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Neurotherapeutics (2020) 17:392–403



Septic-Associated Encephalopathy: a Comprehensive Review

Aurélien Mazeraud 1,2,3 & Cássia Righy 1,4 & Eleonore Bouchereau 1,2,3 & Sarah Benghanem 3,5 &
Fernando Augusto Bozza 6 & Tarek Sharshar 1,3

Published online: 6 May 2020

# The American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics, Inc. 2020

Septic-associated encephalopathy (SAE) is a key manifestation of sepsis, ranging from delirium to coma and occurring in up to 70%
of patients admitted to the ICU. SAE is associated with higher ICU and hospital mortality, and also with poorer long-term outcomes,
including cognitive and functional outcomes. The pathophysiology of SAE is complex, and it may involve neurotransmitter
dysfunction, inflammatory and ischemic lesions to the brain, microglial activation, and blood–brain barrier dysfunction. Delirium
(which is included in the SAE spectrum) is mostly diagnosed with validated scales in the ICU population. There is no established
treatment for SAE; benzodiazepines should generally be avoided in this setting. Nonpharmacological prevention and management is
key for treating SAE; it includes avoiding oversedation (mainly with benzodiazepines), early mobilization, and sleep promotion.

Key Words Sepsis . neuroinflammation . sepsis-associated encephalopathy . microglia . blood–brain barrier . neuroanatomy

Introduction about 50%. It varies from 8% to more than 70% of septic

patients, according to the sepsis severity, patients’ profile,
Since ancient times, physicians have recognized that the cen- and SAE diagnostic criteria [4–6]. It can be the revealing
tral nervous system (CNS) is one of the first organs affected in manifestation of sepsis, and alteration in mental status has
sepsis, and its clinical manifestation is the so-called sepsis- been identified as 1 of the 3 screening items for detecting
associated encephalopathy (SAE) [1]. Sepsis, defined as a sepsis [7]. Its pathophysiology comprises neuroinflammation,
life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated vascular changes, and metabolic failure leading to tissue le-
host response to infection [2], is a leading cause of ICU ad- sions seen in animal models and observed in humans [1].
mission and death worldwide [3]. The incidence of SAE is These mechanisms are not homogeneous in the brain and
may lead to region-specific lesions. The centers involved in
autonomic controls, arousal, awareness, and behavior are par-
Invited review for the neurocritical care special issue ticularly affected, accounting for the clinical features of SAE
varying from sickness behavior to consciousness impairment
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
(https://doi.org/10.1007/s13311-020-00862-1) contains supplementary (i.e., ranging from delirium to coma) [1, 8]. SAE is character-
material, which is available to authorized users. ized by changes in the electroencephalogram (EEG), with a
nonconvulsive status epilepticus that can be detected in up to
* Tarek Sharshar 20% of cases [9]. The radiologic lesions are uncommon, but
[email protected] white matter hypersignal and ischemic stroke can be observed
in the subgroup of patients with septic shock ischemic lesions
GHU Paris Psychiatrie et Neuroscience, Neurointensive Care and in about 30% of patients [10–12]. SAE is associated with
Neuroanesthesia Department, 1, rue Cabanis, 75014 Paris, France
increased mortality [4, 13] as well as long-term cognitive
Medical Intensive Care Unit, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, impairment—mainly affecting memory, attention, and verbal
20 rue Leblanc, 75015 Paris, France
fluency [14, 15]—and psychological disorders, including de-
Université de Paris, 75006 Paris, France pression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Instituto Estadual do Cérebro Paul Niemeyer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [16, 17]. Its management relies mainly on general ICU good
Médecine Intensive et Réanimation, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire practices as specific treatment is still lacking.
Cochin, Paris, France The brain is an immune-privileged organ as it is less subject
Instituto D’Or de Pesquisa e Ensino, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to the immune response, with consequences to make it tolerant
Septic-Associated Encephalopathy: a Comprehensive Review 393

