Research Article: Prevalence and Risk Factors For Adult Cataract in The Jingan District of Shanghai

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Journal of Ophthalmology
Volume 2022, Article ID 7547043, 7 pages

Research Article
Prevalence and Risk Factors for Adult Cataract in the Jingan
District of Shanghai

Yingying Hong,1,2,3 Yang Sun,1,2,3 Xiaofang Ye,4 Yi Lu ,1,2,3 Jianjiang Xu,1,2,3 Jianming Xu,4
and Yinghong Ji 1,2,3
Eye Institute and Department of Ophthalmology, Eye & ENT Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200031, China
NHC Key Laboratory of Myopia (Fudan University), Key Laboratory of Myopia, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,
Shanghai 200031, China
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Visual Impairment and Restoration, Shanghai 200031, China
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Meteorology and Health, Shanghai Meteorological Service, Shanghai 200030, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Yinghong Ji; [email protected]

Received 26 April 2022; Accepted 17 August 2022; Published 31 August 2022

Academic Editor: Giovanni William Oliverio

Copyright © 2022 Yingying Hong et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

Purpose. We report the prevalence of age-related cataract (ARC) in the Jingan district of Shanghai and analyze the risk factors for
ARC to be better prepared for the increasing burden of cataracts as a significant cause of visual impairment worldwide. Methods.
From March to June 2010, a population-based, cross-sectional study was conducted in a community selected by stratified cluster
sampling in the Jingan district of Shanghai. Residents aged 40 and older were recruited and investigated by questionnaires and
ophthalmic examination. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression models were used to evaluate the association of these risk
factors with any cataract. Results. A total of 2894 subjects aged 40 years and above were included in our study. Nine hundred forty-
eight people (32.8%) were diagnosed with cataract, including 845 with bilateral cataracts (29.2%) and 292 with moderate and
severe visual impairment (low vision, 10.1%). There were significant differences in low vision among different age groups and
gender (Χ2age  84.420, Page < 0.001, Χ2gender  7.696, Pgender  0.021). For any cataract, we found age (OR  1.107, 95% CI:
1.094–1.120) and refractive error (OR  1.352, 95% CI: 1.127–1.622) were independent risk factors. Conclusion. The prevalence of
cataract is estimated to be nearly one-third of the sample, increasing with age. We provided further evidence that age and
refractive error are independent cataract risk factors.

1. Introduction society, especially in the remote and poor areas of developing

countries [4, 5]. According to the report of the World Health
The crystalline lens is a vital part of the intraocular refractive Organization (WHO), cataract is the leading cause of visual
system to focus objects on the retinal through an adjustable impairment in the world, accounting for most blindness
function. The opacity of the crystalline lens leads to cataract (51%) [6]. The prevalence of any cataract in Sweden was
and visual impairment, especially in older adults. Based on 31.5% [7], in Russia was 44.6% [8], and in Myanmar was
the etiology, oxidative stress is the direct mechanism of lens 40.39% [9]. Furthermore, China has entered an aging so-
opacity. Compared to the general population, the physical ciety, and Shanghai is the city with the highest degree of
and mental health and quality of life of people with cataract aging in China. It is estimated that in 2010, the population
are more likely to be affected [1–3]. Cataract surgery is a kind aged 60 and over was 3.4697 million (15.07%) in Shanghai,
of effective way to deal with cataract, but it is acompanied based on the sixth national census statistics. As an in-
with many surgical complications and expensive costs that creasingly aging population trend, the incidence of age-
present enormous social and economic problems to a related cataract has increased significantly in China, posing
2 Journal of Ophthalmology

