Lawyers Oath

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I, do solemnly swear that I will maintain allegiance to the

Republic of the Philippines, I will support the Constitution
and obey the laws as well as the legal orders of the duly
constituted authorities therein; I will do no falsehood, nor
consent to the doing of any in court; I will not wittingly or
willingly promote or sue any groundless, false or unlawful
suit, or give aid nor consent to the same; I will delay no man
for money or malice, and will conduct myself as a lawyer
according to the best of my knowledge and discretion, with
all good >idelity as well to the courts as to my clients; and I
impose upon myself these voluntary obligations without any
mental reservation or purpose of evasion. So help me God.
1 Where can you -ind the rules Rule 138-A of the Rules of Court
on Law Student Revised Law Student Practice Rule 2019
2 Five goals of the limited >> Immersed in real life situation in connection with your study to the law
practice of law by law >> Ensure access to justice of the marginalized sectors
students >> Enhance learning opportunities
>> Instill legal professional social responsibility
>> Prepare for the practice of law
3 What can you do as an LSP 1. Appearances before trial and appellate courts and quasi-judicial and
administrative bodies
2. Drafting and submission of pleadings and documents
3. Assistance in mediation, and other Alternative Dispute Resolution
4. Legal counselling and advice
5. Others covered by the legal clinic of law school
4 Eligibility Requirements for Law student who have successfully completed their 1st year law courses
Level 1 Certi-ication
5 Eligibility Requirements for 1. Law students currently enrolled for the 2nd semester of their 3rd year law
Level 2 Certi-ication courses.
2. Provided where the student fails to complete all their third-year law courses,
the Level 2 certi-ication shall be deemed automatically revoked
6 Validity of the certi-ication? Certi-ication valid until the student has completed the required number of
courses in the clinical legal education program to complete the law degree,
unless earlier revoked.
7 Practice area for level 1 LSP >> negotiate on behalf of client,
>> represent eligible practice before quasi-judicial,
>> provide public legal orientation,
>> assist in public interest advocacies
8 Practice area for level 2 LSP >> All activities by a Lvl 1,
>> assist in the taking of deposition and/or preparing judicial af-idavits of
>> appear on behalf of the client at any stage of the proceedings or trial, before
any court, quasi-judicial or administrative bodies,
>> in criminal cases, subject to provisions of Section 5, Rule 110 of the ROC, to
appear on behalf of a government agency in the prosecution of criminal actions,
9 Application Requirements 1. Duly-accomplished application form under oath
2. Three copies
3. Proof of payment of necessary legal and -iling fee
10 Duties of the LSP 1. Observe provisions of Section 24b of ROC (rule on privileged
2. Prohibited from using information acquired in one's capacity as LSP for
personal or commercial gain
3. Perform their duties and responsibilities to the best of their abilities
4. Strictly observe the Canons of the Code of Professional Responsibility and
11 Use of the LSP Name 1. May sign pleadings, letters, and other similar documents under the direction
of the SL
2. Must indicate LSP certi-icate number
12 Duties of Law School 1. Develop and adopt a clinical legal education program
2. Develop and establish a legal clinic in its school
3. Endorse quali-ied students for certi-ication. Applicant is a student enrolled
in CLEP course, good moral character, and met the requirements
4. Ensure compliance by LSP and Supervising lawyers of CPR
13 Duties of SL: 1. Supervise a practicable number of certi-ied LSP
2. Personally appear with the LSP in all cases pending before 2nd level Courts
and in all other cases where he deems his presence to be required
3. Assume personal professional responsibility for any work done by the LSP
4. Assist and advice certi-ied LSP in activities
5. Read, approve and personally sign any pleadings prepared by LSP
6. Provide a level of supervision as required
14 Sanctions 1. Engaging in LSP activities without certi-ication or without consent of
supervising lawyer
2. False representations/fraud in the application for certi-ication
3. Using expired certi-ication
4. Rendering legal services outside the scope of the practice areas allowed
under Section 4.
5. Asking and receiving payment or compensation.
15 Legal ethics: A branch of moral science which deals of the duties an attorney to the court, to
his client, to his colleagues
16 Responsibility vs. R: someone's duty to carry out a task to completion
Accountability A: refers to what happens after something has happened. To be answerable to
the consequences of our action and inaction.
17 Core of legal ethical values Integrity: probity + moral uprightness
18 7 Canons 1. Independence
2. Propriety
3. Fidelity
4. Competence
5. Diligence
6. Equality
7. Accountability

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