,
b) define the test apparatus and procedure required to achieve the best possible reproducibility,
c) assess performance under test conditions which accelerate corrosion; as knowledge of operating
conditions proceeds, more suitable pollutants or pollutant mixtures could be used.
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WARNING — Safety rules for personnel: Handling of the gases used for testing can be hazardous and
must be left to skilled chemists or conducted under their control. The test equipment must be used
and maintained by skilled personnel, not only so that the tests can be performed correctly, but also
because of the hazards to health and safety that are involved.
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies tests which are intended to determine the influence of one or more
flowing polluting gas(es) at volume fractions less than or equal to 10 on test samples and/or articles of
metals and alloys with or without corrosion protection under determined conditions of temperature and relative
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 8407, Corrosion of metals and alloys — Removal of corrosion products from corrosion test specimens
exposure time
interval of time elapsed between the moment when the specimens are introduced into the test chamber and
the end of the test
test duration
interval of time during which the specimens are exposed to polluting gases
4 Apparatus
Special attention shall be paid to equipment design and the choice of construction materials, in order that the
conditions (less than ± 1 °C for temperature and less than ± 3 % for relative humidity) are uniformly consistent
throughout the working space, able to ensure no condensation in the test chamber, and are repeatable.
The apparatus shall enable the use, singly or in mixtures, of polluting gas(es) such as SO2, H2S, Cl2 and NO2
up to at least the concentration required, for each gas, by the test method.
a) the materials used for the test chamber and the gas handling system,
The apparatus shall be constructed according to Annex A and shall meet its requirements.
5 Test methods
5.1.1 General
⎯ the temperature,
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ISO 10062:2006(E)
The method to be used depends upon the purposes of the test, the nature of the metals and alloys and the
type of protection to be tested.
⎯ Method A
The condition of (40 ± 1) °C and (80 ± 5) % is more aggressive than the condition of (25 ± 1) °C and
(75 ± 3) % RH. Either of them shall be optionally selected and be stated in the test report.
⎯ Method B
The condition of (40 ± 1) °C and (80 ± 5) % RH is more aggressive than the condition of (25 ± 1) °C and
(75 ± 3) % RH. Either of them shall be optionally selected and be stated in the test report.
⎯ Method C
The condition of (40 ± 1) °C and (80 ± 5) % RH is more aggressive than the condition of (25 ± 1) °C and
(75 ± 3) % RH. Either of them shall be optionally selected and be stated in the test report.
⎯ Method D
Mixture of polluting gases SO2 at a volume fraction of (0,5 ± 0,1) ×10−6, and
The condition of (40 ± 1) °C and (80 ± 5) % RH is more aggressive than the condition of (25 ± 1) °C and
(75 ± 3) % RH. Either of them shall be optionally selected and be stated in the test report.
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ISO 10062:2006(E)
⎯ Method E
Mixture of polluting gases SO2 at a volume fraction of (0,20 ± 0,05) ×10−6, and
The condition of (40 ± 1) °C and (80 ± 5) % RH is more aggressive than the condition of (25 ± 1) °C and
(75 ± 3) % RH. Either of them shall be optionally selected and be stated in the test report.
⎯ Method F
The condition of (40 ± 1) °C and (80 ± 5) % RH is more aggressive than the condition of (25 ± 1) °C and
(75 ± 3) % RH. Either of them shall be optionally selected and be stated in the test report.
NOTE 1 Since the corrosivity is different for methods A, B, C, D, E and F the result obtained by these methods are not
NOTE 2 Other methods may be added in the future if required (e.g. increase in the relative humidity).
The test duration for each test method depends upon the purposes of the test, the nature of the metals and
The relevant specification may require a preconditioning of specimens, for example chemical or mechanical
cleaning of the surface.
Measurements shall be carried out as required by the relevant specification (see ISO 7384).
The filling of the chamber by the specimens shall satisfy the following conditions:
⎯ the total surface of the test specimens shall not exceed the critical level at which the concentrations of
polluting gases would decrease by more than 10 % during the passage through the working space;
⎯ the specimens shall be placed in the working space, as defined in the relevant specification.
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ISO 10062:2006(E)
Care shall be taken that the specimens are placed so that they do not come into contact with one another or
with the walls of the chamber, and that they do not shield one another from the test atmosphere.