challenges for health systems. For example, the number of 3. Results

people over 45 years affected by any cataracts is expected to
be 240.83 million, and those diagnosed with ARC will be 3.1. Baseline Characteristics of the Subjects. Table 1 shows
187.26 million by 2050 [5]. Therefore, understanding the the baseline characteristics of the participants in this
epidemiology of senile cataract is the first step in prevention study. A total of 2894 people with an average of
and treatment and may help to inform policymakers and 62.9 ± 10.8 years ranging from 40 to 98 years old, were
healthcare providers better and be prepared for the in- recruited, of which 1056 (36.5%) participated in the
creasing burden of cataracts. study were male and 1838 (63.5%) were female. Only a
Previous studies have been reporting a wide range of small number of elder people used computers (31.3%)
possible risk factors for age-related cataract (ARC), in- and air conditioners (17%). On the contrary, most people
cluding increasing age, ultraviolet B exposure, smoking, have the habit of watching television (95.7%) every day
drinking, estrogen, steroid hormone, antioxidants, diabetes, with different watching times. With aging, hypertension
hypertension, and body mass index [1, 10, 11]. This report occurred in most elderly people (38.1%), although most
aims to be an exploration of the relationship between ARC of the included subjects were not smoking (83.7%) and
and potential risk factors in an urban population in China. did not consume an alcoholic drink (86.1%).

2. Methods 3.2. Epidemiological Characteristics of Cataract. The preva-

2.1. Study Population. Jingan district is located in the center lence of cataract by age and gender groups is shown in
of Shanghai, covering an area of 7.62 square kilometers. In Table 2. Among the 2894 individuals who enrolled in the
the sixth national census, the permanent population of the study, 948 (32.8%) were diagnosed with cataract, including
district in 2010 was 246788. Residents ≥40 years old in a 845 adults (29.2%) with binocular cataract and 103 adults
street community in Jingan district were enrolled in this (3.6%, right/left, 57/46) with monocular cataract. The
study. The study was fully conformed to the Declaration of prevalence of any cataract ranged from 5% in people aged
Helsinki and approved by the Ethics Committee of Eye and 40–49 to 71.7% in those older than 80. The rate of cataract in
ENT Hospital of Fudan University (Shanghai, China). All adults 70–79 years old (62.9%) is two times and 12 times of
the participants were informed of the purpose and contents that in adults 60–69 years old (29.9%) and 40–49 years old
of the investigation in detail and signed the informed (5.0%), respectively. In addition, this study showed a sig-
consent form before enrollment in the study. Ophthalmic nificant difference in the prevalence of cataract among
examination included best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) different age groups (Χ2 � 629.5, P < 0.001). The ratio of
and external and anterior segment examination with the slit prevalence based on gender is male: female (350/598, 33.1%/
lamp biomicroscope. The study workers performed a 32.5%) with no significant difference (Χ2 � 0.113, P � 0.737).
questionnaire interview for each participant concerning
demographic details, education level, life habits, working
conditions, and medical history. 3.3. The Distribution of Visual Acuity. The bilateral visual
acuity of 2884 people was obtained owing to 10 people
refusing to exam (Table 3). The low vision rate ranged from
2.2. Diagnostic Criteria. The Lens Opacity Classification 6.7% in people aged 40–49 to 27.6% in those older than 80.
System III ≥2 in either eye was defined as cataract. [12] We The ratio of low vision based on gender is male: female (88/
defined any cataract as meeting the criteria mentioned above 204, 8.3%/11.1%). In addition, there were significant dif-
and intraocular lens or aphakia eyes if the subject had an ferences in low vision among different age groups and
ARC surgery history in either eye, excluding low vision gender (Χage2 � 84.420, Page < 0.001, Χgender2 � 7.696,
caused by other eye diseases. Patients with unilateral or Pgender � 0.021).
bilateral cataracts were recorded as cataract patients. Visual
acuity was categorized using the WHO criteria as follows:
normal vision (BVCA ≥20/63), bilateral low vision (BCVA 3.4. Risk Factors for Cataract. The risk factors for cataract
<20/63-≥20/400 in the better eye), and bilateral blindness were evaluated by univariate and multivariable analysis
(BCVA <20/400 in the better eye). [3]. (Table 4). Using univariate analysis, age, marriage, hyper-
tension, diabetes, and refractive error were risk factors of
cataract, while the only refractive error was the risk factors of
2.3. Statistical Analysis. Statistical analysis was carried out cataract (OR � 1.346, 95% CI: 1.124–1.612) after the age-
using the SPSS version17.0 (IBM/SPSS, Inc., Chicago IL). adjust analysis. In multivariable regression model, only age
The T-test and chi-square tests were used to analyze the (OR � 1.107, 95% CI: 1.094–1.120) and ametropia
univariate association of each risk factor with cataract and (OR � 1.352, 95% CI � 1.127–1.622) were independent risk
multivariable logistic regression with cataract as the de- factors of cataract. The multivariable analysis showed that
pendent variable to access the independent associations for people who had a history of ocular trauma (OR � 1.275) and
each risk factor. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence wore contact lenses (OR � 5.664) had a higher risk of cataract
intervals (95% CI) were presented, and differences were than those who did not, although there was no significant
considered statistically significant when P < 0.05. difference.
Journal of Ophthalmology 3