to tumors and graft. Now the current thinking is that the CNS Specific pathways mediate this signal to the brain and trig-
can be profoundly affected by severe systemic infections. gers 3 processes which are neuroinflammation, ischemia, and
Therefore, in this chapter, we will review the main character- cellular metabolic stress [27]. It is likely that complement
istics of SAE and its pathophysiology, as well as its therapeu- system activation contributes to the BBB dysfunction [28].
tics and prognosis. Macro- and microcirculatory dysfunctions induce ischemia;
the dysfunction of the vascular complex (which includes the
endothelial cells, astrocytes, and blood–brain barrier) and the
activation of microglia lead to neuroinflammation. These 2
processes add to other systemic factors (i.e., drug neurotoxic-
ity, hypoxia, dysglycemia, renal or liver failure) and induce
Because of the absence of consensual definition of SAE, there
metabolic stress (Fig. 1). Oxidative stress closely linked to
is a great variation in its incidence across studies. Thus, 20 to
dysfunction of the mitochondria alters neuronal function and
40% of septic patients admitted to the ICU will develop an
vitality [26, 29]. Specific brain regions are particularly sensi-
encephalopathy. It has been reported that delirium is observed
tive to these processes, those involved in autonomic control,
in up to 70% of elderly mechanically ventilated patients [14,
arousal, defining behavioral response to stress, and more com-
18]. The most consistent risk factors are age, previous cogni-
plex cognitive functions such as memory and attention [30].
tive impairment, kidney and liver failure, and sepsis severity
Strong neuronal activation is consistently evidenced in the
[4, 14]. Similarly, bacteremia is accompanied by changes in
hippocampus, the amygdala, the nucleus tractus solitarii, and
neurological status, ranging from lethargy to coma, in about
the locus coeruleus [31]. An increased neuronal apoptosis
70% of cases [4]. Finally, only 19% of the patients admitted to
associated with microglial activation has been specifically ev-
the ICU showed a normal EEG with alpha rhythm and 80%
idenced in these areas by the neuropathological study of the
present EEG background or epileptic anomalies [19, 20].
brain from patients who died from sepsis [32]. These findings
It has been clearly shown that occurrence of encephalopa-
provide the anatomic substrate of acute and long-term conse-
thy increases the risk of death in septic patients, although the
quences of SAE.
mechanisms underlying the relationships between SAE and
mortality are not elucidated yet. Mortality rate is mainly asso-
Brain Signaling
ciated with the clinical and electrophysiological severity of
The inflammatory signal in the brain involves the humoral and
Septic patients are at risk also of developing long-term
neural pathways. For example, the intraperitoneal inflamma-
cognitive impairment and psychological disorders. Thus, hos-
tion signal is conveyed by vagal afferents to the medullary
pitalization for sepsis is associated with a 10% increase in the
autonomic nuclei and the vagus nerve is able to modulate local
prevalence of cognitive impairment during 8 years [14, 21].
and systemic inflammation (by its peritoneal and splenic in-
Attention, verbal fluency, executive function, verbal memory,
nervations respectively). The neural pathways could also com-
and quick mental processing are the main cognitive functions
prise other nerves and nuclei such as the trigeminal nerve and
impaired, whereas visual memory and visuoconstructive abil-
nucleus. The medullary autonomic nuclei can modulate more
ity are usually spared [15, 22]. The psychological disorders
widely the response to the sepsis by their connections to other
include anxiety, depression, and PTSD [17, 23]. Sepsis even
autonomic neuroendocrine and behavioral centers [32]. Areas
increases the risk for suicide within 2 years after its recovery
deprived of BBB form the humoral pathway involving
[24]. These psychological and cognitive disorders dramatical-
circumventricular organs and the area postrema.
ly impact quality of life and functional status [15]. At 1 year,
Inflammatory mediators are then allowed to traffic towards
up to 51% of septic patients have not returned to full-time
the local neuroendocrine and autonomic centers [33]. These
employment [25]. It is considered that the cognitive dysfunc-
2 pathways orchestrate the inflammatory stress response clin-
tion results from early sepsis-related insults of the hippocam-
ically observable as the sickness behavior.
pus and frontal lobe [21, 26] and the psychological disorders
Blood–brain barrier (BBB) dysfunction is also observed
from those involving the limbic system [1].
during sepsis. It controls the blood–brain water, molecule,
and ion balance and restrains immune cell, toxin, and patho-
gen crossing [34, 35]. Astrocytes and pericytes maintain its
Pathophysiology integrity. In septic shock, the neuropathological, electron mi-
crograph examination and MRI studies confirm the BBB im-
Systemic inflammation leads to deleterious effects on the pairment, responsible for vasogenic edema in the white matter
brain parenchyma resulting in SAE. SAE can be evidenced [11, 36]. Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndromes are
clinically, electrophysiologically, or radiologically and can be evidenced in septic patients, corroborating these findings [37].
modeled in animal studies. BBB impairment is also experimentally modeled, reproducing
394 Mazeraud et al.

