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Instructions NP WD19 CS1-4b

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New Perspectives Word 2019 | Modules 1-4: SAM Capstone Project 1b

Frontline Medical Research


 Open the file NP_WD19_CS1-4b_FirstLastName_1.docx, available for download
from the SAM website.

 Save the file as NP_WD19_CS1-4b_FirstLastName_2.docx by changing the “1” to a


o If you do not see the .docx file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it.
The program will add the file extension for you automatically.

 To complete this SAM Project, you will also need to download and save the following
data files from the SAM website onto your computer:

o Support_WD19_CS1-4_Tips.docx

o Support_WD19_CS1-4_Lost.jpg

 With the file NP_WD19_CS1-4b_FirstLastName_2.docx still open, ensure that your

first and last name is displayed in the footer.

o If the footer does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy
from the SAM website.

1. As an information security associate in the Information Technology Department at
Frontline Medical Research, you are completing a report for employees. On page 1,
rotate the picture to the left by 90° so that it has the correct orientation.

2. Change the theme colors of the document to Median to coordinate with the company

3. On page 2, at the beginning of the first body paragraph ("Now that you are working…"),
insert a Dropped Drop Cap to mark the beginning of the body text.

4. Provide more detailed information as follows:

a. Find the sentence "In fact, nearly one-third...with malware today."

b. After the period at the end of the sentence, insert a footnote with the following
text: About 32 percent are infected, according to Tech World.

5. Insert a picture as follows to illustrate how easily mobile devices are lost or stolen:

a. Insert the picture Support_WD19_CS1-4_Lost.jpg in the blank paragraph in the

"Security Awareness" section.

b. Resize the picture to a width of 6".

New Perspectives Word 2019 | Modules 1-4: SAM Capstone Project 1b

6. On page 3, add visual interest to the "Use Complex Passwords" section as follows:

a. To the left of the "Using secure passwords…creating complex passwords:"

paragraph, insert an Arrow: Pentagon [Mac Hint: Pentagon] shape from the
Block Arrows section in the Shapes gallery.

b. Resize the shape to a height of 0.5" and a width of 0.7".

c. Apply the Subtle Effect – Green, Accent 5 shape style.

d. Type 1 into the shape.

e. Change the font size of the shape text to 20 point.

f. Apply Square text wrapping to the shape.

g. Move the anchor point of the shape to the beginning of the paragraph "Using
secure passwords is the most reliable way…."

7. Format the paragraphs in the "Use Complex Passwords" section as follows:

a. Create a bulleted list beginning with the paragraph "Use a long nonsense phrase."
and ending with the paragraph "Do not reuse passwords."

b. Increase the indent of the paragraph "Include numbers, symbols...and lowercase

letters." and the paragraph "Avoid using personal...or street addresses." by one

8. Add a border to the "Most Common Passwords" picture using the Green, Accent 5
border color.

9. Illustrate ways to use security software as follows:

a. In the blank paragraph in the "Use Security Software" section, insert a Basic
Process SmartArt from the Process section of the SmartArt gallery.

b. Enter the following text in the shapes: Left shape: Install Center shape: Activate
Right shape: Update

10. Format the SmartArt as follows to suit the appearance and layout of the document:

a. Change the SmartArt colors to Colored Fill – Accent 5.

b. Change the SmartArt style to Subtle Effect.

c. Resize the SmartArt to a height of 1.25" so it fits on page 3.

11. On page 4, use the Format Painter to copy the formatting from the text "FIREWALL" to
the bold text "updates" to use consistent font formats in the "Installing and Activating
Security Software" section.

12. Insert a Continuous section break in each of the following locations on page 4 to
prepare for inserting columns and balancing them:

a. At the beginning of the paragraph "FIREWALL: Operating systems...hardware


b. In the blank paragraph above the "Other Measures" heading.

13. Format the section you created (beginning "FIREWALL: Operating systems…" and ending
"…exploiting your data.") into two columns.
New Perspectives Word 2019 | Modules 1-4: SAM Capstone Project 1b

14. Insert and format a text box as follows to provide tips for keeping mobile devices

a. Draw a text box to the right of the paragraph "Other ways to protect…last five
years." in the "Other Measures" section.

b. Resize the text box to a height of 1.2" and a width of 3".

c. Position the text box using the Middle Right with Square Text Wrapping

d. Copy and paste the paragraph in the document Support_WD19_CS1-

4_Tips.docx, available for download from the SAM website, into the new text box.

e. Apply the Subtle Effect - Green, Accent 5 shape style to the text box.

15. Format the table in the "Other Measures" section as follows to improve its appearance:

a. Apply the List Table 4—Accent 5 table style.

b. Merge the first two cells in the last row (cells A5 and B5).

c. Apply the Align Center Right alignment to the merged cell.

d. AutoFit the table to its contents.

16. In the blank cell of the table (cell C5), insert a formula that sums the values above the

17. Modify the table in the "Know the Numbers" section as follows to add new information
and to coordinate with the table in the "Other Measures" section:

a. Remove the special formatting for the first column.

b. Repeat the header row across pages.

c. On page 5, insert a new row at the end of the table.

d. Enter the following text in the first cell of the new row: Social engineering

e. Enter 65 in the second cell of the new row.

f. Sort the table in descending order based on the numbers in the Percentage (%)

18. On page 5, apply 60 point spacing before the paragraph beginning "Do you want more
information…" to separate the paragraph from the rest of the document.

19. At the end of the "Do you want more information…" paragraph, replace the text "[email
address]" by typing [email protected] and pressing SPACEBAR to format the
email address as a hyperlink.

20. In the address line paragraph ("Frontline Medical Research…frontline.cengage.com"),

replace the text "[insert bullet]" with a Bullet (a filled circle with character code 183)
from the Symbol gallery.

21. In the same paragraph, remove the hyperlink from the web address
"frontline.cengage.com" to format it as regular text.

22. Shade the three paragraphs including the "Do you want more information…
[email protected]" sentence, the paragraph with the logo, and the address line
paragraph with White, Background 1, Darker 5% shading to separate the paragraphs
from the rest of the document.
New Perspectives Word 2019 | Modules 1-4: SAM Capstone Project 1b

23. Add a Top Border to the paragraph "Do you want more information…" and then change
the border color to Green, Accent 5 (First row, second column to the right in the theme
colors palette) to emphasize the separation.

24. Find all instances of the word "antiware" in the document, and replace it with the word
malware to use the correct term.

25. Check the Spelling & Grammar in the document to identify and correct any spelling
errors. (Hint: Ignore names and grammar suggestions.)

Your document should look like the Final Figure on the following pages. Save your changes, close
the document, and then exit Word. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your
completed project.
New Perspectives Word 2019 | Modules 1-4: SAM Capstone Project 1b

Final Figure

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