5.5 Procedure
Two procedures for the execution of the test may be adopted, the reference method and the simplified method.
a) For the reference method, exposure time corresponds to t1 to t3 (see Figure 1).
b) For the simplified method, exposure time corresponds to t2 to t3 (see Figure 2).
a) For the reference method, test duration corresponds to t2 to t3 (see Figure 1).
b) For the simplified method, test duration corresponds to t5 to t3 (see Figure 2).
The conditions of the specimens and the test chamber shall be such that condensation does not occur on the
specimens when they are introduced into the test chamber.
The temperature and relative humidity inside the chamber shall be adjusted according to the specified method
(see 5.1.2 and A.1.4).
After introducing the specimens, a waiting period of 1 h should be allowed for the temperature and the relative
humidity to stabilise before the polluting gas(es) is/are introduced into the test chamber.
The polluting gas(es) shall be introduced simultaneously into the damp air flow and their concentrations shall
be adjusted to the value specified by the test method; during this adjustment, the maximum specified
concentrations should not be exceeded (see 5.1).
At the end of the test, the injection of polluting gas(es) shall be stopped and the specimens shall be
maintained in the flow of the damp atmosphere without polluting gas(es) for 2 h.
It is possible to stabilise the conditions of temperature, relative humidity and gas composition within the test
chamber and then to introduce the test specimens quickly so that the test conditions will again be stabilised at
the prescribed levels after about 1 h. If condensation on the specimens surface can then be avoided, the
simplified method can be used.
At the end of the test, the injection of polluting gas(es) shall be stopped and the specimens shall be
maintained in the flow of the damp atmosphere without polluting gas(es) for 2 h.
In order to monitor the chamber performance for each test, appropriate metal control coupons (copper or
silver) should be exposed simultaneously with the specimens in the working space of the test chamber, and
the corrosive effects on these coupons should be assessed (other examples: copper, silver, nickel, and gold
on copper).
The specimens shall be removed from the chamber and stored under standard conditions as specified in
ISO 554 and ISO 558. The reaction of specimens during storage after testing shall be considered.
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ISO 10062:2006(E)
e) assessment of corrosion effects and a report on the visual examination during and after testing.
7 Expression of results
There are many criteria for the evaluation of the corrosion resistance of metals and alloys with and without
corrosion protection, for example:
b) time elapsed before the first local sign of corrosion of base metal or coating appears;
8 Test report
The test report shall contain the following information:
b) a reference to this International Standard and the test method used (A, B, C, D, E or F) together with
option of temperature and humidity;
c) designation and description of the test specimens and control coupons, if used (chemical composition,
shape and dimensions, method of treatment: chemical, thermal, and mechanical, type or coating and its
e) exposure period;
g) method of placing and material for fastening the test specimens during the test;
h) the results of evaluation of corrosion changes for the tested specimen surfaces, including both descriptive
and numerical assessment, possibly with photographs of the test specimens;
If the necessary measurements cannot be made within the specified time, the period of storage under
recovery conditions may be extended. This extension shall be mentioned in the test report.
Other data may be included in the test report depending on the purpose of the test, as well as on the criteria
chosen for expressing the results.
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ISO 10062:2006(E)
Annex A
A.1.1 Materials
⎯ the internal walls and parts of the chamber shall be made of inert material [e.g.: glass or polytetrafluoro-
ethylene (PTFE)],
⎯ pipes, valves and taps in contact with the polluting gas(es) should preferably be made of inert material,
Other materials may be used, but adsorption or desorption phenomena shall be taken into account.
A.1.2 Design
The chamber shall be designed to avoid condensation at any point and to allow easy and thorough cleaning of
inner walls and fittings.
The volume of the chamber shall be not less than 0,1 m3.
In the working space, the uniformity of the temperature shall be better than ± 1 °C, and the uniformity of the
relative humidity shall be better than ± 3 %.
The test chamber shall be fitted with suitable gasket seals to allow the test conditions to be maintained and
The flow rate within the chamber shall be controlled. The test atmosphere shall flow through the chamber in
such a manner as to ensure uniform test conditions in the working space.