Fig. 1 Schematic view of the different pathophysiological processes uncoupling, and strokes. Neuroinflammation includes microglial and as-
observed or supposed during sepsis-associated encephalopathy. trocytic activation enhancing excitotoxicity and metabolic imbalance in-
Vascular changes include blood–brain barrier dysfunction, neurovascular ducing neuronal cell death

endothelial activation, complement activation, and the de- Upon stimulation through circulating endotoxins or toll-
crease in tight junction protein expression, namely occludin, like receptor pathways, microglial cells activate and present
ZO-1, ZO-2, claudin-3, and claudin-5 [38]. Also, an upregu- morphological, immunological, and metabolic changes.
lation of aquaporine 4 has been evidenced, probably favoring Morphological changes are mostly characterized by a short-
brain edema in patients [36]. ening of their processes called deramification, up to an amoe-
boid form to the extreme. Various immunological phenotypes
of microglia activation are observed in response to such acti-
Neuroinflammation and Microglial Activation vation, ranging from proinflammatory (M1) releasing proin-
flammatory cytokines (such as gamma interferon or tumor
In the brain, microglial cells are the main macrophage cells, necrosis factor alpha) to anti-inflammatory (M2) ones releas-
representing most of the brain immune system. They also ing immune modulatory cytokines (such as IL4 or IL10). The
prune unused synapses and secrete neurotrophic factors con- neurotoxic consequences are usually considered secondary to
tributing to synaptic plasticity. They also present phagocytic, proinflammatory phenotypes whereas anti-inflammatory phe-
migration, proliferation, and various mediator release capaci- notypes could be neuroprotective [39]. The neuronal activa-
ties. Most of their various surface receptors interact with the tion and dysfunction is in part secondary to microglia activa-
peripheral immune system notably through cytokine ligation tion; thus, the neuroinflammatory process contributes to long-
but can also sense damage- and pathogen-associated molecu- term consequences of SAE. Cytokines, nitric oxide, excitatory
lar patterns (DAMPs and PAMPs) [39]. gliotransmitters, and neurotoxic metabolites (such as reactive
Septic-Associated Encephalopathy: a Comprehensive Review 395

