Debate Script

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Group 5

Debate video script:


Engineers are more responsible for ensuring construction safety than any other profession.
Why? Because they have the deepest understanding of the technical aspects of construction,
the highest ethical standards, and the greatest accountability for their work. In this debate, we
will discuss the four key reasons why engineers bear the greatest responsibility for construction

Argument 1: Technical Expertise

Engineers possess the deepest understanding of structural engineering, materials science, and
safety protocols. This enables them to identify and mitigate potential hazards that other
professionals may overlook. (Rahi)

Argument 2: Legal, Ethical Obligations & Accountability

Engineers are held to rigorous ethical and legal standards that prioritize public safety. These
standards mandate that engineers prioritize safety above all else in their work (Code of Ethics |
National Society of Professional Engineers, n.d.).

For example, the American Society of Civil Engineers Code of Ethics states that engineers have a
responsibility to "protect the public health, safety, and welfare in the performance of their
professional duties (Code of Ethics | National Society of Professional Engineers, n.d)." (Afoke)

In the event of safety breaches or accidents, engineers are held accountable for their decisions
and actions. This accountability provides a powerful incentive for engineers to diligently oversee
construction projects.

For example, in the United States, engineers can be held liable for negligence in the design or
construction of a project (The Law: Subcontractor Can’t Prove Negligence Against Engineer,

The legal consequences faced by engineers for negligence encourage them to be diligent and
thorough in their decision-making processes. (Yash)

Argument 3: Risk Assessment and Mitigation

Engineers are trained to assess risks and take proactive steps to mitigate them. They conduct
thorough structural analyses, evaluate environmental factors, and consider potential hazards in
their designs. This risk management approach directly contributes to construction safety.

For example, a 2018 study published in the journal "Safety Science" found that construction
projects with a higher percentage of engineers on the design team had a lower rate of accidents
and injuries. The study also found that construction projects with engineers involved in the
construction process had a lower rate of accidents and injuries (Tong et al., 2020). (Fatima)
Group 5

Argument 4: Supervision and Quality Control

Engineers often oversee construction sites, ensuring that plans are followed correctly. They
have the authority to halt work if they identify safety violations or concerns. This active
involvement in the construction process helps maintain safety standards.

Engineers often use checklists and other tools to inspect construction sites for potential safety
hazards. They may also conduct safety audits to assess the overall safety culture of a
construction site.


Engineers bear the greatest responsibility for ensuring construction safety. Their technical
expertise, ethical obligations, and accountability make them the linchpin of safety in the
construction industry. (Raj)

1. Code of Ethics | National Society of Professional Engineers. (n.d.). Code of Ethics | National
Society of Professional Engineers. Retrieved September 27, 2023, from
2. The Law: Subcontractor Can’t Prove Negligence Against Engineer. (n.d.). ASCE. Retrieved
September 27, 2023, from
3. Tong, R., Zhang, N., Wang, X., & Zhao, H. (2020, June 3). Impact of safety management
system on safety performance: the mediating role of safety responsibility. Engineering,
Construction and Architectural Management, 27(10), 3155–3170.

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