Table 1: Baseline characteristics of participants (N � 2894).

Variable N � 2894 % (95% CI)
Male 1056 36.5 (34.7–38.2)
Female 1838 63.5 (61.8–65.3)
Han 2891 99.9 (99.8–100.0)
Others 3 0.1 (0.0–0.2)
Married 2275 78.6 (77.1–80.1)
Divorced 95 3.3 (2.6–3.9)
Marital status
Widowed 404 14.0 (12.7–15.2)
Never married 120 4.1 (3.4–4.9)
None/primary school only 601 20.8 (19.3–22.2)
Education Secondary school 1872 64.7 (62.9–66.4)
University 421 14.5 (13.3–15.8)
Yes 472 16.3 (15.0–17.7)
No 2421 83.7 (82.3–85.0)
Yes 402 13.9 (12.6–15.2)
No 2491 86.1 (84.8–87.3)
No 1987 68.7 (67.0–70.3)
1∼2 h/d 516 17.8 (16.4–19.2)
Time of using computer
3∼8 h/d 358 12.4 (11.2–13.6)
>8 h/d 33 1.1 (0.8–1.5)
No 123 4.3 (3.5–5.0)
1∼2 h/d 1190 41.1 (39.3–42.9)
Time of using television
3∼8 h/d 1518 52.5 (50.6–54.3)
>8 h/d 63 2.2 (1.6–2.7)
No 2401 83.0 (81.6–84.3)
1∼2 h/d 275 9.5 (8.4–10.6)
Time to use air conditioners
3∼8 h/d 188 6.5 (5.6–7.4)
>8 h/d 30 1.0 (0.7–1.4)
Yes 1104 38.1 (36.4–39.9)
No 1789 61.8 (60.0–63.6)
Yes 386 13.3 (12.1–14.6)
No 2507 86.6 (85.4–87.9)
Yes 1 0.0 (0.0–0.1)
Infectious diseases
No 2892 99.9 (99.8–100.0)
Yes 1398 48.3 (46.5–50.1)
Refractive error
No 1495 51.7 (49.8–53.5)
Yes 49 1.7 (1.2–2.2)
Ocular trauma
No 2844 98.3 (97.8–98.7)
Yes 4 0.1 (0.0–0.3)
Contact lenses
No 2889 99.8 (99.7–100.0)
N � number; CI � confidence interval.