oxygen species) mediate the microglia-mediated neurotoxici- exchange of “gliotransmitters,” ions, or small molecules be-
ty through an increase in neuronal excitability leading to hy- tween astrocytes and neurons or in the extracellular milieu
peractivation and excitotoxicity [39, 40]. (hemichannels). In a neuroinflammatory context induced by
Animal [41, 42] and human [43, 44] studies during sepsis LPS, microglial cell activation inhibits gap junction channels
consistently show microglia activation without any known and open hemichannels [59]. Whether this occurs in SAE has
cerebral infection. This concept has recently been challenged to be evidenced.
as bacterial genomic material and living bacteria have been In animal models of SAE, astrogliosis has been consistent-
found in animals and humans without them leading to infec- ly evidenced [50]; however, these findings have never been
tious encephalitis [45]. Whereas brain microbiota is consid- reported in humans. Human studies rely solely on neuropath-
ered absent in healthy subjects, this might be challenged in the ological findings and morphological analysis of glial fibrillary
critically ill [46]. Thus, targeting microbiota in the ICU could acid protein (GFAP) staining, which are insufficient to analyze
be a relevant therapy in the future [47, 48]. the functionality of neuron–glia interaction and astrocytic
As microglia activation induces most probably brain dam- network.
age during sepsis, its modulation seems a relevant approach
for treating SAE [49, 50]. Promising experimental results have
been published using various interventions including Ischemic Processes
minocycline [51], cholinergic inhibition [52, 53], and vagal
nerve stimulation [54]. Rivastigmine administration has been Ischemic processes are separated in macrocirculatory dysfunc-
an original and convincing lead in the sepsis setting. It has tion including hypotension, decreased cerebral flow, and im-
been shown to reduce microglia activation by restoring the paired autoregulation—and microcirculatory impairment,
cholinergic inhibition. However, a randomized clinical trial characterized by neurovascular uncoupling impairment, dis-
evaluating rivastigmine has been prematurely interrupted for ruption of the blood–brain barrier, and coagulation cascade
increasing mortality showing that manipulating the microglia activation. Septic shock induces ischemic damages observed
may be hazardous [55]. The absence of a microglial pheno- in all cases of patients dead of septic shock which are associ-
type biomarker limits clinical and experimental research ated in ~ 20% of cases with microhemorrhages associated to
allowing to classify easily such a dynamic phenomenon as disseminated intravascular coagulopathy [60].
microglial activation. Microglial activation has been charac- The cerebral blood flow (CBF) is maintained constant by
terized in Alzheimer disease using PET-CT, but its feasibility autoregulation as mean systemic arterial pressure ranges be-
limits its transposition to septic patients until further improve- tween 60 and 150 mmHg. Below 60 mmHg, CBF decreases
ments are made [56]. and induces olighemia whereas when MAP is above
One dementia pathophysiology hypothesis is a 150 mmHg, hyperhemia is observed. A decrease in the CBF
neuroinflammatory cascade as microglial activation is consis- has been consistently evidenced in septic shock, and an im-
tently activated in such diseases. In these pathologies, pairment of its autoregulation has been evidenced to be asso-
microglial cells are considered as “primed” and overactivate ciated with delirium [29, 61].
after being submitted to a second hit. Sepsis can be considered Brain microcirculation is finely regulated through complex
the primer or the second hit [57]. This hypothesis can there- mechanisms. These depend on the gliovascular unit composed
fore account for the relationship between the rate of sepsis of endothelial cells, astrocytes, and pericytes [62]. When neu-
occurrence and intensity of the cognitive decline but also to ronal activity increases and consumes oxygen, the
its deleterious impact on patients with pre-existing neurode- gliovascular unit couples the cerebral flow by vasodilation
generative disease. increasing locally the energy supply [62]. In experimental
models of sepsis, the microcirculatory dysfunction has been
Astrocytes and Blood–Brain Barrier Dysfunction evidenced by neurovascular uncoupling impairing cerebral
vascular supply and leading to a deleterious metabolic crisis
Astrocytes represent the brain’s most numerous cells. They [26, 63].
play a major role in brain homeostasis, and astrocyte dysfunc- In specific areas during sepsis, the metabolism is increased.
tion has been identified as a potential mechanism of SAE. For a normal mean blood pressure between 65 and 70 mmHg,
BBB permeability, brain water balance, and microcirculatory the autoregulating mechanisms of the CBF allow the blood
cerebral brain flow (via the release of NO, prostaglandins, and flow to match the energy demand. Sepsis can also impair
arachidonic) are controlled by astrocytes [58]. They also par- cerebral autoregulation, compromising a major protection of
ticipate in synaptic plasticity in the “tri-partite” synapse, re- the brain from ischemia. Thus, a decrease in mean arterial
leasing and reuptaking glutamate, GABA, and glycine. blood pressure below 70 mmHg can result in ischemic dam-
Astrocytes form extensive networks through gap junctions age. Such disturbance could induce a mismatch between ce-
of connexins (Cx), channels permitting the bidirectional rebral blood flow and metabolic demand [32].
396 Mazeraud et al.

Finally, such ischemic process could be involved in long- Functional Neuroanatomy of SAE
term cognitive decline as a similar mechanism to vascular
dementia. A neuroanatomical approach to SAE helps in understanding
not only SAE clinical features but also its associated increased
Mitochondrial Dysfunction mortality and long-term psychocognitive disorders (Fig. 2).

