Appendix S3 Hojas de Calculo End User Applications
Appendix S3 Hojas de Calculo End User Applications
Appendix S3 Hojas de Calculo End User Applications
48.1 Introduction
This appendix gives guidance on the use of end user applications such as spreadsheets, small
databases, statistical applications, and other small applications in a GxP environment. Application
tools are available for creating a wide range of end user applications, including customized
statistical analyses, the creation of local databases, data mining, and multivariate analysis. These
may be used for GxP regulated activities, and they present particular compliance challenges.
Among end user applications spreadsheets tend to be the most under-documented systems used
in GxP environments, for the following reasons:
• The ease with which applications can be built without much training
The flexibility and power of the spreadsheet allows users to create tools that range from
performing simple calculations to sophisticated analysis of a major clinical study. Special emphasis
is placed on spreadsheets in this appendix because users may have the opportunity and ability to
create a spreadsheet application, and may use them to process regulated data. Consideration
should be given to the standard requirements to build a template. This includes standard headers
and footers, font size, etc., in the creation of all spreadsheets regardless of type for use in support
of GxP operations.
The level and rigor of specification and verification applied to end user applications should be
based on risk, complexity, novelty, and intended use. This appendix provides guidance to help
users determine the appropriate approach. While the examples given in this appendix are mainly
spreadsheets, the same principles can be applied to other end user applications.
Additional data integrity considerations and detailed risk-based recommendations have been
This section considers typical examples of end user applications found in the GxP environment.
Spreadsheets may be used in the same way as a hand calculator. For example, 10 output values
from a laboratory test are input for the purpose of calculating a mean and standard deviation. In
this scenario, the electronic copy is not retained.
This should be documented in the same way the use of a non-printing calculator would be
documented, i.e., the values and result are recorded and signed
The results can be printed, labeled, and signed. Alternatively, they may be saved to a static format
and signed via an external electronic signature tool. In either case, these are now documents, and
the guidance in Section 48.2.2 applies. It should be clear on the page exactly what arithmetic
manipulation was done. This can be facilitated in most spreadsheet tools by printing a copy of the
spreadsheet displaying the cell formulas.
Calculations used to process GxP data should be verified. This does not mean that algorithms used
by native functions of the spreadsheet need to be checked for accuracy every time the sheet is
run, but rather to demonstrate that they are the correct calculations during the verification stage.
For example, (a+b)Îc is a very different expression from a+(bÎc), and errors like this are easily
made. Verification of the calculations can be accomplished by printing the cell formulas, or by a
third-party review. Such calculation verification is appropriate for any GxP spreadsheet.
In many cases, the way in which spreadsheets are used is more like a word processing document
than a traditional application. The main difference is that the spreadsheet can be used to both
record GxP data and to manipulate it.
The flexibility of manipulation that makes spreadsheets useful makes it advisable to manage them
as documents rather than applications. It is likely to be extremely difficult to establish that all
subsequent saved copies are the same as the original. Calculations should, therefore, be verified
and fully explained, as they would be in a text document. This should include proof that the
intended formulas have been used, as described in Section 48.2.1.
The level of risk related to data integrity should be a consideration when choosing a control
strategy. There are a variety of options for achieving adequate control, such as:
• Using the spreadsheet tool’s internal security options, such as password protecting cells or
If the spreadsheet cannot be adequately controlled through these or other means, it may be
advisable to consider a static version, for example, a secure PDF or even hardcopy, as the primary
record. Spreadsheets that are effectively documents should be managed in compliance with the
applicable regulations. For example, a common use of spreadsheets is to manipulate and maintain
GxP laboratory data, where compliance with electronic record and signature regulations is a
particular concern.
Another popular use of spreadsheets is as a simple database, i.e., to manage or store GxP data
electronically. In a GxP environment, this presents a risk because data may be frequently updated
on spreadsheets that lack the intrinsic controls necessary to ensure data integrity. For example:
• Spreadsheets generally have limited or no capability to limit a user’s ability to edit data
• Spreadsheet do not support audit trails where needed
• Every time data is added or removed from the spreadsheet and saved, and entirely new
database is also saved; this means that someone adding data may inadvertently or intentionally
change the database “code”, and it could go unnoticed. If a compliant solution is to be developed
using a spreadsheet, external controls should be developed to overcome these shortcomings.
While there are commercially available products intended to provide audit trail capability to
spreadsheets, as a general rule the use of spreadsheets where audit trails are required is
inadvisable Users should be fully aware of the limitations and weaknesses of spreadsheets as
databases when proposed. A far better alternative is to use an actual database application.
A very common use of spreadsheets is the development of template solutions, where data can be
subjected to a standard manipulation and the result saved as a unique document or even exported
to an application. Statistical analysis or data mining applications may also fit this subtype.