This flow rate shall be sufficient to ensure at least three exchanges per hour of the atmosphere in the test
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ISO 10062:2006(E)
NOTE The mass transfer characteristics for the transport of pollutants to the surface of the test specimens vary with
volume flow rate of test atmosphere through the test chamber, but also with the geometry of the test chamber. Because of
that, deviation in corrosion rate may therefore result if two test chambers with different geometries are used, even if the
exchange rate of the test atmosphere is the same in the two test chambers.
The test atmosphere is preferably injected through opening(s) in the bottom of the chamber and extracted
through opening(s) in the top of the chamber. Suitable baffles shall be placed in front of the opening(s), to
assure the required uniform test conditions in the working space.
The test atmosphere extracted from the chamber shall be collected in such a manner as to conform with legal
safety standards.
Sampling points for the analysis of the atmosphere during the test (see A.3) are placed close to the injection
points and the outlet points, in the working space. Checks should be made to ensure that the concentration of
polluting gas(es) does(do) not decrease by more than 10 % during the passage through the working space.
Condensation or adsorption in the lines used to monitor the test atmosphere shall be avoided as far as
possible, as this would impair the measurements.
The test chamber shall not be exposed to direct sunlight and the level of illumination (due to daylight or to
incandescent or fluorescent lamps) measured inside the test chamber at any point on the exposed surface
shall not exceed 300 lx.
A.2.1 General
The test atmosphere is obtained by continuously introducing the necessary quantity of polluting gas(es) into a
damp air flow to obtain the required concentration(s). The mixing of gases usually requires a mixing tube or
The dry polluting gas(es) and the damp air shall be mixed together before injection into the working space.
The damp atmosphere shall be within the tolerances for the specified temperature and relative humidity when
it is injected into the test chamber. Water droplets or aerosols shall not be injected into the test chamber. The
air used may be taken from pressurised cylinders or delivered by a dry pump after filtration and purification by
activated charcoal or molecular sieve (size 5a) and a particulate filter.
The required concentrations of the polluting gas(es) can be obtained from pressurised cylinders containing
mixtures of the pure polluting gas and an inert gas such as nitrogen. Permeation tubes filled with liquid or gas
may also be used. The gas(es) shall be free of contaminants that may also influence the corrosion process.
The apparatus used to measure the temperature and relative humidity shall have a response time of less than
30 s.
The sensor shall be maintained in calibration because polluting gas(es) can affect it.
The overall flow rate of the gas mixture passing through the test chamber shall be kept constant by means of
a control system. Continuous monitoring of the gas flow rate is necessary, using a ball-float flow meter or
other suitable flow meter.
The means of analysis shall permit continuous or periodic (at least once per day) measurement of the
concentration(s) of polluting gas(es), in order that these parameters may be controlled.
A.3.4 Operation
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ISO 10062:2006(E)
Annex B
1 test chamber 13 gas-injection opening
2 lid 14 humidifier
3 test specimens 15 humidity and temperature controls
4 gas-monitoring sensor 16 heating and cooling unit
5 gas analyser 17 fan
6 gas-concentration controls 18 air jacket
7 7′, 7″ gas cylinder (SO2, H2S, Cl2, and/or NO2) 19 heating and cooling system
8 8′, 8″ mass flow controller(s) 20 sampling port, manual
9 air pump 21 exhaust port
10 mass flow controls 22 dehumidifier
11 air filters 23 exhaust-gas treatment apparatus
12 air-mixing chamber 24 air-discharging blower
[1] ISO 1456:2003, Metallic coatings — Electrodeposited coatings of nickel plus chromium and of copper
plus nickel plus chromium
[2] ISO 3613:2000, Chromate conversion coatings on zinc, cadmium, aluminium-zinc alloys and zinc-
aluminium alloys — Test methods
[3] ISO 4520:1981, Chromate conversion coatings on electroplated zinc and cadmium coatings
[4] ISO 7253:1996, Paints and varnishes — Determination of resistance to neutral salt spray (fog)
[5] ISO 8993:1989, Anodized aluminium and aluminium alloys — Rating system for the evaluation of
pitting corrosion — Chart method
[6] ISO 8994:1989, Anodized aluminium and aluminium alloys — Rating system for the evaluation of
pitting corrosion — Grid method
[7] SUGA, S., Results from corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres at very low concentration of polluting
gases and proposal for amendment to ISO 10062, Journal of the Surface Finishing Society of Japan,
Vol. 56, No 1, p 32, 2005
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ICS 77.060
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