The metabolic and bioenergetics demands may result in oxi- Neuroanatomy of Response to Stress
dative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction during sepsis
[26]. Indeed, early mitochondrial dysfunction has been shown During sepsis, the peripheral inflammation is transmitted to
in various brain regions of septic animals, resulting in reduced structures controlling autonomic and neuroendocrine systems
ATP generation and the production of oxygen/nitrogen reac- interconnected to each other and to behavior and cognition
tive species [64]. This metabolic process is proapoptotic and centers, which in turn regulates the immune response through
involves the glial cells and neurons. the “inflammatory reflex” [77–80]. The intensity of such re-
sponse may be qualified in regard to the severity of sepsis as
Neurotransmitter Dysfunction adapted, maladapted, or pathological (overactivated or
blunted) [81, 82]. Such a distinction implies that recovery or
Aside from mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress, not of sepsis might be influenced by the CNS response.
neurons are liable to excitotoxicity [65]. Neurotransmitter However, there is no clinicobiological criteria to establish
concentration in the synaptic cleft is the basis for excitotoxic such a categorization. Through the neural pathway, the vagus
processes occurring when neurotransmitter release is in- nerve activates early the nucleus tractus solitarii and the locus
creased whereas its reuptake is diminished or insufficient coeruleus [31, 83, 84], which activate compensatory mecha-
[66]. The excitotoxic process is a pathological process occur- nisms in sepsis such as the control of blood pressure, heart
ring in neuroinflammation and ischemia but is also secondary rate, and arousal. These neural centers act as entry points to the
to systemic perturbations such as hypoxemia, electrolyte dis- CNS and stimulate the other autonomic nuclei and the behav-
orders, dysglycemia, drug toxicity, and excess circulating neu- ioral and neuroendocrine centers. The precocity of the CNS
rotoxic amino acids (ammonium, tyrosine, tryptophan, and activation by the neural route might explain that sickness be-
phenylalanine) [67, 68]. Excitotoxicity through glutamate re- havior is one of the earliest features of sepsis (Fig. 3) [85].
ceptors (N-methyl D aspartate receptor) induces functional Sickness behavior is a physiological response to a systemic
impairment but also cell death, which could account for the inflammation that is clinically characterized by social with-
clinical and electrophysiological features of SAE. Various drawal, impaired cognition (psychomotor retardation, im-
synapses seem to be involved in the SAE, notably dopaminer- paired attention), altered alertness (anxiety, hypersomnia, fa-
gic, β-adrenergic [69], the GABA [70], and the cholinergic tigue, sleepiness), and eating disorders (anorexia, weight loss,
ones [52, 71]. During delirium, a dopamine/choline imbalance thirst). Thus, a severe sickness behavior can mimic a
is suspected [72] but its modulation with cholinergic drugs hypoactive delirium [86]. Use of a specific scale for these
such as rivastigmine [55] or antidopaminergic drugs, like hal- entities is therefore clinically useful [87]. Interestingly, in
operidol [73], has not shown benefits in patients. On the other brains of patients who died from septic shock, the neuropath-
side, the risk of delirium is increased by benzodiazepines ological examination of response to stress structures consis-
(GABA agonists) [74], but not reduced by noradrenergic tently showed an increased number of apoptotic cells. This
drugs (i.e., dexmedetomidine) in septic patients [75]. finding underlines their particular sensitivity to the excitotoxic
process [32, 60, 85].
Iatrogenic Factors
Brainstem and Mortality and Delirium
There are various drugs commonly administered in septic pa-
tients that can be neurotoxic, including antibiotics and seda- Four broad functions are controlled by the brainstem:
tive agents. Thus, antibiotics overdose has been shown to be brainstem reflexes, sleep–wake cycle, control of vital func-
associated with delirium. It has to be noted that antibiotic tions, and modulation of the immune response [88].
neurotoxicity is not always related to an overdose. Brainstem dysfunction might then result in swallowing disor-
Benzodiazepines have been clearly established to induce de- ders, impaired arousal, cardiovascular sympathetic activity
lirium. All pharmacological factors have to be systematically and respiratory drive dysfunction, and both cholinergic and
checked. ICU environment and sleep deprivation are also in- adrenergic immunomodulation. These changes might account
volved in the occurrence of delirium. The use of the ABCDEF for the increased mortality, development of organ failure, and
bundle can be applied for controlling potential factors of de- fluctuating wakefulness. We have found in deeply sedated
lirium in septic patients [76]. critically ill patients that a specific pattern of heterogeneous
Septic-Associated Encephalopathy: a Comprehensive Review 397