Templates may be used, e.g., in tabulating and processing data from a clinical study, or similarly,
for calculations based on QC test results prior to product release.
When developing such templates, users and developers should fully understand and document
the required manipulation. This allows clear confirmation of design intentions against standard
package features to be established and confirmed. The following should also be considered:
• Will the template run on a single workstation, or will it be available for download from a single
location? If not, how is it ensured that everyone is using the correct version? Version control
should be established, supported by an effective change management process.
• How will access to the application and data fields by users and developers be controlled? Ideally,
all cells other than data entry should be locked and inaccessible to users.
• How will functionality be configured? Is there a custom script requirement when using
application wizards? A macro is custom software. Even when created by keystroke capture, there
is a program in a language such as Visual Basic® for Applications (VBA) behind each macro.
• Will there be more than one module? Integration testing is appropriate in such circumstances.
For spreadsheets this may involve direct cell links to other worksheets. These links can be affected
by changes and should be addressed as part of the change control process.
• Will data input be only via keyboard? External data feeds need configuration, and a spreadsheet
may not be sophisticated enough to deal with unusual input (e.g., a character string that is too
• Will output be saved to a file or only printed? Electronic record controls may be necessary if the
document is retained electronically.
• Will the master template be locked and stored under version control in a separate location from
daily use?
• How is the result secured to protect data integrity?
- Is there protection to ensure that the form cannot be deleted and replaced?
Both proprietary and open-source desktop databases offer superior solutions to managing large
volumes of data compared to spreadsheets, but they still are often significantly less secure than
more sophisticated database management systems developed to run in IT-managed server-based
environments (e.g., Oracle®). This may present significant issues if the information in the database
is GxP regulated. External controls may be required.
There are myriad tools that can be developed by end users that may impact decision-making, for
example a multivariate statistical analysis using a tool such as SAS®. The level of GxP impact may
vary from negligible in the case where the user is trying to optimize manufacturing yield by
manipulating setpoints within already validated ranges, to critical when analyzing data related to
clinical safety. Therefore, it is important to understand how the data from any end user
application will be used.
End user applications can vary significantly in risk and complexity. The following are, however,
required for all applications:
• Risk assessment and appropriate risk control measures to manage identified risks
The strategy for specification and verification of the application being built should be based on:
• System impact on patient safety, product quality, and data integrity (risk assessment)
• Appropriate security to mitigate the risk of unauthorized changes to data or the application
Company policies and procedures should define their specific approach to achieving and
maintaining compliance and fitness for intended use of end user applications.
• Describes how the use of GAMP categories assists with understanding novelty and complexity
The tool on which the application is built, such as the spreadsheet package, should be considered
as Category 1. Categories for spreadsheets and other end user applications should be viewed as a
continuum that spans Categories 3, 4, and 5 (see Figure 48.1). Assignment of a category is a
function of the complexity and novelty of the spreadsheet or application. Note, however, that a
spreadsheet that merely makes use of the tabular editing power and does no calculations should
be considered a document. The intended use of the analyzed data should be considered when
determining the rigor of verification and the controls to be put in place. A simple spreadsheet
(Category 3) may pose a high GxP risk depending upon the use of the data.
A spreadsheet that simply uses native functions to make calculations in place of a hand calculator
is typically Category 3. For example, a laboratory analyst might create a unique spreadsheet to do
a calculation related to an out of specification investigation. When the spreadsheet’s arithmetic
functions are used, the calculations should be fully explained, as they would be in a text
document. This should include verification that the intended formulas have been used properly,
and that the data being analyzed is the right data. Such verification could easily be documented by
having another analyst or a supervisor examine the spreadsheet and approve it. No further
verification is required, since there is no need to challenge the accuracy of the calculations.
For example:
• A spreadsheet template requires the user to input tablet strength, so that the application
automatically branches to different cells to use strength-specific calculations based on this initial
input. Such a simple operation would make the sheet Category 4, as it has some simple Boolean
operations based on user input.
• Data integrity related to the control of data files, as most end user applications process data
• The complexity of the application, based on the assumption that undetected systemic errors are
more likely in software not developed under a rigorous development method, and more complex
applications have more opportunities for errors
Based on these risk assessments, controls should be established that focus on:
• Degree of verification (for example boundary condition testing might be more rigorous where
risk is high.
However, in a spreadsheet, ready access to the actual calculations to prove boundaries are
correctly handled could alleviate the need for six-point testing.)
• Security control (for both the application code and any GxP records that are in the application or
files created by or from it)
• Control of changes
The extent and rigor of verification should be based on risk, complexity, novelty, and intended use.