4. Discussion due to the aggravated aging process and advances in di-

agnostic and geographical distribution [5]. In addition, the
Our study provided new population-based data on the risk prevalence of cataract in Zheng et al.’s study with people
of cataract in urban residents aged 40 years and above with a older than 60 years in urban areas of Shanghai was 46.8%,
large sample size. The prevalence of cataract aged 40 years similar to our present study (43.9%) [14].
old and over found in the Jingan district of Shanghai is 948 As we know today, cataracts can be divided into three
(32.8%) by investigating 2894 subjects, which was supported major types by cause, including age-related cataract, con-
by Huang et al.’s study showing that the prevalence of genital cataract, and cataracts secondary to other causes.
cataract in the elderly is 39.86% in the Beixinjing area of Notably, the most common type in adults is age-related
Shanghai. [13] A systematic review projected that the cataract. In terms of visual acuity, we found that the number
prevalence (45–89 years of age) affected by any cataract in of people with normal vision significantly decreased grad-
the whole of China is to increase from 22.78% (95% ually in this study, showing that older people tend to develop
CI � 18.98–27.03) to 33.34% (95% CI � 28.53–38.40) be- severe visual symptoms. There have been numerical studies
tween the years 2020 and 2050 [5]. However, the data from to prove that increasing age is related to lens pathology as a
our study in urban Shanghai were much higher, probably risk factor, which is consistent with our study, suggesting the
4 Journal of Ophthalmology

Table 2: Prevalence of cataract stratified by age and gender in the Jingan district of Shanghai in 2010.
Groups No. of participants Proportion%
No. % (95% CI)
Age (years)
40–49 241 8.3 12 5.0 (2.2–7.7)
50–59 1038 35.9 160 15.4 (13.2–17.6)
60–69 777 26.8 232 29.9 (26.6–33.1)
70–79 598 20.7 372 62.2 (58.3–66.1)
≥80 240 8.3 172 71.7 (66.0–77.4)
P < 0.001
Male 1056 36.5 350 33.1 (30.3–36.0)
Female 1838 63.5 598 32.5 (30.4–34.7)
P � 0.737
Total 2894 100 948 32.8 (31.0–34.5)
No. � number; CI � confidence interval.

Table 3: Age- and gender-specific prevalence of bilateral visual impairment using the definition of the World Health Organization in 2010.
Low vision and blindness
Low vision Blindness
Groups No. of participants combined
No. % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI) No. % (95% CI)
Age (years)
40 ∼ 49 240 16 6.7 (3.5–9.8) — — 16 6.7 (3.5–9.8)
50 ∼ 59 1035 77 7.4 (5.8–9.0) 6 0.6(0.1–1.0) 83 8.0 (6.4–9.7)
60 ∼ 69 775 57 7.4 (5.5–9.2) 4 0.5 (0.0–1.0) 61 7.8 (6.0–9.8)
70 ∼ 79 595 76 12.8 (10.1–15.5) 4 0.6 (0.0–1.3) 80 13.4 (10.7–16.2)
≥80 239 66 27.6 (21.9–33.3) 1 0.4 (−0.4–1.2) 67 28.0 (22.3–33.7)
P < 0.001 P � 0.980∗ P < 0.001
Male 1054 88 8.3 (6.7–10.0) 3 0.28 (0–0.6) 91 8.6 (6.9–10.3)
Female 1830 204 11.1 (9.7–12.6) 12 0.7 (0.3–1.0) 216 11.8 (10.3–13.3)
P � 0.021 P � 0.182 P � 0.008
Total 2884 292 10.1 (9.0–11.2) 15 0.5 (0.3–0.8) 307 10.6 (9.5–11.8)
No. � number; CI � confidence interval; — � data not available. ∗ Fisher’s exact test.