Fig. 2 Early signs observed during sepsis (upper row), relying on specific inflammation; delirium and consciousness disorders are clinical signs of
structures (middle row) and associated with worst outcome (right row). SAE. SAE = sepsis-associated encephalopathy, PTSD = posttraumatic
Sickness behavior is considered as a physiological response to systemic stress disorder

brainstem reflex abolition was associated with higher mortal- are supposed to account for the multifocal necrotizing
ity and delirium to the absence of oculocephalogyre reflex leukoencephalopathy associated with marked apoptosis with-
[89]. Also, a dysfunction of the reticular activating ascending in the brainstem autonomic nuclei reported in a patient who
substance has been suggested by the absence of EEG reactiv- died from septic shock [92].
ity, and is predictive of death in septic patients [90]. In addi-
tion, critical illness increases brainstem latencies of auditory Amygdala and Psychological Disorders
evoked potential suggesting common mechanisms of sepsis
with other pathologies [91]. Postsepsis psychological disorders, also gathered under the
Finally, in septic patients, the decrease in heart rate vari- name “postsepsis syndrome,” involve fear and anxiety cir-
ability is associated with bad outcome and reflects the sympa- cuits, notably the amygdala, the bed nucleus stria terminalis,
thovagal imbalance [81]. Sepsis is also associated with an the hypothalamus, or other brainstem nuclei [93]. Amygdala
impairment in the baroreflex, controlled by medullar nuclei. nuclei are involved in fear behavior expression (generaliza-
Circulating inflammatory mediators can diffuse at the level of tion, freezing) and traumatic memory formation as well as
the area postrema, inducing an intense neuroinflammatory anxiety and depression symptoms. Also, within the response
process leading to brainstem dysfunction. These mechanisms to stress network, amygdala mediates the response to stress
398 Mazeraud et al.

Fig. 3 Scheme for the response to stress network mobilization during the vagus nerve nuclei. Behavioral, neuroendocrine, and autonomic
sepsis. The peripheral inflammation signal is transmitted to the CNS structures are interconnected and stimulated, leading to the functional
through 3 main pathways (dark blue arrows) activating specific response (dark green arrows and rectangles). CNS = central nervous
structures (light blue arrows), the circumventricular organs (CVO), or system, CVO = circumventricular organs, BBB = blood–brain barrier

network behavioral changes and the sickness behavior fea- Finally, MRI studies in patients with septic shock showed
tures (anorexia, anxiety, avoidance). In a model of LPS injec- white matter damages as expected according to the patholog-
tions, the amygdala microcircuitry has been shown to define ical findings [11]. This sepsis-induced axonopathy is largely
anorexic behavior [94]. Within the amygdala, microglia seems unknown but might be similar to those of critical illness
to be particularly involved [84], maybe explaining the effi- polyneuropathy. It is highly conceivable that it contributes to
ciency of corticosteroids in the prevention of PTSD in septic the long-term cognitive impairment.
patients [95]. The beneficial effects of corticoids might be
explained on gene transcription but also through epigenetics
pathways involved in aversive memory formation. Diagnosis

Hippocampus, Frontal Cortex, White Matter, Clinical Features

and Cognitive Decline
SAE is defined by the combination of extracranial infection
Memory formation requires an intact hippocampus and frontal with clinical signs of neurological dysfunction. SAE clinical
cortex. In septic animals, hippocampal dysfunction has been manifestation encompasses impairment of awareness, which
modeled and excitotoxicity secondary to long-term potentia- ranges from delirium (50%) to coma (46%) [6]. Sepsis-related
tion, gliosis, neuroinflammation, and increased production of delirium is rather hypoactive than hyperactive. SAE be asso-
reactive oxygen species (ROS) hypoxemia and ischemia lead ciated with focal deficits (18%) [11], seizures (10%) [20, 96],
to late neuronal death [51]. As these processes might be nonepileptic myoclonus, tremor, or asterixis [96]. CAM-ICU
prolonged after sepsis control, it is not surprising that hippo- and ICSDC can be used for diagnosing delirium and GCS and
campal dysfunction can progress toward atrophy [21]. Sepsis FOUR for monitoring coma. In deeply sedated patients, the
alters not only memorization but also other frontal cortex- BRASS score can be helpful for detecting brainstem dysfunc-
specific cognitive functions such as attention, verbal fluency, tion [18].
and executive functions [14]. Micromacrovascular and neuro- It has to be underlined that sickness behavior is the first
inflammation within the frontal cortex can contribute widely manifestation of sepsis, which can be distinguished from
to cognitive impairment. hypoactive delirium with the help of an appropriate scale.
Septic-Associated Encephalopathy: a Comprehensive Review 399