One level of testing may be appropriate for simple and low risk systems, or several levels may be
required. Complex and higher risk applications require more rigorous testing. The amount of
logical branching in the application is a good gauge for complexity; if many logic functions (IF,
AND, OR, etc.) or lookup tables are used, complexity is higher. Although they are native functions,
these introduce more potential pathways through the application, and such branching requires a
more sophisticated or thorough test strategy.
Macros also increase complexity because these are effectively embedded secondary applications.
Even when created by keystroke capture, there is a program in a high-level language like VBA
behind it. Macros that simply automate a string of actions are less of a concern than ones that
contain logical branches, although they still introduce risk. Macros should be challenged in
documented functional testing. Macros that include logical branches should be subject to greater
rigor, with attention paid to multiple logic paths.
Security considerations for end user applications are similar to those for server or web-based
applications, such as access to the application, access to data through the application, and access
at the operating system level to data or the application code. Security within the environment
should be adequate for the type of information stored or processed. As with server-based
applications, security is a fundamental part of ensuring data integrity.
For many end user applications, a combination of infrastructure controls (e.g., restricted access to
directories) and controls available through the application (e.g., password protection of
spreadsheet cells) can provide some security against unintentional change. These controls may,
however, be ineffective in keeping the application author from making changes outside of a
change control process, especially if the application resides on an individual workstation. In some
cases, it may be possible to improve security by running the end user application on a network
drive on which the user’s rights are limited, and which includes a regular scheduled back-up
process. Data is often saved within the application itself, especially in spreadsheets. Ensuring
adequate data integrity held in spreadsheets requires the use of strict controls, including any
required electronic record controls. Where spreadsheets are subject to edit, it is difficult to
establish whether original data in subsequently saved copies has been edited. In such cases
adequate control can be provided through the use of an EDMS. Alternatively, it may be necessary
to maintain controlled copies in an unalterable format, e.g., PDF or hardcopy. In general, GxP
datashould be saved to a secure, backed-up local disk drive.
If the output of an end user application is a separately saved file, data integrity controls should be
in place. Solutions could include:
• Forcing the file save path to go to a protected directory that disallows overwriting or deletion of
files and prohibits
unauthorized access
If the degree of security that can be provided is not adequate for the data being managed,
consideration should be
End user applications that process GxP data should be subject to change control. Version
management is difficult for such applications. In some cases, especially spreadsheets,
management of the application within an EDMS may be an appropriate solution, as an audit trail
of application versions will be retained. Another solution is to use library tools that are often used
by developers to manage code. These can be used to manage any type of file, can be effectiveand
reasonably easy to implement, and are less expensive than an EDMS. The use of either approach
may also control risks related to security of the environment.
As with any change control process, changes to end user applications should have a change record
that includes a description of the change and an assessment of the impact. Where appropriate,
associated testing should be documented.
End user application environments and products are Software Category 1 (see Appendix M4).
These tools provide an application environment for the spreadsheets, databases, programs, or
scripts that are developed by users.
The installation of the environment should be verified and the environment should to be managed
under change and configuration management, considering:
• Standard records created by IT are adequate for such infrastructure, and are a standard part of
the desktop build.
• In most companies, the IT department will also control the addition of non-standard desktop
software. The processes they use to verify compatibility with the standard build are typically
adequate to ensure proper control.
• If the desktop infrastructure software is added directly by the user without IT involvement,
release notes should be perused for any known incompatibilities, and any irregularities in the
installation process should be noted and investigated.
Figure 48.2 illustrates six different end user applications and a brief summary of potential
approaches based on consideration of GxP impact and the complexity of the application. These
examples are intended to be illustrative only, and not definitive. As in all risk-based approaches,
applying critical thinking principles is imperative when considering the approach to end user
application compliance, and should include the overall risk of the business process and the place
of the end user application within it.
The analysis is based on an assumption of a constant level of risk. If the risk for a particular
application is high, then the rigor should be increased.
Note that in all cases where “standard” documentation is recommended, for end user application
these documents will typically be far smaller and easier to produce based on the fact that the
applications themselves are smaller and have less functionality. For example, an RS will probably
be a page or less in length. In all cases information may be combined into fewer deliverables than
for larger, more complex applications.
A. Simple spreadsheet template for arithmetic calculation for content uniformity test:
Validation plan
Functional/design specification (may be combined)
Documented testing against acceptance criteria
Validation report
- Change control
Validation plan
Functional/design specification (may be combined)
Documented testing against acceptance criteria
Validation report
- Change control
E. Spreadsheet for statistical analysis of manufacturing data for purpose of statistical process
control of parameters within validated ranges (includes complex logic and lookup functions)