natural aging of the lens and the long-term exposure to with type 2 diabetes [19] and cataract extraction [20].
potential risk factors [1, 15, 16]. Pathologically, oxidative Therefore, the evidence of the potential protective effect of
stress is the direct mechanism of lens opacity. It has been hormone therapy against harmful oxidative stress will be the
found that the antioxidants and antioxidant enzymes in the focus of future studies [5, 21].
eyes will be significantly reduced after 40 years old, resulting Refractive errors are defined as common optical aber-
in the inability to protect the eyes effectively. Apart from ration determined by the cornea focusing power, lens, and
that, the decreased protective pigment 3-hydroxycaninuric ocular axial length, resulting from a complex interaction of
acid in the elderly eyes will be converted into phototoxic lifestyle and genetic factors [22]. The mechanisms of re-
yellow uric acid, which may harm the lens [17]. fractive error pathogenesis remain to be investigated. The
Although male (33.1%) and females (32.5%) have similar main mechanism can be divided into at least two sets: first,
prevalence of cataract, the less normal vision (89.4%) and including all factors that alter refractive power; second,
more low vision (11.1%) are found in women, compared central neuro system-related, including circadian rhythm
with men (91.4%, 8.3%) (Χ2 � 7.696, P � 0.021). We interpret control [22, 23]. A cross-sectional study in Singapore
these to mean that females tend to develop more visual showed that myopia (<−0.5D) was closely related to in-
significantly cataract. However, there was no significance creased incidence of nuclear cataract (OR = 4.99) and pos-
between gender and cataract after multivariable analysis. The terior subcapsular cataract (OR = 1.34) [24]. And cataract
relationship between females and cataracts has been in- surgery is also made more difficult in patients who have
vestigated by previous studies [5, 7, 18], while the mecha- previously underwent corneal refractive laser surgery, such
nism behind sex disparity in cataracts remains to be as intraocular lens power calculation [25, 26]. A recent meta-
elucidated. Presumably, a decrease in estrogen at menopause analysis showed a strong association with nuclear and
may be related to an increased risk of cataract in women due posterior subcapsular cataract for any myopia, while cortical
to the withdrawal effect rather than the concentration of cataract tends to develop more in emmetropes and hyper-
estrogen [16]. However, long-term postmenopausal hor- opes than myopes [27, 28]. Our study also found refractive
mone therapy in women may increase their risk of cataract error as an independent risk factor for cataract (OR = 1.346,
Journal of Ophthalmology 5

Table 4: Univariate and multivariable association analysis of risk factors for cataract.
After adjusting for
Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis
Risk factors age
OR 95% CI OR 95% CI OR 95% CI
Age 1.116 1.106–1.126 1.107 1.094–1.120
Gender (female) 0.973 0.823–1.143 1.130 0.940–1.358 1.121 0.891–1.411
Never married 1 1 1
Married 0.925 0.620–1.382 0.796 0.509–1.246 0.845 0.537–1.330
Marital status
Divorced 0.745 0.405–1.373 0.819 0.416–1.612 0.858 0.432–1.706
Widowed 3.522 2.272–5.459 0.976 0.529–1.610 0.949 0.568–1.583
Primary school or illiterate 1 1 1
Education Secondary school 0.275 0.227–0.333 0.835 0.659–1.057 0.901 0.703–1.154
University/college 0.363 0.279–0.471 0.722 0.537–0.972 0.850 0.613–1.179
No 1 1 1
1∼2 h/d 0.485 0.388–0.606 0.921 0.718–1.181 0.987 0.761–1.280
Time of using computer
3∼8 h/d 0.269 0.198–0.366 0.592 0.425–0.825 0.617 0.438–0.869
>8 h/d 0.352 0.145–0.856 0.938 0.375–2.349 1.050 0.411–2.682
No 1 1 1
1∼2 h/d 0.901 0.612–1.325 0.998 0.631–1.577 1.024 0.641–1.636
Time of using television
3∼8 h/d 0.794 0.542–1.164 0.971 0.617–1.528 1.017 0.639–1.619
>8 h/d 0.748 0.390–1.436 0.870 0.410–1.847 0.857 0.399–1.841
No 1 1 1
1∼2 h/d 0.554 0.413–0.743 0.782 0.560–1.090 0.789 0.562–1.108
Time of using air conditioners
3∼8 h/d 0.504 0.352–0.722 0.849 0.561–1.266 0.864 0.576–1.295
>8 h/d 0.568 0.243–1.328 0.869 0.331–2.282 0.858 0.324–2.276
Hypertension 1.596 1.363–1.870 0.975 0.810–1.172 0.942 0.779–1.139
Diabetes 1.793 1.442–2.229 1.211 0.943–1.556 1.183 0.915–1.530
Smoking 0.754 0.606–0.938 1.089 0.850–1.394 1.164 0.866–1.566
Drinking 0.809 0.640–1.019 0.966 0.741–1.257 0.971 0.720–1.309
Refractive error 1.944 1.660–2.276 1.346 1.124–1.612 1.352 1.127–1.622
Ocular trauma 1.092 0.603–1.976 1.367 0.711–2.628 1.275 0.659–2.469
Contact lenses 0.684 0.071–6.580 4.394 0.452–42.754 5.664 0.555–57.773
OR: odds ratio; the values in bold indicate that the P value is less than 0.05.