Second, the ICU physician must look for sepsis in any patient and delirious septic patients. Moreover, EEG can be abnormal
who develops change in mood, behavior, or consciousness. even without changes in neurological status [10].
The suspicion of a brain infection must prompt the ICU phy- These findings suggest that EEG changes are rather
sician to perform brain imaging and lumbar puncture. Finally, markers of severity than pathogenic. Indeed, the prognosis
changes in the mental status of a septic patient can be related value of EEG patterns has been clearly evidenced. Mortality
to other causes besides infection (i.e., electrolyte disturbances, increased from 0% in the case of normal EEG to 50 to 67% in
drug overdose or withdrawal, vitamin deficiency, etc.). the case of triphasic waves or suppression. Generalized PED
and absence of reactivity are predictive of mortality but also
Neurophysiological Features subsequent occurrence of delirium after adjustment to severity
of sepsis and sedation [20]. Finally, it has been reported that
There are 2 prospective electrophysiological studies in septic sepsis slightly increases the risk of long-term epilepsy. There
patients applying the ACNS guidelines [20, 96, 97]. A recent is no evidence for recommending a preventive antiepileptic
systematic review indicates that EEG and evoked potentials therapy as well as no clear recommendation on how to treat
are sensitive, but not specific, to SAE [9]. electrographic seizure in septic patients. However, we think
continuous EEG should be used, whenever it is available, in
Electroencephalogram septic patients in order to detect nonconvulsive seizures, es-
pecially in case of renal or hepatic insufficiency. All potential
The electrophysiological classification developed by Young epileptogenic factors must be assessed in septic patients, in-
et al. for the classification of SAE severity takes mainly into cluding antibiotic neurotoxicity, drug overdose or withdrawal,
account the background activity and includes 4 grades (grade electrolyte disturbances, etc. Finally, we recommend brain
0, normal EEG; grade 1, predominant theta activity; grade 2, imaging in case of electrographic seizure or malignant EEG
predominant delta activity; grade 3, predominant triphasic pattern.
waves; and grade 4, suppression) [19]. In a prospective study
based on 20-min standard EEG done within the first 3 days Evoked Potentials
after ICU admission, Azabou et al. detected delta and theta
predominant rhythms in 33% and 48%, triphasic waves in 6%, Subcortical (i.e., N20–N23 interlatency) and cortical (N20–
and suppression in less than 3% among 110 septic patients N70 interlatency) pathways of somatosensory evoked poten-
[20]. Low voltage and absence of reactivity were seen in tial (SSEP) are impaired early in 34% and 84% of 68 septic
65% and 25% of cases, respectively. The predictors of mor- patients [99]. Evoked potentials are useful for assessing SAE
tality and occurrence of delirium were absence of EEG reac- in sedated critically ill patients, as, in contrast to EEG, their
tivity, a delta-predominant background, periodic discharges latencies are slightly altered by sedatives. Thus, increased
(PDs), Synek grade ≥ 3, and Young grade > 1 at day 1 to 3 P14–N20 SSEP interlatency was associated with mortality in
following admission. In a study evaluating continuous EEG in this population [91].
98 severely septic patients, Gilmore et al. detected
nonconvulsive status (NCS), PD, and lack of reactivity in Brain Imaging
11%, 25%, and 28% of cases, respectively [96]. Only the lack
of reactivity was associated with mortality at 1 year. There is retrospective or prospective imaging studies on a
The incidences of pseudoepileptic discharges (PED) and homogeneous and large cohort of septic patients. The only
epileptic seizures vary between 19 and 48% and 9 to 50% prospective MRI study was performed on 72 septic shock
[98], respectively. The discrepancies between studies in terms patients who developed an acute brain dysfunction defined
of sepsis severity, time, duration and type of EEG recording, by focal neurological sign (18%), seizure (10%), coma
and EEG criteria account for these wide ranges. It has to be (46%), and delirium (49%). The MRI was normal in half of
noted that electrographic seizures are always associated with cases in this selected cohort. New white matter hyperdensities
PED, which are predictive, when generalized and frequent, of (suggestive of vasogenic edema) and ischemic stroke were
subsequent electrographic seizure. Continuous EEG monitor- observed in half of the remaining cases [11]. Sepsis can be
ing has evidenced that 75–95% of epileptic events are detected complicated by posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome
in the first 48 h [10]. (PRESS) [37]. Because of the risk of transporting septic pa-
There is no strong correlation between clinical manifesta- tients, brain imaging should be indicated upon relevant clini-
tion and EEG findings. Thus, clinical seizures are exception- cal deterioration, including focal neurological deficit, seizure,
ally reported in septic patients, indicating that electrographic and unexplained impaired consciousness. MRI is more specif-
seizures are mostly nonconvulsive [96]. If electrographic sei- ic and sensitive than brain CT scan, which conversely is easier
zures are more frequent in patients with delirium at time of and may complete a body scan. Transcranial Doppler imaging
EEG, EEG does not show epileptic activity in most comatose could also predict the occurrence of SAE with good diagnostic
400 Mazeraud et al.

performance; however, these results are not found consistent, showed that early goal-directed sedation based on
because of discrepancy in population, severity of sepsis, time dexmedetomidine did not show any benefit in critically ill
of the test, and TCD criteria. patients [75].
While SAE could result from a mismatch between energy
Biomarkers demand and cerebral blood flow, a personalized target of mean
arterial pressure defined upon Doppler criteria could be eval-
Biomarkers might be helpful for detecting and monitoring uated in further work. However, such an approach has never
SAE by targeting different structures involved in the patho- been evaluated.
physiological processes. Some markers of systemic inflamma- The nonpharmacological interventions recommended for
tion can be associated with the occurrence of SAE, such as C preventing or treating delirium should be applied in septic
reactive protein or procalcitonin. There are also various patients, including early mobilization [107], discontinuation
markers of brain damage. N-Terminal propeptide of CNP of sedation [106], rehydration, management of physical and
(NT-proCNP), protein S100b, and neuron-specific enolase psychological discomfort [108], and avoidance of prodelirious
(NSE) or neurofilament, are respectively biomarkers of endo- drugs.
thelial dysfunction, microglial activation, and brain injury
with axonal damage [100–102]. They can be measured in
the plasma or in the CSF. Although their increase can correlate
with the severity of SAE, their sensibility and specificity re-
main low, limiting their clinical relevancy. One may argue that
SAE is a major complication of sepsis. It is characterized by
their combined assessment might improve their clinical and
changes in neurological status, ranging from sickness behav-
prognosis value.
ior to delirium to coma. It is associated with changes in EEG
background activity and less frequently with electrographic
seizures. It has a major impact on outcome, as it increases
mortality and causes long-term psychocognitive disorders.
Neuroinflammation, ischemia, and excitoxicity are its main
The treatment of SAE is based both on the management of
pathophysiological mechanisms. Brainstem dysfunction
sepsis and on the correction of potential neurotoxic factors and
might account for increased mortality while amygdala and
management of seizure, delirium, and coma. There is no spe-
hippocampus/frontal cortex dysfunction for psychological
cific treatment of SAE. Recent randomized clinical trials have
and cognitive disorders. There is no specific treatment for
not evidenced any benefit of statins and dexmedetomidine for
SAE, which depends on management of sepsis, delirium, sei-
preventing delirium in septic patients [103, 104], despite their
zure, and coma.
respective anti-neuroinflammatory and noradrenergic/anti-
apoptotic properties. If rivastigmine was theoretically interest-
ing because of its potential microglial effect, it has been shown
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