95% CI: 1.124–1.612), consistent with previous studies. level and cataract when the multivariable analysis was
Myopia, one kind of ametropia, is well known as a strong used. The mechanisms of education level relationship
factor in secondary cataract [1]. As previously described, a underlying this effect remain unknown. As a kind of
higher level of oxidative stress and byproducts of lipid socio-economic status, education level may reflect the
peroxidation will occur in the myopia eye, possibly in- discrepancy of lifestyle and environmental exposure,
creasing cataract formation [27]. The longer axial length is including ocular ultraviolet B exposure, health status,
proposed to be associated with the early cataract formation, disease, and nutrition [15]. In addition, malnutrition has
which may be attributed to the weak diffusion of nutrients been proven as an independent risk factor for cataract
from the posterior chamber to the lens, but the lens is still in [34]. For example, the proportion of antioxidant-rich
aqueous humor [27]. Instead, the development of cataract, in vegetables in the diet of people with low education levels
turn, can lead to a refractive error of the eyes, especially the was significantly lower than that of people with high
nuclear cataract. Therefore, the relationship between nuclear education levels, and the intake of antioxidants can
cataract and myopia must be interpreted cautiously. significantly reduce the risk of cataract [35, 36].
Cataract has been reported to be associated with Contrary to our expectation, the age-adjusted OR of
lower education in the population of Korean [29], cataract was found lowest in people who used computers
American [10, 30, 31], Chinese [32], Singapore [33], every day for 3–8 hours. The educational level and oc-
Myanmar [9], and Russian [8]. In the present study, the cupation of the majority of the elderly in this study can
results of univariate regression analysis showed that explain this phenomenon because the educational level
those completing secondary education and above had a of people who used computers every day for 3–8 hours
lower risk of cataract than those who were illiterate or was higher than those who did not.
completed primary school only. After adjusting for age, Increased smoking or alcohol consumption has also been
the protective factors only occur in people with a college linked to an increased risk of cataract [1, 11]. However,
education (OR � 0.722, 95% CI: 0.537–0.972). However, smoking or drinking was not significant after adjusting for
there was no apparent association between education age and multivariable analysis, which may be attributed to
6 Journal of Ophthalmology

the misclassification by not recording past and current Authors’ Contributions

history [9].
There are some limitations to this study. Firstly, cataract Yingying Hong, Yang Sun, and Xiaofang Ye contributed
patients who had taken measures to avoid possible risk equally to this work.
factors after diagnosis were also included in the survey,
which may lead to a decrease in the incidence of potential Acknowledgments
risk factors for cataract and even the opposite results of
previous studies. Secondly, the subtypes of cataract were not This work was supported by the National Natural Science
recorded in this study, which may be one of the sources of Foundation of China (Grant No. 81770907) and Shanghai
negative results. However, the advantage of our study was Talent Development Fund (Grant No. 2018049). This article
the relatively large study population size and many variables was previously delivered in a preprint (
to provide new evidence for the research of prevalence and 21203/rs.2.22128/v1) [37].
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The authors declare that they have no competing interests. survey of cataract among the elder in Beixinjing Blocks,
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